Thursday, November 4, 1920. T "PROGRESSIVE" -SHOE REPAIR STORES W. S. ROBB, PROP. ; (Late 4th Batt.) WE DON'T COBBLE, WE REPAIR Women's Heels We rebuild all kinds of heels. If the Louis heel does not suit you, we will build you a heel which 'gives solid comfort. If it fs anything In shoom repairing--WE KNOW. NOTE THE ADDRESS: 16 | - 14-16 Mulcaster St. OPP. CLARKSON HOUSE q 1 ey (Continued from™Pige 3) Let it not be thought they lie"on tbe eur- face. Relgious differences never lio on the nurface, 'They seize upon the innermost re- | cesses of man's being. They breed jealous- jes more suspicious and tenscious perhaps than any other emotion. They have given birth to oruelties innumerable. Tt in no mere superficiality we are dealing with but differences aggravated by themories of past oppressions and unressonable biblical claims. We do not need demonstration |today, having had our fools' paradise 10 EVERY EFFORT. You put forward to increase your efficiency in any endeavor will be rewarded many times over. So it is with your eyes, Having your eyes examined regularly is ef- Gciency, If glasses are needed you will' be rewarded with good eyesight because we design, make and fit the indigidual glasses your eyes require. |! |. |of this first order in the Episcopacy wo jmay and will others, Eplscopsey. 'Those'bodies which have con' vinced themeclves that presbyters and eld- fers possess the authority to ordain are not likely to take the Anglican conceptions of Episcopacy at one relay, and however easily |we may satisfy ourselves of the advantage 'ill find it difficult to conVinco If, for instance, the: Presbyterian Is Gntisfied that overseers arome as 2 matter 'of necessity or, expediency and not by vine declaration, nothing peri of gr the even while timid.of long standing custom, convinced himself that he had the right to, | and necessity demanded, that be ordain Coke and Ashbury to take charge of the workin America, and others for a similar work in a'her countries, it will be difficult to convince him that such succession is not | ere should be no question in his vi mind about the regularity and validity of Eniscopal ordination and I do not believe there is any. He secenta it. It in we who You can have all these | helps'on the farm -__, the best lighted farm homes, brilliant, clean' argh « . \hevitate at ing his jon. Ut i electric light floods ellar, stai tecALiv: tavadeds of the veadioess arith {heritate at sccenting his succession. It is} lectric light s every room, cellar, stairways, which human nature oan. give evidence ol O R RI SK Fea Tennessee He We are sonal stables, and other buildings at the touch of a but- ------------cx« jbeing the same as formerly, Injudicious fe ° cither, secept. hie valdity bes alas ton. These folks also have running water in bath- jetion he pare ea. comment cael OPH. D. | wherein he is essentially wrong. Personally, | roontlaundry, kitchen and outbuildings by turning Meercan It wrist aleo: be soneuttadia' thas Graduate Canadian Ophthaimie | 1,90 not believe the Anglican Church, has! a tap. No one turns the separator, grindstone, le ' Sirsa tail ioleration' whish-eq qitex prove College, Toronto, ever shown other bordies this, We have| fanning mill, or churn--the "F"" Power and Light ; healere of divisions have in this case afford. | *) jcrecrted! it: in aome:degroe-or other<all the) Plant does all these jobs as quickly and easily as FARM LANDS A SPECIALTY ed opportunity for the atepilizing of the || Phone 143 99 Dunlop $t., Barrie J) Way from bene rue to cme, but we have | it pumps water. | Office: 95 Dunlop St., Barrie. Seeeee parte into whigh "Chrsveadome| not demonstrated it -in a way convincing) a eusaese -- PHONE 20. Givided. "These bodies may have gone out No lasting union can re. ; The womenfolk are not slaves to the was! fb, ' ron one commion home, but fet it not be! Fz isting on anything es being} i and there are no lamps to fill and clean--the "F |supposed they consider 'themselves homo-| christian divisions, must ever more and is | or unless its ewential char- 2 Plant] ends such drudgery. They save time and FARMS FOR SALE |lew: they have hones of their own, pol )™mare appeal to the consatent Chrition et _indionted. | Being ementil to] labo By using an exe ko, and vacuum los: goeen rape iron : ture to say their demands / ' it efnc-| Ay 7 + 200 Acres in Dutforin County--160 sere |'tie. fovernments, and their own environ. | foOM on would. be. ue inore itaistem iN @ brosder question; "Is it essential to | Fi cleaner. The farm help is'contented, does more cultivated, 25 acres hardwoud bush. 15 80 | or t seice tereturn to their father's house |could they eee it consummiuted without the Charch Cotholic We must face this | y work and becomes attached to the place. ros pasture, 2 ucres orchard. Soil, clay |fro.) which anme would say they had ein. (escrifice of eaxentials and dager of rivalry fatelv ond equerely, By this I do not mean; '3 You can live under the same happy and pros- lonm, well, fenced, good supply of water. |fhin" srry Tr connte fe 'cotaciousnens (for prominence. (2) "The second rock that Fnisconney should conse, T hed rather : perous 'conditions Barn 50x00, cement stabling, hay ae eee One t ote a ecntradie: {upon which we may wreek is the utiligation *¢ it increane, or at least become less eler | g 30x60; implement building, hog pen, poal-| tio tnd a weskness greatly mubversive of (of the churcheXreal exta'e, In course of icel end oMicial and more pastoral and ov. | é Call in the first time you are near and learn how try houre. large cement filo. Frame rn | orogreey in the enormous teek nresented by time readjustment of work will mean re ereeeing. But I do mean that the memory | -- « the "F'" Power and Light Plant will save dollara, dence, heated by furnace, "This farm iv [DOPE 10, he eatormin oval conditions, adjustment of the uses to which buildings °f Foircopal ssertivenem of the past. will) and qotk for you. rituated 124 miles from good town on #)° Ct being the nature-of the undertaking /Of immense value should be put. If it be dir hard and that in future this sttitude | -- Hoa hab BAERS i ek ner tool nine |e ae lint ae Rg | J. H. MCCAW. BARRIE eelling. Price $13,500, Cash $5,500, ean eee eee tcre of which weynus' take ¢xtent conditioned by terms found in wills (4) Akin to thin Inet point and also to that; . terms for the balance \sceount. (1) The opinio gf Many lay. the problem will be more complicated. uae 'to follow ix one which exists only in the | 100 Acres in County of Ontario--All un jmmen.. 'Thove may be clawified ux fellows: such conditions buve proven offective har. abstract nd in the mind, We sometimes | dor cultivation, Soil, clay loam, good sup (4) Tho aninion of the man who has no 'Tiers before now to undertakings fur more forget that we are living in an age which ¢ { x ply of water, fairly 'well (enced. gond oF | religions preferenees af convictions, To feasible. In the business world men will has wi'nened the removal of embargoes on | chard, large new bari' on -tone foundation. fin "one church ix aA gond s« another hazard great ventures. It in doubtful if religious thought, 'The Act of Toleration | cement stabling, 30-f1, silo, fram imple: and, whut ix more to hiv way of thinking, {hr world would halt for conditions left in 40 far ux it corrected preceding acts cor- ment building, frame bog pen, €N- some device which would make it neceassry by any testator unless no advantage uppent- rected acts that were intolerant, In thow roomed frame bouse, This farny ie d for him to do lea and give lew than he ed in adopting the alternative almost in-| days the words "dientere' and "noncon ouly two miles from ,town of Beavertou | doce now. if thin were possible. is the de. V8riably permit'ed. Legucy or murry formista'" wore used to descflbe those whom om the main highway. Owner in anxiow) «ioe for\him. Sacrifice. cost. are not in agnin; she marries again, Jegucy or leave it was 'thought lnw could cocree. Those and has good reason for gelling and ix of pic aire for to bis mind the whole church the furm; if digtant fields look gree enough days have passed and in North Amerie. fering it at 6 bargain, Price $6,000. Cash. should be run on a costless basis, We nara he leaves and forfeits accordingly, But even more so than in England where es- 42.500, easy forma for balance, him with a priver that we may not lnee When o bequest ix made on certuin religious 'tallishment in some sense till obtains, : our potience with him for his insincerity tipulations, the haldest holds his breath there ean be no such thing aw » dissenter a ond celfichness, (bo) 'The voninion of the before daring to ark, In the cause import: jor nonconformist aince there ix no atate Neinnitt ache hie wchoaled himself to he, sot enough to justify the sacrifice? If #0. or rrclesasticsl standard recognized. -- In EARN-MORE BY ean one ber Christan in hie men Tet it tethen to ite donor or hy heies, Per- our dealings with other bodies we must Oo po Tg om revs. One wy, hupe the happenings of our times may teach reeoguize their statue nd xneak ae unto 1¢ authorities... 1 do want to ex- | Be ee ae ae eine' ue mot to encuinber our churches with hen; thine on ectanl terms with ourselyme, (1 Fos myself most exiphatically against an HENRY T. DEVLIN LEARNING MORE 3} aie iShon ts cticomsey Another chistes efits a9 heavily saked and ride serious obstacle to resinion will | Mititude which we ree in. some quarter.) 6. sear to A, W. Longhunt & Son | ty ain and dongerous inttitution, "The divisions be heuled it in various tomnerymente und de. h in the aasetiion that while developouanca » We YOU esr quulty in a abort tine to | ther boon', x0 called, n= at nn ot by Cnt, which thove tame divinions have enn. grees of mental streneth. | We will never te pending, nothing can be done, It ip 7 fill « good position, Over 100 have J heir wags we we are, but many of them Ved. This coxt will have to be paid... Tt be successful in imporing our refined lituray Coch pont nove * Fe te a ne Right. Now {hace nor-found it ont ver nor will until sy be a big adventure, but at i¢ an age of on natiren burstine witha denie to voien Will be some legal enactment until which, LICENSED CARTER SS Fimo to 4 Ve ahi . ig adventures: only in thix cyse it will he their exeriencey in their own utterancns, if it ever taker place, no step enn be taken. Is the Time to Start, 'Thorougt. | chev are mked to worship otherwine than _ hale Zi What nidken finlenen worse fe chat. attache sro training in overy Businews Purenit The mast, No woubt« fow yearn eould © veuture of fnith, jn which money coat or on nature catiohle nf receiving. only W ¥ es : ; x nt f Pe ugh! to her very seconclary abaticls, simpler fund. So far T have conaicarod oH! 10 this caution ix heard un explenation| LL KINDS OF CARTAGE WORK Dictaphone, Adding Machine, Filing. Spr aver Thin di A ene nay anne atiaiy the' slsiauhaity aw the sidigultcn, ret of Lautbeth proceedings wasting to some | : Day und evening seminnn eee ee een tices tuay rimave to hea vertaite chi af igi af sll the cwection of what can he dane of tim We re aiked to believe that the UNDERTAKEN Barrie Business College vat. thangh thelr matives way differ culty" or if we think of ourselves ns hay. bY ve should receive brief mention, HoayeBial dest pees what woul ap: H w ri Inly The incongenity of ting wich ing sealed ite heisht it will be well ta hear Ut does not appeur incumbent on me to Peer Ae Om kn ln Monee Oo OFFICE AND RESIDENCE: Fite or call. H. A, Henrys Priv ee in business, in neil and fewtornal in mind that it look» high to other Chrie outhne any line of procedure, 'This wil] Mt quarters that ite utteranges Lack ain 3 -------- k ' 5 eeeeeneneeetvenvesvencas 4 organzstions rendered mare necesary hy tian hovtion, Needle to ray, T refer tebe a mammoth undertaking to be attempt: (Continued on Page 8) |80 OWEN ST., BARRIE, PHONE 687. =< ' j " \ ECIALS ALE 5 eonvenieions = y (A ther dawn 5 rivlforl ®t, a i $3000 ' i ILROY a a Manufacturer offers 4 a ' Py his stock in a ° ° direct-to-the-public Sale, , - eginnin a urday, ov. 6th ' * : x ° . Temporary premises have been taken at , " nae Salesmen . ipal day Wanted Your Money jets 4 ------ if you can duplicate ny Grand |. Apply-at the store Three Doors East of Barrie Hotel. y sup we pply eC these values . assenger " a ~ Go AY ie By Doors will be open to the public at 9 a.m. jone 6b We have only space to mention.a few of the many Bargains O'COATS Young Men's Overcoats, in Tweeds and Heavy Scotch and Irish Coatings, worth up to $45.00, OUR PRICE--$24.90 i , SUITS Men's Suits in Tweeds and. Worsteds, coi- "ors Brown and Mixtures; these would be _ good value at $45.00, OUR PRICE--$31.90 No Goods.on Approval--Everything Spot Cash. Motey Back If Not Satisfied. THE DATE: Sat., Nov. 6, at 9a.m. | _ THE ADDRESS: 3\doors East of Barrie Hotel. O'COATS OUR PRICE--$35.90 Men's Heavy Ulster Coats, some have belts, some plain; these come in a variety of coléts and are made of all wool coatings worth up to $50.00,