i ml pisgah turkey supper ml pisgah church thursday october 25 mr and mrs loy carr ac companied by mr and mrs earl foster of aurora and mr and mrs pichard carr of to ronto spent the weekend with t i thf stourryhuf mtvht tomtit octofctr tt hit 150 farmers take part in improvement competition a very successful farmstead jackson bros brooklin s30 improvement project has just 2nd frank and john batty been completed in ontario coun- brooklin 530 3rd j c naylor ty this competition was spon- columbus 30 4th- c f wer- sored by the ontario county ry son oshawa p 1 s30 5th federation of agriculture and iarce beath oshawa p 2 s30 the ont county international 6th norm gimblett oshawa plowing match committee p 2 s30 th lloyd prouse the purpose of the competi- brooklin s30 8th robert g tion wis to dress up ontario eckel brooklin box 212 30 county farms for the manv 9thharold a werry oshawa thousands of visitors who attend r j- 3 10tn powel the international plowing match oshawa r 1 30 at brooklin this week area no 2 class 2 1st one hundred and fifty farmers george mclaughlin oshawa r took part in the competition a 1 25 2nd harvey crossman lot of splendid work has been oshawa r 2 25 3rd l kahn done by the farmers who enter- brooklin 25 4th david l ed this competition beath oshawa r 2 25 the judging was done by mr area no 3 tvvps of reach w a cockburn drumbo ont and scugog class 1 1st twenty five hundred dollars in charles ingleton uxbridge r 3 and family of sunderland had prize money was made available 30 2nd armour mcmillan sunday dinner with mr and by the ontario county council seagrave r 2 30 3rd robt mrs alvin stephenson the ontario plowmens associa- baird a son blackwater r 2 mr and mrs c paitenden tion and the canadian paint 530 4th george stone black- elwood howard and mary had varnish and lacquer associa- water r 2 30 5th russell thanksgiving dinner monday tion rodd uxbridge r 2 30 6th i evening with mr and mrs rus- the grand championship in murray holtby port perry p 2 sell storry at goodwood sunday school lesson hkn river i sorry to hear that measles the ten commandments bath unto jehovah thv god chicken pox have visited exodus 20121 day set apart for him the several families here lesson for october 14 benefits were to extend to the the main topic here seems to- the lesson as a whole children the servants the visi- be are you going to the plow- approach to the lesson tors and even the animals to- ing match ye are not under the law day it is a matter of others mrs yetta and family mr business directory auctioneers lr and mrs dudley foster at but under grace is the exult- having to work that we may and mrs j reid and family i highland grove mr and mrs ken mcintosh and boys visited her father mr and mrs cole in toronto on sunday sunday visitors with mr and mrs r c baycroft and family were mr and mrs william bel lamy of hawkestone mr and mrs angus valliere of mark- ham and mrs v botham of lansing mr jack davenport of toron to spent the weekend with mr and mrs will ash and family we are sorry to report mrs harry smith is confined to her bed again mr and mrs carl stephenson ant cry of the apostle paul enjoy ourselves also mr and mrs henry and rom- 614 why then should verse 11 the lord rest- family were mondav visitors we study the law represented ed the seventh day the with mr and mrs w smetham by the ten commandments as basis of the sabbath as given mr and mrs callandine and if we were still under the law t0 israel was gods cessation of son of perth spent the weekend this great statement of the creative activity after the six at their home here apostle paul has been made the days it is rest after labor and mr and mrs t robinson of sellers atkinson ph agio oi ph sto m licensed auctioneers ul sale managers otr so years experience sales conducted anvwhere spe cialising la firm stock fornl- t lure and property sales all ground of a heresy called ami- becomes a celebration of the locust hill were holidavguests wusedbills dmrjs alfri nomianism which simply means creation of mr and mrs r hamilton posted at no extra cost our being against the law this verse 12 honour thy father the many friends of mrs rates are most reasonable for j heresy has disturbed the church and thy mother this is chas white are pleased to hear this complete ser vie wblcb dental neil c smith ldi dds gradual ot university of toronto oflle oter canadian bank of commerce telephone 167w stouffville class 1 a silver tray donated by the brooklin womens institute was won by mr charles ingle ton uxbridge rr 3 mr ingle ton lives in reach township the results of the farmstead improvement competition are at follows winner of championship in class 1 silver tray donated by brooklin womens institute charles ingleton uxbridge rr3 prize winners area no 1 township of pickering class 1 th christie bros port j the ypu will meet on friday 30 perry r 3 30 sth howsam night at 8 oclock with the mis bios uxbridge r 3 530 9th nonary convener ruth c lam- clare vernon port perry r 2 bers in charge 30 10th l e taylor ux- 1 the anniversary services at bridge area s n v- a l a i duct that pleases him as over i oen r 3 s2o 2nd rae medd port girls trio supplying special mu- u u on perry r 1 s25 3rdjohn l sic for morning service evening holtby port perry r 2 25 j service will be at 730 rev t kit u i wv al i grace of god are we no longer j 6 v f i l w w f s i interested in the kind of life j versels- a no 3 class 2 is day october 21 at 11 am with he wou have us uve n- lthucoi ss ashenhurst uxbridge i rev v wood and the bethesda uit h hi stea through the centuries and it is the first commandment with she is able to be home at her i still with us even in evangelical promise as paul says eph daughters mrs r wright 62 dishonoring ones parents we are pleased to hear that by disobedience scorn or ne- mr t krainyk is progressing gleet is one of the cardinal sins as well as can be expected fol- or the command against it lowing the recent emergency would not have so prominent a operation he underwent last place in the divine economy week verse 13 thou shalt not mr and mrs munns and fam kill this has nothing to do ily of toronto were guests of with judicial processes but with mr and mrs a pearse the action of an individual recent visitors at the hutch- of sin to another that of right- against another individual see ings home were mr and mrs eousness rom 6151s provision for capital punishment j dietze mrs o wilson and grace is not a casting away lev 2416 exod 3115 2117 mr and mrs h ridge of all responsibility with respect verse 14 thou shalt not mr and mrs shoobridge en- to conduct but it is gods ulti- commit adultery see also mat- tertained their daughter and mate method of having the tnew 5 28 this is the com- grandchildren of montreal righteous demands of the law man which concerns the j cottage praver meeting will fulfilled rom 83 4 because use of the body and its basic be held at the home of mr and we are the recipients of the functions compare 1 corinth- 1 mrs orville beelby markham on tuesday oct 16 at 8 pm circles it is interesting to note that as soon as paul gives us this great declaration of emancipa tion he anticipates the anti- law heresy and reminds us that the state of grace is a state in which we render obedience as bondservants having been trans ferred from one servitude that 4th bvron holtby port perry r 2 25 area no 4 twps of uxbridge 1st grenville draper clare- it scott class 1 1st morley mont r2 30 2nd d foreman bain zephyr s30 2nd donald and c g coffin claremont r2 s hennery stouffville r 3 30 30 3rd norman wilson lo- 3rd duncan mctavish ux- cust hill r 1 30 4th jack bridge r 1 30 4th j alex mitchell claremont r 2 30 noble uxbridge r 2 30 5th 5th c e pegg claremont r 2 thomas mcknight uxbridge r 30 6th mrs john soden lo- 2 s30 6th h j pearson ux- cust hill r 1 530 7th harry bridge r 2 530 7th jack pear- w boyes son pickering box son uxbridge r 1 530 sth 75 530 8th w h carson wellington yake goodwood claremont 30 9th wm s 530 9th william kennedy ux- pegg ashburn s30 10th alex bridge r 2 530 10th bruce schneider ashburn s30 reynolds uxbridge r 2 s30 area no 1 class 2 1st area no 4 class 2 1st edgar ward claremont 525 luther luke son uxbridge 2nd milton n pegg claremont r 2 25 2nd mrs wm j bar- 25 3rd r r brown clare- ton uxbridge r 2 s25 3rd mont 25 4th cecil disney garfield bennett goodwood r 1 brooklin 25 s25 4th mrs vv lapp ux- area no 2 twps of whitby bridge r 2 25 end east whitby class 1 1st donors of prize money mcfarlane of aurora baptist church in charge of service special music there were 15 present at the wa meeting at the home of mrs roy smith last thursday mrs leary gave the devotional on the 65th psalm mrs gam ble gave a reading the after noon was spent planning the banquet and turkey supper thou shalt not at rally day and promotion commandment rec- day held at the baptist s s the tne right of private j highlight of the session was the against what he abhors ownership and forbids the in- splendid address bv mrs t a student in one of my prac- vasion o that rig it is a norton who held young and tce preaching classes offered u with many applica- old alike spellbound and her this parable in a sermon tions verse 16 thou shalt certain bachelor hired a house keeper he made up for her al aise witness the pro talk will long be remembered not i by all who heard it list of duties for each day of at the evening service at hibition of this commandment church on sunday evening mrs the week and posted the list in exte beyond testimony given gordon hagerman winter rye seeded after mid- august is probajy the best bet for an emergency pasture seed ing county council 51500 ontario plowmens assoc s500 cana dian paint varnish laquer assn s500 sponsored by the ont county federation of agriculture and the ont county international ont plowing match committee the kitchen this was the law by which the house was to be operated the master of the house fell in love with the house keeper and proposed marriage the lady agreed and the mar riage took place on returning to the home together the master now the husband went to the court under oath and liable to penalty for perjury it touches gossip and all false re ports raised against another verse 17 thou shalt not covet any thing that is thy neighbours here is the one commandment which deals spe cifically with a condition of the kitchen and took down the list heart apart lrom any outward of duties and duly installed his bride as mistress of the home did she therefore forget and ig nore the list of duties by no means rather by the com pulsion of love she diligently sought to do those things which would please her husband and which would increase the joy of each in the other she was no 1 longer under the law but the old law had given her a partial insight into the will of him who was now her beloved and not content with that partial revela- i tion she sought to discover f ur- ther what things were pleasing i to him the parable needs little inter pretation we are not under the i law but we delight in the law of the lord and in every revela tion of his will ours is the re sponsibility of grace the obliga tion of love verse by verse evodus 201 all these words act we may not allow any possession of another person to become the object of our desire the heart of the lesson the ten commandments sometimes called the deca logue are based on the great fact of redemption ex 20 2 so that even the law depends on grace the redemption which is in christ jesus so much greater in every respect than that national redemption for is rael in the days of moses is no ground for the renunciation of these fundametal obligations but is a stronger reason for heeding them especially as it brings with it a more potent operation in the soul by which the redeemed sinner is enabled to do the will of god see rom ans 83 4 the decalogue falls into two sections the first four com mandments constitute our ob- was guest soloist it was also decided to have our anniversary services on sunday nov 11 full par- ticulars later ninetysix per cent of miohl- rans school districts took part in the federal governments special school milk program last year professional services available g b bent consulting engineer complete subditlslon serrice layouts sewers watermaing roads ewage disposal etc phones bnslnoss av 53061 residence after 6 pm be 12s20 rays off no sale too big or too mall ken clarke prentice avctioxeer8 licensed and authorlied for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implement house hold furniture real estat sale our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual eervlc for the price of one mllllken po ph ax 353 si markham po ph mark 34s prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s90 e s barker lds ods honor graduate of university of toronto obice over harolds grill phone 274w stooffrtlle medical a s farmer licensed auctioneer york cty uxbridge pickering townships farm stock an4 furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone gormley 6311 barristers bruce h grose ba barrister solicitor office spofford co block hours mon to frl 9 am to 530 sat morning 9 am to 12 evenings by appointment phone 336 res 270wl ambulance service and god spake ligation godward sometimes this refers referred to as the spiritual law to audible speech heard by all remaining six indicate our the people i responsibility manward and is verse 2- r brought thee b some called the moral law out of the land of egypt a a more ancient division was doctrinal foundation for conduct five ami nve in which case the is not peculiar to the new testa- i commandment was part p dad whats the easiest way to make 47 what would you say as financial wizard to the family you know that making money is not the easiest thing in the world no matter what the amount yet there is one simple way to make 17 without fuss or risk just buy one of the new 100 canada savings bonds if you hold it to maturity you get every dollar back plus s173s in interest and thats not all canada savings bonds are good for full face value plus earned interest at any hank in canada at any time you can buy canada savings bonds in handy sizes of s0 100 300 s1000 and 5000 and your money is safe while it earns because canada savings bonds are backed by all the resources of canada your reputation as a financial expert wont suffer a bit if you buy canada savings bonds ment this verse is the old tes tament match for i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god rom 121 verse 3 thou shalt have no other gods before me this does not contemplate a plurality of gods with jehovah recognized as chief but it forbids the wor ship of any god besides je hovah verse 4 thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image no object in the universe was to be copied as a representation of god see deuteronomy 415 any such representation of god would be a debasing of god since he is high above all vis ible objects and has not reveal ed his essential form verse 5 thou shalt not bow down thyself to them a jealous god such bowing down could not be to god as he is but to a debased human concept holy and righteous the visit ing of iniquity upon the off spring is in keeping with the solidarity of the race but also of the spiritual law the parents being regarded as standing in the place of god to the child until through the parents he should come to a knowledge of god a fourfold acknowledgement of god is required acknowledge ment of his uniqueness as god alone acknowledgement of his transcendence as above all like nesses acknowledgement of his name to be held in reverence and acknowledgement of his day to be hallowed and set apart human relationships are the theme of the second table the childparent relationship comes first the honor required of the child to his parents is not based upon the worthiness of the in dividual parent hut upon the oltice and the life connection and by child is not meant a junior however old the child may be he still owes honor to his parents in the sixth commandment the sanctity of human life is established in the seventh the paul w j mingay ba barrister and solicitor wldeman block markham tuesday thursday evening saturday morning phone 768 residence eckardt avenue unlonvjue phone 324 resident member of mcdermott mcmahoif rogers mingat barristers solicitors notarie 302 bay street toronto 1 phone em 42194 dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien main phone 196 coroner for york county dr f j button dr d w brod1e telephone 37t a 3j6w xrat hours daily 9 to 12 am and 130 to 300 pm evenings 7 to 9 pm sundays 11 to 12 am and by appointment office over button blk drs mitchell smith thyslcians surgeons xray phone 280 stonffirlue office hours daily 912 am 14 pm 79 pm wednesday office closed in am sunday office open 2 pm chiropractors a c kennedy chiropractor church street 8touffriu monday and friday 9 to 12 am wm s baird dc doctor of chtropraono xray hrs 1012 24 79 and by i appointment wednesday excepted 27 main st k markham ont telephone 701 b y r ambulance 24 hour jerrice ambulance taxi richmond hill richmond hill tc 41500 xu 41408 bay cabs r caba accountants john c wylie fcis chartered secretary public accountant auditor income tax returns rr2 stouffvtme telephone 01j1 country accounting service accounting and income tax services william e davis accountant formerly with dept national revenue taxation division suite 504 02 richmond st w empire 4osv call collect real estate when buying or bellins real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison regd real estate broker phone 244 funeral directors j r kane dc doctor of chtropraotto office hours tue thurs sat 15 pm main st phone 458 stotutrine located above spofford co opromerric brierbush hospital bay and nighc service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association government licensed main street east stouffrllla l e oneill stouffytlle funeral director and embalmer continuous telephono service day or nikht phone stouffville 98wl e a grubin ro optometrist plcton stounvhle at stouffville office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays j oct 15 a 16 nor 12 a 18 dec 10 a 11 thones 86j2 and 25j1 if human body and the marital of idolatry on the generations following verse 6 and shewing mercy unto thousands while sin lation are both sanctified the eighth commandment sets the j divine seal on the principle of joy beauty saion private ownership of propertv belongs to the race the love m f and obedience of god is a very for truthfulness ami pro individual matter and cannot be u falsehood not inherited the thousands are so many individuals separated from the rare of sinners verse 7 thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy god in vain this not only refers hzr ls neighbours dinary sense but a using o everyth lifc only in courts of law but over the hack fence the tenth com mandment really embraces the whole moral law by prohibiting inward desires which infringe on the rights of others any gods falsehood lor cash or by instalments through your bonv investment dnr rrusr or loan company e on trtt payroll savings plan whtro you work 5jm w thing his life nam r i his goods his name his purity h z i r j u strikes the note of inward- of the name of god is a more which d serious matter than many seem l ln matthcw 521 to think j verse 8 remember the sab- bath dav to keep it holv the don mlss hl penny opprr- sabbath dav is the rest dav luntty only during the rcxall which was to be fojiced around ral1 cent sale can you get and kept separate not lost in reriilar size packages for the succession of work davs ilhp p nl on plus only lr what a gracious provision 25 bargains to choose verse 9 six days shalt thou rrom be sllr ret a copy of labour and do all thy work h big two colour sale circular the sabbath ordinance did not kour ri d tuesday thurs- abolish the work ordinance but fr and saturday oct provided an amelioration of it i 18 i9 20 at houstons drug men must work store verse 10 but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord thy god thy cattle thy stranger the seventh day was not just a day of rest from ones usual labors but a sabiside by tevea degrees j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service telephone 90 markham ontario permanent waving individual stviinjr razor shaping mrs verna austin prop phone stouftville 98w2 william st north stouffville machine tool works telephone 25s rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machineri machinery repairs garnet v gray ro optometrist wm birkett residence main st west 3 doors treit of albert st phone 40j2 for appointment hours 10 nm to soo pm every tneaday evening by appointment insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance ln reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 25dwl and 259wl now available coop fire insurance higher covcrngo ijower hates 725 better service john sttema newmarket phone 211j4 ken laushway general insurance phone 270wl 270ir2 stouffville ontario rir automobile liability betty beauty salon victoria street cold wave machineless hair styxing shaping ic ilidccro phone stouftviiie 2s7 alsop wagg insurance arency fire like auto a casualty main st east stonffvllle ph stnuff 221 w uxbridge 2fwj southern farmers who veep chickens find that irhitewashlag the roof of hir poultry hose tnd o er ae ernpttue the powder piff beauty salon for appolntineik ii moult open tuertay and tnirdsy nights fod wednesday after hour cill slonff tikn i stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers phone 70w fred m pugh general insurance phone stouffville 38w2 tour widow wont be able to meet regular bills without a regular income consult your loral mutual life of canada representative fred m pugh insure today- the coop way for information enquire at tour local coop ov write to john sytema jieirauurket ph 211h