Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Nov 1880, p. 1

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 •ll t ' â-  "TtSI 1 tJliangc? 1 Tiiiie. On »il4 lUter MON'I)AY, 3id KOV. trains toill ruu as f»lliw â€" GOING NORTH. Toronto. â€" t'liidii Stuticn, IVp. 7:30 a. lu. 12:20 p. m. 5:00 i w. Orhou 7.o2ajn. 12.l'.ira. 5.20, Ventnu 8.0."am. 1 'Kip.m. 5.3Cpjn. UomberSuui'tS.'jl'a m. 1.H0 p.m. 5.50 p.m. WofBlliriilgf ..H.iti a.m. 1.50 p.m. 6.05 p.m. Kleiiiknrg. 9.05 a.m. 2.18 p.m. fi.24 p.m. fioItoD 9.25a.m Mouu UlhuI.. 9.50a.m. 3.05|iu. TOSp.ra Cbarl^Kton.. 10.3." a.m. .^..'^Op.m. 7.50p.m. Alton 10.50 am. 4.05p.m. 8.(5 p.m. Arrive 11.1 a m. â- 1.!::5. p.m. 8.20 p.m. Depart.. .11 30a.m. 1.15. p.m. Otuicu\ ii'f Jiuiction 1 1 AJ a.m. i^.Oo p.m. Laurel Hot a.m. ';.20 .in. Hiiellxirue 12.3" ji m. 6 00 p m. Daiidalk 1.15 p.m. 6.50 p.m. trotou l.."}.' p.m. 7.11 p.m, .FlflHlitrton APiicev"e 1.55 ]i.m. 7.35 Tim. UarkJalv. Borkly Willi:ira«forJ Axuott Chi.tJitvortL Boclfcril Owfu bitiiiul. 2.15 p.m. .05 p.m' ', p.m. 8.2? p.m. .. 2 50 p.m. fi.16 p.m. .. 3.05 p.m. 9.06 p.m. 3.15 ji.m. U 16 p.m. ,. 3.3^]. m. 0.36 p.m. .. 4.iO D.m 10.10 p.m. GOING SOUTH. 0*M Sf-nnJ, .i-i-art 6:i' 12 fO unon. bocktoni 7.110 a.m. 12. .HO p.m. Pkatsiiortli 7.20 d.m. la. 55 p.m. " 1. 00 p.m. 'Willium'-f.ircl 7. 1*1 a.m. ll«Tkl_v h.d" a.m. Mrirk.liil.- H.â- ^o ii m. Klewlifcrt'ndrrrjeivillf K..V-, Kroton li.l5 a.m. Pniithilk '.t.:;5 a.m Hh^lKurjn! 10 li" a.m. LHiiri! 10.17 n m. Oran^'v !) .(•ir;;tioii 1 1.'Mjt.m. OBAsniivit.i.i:-- Arr. 11:15 It. m. 5:20 p.m. I»ep. 7.15 «:iii. 11 35 a. 111. 5.iOp. m. Alton 7. '.5 a.iii.l 1.55 'Lm. "..lo p.m Cliarlfit!i.. 7. 50 n.hi. 12.10p.m. " ' MHH' l:'.al..-.-.?5 i.i-i. 12. 1." p. in. B«i!t"n Ml" 1.10 p m. Klfiiihnrj! ..'I.O." II. m. l.^i t p.m. Wii-Mllir'ilt"-..!' 25 1 "0 nin. HiimlMr Sint :• liia.iii. •_'" Wi!!t'.N loiKiM.iii. -J -^1 p.m. VtiTh'in I'l. lo:- i:,. 3'.» [..m. Toronto. -J'i:l..u S'.it on. Arriv.' .. 10 :)o ii.iii. 'i ici p m. tree when be iumiutM tli*t we sib- ploT au Editor fnrjapiriil oeeanon^. We feel quite capflUeof writing oor own editorials wiffeat aujf put^e assistauce. ^^ " "^^ In referiug to tjbt action of Ihe Ck)uucil in rcfusiu^ to sabtnit ih» by law, ho saTs tkej ja^ oxctcised diair prerogative 1% postponiatf cooAluu- tion, aD'l tlint Eoliand Coanc^idid tlio same. We do not consider Wey are paralel cases. In Xrtemcsia the mat- ter has been discnned from nearly eveiy btacdpoiut for w«ek8 past, in 2..17 p.m. 6.43 p.m. Holland there has %eea Uttte or no discussion. In Artcinesia the peti- tion was signed by nearly triple the uuinbcr required by law, in Ilolland the surplus aimnutod, wg believe, to only three. la Holland there was a s'roiig counter petition, in Artemcsi* there was none, ahd as we before sail they are not analogns. He rc-ssserts the widening of the gauge â- \vonM confer no benefit to the rntepayers, and says the remarks we made relative thereto are fanciful and delusive. We would reapestfnliy sab- mit the following little epistle from the firm of W. P. Howland Co., to ths calm consideration of tlie rate pnyers of Artoraesia, Gleneljt, or any otlior section of country through which the- T., G. B. Eailway passes TonoN-io. Oct. 5, 188o. ?Jp!iFri. M:I.eRn Bros.. Owen Sonnd. â€" (ii;iitieiaci) â€" Your faror of the 3rd received C'liileut^ U'ltod. We cannet at present biij Bjiriiip wlicat ftt prices K'linjr. aud fall wheat ia also .It a di adrantape up there. We can l)nv fall wlieat e(pi.ill qnnlitv to vour» to bet- ter ailv3iitai;e, so far as freight is coucered, ouljidi: oii oither of (he otiicr lines of railway for shipment via lioitou aud New York, as t)ic"ir is no traoshipratint we woald bave kept mam, M the By- law wfll ha^to be aabmitteil aooner or Liter. ^JRe last piece of advice gijun ly ^^harp W: )Mred,hc aaay Township Med Me no occatipn, for «« do|Mt UMbv^ tkat a oorporal'i guard, cajl be jMsd lb GKpteIg orboljee fo«lUh^^^oaK oppose tie granting of a bonne. a uM( piece oi wivioe !harp Wrkbtjj^ b^l- ds ». AtpeeJpw' TIIB^BBAT BOA^ J UkODi The boat race is over and Canada's tfTMy. BeeutM stnee I have been Bcere of Arteme.?iA, effort* have been eonitantl; miwie Uteitaoe if tossiU« ^Mie», aM^ Mfin boy has again proved yictorious. kind of drwd hm» exist*!, Ujt the tM»Sould in this diraotion ha.i been appennino«V B«- caaM it wci »Mnteiiiw1, IftU'.-A Terr Ktrong 1.2« p.m. l.H p.m. 2.15 p.m. 2. 15 p m. 3 10 p.m. 3.30 ]..m. 4-15 j.m. 4.50 p.m. 5.05 p.m. 6. Is p.m. 7.0.5 p.m. 7.:i3 p.m. "..55 p.m. Hi 7 p.m. n.::a p.m. ".00 |..iii, 'J. 15 p.m. From the aceonnts tb^HaTo ^en pnblisbed from day to day in the To- ronto papers we began to tremble finr our representative, bat tbe retmJt has proved that our fears were groundleM We must say we have been disap- poiuted, we fallr expected an exciting race, but instead it turned oat like most of the others, a mere walk over the course. The amoant of money that has been staked on this event is somotbiug onormoas tbe full amoant will nevar be known, as there were numerous private bete of whick no accnrnto estimate can be arrivei at. Altogether the amount of money that changed hands will be close on a million dollars. Tbe betting in Mark- dale (lid not reach a very large amount for the simple reason that all wanted to bet the one way. The news of the victory was received with nnquallified pleasure aud in the evening the boys 4x an iaereaved tax, oa a majority of evir ia too maeh. It [^le aiHl eaiTM auoagaaent batheroeata |eramb* opon ior •trawa I eeitainly kin to do BO, to himself the gentleman- And ing per- in tply. "y*â€" I !»•*« an moved to It jrJHBT ojmilmon to tbia, .. -.11 .. ..„ ti^ ^.t ^t.^. "t't "•- celebrated the event by an immense bonfire. 'â-  â-  ;mo p m. THE STANDARD. Friday. Nov. 19th, 1880. T ^U^â- ' Cniifida .\dvirt;;.in;; A The wheat at 96 coiitu ill O-.vtu Sonnd woald stand xn nlKiut 4c per hri'liel m'tethan outiidu irheat. 'Ihii throws as out of the market for a time as i then- is no local iuii'iirr. Yiiurs truly, \V. P. IIowL.txo Co. This, putting the average a.TionDt of wheat which each farmer has to rlisposG cf ftt 100 bushels, aud the loss on the grain at 3c, being one cent lower than the Messrs, Uowlaud placed it, and wo have an annual loss to t!iR fariuor on the item of whsat alone of $3,and hen we consider that this is only a small portiou of what faruicr.s have to ship, aud on which lobsts to a greater or lesser amount must necessarily occur, the drain on MEAFORD ROAD, ncv, Si 23 Kiu;,' Wi--t, rai..nto, V,' W. li! K ilf.l;. MrtW'i.wr, 1« anthorizi'l to ri.-u:-.c- rilvc.;is.-inent» for thi» j'ii| I r. TfiK i;i;ovc. iif .\rli,ini:sia ui^iiin po»i- n«.^'rts tliat v»f nccir"!l him of dishoii'.pfv ill oor aitirl t^n by griuting a buuiH. Yet in the "ace of those ])lain facts, he says it would be better to plod along in the old way, and that the mi.sseiable abortion we have now is quite tufficieut for our wants for ye:.r3 to come. The Rotvc also boliitlos llic infla- It.lL- criticising ^^.„pgtj,^.,.,^ij,^,,jy,jjjg]^^^ j^ iacreas- Ihe acti .0 of tl. â-  (• .unci: ii tl.rovvio- ;„„ t],^ ..^j^^ ^,.,^„^| ^ye ask him out the bonus by- law. Wo ajuiii as poii»ivi'ly d.'oy IiivIiil: ilo:io so. â€" Now hv riiiphrisiziii:^' iii« wioil lllllle^t by putting; u in italics, ins the liiuve has ll 'lie 111 r9-iri)diieiiii; th' si'iitewce ' in lii-. (Miii!niiin(Mti(i"ii, aii'l wliieh we i did ii"t (I'll tilt ruby (U.iwing particu- From a Correspondent. Siicnk thieves have put in an ap- pcar.inco iiere as well as iu other parts. Tiiuir viste so far have been to ben roosts Hud i),otato pita. Several par- tics coniplam about nocturnal visits baring been paid to their turkey aud chicken roosts. It is a pity that somn of these gentry could not be caught, and made au example of. IjEkt for Parts Unknown. â€" M. D. Johnson of this place, together with his family, some time since, took a moonlight flit from here, leaving u large number of sorrowing triends. â€" It- has siii'je been reported that they has gone to Davy Jones' Locker, AcciDKNTs. â€" Joseph Coon, while their pockets would be threefold greater j playing with a gun cartridge, in some how many of the farms that are now pl.icel at from.§8.0()3 upwards, could have been sold for that sum before the way exploded it, resulting in a piece of tiie shell entering one of his eyes, comjiletely destroying the sight. This i.-j another waniintt to beware of play- iiiR with gunpowder. As two sons of Mr. Brodie were going along the Mea- ford Road with an ox team aud stone boat, the oxen made a sudden dash for some wat.T on the sile of the road, throwing the youngest boy off ami breakins: his left arm just above the elbow. Mr. G. Graham is about leaving cuM^"pro »'ii"eJir here. He has purcha.ied the Gilray steam saw mill, and is going to rent lar attenti"!! tn lint word," it nii;_'lit be iiifiir 1 Ihtt surh was the idoa we wi.ihed to CiJiivcy but tu an uniriju- (hccd uiinil till :;iicli un-iming woiiiI«[i- p«ar. Ilu al.s stickx to it, that we ad- visud llip pctiii tiier.i to renieiiiber iht '"^^ Council for i vil. \\ l.i~t wuik asked tbo Kcevo t' pi'ivr it; but he hat failcl til io .. •, ii!id lost :ul Un.r.'.y n- iUratis his roiiier eliarKe. ^Ve ire- fiUlile this is til • ti •:itfiic.! ho has re advent of the railway, or could now be or sell his blacksmitlis' stand here, sol.i at any pric? w.^re there no road We wish liim success in his new en- Wlicu we spoke of the villages Hial ""i""'.?f: had .sprung up, we spoke of the road as a whole, and any body but tlio 1 r.tovo of Aitoiuesia would so read our I remarks. Objection is taken to our pavticipat- iii the discussion because we lire not a resident or rjitepayer iu the Township, Did the matter affect .\r- triiiosia alone, we should not have lu- lerfiTcd but rt not only i,lTects Ar. tjuiesia, but every township thrtngh Railroad matters are quiet here at present, our 'Jonncil having seen fit in their wisdom to give the petition of the ratcpkyers ita qut*tua for the present. T., G. B. B. R. •111. fi;reiico Id reepoclablr ral.p;r.i.i i v.lio -igujd the petition will crlaiiily not soon forijet tbe insult." Wliore d'les the advice come iu.Doct ir I'.iint it out. The Doctor wants to kn^nv why th(J ST.iN DABii lias •;.)[ ita '• buck up," and then goos on to tell us it was very naughty for li* tl â- ]j S-). aflcr tim c^iuueil had " taken m by t!i; hand. " and giv«n us iN •' piti-iiii.i^c f •. â- â- ly." The Sr.w- i\Ki) htio ii'it gilt lis " baek up," il bears tite d ' no ill will, it has not attacked Jli.â- ^ privalo eliar.ieter, but nioro'y c.tercisid itsprtrogaliv* to crit- ioisi or eninoiiiit on' ihe public iisJs of a ill lu ociMip\ ill;; a piihiie jx sitioii. For lli: wu hav â-  ii v'm tiireateuod with retaliation, and aio tv'ld that thuru are othor Wi'ap.ins ti hi usnl against us, which it w ii' wise forustorj- g.trd N.w, D.etiir, we m ly as well tjll you ri.Tlil here, thiE wrf ou.siaer such a cjii.-.-iJ iieitli'r inaiily nor h m o:;il)I ' and will have no effjet on us, as we "doii't- scare worlli a cent." â€" As t.) thi" C uiiuil " taking' ns by th^ hand, .tc.," Inreare llio facts Short- ly after Wo purelias^d liio lata J'^xji'isi- tur, Wi' attended a n'octuig of the "ouned and silicitjd the Town- ship printing." We were informed we could hAveit/r.r//c/ ire dil it ax cheap- ll/ it^il ]!:ls'\ft"}il'i (13 tlitfi rt'uhl tjeijit done •â- Ufiilu-r,, and a motion was made uud carried to that 'tTect. Sines then the "patronage th;it has beou so free- ly" bestowed upon us, has amounted to the very large sum of fijht Jullurs being one do'iar less than the same work ost them for 1S79. From the maunor she tlaunts it in our face, one would im.agiue that wo got the print- ing without any conditions, and the amount paid us was something con= Bidernble The Reovo is also kind enough to inform us that he is sorry to find that through tbe iufluence of a clique, the influence of the ST.\ND.iRD is being de- molished. We beg to assure bim tbe Standakd is advised by no one, nor will it be as bug as it remains under our control, neither shall we ruuh in- tbe rats of any ong. Wo announced the course we proposed to persue in "our first issue. From that course we â-  have not, nor will we swerve,- but go on in even t 'uor of on- way and as long as we porsue a-straightforward aud man- ly cjurse, wa have no fear but that tliose whoso interests we advocate will a^^praciat.! our eff jris in their behalf, »'d u-i accordingly with their fi." c^aflderc^ aud patronngi. !.â- Â»Â» iiifliMitial and I ^â- 'â- ""â- " ^^^ """^^ passes. Should .she rtject the by law, other t 'â-  hips will naturally ask why thoy should put their hands in their pockets to help a township that wou't lulp herself. â€" -We maintain, therefore, we would be neglecting our duty as a public journ- alist did wo not point out to her that in our estimation, in opposing ths by- law blie is persuing a suicidal policy. We ai^snre Dr. Cliristoo as a privata citiz -u we hold him iu liijjb esteem, and regret being compelled to differ with him on this question. We also rogivt to say, aud we do it in sorrow, not iu'aiig'ir, that should he persit in fo'liiv/ing his present course ".iid sue* ci,-d in defeating the bj'-law, we very much fear that he will live to regret it in the years to come. To the KJi.or of the Sr.iNDi'in, Sir, â€" I Lave been noticing your editiirial.s for soius tiiue past, and feel contident that \.jur are iu the wrong channel. You say the 'Council, at the dictation of t!io Reeve, opposed I ' the by-law, now, sir, I wish you to ' understand that the Couucil, with the exception of Mr. Elliott, bear full share of the responsibility of the course they have taken, and wo also •.inderstand that we are re.sponsible to the ratepayers of .\rteinesia, who. no doubt, will pass their verdict in due time. No doubt your editorials will make a marksd impression on the ratepitycrs, "when they consider that if the by- law had been submitted yon would have $45 for publishing it, whether won or lost this, of course, is quite au item to a ratepayer of Glcnolg. Now, sir. yon would oblige me, as well as the majority of the ratepayers of this township, by turn- ing your bellows aroaul aud blowing your own Township for awhile. By giving the above an msertiou in your paper, you will oblige Thorp Wright. Aud ' the mountain labored and brought forth a mouso." Mr. Thorp Wright, after taking nearly three weeks to consider the matter informs ns that he has been noticing our edi- torials fur some time past, and "feels confident that we are in the wrong channel." Well, Mr. Wright, we are quite willing to permit you to think as you please. We have no wish to cram our opinions down any man's throat, and all we ask is to be permit- cd to enjov the same privilege, with- out having sordid motives hurled at us. The insnatioQ that wo were in- fluenced to take the course we have from the faet that we lost the publica- tion of the by-law, through the ac- tion of ths Council u worthy the source from whence it sprung. Had we Tbtt iecvc Is "ur'king up the wrong been actuated by any b- motives To tha F.ditor of the Standard. Ri«. â€" I must fool highly llatteral at Ih? cmnidcrations paid ma, and j'ou mmt foel plonked for so i»any to join yon against a I'ulilic officer. Why tho STAMDAnn shotiM get its b.ick so droadfoUy ap afjainst the Ciiuuoil of .\rtomcsia, and mrielf in parti-, 1 ciniiot da*ine, Itha^ no intere.;t iu -Vrteraosia, pays, s far aa I knojr, rpiic of it- r.itr and, tlior.^fora, is me calls an out.idor. The Council took it hy the hand, Rave it patronafje freely, aud certninly ex- pected fair dealing at ita hands. Personally 1 w,is unxious the Rtasoard should be a anc ms*, iatcllcctaally, morally, aud financially, iiistra.l 1 tiud the influence of a clique early '.omoUshjiig ita iuHuencc, rushing into the tame rut of its predocesaoi whose glory soon culminatod aud ranithed. I admit the prir- ilegc to it of criticiam, but let it be gentle- manlyâ€" let it be fair. Now sir I hold, te charge me with " dis- honesty" and recharge me with " falsehood" for a.s.:ortiuR it. is neither gentlemanly or fair. At the oxponsc sir, of showing, eitlicr wanton wrecklcssness, o{ consummate igno- r.iuce of the construction of a sentence, let ma qu.)te your jias^age again. " Had tlio K^e. c Uoneiihj, through ignorance misiutvr. prated the act the purport of the law in iiucstion, their might be some excuse; but tl^c I) lotor is nut an ignorant man and ran claim no indulgence on tbls score, banco his culpability is the gieater." ask your vU- la^s school master or any aTerage.boy, what the inference of this sentence is â€" he would raplr, that the Doctor was, culpably di$hcn- eit, aud it would be uustr iued at that, aud f.o in like manner tout other remarks, bear the same analysis â€" instead of stating calm- ly you iutendcnded nothingof the kind â€" you carry tho same spirit, aud charge me with faht staltmenti iu a kind of bravado style, aiid 11.40 the term obuoxionaly tbioughnut your article, to fasten the idea of •' dikhou- eity" upon ine regarding this railroati ques- oM. Now .-ir, the man who takes on him- 8eli the role of an editor, who fails to con- strue au Kuglish sentence so plainly stated, or who frames one so loosely as to mislead, i? to lie pittied. The Conned or Artcmesia a-ks ao farors, it exercised its prerogative, it did what is oftent done â€"jxistponed consid- eration. Holland council did the s.ime. It was no want of courtesy â€" and whatever moaning you put on yonr editorial, one thing is clear, it was annecessarily severe and un- fortunate. I shall not bandy words with you iurthcr, with an Editor any man iahca vily liJiulicapped, especiallf one rsed for an oeeaiiou who is ra$h and windy. Wa have other V apons, which a thoughtful man would legard. I rcgaet having to tronbie you with other remorks, npon Mr. Brown and Robertson's commnnieations. The lat- ter waa grossly personal in his first article. I pricked him a bit, an be an aTalanche has tnmblad abont my years. Well air, I mus. say, that I boll Mr. R. in great respect. I bclieTe liim to be a gentleman of nnstiUird integrity. And I aincarely regret, that he should have so offended by parsoaal allasions, to draw my lanca. Defeat sir is not often my lot â€" in tbia instance my friend must submit to a little more phyiic and I promise him a more drastic dose the next time, poor man He shall hav* it without eharge too to bis heart's content. But hold I can't see Robert Bobertton in the artida at all. at lill. Did yon ever read the fable of the "Ass" in tho " Lion's" akin ♦ Well sir. the article signed " Robert Bobertaon" raminda me of it â€" and tho '• Lion" in this case ia not a very wonderful animal he is an abortion, what people, generally call a sneak bat than, he has sufficient skill to make poor Rohinum hla JaokaU, amd t aappose that ia enough, Mr. B. bctaats of having means employed in hia bnaineaa. I am glad of it â€" bat that dout pay the taxes, yon aae I If sneh be the ease and ha derives an inoome therefrom â€" why does he not as a good patri ot, report the circomataneaa to the assessor, and be rated aocordingly. Bat I very much (jnestion, if ha eondaeta hia bnaineaa differ- ently to most others in the tame line -« mode wall andaratAod. I was earefol to bvaid all peraonalitiae in the first articles pabiisbed" for I bdieve with Mr. Brown. that every man has a ri^t to apeak or write too, if ha ehoeaa to do ae who haa tb* inter- est of tbe Township at heart â€" ^whether his avMssraent b« terte or nnaUâ€" wheter it be Robertson's, ninety eentt or Christoe'a, four- teen dollars B- B. Tax, en property acimallm (ncHed. Bat I d.-) contend, that a liieh man, like Mr. B. to prate- and seold and write, to feeling existed in the- Township against any acheme so maeh eo, that, a rusolutiou was passsad, to tatitfy tiif Batepayaca â€" that tho lleere and Deputy should not fo.ster any sacb schemaâ€" and I find no Chsngc in eir- comstanccs, excepting the Ex-depaty, who' at the lime did objeet. Bae4a.s« the Prt$ident of tbe road conTiiiced me, that the ahaolale necessity for chanxe of guage did not exist, that he waa more solicisoas to have tbe road pat in good reiair for said lis. the road is ample for puqioses of freight foryeirs to ooma. Sei nia Orangerille speech as pnb- lisbed. Beoaaae the Managemt of the Boad, haa not been traak, and it not ao. with the Mnnieipalitisa. All admit the first schaoM to have been bogus, a miserable piotnra, not to be entcrtaiusil and it waa abandoned. 'Vet what was the the action of the Kl-iuagamsnt, but to huiat acare-orows to frightsu the rate- payers to grant a litmus? 'The employees were to quit the road waa to step, aud all for one pu pose 1 bnt by the calm, thought- ful ratepaTeri, â€" characterize*!, it is true, a« a lot of ignoramases, the scheme collapsed, and the Township saved. 1* tho present aohems any better To me it aecmj. not muoh. It is asserted that the success of the schema depend-i on the municipalities granting a anm of 9300,000. This saiu war to be distributed over the Mimicipaliiii^a in- tercstad â€" Arteaiesia was down for $12,00o, we will aapposc it to b« correct. Now if as alledgad the aoheme d-p:nd on the conditions named how does it ha])pen, that can be drop|al off Derby Si,ono off Malauclhon |2,ooo off Proton and so on ad libitum^ â€" Docs it not apjiear, th%t the scheme, is not as repre;opted to us, that there is not the dan- ger of failure this vaieillation on iho part of the Company, provert a fatality to it, nn- snrmonntable. At ous time it will cost so much at another time les and at auother mare th^n over. Ree p»mihlet8 issuod by Compauv. Than, oue bonus is required, now another. At oue time, the unfortunate. Bondholders are requestod to step behind, to thejtuneof 93Jo,ooo and now to 91,ooj,- ooo- I confess to me there ap|)ears to be a screw loose hereâ€" cither more was laid on the TownsUips, than required, or clsu the schema does not dcjicud on the S3uo,ooo Bonuses at all. Which is it? The latter certainly. "' hy the 38 To-,vnships and 7 Tilla/es, if I am correct, at proportiouate rates to u couldn't possibly mnko itâ€" and yet this $ine qua non is, that nnle^-; tho snm lie raised â€" tha scJicrae falls to the pronnd. 1 demur against it. th« Minasomnnt do not intend to do so â€" but will get yours if they ean. It only surprise me, iliat, closer bsor- Tation is not maia iu this matter^that peo- ple receive the mare ipse dixit of tho Man- agemaut or newspaper acribling partizaua. If the repairs could fcave been made, with au assistance ot four hundred thousani dollars from the Municipalities aud $ as alxjTe surely the same repairs can bo msdi with At this very moment the Management are very ac?ommo:Iating â€" they are willing to tnka anythingâ€" of course they are As to the increased lianitits derived, or 1 be derived and tho Villages which have sprung up â€" so far as .\rtenios;ii it concerned I fail to sea it â€" bitter proof, than a mere assertion would be thankfully rncoirodâ€" be- gin with tha Villagos \\'hert) are they » 'The worth of property was jiretty fatly die Those for the Bonus, extremists aaid they were lamely beiielited â€" those against it ilirtnitly opposite. The truth I dare say li«i between. Now a differ- ent gauge, by the very nature of things can- not materially change it. Aho while auy company, has tha jiuwor to ilis^ilmiiiutc rates, the ratepayers need not cx'cct the banafiti, from thron^, i f.eight and othi'r faucifiil Illusions pre..eiited. I am asked will not ihe Murchants bo enabled to give •noru* How iu the nature ef thin;;3 can they? when atthi '"omout the Byo Stations have to make up fur eompeting "points like Oicen Sound, I am told freight is carried as cheaply from Owen Sound as from l-'lesher- ton Station â€" to Toronto But wor«o still Artcmesia is a:ked to give a Bonus of 810,- 0(X to ono company â€" the old Company=â€" in the faeeof an agreement â€" assigning over all lower, tl), llx youi' tariff to a company, von know rot â€" you can iiave no eonditiona. whatever iu your I'.y-Law â€" aud it may ba baroly po-siblo. that we arc out of; tha frying|an into ths tiro. Like a padlar,.' wlio tells yau a good yarn^inlue.^s you to buy â€" gets your note â€" artiel-?s, not ns rtpre- sfiilfd- arotlur person, pnsapts your note â€" Van ^ek for ooii^litioiis â€" iiumlic-r two, doesn't know anythibg about it â€" you are saeil. The Judge tolls you, you shouldn't have siveii the note â€" and so precisely with tint. Bonus â€" von give it aud it is trausferre â€" the Grand Trunk will say, we dou't known anything aboat your Bonus â€" that is your business tha R. R. is ours. These are sim- ple farts and possibilities. And although gentle from Markdnle and Flosherton Station rage and lie^f^after me tenfold more, it will not alter my statements. The promises re- garding the present Road are lo recent to venture so i.on ngaiUT:rbut I say fiox. if the majority ol property owners, under, the n^w ac*. vote for it I shall s.iy anion to it â€" and pay my quota, without a murmur. To con- clude then, let many say as often before tbat^t is a public q:i( »t an, a qittstion fairly to be considered from more than one stand point â€" sticK to sour point frianj, only don't »tieit to me, tliere is il.angarof conflict if yon do. Feeling obliged for the space aSor Jed, I am yours. Dr. Christof. • • •• Daeks, per pair SSi|lE"i'.:;*«W:."S:S Bl iiiiiiiiii Iide* OnMasead, ,.^, ....»• I|iyr ..«..•«•••• TlaotUy seed, .... Wool r--'s Oreen Afpiet, vet, boahal.. Ij*rl .1 i .,.,..s«-««»-»«-' Taalpw ••••••••« Dry Cord Waod 8;v ' 3 JO 0.26 ' O.So OAff " 0.60 O.IO â- "" 0-10 (L.66 ** 0.07 1.76 •• 1,76 -j; »S » *-! -» J; â-º-» 5 .!-" 60 .2-- i.-t: aid 55 a • » 5 e 9 a DS.iS 5»; ti at VI fZ 9 " Zi o -a FLESHERTON. [CorrtcUd wftkly for the Standard iy Jl. J. SprouU, Flesherton.) Tui-RSDAT, Not. 18th 188a rieur. per hbl fS-CO lo $.5.50 Spring Wheat per bash., 1.02 to i.06 Hamilton â€" Cjrstal Palace Oroaads, tb* day after Goelph. m â€" ruK :nittn(utT in cMbl aotAJIOSI TKHMiMa Lirtowelâ€" Fir»t Fttday in each mont J'eiKMâ€"Tliarsaay following UotMUr Forest. April, Jnne, Angnrt, October and I^ cttobec. :^i»ioie.---WiianM0aypr«eedii)g tibe Orangeville Fair. OraagerdUâ€" Tbe «ni Thon^ay in mth month.' Fleihertdoâ€" ^ondaj' Wore Qntge- Tille. Pandalkâ€" Xaewlay before OrangeTille. Sbelburneâ€" Wedneeday lefer OssDge Title. Marthrille â€" Seeeod WednescUty in each month. Walkertonâ€" The l«at Wedneeday in each month. ' Mildoiay â€" ^Laet Wednesday of e*eli month. olds Si the front with 4 comfylete stock of IA, Irbceri m*^- 11 •BO0TS-AND SHOES. pSijlry sinow unm, um, Which for QUALITY and LOW PRICES cannot b^ passed. Give us a call and try some of our NEW SEASONED JAPAN TEA, 3Ib. PURE GOLDEN SYRUP ALWAYS ON HANl Please give us a call before ptTrfcttitsing elsewhere BUTTER, POULTRY AND EGGS T..\KEN I CHANGE FOR GOODS. v.-. F.BTIBS delWeriaK la((a at the Steam Saw Mill, Markdale. will please mil aud leave their Damea,and gat a number to st«np on their tcga, otbarwisa the proprietor wiU not hold himaelf raspoL.ihle for logs which may be delivered. Lninber, after b«inK«awed three daya and not piled, the " Mill Proprietor" will proe««4 to pile ont of Uia way, and charge owner for time for doing ao, and for spaoe oeoupiaiL Full do. Barley Oats Teas Potatoes Butter, per lb. Ec^'s, per doi. Poik, dressed. Beef Shrepskins Hides Hay Timothy iced. Wool liard Tallow do. do. 0.95 0.60 0.00 O..V 0.30 0.17 0.14 6.60 600 0.60 7.60 6.00 a.oo 0.26 0.10 0.06 The Highest Price In Cash Paid for '^\ HutUtnut, Chtrrtf and Large Birth. 0.73 0.38 0.60 0.30 0.20 0.1« 6.00 0.00 1.35 8.00 7.00 3.60 0..H0 0.12 0.07 TORONTO. (Fpeeial lo the Standard.) ToBosTo. Nov. 18, 1880. CHURCH DIRECTORY. CHRIST CHURCH. Servicesâ€" Sept. •,?"., I0:3(» a. m.; Oct. .Srd, 6:;J p. m.; luth. 10:30 a. m.; 17th, 10:30 a. m.; 2tth, 6:30 p. m.; 31»t, 0::i0 p. m.; Xov. 7th 10:30 a. m,: Itth, 10:3U a. m.; 2l3t, lo:3o a. m.; 28th, .3o p, m.; Dec .5th, C:3o p. m.; 12th, lo:3o a. m.: I'.ltli, Jo:3o a. m.; 27th, C:3o p. m, Sablmth Sehoiil, 2:3o p, m. Rev. James Ward, Incumbent. CANAPA METHODIST CHURCH. Services evory Sabbath at lo:3o a.m., and 0:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 2:3o p. m. O. S. Bowes, Superintendent. Prayer Meet- ing. Thuisday Evenings at 7:3o. Bev. N.A- McDiarmid, Pastor. PRIM.iTIVE METHODIST. Services every 1st and 3rd Sabbath at 3 o'clock p. m. Every 2uJ 4th Sabbath at lo:.'!o a. m in the Orange Hall. C. C. Oar- n«tt. Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN. Services in Dufferin Hall every alternate SablHith at 11 a. m., and intervening Sab- baths at 6:3o p. m. Sabbath School at 2:3o p. ro. Bible Chtss and Prayer Meeting on Fritlays at 7;.To p. ro. THOS. MATHEWS, Wheat.f.iU. er bush Whf4tt, spring, do Barli-y, do Oats, du pRa.1, â-  do Ityo, do (;lovur Seed do Dre^si'il lioifs, ))er 100 lb». .. lieef, hind iiiuirtiis B«ii, fure quarters Chicken!*, per pair, Fowl.-*, do Ducks, per brnco (ieese. ea«h Turkeys Butter, large rolls Butter, tnb dairy Butter, store-|acked Esgs. fresh, per doz EkK-*. pui-krtl Apples, per brl Potatoes, per bag Onions, per bag Uav 91 06 tn tl o* I :0 to 1 16 7o to 34 to U G3 to 87 to (I oo to G 00 to c r,o to 3 00 to 3o to 40 to So to 50 to 75 to 12 to 2a to 18 to o 18 to oo to 1 oo to 60 to o oO to 9, 35 68 88 o oo 6 60 7 oo 4 oo 45 4o 6n 6o 1 '25 16 22 20 00 00 1 lo 35 1 55 JAMP.S THAPKAN, Pbopsictob. Markdale, Not. 18, 188o. io.2i S^EETNOLDS SON. Markdale, Nov. ii, 1880. ' ' weather. tHiso getting gooi- ^^ «uo CouacU moeU i^y- ^^i«il tbe go r 'â- ^^•""' "IwS o..r a tor -r 45 cant packaged Caw. and »®*^^ I'bo cbeapett il of ttJt^aerr. "• â- C \^ A- Spcerssliipp) â-  J«y.n' last week, ovur ' '"ttttib^EughshMarko ^., desiring a cbause i.i aj will DleAse baud it in ui\ Wingbamby-lawfora l.or.( in. 11 on wa* carried by a majoiif N Fair P. L- S. will be at ).Iar! on Monday next, any i^nou rq g bi« serviced will fiu 1 luiu lieidfi. 0N8 wisbiiig to gel a;;.i:il \ii-k.h paper pli' nil riiltln' aJvui ent of the H:nr.;iMn /»«'ctrttor i ercolusni;. you have lost, fonml, r vxt aanuun :e it thraugli t| EDICAL HALL lUg mns of the Srisuvan. ntoiium in tha cou:ity. moetinj,' of fi. O ll T, 8 50 to 12 25 ClAVK into ihe (ni«lB»oreof t*i« subscrifc* y Lot 72. East Toronto aud Sydenham It'Kul,. Township of H41«nd, some time iu Si'ptcmlM-r, one E%Vp. The owner i request- ed to prove property, pay charges and take hor .iwav. VVk. JACKSON. Holland, Nov. 17, XHSo. lo.3i* INTO the premises of tho undersif(neI, on the loth iust., h .Steer rising three year* Tbe owner is requested to prove property, p.iy charges aud take him away, SAMUEL MILLER. MarkJalo. Not. 18, 18«o. lo-3i IVOTIOE. IF THE gentlaraan who witnessed the breaking of tho School House windows last Sunday night, will call and iufoim the nuJersi([iied who the perpetrators wore, he will be suitably rewarded. Wm. BROWN. Nov. 16.1880 loli. »TRAYEr IXTO the premises of the subscriber. Lot 2o. Con. 12 township of Holland, in Jnlv, a red Steer, 2 years old. Tho owner is requested to piove property, pay charges and take him awav, â- ^ " J. S. LYONS. Holland, Not. 22, I88o. lo 3i* STI^AYEr I INTO the premises of the subscriber. Lot 8, Con. 14. townihip of d'lenelg, on or about the I't of September, a Heifer, on* year old. spotted red and white. Tlie owner 18 requested to proyc propertv, pay charges and take her away. GEOR'JE LAMB. GIoneI^, Not. 13, HRO. lo 3i* J. MONTGOMERY, Ji A Ii E R, THE Sulwe-iber, in returning thanks to tha inhabitants of Markdale aud sar- rounding country for tbeir patronage daring the past ei«bt ^ears. begs to intimate to thcBi he i* how prepared to supply tha Public with FRUIT, POUND PLUM CAKES, either plain, or Ic«d and Ornamented, and a large Vajiety of Other Cakes. always an band, Also, :b I s c -cr I T 1 of every dtserip'ion. from the bent manu- facturers in Ontario. Also, a large and varied assortuieat of te CHOICEST CONFECTIONERY I BRIDES' CAKES! supplied on the ihortest notice, and got np in tbe best style that be done Uiia side of Toronto. Tea Me% U, BPtCIM. will b.' beM ia tht; ()ri!;_' IH kclale. on V.' .l:r ..lay ' 1- duber; f'tr tlio i.mijvs • ' ti ngthe Royal Aro'i ac;;r. pp"(.„i^._-Next Si'.^.atli f, C Gai'jett will (J k.-- f;,| Orange IIx'-l "l- lO-Tt -uLJ -^idemics their cu-ihc aui c:ii\ fif »^ible stand p(»iut.' ynsHN-'s reqiiiiiiig tk' j. J. Whit. Dcuti.-.;. •.'.! ember hu will Lo ui i...- 1, Mark laic, on ^\\d:,â-  ,h inst. VEKV biisiiicis man ""•i r\ Ci. rr t' o n _r ^- i i- • â- â-  name anl aldrosn pr:i • Dye Stuffs, hancy Soaps, Pcrfmnery., I onh. Svebpc-s ha ub .s. Cill :it and Hair Brushes, Trus.scs and Sur^'ical .Vpj^Iiancc' 2id olil-c and viu jyiU be .1 and general Druj^gists sundries. -^^Pwcljcap we can Jo thc:j. Pure Drugs and Ctiemicali PATENT MEDICINES r â- 0- r-A Ox the Oth tli • r. Stationery and School Books' feS'^S^fi^SV;;;!! ';• ir r-iiEsn „ la GREAT VARIETY. TEi^« Aivi 'roo accok TOGETHER WITH PAINTS AND OILS. I=li.3rsiciar]Ls' lE^rescripticrL •»..,., AND VETERITV^Vlt^' l»l?Er»ERA.1'IOS^.'" in this locility nfliri: u: «ettlod, w re r.. :i 'v.- 1 -fn-: 1 '!.- tr ^0^u,^ (iiisctt I J I'lfl i.. i-l. t'.-tu 'P')ST}fvsT;;::-;. Wh.t â-  t'l' .-â- ; ig not called r. lii«- I*. M .-. v. il, istributo liio ':ipiris i.-*i....i, anl iiu* iilur:i IIj-'J;.;. i a card ni'li l!ic ii:i!a-s •' • hum tliev .ire :iâ- ^^ •.'.. IB 11 'IE: (;OAT !! :♦ V. Ol!. !â- Â« IT m« of llioso tjhcs, tli«t V ii'Mii «'*• CAREFULLY CQil POUNDED. '• Without a lidit -T i.:i;.- =. â- â-  _â-  I « â-  1. A««« %s dark ns tli-^ fx-o n in Montrtal Telegraph Office. improved n i i..^ ___^ ^^ ...^-^ M^t to SCJ ill 1:1 S. SPROUIjE,M. fetches) Venxos's -•im't outli i- ' Ill' ;;.. IHLL STREET, MARKDALE. Sop. 17, 1880. i;^!i.-:: N\ D 111 64'H^ '^PAKTIES, supplied on the shortest notice and on the mot roasouable terms. JOHN MONTGOMKET. Markd»le, Nov. 18, st, 1880. lo-ly NEW DRUG STORE, R. PHILLIPS, IIII.C.P., PROPRIETOR. Hew Furaitore Store! In Oundnlk;. WISHES to tender to his nnmerons cast-mers his sincere tbanlu for their very liberal patronage during the 1 J year.? he has been in the Harness Bnsinets in Mark- dtle. ap would respectfully f licit a eontiim aaee of the same, feeing eonflident 'that he eM» give Entire Satisfaction. Krerything nsnally kept in a FIRST. CLASS HARNESS ESTABLISNIEIT, always •â-  band, and wdd a; moderate ratoa. '"l'one bnt good vorkmaafMBloMd aal UM beet ct BMit«riala and. \7- MaiUale, Kav. IA, l88o- i " !• JOB WORK doa« prompt at the HtuaiiaD-Ottea. C. HUMPHRIES, Late of Slielbnme, has now in stoek a ki^ and lalect stock of COMMON AND HAIR-CLOTH Which ^MfX^'S*^' Cofltes hand. .U't'K .-.. K .1 I -..ri 1 o .lac: I ii.ui j i-3i tt liA â- n ,0 • am w rju tttj.i rtd» a v-f ;m i AUo agent for Dobeity^s and Raymond (k Ashbam'i Sewtaf Ckiaes. Call and examine our Org-n, .^ ME. PHIT.I.IPS begs to inform the in- habitaliU ef Dundalk and the adja- cent country, that he has opened a Druff Biisinees m the stsnd lately occupied by Mr. Carter. Having laid in a large stock of DRUGS. CHEMICALS, STATJOKERY, FANCY GOODS, BOOKS. c., 4c. Parties desirons of procuring anything in any of tliose lines, will find it to their advaa- tage te visit the Dnndalk Drag Store, before coing olsewhfift. CHRISTMAS â€" ASDâ€" NEW YEABS Tops, Gift Books, FANCY PRESENTS, ETC.. In Midlef rariety. " *• PHIIjiaPS. Dundalk, Nor. 18, 1880. lo-Ji ReadThis. MONET LOANED atT per cent. Simple Intetest, and nyt iu ahvanec. Tha Borrowar can hare his own term!" as to t';e riHK and tha Wat he BcrATt it. Loins iut through with the lkast possible i» St* tk* Vrtdtriigntd bfjore apjilyi'ig Elutiktre. ,."'-••â-  Offices in Shelburne and Dunkalk. Alirars in the Shelburne OlDce t)n MONDAYS and TUESP.^YS. from 8.S0 a. m. to 5 p.m.. and on WEDNESDAYS, from ft.30 a. m. to 2 p. m. Dnndalk Olnicc on THUlifl. W. HEXSO i:!' lill -OF THE- ii Blefast House In the DAYS and FlllDAYS. On ThursdaTs.-from SO to 6 p.Jm,. and on Fridays, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. 1 would like all my f«;icntsto make it thtir businass te see me on Fridavs in Dnndalk. rafcjier than Thursday Eveninjrs, if possible GEO. RUTHERFORD, E$kiteAnd General Agent. FARMS SOLdTnD RENTED By sending number of Lot, Concession, Price. Terms, Ac, fotTery moderate ehirjei. Degs to aiinonnc â-  that he is f.;;';v to dispose of all articles usual tu i Grocery and I'rovisiou E»tabli»i:v.' Lo'west ossible V ESTABLISHED 35 YEARS. werici-Y SPECTATOR A XAllOE EIGHT-PAQE PAPBB â€"ONLYâ€" ($1) One Of theXiaBgeflfrtanicl y^^ vv eeklies in Canada. BALUNCE ^riSSO FUEL Agmto reenra U Casta for arary yearly •nb- •«*». -^7 paitT landing aa tbrea ink. •«*•« -wfll reoai^ a aopy, poat-paid. ottha Fanner-a Aceoont Book, worth ona dollar. in plaee of tha nsnal eommiaaiee. Send !*•* ••'d for Sample Copy of our WaaklT ^mnkbm^iJJim aate p^ar hi Column. BPECTATOB PBIMTINO COHPUCT. w«ar.a-i« HMrilloB, Oat .;taO ,f:f 2roa ji )o.i t from nov till thaFirat itf iaanaiy, IMS, tm mm jwi?* Mibwri|lia« CONVEYANCING A SPEClJ^LTy. All Kindt of Writingt Executed. r.ffected in the bast Stock Companies. GREAT.BABGAIXS W. Given in the Beit and llardieit Canadian FRUIT ORNAMENTAL TREES. IRON FORGE PUMPS! â€" roR â€" WELLS and CISTERNS, Bold Very Cheap. Every Famer ouglM to get one. GEO. RUTHERFORD, Eitat* and General Agent. BHELBUBKE AND Dt'NDALK. Ootobar Jl,l«80- .\i.- j a Wi. Lucas Co., BANKER, f; .. MARKDALE, IN laisaor amaU aiBoimts, at aU times, on good aaenrity. notes, or on collateral MTEtEtT AT 6 KR CENT. AUowfld on Bavinfa Dapoaita. i,. The a(ae,eonsits of Orocerfet and Provisicit together with LIQUORS Of aUkiu: such as Scotch, Ibish and le«t brands. I have no lU-iro tc misrepreaant the pa-forraanc* of .mi lies, but I may say in respoi sr ;- retailer who eitera a book "^orxVi ' every purchaser of 3 lbs. of i ^. v ^- f Give Two Books of Mip-' vnlne to thos» meutiouoU t. .1.' l a hkc quantity. My boose is i.i.i.«. w, ;i;iior \vr;il iiiciie 'f r.iifiW..:«iiJ lii' lui"o .inii- sr.ri-ii i) !is i ...l ..f th. iUUiU'.i. ..f t;i.- '.-ii.K.r hiul Vett. r "I- 1 'i;.' |»rii'.a'pyiii£j •'bi.: ui.I ;. else try l.'is liaiiJ al »' .Sr.NSIltT.F. .*. Kf-ll-^l*»'.i- • says :^'-Feiicc bo-ir 1 :. •â- .• ".- are well enough. Init -if ,\ -i piircliHso an aiticlr- it i- ?u- veuicnl t' li.oIc ;fiir r.^lj t?n' .. of a n.rV'*iiii»-jr t.t • "iii h sal" tii.i!i it i-" t» 'ii-i!:jfr an.i .U-ivo .nr iiiiiJ^tho cuair.rv \Vk lie.' I • iiifonn tti •.- ;• â- wa i!ii tliii SiiM*i;! has h.-.ii the 'xit fiiir Wi-f';s i:i I'r " Mrii:i:)i.'tii"ji, that th â-  tiai. Kcxt irtstu. If iiiiV w.-h t' I. thi- 'iiripor thi'V will .jit:i».j â- . tli"ir liuiu- s i;e\t Wfi-'v. |5v iiig iii^v yii7. rot thf l'.ului:o. year froi). T.i clr.u* vf !r.»u we will irivi* tijo j:ijr' fij- .i;i| cash 111 iiilvanoi' â- i Belfast House, op. Hash.ii NO bECOND PRICE •^ W. BI.N: llarkdale, Om. 14th, 18?0. DONALD McLEC L A rEGS to ntiirn ^liissinci-rctliiitii.!' to the public for tUoir very 1 i.. lal • in the past, and hoj^es by l:.,i(iiai" FlBBT-Cl.AS« W»K, and Cl..«' sttrt buiiness, to mtrit a continuam'"' '.i-' THE BEST OF MATEW U«ed, and none but Firti-cU-i i' am|Ioved. Special attention paid to Kriiu.rl.' will be done promjUly. Sewed work a $$periaR 'oiric"i-:. AU ovar due aeeounts mutt bvpsv' delay or I shall Itave to rt aort lo s" ly maans for Cillection. D. kcT.EOP Corner of Qaaan aud Mi^ Markdale, Oct. 98. I880. (."ntNi;KS 1!J {il-^ Hiiv. rtioiT:!' Ill liocu hauJcil ii! ly M.-*rs. I'J f"leshjrinn Stutii'Ji. I»"ll of Ij t«n. .aiiil Moltyrc mil jl. 'ii â-  ditto. I're.s.'uie »' 'th.r i':;-. tho lat ' hour at whioh .v- thoia will j.riv.'ijt th- ir nj i 'tljiS wock. Til.y Will al'l-:; ntxi: look out fur tlici... worth rcaJiiij. \Vr. have Ken iiif..;;.!' t.. tho s)ci*liu DatTtriu Ihili •: cvi'iiiiig. soinn iniscicuM- btnjilo r.iT tho (lour .•md w:: Jiclp .1 tlwiiisolv. s to tho â- ' â-  left iu ilu' li:ill. Hii i imt c^:. that. C'npui.iuJ oth-.r d. |:, *houl the I'leuii^is. Nov. l.| H wi.i 1 ..f a ivu- it is SI lu.- lioturn. jiilihi' t::ni w| C'lil s J-..U ha.l 1. !:. ro.mI nature ii, .-ilm.wt '.i a xi-it to the.!. l uIHh-uiiji] %Vr ii^vo nviiio ;tnjwi;,' tho fi V IViiitiii;; t'"iiijuiiv the liV, ii/ «if-/-r with tbif .St Pei'.-VJS WJ.'^illll_' III ohtaiii it hJ on tin ^U^-^•n Mull rn.'t' hv cJ B8 a^ Wof.'iii f^.i:;l-ill.'ri' Srvsri the »»â- ../.'â- / *;;â- '• l.v ri:! ".0. Ihc oud of V**""!. " :ii-.;i ile| thereby -r.o.ivo h- -.i v.-u-- balance of till- y i'r â- .• scriher will :.K 1 :. â-  first of tho yvAT. •.•. • i ' ut graviu^ «f the hi: ' ' 14x20 iiic-ln- f;it .[ 11 'ii.- Btyle of luoiloni m-t v.iiiv.'ii w«»rth more il..-.:i tiio »• price. i^Drafta iaaned and Oolleetions made on all pointa, at lowaat ratea. WM. LUCAS is Co. â- â€¢ptamW. 1880. 2-7 I»ttlllc ]VoXlce. NO-nOI ia beraby (iren that tha now read opm thronxh Iota 99, 100. and 101. c« thatrtl ooaoeaaioa W. T. A S. B., in (ha tovMMp of aiaoaic ia not properly aa- taUMMd. f 1- .r Tha ww y o ieliaa altha townAip oi Gl«n- 4B Sm^tavlar airtiM* *» th* road through eaid Ma. vfll aat ke raspooaible for toy ac- aidaat tint nar bappan on aaid road. JAIHI BBOWN. FIMLAY MacRAE, Clark. Bocra. TiimiW|i iiflii I'lL Oat. 19. iMCU Ctf. ..i jU. ._, ., idi ffi' .tt.d u, jjf â- .'.,, .v'T.""".! n\t-^i fjiapt ri;.* !?'ti»i. {i^jr-i., 'lu'/.' ' ' BLOOMFIFI- Veterin.tTTl* VETERINAF J. HAS eonunencod the pr.vlii'e of feasion in Markdale. aiiI ^-t- cxnerienee and extcntuve pruiixie ii"' and this oountry. is cn»bU'd ti' satisfaction. TiegnlatinK Fowder^ miration of thonsands that hnvr a*t warranted to purity the Wood bv diseases larkinfia tha eyatani 'i^^ 1 eattle, alwuyg on hand. Medicinf' procured at Uia offioM, over ])r. Drnc Store. Markdale. .^ el Mt T ICEJJSE© AUCTl 1^ County of Urey. Bala? attended at shoi; or ooaufry. Chargea ml Sale Billa, Motes and slampt if reqoired. BM-iiie-had long tli9 bnaineaa f oan-ifaataBtee ssSi'W Markdat*. Sept. 3th, 1890. E\zur familv. \vi;l. â-  m City. Villag,,. a:: I i Ciul It highly useful tuoii- tho .4meru-an A;i,-uultiii in ;./;/«, practical,;. most valuable for ia-Uoor out- door Work and cumf r 800 to 1,(11)0 oriRiual en^r •very voluL^e .aro both pleg instructive. Ir. thi.s rosjiccfl «mineut .-iiul st.Viuls alo:i« sliould h.ivc ;i ii!.ici? i:i cv liold, no m-ittci- h.w ma j^onmls are tak.u. la ^^«P»U^nt for yculh .iiul ***t"^JiB much iiiform.'! *tt'J«ieDt. Its humbu- â- ^J^valui'^jlo to all clas ?°*5#J«.y low. only $1.50| J* w\nd of 1881, or four! â-¼^Single nu'ibcr.s, 15 ca ^•SKcn, 6 cents. Tal;e JJ^«Ucribo noir foi *«»)L Orauso JuJA 'aWtthors.215 15: j.idi'..iv, e.-it.U*. i» JB^

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