'^W^^W^-'^iP'S^^^r^- --:?-!5^;i? â- I ly.; «,«"' w »M«»ict 4^' â- â- ^y Teacfj,â„¢/^^, â- ' rs' ^^ ^l-*'ertoo oa- m stati [years of a.fe/'^^-«« Mt. Fore- with «8lj ^^yat on tij ISngb Watt died m u^ 25th nit. Her U ?*^ 'lie Monitor 'tS Y Jears ago °'^^P«P«| ic was more seriously J l^as anticipated and J ast two weeks in the dn ^« Sound to get repaired!^ Waits of St. AodreVJ -om Kuux church, " Ota's Wheat Crop. â- )Lis, Sept. 30.â€" W. territori.il statistician imates the wheat busheis. agaiuEt produced m the terntor' crop ai 53,000,1 Boniis By-Laws Otatlai. Out., Sept, 2g.-ThebyJ oted on here to-day foJ of granting $2O,000to! anufactories ia this ton 1 were carried bv lareJ Gilchrist, Green ' Co.] n furniture factory werJ 0.000 T. Dell 4 CoJ d Kincaid Bros., cha )00. The factories baTJ jring a large number oi imen' into the town anif ble buildings. y are Froffresalnjr. irio Gazette of Satnrdayl proclamation raisin;? tli )rest, in the connty nd the village of Deseron-I •untj of Hastings, to thi •wcs also annexing tha I the town of f^irkdalej lations will go into effec( 1. 1889. le Epitaph Fl^Bd. ' the Boston Herald, grubbing and discorei ns sod our baby lies, er cries nor hollers st 27 days, us $40. f ollcndng ies here at rest, 3ad on Abraham's breast j 16 for Alary Ann, tongh for Abraham. iing them we cease to tej rphal that arcribed to Mia 16 outer shell of rin J herself a chernbim. y the way, is not a fthe unbelief of car hoprateaboutRhrani»D oversoul, et al. TsUeztaMr aad CtanVs Vbr- A SELECT SfbCK OF fALI. OOODS now OPKMEIX. eoQj ^Qiatiouj '^-teof.axesi.i2,,j hbert, of the pen presented i^u filled a pail "HEW TO THJU LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY. yCsTH Y1:A11.-Ko. 422. MARKDAIZE, THURSDAT, OCT. 11, 1888. C. W. RUTLEDGE, Proprietor. riON SALE OF â€" le Properties- lere will be sold on tadd.yofOctoi.«.»»l He afternoon, at M«sh'»Ho« OF*iiABKIAtB' valuable propertie*- that certfli"^^ fl ntaining » »«^JiioB o! n the l«li Coaeeatu^ that cert^ Ig;^ i» t- «d Township- ^^ interest »™^l^ einadekoo^*" .1 iT*^*;' U M MY OLD SOCKS, STOP AND READ Local and Other Hems. NoncEB in thtKe cohmvKintendfdtohenefit •ny individual or Societ,/ tcill he nharged ten cent* a live f9r tke first iiuertion and five eentt a Hire eucfi avhitqvent iruertton. -THE- GREAT BARGAINS â€" THAT ABE AT THE- BELFAST:-: HOUSE -xs- (crockery) (CL/iSSWABE) Jnst o))pned cot 2 crates of Glassware latest tit sit-'ues and patterns, largest ?tock to choose from between ')rang9- ville aud Owen Sound, which will be hoW at n, very small ad\?rce on cost, in order to make room U r our XMAS GOODS. China Setts. Iiiiiier* J^etts* Toilet Setrs, We mean 'S'hat we say and will sell as we advertise, calland see for yourselves. GROCERIES, We take the lead. We have tho best 25 cent tea ic town. FLOUB and FtED on hand, same price as mill. Our Liquor store is well stocked wiUi the best brands of Brandies, JJum, Gin, 5 and 10 year old whisky, Bottled Ale $1,25 per dozen. JOBBERS IN CIGAEa R. H. BENSON Co. ^OTICE.-~Clirrfitprndence, enmtlmnica- tion»,. Adrertiiementf. dtc,. mwnf he in this office \iy noon on Tuetday to innire publication thatHeeh. On Saturday next, 13th, Wm. Brown, Esq., will sell by pablic auction at Markdale, s unmber of horses and yoang cattle. Sale at 2:80. Terms 18 months credit. Geo. Nohle, Auctioneer. On Thursday the 18th Oct., at one o'clock Mr. A. T. Bigger will sell by public auction on his premiees, lot No. 6, con. 12, Glenel^, hia stock, imple- ments c. Terms, twelve months on approved paper. Geo. Noble anctioneer Mb. Jas. H. Buthebfobd is now bnsir ness manager and editor of 1^: Owea Sound Times and will this weeic chanf^ the form of the paper and issue i a "new dress." We welcome our young friend to the fraternity and wish him un*bomided success. On Tuesday the 16th mst., at one o'clock, Thos. Fletcher will sell by public auction on his premises lot 127, con. 1, Artemesia, (Orange Valley,) his stock, implements c., c. Termp twelve months on approved paper. Goo. Noble, Auctioneer. On Friday the 13th Oct., James Smith and B. J. Bo^d, executors for the late Wm. Rowe, will sell by public auction on lots 74 and 75,- con. 3, Wert T. S. Road, Holland, the farm stock, implements, hay, straw c., of the deceased. Terms 10 months credit. Geo. Noble, Auctioneer. Dr. May, Toronto, Superintendent Art Schools and Mechanics' Institutes, visited Markdale Mechanics' Institute on Monday last. The Dr. is an exceed- by the Toronto Industriai. for cr'eam- ti»g'y interesting and affable gentle- man, and is well pleased with the manner in which he found our Insti- Blue Pile Game Burds for sale by Walter W, Heming. Miss. Tillt White left hist week to fill a situation in Toronto. The hardest branch ot learning grows on the birch tree. It is better for a young man to be fast asleep than fast awake. The sale of the Reid Block was withdrawn on Saturday last. Fabmebs â€" Look out for Stephen's new advertisement next week. Chopping and gristing done every working day at W. J. Rowe's mills. Meaford had six inches of snow on the 3rd October. Markdale had nearly one inch. We will send the Standard to any address from now until the end of 1«89 for %l cash. Single copies of the Standard can be had for five cents each, or fifty cents per dozen extra copies. Three, out of thefour prizes, given ery butter, came to Grey county. The Weekly Globe for 1839 %l with balance of this year free. Subscribe at this office and save your postage. Mb. John GiGSAB was last tute. .;â- /;.'â- â- ; New jewelleby stobe. â€" Mr. S. Breadner, late of Mitchell, Ont., has week opened a watch and jewellery store made the recipient ot a handsome easy (in the premises occupied by G. S. Bowes as canveyancing office. Mr. Breadner comes highly recommended as a superior practical watchmaker chair by a few of his Markdale friends. Rev. Mb. Mills, M. A., of Sunder- GREAT I -fob the- ONTH SEPTEMBER OF- "VVatclies, Clocks^ Jewellery, Kpectaeles, zSil-yerTrare, 25 X^er Cent â- ui order to clear out some of our immense stock to make room Unt onr large fall stock. Do not ajifl» this «Jiance, but come at once, it wUI pay ypu to buy from ns, and alwayi ti^ yoar watcb, clock and jeweliwy r^ pairs to RUSSELL'S fleshertoxii land, will (D. V.) occupy the pulpit of the Presbytenan church on the 14 th inst. We heard a young man of our own enquire of the furniture man last week something about a small chair with a hole in it I Rev. W. H. Moss, of Dundalk, will preach Sabbath School sermons in the Methodist church next tjunday morn- ing and evening. If you want to buy beef by the quarter go to the Markdale meat market â€" 4 cents per Vb for front and 5 for hinds. F. Sarjeant. There was a heavy docket last Fri- day at the Markdale Division Court, some eighteen cases coming before the Jndge. Judge Lane presided. Mr. Thomas S. Wright threshed for Mr. Williamson, on lot No. 5, con. 12, Gleneig, 150 bushels of wheat in 40 minutes. Beat this if you can. WABKiNG.-^The person who took the steam gauge off my engine had better return it or they will be pro- secuted as they are well known. J. T. QUIMN. The Family Herald and Weekly Star is without an equal as a weekly paper, and will be sent to end of next year for ♦1. Leave your subscriptiou at the Standard Office. All those having grain to chop will find it to their advantage to go to W. J. Rowe's mill. He can chop faster, better and cheaper than any other mill in this locality, W. J. Rowe, of Barr Head Mills, had one of his legs severely injured one day last week by a log rolling on it while helping one of his men to load logs in bis mill yard. The Canadian Horticultnrist for OOr tober )8 to hand and Biuiams ite liif{b yepntation as a joovMi of esueUonae in theFrnit, Flowef aad Foreiitlip«. II per year. AddzeM Gxinsbjr. 0«|, Bmobt fob S.S. Ho. «, HWU-AHO,â€" 4iiiol»s8. Cwry SiRKi. «M out of 040. 8rdcl«8».«r„X3erl^Afl«*, 140 oat of 200. 9tdi^ia»,ft.^U»rfUA9j 156 ont of 200. Sad elass, LuiT BrowB. 188 oat of »*). Snd p«t Sf^ H«i7 8iiiitht74«iit«f 12S. litpvt and unquestioned moral character and is already doing a thrivmg business. The cattle fair- on Saturday last was well attended both by sellers and buyers. A large number of cattle changed hands at fair prices. Mr. Thos. Jennings, of the Revere Hotel, has prepared a large yard for cattle which he furnishes free of charge '"for cattle fair purposes. That is a credit- able act for our enterprising citizen. The I. 0. G. T. Lodge. No. 128, intend holding a social on the evening of the 19th inst. at the residence of Mr. Henry Hamilton who has kindly given the use of his house on that ocoasion. All are cordially invited to attend. Good programme, good games and amusements. Admission, adults 15 cents, children 10 cents. By order of committee. Jeffrey Artley. Do TOXT LIKB sxoEiBa â€" Farm and Fireside is full of the best stories written and is published once a week, 4 large newspaper pages. We will send Farm AND Fireside to the end of 1889,^and the Weekly Mail to the end of 1889 and our own paper all for Two| dollarp. The regular subscription price ia 12.75 a year. This is a great ofFer. A Blaze. â€" About half past seven Tuesday evening fire burst out in the City Hotel stables. In a few minnies the whole building was enveloped in flames and in half an hoar was reduced to ashes. It was with well directed efforts that W. J McFarlaud's resi- dence was saved as the wood -shed ad- joining extended close by the stable. The stallion, "Hoest Tom," was rescaed fros^ the bofoiug stable with- out injn^, Caase of fire unknown. We have been unaUe to. learn whether there is any insaranco. Bbjovbna^tor cnree all disorders of the blood. Sold by^ Smith, the barber. Fob fanning mills, straw cutters, gram crashers. two-faRow-gvug plows,, and all other kmds (^ unpfements, go to Jackson, I tde yon.- J. G. AmsRSOK's deatingsale is stdU. going Oft everytiiing most be cleared out.. Sbbctacles. â€" A lai^e and sdect stock soited for aS Mnds of inqtared vision and at prices to suit all» from 25 cents: to IS. Call at Manli^'a drug, store and make your selection. "Strike: while ftamnti^boL**^ B.B Clements wantayon. to eall early and leave ymu: measoze for a. good fitting suit of clothes. He ia tmribly mded now and will be "mslier" later os'in the season. Take Bejnvenator Bitters to keep you from catching cold. Sold by Smith, the barber- To the Pttblic. â€" Having leased the railroad boardmg hoasor formerly occu- pied by Mrs. Caswell, I am.^ now pre- pared to take a limited number of board- ers. Hot meals ai all hours. Cigars and soft drinks, also stabling for horses. H. Hamilton. There is a good chance for some active and trusty men to secure paying work at once by engaging with Jas. E. Whitney, nurseryman, Bochester N. Y., to sell his warranted nursery stock. He furnishes outfit free and the work is steady. Experience not required. 409-22 Most people like to have their name in print â€" now, we will print your name on colored paper and place it at the head of the front page of the Standard 52 consecutive weeks for the small sum of one dollar and give the paper a whole year in. Who wouldn't have their name in pant. For the New England Nurseries, established over 30 years. The old reliable nursery. Men with push, energy, good habits, and clean character are what we want. Every chance for success. We cafi give you good pay and steady work. Write for terms, to Chase Brothers' Coupany, Nurser3rmen, Colborne, Ont. 409-22 Salesmen Wanted! Mmm Wanted, f^PsJl 1*-- .c ycc j •â- ^p^ -A ' i r'fj'j-* Fob a 1 Cigan, go to Smith, tbe. â- . barber he ke^B tiie b«Bfc. BbickHoimb toz^it on Cteorge street. Apply to (it. S. Bowes. Oet.8,'88. Bottbb, egars, viti and sodn tRjcw in ezctuuige for |||(M|iiat J. G. Aiid«pon*i Jjimfiiu^ to bwrawMa, 119.^ F" vate^lnilito IdHi, «pB^to W. J.JI^ Fad«^ If i^tddte. vV ' 41MS to handle our thoro- ughly reliable nursery stock. We en- gage men on hberal commission,, or on salary and expenses, and guarantee per- manent employment and success I Fa- cilities unequalled prices very reason- able j outfit free deicided advantages to beginners I Write at once. Ellwanoeb Barry, Kochester, N» Y. 409-22 NeÂ¥ Harness SIiop.L wish here- by announce to the public generally that I have opened again in the harness bus- iness, â€" having recently been burned out â€" and would respectfully solicit a share of patronage. Call and see me in my new premises, opposite Haskett Bros. Good stock, superior workmanship and fair deaUng will be my aim. Call when in town and get acquainted. J. J. Mc- EniNON. Slsfeilot Doinirs. The Advance acknowledges the need of a lockup for that village right you are Mr. Thurston. A safe place to keep crooks is not only a cure, bat a prevention from cranky custom- ers becoming crooked. The editor of the Shelbume Free Press says he has been twice astoniah.- ed lately it is sorely a matter of astonicbment to see an editor so easily astonished. " Orangeville Presbytery will meet at Otsngeville on the 18th Nov., at 10:80. Five members of the Coleridge fiunily, Bgremont townehip we echool teadisrs. B«v. B. Ih Haftbn of Dorham, is boomii^ wit^ matnnuHiial market by iMtaiing on **Love, Cboitsbip and Mamage." ' OrenceviBeii^ j^brea from hatg- I still appeal to the public for Gontimied support on the follow- ing line -valiie given for every received. A large assortment to make choice from, in Crold a^xid Silver TVATCHEES iillVOS, etc. Prices as close as will enable me to live, and fulfill an honest desire to meet all obligations. "Warrants written or oral faithfully stood by. WORK CAREFULLY SATISFACTORILY DONE. Best ma,terial used in watch repairs. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO LETTER ORDERS. ItLEGRAPH AND DAILY PAPERS. ^W. A. BBOTATN, JEWELLER, POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A mjuvel tor purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary Idnds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul- titude of low East, short .wei^t ainm or phosphate powders sold only iikcans. Botai. Bakino Powder Co.. 106 W^ St.. N. T. STRAYED. Prom the village o% Markdale, on Fridav. 28th September* large cow. colour light red, and 'tnmed up. horns. Any person re- turning her, cr giving information of Ler whereabouts will be suitably rewarded. JOHN LYONS, owner. Markdale.Oet. 3 '8H. TO RENT. A good brick dwelling with one acre of land well fenced, well watered and a large and choice orchard of both large and small fnut, poMession given any time. Apply tu C. BETNOLDS, M«tiV,inlt( FARM FORSAi^. Lota 109 and 110, in the Srd Conoevion of the Townahip of ArtanMoa for wU. Terme to salt povduMer. Apply to H. D.JBWIM, •'i--: A*.' 3i?Sfe^ i^--- -â- ^t -V.-:^;f'\Aiig.»Ut,188t .ii\ "â- ;/ -tail' K^ J A^i»' -â- *•* *•'%. 'm-h :j^.. ^^,â- ;:^^.^ 4k\^ :r*r i.-^t ^friTjB, .^ 5^^, • 'â- • â- ,â- â- â- '^/^'v-**" -w-friSJ-Jet:; a.-;r -S^'^- » i m ti • â- I â- "t I 1 I,: I *t hi s i