ttit 4 the stouffville tribune twaijy septeuiw 13 1956 mulhoiland family reunkn to be held at oriole amid thriving development ard in the strait of belle isle settlers of yorkville illage now super highway time will be war of 1812 part of toronto her husband turned back more than a cent- in 1s12 he sold the original george hazelton was a builder ury in a sense when the mul- grant and took up new land on and owned considerable proper- holland family reunion is lots 67 2nd concession of west ty on what is now avenue rd held on the estate ot the hon york now bathurst st his and hazelton ave george s henry at oriole on widow survived for a number thomas mulholland and mary september 15 the big celebra planning for increased road trmfk tion marks the arrival of henry mulholland from county monaghan ireland 150 years ago the location of the reunion on the farm of the hon mr henry is of particular signifi cance in that it is part of the original crown grant taken up by henry mulholland and his wife jane armstrong mr hen ry is also the greatgrandson of henry mulholland and was at one time premier of ontario more than 200 people will gather at oriole to talk over old times and to meef distant members of the mulholland family one of the highlights of the reunion will be a religious service in honor of henry and jane mul holland at the cairn on the farm the cairn was erected on the corner of the henry farm with a bronze plaque recording the taking up of the crown grant and the loss of mr mulholland at sea service will be conduc ted by the rev dr v j john son a native of ulster trustees for cairn it is of interest to note that mr henry has provided for a i board of trustees to administer the site on which the cairn stands the trustees represent the eight families as far as poss- ib interesting history the history of the mulholland family is one of considerable in terest and one closely connected with the development of the yorks area when the original couple arrived accompanied by william armstrong brother of mrs mulholland they took lots 141516 in the 3rd concession east of york township the grant originally covered 600 acres established 180g they established themselves sometime during the spring of 1806 william armstrong how ever didnt care for canada and jtoon returned to ireland the mulhollands lived on this farm for 12 years during which henry mulholland took part in the war of 1812 at stoney creek york and lundys lane he was so enthused with canada that he returned on several occasions to bring out new emigrants it was on one of these trips in 1833 that he was lost at sea in of years jiving on the home ann conland raised a large farm in 1s33 she donated ths family and until recently their i bv f h iirennn land for the ashbury wesleyan descendants retained all the- a wlii agree that methodist church property on bathurst st it has the of t h giown eight children recently been subdivided their aster iha the c3paci of ils henrv and jane mulholland daughter sarah married a m 5treet5 iand the iricrcased d eight children five boys and morden of hamilton and in rsso traffic s a fringe township thev treked to albeita where were any pickles as tasty as mothers had eig three girls ard it is the history of their families which brings the various branches of the fam ily into the recollection of our older citizens and which brings in familiar names and places the stewarts the oldest daughter of the family married james stewart of york township a successful she earned the distinction of being the first white woman to sett at pincher creek there are few descendants oi jane mulholland and james francis a toronto lime ces similarly the youngest muihol- land daughter angelina nd her husband david mcbi only a small family they fa j inge township we wil fee hocsing many citi zens who ork n the city but prefer their omrs where there is trive room more light and irt- pleasant surroundings ye ciit endeavour to ensure uh good planning that i taxpayers are going to be gate o ommute speedily and coikfov ably farmer james stewart acquired cdinyork townshio average figures show that in 750 acres on the present bath- trie machine age has brought one hour one lane ot cars on a tirst st leslie st and yonge a breaking down of the large surfaced street can move 1500- st he had a large familiy and fami ard close familv ties 1 1600 people while one lane of all the sons followed in their the mulholland reunion in a buses the r can fathers footsteps by 1s17 most sense recaptures the feeling of j move 9 and a ra transt of the family was grown and tho familv of roneer davs allrl system in the same hour can while the farm has recently 60 v been sold bv mr henrv for de- therefore that we might be well velopmcnt the cairn which c- advised to earmar certain cords the arrival of the family areas ciose to maln thorough- the bringing of immigrants to fares lor fuure p iot canada and ultimate loss of i wllh a henry mulholland at sea on one of the immigrant ships will con tinue to pay a silent tribute to the mulhollands and others like them for their contribution to the building of canada at that time he divided 500 acres among the older sons and b ought his wife and the young er children back to east york parts of the hone farm have been in the hands of various members of tho stewart family for 110 years as a grandson of james stewart mr henry now occupies the home farm william mulholland and his wife elizabeth wallace with their large family farmed in east york until about 1880 when the family went into the mer cantile business none of the family continued to farm after the father went into business two grandsons of william mul holland donald and wallace mulhoiland of toronto have tak en a leading part in the organi zation of this 150th celebration david mulholland married even at this early date compared potato quality reaches new high mary ann robinson and while they had a large family there are few descendants their old est daughter jane married delos crosby of markham and they raised a large family the duncans david mulhollands twin sis ter sarah married william dun can a farmer from west york most of his family have remain ed closely identified with live stock and farming two of his sons were widely known henry as reeve of east york for many years and david as one of the developers of the jersey cattle breed elizabeth mulholland became the field crops branch of the ontario department of agri culture advises that this years crop of ontario grown potatoes is of greatly improved quality j patrons would certainly go to ih vi from work more cheap owners living north of steeles avenue to leave their cars and continue on through buses to a convenient station of the rapid transit system public transit agencies must show profit if they are to con tinue therefore we cannot ex pect the ttc or any other agency to run adequate com muter buses through thinly populated areas however by establishing terminal car parks within our township not only would they be profitable and the bus line make money but the the lady of the lake disaster the wife of one of the pioneer to whom if may concern former members of the slotiftville chamber of commerce please lake notice that we intend transferring ihe funds from the above organization to the stouffville businessmens aasociation any objections to this procedure must be sub mitted not later than sept 20th to the secretary or treasurer of the former chamber of commerce the funds are o be used by the businessmens association for the purpose originally intended a santa claus parade and erection of signs etc mr k laushway mr r mackay atiji3 dsasecccb gasaas crea for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers from ss00 to si 200 per year or by the month stouffvime creamery co to have our truck call phone 186w with those produced in recent years this is especially notice able with respect to dry matter actual tests show that many of the potatoes now being market ed range from 18 to 22 dry matter as compared to 16 and below lor other years even at harvest time ideal growing conditions for potatoes this season coupled with more interest being shown in kinds and amounts of com mercial fertilizers used at the proper time are reasons ad vanced for the excellent quality obtained because growers now consider quality of potatoes to be of great importance some producers of commercial fertiliz ers are making available a spe cial potato fertilizer using sul phate of potash instead of mur iate some potato crops are now sufficiently advanced both in size and quality of tubers that top killers are being used to ma ture the crop and also to elim inate possible losses from late blight disease a number of com mercial materials in either dust or spray form are available for this purpose kill the tops and save the crops is a practice be ing followed by many growers information regarding kinds and amounts of material used for top killing of potatoes may be had from your nearest agri- j cultural representative or de- partmental fieldman and also from the field crops branch ont dept of agriculture par liament bldgs toronto the winter quarters of lewis and clark in 180506 fort clat- son near astoria oregon has been restored at its original site and to scale by the oregon his torical society when discovered aluminum was the lightest metal then known ccag sxr wosvivsiakvwases we build homes large and small ind buildings of all kinds repairs and remodelling good materials and workmanship guaranteed our house designing service is at your disposal k w retz construction co 0v l stfluttville ont phone stouff 195 n chinese nationalists have a new twist in their psychological war fare they are dropping from the air siher dollars thai turn out to be aluminum discs urging mainland chinese to join the formosa forces while this money was phoney real aluminum coins arc widely used in france and italy for instance a fracion the weight of other metals and perennially bright and shiny aluminum pay on as small change it also pay ott for carada as an industry that conserts raw materials and waterpower into purchasing power in the world marlcts aluminum company of canada ltd cmcan and with less emotional strain it is well within the bounds of possibility that at some future date toronto will establish separate arteries for public transportation and through com mercial vehicles which will prove to be infinitely faster than those made available to private automobiles the motorist is inclined to measure distance in minutes rather than miles increased speed of travel therefore per mits a desirable residential dis trict to be established in local ities previously considered too remote for practical develop ment many of the green belt areas in the township come within this description travel ling time can be reduced by in creasing the safety and capa city of our thoroughfares the elimination of delays at inter sections can either be done through police supervision or by costly cloverleais and traffic circles road widening is also a costly business and in a move to re duce the burden of cost of fu ture road widening within the township council recently ap proved a planning board re commendation which provides for land adjoining an established road to be deeded to the town ship when a division of the land takes place so that before the transaction is legally finalized the purchaser agrees to deed to the township land sufficient to permit future road widening the extent of this widening provision depends on the local ity and the anticipated future traffic load in point of fact no further action may be taken for a number of years but the right of way is established with a minimum of loss to the vendor and at no public expense while the purchaser has reasonable assurance that future widening will not interfere with any buildings or extensive landscap ing that he might establish mennonites qive limited support to civil defence the general conference men- nonite church recommended last week that its membership give limited cooperation to civil de fence and other disaster organi zations providing the coopera tion does not violate the princi ples of the church the mennonite church objects to violence strife and actions which are not in harmony with christian love members are j encouraged to meet natural and war disasters through channels i of the church which permit max- imurri freedom and obedience to their convictions of uncondition- al love and nonresistance delegates attending the final session of the 34th triennial con- fcrence approved a statement of i principles which said if the di vine law and the human law contlict we must always obey god rather than men the general conference recom mended that followers refrain from membership in civil de fence organizations and from en tering into such contracts or standing binding agreements with them as may restrict free dom of action and testimony in j accord with our christian con viction the general conference men- inonite church has 52v0 mem bers in canada and the united state 1 did any pickle ever taste as good as mothers or grand mothers pickle recipes arc among the culinary heritages that mothers pass on to daughters and we hae many examples of this family handmedown rigiit here in stouffville many of their recipes appear in a cook book recently published by the wom ans association of the united church here yesterday their cosy kitchen was warm and spicy as they completed the annual session with big and small cucumbers as one lady put it heres some thing a deepfreeze cant help you out with theyll never re place good oldfashioned preserv ing when it comes to pickles and j relishes pickled cucumber 1 soak the little cucumbers in i cold water for an hour or two i after thev have been brushed well in sterilized jars put a sprig of dill in the bottom and then pack the pickles on top and add another sprig of dill make a syrup of one teaspoon salt a heaping cup of white sugar and about two cups of vinegar heat the mixture and pour over the pickles to fill up the jar set the jar in hot water until the pickles turn color re- j move then because the pickles are done and seal the jar mustard pickle wash and cut fiveinch long cucumbers in about onequarter to onehalf inch chunks add little pickling onions and a small head of cauliflower soak overnight in cold water to which a handful of salt has been added in the morning drain off the salt water add the ingredients to a kettle with enough vinegar to cover add a little more salt you can tell by the taste how much it needs make a syrup of five cups of white sugar a heaping teaspoon of mustard and li teaspoons of tumeric stir in 2h cups of flour with onequarter cup of vinegar until dissolved stir the syrup in with the pic kles and boil until thickened over medium heat this usually takes less than 15 minutes she said dill pickle oldtime dill pickle calls for this method wash halfgrown cucumbers and trim ends soak in cold water for half a day meanwhile have ready steril ized halfgallon jars in which the bottoms are layered with dill and small bud garlic pack the jars with cucumbers and add more dill on top also add one half cup salt and a small piece of alum and fill with water that has been boiled and cooled finish each jar by adding one- half cup white vinegar and then seal schnibbled beans schnibbled bean pickle is a pennsylvaniagerman favorite the wax beans re spliced water to which two to three dessertspoons of sa has been added is brought to a boil the beans are addeil and left for a few minutes during which they are stirred once or twice the beans and brine are pour ed into jars and a few drops of cold vinegar added to the top they will never spoil nor go soft our informant said when serving them and you can use them for salads or heat them for your vegetable dish the juice is poured off and added to a cream sauce to top the beans she said patrick most ot us let the rarageinati taie out the dip stick from the eagise block wire it off aud put it back in again to check the oi level its a messy job and an asy way to mark up a clean white hir health lews jealous children what can i do about it jealousy is called the green- eyed monster for a very good reason in a young child it can be so intensely bitter as to warp his whole personality a new comer to the family is one of the commonest causes of jealousy in the older brother or sister if the child knows well ahead of time that a new baby is com ing he can be helped to gradu ally get used to the idea you can help him to see that it is his baby too and in this way develop his acceptance of the new situation if changes have to be made in the household to accommodate the new arrival make them well ahead of time when mother and the new baby arrive home wait until the older child asks about i usually iiave it to geors- too but in looklnj over a ucl car the oil on the dip tick and the dip tick itxlf can toll you a lot about what the car looks like inside heres one simple test thats effective pe oil off th dip ftick after setting your shirt sleeves out of the way ard notice if the surface of the stick is pockmarked or etched on the part that is normally below- the surface of the oil if it l thats a slim of acid mot fuels contain a trace of acid and if the eiiklne u rumiinx cold or a cylinder is mimug untunmd fuel ssitli ti acid makes its way into the craufcease and will eventually attack polishes steel surface suh a- the crankshaft journals the cams tho links ami pins in the timing chain and of course the dip tick and while were about 1 this is the time to rolnt out the importance of changing oil froaucntly this acid action against the cars vita imides is the penalty of letting old oil work its worst against your engine thce are oiue of the simple tets anyone can perform when shopping around for a used car before a cur coiuos on to our lot of course trained people make sure that its a rood buy for the owner to whom well pas it on but while youre shopping around we want you to satisfy yourself about the car youre looking at look it over have the kids jump up and down on the seats if you want then take it out for a test drive y t2 the baby in dealing with a jealousy sit uation father can help effective ly he can do little companion able things such as taking jun ior along when he checks the furnace or waters the lawn let ting big brother help with baby can do much to reassure him and make him feel important and mother should try to give the older child some time of his very own during the day in any normal household there will be some quarrelling between the children as long as each can stand up for himself it is better for the parent to stay out of the fray young children are not en dowed with any special or in stinctive love for brothers and sisters but this grows as they enjoy a happy secure family this is extracted from a pub lication on child training pro duced by information services division department of nation al health and welfare ottawa i by authority of the minister the hon paul martin copies o this pamphlet may be ob tained at your local york coun ty health unit office the highest automobile road in the united states winds up to the 14260foot summit of mount evans in colorado where scientists study cosmic rays in a university of denver laboratory far better known and more tra veled is the second loftiest high way which climbs to the top of pikes peak at 11110 feet ready lot the firs load the gates open ini this gvc just sits there sturdy and solid 144tcns of lmesione is a heavy iad tut this w9s0q as built to uve it meet george rusanov one of many independent truck open ators helping to build new docks for canadas st lawrence seaway the slip lie holds in his hand represents more than just another load delivered it tells how his gmc w9900 carries this lliton load for 25 miles over the roughest toughest of roads and does it six seven eight times a day but it doesnt tell how that load pounded down into his truck from the hopper above gave it a real workout george doesnt worry about that he has confidence in his truck its a gmc built to take the toughest kind of punishment and deliver the goods when and where you want them you can have this easy kind of confidence too with a customcreated gmc built for the job you have to do see your gmc dealer nowl the choice of any wise trucker tin load delivered gecrjes gmc wkoo is a stand out performer helpnj to pas hi ijock out into tha late in e ry ay gvc trucks outdo era all a general motors value pa r main ninth sts stouffville i ont phone 372