Inughing, talking, singing and card play. Stark © ghia tia etter kl iy ane Panty fer the. soul | Surpassing § NEWS FROM\NEIGHBO! RING TOWNSHIPS ai of their comings the wd 6 = 7 ; CRP ION | THORNTON (Too late for last, week) | Mis Annie"McKensie is visiting with 'friends in Barrie for-s week. }, The Methodist Church anniversary will j be held on Sunday, Nov, 21, with Rev. W. |E. Baker of Toronto aa the special preacher. Gordon Spencer of the West is home to Ct eT PHELPSTON Nov, 22.-- Mr, Parsons spent the week- end of last week at his home in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. T. O'Neill spent over Sun- day of Isat week in Penetang, eS Miss 1 Kelly is heme from Toronto for w few days. M, and 8. Platt attended the Edison re- ci'al in Barrie last week and report won: | got wind of a charivari; bu 10, for a little after eleven o'clock the e was henrd coming down the lane, and immediately the crowd commenced singing st the height of theit voices, For He's 8 Jolly Good Fellow." After the noise had Henk ent up a0d cooreaed ts toe ee jank, got up and ex; in jangu- age the feelings of all those present in wish- ing Mr. and Mrs. O'Neill all kinds of hap- pinesa and welcoming. their return, Mr. Parions followed, and on behalf of the K. all others in Delicacy and F | spend the winter with his parents. . q | |uai™ de W;, Heary is iting for a tow |"*Gn, D"Busiley apent a ew daye of ln (Sica ih al pmtaion speech, 'iorey| Send ws @ post card for a free te, stating the | |dtaya with friends in Toronto. week with friends in Buri. imeker sem shut ich Mr ONG was] BRICe you now pay and IF yor ee Green or | Quite unexpectedly Mrs. Arthur, Postle| Mrs. 8. Hall and daughter Monica spent |so taken by surprise on this and the whole Tea. if | | pussed sway on Saturday, Nov. 13. Her|last Sunday with Mrs, Plate. evening's gathering that be was hardly 4 | funeral op the 16th was largély attended.| Clarence Laing, V.B., spent Suaday with | ble'to express himself, but he finally re. a | and her body was laid to rest! in the Union |friends in Elmval covered -his olf control und thanked the KNOCK | 'cemetery, the pull-bearers being J. A. Jam-| W. Jonox Sundayed with friends in Min-|many friends present. for 'theit' kiednens Nov, 16.-- Mr, Maude, Toronto, was! FF | ieeon, Jumes Sproule, 8. R, Brown, J. W. | exing. |rhown to him and, Mro. (O'Neill, and e-| 4 week-end vilter GP Ke Bcctenna| | Henry. Alex. Stewart and J. R. Jamieson.! Mrs. B. J. Long of New Flos spent a fow | necially the K. of C., who considered. thelr andi called 'on other {Het in' (he pelgh 2 | | Bay. WH Adams, in his fu address, days with ber mother-in-law bere. {ature comfort, ato. 2 Mmptions repant borhood ar " ' i |telerred to the exemplary christian life of Jerome Shunahan is about uble to again | was afterwards' partaken, all present doing ' the deceased, Mev. Poste's-maiden name | attend to busine, acer his recent "knee heir share. Immediately following. dane sierra ep td Freak: Comsasre both | {waa Ellen Brown, daughter of the Iate| out" from a Ford car. No, it was not|ing. cards and music. Mr. and Mm. O'- Mrs. F, K. Robertson is apending the j Mr. and Mex, James Brown of Markbatt /yhile engaged at the 'garage, nor while (Neill have certainly the best wishes" {rom week in Braiford, the gust of Mw. L.| This Letter Tells How It May- | Tp. In that township she was born in| manipulating the wheel it was merely everyone in this community for u proper. | york i y aa) THE BANK OF ff i's. racic? iy tel ater er wis or ats? hah | et ar atuan ty el Me Th Hanon wen» tw aye| be Overeome--All Mothers to Mr. i cl . Mrs, ; enthusisem is being-shown by our ] |Poutle, was an earnest chriatian, of un-| -,uurt week I intended to meation the voine people with. referents tee seating Tih Mes. Thee, Bowman, who hee been Interested. | NOVA SCOTIA [ff suming nature tnd devoted to ber home, forung on Mr, and Men. Ambrove. Moras Tink for this winter. May their good ani |f0F Talis 2 bas boa acaiaa ie" H | The bereaved friends have the deepest sym-|Nnd' Me and Mr, T. O'Neill, on theit rec P® reqartied by finding what they desire j44 with aclatios for thiee meeke Toronto, Ont. = Lhave offered since j pathy of the community. 'turn from their honeymoons, but the fact [9% of these fine days. ' Mr. McBride spent Monday with er school gir! with pain in my left. The concert aud supper under the aus-|is 1 failed to mention anything, so must| Poor old Phelpston! I guess it ix up to sister, Mrv, Wm. Roberteon jsideandwithcramps, } A. G. Mectcilay pices of the Women's Institute held here on | try and not forget this week. On Wednen {YOU to continue in aub-darknows for awhile b Be : growing worse Manager, BARRI Nov. & war a decided success. A mort |day night of two weeks ago a goodly num|#t least. Ee a ee ot sed fovint| KEEPS LONELY VIGIL WITH DEAD poet ntl ere {sumptuous repast was served in the base-|ber were advised by phone, etc., that a|/®F Mrocurable she chances are you wil Fun dow! [athe hapa of our Tacaton women [Spel momar would, be ven to Mn. 4 [POU Shourh C.K. Hie power bat Be! ated at Git Cho for 22 year bo I fwasso bad at times | of the ality 0 orn men. I~ down-- 2 o | 'Mer the mipper the erowd mserled. In [crt Ob BEE fetura, so ack te am lthe searcty of money, an that undoubtedly [been Keever of the Tighthouse ona. Innely that I was unfit for fi the Orange Hall god linened with very keen |flowing, all carrying something from a table |*ttlex that question for the time beine, bse te te Gi caeeion oe. bee just vere mark, IT beige pois Soir ey arin Beet Frowrany consisting of /anoon ton wash tub, while many of the| Phelreton hunters, a» usual, returned |{htoweh «terrible experience, He and hie] {IM eal Goctor i 2 : an a Ww wl any of ' wife lived alone on the rock, which ix tent medicines, but ? 'solos by Mise Spencer, Mise Wright and Mr. |Iedieq brought up-to-the-minute ." | with their allotment. all having exceptional yore tied goneon the rock, which |b ieuscnly relieved Sor 4 | Thonpson of Thornton and by 1. MacLinch: | srs, Moran waa certuinly taken by surprise | Good luck thie weanon. day night, Nov, 11, Mr. Griffith became la short time, Some | Jan of Allandale; u splendid reading by und very nicely spake her appreciation of uineonseioux and. died during Friday night. | | 'lof thedactors wanted , | | Mise Genevieve Jamiceon; musical numbers the kindness of her many frienls wha 20 BAX " 4 rec Be cc ee ito perform an oper- hy Thornton orchestra. Speeches were giv. | AXTER +a guile way blowing at the time, he wax ( lb Lat nerously donated to the large number of wnable to crom to the mainland, and it| ation, but my father objected, Finally Wh yourhead feelslike 7" by Rev. Messrs. Somerville, Adams and | ieful household articles, Mr Moran' aleo (Too late for text week) was only Monday night be succeeded in| Llearned through my motber of Lydia 's en a basket of broken _Dt™: 20d W. A. Boys, M.P. Major Know: | snoke w few appreciative words and think. W. C. Bell has been on the sick list the ceaching Midland. A. few of hix friend«! E. Pinkham's- Vegetable Sommpoand, . ed Jon of Barrie acted in his usual pleasing 'nd all those who were present, after which | iast few duya ceturnet! to the Tomb, which is wbout 12° how thankful fam that'l tried it. bottles--you net eat gin chairman. During the prograi ail turned in and enjoyed a few minutes |' Mm. A. Teonbull han reiurned home after miles from that town. und brought. the, 1m relieved from pain and cram} ' W. A. Boy behalf of the Government. | with the dandy "este," passed around |apending three weeks with her da, ighter. "body tm Midlund for burial i feel as if it has saved by Wie, 'ou ene ee ee ie rmen MS | quite liberally, Of course care nnd. danc-|Mre. Juhn. Roxberstgh af Br Pie ee : use my letter to help other women, | un to the citizens of Thornton ex 4 slight [Ing were induiged in after the eats" wore | Piqors Guy he gone 6 be ty to) --_------= 'am only too glad to recommend the ' [token of remembrance of the Great Wat. |finished up, and all mare or lem took 1 | wor foe the winter. NOTICE OF SALE OF HORSE IN POUND | medicine."'~JeAN KENT, 42 Blamford Proceeds of the gathering were $160.00. | turn, Before leaying. all expremed. their| "Misa batw ea Hilda Denney spent last | Notice in hereby given that I did on the; A¥@., Toronto, Ont. N i | ------ jbeet wishes to Mr. and Mra, Moran for d{ sunday with Mra. Jacob. 16th day of Noveinber, 1920, impound one iets win are srouiied co Mine. Kant % |SALADA TEA REDUCED IS¢ A POUND |Iong and happy, proxperous life. Of cours, | "Mrand Mon WJ, Gnuley visited at Al: grey horse about twelve years old, Owner as sboul riaking Lydie Pinkbam's g Stomach or bowel dis. | Every effort is being made to mupply the | those not present also extend sincere wishes |bert Lowe's on Sunday, lay have hore by proving property and' rl oe i 9 order poisonsthe blood | Fetuil denlers with Brown\ label "'Salada"* for s continued life of happinew. Threskfng ix over in this district and saw- | puying expenses "incurred, | 'who need sp advice may and this irritates the a! the reduced rate of BS gents per pound. | On the following night, Thumday. an |ing wood ix now the order of the day. Unlan horse is nooner redeemed, notice| write to Lydia Ee ad apecial advice Co. 1 fewtog the bey. However, it will take some little time be- other large gathering congregated at T.| It is to be hoped that winter has not vet |i« herchy given ther f will ce the vith dey | Confidential), Lynn, Mass, ters % Larseet Sale of Any Medicine tn ahe Wena, {07 ll bs it ta stock, in spite of every 0' Nea ', residence, bound on showing their i of December, 1900, at the Market Square. will be opened, read and answered by « K le. " 'exertion on the part of, the company, as| good fellowship y taking Mr, an irs. ie, sell anid horse to defray cost of confit % Seid everywhere to Cassis. a beaes, 25c., Ste, |they have tens of thousands of customers | ONeill by surpriae and presenting them and other oan j Soran and Bald fe etrlet dence, "Vinard's Liniment for Garaet In Comp {hrewshout Cunads from the Atlantic to|with a renl shower of many presents, By the past week visiting het nuaten Men, Boil, Dated at Barrie, Nov, 17th, 1920, . Winard's Liniment for Garget In, Cows. the Pacific. jten o'clock the house was full of people. |of Mulmur Township, i479 G. W. HAGART, Pound Keeper.| Minard's Liniment for Distemper. HE YOY - Jiegs: HELLO JERRY- OH' THE WAROEN AN 1 COULDN'T IT DIDN'T ¢ - Just Daoreny WHEN 910 YOU GIT ALONG AN' HE WOULONT 10,2 FINE "BUT ANY THING - Tee IN VO SAY" <7 OUT oF QUIT 901 DID- 1 BROUGHT Was pte TIN THE FLAY NOU A LITTLE PRESENT. FER ME"OLO Boe, UPSTAIRS! . d v3 ei By virtue of w warrant from the Mayor of the Town 31. § Frederick, 78, Plan 3 1s 44 12 § Yerpra, 4, Plan 494 6.36 145 7,81 16) 8 Burs, 1.59 17.36 ad vi i i 38 frederick, 79,° Plan 493. 1.45 4A 10 }, Plan 40: 6.36 1.45 781 } S$ Burton, 159 = 17.36 peal theta pm - bel eee fa bes ia 39 8 Frederick, 80; Plan 493 145-435 101 0, Plan ae 636 145/781 185 8 Burton, 150 * 1737 ee eek coepormon of tha eald Sows siya 40 8 Frederick, 81, Plan 493 1450 4.35 102 8 Vespru, 7, Plan 494 6.36 1.45\ 7.81 | 166° 8 Burton, 1.59 17.37 bearing dute the 24th day of August, A.D. 1920, and to 41 , 82, Plan 493 145 4.85 | 103 8, Plan 494 6.36 1.45 \ 7.81 167 8 Burton, 1.59 17.37 me directed for the collection of arrears of taxes due on 42 1.45 3 | 104 4 9%, rian 404 638 145 ~ 7.81 is H poss, 1,59 17.37 undermentioned lands, notice ia hereby given that un- 43 1454. 105 8 Vespra, 10, Plan 494 636 145 7.81 jurton, 159 17.87 oa opel ponies arin t era " 145 435 | 106 8 Veepra, 11, Plan $04 636 145 «781 | 170 8 Burton, 199 17.87 iets: SOR " ae ges, 45 1450 4.35 107 8 Veepra, 12, Plan 404 6.36 145 7,81 171 8 Burton, 13 15.78 1.59 17.87 'be sooner paid, I shall, on-the Second day of December, 46 145 4.35 | 108-8 Veapra, 13, 'Plan 494 6.36 145 781 | 172 N Cumberland, 47.59 2.88 49,07 A.D. 1920, at the hour of ten o'clock in theforenoon, in 47 145 4.85 109 8 Vespra, 14, Plan 494 6.36 145 7,81 193 N Cumberland, 47.59 2.38 49.07 BF Council Chamber, Municipal Building, in' the said " 10 158 26.08 HO 8 Vespra. 15, Plan ie $8o 145 7.81 | 14 N Cumberland, B58 204 i502 4 i i vii 4 3 26. ML Vespra, 16, Plan 4 36 14 7.81 XN Cumberland, f ( 92 Town of Barrie, in the County of Simeoe, and Province of 50 48 145 10.08 | 112 S Vespra, 17° Plan 494 6.38 145 | 476 8 Cunberlund, 1 419 145 5.08 Ontario, proceed to sell by public suction the said lands 51 1455 155 16.10 | 113 N Victoria, 37, Plan 631 6.34 1.48 | 177 8 Cumberland, 2 410° 145 5.64 or 40 much thereof ss may be sufficient to discharge sueh 32 8 424 145 (5.60 114 N Viotoi ; Plan 681 6.34 1.45 "178 8 Cumberland, 3 410 1455.64 arrears of taxes and charges thereon. 53 8 4.24 145 5.60 115 N Victoria, 29, Plan 631 6.35 1.45 179 8 Cumberland, 4 4.19 145 5.04 aa . ¥ 54 8 424 1.45 5.69 116 , pt 5) 19.26 1.68 } 180 8 Cumberland, 5 4.19 1.45 5.64 ' This List is being advertised in the iagues of the Ontario B48 425 145-870 red, BT. 738 145 181 § Oumberland, ¢ 419° 145 5.68 Case it fi 56 8 425 145 5.70 3:83 1.45 182 Juniberland, 419 145 5.64 rilg eeeieen Ohm svat bets greet pond 8 4 15 570 | Bas 15 | 189 8 Cumberland, 8 41 145.84 i licatic r / eK i 145 i im snd, D 5 64 eect Ny Ot Hed ca appllation atthe. Tress 59 8 J 425.145) 5:70 | 333 145478 185 $ Cumberland, 10 419 145 5.86 \ 60 8 425° 145 5.70 3838 145 4.78 186 8 Cumberland, 11 419 145 5.64 Parcel Street and Lot Arrears Costa Total 61 8 425° 145 5,70 3.83 145 4.78 187 8 Cumberland, 19 $2.12 2.50 54.82 1 62 8 425 145 8.70 3.33 145 4.7%, 188 W Granville, 12 82.68 2.00 34.86 63 8 425 145 5.70 333 145 4.78 | 189 W Granville, 13 82.66 2.00 84.66 6 8 425 «145 (5.70 3.83 1.45 4.78 | ~=:190 W Granville, 14 32.65 2,00 34.65 6 8 425 1455.70 772 1459.17 191 W Granville, 15 82.65 2:00 34.65 66 8 4:25 p 145 5.70 128 N Baldwin Lane, 54, Plan 512 7.72 145 9.17 192 E Granville, 27 . 45.55 2.34 47.80 67 W a2 F145 5.07 120 N Baldwin Lane, 65, Plan 512 7.78 1.45 9.18 198 E Granville, 28 ... 45.55-- 2.84 47.80 68 Ww 1145 1.45 12.92 180 N Baldwin Lane, 56, Plan 512 7:78 148 9.18 194 8 Gowan, 8 24.67 181, 28.48 60 W M44 147 12.91 181. N Baldwin Lane, 87, Plan 612 7.78 145 9.18 195 8 Gowan, 9 87.10 2:12 80.29 ae 83145 2.28 182 N Baldwin Lane, 68, Plan 512 7.78 145 9.18 196 8 Gowan, 12 96.58 8.61 100. { mw B83. 145° (2.28 133 N Baldwin Lane, 59, Plan 512 7.78 1.45 pus 197 8 Gowan, 13 16.74 \2w 1452.29 184 N Baldwin Lane, 60, Plan 512 7.78 145 9.18 198 8 Gowan, 14. we 16.78 73 N 7» 19 8.86 145 5.81 185 N Baldwin Lane, 61, Plan 512 (7.78 1.45 9.18 109 WN Hotgate, 11, Plan 512 . "Ee 16,78 1.60 18.88 136 N Baldwin Lane, 62, Plan $12 7.78 145 9.18 200 N Holgate, 29, Plan 2.56 57.48 75 E Sanford, 2 8.61 145 5.06 187 E Baldwin, 63, Plan 512 .... 25,50 1.83 27.83 201 N Holgate, 30, Plan 512 1.68 20.04 76 E 8 22 8.60 145 5.05 188 .E Baldwin, 64, Plan 512 | 1.88 27/38 202 N Holgate, 81, 1 | 18. 145 6.45 77 W Benford, 21 . 21.49 1.73 28.22 139 E Baldwin, 65, Plan 512 . 1,83 27.83 203 N Holgate, Bl 1456.46 78° W Sanford, 22 | 2148 1.78 28.21 140 F Baldwin, 66, Plan 612 .... 183 27.38 206 N Holgate, Block C, Plan 512 J s 2.05 36.38 79 W Sanford, 28 M148 1.78 98.21 141 E Baldwin, 67, Plan 512 |... 1.83 27.83 205 N Holgate, Block D, Plan 512 45 1.76 80 *\W Sanford, 24 M48 1.78 + 28.21 142 N Burton, 1 150 14.82 208 8 Holgate, Block A, Plan 512 45 145 81 E-Sarah, 2 "105 145 2.50 143 N 1.50 14.82 207-8 Holgate, 85, Plan 512 ,.,, 45. 145 $2, Sarah, 4 145 5.98 4 N 1.60 14.32 208 8 Holgate, 36, Plan 51: AB >) 8. 1.45 83, E Sarah, 5 145 4,98 145 N 1,50 . 14.82 209 M5/ | 8.89 20 168 34 E Sarah, 6 145 4.98 146 N 150" 14:31 1 5 / 4 21 1.45 85 E Sarah, 7 145 5.98 u7-N 1.50 , 14.81 7441 8.80 2 145 86 E Sarah, 8 145 (7.67 43 N 1.50 '44°81 TH 145 888 23 145 87 E Sarah, 9 1457.67 49 -N 150 14:31 TM LAB 880 ry 45 88 E Bradford, 150 N 150 14,81 74 145 8.89 25 1 of Lots '151 N. 1.50 © 14.81 145 809 26 1.48 and south 5.01. 157.87 152 N 1.50 1431 1.98 3248 27. 1.48 89 E Alfred, 50 . 145 10.50, | . 153° N 1,50 11431 1:70 20: 28 145 90_E Bradford, 1.64 10:25 1548 1.90. 30.48 170 2 .N 145 91 "E Bradford, 1.66 49.25 155 8 1.90 30.48 145 20 N 1465 92 N_Veepra, A 1.45 29 156 8 2.25 43.89 1.98 a1 .N 1.45 98 N Vespra, B 145 3.29. 157 & 2.25 48.83 All the above described lots gre patented. aN 73, 1.45 94 N Vespra, C 1458.20 158° 8. 225 43.88 H = 8 ison A 1.45 95 N Vespra,. D er aa 5 Pf § br ae a A.W, 984 8 Frederick, 75, 148 N Veepra,' E p 4 'Treasurer of the Corporation of the Town of Barrie, '5 § Frederick, 76, 148 onan Veepra, F 145 8.99 161 8 1.59 17.36 ' = Gf Harrie. 36 8 Frederick, 77, 145 98 "N Vers, G 145 3.20 162 8 159 1736 __] Treasurer's Office, Barrie, August 26th, 1920. | -_ Treasurer's Sale of Lands 'in Arrears for Taxes.---Town of