vvjt m the stourtvlue tkijune tlky fcofeer i 1956 classified miscellaneous i miscellaneous cnfd j lost found cars for sale i accommodation cards of thanks i news f box grove ghrr i black white kitten ost white on feet and tip of tail peter salmon stoaffvuie 37 dodge regent sedan for sale 4009 mile itone ap ply norman wasg goodood after pm lost ailblack kitten nalfj xrows answers to george childs pe lost heern baker 1 aire 323 id park rd x phone 6 implements room board available ph stouffville 1363 for rent bavernest apart ment heated phqne stouff 115 for rent larze room board optional no 5 ninth line mr r riojj ed shirley and clarence beeby piano tuning repairs s hoffman formerly aita gerhard heinu- man phone lnurenre barker appliance repair 8tf ptoaftville ilione 31w3 all orders promptly attended to trenching siptic tanks tile beds ornamental pond buckfill ing and grading 50tf arnoiii priiiinoer stoiiffill- itov ontario phone j 1 1 radio radio television and small ap- piiance repairs at reasonable rates allterafters sparon radiotv sales and service 23tf records scarfes t111x paints smith radio- electronic service stoiiflvlllo phone 27flivl sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned uiil repaired 21 hour service c stunden lstf richmond hill ill tv 4l24s chalk refrigeration sales service commercial farm household guaranteed repairs on all makes phono king tnw ltf 21 hour service nnywh we do clstom killing also caring and smoking of meat for farmers oboyles meal market ph 35 stouff 43tf electrical wiring installation service repaira leslie leonard well drilling help wanted for sale leu chopper and i to rhs cockshutt si chopper both room hot air f nace hard in al condition merrill i wxd brethour ph 65305 stouff ville jesse cober 5room house bath soors available lt november ph 73i stouff- farm help wanted for har vesting turnips on fine days an steckiey phone gormley wanted a young sir fond of children as mothers help er in a larze north toronto christian home private room apply boi si the tribune pump installed fast service frank ckhhlts aurora kh2 3tf phone parkvicw 7272 ready mixed concrete for footings doors patios etc gormley readvmiyed concrete iimitki1 ilione goimlcy 3001 slinillvillc 120 stf c bunker at goodwood we deliver gravel sand kill top soil also lawns gradkd at reasonable rates clstom loading ill stontr ih2i 50tf ii ltoofin flat time help wanted painter to paint two houses on park dr in stourtvllle outside inside apply on job to mason or ph markham 79sw evenings reliable younger man wanted for all night work shelf stocking work begin ning 10 pm friday nights apply ratcliffs iga for sale rilbtway mh milkers stainless steel double units complete with com- j pressor motor and pipe i also electric masseyharris separator 1can milk cooler i ith can lifter wood alii practically new cash or live- 1 stock apply jos silver rr3 newmarket ph mt albert 21415 is2 for rent 3 or i rooms n mount albert for the winter or longer conveniences apply f mason box 71 markham po or phone markham 73sw evenings w wish to express our sincere what lovely indian summer man degeer whose father mr thank tor all the shower gifts weather we have had to usher wm middleton of miluken pass- we hare received they are all j h markham fair this week- led awav last week to the familv much pprcut hevs hope this 0 the late harold burkholder o ther keeps up tor a while this cedar grove who lost his life year our sehool ss is is tak- in a motoreycle accident last the amiy o he ate eveett 1 an active p ihe week and also to the family of barnes wish to thank all their proceedings and will have a the late hany klinck of stouff- relatives neighbors and friends ine parade as well as a ville who passed away in hos- tor their many kindnesses e- conservation project entered pita tuesday morning mrs presions of comfort and sym- done by grades 7 and s and ex- klinck is the former ruby ray- pathy durine the illness and hibtlsin writing and art work mer of the grove passing of their father wanted help wanted young man or woman with chauffeurs license to drive for snack de livery service apply scotts snack bar mrs i coleman siouff ph 335 international harvester and mccormick tractors and farm machinery repairs service cha richards and son agin court and stouffville phone agin collect 23tf a m wood stouffville bus axroinster 34331 after 6 res ayminster 34113 i would like to say thank you to all thoe i exeiuhered ine with cards sower fruit or reading materials during my sty in scarborough hospual mrs wilhara may goodwood done by the students sony to hear that mrs stod the rally service at the box dart is quite ill with the flu and grove united church last sun- hope thai she will soon bfi hot- day was well attended by many ter mrs rimmer who has had highest prices paid for all j kinds of live poultry norm j davis ph mark 741 36tf avon offers business girls an opportunity to increase their earnings by becoming ti representative for their i place of business good com- 1 missions write miss m tow- ers apt 306 161 wilson avenue toronto 1s2 roofing v gkkomkite siding general repairs roofing a specialty payments at no extra charge phone toronto pij 72100 or write 1 1tf box 200 stoultville tribune electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall pluss switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k if mlddlcmls 16tf pione 367 stouffville aida cleaners try our new deep cieanivg with dowper guaranteed odorlesa phone stonffviilc 343 mnrkiinm 335 stf ken ogdens garage ballaxtrae all makes of 22tf tractors cars repaired phono stotiftville 60024 quilty heating station road pickering gfts ji oil airconditioiiink units coal gravity kiiriiaces sheet metal work kavestroiiithiii 4 rt 1 f 1 year free service parts kasv payment plan iocai agkxt u a haii telephone stotiftville 2wt roofing brett and orrien contractors all types of roofltik troughing insulsijinsr pliono toronto st 86010 or write 3752 box 100 stonrtville tribune jlxior clerks wanted openixg for junior cletks male grade xi stanlinp re quired exceileut opportunity for advancins apply bank of xova scotia markham or stouffville ontario 4 1tf articles for sale turkeys call elmer recsor fit 652u3 stouffville snow apples for sale fred nigbswander ph sto 66s20 transportation- wanted front markham to danforth rd and warden ave scar- boro arrive s0 am and leave pn phone toronto plvmouth t4i66 transportation wanted from don mills rd at ittttton- vilie to arrive vicinity college and hay s to s30 am re turning pm ph axminster ost collect dkad stock dead and crippled farm animals removed promptly for sanitary dis posal 2 on service charge for each call telephone col lect to stouffville 255 or toronto km 33gs6 gordon young ltd tf when trouble comes to a family it is a wonderful source of comfort to have relatives friends and neighbors so kind and thoughtful and we are very grateful to all for words and cards of sympathy in the loss of our dear grandson stephen mr and mrs ed ni h of the children and their par ents the order of service was taken by miss myrna soers and a story or the children was read by miss susan armstrong rev instead gave the sermon next sunday october tth will be worldwide communion sim- day when communion service will be held in christian chur ches all over the world a meeting of the executive council of the box grove youth i would like to express my sincere thanks to the many friends who remembered me with cards flowers and gifts while confined to hospital and while convalescing at home the many telephone enquiries were also very much appreciated ken laushwav centre was hold last thursday at the home of mr and mrs dowdell a work meeting will be held soon to make several improvements which were dis cussed among them the com pletion of the upstairs ami the enlarging of the bowlinr alley a family letter will be sent out soon giving more details and also enclosing the registration forms for the children instead of a family fee this year there i wish to titank all of lloyds little friends wiio came to visit him and the wonderful neigh bors for their kindness and con- sideration shown to both my j bfe straicht foc of s for son and i and tite lovely ctfts that were scut to him all i can say is thank you so much he is coming along tine wooden silo for sale high ph stouff 61 11-1- btilding frame 2 roof ph for sale 20 storey with gormley 5507 x 36 mtal j 192 m nash paying best cash prices for all kinds of live poultry phone stouff 267j 36tf apple pickers wanted maplkwooi orchard hours s am 5 pm j enquiries 1s- call atlfititic 22201 between 8 am ami 5 pm d n booth and g0ldkind son we buy all kinds of poultry 11tf highest prices paid for live poultry 427 manning ave toronto phone wa 25260 or call llootirs ph 123 stonfl or 80ivl shoe repair your shoe repalre can all be bandied at georges snoe repatr full or half soles and all types of repair all kinds zipper work done all types new shoes for boys and men for good health keep your shoes in good repair located in the hoiden block 27tf main street stouffville stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gra vel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin tf plant phone 125 offlco phones 370 a 120 miscellaneous cnfd ladies have your hair home permed in your own style 1s2 phone stouffville tlives septic tanks complete septic ank work drain digging 47tf all work guaranteed call murray baker phone 651 xewmarket well tile 30 36 immediate delivery 27tf lome rnker concrete products newmarket ph 112 for prompt anil cflicient call stouffville radio television centre nrxt to the bowling alley stouff 121 49tf electrical equipment tv radio repairs to all makes washing machine parts service neville sons your admiral dealer stouffville floor tile work to your special requirements in ceramic mastic lino etc free estimates for information 1s2 call lxhrhlge 321w carpenter work wanted alterations and cupboards tin shop equipment for sale a specialty 30tf with s brake and lock form- wm greexburv er ph gormley 5507 lri2 phone 29w2 stouffville cooking apples for sale denton brown ph 43wl3 markham ithica gun for sale 12 gauge pump featherweight new ph 2fi2w5 stouffville 19- off shape potatoes by the bag 50c by the ton 1000 john bosworth cedar valley ont 164 save money by using rough lumber all standard sizes taylors sawmill rr2 aur ora avenue 54231 165 all models cars trucks i wanted for wrecking highest prices paid j used parts tires etc for sale b a auto parts tu 12230 1 mi north of no 7 highway on 3rd line of markham twp mailing address 17tf it a auto parts rr2 goiinlcy co m j acrenian dry firewood for sale all kinds free delivery taylors sawmill rr2 aurora av 54231 1610 for sale 3piece red wool winter outfit size 5 in good condition mrs noel storry ph 296w5 stouffville for sale a childs three- piece velvet winter outfit size 2 in perfect condition rea sonable phone stouff 64708 for sale 1 large quebec heater and a number of potted mums mrs em la- geer mount albert 22520 wanted logs timber land hardwood preferred h si kyte blackstock phone 20 or 31tf bruce rolling mt albert phone dlw mrs richardson stouffville rr2 hay grain tetra petkus rye for sale ph claremont 33407 b bur- nell for sale 150 rows of en- j silage corn 100 rods long j j johnson pit stouff r60ii4 custom grain drying wheat corn soy beans by appointment only phone gormley rflfrt each child registering this money will be used towards the upkeep of the building and the remainder of the money needed for fuel etc will be raised by the clubs the tiny tot club started on tuesday morning and it is expected that all clubs will be in operation by the end of the month the sympathy of the com munity is extended to mrs nor- coming events custom i5alixg t am prepared to handle your baling needs at reasonable rates rale elevator available if de sired 10tf rlxin hasting phone stouffville 63713 pm 102 real estate for sale boys sport jacket sport pants and occasional jacket also shirts to fit age 1014 almost new price 10 ph stouffville 63121 notice we are prepared to do your plowing baling combining and forage harvester work including filling silos we have all new- equipment 173 phone 110243 stoultvillo floor covering all types tiles inlaid linoleums plastic walltowall carpets the new sisal covering expertly in stalled free estimates 3stf spoffords stouffville phone 161 victorian cabinet for sale bevelled mirror back open shelves one small drawer under glass compartment ph 173 fiyduw gas range for sale in excellent condition mrs f wicks con 9 markham vi mile north of no 7 hwy ph markham 46mi2 potatoes prder yoijr win ters supply of sebago potatoes grown from foundation a eed midoct delivery lloyd grose ml albert 22701 or call stouff 279wl lfi3 for sale champion bulk milk coolers ma hi chain saws beatty duro water systems kitson poultry equipment minneapolis mo lina manure spreader e 1 stlckley victoria square ph gormley 5 5 07 192 for sale a winterized cottage all conveniences in side on north ide at mussel- mans lake ph stouffville 292wi 192 to rent good barn to rent with hydro water in stable wei equipped for young cattle or pigs with poultry pen upstairs apply roy brown 67921 stouffvflle wanted to rent dairy farmer with large dairy herd and full line of farm imple ments wishes to rent 100 acres or more phone atlan- tic 2127s0 192 wanted to rent small house or rooms in stouffville district with small piece of land will furnish wanted for pension couple apply martin mazure 7 glen bailia pi toronto 192 live stock 1 heifer calf for sale stouffville 67s03 ph for sale 13 chunks of pigs apply ross madlll brougham call evening pullets for sale new hamp shire and barred rock louie lloyd ph 66703 00 pullets for sale 4 mos old good laying strain ph stouffville 204j1 collie puppibs 2 months old not registered price 20 phone 91j2 stouffville 3 regd english yorkshire sows for sale due to farrow eldred king stouff 62s0s october is 10 wanis trade fair arena from 7 pm to 10 admission to arena free saturday october 13th the ladies of the stouffville united church wa will hold a bake sale in the stouffville sales arena at 130 pm i 132 the tlu is now feeling much better happy birthday this week to bruce raymer who will be 7 years old t thursday and to louise jaryis who will be ii years old ott saturday congratulations to mr robert walter sr who will be retiring on friday after 12 years with the canadian wallpaper manu facturers mr walter has al ways been with the same com pany transferring to the cana dian office when he came to canada mrs gray arrived home last sunday and baby john is ex pelled t be home by the week end both mother and baby are doing line on friday evening darlene connor gave a surprise party icorn toast in honour of edgars 17th birthday which was lasf thursday about 15 couples at tended the party and all had a grand time prize winners at the euchre last week were mrs vera rid- die mrs ethel lotton ani mrs jean carr mr b francis mr buchanan and mr roberf law- tie the freezout was won by mrs mary connor and mrs marg waiter there will not be a euchre game this friday due j to it being markham fair week- end mrs wicks and mr burk- holder attended a teachers book display at richmond hill i last thursday afternoon miss lewis and miss mclean former student teachers visited mr 2i ki- iburkholders classroom one day uvbridge last week oct 6th st johns bingo this saturday night in newmar ket town hall at s pm 12500 jackpot 53 numbers admis sion 33c saturday october 6th the lake wilcox recreational centre will hold a turkey shoot at bakers sand pit north road lake wilcox shoot starts 1 1 am 1s2 in memoriam 50 leghorn pullets for sale laying lloyd pttgh ph claremont 32713 capons for sale orders taken for thanksgiving weights 79 lbs ken walker ph 65310 stouffville 1s2 bybr in loving memory of my dear husband d f byer who passed away oct 3rd 1051 my lips cannot tell how i miss him my heart cannot tell what to say god alone knows how i miss him in a home that is lonesome to day lovingly remembered by wife martha agnes and sister hannah 2 guerxsey cows for sale 1 2nd and 1 3rd calf close springers regd and accredit ed ph mt albert 22020 xvwwxvkwbcacscwcsbksw phone 310 17tf harold air conditioning heating dealer for howard furnace and oil burners files installations service vacuum cleanln 34tf 07 main st neiviiirket ont phone 1807 after hours stouff noma furnaces oil coal ias bulldozing and drag lining spedalf cellars s in grading and ponds k van flcrkooy phone tlorinley 5537 43tf vacuum cleaning eist terms for krw kimatrs lornc j byer fbona 904 irrigation systems a size for every need prefabricated homes cottages and garages howard rotavators to fit anv tractor bulldozing three machines specializing in landcape plan ning anil farm pond dragiine when necessary baeincnt excavation grading art steckiey phone 60816 sitr clare preston iiji operator ttf phone 65428 cordwood for sale good quality dry hardwood split and sawn 1 15 or 2 delivered within 20 road mfle of clare mont s2 100 cod for full cord 16i phone victor sjthc rinrcmont 31i0 eor sale sump pump 125 shallow well beatty pres sure pystenif j75 2 lsal steel drums 100 each z storm windows lflrixb5 4 each mr norman pollard rupert ave weil end stouff ville 1500 fiu price 2 hed- room hriek hunsnlow nicely situated on one acre of choice garden soil with some fruit tree small barn and sarae 1000 down balance easy terms ph kxbridfce 24fir22 for salk girls station wason coat red gabardine with quilted lining raouton collar size 12 also long win ter coat quilted lining med ium blue shade box style size 12 pale pink embossed taffeta party dress also green plaid taffeta jumper with white nylon blouse all in per fect condition apply mrs 1 maihewsou ph stouff 2s0j2 prccast septic tanks approved for your arc septic installations trenching ditching fabricated concrete specialties ltd stossfmlie 2o 13tf african violets beautify your thanksgiving table with a lovely african violet hundreds of larse fioworin vioiu wit h up to 30 blooms pr plant price jlon and jt2 double pinks m75 open daily from 3 am to pm except sundays closed on thanksgiving day clarkes violet centre belfry llr ot davis dr e neivmarkrf in goodwood an sroomcd insulbrie house for sale gar age garden and well to close an estate apply norman wagg goodwood or mrs john badgerow stouffville after t pm to rent 7roomed farm house with furnace and all farm buildings barn equip ped to handle 350 hogs and so0 hens boiler installed plenty of water immediate possession apply w e john ston rrl lyocust hill phone markham 30w3 192 laying rock pullets for sale michell poultry farm claremont phone markham 36 6 192 for sale 400 white leg horn pullets 5 mos old ready to lay george kerswlll ph mt albert 95jl holstein heifers for sale vaccinated due in 10 days d s kennedy goodwood stouffville 61404 for sale 200 yearling hens lt sussex x california gray also 8piece solid oak dining room suite in good condition stouffville 64921 article for sale 1 deluxe model coleman space heater 31000 btu output new regular 10950 sale price 17993 i- beatty deluxe automatic ironer tnewt reg i 2 1950 sale price 51 s3 00 we still have a quantity of cocfcebutt ihc t- oliver plow hares at greatly reduced prir 193 c bell sox rhoae sioafl 281 farmers special gleaming white 3 bedroom clap- hoard bungalow exceptionally well constructed located only 2 minutes from downtown shopping aluminum storms and screens forced air heat- ine garage substantial cash required confidential exclu sive listing for further information please contact s m sinclair realtor stniiffvllle phone 212 when buying or selling real estate consult archie j campbell heal ktmte broker phone stoiilt 10- 12tf moose mountain livestock association areola snsk feedett stocker sale october 26th 1956 1500 head of the best cattle in the west will be sold by auction graded car loads of herefords angus and shorthorns save 200 miles of freight haul by buying at arcoln in the se corner of saskatchewan first class hotel accommodation jay blackmorc nurtioneer for information write secretary moose mountain livestock association areola sask 192 vanzant in loving memory of our dear mother catherine vanzant who passed away oct 5th 1355 a loving mother kind and true no one on earth well find like you fondly remembered by gertrude winnie blake and garnet personal to whom it may coxckhv in ai much as my wife carol goldon has left me without just cause this is to give public notice that i will not be respon sible for any debts incurred by her in my name is3 signed graydon goldon you may be a winner many prises offered by th exhibitors at the local trado fair remain unclaimed holders of the following numbers may claim their prizes from those merchants listed thursday sept 27th 7661 clothes hamper from hendricks hardware 7634 decorated birthday cak from stouffville bakery friday sept 2th 23s5 3600 credit note from patrick motors 5776- decorated birthday cak from stouffville bakery saturday sept 20lli 22 6- 2 gals oiltone from torno j byer 579s 30 metal awning from allison real estate s 1 7s a portable radio from stouffville radio tele vision 5673- 51000 voucher from dob davis clothing 5350 a yellow wool cardigan from marguerite shoppe 763 marshall sanitary matt ress from raxlin furni ture and appliances 3748 2 chrome bathroom taps front mnlloys plumbing service 617 jr mixnlaster from oneills furniture stor 3674 2 gals permanent antl- freeze from western tire auto supply limited 5348 decorated birthday cak from stouffville bakery 5326 car wash brush from hamilton automotive supply the fact that a rcat deal has been written and said in recent months of the danger of fall out may be responsible for many currently styled womens hats being shaped much jika helmets when bluing or selling real estate consult ira d rusnell sloilftt ille ontario phone stouffville 32ir reprentinr 13tf thom oikikv real ufn broker fb richmond hill av u6i garbage tender township of whitchurch sealed tenders properly mark ed will be received by th undersigned up to 12 oclock noon october 4 1 w for the rollfion removal and dipoai- of garhag and other refuj- one time per week in the mussulmans lak area from october 1 1 ro to may 11 th io3t or any tender no necejsajiy aeppred- jvin crawford clerk 133 auction sale furniture dishes glassware etc at iot ik concession 0 whitchurch townsiilr nt musseliiians lake post office saturday oct 13 the property of james pidgeon 3piece chesterfield suite j 2 occasional chairs 1 hostess chair 1 1 loung chair studio couch nearly ne flocking chair buffet solid oak 2 sets kitchen table chair i wardrobe 2 bedroom suites 2 china cabinet- coffee tab 3 small tabs large rug runner radio 1 floor lamps mahogany desk a chair ice box good condition holds 100 lbs ice washing machtn rinse tubs clothes horse etc dishes pots pans electric percolator 2 fur coat i gray kid 11 yr size 1 beaver 12 yr size step ladder wheelbarrow- saws it garden tool- several other small things to u the stoultville tribune classified advertising rates anticffs for sair mvkstock foit salf- reai fstatk wanted cahs for sale lost found etc cnh rate ic prr word wlih a minimum of soc must be paid week of insertion if charged an additional 25c will be added a charge of 25c will be mada for all replies directed to this office o rfttf property om tfrir rh st i livi tl ikl jerk a s fajrojlek auctioneer notice coming events cards of thanks 2c a word ith a minimum of 75c births engagements marriages 75c pr insertion in mimorfams tv minimum for 4hne tx plus 25c for each additional 4llne verse distlav classifieds st ro per inch with minimum of one inch additional inser tion at the same rates all classified adi must b id this office not later than i oclock noon wednesday send rath stamp or money orders and save money cirn mi out for reference