Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Mar 1888, p. 5

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 ^L AbVEl jjgjriCJPAIi- lone ijicfc *Paee Jint to the power nt â€" I registered' morg^ *»• •^ |ht to tl^e TenS^LSS^^^J fe clay of sale. ?h" ^*S* A*^ the acts to amend the Mmd- ' iv.fore the Ontario LegiaUinise |«^ f. town, township, ana nieet- vear, or k property, viz • An .^*«lo»SSl r lyinj. and being iTaL^^ T^ Isia, !n the county offt^ «« |i acies, more or less^TiSTf'tteai oKh and SoiUh tlV» lUh concession of tiit^lotNT will also be sold at fi-.« je followinf- very val^l?«n« tfaj IniS baifan acre. ""^^P of o It No. 9 in the siitv. «_ i |il.ofKeppelJonuSi^»JS«^oj le easterly 10 acres of Int v Inth concession of the 1^ » I acres bavin"' a frontaâ„¢^. P^£ ItpthoffiltfchalnrLT" fcriit of the lot. °^ 'ess \m le lots will bo offered sepwatelv J 1 on easy ternas, viz on^^tiy H t one-tentb more in 3qX^"*/^ I ten cqnal consecutiv^ annuaMr.,*9 ttel^.s at the rate of 7 pe? cen[3 po half-yearly o!i all unS^^ Forfurther«cul'Kp,r3 M^- KENT, t^alt' Cember 15th af each y *^- happeii te be a Sunday %e Saturrlaj- previous, and ^i.iteh- thereafter, pubhsh -latenient of receipts and ex- "'efcrtbc po^-tion of the year "Ta the day of .such meeting to- °^th a statemeut of the assets. '.Latement shall be signed by f ororReeveautl by the Treasurer, â- â- I be pubhshed forthwitli in. one tue^vspaper. of the municipality ""ana in «"ch other newspapers ^- â- ' luniiicipalitv as the MarldafE FACTORY TO TTieFaniiere FOR SOf/ITCMES ON HORSES f CURE For Scratches on Horses Instead of pubhah- etuei axdinthe -c;i ma v'iircct \aki statement, the Councjl may same to be posted up, not J, pgc. 20tli, in the office of the !.jd of the Treasurer, as well as f t",e post offices in the Municipality taot less than twelve other con- Lsv!-ce.sthLi-eiu." kjvjty begins at home,' LwaDt of exercise. but often solution of Partnj ship. the uudevsiiiiiea do hereby ml that the partueT.â- ^hiD lieretoforei I'Htwoun ns theuudeisignedaslnj m-le manufacturers has this dajl vo.l hy mutusl consent. Au ta tht; said i)art'ership are to V I lliam Lr.oas at Maik.hiV.,andaI!t, •st Ihf srtiil }.artner.-hip are to ha to the "aid W.lliata Lucas by arue will be settled, ted at Markdale this sixteenth i-;rv, A. I). 1888. es;s Wii. L. '}^°^- ' I WlLLUal Bangcrc^s Cctmtexfeits. Having erected nn^ fitted up m every detail a Saeb, Door and PlamTac- tory, containing all the latest and most approved uiachinery, everythini; being new, I atn now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollow Battons, FRAMES, UTH, FENCE PICKETS, e.. And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to none'ki Canada, and baying engaged superior mechanics m every department, would now re.opectlully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders PromptlSr. PI NF LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct fium Nortl^ Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 303 THOs- ic:ivje:^. GLENELG, ARTEMESIA, • HOLLAND EUPHRASIA, Study your own inter- est toy tonying your SEEDS FOR SCRATCHES OH HORSES olce Farm forSA I â€" â-  â€" â-  lated in the ToT.-nship of Artemesi»,l of 80 acres, 7-5 cleared and fit to rum on, ballauce f,-ood bardwood'bush lay loom. On the property is siti_ aw mill run by water power composJ livii;t spriiifj.^ rising on the premisia (lid sito-fcr a cheese factory ior gnsii is a gi'and ^rain-growing farmandl ivatiircd is especially adapted for c inouious barn?, sheds and stables, u house oil the iireniises. Also throe 'ocd bcarinf? orchard of choicest gr ri. Couveiiiently situated to ichoolj ch and within five miles of:Markda;af Id very cheap. For terms and In ars apply to l§ ilDWAKD DAXIS. Harkdala NOTICE TO mEDlTORS,\ the viatUr of Arthur Diiwnore, Sroticc. is lierebv given that Arthnr Dii ;u viliaa;eor MaVkdule, in the County o! I kj-ell.raiKi Stationer, has made «n M :t to lae rK.\Ncib BrBNE, for the bend iiT/'lirors. un.lor 'is Victoria Chapter 20 1 ur.d a'lunriu'.ents. meeting of t e creditors will be held I c of ".lessrs. DewauT LaWson, Solid 1 Kins,' Street East, In theCity of ToronI â- ^di V 'the Gth day of JXaroh, ISSS, atftej oVdock p.m., for the appointment of IB" iiid L'iviiii' directions with reference 5 osftlofthe estate. Crtditora awreqij ir n=ii pi-^of of theh- claims by affioaw •hfrs audfuilpartic" ison or befon date to the undersigned or ^^t, i!." !rwisot^ov will not be entitled sia assets of the estate. ,ti„,,_ ited at Toro.ito tbis iStli day of Febri FRANCIS EYIUNB, WKj.;? Street E.,101 XMiT LAWSON, 4 Kins St. East, la Solicitors for the f"'â„¢ ~AUCtsbN^ALE» i-tion Sale of valuable Farm in the I r.i:i mortgi^-e from ^ii- «°""^,"^*'SfpiJ „-.sed) to the Vendors wuichwl 1 wpj t t„e time of sale and on dcfauJt WJST .-.yiiient of tbe i^^oaey nerebj awtw*^ be offereu ^^ «•â- =!?„ "y^^/iS^tdSe^ ^•ij Hotel ill the village oIMaiKOBi ,| •c, Auctionour on .„ «. li IES5AY, rHABCH 20lh,W ae o'clock p. m. the following propenj ,t Xo. 22, in the 8th concession of ^«l !lliip of Glenelg contximng IM -,ss exopt one and o"^*;^^^' H ho towi.ship for a road de^^tM» rs a;;, said to be cle^jed^ On m" »- n «iid to be a los bo"se «^d Daro. ^t •rius 10 per cent at taiie of ^^^^^tM terias liberal and w.Hj'e ^c^-s f of sale. For J«Ji?",V*rk^'»' iessrs. \Vui. Lucas If Co., MarKOW Mors, Barwick r.nd Franks. Yeiidors SoUcitors. .uto. February ^Sth^l^8^____l_ E^-DEES will 1* "'^^^"'Imh H ,ed up to 12 o'clock '^f; „ie^n( rcb. for the erection and com :k viuecre School TIon«e. to ^, may Le seen '-^'^^"I'^^u ary un and alteir the 7th Ja^ L.Ellis, gee./ Architect. ______-â€" â€" |T|^B» oiaiesan totfirfeits arc always dangerous, t ;o that they always closely imitate ,. vT IV \PPE.A.RANCE AND NAME. roaarkable succes.s achieved by LiDalui as a positive cure for Cat- ^,^1 cold ill the Head has induced pled parties to imitate it. Tbe tic arc cautloucd not to be deceiyed treiiK, imitating Nasal Balm in fce ami appearance, bearing such ,e-a^4 Nasal Cream, Nasal Balm etc. r Nasal Balm and do not take im- tioa dealers may urge upon you. For L by all druggists or sent post-paid Lccipt of price (50c and $1) by ad- La:; Fulford Co.. Brockville, Ont. 3GREATE ..A-i: THE Torozito fraiiip. tramp, tramp, the nio.nths are ilarching, M ;ip comrades, Spring will come, abeneatli the budding trees Isiiall catch the bugs and bees, :.t:.tum.ti.tum.ti.tum.ti.tum.ti.tuin. To-day ^we toegin our annual clearing sale of Pall and "Winter goods to make room for s^=:E5i3^a- i3is/iE:F'025ar-.^a:i03srs. Special bargains in OVERCOATS and Gents GLOTHING. Everything at rock toottom price for cash. Popular Drug Store SEEDS that are PURE, FRESH' and RELIABLE. GARDEN SEEDS. Note â€" As every package of seed I sell is put up by myself, I can offer fresh- I er seed and more in a package, than those put up by outside men, as I do not have to pay a profit for putting np CHOICE GRADES OF: CLOVER, ALSIKE, COMMON RED AND LARGE LATE Timothy S$ced Timothy Seed GOOD. STEPHENS G0U6H KIHB^ Tbe beat compound of Tar and Hcmey to the World for relieviag coughs, it acts as ffict instant healer to the bronchial tubes, and I will have a beneficient effect on bronchitis A once. Don't foiget tbe name, STKPHEN'8 I COUGH KINO. No other remedy like it, tif 125 and SO cents a bottle. It will reUett hooping cough when other medicines con^r pletply fail. To be obtained at. the populav. Drug Store, R.L. STEPHEN, MARKDALE. ISLAND HOME STOCK FARII PerrheroB BonMt' FicachCoMhHor Savage Faruum. Impor ten and Breedeis ef rtt^ cheron and Fnnch Coach Honet.Itland Home Stock Fann.Grosw Isle,Wayna County Mich. We offer »r Tory large stud of bones tt select from, we g uirant A- ourctockt make prices it» sonabia and sell on eas*. terms. Visitors always««» come. Larga ntalngp« free. Address Savage A Fan« DBTBOITItir- liie people cf Grey should ba proud the raucatioL;y.l adyautages they 6es5. The Northern Business CoUeee mil, of which Mr. C. A. Flem- is wiusipal. is not surpassed iu the ioa as a school of practical train- forbasiuess pnrsuits for young men. Fleming is possessed of a schoiary d, a matured and i)erceptive judge- li, rnre energy and indomitable per- [veta'xico is au accomplished penman throws bisAvlioIe soul into the work ilhas coDseiiiicntly been rewarded by ipatalled sncccfcs. This is the only ies3 college in Canada and the Ed iu America, occupying its own liiiiit;. which is a massive three story i structuio lif ty feet square. Scores "te late f:tudeats are now occupying itiofls of ti'ust and emolument in all te of the United States and Canada, wecauuot too stronglv advocate wsaoui of a com-se in this college '3:our;_; nitu who anticipate a busi- life 01' even an aRricultural calling [|gjg@|]|pli|i lW |B|o|o|T|sMilii|DD3s|Klo|E|s j kept in stock and made to order at Shoe Shop nnder the management of MR. KLA.Y so well and favorably known. Call early and secure bargains, BROWN. Just Akbivkd. â€" 1 gross Thomas Electric Oil, gross, Ridges Patent Infant Food. 3 cases Cutecura Shav- ing Soap. J gross Bolots Hhaving Soap. A fine line cf Japan teas. nxm'JL' Yours Respectfully, R. L STEPHEN. w MARKDALE CARRIAGE WORKS. :â- *» xcnsioR WAREROOMS! TV^ill Stoddart, late (tf, England and Jersy City, U. S. beei^ to inform tbe citizens of Mabkda^ and sarroupding community, that Bfe has opened a TAILORING SHCW over Mr. \V. J. McFarlaud's Store, where he is prepared to do all worfe entrusted to him in the Latest uud^ Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect aJC work before leaving the Shop, cus- tomers may rely on having work turned out first-class in every pjjp- ticular trusting that I may receive (k fair share ot the public patronage I remain. Faithfully vour's. WILL STODDAR'Tf. Markdale. Mai-ch 14th, 1887. SIGHT y. BLIJO^^N^ESa EBSTEB Is'wious styles of Binding, with and without Patent Index. B. McNALLY: â€" Would hereby announce to the people of Markdale and the publis generally that I have moved into mynew carnage shop opposite tbe Markdfile House, where I will manufacture every artic'e in tbe wagon and carriage line, and having long experience in the busineeS and ny using first class material, I can guarantee satisfaction to every one WHO will favor ma with their order. -/'â- â- '--- -â- ' ;^ " 'â- "â- â-  'S .:â-  I hp^ng, Hainting and Trimming promptly attended to. A call respectfully solicited, A Positive Cure. t A Painless Cute. I ""ilea many other valuable feature*, it contain* A Dictionary «(118,000 Words, 3000 EngniYings, A Gazetteer of the World locating and describing 25,000 Places, Biographical Dictionary cf nearly 10,000 Noted Persons, ,^ All in One Book. ii?°'\^0"'J9 and nearly 2000 more lUustr*- *w than any other American Dictionary. 'Vj ?;" ^^" Gov't Printing Office, and with hfcW.. f^fema Court. It is recommended 'TBisC- "P" °^ Schools in 36 SUtes, and '""iiMdiag tollsge Presidents of the Unltwl States and Canada. Wi; have now on band a fnll and varied stock of all kinds and grades of FuEKiTUBE, bought for cash from the most reliable firms in Canada, and wo purpose doing business on a strictly cash basis which will put us 111 a position to sell at a small advance on cost and thereby give our custom- ers the benefit. We shall esteem it a .avor tohave5'on eall and look through OUR ESTABLI*$E5]nE]!«T/ whether yau raquire anj thing in our line or noc, and we feel confideut that you will be delighted with and surpris- ed at the quality and cheapness of our goods. â€" Upholstered gooda a specialty. UW^DERTAKIWG rACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. BEG to inform tue^'i^^i nna vicinity, that I »" tfe 1^ miduds of Dress *M«i^^ residence on MiU SStrwt^ ion guaranteed. .j- el^-^ r attention .9e»P^„g»C J^ !or system of co"P"_,ieo» «â- * T^ .Stem of catting^ ^^ *» *1 B cost by appiyip* !l. «»n»a lerate cost by »PP^^"§,5-^ agent for the Co. rfOW^jy*-^ je only oneJiow m ^^, W dress and m»ntlc !»»«•«â-  ^^^^gJ jouvinced. -ICl MBS; fit*: says: It ia the best Die- JJ^of^lMguage. Globe says: Its place Is in the I kjtty highest rank. Week says: 'It is theone fiiu4 ^â„¢my safely to be relied on- S ^^H eraldsays: its nseisbeoom: HW^^^Jwersal in Canada. ^aEtecatieBalMteftlf s4«: K" I^W»^ ^°^^ ** ** without k l^^iiiN ^^mt-rrn- ItiarMSOgniaed tsays: «thiS'"u S*?*"' "xlstiiig -i»»rd*ook" J^^t Ufr languaie a ll Ofer the worid. Marvel of HeaRng. and Kohinoor of Medicines, „_ ExpMare and Overworfc. -STOTJOiTa-, ^^^^±^„-^Za^maria m No. 8 a radical cure for nervono -WI19 we broken ^°'5S_**'^r|aofc woLtaes^, Involuntary vit^ »°«?f «• *if • „, „„„h». debility, OTgaoio w TjsED â€" Want of energy, vertigo, want of parpoje. Symptoms fob which Ko. 8 bno^" bb ^^- of^nfldence, avoidance of .conversation, aimness of sight, aversion to 8?='®^^! ^IjiS^ to fix tiio atteijtion on a particular subject. Soforsolitude, isUeymew and luo^iiuy to nx |^ excitability of temper, sjper- "°r^^h^'.."'or^lo»thL^"miS:i^fl^ of Beif^abnse,or«a«*lexc«£;:«np^ jatorriMEa, or/""" „„„„.-tinn. barren) LXCSitentoesiWam^^^^ *««««?it'^,^«*i"iStT\n USriblnr'o the effects of «lf-abBS^ the great in.,«i^ of 3 insaie asylnms umte Jn If von are iacOBapetent for the ardnona ••' No. 8 offers an escape from \7ill give yoa fnll yigw eyd v.atJi result of Ignorance «ra"j;'""-rr.^j^^ ol Man. 8«i]ea «nf. sisenre ncm oDjwr»»....«. Tppmwemoure, i|l h IH«««» C" In this department we have a com- plete stock of all kintis of funeral furnishings and all t»rders will have our prompt and careful attention. A first class hearse in connfiction. Musical Instrument We also handle iht ccdebrattd l^ell I Organs and the famous Wanzer Sewing Machines which may bo sseu on Exhibition at our warerooms, i prices and grades toauifc all pnrchasera. j Picture j^raming. I W^e ehail keep m stock an assorted line of frames, and vonr estepmed orders will be attended to witii neat- ness and despatch at rock bottom prices. With many tbanki* tor tbe present patronage whicli we Intro re eeived and hoping by fair prices nnd iqaare dealing to merit an increase of; tibe ^ame. We are, your's reppeetfnllv, SPIIOULE Qi»i |NARKDAI..e. CELEBRATED English Spectaclea 79 BAY SJREcT, TORONTO CAMADA. AND 18JEWIL STREET. LONDON E. C. ENGLAND :x: K. X^- Steplien's, CHEMIST DRUGGIST. ^^^i^ Has the Agency for the sale of tbe above-fit MABKDAIjE. NobpectaclesiutheMarketeqn them in the EYE I'KESEKVING QUALITlI they possess, or the GitEAT EASE and. COl FOET they confer on tha wearer. Their nse will in actuality so strengthen ^b (?yes that it does not become necessary to chonS^ tliem for many years. They are therefore tlB CHEAPEST. Carley'B Heating Oil will relieve scratcBEs on borses in two or three appiicatioud. Sr price refunded. Follow tiie directions da bottle by thoronghly ^lean.sin», then appK tl"e"Oil. If animal reqniries atjy medicine ft put it into condition use tbe Derby iilod^ Pnrifyer, TIME TABLE. â€" IVJarliclale M^tutionâ€" GoiKO 8oUT!I. Gois.'j NdKtn. 6 ill a. ni. liCGp â- 4 '5 p. m y .Oo p. \\K 6 PEE GENT. Money loaucd on Farm or Town Property it wast rates ol latsrust. Avi'ly to K. J. .SVJ-.OULE, Conveyancer .si: i^iitiuuBter. Fleshertoii. Mautbly Fairti. OtRnKeviUoâ€"Tha 8004a 1 Tharslav in Rfto^ uiiiitb. I!lu:luJk â€" Tn«pd«v befo;« Oranpeville. Flesbertou â€" Monday befose OraupfviJle. Markdaleâ€" Saturday liofore Oriingevi31o. Durham â€" Third TnesJay ia e.-ch n.ontli. Chatswortli â€" MtHiibiy bitforc Uiirbam. HolUnd Ceotrv â€" Stttnrday brftireCbatBvortl^ ^ifleville â€" Momiajr b^font Dnrhnst. " ' m ii Sif, 4^^ 1 .5.1. ?Jlt !^ â-  :r- ' M • â- - -it -4 •!.*.;-1ilir-,! 4V lit' !i iii â- sr^. -i ?:;, 1 5 â- .^'z\ .- (â-  â-  â- â-  v.. i ^-., â-  "'\Jk^-^ j:s-»i

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