st. ruction r worth thandis- Many ese cril- hwe are the old without rig OF eeds and the reg- he reduc> any suit and Cot- belt and e-by the ye at phe $. 8.00. $12.50 $16.00. $20.00 : lines. UMBRELLA ella. you curry." honestly?" red it out, It start arid T stopped into it stopped. Then coming along with and T thought if my house I would umbershoot. 80 T i; 'Where are you Ils, young fellow," relly und ran." 1 HOO! ea the natives show ing the traveler by This extraordinary © met with amo tribes, and was ayeler ix supposed to {his journey. grevting cards from 7 \ IG enly desirous ig and, old. Hand convine- ing questions pi the province ly to do the heir ideus,"The bry of w series } King in Knox ¢ Ontario Vet- University of ral and lurban oN A to to the pele lie Speaking ro the. men. and d'natural- Examiner con- itions on Public find one 'article - A.W. LONGHURST & Sons {and Miss Jevohn Nicklin, violinist. KEEP SMILING! Olive Thomas IN JOHN LYNCH'S "Everybody's Sweetheart" The star who captivated the hearts of the whole continent in a role that laughs and cries and always entertains. WORTH SEEING You'll remember it! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Special Saturday Matinee MONDAY AND TUESDAY A REAL KNOCKOUT "The Man Who Dared" A Drama of Love and Revenge amid the California Redwoods STARRING WILLIAM RUSSELL - ---A Romance of Irresistible Magnetism--- e. = We take great pleasure in presenting . a new. star . Miss Wanda Hawley in a dainty bit of amusement of-extraor- dinary quality. 'Miss Hobbs' WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY A SPECIAL PROGRAMME 16e and 27¢ eed # " HERE ON DEC. 4 ted | pote ToR ROO IOR TOR 18 DUMBELLS" HE Pure Bred Beced jer Wan! i "The Dumbells" will offer their second ted, « retired farmer preferably and |Z earorienced pure bred dairy cattle breeder, | yy init pura, bred stock breeders as special | SOPOR OOK OR TOIIOIOR On reocenentative, Salary $40.00 per week and revcesen tats oplieanta would be admitted Mrs, L. W, Whitaker has returned home ae eetnor in the business by taking &T¢8 | after a short visit in Toronto. sorable amount of stock. This is an old 'ce plished concern 'paying splendid profits. linn description im firet letter, with ents called to the Bar last week. and peraonal interview | Opera House for matinee und night of Sat. urday, Dec, 4. | "The Dumbells"" are too well known in| this town to need any introducton. Suf-! i and that the new show is just a» snappy « references. be arranged Yo dentin. Apply Desboratx Advertising ) JOU" Acrney. 45 Jarvis St., Toronto. 48¢ Meek series of record business dx hia ret 7 --=-- F. Breckon fs ihe Biveate Navin of the loyal eupport of the Cunadian public, | town to join the staf of the Midland Free | Cy), i a $8 TO $12 PER DAY bime eee tvn te ea inv omond tl Sate Tractor Mechanics Voleaniting Mrs. Andrew Urquhart leaver tonight to a an » $12 ber day, Men wanted fill present, peerene Jequh ae . wal cutomobile mechanics. driving ens w few weeks with Mr. Urquhart 3t) gowns, settings and numbers, » special fee tor operating. tire vulcanizing, oxy. Whitney ture ef the new chow being s twenty win: | Pore TMine storage bevtery eicetrienl Mr. Hy Lawson of Kingston, with ber lure vergion of the greate-t wf the Gither | practical training. Only a fe daughter, i» visiting ber parenta, Judge and vi Sullivan operas weoke required. Day and night laste Mei. Whatiiet i Hen cee ea Bin ane A Gee Mrs, Rev.) Godard of Montreal is in Meer ing St. Wert, Tor. town, the guest of her brother. Capt. Rol | ae een King St Went, Tor town, the guest of her brother. Capt. Rol) Wisromy gf MARY'S LITTLE LAMB ' 48.496 lit, and Mra, Rollit 1 fam sitting tonight in the Buptist par: -- Mer, and Mr. Ho J. Grusett and Mis} sonuge om the town of Sverling, Mus, Mury Grasett leave next week to sv rn about forty miles from Boston, Through about a foot of snow 1 went to the bern and woodshed, which in part is mude of Mr. and Mrs. Dowson and daughter have|the old schoolhouse to which Mary's Lami been paying # visit to Mra, Jus, Case nd followed her one day. The poem. Mary {Had « Little Lumb," ts ux familiar to many \Canadiun children as the letters of the al- land. phubet; and I wish to say there was e real Mr, and Mra, James Wright. Painswick. | Mury Sawyer. who owned the lamb which [have gone to Montreal to apend the winter | went with her tu nchool in the house which swith their aon, W. A. Wright, of the Bun |2Figinally stood about two miles from here, GROCERY BUSINESS AT {Tite tnmuranee. Co but was later sold, removed, and built : c into the burn above mentioned. 151 BRADFORD ST. § 2. nse of worsture | ae Sawa br fe 22,180 : iting her sister, Miss M. J, Johnston, Bar: | and seven years later twin lambs 'were born We are using every effort 3 rie, and alto her brother, J. P. Johnston. )1? # sve 'of her father's flock, but the to meet the growingrde- $| Orillia, who is seriously ill. sheep mother would only own one of the mands of our tradg. lambs; so Mary took the other and moth- Roy Armstrong of St. John, N.B.. (who|ered it. Seven months Inter the lamb fol- 'Though only a short tithe here, we have already re- ing u much more elaborates: nafore."" gorgeous: ly owned anid brilliantly tage the winter in St. Peteraburg. Florida, | IN OUR are leaving on Saturday on a viet to Eng. "Mary had a Little lamb, Tts fleece was white ox #n0w ; And everywhere that Mary went That lamb was sure to gD. it followed her to school one day. Which was against the' rule ; Tt made the children laugh and play To see lamb at school, aiemnencaneamanememmrearinn ait amataiiiaaal 3 ae: wan a prisoner of war in Germany for nine-|lowed her to, eehool one day and before 'teen months), spent last week at the home the teacher came some of the boys suggested of his cousin "Mire, 'Thomes Sewrey, Mc [thet Mary put the lamb spon bar, aly jo te Sowrey which she did, and the Iamb went to sleep, ceived a goodly share Of } Donald St. But Ister it waked up and kicked and husiness. This we.very 'A. C. Petersen, who hax spent the sum vernabed ous of the seme. This made all 4 i s the children laugh, and of course the seach: much appreciate. ° mer with E. A. R. Petersen of Shanty Bay, | Pt oive te aah Gary bar dhe ald If you have not done has booked passage on the Express of nor scold Mary, She only laughed with 1 d let | France with 4. F. A. Malcomson, and will/her and the other children. The lamb so, come along a and le rst from Quebec on Nov, 27. stayed all day and went home that night, us serve you. 'Groceries never to come back to echool again. But \ fame awaited this little sheep. 'Beveral of Highest Quality and THE ORPHEUS CLUB days Ister » young Harvard student, Jobn Prompt Service" is our A grup of young people of Barrie have Boulitone, who was a friend of the teacher, motto. * formed}a musical club for the purpose of UNDE. in the, nei ghiborboed and hearing of . . thestudy of music and stimulating inter- Cash and Lowest Prices. 1 in musical activities in the town. This J A. R. CAMERON club is known as the Orpheus Club and ° . will meet onke a week. The officers are: 151 Bradford St. | President. Geo. 8, Folster; Vice-President, |W. H. Graham; Secretary, Miss H. Mar- shall; Treasurer, Mise G. Carr; Musical Dir- jectors, H. L. Bamford, Miss E. Rayner. On Dec. 9, the Club will put on a con- cert in the Opera House. The artists will] So the teacher turned it out, be Mrs, Jones-Morgan, the Welsh soprano,| , But still it lingered near. - Mise! And waited patiently al Till Mary did apes LAKEVIEW DAIRY | Nicklin plays on a Nichols Amati violin have just purchased LakevieW 'made in 1654 and valued at $3,500, Mrv.| | Mary's lamb lived only two years and PERSONAL : edition of "Biff, Bing, Bang" at the Grand | 710 Dairy; the milk business Of D.|\Morgan is well and favorably known to| was hooked to death by s cow in her fa. WwW. Bishop, formerly krfewsn | Barrie sudiences 'and, many will look for- as City Dairy, on Dunlop St.,| and the old business will be carried on in the new way. TRAD! ITED |e YOUR Ph E SOLIC 'The Dead Ses is five times sx salty as) stockings were unraveled and the thread jone the ocean. cut to pieces of one yard in length. Each piece was wound/on a card, on which Mary COMMENCING DEC. 1 3 i i 1 am going to start delivering milk in Barrie again. 3 a quart to all: A. G. 'Phone 475 | intend taking wp my same route and will apprec- iate the patronage of as many of my old customers as are in any way dissatisfied. Price will be 14 cents Qualify gu |ward with interest to hearing her agai 'These will be assisted by local talent. | Less than half the world is Christian, PA aranteed. FALKER GLEN ALLAN DAIRY pore were first worn in England in| ture woman, her's barn. The wool of the lamb was pun and knitted into stockings. for Mary by her mother; but these stockings were never worn, being kept for years in mem- ory of the lamb, Many years later, when the Old South Church in Boston was to be sold for debt, Mary, who was then » ma- with some other women got up a sale for the church's benefit. The wrote her name, and' thewe were sold for! twenty-five cents each, 'Thus the two pairs | of stockings brought $200, 'and the Old South Church was io navel from the sheriff's hammer. Mary Sawyer married a man by. the nam af Tyler and they lived in Somerville, Maas, NO ONE LEFT TO SUSPECT The town council of a small Scotch com- munity avet to inspect a site for # sy assembled at a chapel, and, a warm day, a member suggested should leave their coats there. them."' suggested another. "What for?" demanded a third. fice it to say that the organization remains ure all going out together, what need. is Harry Braden was among the law tud-| 114. game us on their first Canadian tour, | there for anyone to watch the clothes?" weone can stay bebind and waich| gendwich Islands said that she had Eng- THE BLOOD OF ENGLAND When Queen Liliuokalsni of Hawaii was new hall. |i, England during Queen Victoria's jubilee a it was |ahe was received at Buckingham Palace. that they | tn the course of the remarks that passed between the two queens, the one from the THEY ADMITTED IT 'Of course, are not, this is so. lish blood in her veins. the back of his collar." "How 0?" inquired Victoris. "My ancestors ate Captain Cook." neck. "If we Mr. und Mrs. McCandless leave today for| and full of pep us was the first edition of i EULER EEE Mi ormatin ST pm sear obra! forme. Big, Beng Wa Be © THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT eel Is the Ideal % Phonograph ¥ G fect tion. graphs points of She died in 1889 and is buried in Mt, Aub- urn Cemetery, 'near Boston, Her tomb is beside that of the poet Longfellow. She continued all her life a lover of children death her. will ¥ J. G. Will play any record and play it with per- tone reproduc- handsome models at strate the IDEAL'S many Fine selection of records to choose from. Ly | : differen | Come in and let us demon- These phono- come in very t prices. superiority. THE BELL PIANO used and prized throughout the world: It is built to give a lifetime of satisfaction. KEENAN, The Music Man OPPOSITE. THE P. 0}. savin ah said 8 suffragette lecturer, "1 admit that women sre vain and méo There are a thousand proofs that Why, the necktie of the hand- somest man in this room is even now up There were six men in the room and each of them put his hand gently bebind his SI aR ed hBRDART ARAB INT: s t a wii iv ~ -- irri vk. isi A fine assortment of other musical instruments and sup- ; plies. Come here for your Xmas music needs. fi