:-^:ms^* 'â- "***» V 8-llt, s^It. a CUB «* of floor PQr»^lk,toH (aam the Moon, to the u'tively Proves Why-Hiui €l«M» I}' PropoHeH to Women. doctor has lately beea making Rations as to the size of men's hearts. Heirund that there e in fitvor of the man, the mas- weighing'more and being larc^r ssessed by the fairer half of it would appear, lowa moat -at and second yea^ of life, and second and seventh year it hw doubled. In the fiftieth year, alf century of birthdays have le heart grows a little. Summer r. At oO, however, the growth the onl change from now t» ife being a slight diminution. the male and female hearts are but after minhood, the maa- levelopa much more than the he former ends with being two larger than the latter. If| w 3, the centre of the affectiont irt, the reason for man always ivoman and becoming the affec- winner, the thoughtful hus- he loving houseband, as the ;he word really is, Imight be 'egion of hia heart. ^Unique Dowry, r Robert Cirden's "»terMtui Timts began, says the WorUt ore he was bom. His father, married Jemima Walter, le lirat and sister of the second proprietor of the Times, i-*^ lately changed its style ana been aforetime known as tne al Rghter. At the wedding Ir. Garden and MiM Walter, he bride rose and I^oudly »- I a marriage gift, with a ooi- isements in the young and â„¢^ The particular column w- as it is sometimes adled now, )lumn," and it is said "at »• â- , who was proaent, but^ ,aity. Whatever the .oolMM* IS worth at that time, itsw" must have vastly incre«e» don, and little blaster I^ world proprietor ol an »- aine. ion m 's Maofloletim. s Eugenie has "P^^f^-^ogh. musoleum at F*n»*^2"Sd is constructed or «»^^ 5, in the French ^«;^^- surmounted H^^V'I^tiail* conspicuous obj«oij^^j| altar, a Wg^y o"*^ JSg i« snmLrble. and thefl»g»j^ te Corsican indole. i altar in the cryp« 'Ji^ '» » deposited, above waw icifix. Love of the Ttii£ â- â- Mdent shows how universal I, -cent lO" g interest which the Eng- V"^^IIe in national sports, and ea- J^f' horse racing. r 13 °, 1 .arhani made a speech before ^^' aU- called the " Gimcrack f ^° yX he niade charges, directed I" ns whom he did not name, of ..scniepnc' 1 i !_•_ .^iih ^ncstly in the racing of one of his Biest 'tiw.es J-ies which are'^„P^ hod earlier t^anTh^^i J of a man who wL *^ of lenng sticks on tj^j^^ to » the moon to stav tk^**»1i nan story also S.. ,!.*'• Bticka on the sthLjt"" » it up in the moon f^ ' *^ lieved that he b'iS«'««»»id }.« burden of stick/^'"" K- IS told inSwaKi puniahment waa fn ?°'y " ^d, rather than for br^^ pyth relates that +i. healing cabbages on Jhri^* J neighbours cauZ u^"*?a« (mgoff^ithti^^^lfthi^jun l-himupintheZn 'k?*^ Ivilh his stolen cabbages. ' Ihis.beingad^t^P,-*:^' a 18 accounted for bv^.,- entice the sheep wilh*ffl â- north the people telk »lw^ Jives in the moon, Sjwfr' ause the ebb and flot^fV Ithe giant stoops, the waw k he stands erect, tne w^£ Id the sun is a female divinity r ^^^ ,\f°'li«. During thS f ter. bfae flew up m the air Ithe sun; he could not fl4 I became the moon but he His sister, hoping some day to sis tired and hung.y, in hU le leaves hia house, on a aledm our doga, and hunts for seveiil I return, he eats so much that â- 3 into a full moon." ins have several accounts to ihenomena of the moon. One was looking for a land where death. He u)ok up his abode but after Le had lived a hun. nore or less, death found him e there after him. A fariooi een the moon and death took e it was going on, the man was the sky, and now shines "at e moon." ;y of these stories is by no lated, but enough have been he reader may judge of their n them all the man in the y bad fellow or a coward. instances he is identified with ical scoundrel. The French ' that he is Judas Iscariot, who ed there for his treason. Others clined to think that he is Cain, :ndle of thorns on his shoulders nt of offering to God the cheap- hia field. Dante refers to this ic second canto of his " Para- he speaks of " the gloomy apota iy" (the moou's), 'wnich below i rise to talk ol Cain." }AEDI.SrG H£AET3. practically, was that this per- '^f'm2' "one of his own horses in »-" '" other horses in the same race, i v r nn other noraca 1" "^- »cu*^ A»uv, [»""" e'E3 to prevent his own horse 'â- """ ,* A. well-known sporting bar "^Ttrtr^ Chetwynd, guessed, cor '" frer*ard8 appeared, that he was ;mp' at, and very foolishly be- l'..ii P'""'rrover3y with Lord Durham, in ' ' â- J not shown himself to great ad- â- »S*- „.i in^ere3t taken in horse racing '•'^^f \y,ehct that Lord Durham's " "^g excitedly discussed throughout ?*?Tad thut the print ipal pipers de- ;• a number of long leairng arti- "Jbev would to a great parliamentary " a serious crisis in European k^ "f '" r f the weighty matters thus discussed " ether the investigation as to the "^Lird Durham's accusations should '1 bv a court of law, ot by the "'i of the famous "Jockey Club." • key "U" ' composed of noblemen I :,ntlemen of rank and wealth, andcon- l'*! the great national rases, wh^ch take tat various seasons, at Epson-, Don- \. Chester, Newmarket, and other rac- 'SnJe» the jockeys who ride the i lays down the rules under which the ieffon, investigates alleged acts of .jjestv and corruption on the part of .rs and jockeys, and sees to it that the ire run under proper conditions. Al- " as a result of the controversy refer- T the licenses of two jockeys have been jj'jffay, and theae two men cannot ride in any race in England until their is8 are restored. -je chief officers of the Jockey Club-are [lA its "stewards." They constitute â- jj executive committee, and a sort of r:o try offences against its rules, and sdonable acta on the turf of its mem- „. stewards are three in number, and iways men of high social rank, as well aferieuce in racing, and general good ncter aud judgment. Of the present riids, Lord Hastings is a peer, Mr. Lowther is a relative of the Earl of Kiiie and a member of Lord Beacons- ministry, and Mr. Fitzwilliam is the .. Ear! Fitzwilliam. national, indeed, is this custom, that "Honsesof Parliament always adjourn Derby Day. In recent years, the evil lence of the turf has induced some mem- to try to stop this adjournment of Par- ;eK for such a purpose. But they have lysbeen out- voted by a large majority, £ iich statesmen as Gladstone and Bright iiigto the custom. me-racing even under the best condi- itttd strictest regulations does a great .cf harm, especially to young men. It arise to numerous temptations to cheat, EJi are too readily yielded to it fosters uea gambling, which is not frowned on by reputable people it tends to throw 'i men into coarse and corrupting com- kships, and causes the ruin of many c light otherwise be useful members of q, The Country flome ::; the old country home, now so flip- ;.v named " the new heathenism," who culate its influence or its power for Distirct it is from thecity home, yet sory is//io written in living characters from every hillside home in fair ^0. In e ery city home, many pic- K are lovingly drawn of the early home. sy have been a wood- colored old farm- «i with the well near the door over E tne well sweep stands guard, and Micii' the bucket descends to bring the 11 nectar so grateful to the thirsty fam- sr it may have been the large square, =«!ionse with the green blinds, surround- â- 7 the old and Ejraceful elms wherein the â- 'raildij her neat and from whose pen- l^nranches he swings and sings his wel- l^ootes; or it may have been the one story j^a.por and bare in all 'its appoint- '^M\ in children, who are in sufficieint ^t to supply all deficiency in the other ^^gs of ics roomsâ€" bright and happy 'â- I? ** kingsâ€" its belongings are no „°f fe happiness to the mind. And yet, "iiaagoneout from these homes an in- ;»?e the power of. which is beyond all *«ion, and it is never lost, hardly i^toed by the on-rolling years, till in ^et of old age, the mind goes back "fsJief and delight to those early prim- •t.Tii'^*" ^^^^^ blessed coanections, •*etully realize all that is sweet, rest- ^sacred m home love. The sterling ir.H. f, ^°"°g thoughts, the pure ;^'^o»a, all that man loves on earth or ;..',.' 'heaven, rise with reflectivevision "M home, for they were bom there. TItilizins: Sewage. fi'n'^n'""" "'»-^^ says:â€" The French rot Ueputies has passed a bill which r-^e J p"""' the utilization of c .e â- *"^»ccLw ^°' fertilizing purpo... 8. id bri!^ L"""' o" of this plan »« ^1 1 • sewerage system of the "i ceS ""*•* state little short of cet ^i^^ now stands first in the « »crL nf lu^S *e^»8«- Twelve thon- »ttu ""^*"^*ile Plai»»8 about the •='•-« re«!!^-®"'°^ed through condicts =« ^Z"^- ""^s »°d powerful pumps. »iU K!'*°'"y outcome of the experi- "'Siption •"®?'"** *o be seen, but the " ° tr-tk" " '^^ f»^our. The River k a In /?^ ^^^ ^«™an capital as T'^W ta i!^° **'^â„¢. °or ib it pollut- •yndT^o "" °^ ^^^ Hudson near ' othtr "^*' '^^*^«' says, that if he r'ellth/^^'y °* reckoning time he k"" he ipi? f *^« week by the kinds k *^ clerk, r? *°s® °* I'M customera -Xl "^^ °*"^°r "two fori ^^liat tz.^^ w^*" Friday comes ^„ 'oraula u "Give me a good The India Rubber Tnmt BY A. W. BKtLAW. It had on it, " Please don't monkey With this India rubber tmnk. It has loaded guns and pbtola. And it won't stand any monk It holds glassware, bombs and children. And you want to t juch it light, Nitro glycerine, gun cotton. And a lot of dynamite " Fierce the baggage-master grabbed it, ror It roused his savage ire. And he smashed it, crusned it, dashed it In a manner that was dire And he bounced it, and he trounced it, And he caved, and raved and swore. And he bumped it, and he " stomped" it. And he whooped, and howled, and tore. He iU-used it, and he bruised it, And he tossed it, and he crushed. And he pitehed six trunks upon it. But this one would not be " mushed." And he pounded, and he bumped it. And he heaved it, and he dumped it. For it rendered him insane. Then upon the top pile bumped it As he shrieked with might and main But this trunk slid down upon him, And it bounced him, and it trounced him, And it chugged him, and it mugged him. And it stamped him, and it tramped him. And ill-used him, and confuted him, -And it kicked him, and it licked him And when they had stopped its jumping. And its thumping, and its bumping, The last words they heard from Chunkey, As they bore him to his bunk, Were, " My friends, don't ever monkey With an India rubber trank." The Leap Tear Cue. Leap year is here. To maidens dear Who're waited on by bashful beaux That smile and sigh And oft come nigh To popping, but who ne'er propose. Proceed with skill, And thus you will ProposUs from your lovers draw They'll take the cue Say, " How would you Like mother for a mother-in-law " His fiecommendation. Jones â€" Hello Bill I hear you have a position with my friends. Skinner Co. Bill â€" Oh, yes I have a position as col- lector there. Jones â€" That'sjfirst rate. Who recommend- ed you Bill â€" Oh, nobody, I toid them that I once collected a bill from you, and they instantly gave me/the place. The Tour Was a Success. Lecturer's Wife â€" " Well, John, back from your lecture trip at last. Did you carry your audiences with you " Lecturer â€" " No but I could have done so. They were small enough." Pushing Trade. " You must push matters a little, James," said the druggist to the new boy. " By calling a customer's attention to this article and that article, you can often effect sales." " Yes, sir," responded the new boy and then he hastened to wait upon an elderly female who wanted a stamp. "Any thin' else, mum?" inquired the am- bitious boy politely " hair dye, cosmetic, lace powder, rheumatic drops, belladonna, mole destroyer â€" " The elderly female licked the stamp vi- ciously, and left the door open as she went out. A Matter of Life and Death. Nellie â€" " Ma, is the baby very Little sick " Motherâ€"" Not very, Nellie." " He isn't likely to die, is be " " Oh, no you wouldn't like poor little brother to die, would you " " Well, n-no, Ma, (with just a tinge of hesitation) I wouldn't like him to die, of course, but, still. Ma, when Willie WafSes' little brother died he didn't have to go to school for a whole week." Tryina; to Make a Meal. Rich Host (to poor relation)â€"" The duck seems to be pretty much all gone, James. How would you like some of the dressing " Poor Relationâ€" " That will do nicely, sir and if there is any left you might give me a small piece of the quack." Value of a Good Name. Brown " A good name is better than riches." „, Robinsonâ€"" Yea, that's what Skigpum said just before he lit out for Canada. " It i.=i rather singular that a defaulter should say that a good name is better than riches." " Not at alL He made the remark when he affixed the name of a millionaire to a heavy check." SkiUftOly Evaded. She (single, of course): Even the birds seem to be happier runnins' in couples. He (a bachelor, suddenly remembering it is leap year): Yes, Mus, but they are geese, and know no better. Had Gone Down. J He was ringing the elevator in one o* the big basinesrblocks when a boy came down stairs and said j ,!• " What are you trying to do T "Brinu the elevator down." " Youare too late. The ropea broke and it fell five minutes ago." «lh-yee. I see I Then if s no use and I will stop ringing." A Long Street There is a story told of a north ^^^ rJrnnn who. making a purchase m Watling :?h\fe"iry"a^rrS:^Y^cl'€l wnere, uy »*" TT.-â„¢ in this street, but I s"e;dhyonmay. I ff^»^^j?;JtJ "•^'^^J'^SSwXXler, " ^er. y^/^J!^" fauve oltteWatling- Dnrhun. PEAELS or TBUTH. "na well for old age that it is always ac- companied with a facility of bang d«0Mv«d for, should we see how we are nsed, and would no|t acquiesce, what would become of us â€" [Montaigne. How often we sigh for opportunities of usefulness, whilst we neglect the openings of Providence in little things which woold frequently lead to the aeoomplishment of most important usefulness. There are so many sorts of .lefects in old age, and it is so liable to contempt that the best purchase a man can make is the kind- ness and affection of hu own family com- mand and fear are no longer his weapons. â€" [Montaigne. We have not inaptly been likened to a harp of many strings, with God the keynote. When every string has been bronirht into perfect attune, then, and only then, will the grand harmonies of the Master ind per- fect expression. The late Dr. Dulles, of Philadelphia, in speaking of his sufferings to t. friend a few weeks before his death, said " I have learned of a new way to spell disappoint- ments â€" beginning with an h insteM of a d â€" Hia appointments." It is the glorious prerogative of the empire of knowledge that what it gains it never loses. On the contrary it increases by the multiple of its, own power all its ends be- come means all its attainments help to new powers.â€" [Daniel Webster. Too Gnrious. Little Precocity â€" " Uncle, what paint do v you use Unjle- " For what, dear " To paint your nose. Is it the same kind ma uses on her cheeks V Little Precocity is hurriedly sent to bed. He Had to Quit Business. "What are you doing now " asked a travelling man of a friend who was not noted for his industry. " Same old employment." " Doing nothing?" " That's it. I had a situation, but luck was against me and I could not hold it." " What were you doing 'â- " I was engaged as an auctioneer, but it was all up with me when the boys found out my name was Gallagher." " Why so " "Because whenever I'd come to the ' go- ing, going' part of the business the boys would all turn in and make life such a bur- den to me that I couldn't run the price of an article up to half its value." A Madman at Large He is a well-known citizen, and his near- est and dearest friends do not suspect his in- sanity. How do we happen to know about it Listen his appetite is gone, he is low- spirited, he don't sleep well, he has night- sweats, he is annoyed by a hacking cough. These symptoms are the forerunners of con- sumption and death, and yet he neglects them. Is it any wonder that we call him a madman? If you are his friend tell him to get a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery without delay. It will cure him if he takes it in time. It will not miracul- ously create new lungs when the old ones are nearly gone, but it will restore diseased ones to a healthy condition. Tell him about it, and warn him that in his case delay means death. Apple green will be the spring color, but only girls with fresh pink and white com- plexions can wear it. Wonderfol Popularity. The fact that the sale of Dr. Pierce's Ple\sant Purgative Pellets exceeds that of any other pill in the market, be it great or small, is on account ot the fact that they are tiny, little sugar-coated granules, and that in most cases one little " Pel- let " is sufficient for a dose that they are purely vegetable and perfect- ly harmless and for constipation, bilious- ness, sick headache, and all diseases arising from derangement of the liver, stomach or bowels, they are absolutely a specific. A gentle lavative or active carthartic, accord- ing to size of dose. The ribbons that trim the first production of Easter bonnets are wider than those of the passing season. Use the great specific for "cold in head " and catarrhâ€" Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. The animal nature was given to serve the body, not control it, and it, therefore, is to be held to its true sphere of service under the dominion of the spiritual. People who are subject to bad breath, fool coated eonene, or any disorder ot the Stomach, can at once oe relieved by using Dr. Oaraon's Stomach Bitten, the old and tried lemedv. Ask vcmr DraecM. Actors seldom go to church,, but the min- isters really ought not complain. They sel- dom go to the theatre. OoiaALisB Hau BurawsB restores ney and faded hair to ite nataral color and prevents talUngr oat A late book is entitled " Half Hours with Insects." What a lovely half hoar one can have with a wasp Consumption Snrely Cored. To iHB EtiTOE â€" Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named dig- ease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have' been permanently cured. I shall ba g:lad to send two bottles of my remedy fmb to any of your readers who have consumption if they will senl me their Express and P. O. address. Respectfully, Dr. T. a. SLOcnM, 37 Tongfe St, Toronto, Ont. " Dou't you suppose." said a member of the police force, " that a policeman knows a rogue when he sees him?" "No doubt,' was the reply " but the trouble is that he does not often seize a rogue when he knows him." Whenever your StoniMdi of Bowels ge* out of or der, oansUw BUlonsnei^ Dyspepria, or bidJgMMcni and theU aiteDdant evlle, tike a* onoe • dose ol Di Oaraon's Stomach Blttext. Beit (Hntty madioUM An DrogicMi. GO omts. The spleeny man would not be happy in the world's best palace, or amidst the un- rivaled beauties of the Yosemite. On the other hand, life in a humble cottage or a stroll along the rurri wayside, would insure the enjoyment of him whose own temper was sweet and his mind pure. The opium habit, depeomania, the morphine haUt, nervous prostration caused by the use tebbaoo, wakefuhie«, mental depreMion,80fteningr of th^teabi, So:rpr«Shire old^a«. loss of vitali^ "tSSLS: OÂ¥er«ortlon(rfthe brain, and loMofnaturriitrenKfli from uiY eausi whatavwr. Men-yoniy. old or sdd- dle-aseoâ€" who are broken down from any ol the above oanses. or any oause motmeiUtimed aio9$,mai inMm, in book iom, clD*mmm$9fMm^tM^ â- niit ntalirl and wciue from obsarvmtiOB. AadiMSM. T. IrawTiT WsUiiKloB iteirt BMt, loroDtOb Ort Roses, Dahlias, And an other Flowering Plants in great variety. ntntoaMCataloinw imoa ippUeitiaB. â- Florfste, Webster Bros. HamUtoH. ACEKTfS! AGENTS! nilD APCUTC UaKnificent ParaUel Bibles, UUn AUlRIO WlthroWs Popular "History of Canada." Oough'e "Platfoim Edioes," Dorohester'i " Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jones' ' LiTing Worda," "The Cottage Physician," MMkWr UnilCV aooKhi " Sunlight and lllA^t llHIntT Shadow." "Mother, Home and Heaven," etc Popu- lar Books Liberal Terms I Write for circniars, terms, etc, to William Baiaes, PuUiaher, Toronto. The "Vamdy" Patent Bat^older wiU 'last a life-time, and ooeti obIt 7S ets. Sold by agf nti. Some territory sttll open. Sam' plea (free by exDret8)^n receipt of price. Ad- IressC. W. ALLEN CO.. 67 Tonge St., Toronto. Cook's Gem BAKING POWDER Why do you use thoee Expensive American and Canadian BaUng Powders when you can get as good and whdesome at one half the price J Prove it by buy- ing the Cook's Gem. Hannfaotured by ELLIS ft EEieHLEY. Toronto. DATCUTC PK*CrKBBlBpaiiMla,theU.S.aBA r ft I en I O all foreign ooqanea. Bngineen, Pa tent Attorneys, and expert! IMPatent Ca n iei. Iitikb. Ushed 1867. Bonald C. Kl«eat A C«., TWuU*. jEUABLE OATALOegE FIEE Cor inustnted and DescriptiTC Cataloene and CultiTStors' Guide TBKKt it contains all the latest novelties and standard Taiieties of GARDEN. FIELD, and FLOWER Seeds. Bulbs, Etc Every Market Gardener, Florist, Farmer and Atoatenr should consult it before purchasing. Our stock is fresh, pure and reliable, I^ces r e asonabl e J. A. SIMMERS SEED MERCNANTS AND IMPORTERS 147 King St. East, Toronto DYEING ANDJLEANING. R. PARKER 00. Works and Head Ofllees 759 TO 763 YONGE ST. {SOB Tonge Street, ' 393 Queen SV Wert, VTOBOMTO. 826 Queen St. East, J OityOfflcee 100 Co borne Street. 4 John Street North .Brantford, Ont. .Hamilton. Onl ROBEKT EVANS A CO, Seed aterehants and GROWERS, Hamilton. CATA- LOGUE now ready. If yon want choice seeds send for it. "Uncle Sam" ^^kMont Si Will Give TOO ALL A FARM. 480 ACRES FREE, Along a thoiuand miles of new rail- way. Haps, Bookp, showing coun- try's resources and advastages. Letters from settlers who are thriving beyond their expec- tations. .Send p-stal card with your address to J. H. Hacklns, 4 Palmer House Block, Torooto. or C. H. WARREN, Gen'l Pass. Aeeat, St. Paul, Minn. CONBOY'S CARRIAGE TOPS CANADA PERHANENT LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY. INCORPORATED A.D. 1865. BabscHbed Capital, • • 93,SM,«M Patdiip Capital, ... S,SM,M* Heserre rnnd, • • 1,18«,M* Total Assets, • • t,MI,«Ut Office tâ€" Coy's Bldgs, Toronto St., Toront*. STRAIGHT LOANS, OR CREDIT FONCIER PLAN. The Company hna a large amount of money to tead on Real Estate se urities at the lowest current rate of interest repayable either in one sum or by instalment! as may be desire oy the borrower. Applications may oemade direct to the undersigned by letter or otherwise, or to the local representaaTM of the Companv throughout Ontario. As the Com- pany always has funds on hand no delay need be ex- pected. Expenses reduced to minimum. Mortgageg and Municipal Debenturet PvreJuuei, J. HERBERT MASON Managing Director. STANDARD CHOPP ING MIL LS. USESBESTFRENCHE MILLSTONES nNESTCMNDERINTHE WORLD no RENEWING PLATES AS IN mONMIlLS Have all the latest improvements and are uneq' ailed for durabilitv, style and convenience. The leadiog Carriacre Builders sell toem. ASK FOR THEM and BUY NO OTHER. STEAM TRAP CO/S SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAK i^The Celebrated Han- cock Inspirator. il^Gresham's Automatir Re-starting Injector. /I^MorriBon'sAutomatilt Sight Feed Lubricator. /(^Engineers' b Plumb- ers' Su|plie8 of every description. Send for circulars. JAMES BfORBISON, 75 77 Adelaide SW., TORONTO RUBBER STAMPS, '1^^ cils, and Burning Brands, c. Send for Catalogue. BARBER BROS. Co., 22.^ King St. K. (in rear) Toronto. NEW SECOND-HAND ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE I ^R^^-: MWPE:Tf=llEv;i BRA N T- FO R pvCAN Pt'Di^.M WTl E.W. C?-Bramtford. MNADA.â€" J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 King S^ East TORONTO. EwniMvi ir# ar» ekadrtn who eheerfitlfymn tn thtehorua YHun Br«adniaker's Yeast «* the $iibjrct befc Mamma tried all the rest. So ikt knows it's the best, \ltgUft, *Cami0 lur bread is the mhitest, her tuns are tie Amd tee eat alt tkefaueakes ske dare eet before me. JHIY THE BREAOMAKER'S YEAST. PRICE 6 CENTSL THE OreateMlM*. covery of flu 'present age for Rmo TIIie THB Bowu. 'ahd Ovrino all Bmob, ILiVTR and ErairarOeii â- PLAum. A Perteol lood Purifier. A few Hamilton who hare ibeen benefited by it Mrs. H. Keenaa, il92 Robert St, cnnd [Of Erysipelas of two ears'standing; RoM. bmell, 24 South SL, .ughter cured of Ep- :eptio Fits after mx ears' suffering Jen- ' BirreU, 65 Wabral 'St., cured ot Weak. nssB and Lung Trouble John Wood, 95 Cathcart St., cured of Liver Complaint and Biliousneas, used only S fifty-cent bottles Mrs. J. Beal, 6 Augusta St., troubled for years with Nervous Proetraticn, two mall hottles gave her «rreat relief. Sold at eOc k 91. ' F. F. DALLET ft CO.. Proprietors. yfbea I say Cuitxidonot mean merely •• Btop them for a time, and then have them i« tiun again. I ukak A BADIGAL CDfil. I lutTe made tbe disease of X7TS, EPHiEPSrsror FAIXINO SIGKIIESS» AlUeloDRstody. I wabbaitt my remedy t» Cubs the worst cases. Because others tuuro ttiledisno reason for not DowreceivlnKaemnk Send at once for a treatise and aFRKEBoma of my lNFAi,uBiB BsMBDT. GiTe Express and Fost Office. It costs yon nothing zor a trial, and it will core yoa. Address Dr. H. Qto BOOT. 87 Yonge St., Toronto, Qnti Capital and Funds now over $3,000,000. ^^^ HEAD OFFICE, 15 TORONTO STREET, TORONTO, Ont A Home Company, Established October, 1871. To this date, October 3l8t, 1887, there has been returned To the heirs of PoUcy-holders (death claims). **1?'!3S 2 To the hoMers of matured Endowment PoUdes XS « S To Policy-holders on surrender of Policies â- â- â- . •â- \ .iS'fi? To PoUoy-hoMers for Cash Profita (inclnding those allocated and bemg paid) "I'SIJ Z Toholdersot AonuityBonds 16»67 8t Loaned to Policy-holders on the Security of their Pobcies ^,zo4 iw 1,306,174 43 Policies in Force over 10,000. Amount over $15,000,000. PRESIDENTâ€" Hon. Sib W. P. Howland, C.B., K.C.M G. VICBPRESIDENTSâ€" William Elliott. Esq Edwabd Hoopkb, Esq. J. K. MACDONALD, Managine Director. i^PoUoies Noiilorf«ttMe after 2 yeoM and Indefeasibla after 3 years. iiaiS'*,;-;!.- t 'â- .1! a-, '.t -t ' â- i| ^.â- 4 • .«:â- â- â- â- â- '.}?â- â- â- Si- %ti5r |t.';f ,4-! ,;