Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Aug 1888, p. 8

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 ^â- -^y ':.-= --.'•v.^ T .-â- .â- â€¢â- %-- *6i J. r. tULSTEii M. 1^ naWCUM, 80BSB0H, Ac^ .J?S •4: Holland Oej^tre- Wfll be at Baathtiv ev«7 Taeadty and Fridaj aftemooo fcaai one to four o'doek. S90-1y. rr. Sproiile, â€" -PBTSIOIAM ARD SUBOBON^ 3\c A. R k: I A 1^ E. Ofieeâ€" Manlvy's Drag Store. (^ A. McBRIDE, M. O., L. R. a p. S. EDINBURGH, (Miice at Stephen'9 Drug Store, I«teof the Iionden HMpltal, llngland. I*. f cOullonfirli* BARBISTBR, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" 0Â¥ER KeFARLMHDS STORE. MARKDALiE. iMoney to LiOa.ii. BAEBISTEES, SOLICITORS, o. Officesâ€" Owen Sound, in Viaker's Block, Poulett St. Bianch office in Markdle, over McFwrland's Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Masson, Q. C. S. Massoh. W. Masboh. N. B.â€" Private and Companv'B fnnds to invest from 6 to 8 oer cent DIVESICN COURT CLERK. Issner of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissicnerj in B. B. Ac. C onveyancing in all its branehes promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se- curitv. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBERLEY, Issue.' of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few rarms for sale. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. ^DENTIST, GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of each month and also at Mnnshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ton, the day following the third Wednesdajr in each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. MONEY TO^ \m. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 " Pomona, P. O. FARM FOR SALE. LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold oneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. MARKDALE SSEi MARKDALE. • ONT. J. £ Marsh, P/»' W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TBCT. Markdale. R. J. SPROULE, FLESHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leaaea and Wills drawnup andValuations madeon ibortest notice Charges very low. Apply to Mone Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. T^7"lll Stod-d-sixt THE TAILOR, is prepared to make your olotbee neat and trim. The latest FaAion Plates always on band to chore from. Kemember. over McFarlanda Store, Markdale 6 PKR CENT. Honey loaned on Farm at Town Prc^ierty west rates of intereftL^^jfarto CcmwyaiiMr ft Po^tgiâ€"tor. Flâ€" bertoa. iAilEli gillilil Aa I am Bov iat_% Cattinfr. fHi»vin|g i n my line, Xlirtt • riwm rf I UM* a â- harpeniiig. yis^i*"'|MO «»piicait« the Szavoabd oiMe. to do Ha •adaUwotk WMl -: f om. B. MeNdly. pneiiMl tmaHtOtaen Wag- gone. DoBoerata, Boggte. BMldw. Cvttan and eretything m the Jiae« The best ma* terial used and firsc-daaa' worimaaahip. Satisfaetioa gnaianteed. Rtpairing, PihfiiK and TrilMMC promptly attended to. A eaO nspeetfoUy solicited. 1^ Stand opposite the Markdale Itonse. ReH'ltALLY. mmsML m\ W. M. BUSH, The Horse's Friend Is fully prepared to attend the wants ot all who favor him with their custom, in Mc- Nally's establishment, opposite the Markdale House, Markdale. Parties having horses with contracted or otherwise bad feel will do well to give me a trial. This elasa of work a ij^acialty. SIGHT T. BUOfDNESS. CELEBMTED English Spectacles 79 BAY STREET. TORONTO CAMMDM. ^AND 18 JEWIh STREET. LOUDON E. C. ENGLAND R. L^m giiteplieii's, CHEMI8TDRUG6I8T. Markdale Has the Agency for the sale of the above in No Spectacles in the M arket them in the BTB PBE8ERVINO QUALIT! lual 8 and COH- s Age MARKDALE m in they possess, or the GREAT EASE FOBT they confer on the wearer. Their ose will in actuality so strengttien Eyes that it does not become neoeasary to oh them for many years. They are therefore CHEAPEST. the POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel for purity, Btarength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul- titude of low East, short weight alum or phosphate powders sold only in cans. Boyai, BAxnia PowDBR Co., 106 Wall St., N. Y. ff ANMiAM p AClFlO R. B. TIME TABLE. â€" IVIarkdale Station â€" GOINQ SOUTB. OOUIO NOKTH. 6.55 a. m. 11.56 p 4.35 p. 8.56 p. TO SCHOOL^TRUSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of Schiool l:"'ixi*iiitciT'e« Ccmsistingof SCiJOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tue latest design and most approved pattern. Bighly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. 181 ANDREW McGILL. EXCELSIOR WAREROOMS IT IS » WELL KNOWN FACT THAT McGOLL'S LARDINr I have now on liand a fall Aud varie I stock of all kiuds anJ grades of luRNiTUKB, bought for cash fromj the most reliable firms in Canada,] and I purpose doing basin ess on a strict'y cnsh basis which will pat me in a position to sell at a small advance on cost and tliereby give my custom- ers the benefit. X^all esteem it a lavortohaveyna call and look through nY ESTABLISHRIEN.' whether you require anything in ray line or not, and I feel confident that you will be delighted with and surpris- ed at the quality and cheapness of my goods. â€" Upholstered goods a specialty. Undertaking tti is the best known, and most reliable Machine Oil in the Dominion Farm- er's, Thresher's and Mill Owner'^, will find it decidedly to their advantage to insist upon getting the "Genuine Lardine" when they ask for it, owing CO BO. mnch inferior oil being sold un- der the same name by uuscrnpulous dealers. We arc the sole manufactur- ers of the **Geuaine Lardine" every barrel branded. McCOLL BRO'S, CO. Toronto. For sale in Markdale at Haskett B roe Hardware Store 885-412 it.wtM'Aagiut. Ko sound dfstnirbed the peaoe- (olinais of tlM nsaaUy stirring viin^e ot Mark- dale save now and again the Hot too distant eUagKdang of one or more cow bells upon the mild-eyed kine belonging to some of onr village ooancilmen, or the plaintive bleating of a berd of Darover Shield's iambs. The solitude seemed op- pngslye but 'twas not to be a thing eternal. A jpntle marmur ftrst came softly floating to the ear of the ever alert BpoftiUg Editor, who im- mediately dcmned his new plug hat, grasped his eane and sallying forth socm traced the soUHse of the gathering storm to several of our moat influ- ential young men, all of high standing in circles agricultural atlan informal meeting holding an animated discussion as to the speed trterits of their respective horses. How they talked t Clas- sic speech bow beautiful thou art when voiced by master minds. The argument, though vigor- ous and brilliant as it was, suddenly collapsed in a floorish of whole faandfuls of bills with the OoVemment flat stamped thereon. "Money talks," says John Henry. "Put up," Says Jas. W. and then a wager was made by J. W, Sproule that his recently purchased gray gelding, "Willie D," a valuable horse well-known in sporting circles, could out trot Mr. John Henry Carson's famous B. G. "Bodger," formerly called "old hundred," and a twin brother to the world re- nowned Old Eathen Allen, the first horse that ever trotted a mile under 2.20 which feat he suc- cessfully accomplished over 30 years ago. Stakes 950 a side best two in three half mile heats Willie D. to win each heat by a lead of 80 feet. Thursday afternoon last was the time fixed upon and the first sideroad down the gravel xa the place. At an early hour a vast throng had a sembled. Willie D. was the favorite and was backed by the multitude to a man against the ancient Bodger. James W.'s ecbrue and satin- Uke moustache was brushed even more carefully than usual his delicately pink and white com- plexion became mOre roseate and charmingly pinky he smiled a sweet exuberant smile, and the confidence of a Greek god good-naturedly shone forth from his Adonis-like features. John Henry never smiled; his big, genial baby-like face looked sad; lips pressed firmly together; cheeks deadly, pale a cold f ar-oS look in his eye, yet gleaming with determination hope seemed almost dead within his great ox-like heart; a cold clammy sweat stood out in great glistening beads upon his noble brow his curly golden locks were damp and disheveled and the pink wart upon the lobe of his left ear had turned to a sickening purple. As he mounted his sulky his lips for the first time moved gently as if in silent prayer. Mr. "Alac" Hannah, an expert, drove Willie D. Constable George Noble accurately measured off the half mile with a 11 foot rail. Starters, Wm. Lyons and Geo. Brown, well- known Woodstock sporting men. Time-keepers, Fi-ank Graham and Jeffrey Artley. Book-makers Wm. Armstrong and John Crone. Judges, Beeye McFarland, John Lyons and John B. Thibadeau. These gentlemen were selected as judges on ac- count of the fairness of judgment and superior knowledge of horses. The horses got a good send off and came down the half mile at ligbtninK- like speed. Old Rodger took the lead, hold- ing it to the finish, being the winner by over 30 feet. The scene changes and we now see John Benry's face beaming with a glow like that of a nigger in a Kentucky melon patch. While James W. with one quick, fierce and terrible glance of hatred at poor innocent old Rodger, then nressmg his left hand to his heart fell upon the soft grass and wept. After the weeper had wept his last weep the Sporting Editor proposed three cheers for old Bodger which the crowd heartily responded to, then lighted their telephone cigars and returned to Markdale all the better for the fun they had enjoyed. Time 4.05, 4.07i, 4.081. FaE BETTER THAN IT,,, «^^ fCT 820,00?** THAN TKO HDNDKB, BLESSING OF AN 1 Piirert«in|. Aim* M^.M^^i^ji^ la this Aepairtment I bavt a eom* plets fltoek of all kiada of fiineral fomishingfl aod all orders wUl have my prompt and carefal atteniian. finit eUss beane in oouneetkn. Mti^cid lastrnmeiits I aUo bandle the «flldirMe4 Bell OrgMM and the iuMW Wumt Sewing Mttdimea ^AMk mmj |mi on Exhibition at m^ Gollingwood and Georgian IN CONNECmON WITH THE Grand Trunk Railway. Str. PACIFIC. Captain P. M. OampbeU. Str. ATLANTIC, Captain B. D. Poote. Str. BAL TIC. C apUin W. Tate Robertson. Str. NOBTHEBN BELLE, Captain W. J. Basaett. (Thefine new steamem "Paaifie" and "At- Ian will nm as foUowa OBtil further notice weather permitting): Leaving OdUngwood at 1 p.m., Meiford at 8 p. m .. wen Ooond at 8 pjn. and Wiurton at 11:4S pjn. evny Toaadaj and Satuday for SllanMy. Manitowainng Little Gomat, bgawoog. Om Bqr. ApMydi ^liper. Serpent BiT«r, AlRona HOI*, ^nd Bivfar. Theaealon. Bmee Minaa, Ktton, 8t Joaenb'a Island. Qardwi Blwr and SAXTIiT STB MABOB. Tbe flatafiay ftlTamnr enfar irffl ed al Coekbirtii IUmI an* ll.*S^ •" " SOtXIlI). fhv Imm OoOiw. rnf.lBlat and UABEDAUS TIIXAOE OFFICIAUB. Reeve, W. J. McFarland Councilâ€" Wm. Brown, B. S. Rae, Wm. Lucas and S. Hill. ±t.C. Bryden, Clerk; W.L. Young, Treasurer; C Reynolds, Road Commissioner and Pound- keeper. Public School Trustees â€" Wm. Lucas, J. Lyons. W. A. Brown. W. A. Brown, Sec. COUSTT OFFICIALS. Judge, H. MoPherson, Owen Sound. Deputy-Judge, 8. J. Lane. Owen Sound. Sheriff, C. H. Moore, Owen Sound. Clerk of Peace. W. ArmiBtroDg, 0. Sound. Clerk, John Gale, Owen Sound. Treasurer, S. J. Parker, Owen Sound. County Warden. John Clark. North Keppel. B^stiar, N., R. MeKnight, Owen Sound. ' S„ Tbos. Lauder, nurham. Revising Barrister, North, Judge McPher- son. Owen Sound. Bevising Barrister. South A East, Judge Lane, Owen Bound. M. P., Nortti, Jas. Masson, Owen Sound. M. P., East.T. S. Sproule, M,D., Markdale M. P.. Sooth, Geo Landerkin. M. D., Han- over. M. P. P.. North. D. Greighton, Toronto. M. P. P., Bast, Ctmt. Borke, Chuksborg M. P. P., Sonth. /.Blyth, (MMid. BraatOH COUBT OLBBXS] No. 1. Jobn StApheaa, Owen Bvnnd. ' 8. DaTidJaekaan,Inriiain. ' 8. Thea, Plonkett. Meaford. " 4. Tboa. J. Botke, Hwithaite. ** C. J. W. Anaatroag, Fleabertma. •• JMmX«Donald.Chatairorili. •• 7. DeteMOampbelL •^ 8.inM.Bro«a.kiaUale. PrnrkM* C|mnrli fitf cttrv. PRONOCNCKDAKD^SSt^^ BECAME IDENTinZ!i"*«'C The following «,. „i- hihHbitHtrts. The fir, ""'^m th« thre« .Iciest 4; 'rr brothertoU.ee4o'rN Man.vofther.aaer8ofl P will rememlKr tlio ' â- â€¢ ^^ with plertsure nf the " Onr network m"' first attract the iM,"^, l^autiful city and amoSw?! that catch tlie eve Zlt!^4 great Union Pa.ifi?r£j?i.«M "Rntledge BroB.' Plan? sign IS a .velcome lette?. t „1 home, of honest toil, of neJl "I provementandaprcSrS speaks a name that has b«. 5J â- with thrift and enwfjy for niote two hundred years. It tells thM er seeking a home, that SaW iL to civilization. It calls to ,^Z here, too, a man may follow Lis 1 ^deSce^"' prosper under a smi^ j Rutledge Brothers are lEeciu, They are snch by choice. bviahetT by force of mechanical genita, by » of its being an honorable calkin, j they are justly proud of the d^L long associated with the Danttac of these United States. One teirl the brothers, of whom there ate i determined to locate in oar city. came from Atchinson beTe, ba formerly residents of the' state I Michigan. Thev saw Salina'sDee a business just such aa they bave I up. They had money and wittl little encouragement from the cifv| gan at once to establish the nji cent plant which has been tlie p^ the city during the past ten The plant has cost $10,000. Dnnng the year the firm Iml pended over $20,000 in labor toj terials which has circulated thtDi^ city and fed the hungry toiler, Each of the three bn are married and live with their t in the city. They are high-tonedt tian gentlemen and follow the i spiritual things, as well as toil. A determination to s a willingness to work an honest ap;d tion of business principles, make] firm and all like its members, a F ing to the city. Wp are in receipt oi a copy ci| prize list ot the Glenelg Aerirah Society fall show, to be held in dale on Sept. 27th and 28tb. It| pamphlet form end is a credit t«j Standard office.â€" Chatsworth m Mr. and Mrs. John McDonsHj and Mrs. J. W. ElhottandPere|,| Galbraith and two childrcD, Mr.J McNab and Mr. Wm. MacHe of I place. Mr. and Mrs. A.TnmerMiij others from Markdale, and MiJ Kenzie and several other Durham, left here on Tuesday to] in the Mackinaw excursion ontlieOf bria. We hope the high m rough weather will not interfere' their appetites or digestive org»in| trust they will have apleaflanttill safe return. These Mackinaw f- sions are the most popular trips going.â€" Chatsworth Sews. A couple of horsemen have H vored with the tree use of tj* H of the Markdale Standard for IW] three months, and have Mkenjâ„¢ tage of the Editor's gen thoroughly advertise "« their ho^s. It i« •;»*; merchants and others of ^tt« don-t take a simUar advan^ puff theu goods and ww^ Lrely have as much ckni editor as the horsemen h»W' worth News. FnUttogi***" ..ILaveBomewbetei;Mj^*5^ ingB." "Of a bridegroom ^„i in his eccenaicities. **. :^», bride to ^^^^^.â- , gardenadayortwo*wr^tj^,orf etbenthrewahDeff»«r;iJ,J (heir cottage, w^^jj^otfi* andexclaimed:'Pn"*^|iiri»,, polled ft •» to ««?^1,^fl Jould. He cried. -Pnf^ rfk can't.' shfi reP'»«Vj ^t «•* P„dght r jho-^'t. •! •flbrtBofthebnJ^jSfcJ line BO long Miw/ j^ «5» one«d,ft««»*!!i** .Tb«»,'«udb», tk»not,*r» Wfl IfrNTH YEAR. -FOB THE- SEPTEMB SSpectacles, S il ver'vv ar J2E rer Ce Id order to clear out sori immense stock to make roc large fall stock. Do r.ot chance, but ccme at once, i Von to buy from us, and al your watch, clock and je\ pairs to OflOIGE SUGARS. RAISINS, CUR MNNED GOODS, CONFEGTIONI HEADQUAE' China Tea Setts, Di Toilet Setts, the finest stc from in Markdale. W^e ^oodem this line cheapc •cent, than any other h coun^. n FLOUR F ' every description sam the mill. ^m CLEAR BACON ^Cboiee SUGAR CU ^Jftrt received a ton ^*toeki, Owen tJound, -Om laqnor Store is V^ bast brands of Lie BENSON

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