Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1920, p. 12

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Help Wanted DIED . TOR IO WR iO akc McDONALD--In the R, V. Bar «S, MAID WANTED--Mrs. Donald Ross, 168 ie, Nov. 9, 1920, Cecil D1 McDon- Dunlop 8t. 4oife] fd of Thornton, ag 81 years. . Inter- LOCAL. NEWS , ment at Ivy on ay. + 7 Oy, Mlsadae, S201 Bothwell's poe | oGtens Ts Baris, Nov. 6, 1900, rae | AR serene 4 Marianna Rogers, of Mr. and{ Hunters report deer plentiful. Bhanty Bay. Oro Telephone. of rendiog blue prints and able to off millwork from plans and speci handwriting Limited, Midland, Ontario. Wanted Apply to 44 Worsley St. ecll, nptify Bishop Bros. Property for Sale or time. TWO LOTS, 60 fee. FOR SAL 19-21 collier St. Bell, solicitorr, Barrie. ROUGHCAST HOUSE--Soven rooms, mann. erllar, good woodshed 14x26. Qu pra. 32 acres with orchard, outbuildings fair nidg:, 215 Bradford St nn' hardwood floors throughout. Beau: tifully situated on west side Bayfield Sr Profereuce given tu purchaser not desir. ing posession until spring. Fred W. 'Otton ENOERS AND: -The undersigned will sell by ten- der the 8, E. quarter of lot 24. con. 7. Exon. containing 50 acrex: more or lees, all timber. consisting of pine, spruce, ce dae in rea' quantities. second growth hardwood, Nov. owest or any tender not ne. ----------------------__--__--_ --_ WANTED AT ONCE--Woman to wash and help with house work. Apply Mrs. Allen, 8 Cumberland 8t. A4tfo 'WANTED-- Competent sewing woman for two weeks. Apply to Mrs. E. V. barons WANTED--- BENCH MECHANIC ome tions. Good prospects. Apply in own eee Die BOARDERS WANTED by day or week, 4440p ----___ ' MILK WANTED-- Those having milk 41-469 -- FOR SALE-- 5 lots 50x150. $300.00. Casb L. Howe, Lewiston, N.Y, 43-89 froutage each, on "House, shop and feed stables, Apply W. A. Reid, 26 Codur Ave., Hutnilton, or Creswicke & 46tfo FOR SALE, OF TIMBERED Tenders will be opened on! 1 Mrs, Joho'E. Rogers, in her 12th Nov. ronto. CARD OF. THANKS The Mines Carrie and Meta desire to thank the their deep sympathy floral tribute, IN MEMORIAM Agnes McGinnis, wife of John Ric! who died st Fergusonvale, Ontario, to'14, 19) 45-46¢ |""Until the day break and the shadows In loving memory of dear Hilda, entered eternal life Nov. 4, 1918. |This day brings back sad memories 'Of » loved one laid at rest, And those who think of her today Are those who love ber best. Willsm 8t., Allandale, for sale, Apply | to Mra, J. A. McNeil, 104r81, Allun- IN MEMORIAM ule. Bile} In loving memory of Sam McMax who wae killed November 8, 1919 The month of November again is here To us the auddest in all the year. That we parted forever and he was to ter sere land Price $1000. Apply on | IN MEMORIAM Premues, 219 Elizabeth St. 43-48 'ing memory of Jerrid Wana a ; FOR SALE- Lot 19, 1th concession, Vea- | *h0 died Now. 7, 1919, Good boure. | Dad hax gone but not forgotten Apply Mrs. Jno. Hock: Berrie, 42-48p BRICK HOUSE. splendid metal-clad stable und gurage. House bax all conveniences As it downs another year, Tn our lonely hours of thinking. Thought» of him are alwaya near. 46 \ 2 In wad and loving memory of Priv » Thom Willian Now fur from home he lies st rest, And atrangery tend hie grave ; But still in hearta that love him beat In desr the life he go --Mother, sinters and brothers IN MEMORIAM DFBFNHAM. people of Innisfil for | in our hour of sad bereavement Lateay aad | Central suchen toe Muple Ave. + jfor the kindnew and affection 00 geiuinel i, On ne lente eat Gee ee lovely |noon ten at St. Andrew's Presbyterion Sgr | Thursday, Dec, 2, 460 [opine Week Janes Speem received word | 'of the death of his sister-in-law, Mm. Wm, | RICHARDSON-- In loving memory ol Feared the home of her son in British) w, | --Keep Thunday afternoon and evening, Dec. 2, for sale of work and home-made' flee" |daiuties at St, Andrew's Presbyterian Bun. We little thought when we said 'Good Bye' Row, killed at Parschen- duel, Nov. 12, 1917, buried at Poperinghe. In sad snd loving mem year. Johu H. Longboitom, w tailor f | week. Nov. jay School, 46¢, HORSE RADISH ROOTS wanted, amall or Husband, son and daughter. %,.0°or the finest carlosds of bores ship. | large lots, bighet prices paid. Apply \ped out of Burrie this yeur left on Thure- wow. FS sheppard BRA Allanhae | 'N MEMORIAM who . building the Prince of Wales School we tuken up with the architest Jobn die, Diubitis, "ha Man. /with the coin. | R. Ex. Comp. W. H. Whippw. of Coll: |inewood, paid an official visit to Signet Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, on Tuesday evening. 'The Royal ferred on fiv ly creditable munner that Grand Sy the nte present thoroughly anjoyed, CLS Tere rr ------------ STOVE FOR SALE--Empire Treasure coal cheater. freler. nearly new, in good cou- Aition, 305 Allandale, phone 48p ps SAVE COAL. Sound dry elm cut to 1in lengths, $12 per full cord, delivered in E.V. Wilyn, Shinty Bay, Oro -- A5tfe Good Peerle Pen- with water Mr. A. S5tfe 56 Caroline St. Apply FARM FOR SAL a. 4 Tp, of F Frame house, acre, lot 12, from Edgar, soil clay loam, ~vring creck, For particulars apply to Wn. Jamieson, Shanty Bay R, R. No. 1 Aatfe $2.00 FOR SALE Yellow Danver onions, bag; purenijs $1.90 per bag; estate per bag; exbhage T5e per doen; ls 4 cattle coming 2 year old: one good work mare; come thoroughbred Esicester ewes unil ewe lambs. Hd 5 Marquis, 1 4 Penetsne Roud. 7th con, L4.470 ---- 'Miscellaneous FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED, Mise Ms McArthur, King Block, Barrie, 5 of 27tfo Plain Sewing and children's gary vents made rewonubly. Apply Examin. ot office, 40-40p I door father, Albert M. Switzer, who died 919, Nov, 12, 1 Do not avk us if we miss him Oh. there's euch @ vacant place Off" we think we hour hie footetepa Or weFee-hix amiling face. He bad gon} to hieher regions, Sufe from ptery wrief and care, We hall eet agnin in "heaven And never more be parted there er shall his memory fade, foring thoughts shall always Round the grave where futhe: laid, Wife and family IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Mary O, Deben. Blake St. ham, who pused away at the R.V.Hospital Partie, November 10, 1919. The tenth of November ix Here, The asddea: to us of all the year. For just u year ago teduy | The one we loved wax éalled away. We watched her suffering. heard her sighs, With aching hearts and weeping eyes, ' cext ABA when she bren'hed her lust farewell, Rak a ett Rotite eet Or tune wa sabes ee tongue cén toll, In the union cemetery she Inys at ree Her sorrows und pain are o'er at lux But our home ix quite another placo Without the smile of her dear face, From out the torrent's troubled drift Above the storm our prayers aré lift That we may meet at the awelling tide Where the gates stand open wide. SMALL HOUSE TO LET. furnished or un- furnished. Hose S: Apply Mrs. Robinson, 18 46p | Se R, 7) Worsley St.. Barrie, boot eneaning, Promptly done in firxt- --------____ ep 1) RENT---Furnnee and. every sunvenience, earner Peel and Bophia Sta. Apply to Mrs, Bird, Ae CLEANING AND PRESSING---Your old) jut aad overcoat ents be made to. look | 'ke new by Harry 'Tins, Row Block, Dunlop St. : ---------- OSTRICH FEATHERS, stole and bons cleaned, etirled," altered to any. style. | Lowest chirge. Mra, W. Newman, 99! Ton St. West, Barrie, A247p | AT PI<NO'AND ORGAN TUNING---H. Jones | Fy f. Peterboro will he making regular | monthly Barrie, Orders may be It with the Greene Misie Co. "and re- | AP& VOU GOING TO. CLIP YOUR | MORSES thix Autumn-- An un-to-date 'vlipring sqninment has been installed at ° the Barrie Veterinary. Hosnits! 'formerly Verena Hotel). An exnerieneed man in | atterdance. Horsea' clipped while you weit. Phone 811, 45-470 The efiourned county fax aslo will be| held Priday 42-53p LOST-- Point. Apply" to. G, Lost and Found LOST. and: Muleugter Reward, Apply J. Sinolair. 46 a A gold bandied and mother-of- peirl paresol ;-ulao a gold ercscent pin set with pearls, Appy at Examiner office, ------ ier office 45 f LOST.' On Main St. in Burrie or on road between Barrie and Guthrie, small purse containing Toronto car ticke'x, ruilway ticket from Oro to/*Foronto, about $8.00 in change and 88200 gold piece. Fin may Keep $8.00 if they will return gold p'eee to Fexaminer office or Jumen Mitehell, Guthrie, Ont. 8 -------- Live Stock for Sale -- ORSE FOR SALE--One general pores 'eat mare, Apply to Ed. McLaughlin, End, '44-40 "eeive prompt and careful attention. 45-8 | LEGHORNS--Pure Tred single comb white Leghoms for sale, . Georze Brewster, Ae Fhe 44-405 ABERDEEN ANQUS--3 hizhly bred pure Ns iths old, tale bull calves, 8 to 10 m at Sir Edmund. Walker' Stodart," Lefroy, r has jussed. but till we miss him, --Huwsbund and family PearPrminbunt, between Torome |P *veral of the youne Indiew and a very | 'orial Hall, Nov, 8, when the members of reeonted. -- Ianish MeMuater, ory of my dear mother, Mm. Arch. Debrn- eateuded visit 2 45-47p hum. who entered into reat. Nov. 10th, -- Mea. W. F. Rotald snd daughter ure vie = IN iting iv Sudbury. hink of my dear mothe Mrs. J. J. Allison bus gone to Sinith's For'Sale a: Ber gel wie tee Fale to's Qin PIANO. FOR SALE-~ Good practice piano. The heart thet mourns sincerely Miss ghia Millbrook in visiting. her Vhone 460 or cull at 16 Sampson Si. Mourns silently and low enter, Mra. HL. A. Sins. 45-405, The wilent grief that! in our'snile Mra. J. H. Lewhman spent the week-end fe le he teens with her mother, Mrs. A, Grahum Souvenir, in good condition, Bar- Fur many sn aching heart ix hid Mies Burne of Kingston, formerly of the 4 for quick sule. "Apply 194 Brwlford Behind a smiling fuce, » BCI. stall, is visiting Mrs, McMartin 45) Flosie. _ Mra, T.-K, Peneock of Reginu is visit. - . ing with her neice, Mrv. Roy Hancock. STOVE with IN MEMORIAM Mre. Louina Berlby hax returned after Apply at Eianie SWITZER In loving memory of our creping » cont with relutives in Toronto. | ved home this week ufter spending the summer in Weyburn, Sark. Norval Luck, Toronto ent with his aunt, Mra. field St Mra, R. MeParlune of Jamuicn wax the guest of Mr. and Mm. B. W thin week Gordon MeKinley, from the College of Phirmuey, Toronto. spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. ond Mra. M. Stucey and Eddie Stucoy of Creemore were the gueste of Mr, and Mrs, B, W. Rhinehurt on Bunday, Mrs. T. Peust of Porkdale and Mim. Jen nie Robinson of Toronto were week-end vine itora with their wister. Mr. H. Wright. npent the week A. Warner. Bay. 1.) Mrs. J. A. MacLaren went to Hamilton on Saturday to a'tend the funers! of an juncle. Gerald M. Harkins. who died on {Friday night after 9 very brief illness Mrs, Fred Sarjeat, 88 Worsley St., will reevive for the firet time since her marriage, 6» Thurdny. Nov. 18, from four to o'clock. Her mother, Mm. J. EB. Billing: elev. will receive with her | The marringe took place in St. Andrew's Church. on Wednesday, Nov. 10, p.m,, Rev. G. A, Brown offic Edna G. Roherteon to Mr. Ju . Swit: zer. both of Barrie. 'The happy couple Inft on the 5.10 train for Toronto and other points, Mra. R. G. Dagenaix nnd her husband jnent sn enjovable vacation with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Paddison. On Monday | evening a laree number of Mra, Dagensis' srannintances gave a shower in her honor st the residence of Mrs. Paddison. Mrs, Dogennis reerived a large number of beau. |tifwl rifts. Fnioyable music was provided inice sunper was served during the enue of the evening, On Tuesday Mr. and Mre, Dagennis returned to Ottawa. ALLANDALE ~The G.1.A. are holding cuchre in the Troinmen's Hall, Allandale, on Ti Nov, 18, : 46o | Mrs, Bolton of Toronto is visiting / for |# week or so with Mr. and Mrs. H. Young. Brock St. Palmer Wardmun of Detroit is spedtling 'his vacution with his mother and broth in Brock Street. Mrs. A. Brodie of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo, Clark, Bradford St., for 8 abort bolidsy, Coniluctor T, Hamilton, who is now-run- ning on the Beeton branch, spent the week- end with his family here, - A, P. Derrick Jeayes today (Thursday) {for Windsor where he expects to mek. hia jhome with Mr. und Mrs, J. Catlin. The Burton Ave, Methodist Ludiea' Aid scored = big suctesa with their me = per Lost might More parila next week, Frunk Dutcher ha igned as organ. tof the Burton Ave, Methodis: Church, J.D. Norman has been re-appointed to Position, 15 cents per da the price now ' SILCOX--Entered into reat on Many, {Charged for milk by local dete" z = 1, 1920, Sarah Judith Claris, wife | of Rev. E. D, Bilcox, 4 Sumex Ave., To- |living in Toronto 8t., died in Toronto Just --Tho aule of Coilene Corsets ia bein, ' tt Mra. Hoard', comer of Hots St, --Don't forget the sale of work and after. | ch Degree was con: | candidates by R. Ex. Comp, Wife and sous Alex. Cowan and hiv officers in such visiting : Ewes MEMORIAM "tintencent of Georgian District wax unstinted in his praises of she work Mtr the degree work an informal banquet wan held at Vair's Restuarant, which all |greeetsseseccces ir PERSONAL Mire Lave hus gone to Toronto for an Rhinehart i liness. This offer should interest men every taste and any figure. $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, Men's Overcoats in nice check and plain grey and velvet collars,--and the values are right. with any lines you can see anywhere, Overcoats, easy priced 46. Extra value ..... WE ARE CLEARING OUT ALL OUR Ladies', Misses'. Children's and Boys' Boots. You should see our table of them Ladies' Boots, Dongola, Gun Metal, Suede and Patent Leather, sizes 214 7, 8. Old prices were $6.00, 1, 2 Not all sizes in any one line, but all sizes in the lot. n With these lines of Boots we give no Coupons. Saturday, Nov. 13, Only Morton's Viola Toilet Soap, regular 5c, Saturday only ., . regular 121c, special for Saturday only . White Fine Castile Soap, special value 08 © WES Sane ewe veres | ee. A WHERE MOST PEOPLE Trenton fortsined about forty young people of the dered by Master A. Godden. The prize winners of the evening were Mrs, Arnold and Miss Peacock of Painswick, Miss Tay- lor and Miss J. Gibson of Allandale, After refreshments were served the young' people, who by this time numbered about sixty, joined bands und wang "Auld Lang Syne," The evening was brought to a close by sing- ing the National Anthem. ainswick branch. 'The evening was spent in numerous games, music and songs, The sketch rendered by Mia Tuylor and Mr. Milsom, assisted by Maxter 8, Godden, was greatly amusing, Songx were rendered by Miss Butcher, Miss Godden. and two selec- tions by th» Painswick choir, which were well received ; also the piano selections ren- even than daylight. appointment if you ---- Was Ky 8 } The Reason Why OWING to the limited space in my Store, | am sacrific- ing these goods to make room for the great increase in the Candy Department. If you buy now, not only will you save money but you will help me to give you better ser- 4 vice in the Candy Department. AND ONLY A FEW WEEKS TO XMAS a A. E. TAYLOR the A.Y.P.A. of St, George's Church en; END CONFECTIONERY STORE EE You should see these lines--they will not last long at this small price, Genuine Clearing Sale of Toys, Dolls, Games, Purses This boot is big, value at $3.50. Clear- « $2.25 Wah onan __ With every dollar purchase we give a 5ccoupon. See the nice goods at small price: nn ee Sm Prices, f ga 1 A REAL SAVING OF DOLLARS ursday, November 11, 1920 The Suits and Overcoats we have assembled for this special Fall.and Winter selling are differ- | ~The Hoover will make un excellent ent from ordinary clothes in scores McConnell ware' Coe iar YOU homie, Otton be of ways. For one-thifg, they have the faultless construction and litfle niceties of workmanship--the very details men go to custom tailors to find. The models in both the suits and in the overcoats are very snap- Py, and the patterns are all that any man could desire in the way of Jive- of all ages because we are prepared to suit Men's Suits in sizes 35 to 46, Tweeds, Navy Blue Serges and Worsteds. Easy priced $35.00, $38.00, $40.00, $45.00 black melton, with and without Compare our suits and overcoats $18.00, $20.00, $27.50, $32.00, $35.00, $49.00 grey, red and black, tan and black checks, sizes acl +++s++ $15.00, $15.75, $16.50 flannelette, and corduroy collars, sizes 36 to ++++;+ $3.50 and $4.50 +3314, 4, ; $5.00, $4.50, $4.00, $3.00--Clearing at $2.25 Misses' Luce Blucher Cut Box Calf Dongola Pebbled, sizes 11, 12, 12%, 13, 1314, Big value $3.50, cheap at 3 bars for 25c, . special 4 bars for 25c «+. 6 for 25c . .. 3 for 25c tee eee eee Se cake DARK NOVEMBER DAYS have no terrors for us now in 'the etudio, as our special electric lighting gives us better reaults Make an cvening wish. ses and atyles in the latest folders; also larg Photos made for framing. i oe Opposite public Jibrary, Martin's phone 46-510 i

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