| | Suitings and vey, ete., etc, All this from those who | | conti in the same breath ask us to recognize their i Overcoatings 'excellent churchmanthip. | | This attitude is neither charitable nor | | Christian. Christian re-union will neither | . . begin nor end in acts of aynod and as cer- ' Upsteirs Tailor Shop jeuinly it will not be consummated in rid- icule of synods and conference, It began | ROSS BLOCK lin the Will of God. It-is worked out in} and through us. There is something we) Phone 731 can do ond it is s great something. Page Eight "THE BARRIE EXAMINER, 5 Gaia eed HJT viss| TAILOR. {Be FOR - ANGLICANS TALK OF CHURCH UNION (Continued from Page 5) A LADIES lcority, and 'hat the suggestion will die in the hands of the individual dioceses; th AND indeed there was much difference of opin- lion in the conference and an agreement MEN Jon this subject was reached because of the whom Archbishop DuVernet was conepic: | uous. From this agreement it is to be ex: pected many will find it convenient to fall) Good Assortment of our buainers to ereste eo far as in us lies the spiritual atmosphere in which re-union may grow. We can do this onjthe street, in ur homes, in the Ypmes of those of | other communions, by fraternizing on all jlegal occasions and by being reasonable, \choritable, patient and Christ-like. A Very Great Need Discussion on Mr. Holdsworth's paper ---- ell M. D. Cubitt-Nichols REAL ESTATE ! Some Favorable Opinions Ex- | pressed.-- Obstacles in the! "#4 this means in your purchases. influence of some strong minds, among| | A $5.00 Present was led by Rural Dean Gray of Rosemont. | $10.98 line--Free Goods, $1.25 10 to 25 on some seasonable As This Wee f A PRESENT OF $5.00 GOES WITH EVERY LADIES' COAT IN THE STORE = Hundreds of Coats on our racks and without an excep- tion whatever, the purchase of one entitles you to $5.00 worth of goods "free" from any department of the store. Beautiful Coats from the best makers, made in every desirable style and all bear the same reddction-- . FREE Scotch Motor Rugs in lovely plaids, and with each one you are entitled to "free" goods from any department. $ 8.75 line--Free Goods, $1.00 Agency for Ladies' , STORE NOTES Home Journal Patterns Thursday, November 4; 1920. i Sharing Profits with Customers at Moore & Aciaeace er cent Reductions k Only. Figure it out and see'what - Our stock is too large and must be reduced. SCORES OF EXQUISITE GEORGETTE BLOUSES AT SLAUGHTER PRICES -4 THIS WEEK The purchase of any Georgette Blouse entitles you to a special rebate of 20 per cent. Georgette Blouses under $10.00, you get from any* de- partment goods to the amount of $2.00 Free. . Georgette Blouses under $15.00, you get goods to the amount of $3.00 Free. = FREE About 20 Costumes left from this sea- son's selling, and late buyeps will bene- fit to the extent of $10.00 worth of "Free" Goods anywhere in the store. HOUSES FOR SALE [ta cenkttion of ene dea The| $12.00 line--Free Goods, $1.50 We ace tating H we This is a great opportunity to save. bere and fick want fo know why all can't $15.00 line--Free Goods, $2.00 ina are aioe eros a, ak ~ Frame howe on Brbdford St. Easy, pay-| Worshin in the one church, ane fhe woot ' gular. CASHMERE HOSIERY Terins Plea iscereyen w+ $2000 | believed the boys and ils would eolve the | $1.50 SAVED ON YOUR HAT inet: Bl; 7, (aaah AT REDUCED CES ; - espe: i A ; 0 nd, Double brick house on Dunlop Bt., all con. 'iahty in rural districts, and said union is felt You will be delighted with the lovely Blankets in the large ses. F hs veniences. One half, price .....+ $2500 to be a very great need, Some adjustments other half, price .....+-00++-+++ $2800 would be necessury, but' it is practicable. | T.arge brick house on Maple Ave. Price. \It will be » fete of faith, but we must seee+ $4500 'venture if we Would do big things. He held Frame house on Dunlop St. Price. . .$1809 [before his audience the vision of a great Gueall boure on McDonald St. Price ..$650,00i'e! church when all might warship, to- Fa eae reroiale ith lnene lets (Pein (EEENTE ota wae ae ies days of tranaition many things go into the 250 | niclting pot. and among the thi thnt | Price |should disappear are the narrow divisions harass $8500 of christianity. He believed the Anglican Brick house on Essa St. Price......$4200 Church should be willing to be enriched by Price the rocmingly vital elements in other $2109 Dranches of the church. The Protestant $2200 |*iurehen should clone up their ranks and stand ahouldéfto shoulder in the erent fight for freedom and truth. Overlapping means Large brick house on Elizabeth St. Cement brick house on Dufferin St. House on Franeis St. Price Hats shown this week--Hats that are different from the cheap lines being Fancy Dishes at unusually close prices in the Basoment Department. Regular $1.75 quality for. .$1.19 Pair We have in stock the New Ribbed Cash- Regular $2.00 quality for. .$1.45 Pair ¢ shown in some stores. With regular $6.50 to $10.00 models you may select, without charge, goods to the amount of $1.50 from any department. See the New Feather Hats Moore & Armstrong Knitted Goods of every description in the Garment Section. Hf you need a new Dress of any Kind buy it this week.--Splandid styles and qualities. Men's Xmas Neckwear and Hosiery is now in stock. McLintock's Famous Eiderdown Comforters are here at $15.00 each. Fancy Linens for holiday selling.--Get your gifts early. HOUSES TO RENT Juarge brick house on Worsley Bt. ....-+-- $25.00 per month Rougheast house on Worsley St. ogc... ; $20.00 per month Flat to rent on Dunlop St... ..¢ eee cocoseves $12.00 per month "FARMS FOR SALE 100 nggee im Innisfil for. . $3000 25 Oro for $3000 1 Oro for $7000 1 Innisfil for $380 Or fyr "$320 100 scrsn in Vespra for $5000 100 acres in Innisfil for. $6701 100 acres in Innisfil for... 502+ $8000 100 acres in Innisfil for $1350! 300 acres in Flos for $6900 60 eres in Oro for $3500 For ful¥ list of farms 1 have for eale in Simeone County. call at M. D. Cubitt. Nichols office, Barrie, M.D.CUBITT-NICHOLS CLARKSON BLOCK, BARRIE Phones: Office 31, Residence 62 jkeening un unseemly rivalry and jealoury., wasting effort and money. The different clergy have the same message, I+ would be more sense to double up and reach more neonle with wider and more effective work. In conclusion, he urged the creation of an atmosshere of unity. brought shout by 9 vision of a erent united church nll eathered | imder one Shepherd; also the develapment | jof true christian charneter and » apirit: of | hratherhood in eolidarity and for Christ 'Laymen Indifferent Mr. Benoliel was of the gpinion that | there was too much indifferencetamong lay jmen sbout what their church stands for A large percentage of those pushing for inion is made up of thoxe who are anxious to enve monty, "The best way to head for union," he declared, "is to push the ; at is mupreme to Us, Holds Episcopsey Vital Vor? Archdencoy Ineles did not agree jwith the suggestion of Mr. Gray that they lghould double up with other denominations to aave effort. He held that such section would be tantamount to eaving' that it did hat matter what their ebureh stood for. He maintained that the eniseopcy ix vitol; Y vice {in Novs Scotia, Quebec and Ontun fe THE MILKING OF COWS Shall cows be milked twice or three timen s day? To the average reader thin may f small concern. jairyman it ix a question of considerable interest, Tests have recently been made Pro- fessor Barton of Macdonuld College snys that it has been found from the stundpois fof economy and safety that u cow giving' 80 Ibs. of milk 4 day ahould be milked | three times. Both Professor Trueman of the Nova Scotin Agricultural College and Pro- fessor Burton ure agreed, however, that un- lon the udder ix over distended there is little or no advantage to be guingd by milk ing three times a day, These" authorities Agricultural Gazette of Canada. Professor Wade Toole also contributed to « solution of the same problem by giving results of testa made at the Ontario Agricultural Col Iege, The testa are to be continued and Professor Toole hopes to be uble to give a more definite opinion another year than he doee at present. In the meantime he shows thar the Anglican clergy have something to|that thren high-class pure-bred cows gave tive to their people which ministers of jmére by thrice other denominations could not give. Ask: od by Mr. Holdsworth ax to what that than by twice milking a day. His present conclusions, however, arc the same us those of Professors Burton and To the farmer and! meeting on Tuesday night, Nov. 9, at 8 are quoted in the September number of the j ALY. Pe Ae Barrie Branch of the Anglican Young People's Association will hold their regular iution who are visiting in Barrie, also to out-of-town members of the Anglican Church who ore attending the Collegiate or Barrie Business College. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the 'Trustee Act that all perwons having claims against the Estate of William Henry Ker- foot. lute of the Township of Vespra, in the County of Simcoe, basketmaker, deceased, \ ho died on or nbout the eixteenth day of ISeptemier, 1920, ure requested to send par- |ticulars of their claims to the undersigned lon or before the twentieth day of Novem- her, 1920, after which date the Exccutors will dirtribute the axgeta of the Estate 'among thore entitled thereto, having regard 'only to the claims of which they ahsll then have notice, and that they will not be re: MRS. G. DAVIS Corsetiere for the Spirella Corset for Barrie west of Toronto St., and Allan- ett ntntretnsnemminamanaeade "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" For the Most Beautiful All w Designs for WEDDING BOQUETS CONSULT THE West End Florist Shop--Elizabeth St mere Hose, the New Drop-stitch, Silk Hose, the popular Heather Wool, etc. Buy Hosiery Here and you get Real Values Barrie and Guelph - |THE BARRIE MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Srelock, Program for the evening: En-|dale, solicits orders from all old customers folment of new members, "ladies to sur-|and large number of new clients, Markers Tablets prise the gentlemen," refreshments will be| addrem, 07 Cumberland S'., Allandal Qorner Posts nerved. A cordial invitation is extended to eas; 97 Cumberland Be. eines " iwerrabera of other branches of thi sgoe- phone 767, 38-5intfe |} Canadian. Scotch and Amer- {ean Granite Monuments, All kinds of Cemetery Work Btriet attention given to In-eription Cutting. neatly and artist- ically done. J. F. MURPHY | Veteran - Proprietor / Office and Works: 78 Bayfield St. Phone 734 Prop. PAINTING AND "something" is, the Archdeacon replied, |The gift of grace by which I am permitted |to administer the sseraments."" Replying |to another query. he kaid thet other clergy give their peonle whet they have, but not having received the grace through the his. torie enisconacy they\could not pive what |they did not nee ind 20 would not be |quelified to administer tox Anglicans, Mr. Gray enid that each denomination held certain things vital /and coming to- gether the others would have to respect these. Mr. Bourne agreed that ech hes some . | QUICK SERVICE : j{/thines ain . but the eriseonacy must ATE C he a big point in any question of union, MODERATE CHARGES | \Gnc cf the bie difieutie of union might be illustrated by the viewioint of a certain : bride, When the minister bad prononnesd axter ay. OV | the tinin one, the bride encuired. Which Mr. Bourne suggested making haste } PHONE 926- ¢ t if you are looking for a carter and need anything moved. ~ Get your General De® livery done by us during the winter months. ' 1 i i ' t i] ia St i slowly 1 110 cope St., Barrie Fact Has Good Polns i one -926 . W. H. Croydon of Orillia, one of Cee nena | the laymen present, | suggested Aew_ zs that ¢he elérey of all denominations should SIMCOE RBLE WORKS he edreful not to add to the di ns. Fech BARRIE denomination has its good points. Each Dealers in Granite snd Marble Moouments rhould carefully scan its own faults and emulate' the good of others. sponrible tp any person for the smets of suid' Eatate whose claims shall not then have heen received, DONALD ROSS. Executors' Solicitor, Barrie, Ontario. 44-460 Trueman. Stanley Skye, a asilor. of London, Ens: Innd, was convicted of pasing # forged cheque in Collingwood snd wentenced to Burwash. On his relense he will be deport ed. Dated Oct. THREE CHANGES OF PROGRAM EVERY WEEK . MONDAY AND TUESDAY Opposite Wellington Hotel Open every afternoon and Saturday afternoon and evening 'Telephone 713 P.O. Box 199 _ PAPER HANGING -- JAS. CASE, 50 HENRY ST. 25-80p-tfo Phone 888J, P. 0. Box 865 WEDNESDAY AND 'snd Tablets. Only best msterial used anc + firsvelave workinea employed, Brass Tsb A report of the address of Mr. Boys on the divorce luwa will be found on page 9. Tete specialty, Prices always right. ------. G.W..Esstman, Prop. R.G.Manuel, Mer WEATHER FOR OCTOBER ed High Rain Snow Oct. 34 «1.02 2.4 48 (0.15 59 «(0.08 BARRIE FIs _ 49 ; br Phone 897 HH FRESH FISH. DAIL' ALSO SMOKED FISH 55 (0.10 Phone orders taken 0 te i 53 71 (0.02 Prompt Delivery 4 0.0L i i 58 65 . twice daily re res -s ; -- 46 «90,00 46 560.18 Fish and Chip Dinners 41. «BB O,at 53 ~ 63° «(0,67 served at store. 38 420.08 9 (87 -- 32 BL. (0.16 31.0... /40 | BA 0:06 Fy 'The mean. temperature . for the month vas 6 degrees above the aveteRt aay J. KELLOW, Proprietor poncnnrorenencennnrenes eee eo) FRIDAY AND SATURDAY _ --IN-- Shure and ereite 1 There was ni that Kitty McCarthy didn't friends a surprise, and the last one biggest of them all. the old country te the Adults, 27 cents Super Special Special Attraction SELZNICK PICTURES 'Olive Thomas "Darling Mine' [A bit of wit and vivacity transplanted from of New York. Children under 16, 16 cents Spécial Saturday Matinee at > "2:15. All Seats, 16 cents. SPECIAL COMEDIES EVERY DAY . THE BLACKTON PRODUCTION 'Passers By' _Adapted from the stage success by C. HADDON. CHAMBERS Driftwood of a great city, thrown up from its depths and brought to his door. Like the driftwood of the ocean, some of it was good and sound; some weak and rotten. £ The bluff, big-hearted Cabby; Qutraged- Innocence in a -Giri; the dirty useless Vagrant; the wilful Wanton flitting by-- from his window he saw them and read and understood. the comedy and the tragedy of their lives. ra day he was th Children, 16c; Adults, 27¢ WITH A GOOD CAST Mr. Blagkton nas ered 4, wonderful human ites in Better than the Play which tl Ly fon roach, from a sucer * v4 that i pure drame. _ Children under 16, 16 cents THURSDAY Extra Special Constance Binney 39 East' - AGOOD COMEDY Adults, 27 cents