SIMCOE COUNTY SCHOOL FAIRS : for 1920 Ch 'Twelye fairs were held in eleven, town. 'ahips inthe 'County ad follows, Tay, Me-| donte, Eass, Flos, Vespra, Te 1» Oro | Orilis, Innisfil, .W. Seiler, sit Moe] the " \ Thursday, November 48 About . F Meat: > e 2 | Prices TO HOUSEWIVES: Wiseman & McBride are prepared to sell you meat at prices favorable with other dealers, and give you first-class service as well. PHONE 106 Call phone 106 for your requirements in all fresh or cured meats, hams, etc. poli nae. AT YOUR SERVICE The above figures ehow that nearly 3500 _ children received some agricultural instruc- Wiseman & tion through this agency and were encour: 'aged to enter in open competition for prizes, . given for the growing and care of good ¢ c ride jfield and garden produce os well as live " stock. ~ Next Huxtable's Garage § |" only disappointing. feature at most of the faim was the absence of live stock, This was, uo doubt,' due to the trouble ey, VOTERS' LIST, 1920 |and time involved in fitting and bringing calves or colts to the fair. Live stock is MUNICIPALITY OF THE | very important and next year it is proposed TOWN OF BARRIE ___ {to offer sufficient inducement to bring out Co of Sim 4 good showing of both calves and colt, unty ' rae, Prizes were given for the schools wine Demons mention Sing the most pointa at the Fair in com- tario Wotera" Liste Parison with the amount of weed, ote., Act. the copies required by aaid sections to applied for in the epring. Shiclde age be ip transmitted or delivered of thes. | awarded to five townsbipe, and the ton mace pursuant to raid Act, of all persona F the last revised Anseasment | ceive cash prizes amounting to $3 or $5, Hall of tid cupkigalts oo be Uitte ts lacing (ok tie fe ae ote in the asi municipality at elections | winners are as follows: Innisfil 88, No. 17, for meribore fe Lepeite ears | Tecumeeth 8.8. No, 19, vers 8.8, No, 1, at unicipal lections; at ie * id fin wor Ret pated an 'upton [Ean 8.8. No, 6 Creemoge 8.8. No. 23, st Barrie, on the 2nd day of November, | Flos 8.8. No. 8, Orillia 8.8. No. 4, Medonte 1920, 'and remains there for inspection." |8.8. No. 14, Oro 8.8. No. 17, Duntrova ima hereby call upon all votem to take 18.8. No. 3, Tay 8.8. No 11, W. Gatien fe proceedings to have any errors ; oc bridle scoring to law. |P¥Y 88. No.3. In addition fete alas, Dated this nd day of November, 1920, | Which have to be won three times for cora- 'A.W. SMITH. plete possession, these achoole will receive "a Clerk of the Town"ot Barve. |an engraved certfieate of honor signed by a the Minister of Agriculture and the repre- sentative, "Next season it ia proposed to offer an honor certificate td: the pupil win. ning the mont prises in their particular school. tawasaga. 167 schools took part in fairs, vi " The attendance varied from 350 in 'amillest fair to 2000 {n some of the larger ones, the total estimated attendance for all the faire being 9100, nearly 4000 of whom were children under 16 years of age, 'The ectual entries ranged from 263 at Midhurst to 677 at Creemore. Two other fairs, Beeton and Bradford, were over the 500 mark quite considerably, When it is considered that 300 entries is » big fair, fone can judge as to the interest taken in this work in Simcoe County. The total entries for the County were 4891, Applicgtions were received for seed and Potatoes to plant 4266 plots, In addition, children received, through the representa: tive's office, 576 settings of eggs of pure ay Night' s Audience ied by Phonograph t Notice is hereby giv mitted or delivered to edi in section 8 of The BARRIE FISH SHOP Phone 897 --___ HARRY MEEKING WITH VICTORIA 7 (Victoria Times) Harry Maeking, who last year earned the title of phe""Bad Man" of the Pacific Cosst Hockey Association will be with the Arig: tocrate again this season, Hears famous Scotch Tenor compare voice with RECREATION by Edison's new Phonograph --Could not tell the two apart FRESH FISH DAILY' ALSO SMOKED FISH 7 Phone orders taken Prompt Delivery twice daily bx DUGGIN, the celebrated Scotch What wizardy was this? It was'the test of -- tenor, gave an extraordinary recital last direct comparison with the living artist, which Fish and Chip Dinners $|riled bim. however Jone, always ready Thursday night in the Town Hall, Thomas A. Edison has developed to demon- as to counter with the"'dukes." In some of served at store. -- the mix-ups here Meeking was not to blame * Strate that the Official but Ion insisted on plastering him with the Mr. Duggin walked on to the stage and stood of 'cial Laboratory Model of penalties. lLIS=I1Mzeluosesune. his new phonograph will sing an song exactl J ow a Good Just the, Same eas beside a stately cabinet. He began to sing. as it oe sung Bets ae at ot his . . KELL Propri espite this Meeking is a grand litt . a 2 i - , etor 2). Belts perhaps the finablest 'on -the 'That's the Reason Now I Wear the Kilts,' The . Seoninctive. & team. He is an aggressive player and can 7 as * . . Creation of a singer's voice, as it comes from Penetrate a defence nbout as cleanly as any audience immediately yielded to the spell of his . me man in the league. It was his aggreaive . : me 3 his wonderful new Phonograph, Positively can- NOTICE TO CREDITORS style of play that worried the opposing beautiful voice. 'Then suddenly there was a rrr 3 'i ' NOTICE in héreby given pursuant to the teams Inst year and eaused them to pick " . ' not be distinguished: from the' singer's actual Trustee Act that all persons having claims Cuble with bim, and:have him rushed to stir--a subdued murmur of surprise--and a against the Estate of Daniel Calder, late of % cooler," \ the Township of Sunnidale, farmer, de;} 'Mecki '8 good all around Player, He ee tery tied on the ninth day of Aug: |otayn equally wel on ie wings or ¢entre . 'Bat, 1919, are requested to send particulure ice. Just where Manager Patrick wifl use of 'their claims to the undersigned: on 'or |i th 1 before the 10th day of December, 1920. af-|of the tesa ne apenas upon the ning tn voice, when both are heard in di 5 perplexed rubbing of eyes. The voice contin- . 'on. Mi oe Ae heard. in direct compart ued to fill the auditorium with undiminished Mr.~Duggin made repeated com arisons-- sweetness--your ears were proof of that--but ; P . ir bi date te cto eldest ms at the time the training tis iow fi Bachitely alent always with the same result. It was truly won- the onsets of the Extato, havi rd i a St Hent--your { to the clin of which they shall then hers erga oi HS PS Pome; absolutely, sllent--you derful. This master achievement of the great wizard, Edison, marks a new epoch in music. notice, and will not be Tesponsible to any others, = 46-480 STRATHY & ESTEN, vi Solicitors for the Executors, Barrie eyes told you that. \ youngster has company, playe THE BARRE MAREE ers " : | . F "BSMaE====|. THE -NEW EDISON | Ineo "Meck the ; Corner Poste "The Phonograph with a Soul" i Canadian, Scotch and Amer- jean Granite Monuments. All kinds of Cemetery Work Strict attention given to Inscription Cutting You'can have a duplicate of the wonderful We have the famous Official Laboratory a ; instrument used at the Town Hall, and, if you, Mode! 'Mr. Duggi ifi pe bigest on aint ~ act quickly, we can furnish you with an en- , . del and "Mr, Duggin has certified them. graved certificate (signed by this artist): certi- "Come to Our store at once and ask to see and. ae Bi itis an a aac ena al "hear the Official Laboratory Model onwhich ity of the instrument he used in his ama ing ; . comparison; also that it will sustain -precisely Mr.. Duggin has issued his "Certificate of the same test. = : Authenticity. . J. F. MURPHY Veteran - Proprietor Office. and Works: 79 Bayfield v £3 2 Sree