Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 11, 1956, p. 2

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n 7 the stowrmui tritune ihziiiy odotxr it 1956 1 the stouffville tribune established ism a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations autonkd j mceedcum mall pottose dept- ottawa printed and issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 350 elsewhere 450 laff of the week c h nolan pubiuaa its thoaus kuoattt editor pity the policeman a policemans life is not an easy one in many municipalities he is a dog catcher a school crossing guard a bylaw enforcement officer a traffic director an accident investigator a safety instructor plus a dozer other job which fall into the category of police work he works all day and is on cfll all night the publics interests are his interests for handling these duties the policeman is shown very little appreciation by the average citizen rather he is disliked by many if he hinds you a ticket for speeding then hes the worst fellow in the world but if you outsmart him then hes either slow or shirking his duties a police man may rush accident victims to hospital or provide first aid treatment at the scene and lies given little or no recognition but let this same officer become involved in some sort of scandal and his name will be splashed across the headlines of every paper from halifax to vanouver we the public dont give the men in blue the credit they justly deserve local municipalities should organize after ten months campaign to cut the traffic toll in this province attorney general a kelso roberts could report some considerable progress recently fatalities on provincial highways were reduced during tljis period by 14 per cent as compared wfth the same period in 1955 this is substantial achievement but as the attor ney general himself pointed out the death toll is still high nearly two persons are killed every day on provincial highways another dies on the roadway of a city or town in the same period on the average one able bodied person dies on the roads of ontario by violent means every eight hour working shift he said the attorney generals department provincial police the department of highways and such organ izations as the ontario safety league have been and are continuing to promote the kind of driving that will reduce highway accidents the police have and will continue to curb the kind of driving that ends in a death these efforts are making the progress noted on provincial highways but what about local traffic fatalities frequently the victim of motor mayhem on local btreets is a pedestrian and too often the victim is a child to cope with this local traffic toll in ontario cities and towns the attorney general has stressed we are particularly interested in formation of local safety councils and in the maintenance of these local safety councils at a high standard of efficiency they are not only very worthwhile they are essential to a fully successful traffic safety drive ontario has 970 municipalities cities towns and villages where traffic safety is of concern we would get at the root of this safety problem says attorney general roberts if every solitary municipality or ganized a safety council put at its head a responsible citizen aware of the problems and determined to solve them at the local level apine trip a thriller cbc covers tour of editors tribute to world day for animals and birds by dolores deverell for shooting god knows enough by c h nolan blue to get arounu there are animals and birds are slaughter- sept 2s 1956 guard posts every lew ieet god created tne winged or destroyed annually with- i we didnt have too long to en- which gave a little comfort the his kind the beast of out them there is no royal law- joy the beauty of lucerne swit- drivers are experts and creep a j cattle ater his which forbids kilting lor meat zerlard on our cwna tour for miles in low gear the road l d r lbat j j if it is actually needed but to and left early on a misty morn- can be closed in 24 hrs if it sod and he bessed them do or to torture or mistiest ing to cross the lake and ascend becomes slippery and then cars enesls animals in the name of sports i ml puatus 5500 ft our ex- are stopped and loaded onto the do we ever stop to think and diversion it is abominable iperiences through the swiss electric train which tunnels what a lonely cheerless world imakes practicallv all of the aps provided a real thriller trough the mountains jit would be without the animals om testament to illustrate why the ascent was made by electric numerous groups of swiss and whether we mein tne lord who so loved saintly car with climbs that at times guards on the march were en- r country town or city can j yet hated his twin bro- looked almost perpendicular countered here and there and wetunk of spring for instance ther esau bu tilis lhe b each member of the party car- some of their new fortifications witnout crows and the iambs in brief that g uas ried a neat picnic bag prepared a tan traps were pointed out bv our hotel it took 40 minutes to n xv arrived at milan after jto make the climb a number of after an exhausting day i planes could be seen flying it was my pleasure during j through the valley slightly be- our second day in rome on our low u and mountains covered weekly newspaper tour to have with eternal snow seemed very a chat with the cbctv cairera- sing therein and wiiat about close however the big sensa- man who covered the one days t was coming down the other proceedings and learn that he cats and d j tom side the first thousand ft was was larry hendersons t pho- ions both voung and od earrving tographer on this newscaster s 1 could we ever estimate all aasier wunoui mue emess ana man of tho field a l bunnies can we imagme the ler fields without cattle and horses the innocentlooking little calves let th to el sweet lightsome colts can we picture lhe woods without beautiful land i wholly spoiled rabbits squirrels and chipmunks wih l ot v crc and all the birds that nest and ures otherwise all good teach ings ana endeavours ate vain but mom i like ketchup of my cereal made by cable car about 25 of us at a time but recent trip to egypt larry hen the balance was made in small derson i told him was quite a ihat these pleasant friends mean baskets each taking 4 persons favourite tv news announcer to us the joy comfort mspira- the lift ooerator slammed the back home the cameraman a non tle k us now door and gave us a push out on frenchman whose name i will heir trust we are often brought jthe cable line and with a drop not try to spell told me that he im closer communion with the of 4000 ft below we all svalwas stationed in rome for the inrmte j sa lowed hard till we got used to j cbc to cover the capital and created us also let again lit the same time was required mediterranean aiea he took a jto go down as up i number of shots of our party our buses picked us up at the during the day and said the and can be likened to faith without charity which profit- eth nothing may the wings of birds for- ever fly over us and earth never be void of animals safely tips water thrown on an oil fire spreads the flames with the burning oil staying on top of the water and floating away fire prevention week officials suggest foam chemicals be used if possible baking soda and even flour will smother a small fire but call the fire department when lard or other greasy substances catch fire on the stove smother the flames with a cushion rug or anything which will keep air away from the blaze dont grab tlie hot pan and try to carry it outdoors dont fill oil stoves gasoline lanterns while they are burning let them cool off and dont smoke while youre working around them when the party is over be sure you check all the ashtrays the cushions on the chesterfield or chairs to be sure no one has left a burning cigarette the precaution may save your life dont throw water on a smoking tv set be sure the antenna is well grounded if a lire or short circuit should develop pull the plug turn the set around and cover it with a rug call the fire department ontario averages 1200 forest fires a year many of them caused by human carelessness fires and in sect disease have cost more timber than all the com mercial cutting since logging began eight principal causes of fires in canadian homes are careless smokiijg and handling of matches 2iisuse of electricity defective or overheated heating find cooking equipment improper disposal of rubbish careless handling of kerosene and other flammable liquids lightning defective or overheated chimneys children and matches tne most important telephone number in the average canadian home is that of the fire department make sure you know it and also the location of the nearest fire alarm box drapes rugs curtains and other fabrics may be made fire retardant by dipping them in a solution of nine ounces of borax four ounces of boracic acid to one gallon of water according to fire prevention week experts gasoline benzine naphtha and other flammable liquids should be kept in metal containers paint gasoliie cans red so they wont be mistaken for kero sene cans and never try to start a fire with gasoline the vapour explodes something to aim at a few years aco several hundred young people in a brook lyn high school were queried about their plans for the future it came as a surprise and something of a shock when it was discovered that less than fifteen percent had any clearcut ideas about their future like micawber they felt sure that something would turn up but they had no definite aims half a century ago most young people were glad to get a job of any kind they took what came up the outlook today is much better especially for girls here is one or the chief differences between civilized men and barbarians in a primitive state human beings are content with fighting and feasting and if asked to abstain from some immediate pleasure because of some future good just wouldnt understand it the late dr w l watkinson said that the divisions of society are to a large extent due to the fact that some people think of the future deny and discipline themselves for its sake while others live for the present like esau who sold his birthright for one good meal an artist insists that the painter must see the finished picture in his minds eye before he begins to paint he couldnt possibly go on putting one blotch of paint against another and expect to have a good picture this would be just as foolish as if a builder were tobegin a house without the slightest idea what it was going to be like without a plan of some kind there was an article in a magazine recently entitled dreamers and doers in which the writer poured scorn on those who were always looking forward vaguely to the future but never did anything to make their dreams come true day dreaming of course is useless and even harmful but those who have definite aims and ideals are often the most practical people in the world they are doers but before they do they plan and again we neglect and mis- tieat them only recently two lads were seen chasing a weak lame cat with sticks and stones reader wrathy over cruelty to local horses 1889 the editors mail column in terlaken eoine over the bruni sunday night for presentation and a boy driving away a stray ihe stoufyville tribune of sep- pas a 3300 ff climb each bus n cbtf news oct 2 and 3 wth a small nflle then tember 1ss9 carries some real kass a 6ow it climb fcacn bus turned and aimed at a poor lit- humour for folks of today we ras an altimeter above the dn- 1 getting back to our arrival ow harmless toy note the following verso we could see the progress in italy we spent the first sav bm it can blind one we made up and down night in milan it was pouring j brcak a bm vi or mistei l tei switzerland is every bit as we arrived the first rain it is with much sorror that i rite you these lines but when i see the brutal way dum animals not necessary to send them are treated cant away so mercilessly if lost or i int any skolar to rite to a without a home let us not add paper like yours but 1 am hart to their sufferings but rather sick when i see them stacks of it possible feed and shelter them hones agoin round your village until their home or some suit- and called your horses for liv able place can be found for ens sake get em killed or hid quaint and picturesque as storv seen exce ior an evening i animals are quick t se books tell country villages are fwer in scotland we have are not wanted it is very neat with great overhang lovel rooms ln he continental ing eaves on the houses and aml a new innovation huge piles of chopped wood uhioh vve never did understand against the wall one thing we i telephone in the bathroom as never did understand was why- well as the bedroom milan has despite the neatness of each ml wonderful sights which home the manure pile was al- jve had to pass up save for the u ways just outside the frontdoor cathedral which is one of the hem n coss s0 uule and how some place where no body can scenerv is beyond description i seven wonders of the world be- much more lluma it is to see em if i was your reave or the swiss carts snowclad peaks cause o lts architectural splen- do spelter i tell you no brute of a and glacierfed lakes dour built in 13s6 likewise if a dog or an ani- man wod drive horses round our m mutt hp kent tied see that streats like 1 see in stovil i at interlaken we had a day i while not discounting its an- ma must be kept tied see that of leisure and sure needed it i cient ruins which are wonders their shelter is clean and com- i alnt got much money but 1 will everyone fell in love with the jto behold i must admit we are fortable at all times move it give 5 dollars to hav the man country and its courteous peomot sorry to be leaving italy j now and then onto fresh ground sent to jale what oanes em if pie the streets of interlaken j tomorrow early the sanitation lengthen their chain pariodically it can be dun and thar ar a are spotless and i carried match is very bad the food is not at f extra freedom and exercise inothcr team what i see out to sticks and candy wrappers for all to the liking of our western protect them from the burning sales ofen that is a picter of blocks fearing to drop them on j constitutions and the extreme j su during the hot season ani- starvashun wich they say comes such clean streets containers poverty of a great many of the l m like humans can only from stovil were provided here and there i people is not a pleasant sight j stand so much heat they often j may the good lord send som but its easy to see the effect j despite all these however we die from a sunstroke and re- one to help theas poor anlmiles such tidiness has on one stroll- have seen some wonderful sights i member all of them like a o get kild or sumthin to eat down the street the shops and been royally entertained brushing even a bath now and tha say you hav 9 or 10 of theis are crowded with wood carving i the train trip from milan to again if you love your ets prechln fellers and a salvashiii the swiss are real masters at j rome was a real experience you will be proud of the results j army in your town it cant hrf this art which they practise in the trains are all electric and of your good care of them and so or tha wod try and hav the the winter most prices are rea- very fast but there is a consid- j by so doing will be sowing in evil remydid sonable but i did see small bot- jerable lack of organization i the hearts of boys and girls the j no mister editor i think i ties of heinz ketchup in a gro- while we were travelling first good seed of kindness and con- hev said enuf to make some one eery store at 80c j class the cars were extremely sideration the first requisite i take the mater in hand if so i the first evening some of us crowded and musty and one to better finer citizenship for will think i hav dun sum good went into the casino a wond- got aboard the best way he unless we learn first to be kind after al john scroggins jderful entertainment spot with j could with no conductor to see to the lower creation we cannot j a friend of anamiles and they know how much truth there is in tlie old saying he high carved ceilings and a great whether you were on or off really be kind or thoughtful who aims at the sun shoots higher than he who aims at the tree- theatre stage hundreds were j an italian never fails to give towards others and thus lack i tops there are too many who aim merely at the treetops and j sitting around small tables sip- jyou an answer when you ask the very essence of good up- dont be misled only during others who like the eightyfive percent in the brooklyn high school do not aim at all i once heard the negho tenor roland hayes sing what a voice that man has it seemed to me i had never heard anything like it as i listened i remembered two things first when roland hayes heard the great caruso sing he was deeply moved and said a bell rang in my heart in the second place he ping wine and watching a con- 1 directions even though he may bringing but let us not forget the rexall original one cent cert of swiss yodelling folk dan- j not know a thing youve said grownups the first responslbil- isale can you get two regular t times there is complete ity rests with us to set before j size packages for the price of jthe little ones a good example in one plus only lc over 230 tie- vve mil nr firt servimr nf words and deeds and they will mendous bargains to choose italian spaghetti on the frfm m the ihe ari f f y c these days tuesday riiur cing and singing by a group and a all in native costume at the end j confusion of each act the customers were invited to try their luck at the roulette wheel the lighting was j dine7 the ioodsareau extreme- began to study how to sing and he did it with indomitable per- wonderful and there was that h r and savoured with oils leisurely friendly atmosphere v were warned against drink- that made everyone feel right at j lhe watcl and must be con home j tent with light wines coke as we had motored through j you could gel it and irlilti the mountains the day before 1 10 provlde any iiquid dict the i noticed great numbers of gray j bcans hcre a not roast- cattle grazing high up the l theyre burned with the re- slopes near the edge of the tree i sl you have a biucr syrup severance and restless energy to be a singer became the con trolling purpose of his life and he lived with that resolve when he gave his first concert he purchased a secondhand typewriter and sent out two thousand invitations and the hall was packed the amazing concentration of roland hayes has been duplicated hundreds of limes by men and women in every walk of life only those who are willing to pay the price reap the reward i am thinking just now not only of artists and musicians but of ordinary people how necessary is it for us all to have ideals and resolute purpose it is best to believe that life can be lived at its best unless there is a definite goal at which we are aiming and for which we are willing to make sacrifices all that we can hope for is by the help of god to develop christian character if we fail here we fail everywhere if we succeed hcre we have attained lifes best even though financially we arc as poor as church mice people in middle age and even older than that need to keep their ideals steadily in view it wasnt paul the young man or middleaged but paul the aged who wrote this one thing i do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which arc before i press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of god in christ jesus our quotation today is by robert browning we must keep in mind hoto or high failure overleaps the bounds of low success and o a plea for our wild- day friday and saturday oct life if i had my way there 16 18 19 20 houstons the never would be open seasons jrexall drug store line and here and there what j there are miles and miles of appeared to be a small barn vineyards and olive groves 1 1 during our stay i saw some see a ho or these cattle driven through the n tripa fewmuies town each one with a bell and some decorated with lowers a but chiefly white oxen pulling plows the soil looks hard anu for parents only thumbsucker by nancy cleaver store proprietor explained that i bul the b ju break i sucks ij thumb t just babyhood is left behind only this was the time of year when i easily on closer examination cant make him stop a mother when this habit is longcontin- the cattle are brought down many o i moun aie tun- complained to another friend ued with the hand pressing on from the hills for the winter ne some o lhcm for miles j why worry hell grow the roof of the mouth or the i the small barns were cheese here and there aong tne r of it she answered calmly lower jaw is the shape of tho j houses the cheese is made up lheuspattered houses stood on i wisn r could be i sure of mouth and the formation of ion the mountain side kept in h remnan of the war jthat the mother thought j teeth harmed cases of very sore these houses and then brought j ii i mother and dad must do thumbs and mouth damage are down and distributed to the vill- m f j their best not to get upset about comparatively rare age farmers according to the 1 vi u thumb sucking nagging or pun- 1 the parents who go to the number of cattle each has es t ishing a child for this only child specialist to discuss an along with friends we engaged evllemejv modern it talking about it undesirable habit thumb suck- a horse and carriage one after- ln dlc running he to rhid m an ehom rea ng just qnc of sevc that noon and drove out to a small j ouls tne eon wilh the youngster or disis persisted in until school age country village to get some pc- s wnicn stretch cussing lt wltn another adult in j will discover that the doctor tures everyone has a flower 7 p the childs hear ng only concen- tries to look beneath the surface london sept 2 19o6 100 years they received a won- garden ami elther farms or an old roman wall going back trate b lr attentlon flnd cause well folks here we are again oftnskh1s m w e v on thumb sucking the doctor as a rule does and the savine is that all oodf- j 10ads uc were g a short night countless parents have wor- not prescribe an artificial way wrimvtota i iia experience with t0 the first evening to see ried about thumb sucking ba- t0 x the child to stop but overseas letter a foreign haircut or should i some of the wonderful illumin- hies have a need to suck and rather he attempts to find the there have been some mon- say a swiss haircut tlie pro- atod fountains including the one the feeding time is one conditions under which lie child ster slugs reported from differ- prietor could speak a little eng- 1 featured in the song three of the main sources of pleasure resorts to thumb sucking when ent parts of the country the hsh i sat in an arm chair and coins in the fountain welthis instinct is strongest in his the parents can remove the time at last weare ettlmrcai so fnr was cau he went to work i was fearful threw our coins over the left first six months snd then grad- cause the thumb sucking will indian summer weather canada ho1 measuring more at times of what the result was shoulder in the prescribed manually lessens and is replaced gradually disappear we know is famous forits love ha r inehcs ionr and 2i 0 bc but urncd ollt and made our wish in primitive tribes and in mothers usually observe that applies also to the bad things i sure enough after this really incredible summer with rain practically on tap the whole iy indian summers and england inches around the largest vegc- iillright instead of massaging a table marrow so far in the tonic into your head at the end this vi lmpmcd a sampic people competition is one of the job he used a syringe jear weighing 51 lbs a turnip is re- sprayer first water flien oil the suez canal problem is ported from oxfordshire 27i and patted the hair very gently the traffic is terrific and with homes where a baby is fed not a child sucks his thumb when very little order our guide b y ne clock but demand he is tired or hungry or not called attention to it also the whe he tot h mea1 feelin wel1 or ls sn tntimb sucking is uncommon tionally upset many children a baby should never be hur- go through the day without ffct that one scarcely ever sees i the italians all expect everyone xh w or thumb sucking until bedtime to do the wrong thing crossing i b sh changing the child s routine the street on foot was quite an enjoy his food wnlle his mo- with more rest rest or earlier hours l ther holds him in her arms the or meals and bed may help a imother who forces her child to doctor after a routine physical we visited one roman ruin drink irom a cup at a vcr examination may prescribe a adventure after another and i was inter- early age and makes him fore- tonic or make a suggestion that still with us and unfortunately incnes around and weighing ten after the application a novel an acc lem j f n ried even after eight weeks it seems pounds all tall story claims are experience and the price 3 as if a solution is practically as 5wee peas 9 ft tall clarkia francs 50 or 70c far off as ever and the threat ginches and celery 27 in i over the alps into italy the to britains continued prosper- tali 2 ins around next dav by bus none of us will i ity is definitely in serious dan- j wonder how many of you ever forget there are 2 moun- ger fortunately all the papers have la the coach tnptain passes each 7000 ft up agree that the risk of war is aroim the isle of wight start- and at one point 17 switchback c lo s0 and look p at he go the pleasure of sucking his will improve the childs general now negligible jng irom rvn and going via hairpin turns in going down balcony where mussolini used mlk may flnd thm the haby cont frequently his thumb the lively and gay princess seaview and blading to the 3000 ft at the top there was r stand and deliver his tirades substitutes his thumb for i nip- sucking will be replaced by margaret has gone on her five lovely bay with sandown and now along the roadside these to the people the city of nearly pj more active satisfying play week tour of eat africa and shanklin each end of the bay switchback turn are leally 2000000 is a gigantic combina- i s the rare infant who does occasionally a child who is in takes with her the best wishes then on by the coat road to the sharp and on several occasion ion ancient and modern n0 suc b thumb once in a excellent physical condition of us all i think we all realize hilly town of ventnor then a the bus had to creep to the edge the italian money runs fi25 while a habit is easier to pre- sucks his thumb because he is a five man court of revision how much the people in all the stop to visit tiie fantastic black of the precipice and back up a lire to our dollar and one has vent than to brcak once it is bored he needs interesting play vas appointed at the regular the court is an iuacpondent lands of the commonwealth gang across the downs to to carry handfuls of papcrfirmly established giving baby material to keep him busy if neeting of whitchurch town- body appointed by council to love and enjoy the visits the freshwater then the cliffs with money italian money is said to a sterilized rubber ring to bite he is three or more he is begin- hip council on thursday even- hear assessment appeals and de- members of our royal family their fascinating colours and town on the island passing be the dirtiest in the world and and suck or handing the older nlng to long for companionship rg tlie board will commence cide whether an adjustment is are so freely undertaking the lovely view of the needles on iprincetown prison on the way tissue thin and coins are an baby a rlean toy to hold will of other children his own age t duties on or before saturday necessary a complainant has h visit f the queen and the duke to yarmouth with all its boats across the river to return to aluminum mixture we didnt often redirect the youngsters mother would do well to provide viifirbcr 10 the members ap- days to enter an appeal of kdinbtiigii to the inlands of then to cowes and cvhorne ryek this is surely one of the need to bo told to wash after ittention away from his thumb him with hums rather than buy ointed at messrs a c- marsh scotland ially mad- history hou that i treasure house mot fascinating rid in kng- handling it jo000 lire bill is approximately o n child out mechanical restraints for thumb irrhett simpson r c by- sme politicians never run out and for many of th isles it m tb late qiiren virion then land on your next visit to eng- rry the ize of a folded tab- of every three r four suck hi ticking roll c e toofe an4 l p ev- of zs yet dont go my place was the first royal visit for over inland to newport the largest land try it lod but worth only 51600 thumb to some extent after copyright whitchurch appoints revision court

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