t ! 7 ' Page Ten: ~© 1) "THE BARRIE-EXAMINER™ PHONE C. BROWN 250 FOR THE BEST IN BAKERS' BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD A FULL LINE OF ples. CAKES AND PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop: Cor. Elisabeth and Small Streets neath' YOUR READING NEEDS Are Well Supplied at-- SCOTT'S PAID-UP_ CAPITAL RESERVE FUND * |he liberally ordefed at the wedding break THE CANADIAN BANK |] = sS:ceiesins = : ed one of the tender, loving awain, to the < real, mer OF COMMERCE, ig was dropped and disillusion began." BARRIE BRANCH, H, M. Lay, Manager. remained fixed in the vicinity of the ears jof the faithful cab horse. Brooke, loau- | ing buck in his corner, was still all' atten- tion: '"Romantically minded, as usual," she continued, "the bride 'proposed: a most ppropriate post-wedding diversion,» horse- {back ride to Claremont for the wedding | breakfast.' Need I gay, however, that the breakfast was scarcely' the blissful event "The bridegroom, overeome by the pros- pect of 'this speedy culmination of hiv long- delayed hopes, had cl prior to tha ceremony to indulge with unwise abandon in the cup which inebriat-s as well as cheers, and if needed only the wine which pereenary, self-seeking, acquir'tive In vino veritas. The mask Again she paused. It seemed that she jhad norverl herself to the recital. but the recalling of this trying episode of tbe break- | fast pro ed for the moment too much for jher 'ensed nerves, und she sanie back,.now in the cub, eobhing softly. - - $15,000,000 " ' $15,000,000 z A i i OXO GENERATES HEAT Concentinted Bock Cubes Fortify Body Against Chills An Oxo cube dissolved in a cup st tee Beete 4 'out in thw colt gp | ph Og ten requires, Oxo oubes--in tins of ten cubes--have endless possibil- fee Thursda: , November 4, 1920. THE BARRIE-EXAMINER Publihed every Thursday afternoon at the Post Office Square, Barrie, ." Subscrip- tion veo sere ee rm per year in advance ars $2.50) ; United States $2.50. per yor, IMPORT- ANT: Both old and new sddreases showld Ind giren eho change, of, akioanl @ re quested, CANCELLATIONS: We find tha: Rost ibers prefer not to have ir subscriptions interrupted in case they fs ci ns will. not be carried in arrears ov- ex an extended period, yet we are notified to cancel, we garume'the subscriber wishes the service continued, Remittances should be made ities. For soups, sau savory dishes nad ment jellies, they sd Se-aheuie do all that meat could do, and do it : eae and with less trouble, Use xo cubes. with "left-overs" and oddments for new, delicious dishes. 'There is nothing better than Oxo for building boys and girls. MISS VIOLET TAYLOR, A.T.C.M. TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY Telephone No. 160, Barrie P. 0. Box 375, Bétte MYRTLETV. RICE aa SE seen eee r peeinepencs | j Organist and Choirleader of Collier Street, THE MARKETS §&: Math. Church ritain $2.00 > fail to remit before expiration. While sub- ~ wouldn't dere, He atrack me." Her, 43-450 'hn vt" Brood ae f BOOKSTORE a, SH wee Loe ton ate Drie i 2 i TEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN, SINGING \T'd thought for a moment" - s "Never mind," she interrunted, moking | SMS MERA By Sl | -moreuee tt prepared Scan 'eat' Spe ieee' ttn | SATURDAY MARKET I erypig inh BEE" prow BS) avery. vn 3 nt. yo ance | NG BLOCK PHONE 675 > know, However, thnt's sbout oll of it.! The exg market showed another advance | __NS EUUIKFHONE 675 ' He wened money then und there, und on Saturday, av high us 750 per dozen be- . = J as. Arnold 'MILLION DOLLAR SUIT CASE Ge |vhon T wld hin thal none, and that my ng paid for them" Barter ako wa sere | ORD, TO. TRE LIFE jther would be sure to disinherit me for : f cn \ ¢ F By Horace Hazelton By that Thu done, he breame more and more $1.25 8 bag. Chicken were the most lem tuition in sey cio Sue eas INSURANCE AGENT e ® ree you aig, be vabhed) you," rd welt wonty eine af 28 cents per pound | Pupils prepared for "exutinstions af | prompted . A few crab apples were 5c a basket, Ap- 'orento Conservatory of Music, eto. Real Estats and Money to Loan , eles att " oe an 5 | Phone 563 126 Dunlop 8. = 'The International Feature Service, Inc, a cs Ri Saeriolee 7 ee tame' hen cute woe Over Moodie & Jory's tore A number of Valuable Farms and canes T wan afraid to feave them at the Onions, etc.. were as plentiful as usual. For MAUDE E. CLI ae ' 7 . CLAXTON, L.T.C.M, Town Propertics for Sale on the = Patel. He tore them fram iny neck. and the roots the digging season brought in an | -- 1 Me most reasonable terms. RENNES NEN EN NEN EN NENE GB) then struck me. You knew che rent." extra lurge offering. Renorts regarding the In att and Vocal Lessons Masonle Temple Building; Barrie Brooke was at a lon what to suggest, potato crop were miny asd varied and pur-| 70 yout! Per specie! attention ia on {Continued from last week) |hund went to ber temple again. "And he It wre a verv deliente situation. and he Ueular 'eae a Loe F lake in buying the: r¢ ar eee kate, Prepared tee = 'A «gvcvay | robbed me," she concluded, realized it, The man wae her husband; winter supply to see that rot is uot present. yi cian + 'The girl read all this in her quick survey | robt e, phi eas tlie: Bat aay atierme Borie' wood: was noticed entury exams, of Toronto Conser- of him. She read, too, the inherent hon-|. "Robbed you!" Hin amuzement echoed terry is : Butler, per Ik vatory of music or University exams, eaty in his brown eyessand the tetvler aym- [in bis voice, "Twa hours married un t9 ann Milani Studio: King Block. Phone 424. 1 ' ve lip, Ut-|he struck and robbed you? to nage er dozen --Stutio: King Block. Phone 424. Pathy of his fine senaijve curl of lin. Ut oper the fing time he sew tbat er lashes el knve en ' MUSI Us mi 0 jer stranger, though ew unted, and Were Wel. A trar trembled on her check $20,000 in Penrla fUSIC LESSONS Established 1889 of such she was just now in dire need. ling Ton teat morciying! "she casket orale ; "The pearle wine valle, 1 presume," AND VOWE , le. kln't he ventured tentatively UNDERTAKERS A Cieeekel Creer, 'ell anyone but a total gtrunger, ike you." "Twenty thousand dollare papa paid for! MISS NETTIE COLPITTS ' | 'ou are ad than kind," she said at' "The brute!' Brooke commented in a them," «he unewere!, in a tone») enaual Plt ' ee For tur ene diploma) ' pen SEW DAV AND NIGAT [p feneth TE it Is not impaeng upon yeu.y urn Becske a wen te sr at Pumupking, each ¢ information aj to be OPEN DAY AND NIGHT fooh, dears" the broke nif, 'T don't) For litle moment she wae silent, Then ihe fe Brakes u ery fale, notin of Annies, per bles. 2.00250 100 Peel 8). Phone. $8 re know; I don't know. she dubbed at her eyes with a filmy speck % AED ASIEN Ay packer sreees 150 -- si Morgue and Chapel Waiting for no further consent, Wrooke. af a handkerchicl Teen he wea ae peih Apples, per basket + 25-606 LEGAL | th IN CONNECTION placing hin hund benewth hor elbow, hall There i't much fun in discovering you out ex: the: whol , Honey, per Th. eens She pia lifted her into the hunsori, and immediate: gre fool when it's too Inte, ix there?" | "Qh. no. ahe hastened to inake answer, | --- Barruter ALEXANDER COWAN 1 on BARAIE, ONT. + - , Phone 82 By , i she askel. contrition in her voice, "I've jt wouldn't; nd T wouldn't have this NEAR-BY MARKETS strister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of oni eto aie alway been welf-willed and rather a mud: come out in the papers for twenty strings (Octaber 28. 19231 wills, uardiunship and administration, and vig ; cabby was calling down through the 'eqp, and this ic whut it's donc for me." af pearl." ee ne General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ete, of ™ ™ 7" ' : rr Brooke wus burning to ask questions. "Flow shout a disereet private detect. | Beeto xe 65c, pens ; Offices: Hindi Block, No. 8 Dunlop street ail abr exclaimed, wrilty but he recognized it woulll not be gentle: ive agency' [tae bame that he $1.00-2.15, onts 60c, buckwheat $1.05. po loney to loan KEE? YOUR GRAIN know. f don't want to go to And \nianly to pry into auch eminently peronal Mend be permitted to get away with that 'tatoes S110-U.150 hag. fall whent $2.00, | : ae ile 77 Bos ' INSURED ban che sheets Marte ae afTuire Mek e necklace hose $17.75, | Ritdie Aes MURCHISON } aye) On. rocke directe it Heavy Cost Bur still whe objected ~Butter 58-600, egys 6Oc, potatoes jarristers,, icitors, Nota Pubhe, 'i Aguins: Fire and Lightning "ts: dt ken going: the lady pill tell s-There ia soe sort of @ xaying about "Not at all events," abe pleaded. 8 hg, pew $2.00-2.25, buckwheat |, Lonverancers, Be ee aie you later." And the eabby. whveline siijled milk," he commented non-comittal: "1 siypree 1 must make a clesn brewt 7.50, dressed pork | Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. . by > (about. jogged further into the leafy rece era f fit pid, Kat BY wan't he bere Sie appl | Offices 13 Owen St. (i i '4 ; : f . a a papa, on't be bet fer apples $3. wen St. (in the premisee fer. Shr are: Pala' of the park, following the wialing drives, Romance!' she excluitied, still con for» sud by thes time well, Tm gg i Btls, ie . |merly occupied by the Bank of Toronto). tt Stinrt Dale Policy Jelimbung slopes, deseonding ints cool t# yrige, "That warmly. fetieh, Conninon rather under. the imnresaon that Mr, Mum: ghtiey age oat red enti Nerve Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. ' DON'T COST MUCH AND KEEPS YOU sinrs: and all dhe wile Mi t40 bemeDEhEY enue in tnorereile objet of devotion. fd wil be svn beat 8200 2.05." pat $2,002.28, |W. A. Boys, K.C., MP... Mi SAFE ehatered more and more freely, the ge But it iv w pity I should learn the le it Mumford" Brooke exelaime { agitunon geulually rubsidis g with the tl onty vt quch a cost'! byw wudd nlleetion. "Ta that ------------ Hl PLAXTON & PLAXTON for particulufe write or phone ing of her etry: the man's ef power Hoe companion ude no rejoinder Vases ieee FATALLY GORED BY ANGRY BULL | BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETO. A. FLA MALCOMSON increasing with every confidence voucheal herying hig silence she turned her sow glunced him annreheusively, | Shelburne Free Preas---A pathetic secid: Offices: 707-8 Kent Buildi ° A od Bib Frooke ene (M*FUe eye tipon itn thing Tike ueror in her blue yer. unt, in which an enraged three-year-old bull | Toronto, Ont. Phone 447 Barrie | And. ns their intincy grew, Brooke cou 1" Tm rattling on." she anid, "juet ae if uw don't know him!" she queried. {played savege part. with futal results. ¢. W. Plaxton. "GG Utnacted hie fre flowizg magech of 114% Jyou knew it all. i's ehomie' to keep yo A Deninl jie Chester Patton af 'lot 10, eighth line, $ ls G. Gordon Pluxtos. arith bigcstunionn Reeitveniiy it Jv in the durk, after you have been so kind waua.i® he oti | sepay | Amaranth, occurred early on Friday morn- DI (RODIN ARI) ie with that other gel of whoun thi OMe | sad ympathetic. Findeed T don't. know, 2,{ilt,you." br wumwered cally. thet ig of Tawt week," Mr. Patton hd ateen | tone petra DYEING AND ° beside him Watsgn almost perfvet reves. what T should huve done if 1 had been | Kniw pe Noise, 'These murs be {RE in the moruing and, after bringing! yo es SOLICITOR, ETO. $ [Then "he had at wed "und een found there in the bridle path by the pop eee eet eee a vnduh a Have fhe cattle in Trom the prrture field, wax | sonic Temple Building, Barrie ' CLEANING abashed, tonguedied and faltering o! fees and thi whole thing pot to' the pie, comets of Munifarde, heer: thou, bwily exgoged akg, beted on aaah" _* ion as ance through shrer exces of 'emotion. Now |i, bad enough as it is. but that would YOU oy Idee wher lidg stool. when he was attacked from the | CRESW . P jhe was ready.worded, alert. keen of 1M jhave been just the last straw." She pursed her pe thoughtfully. Trent by the bull. The animal knocked | ICKE & BELL Your. Clothing will be | \::erstanding sd auickty responsive. their "am sure T ilon't wih to, know any 1 aly. woot him at an plea hiss: (rom bis! seat 'qntl! immediainly 'pro-| BARRISTERS ' : Pci intercourse unbarred by any surging went | 5, EP ne hating 'tekd |downtown, bit before I went: Weat he lived |ceeded to gore him. finally impaling the | Solicitors { properly cleaned inside and | ear sn 'hi parts fostered rather by an [tue 08, woul rBreL, Hae SH |p ithe Tunes somewhere T think | yefectunate viesim om its horbe and throw: |enture of Onan, Pees, errict ae f outside at W- Firth's. The ||inexpticable "mutual good fellowship help you to tell it to me, or if Teun be of jit win One Hundred and Third Street." | ing jm some disrance into the "The | Veyancer, ete. nea et ae ftinings and inside of your |: Iuplicit Trust _, {any service beesare of 'knowing it. then! Involuntarily Brooke whistled, injuries he received were frightful, his en-; Offices > Barrie, ¢ BPs - | "Lam trusting you absolute tbe girl It'q gladly listen." 'You do know him she exclaimed. | tire' abdomen being ripped open, exposing , W. A. @ Bell, K.c | clothing are as important as | wa waving, truth ining, ia te sappbire 'A Now Story fitted 1a, mon te vet bowels while coe the animale horas | : |, K.C, +] H 4 depth { her eyes. 'thot never saw " rT % give you my word do, not. ie TE | i ul f] liver. ee wecident oceurrec 7 \ the outside. Why not have | viit, ST sticen minutes ago, I'am trurt-|, She folded her small, dainty, shapely turned, but {or going to dh what T can! timup aeven o'loek in the amornige. Med MEDICAL {them done right when you | ing you because I fect I can trun you; [hands one gloved and one bare, upon ber to got that necklace for you and T'll jeal attendance wax immediately summon. OR. H. T. ARNALL = } are having them done? All though. goodness knows. I've beer tanght pei wneidig terpenes Wee a oie aang promise you there'll be no publicity." |! ed from Shelburne, Little hope was held: Aatociate Coroner "Coney of Bi t NB oe : n lemon about putting trust in |mea, | But The exb had cireled the park. and 'ut 'out for his recovery und he pawed away roma imeoe F kinds of Repairing done. . | ju now 1 simply must trust] woincbody, [eHb bore... hat moment Brod, glancing out to the! nbout two. o'clock on Friday wternoon. |Bivebeth eens: OOF: Toronto 'and { and of all the men I know inj New York) lien. ate eaid, with a charmingly." right, caught» sight of a eign reading; The bull which caused Mr. Patton's death Church, Bap tata, Hethodias We know how. thére ian't one I fecl like going We earenlles poage any ee Abed Caring AY the same instant, he had been previously coi) 'and delivery of Church. Telephone 167, ' very humiliating to have to confess that | At om ight ahi drew his "wa'ch from his pocket. The, the animal was to have been made on Fri- W.. FIRTH [ieee ett ea bie eter mittee ine eo eee ea mig inf. [Pande were om the stroke of thee, day afternoon, The beast had always shown OR. E.G. TURNBULL 1 H ° n't it? \ at, é b ne DG you imi ing in here, only for % mean disposition and in otder to avoid' | Graduate of McGill University i unted--yeu, that's better---with her riding, "Do you mind coming in : , ; : f "Her ingenuousness was --deligstful. Bi come 8 + ho asked, 'T've just thought !RY disaereenble circumstances Mr. Patton | Office and lence, corner Elizabeth and Phone 229 Brooke felt that he had a very beautiful buster. It happened this time that the ® moment e . j ent ad decided to xell it. . The deceased waw|Bradford- 8ts., Barrie . Office bh t . : rooke felt that he a very an 4 4 English Honor, of 8n important matter 1 must telephone had decided to sell it. . The dlecessed was .. Barrie . Office houra 9 te ) Bar Hotel, Barri hild in charge--w child who had been |Fiding master posed as un Englisl r- RB; a man of bout 43 years of age and had|10 a.m. 1 to 8 p.m, 7 to 8 p.m. Phone 108 ae a ete BaTTies J anghty and woo had been punished, and [Ab the son of «baron, and that the girl Mout resided on the farm where he met his death i cached + tlosonbt i her [Was fool enough to think that because of ne conti tages : A inten tal ere ow ew at, be Der than an eve | oe ne oe | SURGERY AND GtwecoLoay fd * Tp! make amends, baat ' ! A RECORD FALL | a are 'od The Barrie Planing Mill "ss" onary ot nei, it hah nd tn eb, Msn, wh. by OA Moe tat Meee te | 6s, wicks, By mB ' . § ' jso far as I am concerned," he assured her, fy Suaicenlys M pone | reawon of his 82-yenrs of residence in Fasu i . Corarr Sophia sod Mury Streets "aud that is that your eonfidences will apt |Rare. is tn valiouk she lesetiested. jand Allistos"in quolified to tell of weather Phone 61 56 Collier 8t., Barris. es Staouiaeturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, 'go beyond me. I haven't friend in ull | how wiedy philosontica, I've grown in the conditions in this part of the country. for | @ DR, VICTOR A. HART i Pioonug, Caving, Mouldings, Water Trough, this great city to tell them to, even if I = eae ien't a ba [the Inst three-quarters of a century, #-ates | Ggadiééiar et TH vs 'i I anke, "ete {were so inclined." He smiled approvingly, and she went oM: thot never in his experience was there auch do' Babes Wal Glos ee of Wile cerry iw stock» large sasortment of} Sho drew the gauntlet from her left hand 'Well, he and she used to ride o lot! long open fall ax hus been the one being Specials il pins an \ ane. w ®ve od Dressed Lumber, B.C: Shingles! and held up her, pink-tip) tapered fin- |fogether in the park here, and he made love | enjoyed just now. Mr. McMunn has known - 'y--Diseases of Stomach. acd Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and | rer, on which glitched a pl Id band. |very deliciously, and the poor girl's heal nice {ali eeamons when the nights were cold Oflces Comer Bayfield and Worsley Sw. ilo Drying » Specivity Dressing "You sce?" dhe asked naivel was turned more.or less completely. Then and frosty and the daya clear and bright, ice open until 8 p.m. daily. { stompely. ; "Married,"' Brooke tPanslated she went West 'with her father and sister, |hut this iong continued summer weather is L. ¥. SIMPSON, MB Consult us with your building. and wen sway for five inonths, and all the 'something heretofore foreign in hix exper- + de 1, MB, THOS. ROGERS while.the riding master wrote to her, avow- ionce, Though past the four ecare, Mr. Me- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON : ing hin den'hle devotion ond begging her | Mann retuina all his feculties ss acute as Office and residence,"Collier Bt., corner ef Py fihone. Ottice 183 Residence $88 to come on and make him endlewly hap- |over they were, his eye needing no lens to Clapperton 8t., Barrie. Phone 276. i ; - Py. | nid it, nor his eur any anplificr. His sturdy a (" a He drew out hie watch, . __ Buill Romance |frame is still contrdlied by x olear heed in ; DR. FRED A. ROSS t i "Twenty minutes after tyro." | "And, at Jast, on some flimay pretext, | which are stored memories of the day» when (Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barrie i " : "I was married at nogn,"" she told bim. tbat her father, or at any rate her sister, /horses were not ured in Fesn and all the Late Surgeon Specialist wi i ¥ ON pec i 4 |) is"brow Knitted,* abd be took it for |should have seen through, but didn't, abe | work war done by oxen. When the day's Imperial Arey, 4% jan. : nf wv sign of ineredulityg™ a Jeame to New York, sccompanied only by | work wan done Mr, MeMenn as a boy went General Surgery und Obstetrica eapecially \ é Really," she aaseverated, It does |her maid, went to s hotel, 'phoned her rid-| to the log cabin home where tl i fice: 15 Owen 8t., Bi . sound, unbelievable, though, doen't it7" ling master, and the nest day--that i to-)the evening eame from the fie blating in Phone 710, P.O. Box 1078. 4 j ; "Not unbelievable. but rather mystify-|day, at high noon--he and sheswere the big open fire place--for Pennsylvania 7g . Y ur. Famil ing, I must admit." = jin the holy bonds of wedlock jn the rec-|coal pits held "no: interest. for the pioncets DR. MORTIMER LYON E | our. y 'My husband hes léft me," she contin: ltory of the Little Church Around the Cor-|of Fais--and the bed chambers. either had 122 Bloor St, W.,'Toronto, will be a 8 ! Y Business: ||/°i, m2, mn ner," _ [no light at all or the' yellow flicker of o Oven Bc, Bartle, every Nesuecie. | our busin ay ces" returaed Bracks," though Tam |" She paused sow for'breath, but her fase [tallow candle. chistes of ye. Bar, Note abd Throat F ! x naultation hours 11 am. to § p.m Your Future oo thanklo." ation returned, Her Pe by appointmeny" Barrie Phone No. 3. { beh an' Anuwial, Divi (ltpertieet et meee ae Ba MAIL CONTRACT oral Phone Nor ; With an Annual, Divi- Wiiifered." Ser lip trembled. : SEALED TENDERS addremed to. the/ DR. J. A. KEARNS | dend Policy in the No Consolation Postmaster General will be received at raven pepe | ls "Ob." sbe exclaimed, with abrupt bit- Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 19th of . ieee } e Hterness, "Tt all. came 0 suddenly 1 can November, 1020, for the: conveyance of ONT. Sun I ife hardly realize ity andgI have always seen Majerty's Mails, on proposed sontract for Office hours: 12:2 and 7-9 p.m. the funny side of things first; but this--| 99 ' - four years, tix tithes per week on the rout f this p tocrible, Tt dwn't. comedy. at all-- "BETTER THAN A BANK Phelpston Rural Route No, 1, (vin New VETERINARY ; 'i'n Gogedy--benvy, heavy tragedy." |' A j Flos}, from the Postmaster General's pleas. f Canada Brooke cast about for something consot- © Invest your savings in a Crown Life Policy,' It is worth Hai ae TT ing." fat more than.@ Bank Deposit to You and Your Family. Printed notices containing. further in- Late of R.A.V.O, \ | Siete come back,' he ventured. "He's ip formation as to conditions of proposed Con- VETERINARIAN AND SURGEON da's. Ga Lif nure to." ' Our Compan: 2 90% of Profit Earnings to our \; [tract may be seen ind blank forms of Ten- | Office, Hospital and Residence: 48 Bayfield Canada's Greatest Life a " ted in a dend Participating P fi holde: . \|der may be obtained at the Post offices of| 8t.,. Barrie (formerly Vespra Hotel) 4 'THardaiice Co. 'Come back!" she opened | of 'articipating Policyholders. Pheipston, 'New Flos, and nt the offlet of any ; eee : Oe oe ahd te ee F Crown Life Insurance Co., Toronto thy Post 'Office Inspector, Toronto, Branch Ofc: 'A H, Brother, VS. 4 "T don't know, I should think be , ' 'Post Office Inepector's Office, Toronto, r St., Phone 244, =] a ee Nace would, "Why not? 1, O. MATSON, 'Manager at Barrie October 6, 100, LAND, Cattle Dusesoen and Burgery a Specialty. "i i o itated. "Oh, no, h A. , ee Because"--ehe henitated, "Oh; no, he Post Office Inspector,' Read the Classified Adlets,