Page Four Choice Meats Always at Brennan's Homemade. Headcheese, Pure Pork Sausages, Also the choicest of Beef, 3 Pork, Veal and Lamb, % Cured Meats, Lard and Shortening, Vegetables, etc., all at prices compar- ed with other butchers. MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS (Orillia Packet) In the course of # remarkable speech st Tottenham recently,' J. J. Morrison. eoa- trasted the heavy indebtedness of the towns! of Simcoe with the small debts of. rural municipalities, As reported in the Farmer's Sun, he pointed out that "the towns and villages of Simooe County have a debt of $63.64 per head, while Orillis--the léading town of the county--has a debt of $105 per capita. Contrasted with this, a debt of $4.42 per head in. the rural mu "Who pays this heavy debt towns?" asked the speaker. "It is the | people who buy goods out of the towns and | villages. It falls back on tbe consumers. |And then, to make matters worse, our | members of Parliament have been chosen out of these debt-ridden municipalities, with the result that we have hud governments |that were extravagant. . Mr. Morrison pointed out that "Toronto |has over one hundred millions debt, and the province an equal amount, Then the |towns and villages have theirs, incurred for improvements. The rural sections have | practically none--but they have to bear the |burden of the others, because the cost is pamed on to the farmers."" dulging in this charscterisic wail of pexsimiam, Mr. Morrison ignores several important, f First. a considerable por- 1 of Orillis's debt was contracted for the jnirpose of erecting # power plant. This plant hus made the town an industrial cen- tre. It in saving the town. and the factor- ies in it. upwards of $200,000 per annum, compared with what the same quantity of jower and light would cost if produced by Give us a trial for the chdicest of Roast Beef. BRENNAN'S MEAT MARKET Service, Quality and Price Assured PHONE 51 PROMPT $ steum. and it ia doing, thie after providing DELIVERY { for both interest and 'sinking funds #6) Secondly, what do the workingmen in the aeesareennne, *" fuctorien think of the implication that the re the only producers? We should ¢ mupposed (and we are sure most of our furm-teaders will agree) thet the men CREDIT SALE who are developing the products of the of Farm Stock & Implements forests and mives in our factories also aro producers -to say nothing of thos» in the woollen factory, flour mills, ereamery and | tannery. who are finishing for market the products of the farm. Much of Orillia's ninnicioal expenditure was incurred to en. these men to carry on their wark to stage, and whatever burden there is The undersigned has received instructions from DAVID McWATERS, Lot 14, Con. 13, Innisfil, able uly Painswick connected with it ie carried by them ant | to will by public suctan on wat hy he farmers. Sie fiee| the third place. within reasonable lim: | WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1 ii. sit ie not an evidence of extra he following evuce. but is often a sign, or at least a con: HORSES--Hay mare. 7 yrs. olil, heavy; comitant. of enterprise and true econor buy hora, 12 yrs. old. heawy; huy horas, The half million spent on the Orillin power Tyre. ald. general purpose; Day ture, 9 nlent, for instance, has reduced the coat ce purpose; bay inure, 8 yre., of living for all the geaidente of the town xeneral purpose, boy horse, 4 yre., general instead of adding toit- Light and power Vurpos, bay eolt. eistig 3, gen, puspose, are nractieally the only commodities that é aie ve Me. ate chenper now than they were before the + milking. sappsedt ta bein calf; ®8& and they cost only a fruction of what Meni nutking, A vearlings, Durkan, (He did twenty year ago. when vrodneed ae Fa Re anealf, bY steam. Then there are many expendi. tae i rik ap thar are much cheaper for the com ie iene ae a whole than for indiv F and white cow, due Jun, 1; Ayrshire fstnelertaltesssAh bat der: Snwt ner 2 yee oan enlf, Blick and) white MORN, congenteat, Tiga cheaper Pe ee Boke Geohit kale Be rommunity 10 provide water than | sila 2 ao Misecoinl arhine tyiter-c8 yen howrholder 10 te is own wll I his own waterworks wvatem. The PIGS, SHEEP AND HENS--4 Shroo cine im true of other enpital exoenditures shigy ewe Lambs, 3 Shropshire ewer, watien. manicicalitier nal call at thene| shire wow, white sow, 6 fat pigs. 7 pigs. iy be wyre, but a larg proportion. Mr about 60) th 40 young Plymouth Afnericoy might have been anved from his) Ruck hens 300 good jrullete, pews}aaitic misanprehensions if he hud sim IMPLEMENTS--Decring hinder, 7-foct ply noted that, in his own words, it in "the | with trucks; Noxon 13-hoe drill; Mes fending town of she county" that haw the mick mower, 5 ft. cut: spring tooth cul- largest debt ner capits. This in often the wator; set dise harrows, wet iron horrows: cow, It ix the municipality, the corpo op bugey) sulky rake: euler: stock rack; ton and the individual that invests eunital 2 2 furrow lows 9 waten plows; harrow judiciously, hut in the largest amo cart, higher wagdn; heavy wagon with thot ix the most prosnerous, The aame wagon box. neurly new; gra-|true on the farm. It is not the farmer s f fei lla Oi '< ' avy Wagan, ly hay with a $4009 farm, frre of debt. bur the é 2 \ ropes, ext and pulleys; demo: former with » $99 .000 farm, and a mort. 'oot pulper; ret he: ze of $10 000. tha: is th> more prosper: Atwey cutter pole our. as a rule, | hild's seut; mawing machine, kere ax Mr. Morrison Tania cutting box, newrly new; row oz mill with bageer; cream sep- or. Gould, Shenley & Muir gax engine. |who undertake es be leadere should have? h set 1200 th, acvlex: Time jack;!» truer vercention of political ecovomy. s{ water tink' 3 woter barrels: emery aickle deener sense of responsibility, a saner judg. : ter, hug-v pole. 2 sete double harness, ment, and a broader outlook % t tug: sei double hares. long tug: laepenaees | big, 7 3k eae wititle harness: ulso chains. shovels. | RURAL EXODUS NOT PECULIAR TO | -- onsen niekyokes, and many other articles CANADA ton whe ROOTS--Quantity of surnips and man (Alliston Herald 44 a9 thirty ce wel ' 0 el J.J, Morrison, the hidden fountain from 4 to elect iene ETERS Tuer ae: which much of the U. F. 0. inspiration ; . way vil Feuer contl aaters flows, seems fond of tooking up statis ica of! , J . The B 2 box heature. "Queen" heater. "Happy declines in rural population. during the part | 5 with the ent on the farms an feeling hetween tpwn and country jesd an Retef F Toren ty cents oo ae . Hoven wnge. stove pipes, sideboard, bed. | ' sopatrisilit. white edie cenae Bedatead /t9 yar, i his efiarte to disgredit pro: pireet from its Record-Breaking Run at IMPORTANT ! BY GOVERNMENT ORDER, NO PERSON woth thei cam bed, 6 ustched dno, room ehalrt. Coie ational poly, he rune ta veee| the Strand Theatre, Toronto. IL JS THE ESIRE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO AND THE MAN. UNDER SIXTEEN WILL BE ADMITTED. yokey 8 Ba i asec iD: iu stentorian pro'est 3 thik draining e et howl, Indle and print. & quantity of the ountey. districts tothe fenefta of AWARE OF THE TYPE OF PICTURE THIS IS BEFORE PURCHASING TICKETS. f not havi Of dishes if, te Goltitey dlstciote to | GEE 'vel7 Roechouse scenes where Oan- 5 . . the rapidly growing urban centres. Dora) Owing to the Unusual TERMS OF SALE---Roots fowl, fat pig Mfr, Morrion ever look up other sti s ger Lurked for Incautious Youts PASSED! Character of this Tre- : -- ial ° wiv under, eal ----<------ : mendously Vital Pictare it was temporarily Has the U. F. 0. office library no byoks | er that amount 1 months' credit will giving extracts from the census returnk of LEAR! what happened to the unin- _|withheld from Public Presentation. Ye given ty parties furnishing anproved her countries? Or does Mr. Morrisoh de- formed young people in the nt nats ner unnunt allowed off for cline to look into any book where he might| Danger Spots they visite iy cah on eredit: sums find something detrimental to the big pal- | | i 2 it bears the Stamp of Govern- All w'll be ald without reserve ace af opposition and prejudice he ia build. 4 WANING D) NOW ; es itlon and : should see this picture I M ment Approval. This means Site at Tyan. We A. MeConkey, Auet, ing' 10 is quite true there ix an exodus! PARENT, 'and see the Hideous that Your Sons and Your Daughters may from the rural districts to the centres 'of receive, in vivid picture form, the warning Results of Ignoring a Menace that threatens Ir is true of Canatla: it i« true = ! i G t 1 § i-- ' population a | R ' inateeee he United i. : f the Nation for Generations ; . 6 is which, perhaps, you, as F " eesti meee of the United States: it is true of England; the: enare of the DEC. 3-4--FRL-SAT. Special Saturday Matinee [fi Pte 3s 1 as father or Mother, i og 99 ft is true of Germany; in fret, it is true y 'PROGRESSIVE' of every civilized ond industrial country i ' | in the world, (ar in The Herald es | va4'in the history of the whole world. | THE SEEING EVE TOWN AND COUNTRY For failure to use spark screens t ' discover sfter following, the matter up for " | al " is two ' ; SHOE REPAIR sion movie Sa Inne ag Eglo ued Wale | With greater per capita wealth in the coun-| Principal Reynolds of the Ontario Agri-| 'The farmer who live adjacent to the| threshers near Owen Bound are to be prow t 4 Ss : were iredominantly agricul'ural, and only|{f¥ than there ever was before, with the culturai College thus delivers himself in the Jeountry around any town are in many'| cuted by the Fire Marshal : : i TORES incidentally indust fir England's growth in | estimable benefits of science and invention | Agricultural Gazette of Canada ways as much a part of that town ax the Fi i pooulution wae low. England's population |0®, all sides, higher intelligence, greater) "The teacher who hopes to take a right | people who live within the corporation -- , W.S. ROBB, PROP. in 1600 wae 4,811,000. In 1761 the pop. | facilitfes for recreation and mental im place in the life of the country school dis-j limits. J i re (Late 4th Batt.) ulntion 'of Fnglanit-nnd Wales was only |"¥ovement everywhere apparent, and infin. trey must cultivate the seeing eye and the| There has been in the past too much of a is i ON'T COBBLE, WE REPAIR | /9-479.000, In 160 years this population itely greater comforts in the country as well understanding heart for persons and things |the feeling by both farmers and townspeople iJ id had increased 568.000. The industrial re-| #4 in the city. it is difficult to grasp the | ,, The usual, popular, melodrama, |that there is s difference in their interests A i 4 IDA (I ivolution wrought by machinery began in {Purpose of all this invective agninat the|-oMic cupplement, moving picture concep. and even in their feeling and lives, There 2 ' ON a "T THROW 1760. Tr was not Cobden and free trade Silurements of the city, the rapacity of ition of the farmer and of country people is a difference in their occupations, but Pr { hut the union' of steam and coal tha: be-|city people and the hardships endured by| must be forgotten. =It is easentially and |there ought to be none in their interests, i ED 3 THESE nnd's grest industrial growth. In |the farmer in consequence. perniciourly: fulse, 'The farmer is some-|Both. ought. to be working for the good of i 4a . that sonarated; 1600 from 1780 [thing of ® humorist, and takes delight ir |that community whic the central voint T 0 WN r h i the population of England-and Wales had} -----_____ deceiving the simple-mind y a some-jof supply for them, Both ought to loo! én 4 i OLD RUBBERS ine-med 38 pet pict ia the 151 years | what tndnahed exterior, Tee hye vo the town col gr town 4 i y vulean. {thet separated 1780 from 1911 England and SHOP EARLY person makes the fatal mistake of judging e farmers need the town and the town : 1 ne Eva Viel inate, v vean eased by 29.521.000. YES, quite true! Christmas is by -- appearances, Kee the city-train- vende Gn Serres. bt ah perhipe, PROPERTY F] Teng, re pers can DOW Foe 455 ver cent. Tha British cenaus re'urna ' eye there are two classes of persons, |could not cxist out the farmers, 5 | be antiafuctorily undertaken Show (hat: trre trade hes not stavpéd the 8 few weeks off; but, neverthe: |/one wearing overalls and the other wearing /the farmers would ind existence more ex- --FARMS, ETC. ; 4 Rubber boots, overshoes, ete.. halt fjdecline in rural pooulation in England any al oo Peeps See. RAY wae: white collars. 'The former clase sear eth | peaive pod ver ones factory wiskons " 'i more than protection has caused the decline |] © ' their hands, The latter class work with | town--givinj a an Coes, Reartiy Heed i o ' pei plese, oe. bess repre of rural ponulstion in Ontario, 'The eol- DON'T PUT IT OFF-- face the ||their brains; That is the subericial jude [quarters for buying. for shipments, for| | List your properties with a { Patches put on uppers of all kinds oseof increase in '« population ha facte--Christmas is coming, you pur- ment, which ignores the fact that there is|mail, for banking, for better schools than me if you want the best 2 Secc of rubber footwear taken place almost entirely in the towns; || ose buying yyour useful gifts, you ||» very grent deal of clear, hard thinking (the country district schools, for amuse- ; \- If you require rubber footwear re- | |the rural nopulstion of England and Wales|| have leisure now, you,can have bet- "|/done today by the men wearing" overalls,{ments and for church, serviee. Tics consult us. hax remained proctically ataenant. Ger-|| ter service sow. 5 At any rate, the farmer belongs to both'| Since the interests of the farmers and | PRI {asaBbasanedi a) [meny's town ponuletion was 15,000,000 in YOU'LL feel "years younger just | |classes. The more~he-understands of those the townspeople are mutual there ought tu -- |1871 and 39{000,000 in 1910. Germany's||. to have it off your mind, whilst || discoveries, which it is the business of the be » closer merging of the two and more of If ya ot i NOTE THE ADDRESS: |rurst_nooulation wes 26,113,000 in 1871|| others are 'simply distracted, ageictaral allege to miske, the more be We" in reference to local affairs, and you want anything in jo Advan ond 25.954,000 in 1910. Figures could be a absorbs the Aesching which it the r 14-16 Mulcaster St. |sdduced to show 0 aepravaadi phe: STOCKS are now at their best 1) neas of the college to spread abrood, thr |rington, in the Banker-Farmer Real Estate, see me. OPP.. CLARKSON +HOUSE dition in France snd it Wonly a few warks|| 'ud the news of these stocks in the 1) setter farmer will he be. fi ecm [ngo that the American denartment of ag-|| Sdvertisements of leading morshan's ----_----_-- For stealing s euit of clothes valued at Jrievlture 'announced that the urben popu. ||» sppearing from week to week in The A motion to exempt hotels in \North Bay |$65 from J.C. Long's shop, Midland, Har. % '6 {lation of that: country had overtaken and|| Examiner. Make your selections in' |/¢eom taxation was turned down-by the old Bertram," a Lindsay youth, wea given M D, Cubitt-Nichols sar, 'The Owen Sound Sun reports s robin lay-'nnesed the rural nopulation in numbers.|| the comfort of fl ato ar i. 1 term of six months, ° " ing in its nest in that city lsat week, With these conditions existing all over the arly diy (on burglars who blew the sefe in the |\ In Meaford a Jersey cow dropped dead 'REAL ESTATE mand that this should bea real sign world and the prosnect for an average men-|| °arly in the week. store of W. J. Burgess, Bala, were given'|trom fright when a locomotive ceme gud. a _ of mild weather. sure of prosperity just as bright as it ever \ eee / | four years at Kingston. Menly close to her. : ' ¥