Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Feb 1888, p. 4

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 m^^Miftq^iai^ II I iniJei â-  â-  • y "'r-IWJ, ' ' "W ' i i il i trl t 'â- 'â- ; if. f^- f'Ss- -â- ,jri^y,-rV-" • O. W. Butledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, FEB. 2 1888. BAILWAY EXTENSION. Since the Grand Trouk has com- pleted arrangements for the manage- ment of the Northern and Hamilton Northwestern Kailways, it is now doubtless but a matter of time until the Durham branch of the Grand Trunk will be extended via Markdale to Meaford, thus making complete connections from south as well as east to the Georgin Bay, tapping by water the stupendous highway just opened at the "Soo" by two competing lines and connecting the two countries by the great international bridge. It is but a short time since this ex- ten tion was agitated and the scheme laid before Manager Hiciisou, .and as the Grand Trunk was at this time quietly "laying ou its oars" waiting until the depression which then ex- isted in the railway world would pass over, the Manager deferred the pro- ject promising to give it his attention as soon as the company again com- menced extending their lines. Now that time has arrived and we cannot but see every prospect of an early re- alization of our hopes, and thus secure connection with both of our great eystems of railway. MONEY INSTITUTIONS. The investigation which has been in progress for some we^ks in reference to the Central Bank has re- vealed a most rotten state of affairs in the management of the concern. Depositors will loose heavily, and stock holders will be called on to pay the full amount of their responsibility, viz double the amount of their stock. THE FEDEBJlI.. Owing to serious losses during years past the Federal has ceased to do business. The difficulties under which this bank has been laboring was increased by the failure of the Central, and after a careful investigation by the board of management, they came to the conclusion to wind up the business of the institution. The ftffairs of this bank has been conducted fairly and honorably abfar as can be judged, and the bills will all be taken at par and it is thought there will not beany loss. on the part of even the, stock holders. The Olobe says ' "The Federal Bank diops. out of business quietly. Apparently no loss will fall upon any- body. Its assets are reported on ex- cellent authority to be more than equal to the liabilities. Its business will be divided up among other banks, and of course will increase the re- sources of each to some extent. In so far, the retirement of the Federal will be a benefit to the other banks and indirectly to the community, while a great direct benefit will be reaped by everybody through the re- moval of the uncertainty that oppressed business ae long as the Federal cloud overhung it," r OUR BANK. While thete is a general feeling of uncertainty and want of confidence in the bankmg institutions of our county it IS a source of gratification that oar bcal. banking house .is- enjoying, not only financial soundness and pros- |*mty, bnthas the iconfidenoe of all trho have }uid ocoa^ou to da business with it or Jmow of its v standing. Mr. Lucas, the manager.- |S • man of rare abiUtiesasa financier, knd is sxoeed- ingly cautioas in hia uadertaking* and risks,- while hiii inte^ty, and gentlemalidjr. bearing to the pdblic ia a snbjeot^r gmeral remark. Tiien, ]^r. Yoonff^e caSi|udr,^ is a most -^ fSaiont a M l f n i thftf oflSwd irfao has the respect and eouMsneeofthetrfaelt been a peat oonremanoe to ow town and we sincerely wiA. it nnbounded saocess. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" Hon. Alexandtt Mackenrie was T6 years old last S»tiirday. â€"New York had a f 2,600,000 fire on Monday moming. -^The annexation project between Parkdale and Twronto is being re- vived. â€"The Paris Court of Appeal has decided that priests in France are entitled to marry. ^-The parcel post convention wiU commence operations on the Ist March between the United States and Can- ada. â€" A.t the Toronto Criminal Assizes on Thursday, Robert Neil, alia$ Thomp- son, the Central prison convict who fatally stabbed George Rutledge on the 13th instant, was sentenced to be hanged on February 28th. ' â€" It seems strange that long before this there had not been a large and comprehensive rearrangement of the Extradition Treaty between the United States and Great Britain. What possible interest can either country have in bemg made a harbor of refuge to the cheats and blackguards of its heighbours The American colony of thieves from, the States settled in comfort and security in Canada is quite large, and the Canadians who have skipped to Brother Jonathan's ample domains are hkewise very numerous. Why should such a state of things continue for a single day Surely an arrangement could be made by which political offenders could be perfectly safe while all ths boodlers would have to face the music in their own courts of law, and be made to live not in luxury on plunder, but in honest motley aud on native prison fare. It will be a blessed day for all parties wlien such an arrangement is finally and satisfactorily made. It cant come a day too soon. â€" A memorial signed by some of the most prominent private citizens of the United States, has been placed be- fore Congress, requesting that body to pass a joint resolution providing for a treaty of amity with Great Brit- ain. The memorial snggeste that a treaty could be negotiated providing, that in case any difficulty should arise between the two nations, an earnest attempt be made to remove the trouble by negotiations to^ result in an arbi- tration if necessary, and that in no event shall one nation go to war with i the other without first offermgto sub- ' mit to arbitration. Since 1812, the memorial states, there have been no less that sixty arbitrations, thas pro- ving that this means pf settling dis- putes is at least as practical and satis- factory a ipethod as in War. Should Congress pass a. resolution of the kind suggested it woinld be the recognition by one of the greatest legislative bodies of the race- of the informal treaty of amity that has grown up be- tween the people of Great Britain and the United States, The Peace mem- orial, signed by the representatives' of all that is truest taxA best in Greaj Britain, which was laid before the President a short time ago, proves how ready the British section of the race are for this step.-. A'treaty providing for the arbitration tf all dispiites be* tween the two nations is and mnst be the first step towards tiiat renniiHi of the Anglo-Saxon Eace, nponwhid^in great measure hope for the fatore rests. Such a treaty would in laei bring it near eMigh to make it tangibleâ€" It mIgUt i^ooet make it a work which this generation eooUl undertake. 'mMAtmt^ ft Torday wib begin oxir aimiial clearing sg':. th$ O. S. Tu ^^^Miciloftbe^unl *i!„toianumberofmen •2S. ie Clerk adjo, JJoBo^ing gentlemen ?lS«tM of election fort] 9f^^^^KHna the name Pall and "Winter goods to make 'oomibi Special barjgains in OVERCOATS and CLOTHING. Everything at rock botw for cash. tppib S^^ iBioioiTish gg kept in stock and made to order at Shoe s] under the management of ME. KAY so and favorably known. Call early and sec bargains.. W. J. MoFARLAND WM. BROW MARKDALE CARRIAGE W -IS- Offering Big Drives B. McNaLLY: â€" Would hereby announce to the of Markdale and the public generally that J have moved into myuewc shop opposire the Markdale House, where I will manufacture every in the wagon and carriage Hue, and having loug experieuce in tLe kj i^nd uy using first class material, I can guarantee Eatibf^tiou to evenl wno will favor me with their order. Repairing, Hainting and Trimming promptly attsnaed fo,] -fN- Men's and Boy's Over- coats. .;:;^;;; ;..,;â- ?;. Women's and Child- ren's Mantles, and all woollen goods. Don't buy a dollars worth xintil yon ex- amine raattaosons A call respectfully soUcited, ;:; :v ^. ,.: itt. 1M:c]V-A.1L.L Yj Propnet MarkdalB FACTOR even Sweeping Bednctions. W. J. HcFAHLAND, Direct Importer, MABKDAIiE. Having erected and fitted np in every detail a Sash, Door and tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollow FMMES, UTN, FEHCE PICKETS, tc And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner 8ec"°^Jj_J" Canada, and .haying engaged superior mechanics m every r would now respecftully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fiU Orders Prompt PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undres^^ Direct from North Shore, all sises, on hand. Plain and Fancy luniiiig» CareM Attention to Orders from a Distance. 808 THOS. McNBJ A Positive Cure. A Painless Curt- FACTS All AGES Sotie£» Birtkt, Mamagtttt tweMg five cflUf ^, Bl^litS. foenrxâ€" In If sHriaK ' »_*• Stsl tliewifaollb. aad ewtesstar, of a Bu^ MARRIAQE8. Tixumâ€" WHXCB^By «lli%Bav. U«o. .^.^ citbrreitSiBiMifc of OiiiidaM paisili, tke Istof Fsl^nsr /, Mr. Hm of Aitnaenw to 4hP A. X. ,J5J-. tMtTM MtEJrEWE»» _d)SSSy^S^«SLtaSS£ M^Srt»7 vital i^«H^«^t asSSt. mam HoTi BaSow B«XrBU.-W«D« of energy, 30°^ ^e»?*SSS !«, Awataa to toelaty. imSP oC wwMenee. •"^^f'n^gealtf^ *Jrt«n«iii-Dr. Christ l)eibyâ€" Jw- C°^**'^*"®' •BiphraBia-T-GilrayJ BRremontâ€" W. Caulfi CorSack. P. Ii«J«°°: Glenelg^C. Moffat, J. Holtond-Dr. Oldham Keppel-W.Totten, J Noimanbyâ€" V. Lang, If jjyn^h.j^ bsprey-J. Douglas Protonâ€" S.Bogers.D gt. Vincent â€" J. Bow Sydenham â€" J. The lemon, J. C. McLaren. SulUvanâ€" J. Sparrow *°Sarawakâ€" B. McNau Owen Sound â€" J. Ch: J. C3. Miller. Meafordâ€" R. Agnew Intosh. Durhamâ€" N. Mclntj Dondalkâ€" T. Hanbn Thomburyâ€" T. And The Clerk called t order, and asked them Warden, whereupon it Mr. Totten, Beeve of K by A. Mclntyre, Dep. 1 that Jno. Clark, Esq., Keppel»e Warden i year. Ko other nominatic file motion was carrii «nd Mr. Clark was de midst general clappi Mr. Totten said pleawrc in introduci .elect for 1888 and 1 Mo^tyre, declared t had done no more tl have done by Mr. Gli inond to see him in i ' ma onie of the most men he had ever me Mr. Clark, in thai aud he valued thei aoGoant of the bono of their appreciatioi ^rhile he had been Comioii. They ha daties with whic vay;W(jU acqnamte rely on the Council tion wsUi^him in th On motion of Mr I9 Mr. Whitelaw, 1 «f fiye members jW strike standing cc year, resulting in iollowing gentlen Oikay. Mofiatt, jhish4mL. The Beeves of ' 4Bia, ColUng^iood, appointed a eiamm the Treasurer's se .IbeCoanoil. The Council ad Wednesday. WSnNSBDi The Warden r* Albery and •ddng .to be l"«eedunts from B l^hoUand and Th ^- aminera also a 4oonts eomm ' CItek of Kent 9«vt of the V) ftenaK J. Par ^ter Parmers' MAitMk' froin Ont -, *yip»eting gran «toatieainCou ^B»iSB«h to pc ^i^; »On«rt House l^fiBt for «Drfl7 ' Clerl ' oo^oper 1^ IBoel Pleasant^ ,*' Utrni tiM ^^^^^^^-- i^MMtmiim ^^m i^iiiiiHiliiiiiii ^mmm il ^gumm â-  t^C.-t '^^^^^'^^^^-^ â- Mil

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