FTER school, when every - F healthy youngster joins in the merriment of games--then the wisdom of buying Wearbetter clothes'is best illustrated. Wearbetter wear best and look best. Thefabricsarelong lasting; the needle- work stitched to stay. Parentswho take particular pride in their boys' appear- ance endorse Wearbetter. Sold b THE HUNTER C! ee With every dollar spent at this) Store you wil receive a Five-cent Profit-sharing Card. Oor Fall and Winter Stock | Socks i han aver been ow The following list speaks loudly Men's 'Tweed Raincoats, with belts or plain. Worth $17.00, for $12.98 . At $7.98-- Child's Fancy Suits, aged 3 to 8 yéars. These suits were made to sell at $10.00. Pre- sent price, only........ .. $7.98 At $29.98--Men's Art Kraft Suits, made. of blue er black worsted. Worth $40.00, for....... $29.98 At $21.98--Men's Tweed Suits, fit guaranteed, sizes 36 to 42. Worth $30.00, for ..........06 $21.98 Men's Suits worth $35.00. Made of heavy tweeds, assorted patterns, latest styles, only ....... $29.98 At $39.98--Men's Fancy Worsted Suits and Fancy Tweed Suits. Fit beyond question and the season's latest styles. Worth $50.00, for. . iss weve wr wtereseieinie scare +++. $39.98 At $26.98--Young Men's form-fit- ting Overcoats. Patterns assorted. Worth $40.00, for ...... $26.98 At $33.98-- Men's Black Melton Overcoats, made with a velvet col- lar. All sizes and perfectly tailored. Worth $45.00, for....... $33.98 At $6.90-- Men's Just the thing to wear with a half- worn coat and vest. worth $9.00, for .. At $4,48-- Men's sizes assorted. Worth $5.00, for rewe as $4. each--worth $3.00 Men's Heavy Wool Sox, worth 75c for 58c per pair or 2 pairs for $1.00 At 50c--Men's Heavy-ribbed black Sox. 120 pairs only at the price. They are worth 75c. At $1.48--Men's Gauntlets, with fingers or one-fingered. Made of mule skin, fronts Worth $2.00, for . At 98c--Men's Heavy Wool-lined Mitts, made of mul $1.25 to $1.50, for At $2.00--Men's S wear, Truro Knit, or Drawers. Es most ot Worth $2.50, for $2 lete w. Heavy Pants. . All sizes 'and - Tweed Pants, are reinforced. $1.48 le skin. Worth tanfield Under- all sizes, Shirts The Cash Store-- --The One-price Store You gy = . #& NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS 3 e ri | BELELE LE LPL LNG LF LE LPL LE CHURCHILL | GUTHRIE Fowl Supper ct. 26.--The anniversary services will A. very successful fowl supper wax beld|be held in Guthrie Church on Sunday, Oct, | on Thanksgiving Day, October 18, at "Erin: |31, Services will be conducted by Rev. dale Farm," the home of Stanley Copeland, |G. A, Brown of Barrie at 11 a.m. and 7 Churchill." The supper was given by the|p.m/ Music will be provided by the Rugby Churchill baseball team. Congregational choir, A ball game was played in the afternoon | A number.from here attended the [5.F.O. between the Churchill team and tear |convention ut Stayner on Saturday, renulting in s win for the| Rev. W. J. Watt of Allandale conducted; Mi After the game the teamx|the service here on Sunday in the absence fritnds sut down to # sutnptuous|of Rev. N. Campbell. \ | rueul, to which they did full justice, The G. H. H, Club held their meetin supjier they played ten gaines of |at the home of Mre, A. Campbell on Sat- quehre, 'The prize-winners for |urday, at which a donation of clothing was were sx follows! First prize, Miss | given for the Children's @helter. The next 'Kathaleen | meeting will be held at Mr. V. Luck's on Saturday, Nov. 6, STROUD Mr. and Mrs, Lennox of Toronto have : returned after spending over Thanksgivi i with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rich, "Train) Mi View" farm. the net, chin: tion cial programme was given, J. D. Copeland of Toronto treated them to a few recitations, A toast to the baseball team was moved by KR. Hy Grose und very. heartily seconded by everyone in the patty. The room was then cleared |for daunting and .a good old The beautiful cold' mest supper which was held! epuntry dsuce was enjoyed by all. ; iusie wa agpplied hy Mayex Brox.,-vilin. | Cttaber 25. Ev bar ik inte, and oll were agreed that it was bard | He sng Mr' Frank\Brewater and Violet, | sf to beat, While the guests were cooling off between dunces, Mise Ada Copeland. danced the Highland Fling. There were seventy guests at the party. Arnong those prevent were R. H, Grose and Fred Grose, Mr, and Mra. Ernest Cope- Yond, and Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Copeland and family. from Toronto, } The party broke up about 3 a.m. after . singing 'For They Are Jolly Good Fellows" to Mr. Mrs, Stanley Copeland, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Rich and Erle métor- ect to Midhurst and visited their cousin, Mrs, Wm. Gavin, on Sunday, Mmm. Lamb is very low at time of writ- ing. ' on Saturday in the sudden death of Ernest | urd Colgan of Belle Ewart, who fas' shot while coming home from hunting. Much sym- pathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs, Colgan and family. : Clarence 'McCabe of Fort William called on Frank Rich last. week, Stroud Women's" Institute A most enjoyable meeting was held ot the -home of Mra, J. W. Black, on Oct, 14, forty or more 'dadies Laue Hap Mrs. Wm, Young and Mrs, .G. Harper gave MISS L. E, WILLERS Agent for the Spirells Corset Company. for Barrie east of and including both sides of Toronto Bt.. solicits orders from afl old customers spd a many new * possible - ¢ 'Addrees--8 Charlotte St., Barris, the ones 'Ont. KEKPLELELE LE MAE LE ROR AOAOK "lee mere se owt te of the olden times. brought forth further information the old customs and methods. Several of | samplers, Paisley shawls, a sealette coat| richly braided, # baby's bonnet in darned brought from Scotland, a water jug, lace shawl, tie and earlaps from Englend, aj carved il brought to Canada in 1838, « china mug, souvenir of Queen Victoria's coronation, a silhouette about 125 years old, snd an old daguerrot were appointed 'as delegates to the conven- Oct, 25.--Remember the Ladies' Aid 80- derson on Tuesday evening next, Geo, Brovuks is busy putting the first cost of plaster on his new house. Mian Irene Hart .is spending » ing | weeke"with Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Pue. 'Yittte "daughter, of Stroud, spent Sunday Congratulations to Stroud ladies on their | with Alfred Pulk. Mr. Benson of Warminster preached very seceptubly in the Methodist Church on Sun- Simpson in the lows of her little daughter, Oct, 26.--Robt. Grabam 'The community received s decd shoek | days Mr, and Mrs, | Harry Davis visited Mr. and Mrs, Thos. MAGGIE (6 RIGHT: ! - SHOULD GE ORESSEO UP ALL 'THE TIME, > 'Ago and at the Present Time," Mre. ng demonstrating some of the methouls A question drawer members exhibited old relics such as a silver teapot, horn spoon, firetongs, a plate and an embroidered blanket dott bogwood brooch, # cream jug type. rs, Oswald Black snd the secretary in Toronto, November 9, 10, 11. SHANTY BAY at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno, San- couple of ir. and 'Mrs,.N. W. VanNorman and' potatoes. in the absence of Rev. W. Mair. uch sympathy is. felt for. Mrs. Wm. KNOCK © spent a few and Mrs, John Moir and son of Cooke- of their nenhew, Mrs. W. Hurst, Mim May M. Allan of Lefroy week with Mr. J, Cowan, man last Sunday. Oct, 25.---Geo. and Elsworth Crawford about |# Bumber of fall fairs this year with their shires und Darey showed Southdowns. W. Armstrong also took in a few fairs hibiting poultry, Anconus and White Wyan- | er with special gifts, will be present. As . and Mrs, W. Bishop bave taken up residence in the*house recently occupied by Mr. and 'Mra. N. Doherty. Anniversury services will be held next Sunday in the United Church here. Mev. W. Johnston of Churchill will be in charge. The Ladies' Aid intend holding a con- cert in the church on Wednesday, Nov. 3. A good program is being prepared. Rev. and Mrs, Knighton of Edgar are expected to be on hand, and also local talent. ORO STATION Quite » number attended the Little Brick anniversary on Sunday to hear Rev. Mr. Benton of Coldwater preach. Several from here motored to Stayner on Saturday to_sttend the U.F.O. convention. Geo. Crawford is loading carload of Mrs. McCuaig and Mrs. Archie McArthur are getting better. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Crawford of Sns- katoon are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Crawford. Mrs. Day of Penetang is visiting friends around bere, ° Mrs. A, Graham Hawkestone spent the week-end with Ner mother, Mrs, MoCusig. i' Mrs, Mac Ellson and little daughters of Cobalt last week, returning'on Sat"!-Thornton are' visiting Mrs. John Ellson, Mr, and Mrs, T, Pearce of Allandale! poett the week-end at Wm, Rabertaon' r, PARISH OF INNISFIL. A Hallowe' jat the ele ae opportunity to' make effective the sim the camppign MINESING und daughters of | many parishes, As the day preceding is All Saints' Day, it will also afford 'an Op- portunity to pay tribute to the memory of our dear departed. Will every family make a special effort. Sunday, Nov. 7, being thi rsary of the opening of St. Pat pecial services will be held at 1 7 p.m. Rev, Professor MacIntyre, » preach: the church ix free from all encumbrance since Inst February, there is a special rea- son for thanksgiving. The neweshed, 100x 50. which is a eource of groat comfort, is also furnishing reason for thankegiving, Please keep the dste in mind. CUNDLES Oct, 26.--W. H, Pratt and family have moved from. Hamilton to Minesing, where he intends to take out timber this coming winter. At present he is staying with Mr. and Mrs, 8, Pratt, at Cundles. J. F. Pratt also is leaving the Hydro Electric Comn., with which he has been working for a num- ber of years, and is going in with his bro- ther at bush work, W. G, Storey, who has spent a few months in the West, returned home looking fine und'speaking well of the country. Mr, and Mrs. Storey und family spent a few days with friends at lmvale. The threshing machine is busy here these days and the yield of grain is good. The collector hus made his snnual 'all here for taxes and, like many other things, the rates -are higher. EGBERT Oct, 27.--Wm, Ingham, who was very well known. in this section, and much re- apected, died on Tuesday after a long ill- nem. He was 65 years of age and wnmar- ried, The youngest on of the late: Richard Ingham, he was born st Egbert and spent all hie-life in this village. For years He by carried on business,/as a thresher, selling ut some five years ago. Two brothers predeceased him and two sisters survive, vis., Mrs. Thos, Feltis of Egbert and Mrs, for a more general .and Dadeworth, who lived with him, From 68¢ to 72c was paid for butter at Newmarket last week. regular' attendance which is in progress in| . | show the BELLE EWART A miscellaneous shower was given Miss Pearl Hardy at her home on Friday, Oct. 8, by the ladies of Belle Ewart. The many useful » presents which the bride received high esteem in which she is held. Good music was provided, after which a dainty lunch was served. Owen Sound's building permits total ov- er $150,000 this year. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS THE SPECIAL PRICES ON ROAST BEEF ON: SATURDAY HEPPLESTONS SES: The Choicest Beef you ever laid on your table will. be sold at prices to induce quick selling to thrifty housewives. Also Choicest Roast Pork, Veal, Lamb. You make no mistake when you leave your or- der with us. Prompt de- livery, R. H, HEPPLESTON The Five Points Butcher Phone 815. Opp. Wellington Hotel. AFTER ALL IT'S SETTER TO ORESS- > » oo gat gp STR ener, pnp inner or een ne et Vie ie ta sineibiiniaaiiies ete ome ae >, ~~ se a ti ae ek