geeeaeeeees & 8 SSPEESS neranacanact eeaase oer Bess eo a BSSRas aee See ve ens In Contes of Ehoppi and Business Dain ) eee minute you want it. Tine of 4 and 10 eubor MASONIC TEMPLE FOR ORILLIA Yollowig the exumple of thé Barrie inembers of the Ctaft, the Orillians have ecicled to secart & Masonic Temple of their 'wu, For this yrurpose they have pufels fhe business block now occupied by the Mhriatie's furniture store and the Burns Lillingd parlor, This is » Yery central lo- hution"on the main street. Tt fs jlabned to techodel the entire building.» The two stores Will be refitted and have omy frtitle, The floor will be converiéd into Masonic coffifes and w banquet hall, and the top atory #ill be divided into two lodge root, 'ne for thy Musonic bodies and the othr tor the fellown. The total cost is e- rioated at $50,000, The project will be dinunced by metbets of the Masonic Lodge, seho will take aloek to the extent of $30, 1300, As soon as that amount is subscribed porchuse will be completed and work com- 'eneed. Members of the lodge are san- iguine in regurd to the fegsibillty and suc- "cess of the whale propositidy. Both lodgey sate obliged to yneate their present quarters vext April, we the Royal Bunk building, which: they now occupy. is to be torn down wad rebuilt, "A strong committee, with J. €. Miller, chairman, was appointed to' curry cout thé project. BRADFORD'S FIRST VISIT FROM & PREMIER Yn connection with the recent vidi of Premier Druty to Bradford, the Withest recalls an anivsing incident of fifty yéute) 'ago us follows "Friday evening Inst, Nov. 5, was the |, first time that any Premier, Provincial or Dominion, beld a public meeting in this | 'town, Sir Jubo A. Macdonald was iff Bradford once, in 1870, and that was be fore the rallroud to the west of here was); ain bere sod, perc tamed 4 y ve to Cookstown, Bome of ial Ceojents rennember. well «be vivalry * that 'exinted Conservatives here a8 to which of them would ive St. Cohn ncrow to the neigh- %, ow <. course there were no eo those day, Mr, Davie Stoddart Shaved hia rival by taking the morning 'and, coming up on the mmicr, he introduced him- soi! to him and complet rrangements to Grive nerors country b his prancing sieeda, fitted out with brand new harness train w Thursday, November 18, 1920 other workers are resching the same goal? "Understanding one snother, tad' oo- operation one with shother, will bring re- faults' more surely und more with peseasiyipei alge lppemylyr characters of the workers which cannot ibe measured by any plum line in umn ends. [Becoming actively amociated with the 'Women's Tostitute when war broke out, \through her admiration of the wonderful contribution the 'womens of rural Canada {were able to make to the cause of the Em- HE ingredients entering into pur soda biscuits are the purest and best obtain- able, regardless of cost. Anticipates its exquisite favour, This accounts for the rich, tasty goodness and pleas- Sumetines my daddy likes to tease T cannot always tell bis jokes ron! d "Not better methods of raising crops, 'made, it will nor marketing alone ean change the per- cis! Comni verted view so commonly held by rural Although the umount of allowances has | and urban dwellere alike, that country li {y not dedrable, Better methods of farm. |cases where grapted, be calculated to en The other day he said, "My boy Who bought the hut that you have on? "Who baught the food that gives you li Who paid for furniture and rugs' "Then don't you love me better'n moth: Theo | looked up st mother, And. somehow, before I knew it, And daddy's eyes just crinkled up--- | Course. I don't love mother best; But thetf's sometbing 'bout » mother It'e xomething sorter tender- It's things that mothers do for boys terian Advance, will be held at the home of Mes. R. W Sioun, Min King of Barrie will ve an addres and Mrs. R. Boyes will speak about the recent convention in Toronto. There [denies her xympothy and support will also be musical selections. of the excellent lines of xervice along which | 'sen and fine bugey, the outfit being in waiting 'at the station in'charge of bis son. ' ----_ Gould, 5 f hockey star is. seg, Goulet! championebip in Brsat ford recently. ; "John Tackaberry, formerly of" ARiston, ~ died in nto last week, aged 96 yeurs.} Send us a postal for a free Please Htenttepite, sees SEs price you now payand Address Salada, Toronto. SS REREAERERERERAPRE RE RORG REL | fone IN WOMEN'S REALM 89 fo Since! coiaty "For th ntoroaton Mized 'the institute district, county tiona,, the "most apeient and honorable Ladies' Aid would find open. doors of ser- vice in the church militant undreamed of {foday. HOW TO APPLY FOR MOTHERS' ALLOWANCES Examiner has already given the rd of intending applicants, it might be stated thot appliestions for allowances must be LOL PLE LE LG LG LLPLG LE LYLE LOR Imade in writing on forma supplied by the "SOMETHING 'BOUT A MOTHER" Mr. Wm, tario Womer And tukes me by surprise; lust week. anid: Unless 1 watch his eyes. Where did you get those clothes? Who gave you shoex and hone? Who bought this house and lot? Who gave you your little cot!" jone induatry th you did, daddy," I answered. back, bought at all 'wud more,"" ' er Bur I looked down at the floor. |very firm ic her cor And she looked buck at mie. 1 was upon my mother's knee tinued: "Our motto, T saw he would understand-- Cause he had w mother once, himeelf; He ain't always been » man, the hesrts of our women: t "hed just the same; Thut « boy just can't explain. YouCeun't tell it if you try. and Count Thut daddy's money cannot buy' <-Anne Kilpatrick Fain in the Presby-|fo".. with Churchill Women's Institute On the 24th of this month the meeting | edl ABOLISH Gives a Jarger return for life than is obtainable from any other form of investment with absolute security. Free from Dopinion Income Tax. Any persoti resident or domiciled in Canada over the age of § may purchase, to begin at orice. or at any later date desire i Annuity of cen 55), $5,000, to be paid in monthiy.of quarterly instalments. . Atty plies may purchase jointly. Employers may purchase for their employee. Apply to your formation' required. Mention age.last birthday. Her'sleepy head upon the pillow falls, Over her drowsy eyes, the eyelids creep, i 'Tired of her play, her teddy-bear and dolls, - Healthy, content and happy--she falls asleep, = | After her cup of FRY'S ™* dignify in our own eyes and in the eyex of others, (the Creator iy man's partner' the must endure While Mra. Todd luughingly plewds guilty to being wha: her townspeople would call ja "'jiner,"" very clove to her heart, indeed, {lies the Women's Institute movement, and | > jun that it js des! jtmed to play uw definite, pructical part in constructive policies of which, the country stands in need, nthusiaam 'whoue in the eye of The Country.' is not « mere rentiment to thril it recognizes home ax of first importance in the well-be- ing of tho State, ox perfectly in harmony +1 with demoorstic principles; first home. then | # ity, then State and Emp | "Then our Women's Institute have the added distinction of muking ag: Figulture in ite broadest sense the founds-| nd proper person to have the care of her! tion of all our study and work 'For Home | child i "It iu Vision of better duyx to whieb T buve alrendy referred, and our organiza: broad plaiform, without dis- | sugar, one-half pound of ginger. Place the! tinction of clas. crced or partizanship. ax| ginger in boiling water and leave for sev: | & menos to bring them nearer, that in-|eral hours. Core, quarter snd pare apples | rea ur of the Women's Institute to throw {nnd leave in cold water. Bring to 8 Goi | teelver into this movement whole-henrt- | th i Bo far ae other women's notivith fronesrnad, und my weakness for. "jining' minut these, what Women's Institute worl ev Y fs any | jar and sealed, PROLONG FINANCIAL WoO RRY YOUR LIFE A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY WILL DO IT postmaster, or write, postage free, to 8. T. Bastedo, sapeclarenens 'of Annulties, Ottawa, for new booklet and other i Board, and such applications will be cot BETTER DAYS FOR RURAL WOMEN qidered by the local Board before Todd, president of the On. forwurited to the Provincial Comn, with, Institute, interviewed in To. such recon mendation ax the local Board , iecide to make. If an allowance is be forwarded by the Provin- | jon directly to the mother. | mi fe not been definitely fixed, it will, in all ble s mother to properly maintain her; y may become good ait: | ec, The mpirit of the Commission, from which ' the loral Board derives ita power, and per: ) mitting such grants to be made. is to en- uble » widowed mother with children or a mother whore husband is incapacitated, to properly maintain such children without | being blized to undertake other duties 40 our ua to result in the neglect of her t Important Regulations It should be curefully noted, however, | that only the following may apply | (1) A mother having two or more chil- | dren under 14 yeura of age and able to that «he cannot properly care for bushand is an inmate of (the, Hoxpitsl for the Insano in Ontario. orpermanently dis- led. (3) A mother must also/be a British | anches {subject er the wife or widow of » British | jaubject_and must show that wbe iso fit | GINGER APPLES ' Five pounds of apples. four pounds of | e ginger water and one quart of plain | water nnd boil for five minutes. Place the | ro | applee in thie and continue boiling for 4 tes. They will then' become transpar. 'and should be packed ip hot aterilized 1 i LADY BALTIMORE CAKE | One cup butter, two cups sugar. three | fund one-half eupe flour, three and one-half 'tenapoon haking powder, one teaspoon of | | vanilla, ix eggs (whites). Crean butter. Add sugar slowly, Mix! jal sift flour and busking powder. Add | allerautely with milk and vanilla to first | {mixrute, oat whites of exes till atifl and | Jidry and fold into mixture. Bake in three | jInyers and put together with chocolate | icing made of the egg yokes. { i" ' QUEEN VISITS HISTORIC MANSION |, The Queen, and Princess Mary puid Vie-| count snd Viscountess Cowdray. the rather | jexceptional honor of motoring to Dunecht | Howe. Abordeenstire, the other day, and | remaining to luncheon, Her Majesty bi jn great liking for going over old and intcr- | crting houses, and Dunecht is « place with | a history. At one time it belonged to the | Earls of Crawford, and a great sensation wns cuused by the theft of the body of a former Earl from its resting plece there-- en affair wrapped in much mystery. . ing flavor of-- sM°CORMICKS| BISCUITS mS Jersey Cream ZA» SODA Mens Shirts They can be kept soft, lustrous and fresh-colored, jaunder them with L' ! i