f^mnn^'i^'rT •tj I • I i I: 'J 3 ' If 1^ •' 16^ I*: •' i: â- i.- â- ;tj i it .;i M fl BROWN' Cor. Brown Toronto St's Is the place to get BARGAINS in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware ^c dtc. NEW PRINTS from 5 cents up, New DRESS STUFF lo cents and upwards in NEW DESIGNS and LATEST FASHIONS. Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Small wares c c, at greatly reduced prices. pur 25 cent T is unsurpass'd I Being determined to curtail credit trade, we offer special discounts and inducements to cash customers. The Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. A lot of seed oats (White Australian), free from all im- purities also Potatoes, large and small, of finest quality, for sale cheap. WM. BROWN. April, 1884. 190-tf ROBT. S.ME, I SAiV MILL AND TIMBER LAND FOR SALE OI3 to Jl-IBT In the Township of Arte nesia, County of Grey, 4 miles from Flesherton Station, on the Canadian Pacific Railway. The mill is situated at Little Falls, in a block of about 400 acres timber Ind, with other timber land surrounding. The building is substantially built on stone foundation. The machinery is all good and driven with great power by a 23 inch Leffell wheel, under 36 ft. head of water. There are^ or fruitful'tree falline b th 'a' one large circular saw for cutting logs, 2 small circulars for j borne by some bird afar" hap^^Sere- sawine lath and broom handles, i guage lathe for turningj after to fringe with beauty some pall»l»wr«lM- ' Osppw, at Mclntyre October 9tli. Provincial at Ottawa Septl 2^ndj to 2^th. ' ' ofl A Western Fair, Lioudon, Sept. 2and to26tli. ° •* ' ' Protdn, at- Dundalk Ootobfer 7th and 8th. Toronto Industri^il, Tdrouto, Sept. 10th to 20th. Melancthon, at Shelbnrne October 7th and 8th. Glenelp, at Markdale, on the 2nd and 8rd October. EaHt Grey, at Flesherton, the 23rd and 24th September. Daminipn Exhibition, at Montreal September 5th to 13th. South Grey, at Durham, the 30th September and Ist October. Coliingwood township, at Clarks- burg, ou the 25th and 26th September. Normanby, in Ayton on Sept. 24th. Some people suppose that the negro populatiim of the United States will gradually amalgamate with the whites by intermarriage, but m most of the states there are laws agaiusc miscegen- ation. Henry Thornton, colored, of Madison, Ind., has been sentenced to three years' imprisonment for marrying a white woman. AN EX-AIiDERMAN TKIED IT, Ex-Alderman Taylor of Toronto, tried Haftyard's Yelloiv Oil for rheumatism. It cored him after all other remedies had failed. Hatred does not cease by hatred at any time hatred ceases by love. This is an old rule. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SJLVE. ' The b«st Salve in the world forcuts,bniises sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever soreb, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by A. Turner Go. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness foJlows him, like a shadow that never leaves him. A SAD NEGLECT. Neglecting a constipated condition of the bowels is sure to bring ill-health and great suffering. Burdock Blood Bitters reg^ate the bowels in a natural manner, purifying the blood and promote a healthy action of the stomach, Uvier, kidneys and bowels. Great talent reriderp a man famous; great merit, respected great learning, esteemed but good breeding alone insures love and affection. A CUKE FOR CHOLERA MORBUS. A positive cure for this dangerous com- plaint, and for all acute or chronic forms of Bowel Complaint incident to summer and fall, is found in Dr. Fowler's Extract of WUd Strawberry to be procured from any drusr- gist. Good, kind, true, holy words dropped 111 conversation may be little thought of, but they are like seed of flower broom handles, etc., i shingle machine with jointer and packer complete. The water power is excellent, the stream being .very regular. There are several other good mill sites on the proyerty. The land in the valley is considered the best in the country. The place would make an excellent stock farm when the timber is taken off. This offers a good opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into this kind of business, as the place will be sold or let on liberal terms. The bush is so convenient to the mill logs can be trucked in summer time. Immediate possession given. A^^.y to the proprietor, WM. HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION P. O., ONT. make â€" -Good Work Guaranteed â€" AT â€" SiimersPliologTaptiGalery FLESHERTON. Oall a,t C3a-C© and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. barren mountain-side, or to glad some lonely wilderness. RESPECT AGE. Age should always command respect, in the case of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry it certainly does, for 25 years that has been the standard remedy with the people, to Cholera Morbus. Dysentery, Diar- rhoea, Cohc and a'l bowel complaints. Fire.â€" On Friday afternoon last, the '^ff"?r'"**^^^"y*^«'^ei°g of the fire bell. It was soon discovered "that the new house belooging to Mr. John MarsbaU was m flame. Had there been a suppU?^ of sayed, but as It was nothing could be done to save it The building was justoomplet^! The phttters hadput the last rtroke of wwk to the chimney, and leaving their tools in the house, had taken the Ldder they hid used to Its owner, being absent not m7r« Aan fifteen mmutes. whea the house (discovered to be in flames. Mr T-A-S. AH kinds of Framing done cheap at FLESHERTON. «£ |%#£Glib.RAL# Has no equal iiX the pf-iuaaent cure of Coachu, Colds, !»«ri' tluwat, Asi-'«wa. Craap, Who«plas CoHffh, Brsncbltla, amd nA immt Piiicawr*. ' SW Svcry batUe gi a rantrH to give tatfafiMrticn. 1 XMlLBUR^CO:. Proprieton Toignto. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE GMMLACKSMITH HORSESHOEING SPECIALTY. Also ag«nt for the cdehyatfd CHATHAM WA0ON8. was places his loss at nea^irisoo.^to^'^SoS no insurance. There are only two way^^ from the SB accounting for the. fire; a spark irom ti burning stumps near by, or the oarelewna towards ^e house at the time, and the men ^^t^eyhad not been smoking.-DunS^ A STEONG ENDOBSEMENT. .^1 ^^^\ *^? ^^^' Faculty, the press widthe people aU endorse Burd^C Bitte.s as the J?est system nmovaSfg bK purifymgtomcbjpwn. Its work befrsoS their hes^recommeod. On Sunday nifi^it hurt. MV ij-. wi„»,- ofKasythJ^atT^blfma" nTT^ purchased the animal a short «««rt from Mr. Ja.. Q^^^^, ^^^sSav tSt she was apparently «U ri^. andon Monda^ .. A IVABE'PLANT. v '"ij.lieiaipg.pe^^^, wi- coftibiued with other yalwiWe tracts, as in Dr^ Fcwlgr*8 Ex Strawbr^nyj. it ism unfailing bowel oompbuntB.. ' T^ Notice is' nrea in Gxiztte by Mr. .)Cxe6rge Gcdorieh, Opti, ihat bo .„ tlie wxt 8esBi«n'jrf luifitoi and deseitidtt. .« ;r*^fyw â- dte»ia^tiWJ^,tod/wf?r^^T â- .e-.n*^ A womM^s tongue W^«J 'm ta«|[i«w« keener wifh^^floni^bi^ Dr. Low's Worn Si^P wia«i«»»« W"' aid (iause, tuicter^than any/9lh«r ii»di«ii|er from Cincinnati containing a sensation al account ot^rfaferview with o^o John D.- Caldwell, wfab, it is said, aUeges that Captain McChutock, of the Franklin Arctio expedition, was shot.by his starving coinpamons, and bis body vised as food. •' For Nettle Bash, Itching Pfles, Eirigw)nn Eruptions, and aU *in diseases, use Prof. Low's Salphur Sc^ FiKE AT Stayneb.â€" A fire bioke out last Monday moruine, the let mat., in a hoose owned by Mrs. Crookshank and occupied by Thos. Hartnell as a general store. The fire spread to the drug store of T. W. Coleman, the furniture store of J. Mathors, the odd- fellows' hall, and the dwelling of Mr. Kelly, the whole of which were totally destroyed. Destroy the worms or they may destroy the children. Use Freeman's Worm Pow- ders, they expel all kinds of worms. BuBGLABS AT AujsTON.^-Geo. Cum- raiiig's. store was entered by burglars last Monday night, tlie Ist inst., and $80 was taken from the safe. A GBBAT DISCOVEBY That is daily |)riiiging joy to the' homes of thousands by satdng many of their dear ones from an early Burlve. Truly is Dr. King's King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, loss of voice, tickling in the throat, pain in side, and chest, any disease of the throat and ungs, a positive cure g uaranteed. Trial bot- tles free at Turner «fc Go's, drug store. Large size 81. fi The Albebta. â€" The iron steamer Alberta, of the C. P. B., which recent- ly collided with and sunk a barge steamer in Lake Supenor daring a fog, has been thoroughly repaired and has resumed her regular trips between Owen Sound and Fort Arthur. Prominent among the greatest medical di( coveries, by the many cures it has effected, McGregor's Speedy Cure leads the van. Subjected to the minutest chemical analysis, it has been foimd to contain none of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the pubUc. Every ingredient possesses a peculiar adapt- ability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded, and its efScacy is being established by testimonials hourly received. We are therefore confident that we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be found not only a relief but an absolute cure for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, In- digestioa. Constipation and Lnpure ' Blood. Free trial bottles at Hill Bro's. A. S. 4 Serious riots have occurred in the mining district of Hocking Valley, Ohio, Owing to disagreements be- tween the mind of owners and the miners, ten thousand men are idle, and are on the road to starvation. On Saturday night the miners made an attack on the guards of one of the mines, and in the collision which ensued seven men were killed and wounded. The militia have been ordered out, but it is believed that the worst is over, and that order will be soon restored. The following is from J. W. Ptolemy, of Winnipeg, formerly grain buyer fbr William Gillesby, of Hamilton and Grimsby: "I was for many years much afflicted with Gostiveness, Biliousness, and ultimately Dyspepsia. I suffered very much and tried many different medicines, which gave me only temporary relief and then I was as bad as ever again. I was recommended by a friend, who had been restored to health by it. to try McGregor's Speedy Cure. I did so, audit was not long before I felt like a new man, and I have enjoyed excellent health ever since. I first commenced taking it February 7th, 1879, Sold by Hill Bro's. A. S. 5 Nothwithstanaing (j^ wai' now raging in q^^ increase the price of Teas ?j% Having imported prior t„ a 12 ofhostihties. a «„«„: '*fto| mg oi uoauiiiies, a siiffici.«; to supply 20,000 MEM C," 18 months. In the Grocery tiade the HOUSE has KILLED BrS SAND those who assume tn !s faS business by purchasiug of ers exorbitant rates of iutereT^ creait. uur imports of PRESERVED MEATS, 8»l_ LOBSTERS, SARDINES ffl BAC0N,A880RTED PIcJt}' and every articles iu tliegi-ocerjt LIQUORS of the best brands and quality fJ for Sacramental purposes wata pure. Brandies direct from the iâ„¢ ufacturer and all oilier kindsof Im!! Coffeea, Teas and TobaccoesQ fail to give satislactiou. Qrai Lemons, c. Family Plcnr m at Lowest Pkates. THOS?J. SlclNEA BELFASTJ|OUSE,^iyiAIKB^ newocery1i IN CONNECTION -WITH Plewes' Flour and Feed 5fe« Having just received a I Choicee. Fresh and Sel STOCJIC OF Teas, Sngars, Tobacco,. Which will be sold VEEY CHllI I respectfully solicit the pubScl patronagiB. 193 J. PLEWES.I CHATSWORTH HOUS (late morrow JHOCSE,) CHATSWORTH, Ont. TUCK McLEOD Peopbieiobs. The best brand of liquors and cigiin|| â- ways in stock. Gotd meals and wmfoi rooms guarruteed. Good stabling uni tentive hostler. .U| HOUSE PAINTEI ' GEAINER. (jLAZIER AND PAPS HANGER, CALCIMINING AND WALL TLN TING. Residence opposite Planing Fad OicDKBS Solicited. EsiisLirasGn 193-H P.DUCOLONS LIVERY, IN HULL'S OLD STAND. NEVER GIVE UP. If yon are suffering with low and depressed bpmts. loss of iHjpetite, goieial debility, dis- ordered blood, weak oon^titatbn, headache, or any disease of a bilious nature, by aU means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be soiprised to see the rapid im- provement that will follow; yon will be in- spired with new life; strength and activity BREAI3, the staff of We .„ -.-.., lr*A.STR"!k' thai ^-iU P hSc?o^\5rii^^,iSS"^i*^'"' ""i^ yoQ ^e, always on hand, tosi iienceionn you wiu rejmoe m the praise of x, 3 j Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle "® demaud. by Turner Co. g g^ ^j^^^ y ^^^ g^ock is loW Step in and let us kno\* And we'll your wants supf Or you'll know the reasi why. E. ROOKE, D? FOWLER'S 1^ DCTBMafcWilB! rnmilp ill Ii CURES HOLERA INFANTUM iJ..A7 AL.SUML1ERCG:/Pi:"TS O-oocL ,H:orsss| and comfortable Rigs moderate charges. 195 ROOKE'S BAKEJI MAEKDALB, Manufacturer of all Kinds of and '^l.:e^ Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, Ptunps, All kinds of moN PV0 Stankabd office Lof poster as well attention to orde Iffith dispatch. BIHtOR AND ^BUCCESSOES TO hJ lAnRISTERS, Sol taries, Convoya 1 at lowest rates of Offices IG Xiu Mai J. MAS JAEEISTEE, MASl ' in Cliancerj-, Seta I (fee A NCJIBEB OF FA piTKXs â€" Owen Soui fitt St.; Brauch oil!' Parlaud's Store, on 'veek. SVFFLIEr. *.