~ awl Mee. Wai. Re King spent the work end with his parents oo Toronte Kine Moore pen' eThantsegiving with | he carenis, Mr and Mr, J. J. Moore Mee. Kenyon Lount of Toronto waa with fier mother, Mrs. Murr, for the holiday Mee bithel Dougall was with her par | hb Thomnjon St, for Thankegiving Mise Culbert lef New York un Wed neenay. after apening several months i TT A. Maun. Hamilton, spent Tharke: | giscug ut Mre. Armstrong's home, Dunlyy aay Stub of Toronto was a week erat | deat with bis brother. J. Smut, Qwen Thursday, October 21, 1920 ' FREE To first 200 people malking ] coc ac ac io om purchases i FREE n our store - Saturday, Oct. 23, we will give a hand- some Calendar for 1921 We still.have bargains tor Everyone MERRICK & LITSTER | 2222" = ae rere bs) Frere erorigiok | 1, 4. Harne of Chapleau is visiting in Mis, Jahn Melones and children are vis wong in Onillie Win, Whittend: and son of Hamilton wom town, Monday Mew, Alex. Ledie xpent last an New York (1 Mie Wroht of Minien win with Barn | Soviude for Thankegiving, Pro WT) Arnall was in Toronto on fay and Thuraday this week | Bond | ind Mra SF Bealierd for Thankegiving. LoSte ie vaatfing in Dunn eMr ant Mrs, Frauk Law of Queensville winited there grandfather. Mr. Law, San tors st ye amd Mee Ved, Lynch of Torunta wer with eo formers parente Dyer the week en ty Mr. and Mre. Gi Bell of Toronte were Thankagisiyg vinitors with Mr, and Mes. | see lhertaon and Mice Margutet Latle sent 'Thankegiving with the latter's ste ter an Stayner ' Mie Laura Cavanagh of Parry Sound spent the Thanksgiving holiday ut her Tone an Barrie. Tey Rd. 1D. Stmpaon and Mer, Simpy eon of Toronta: were "Fhanksgiving vietors: ai Dr. Stmpxon'e . Meo and Mrs. Thos, Wileun of 'Toronto were with Mr. and Mr. damon Checrinan over the wiek-end | Mroand Mrs. Hugh Kennedy nnd two children of Toronto spent Thankaxiving in town with relatives. Ne Davis of the Richmond Hill Lib- | yapent. Thanksgiving with hix parents, | y and Mra, T, H. Davis. Mise Cavell and Mix Cuscon. RV.H. gruluates, bave joined the colany/of Barrie purses in Port Huron, Mich. Mie Myrtle Hill of Toronto and Miss) Helen Riley of Weeton spent the holiday | 1 the former's home in Sanford Bt. | Lulton Meeking, w ding wchool | vw. Toronto, spent hia c going with hie parents Mr and Mra. Cyril G. Filgiano of Ham ion and Frank Quinlan of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with Mr. und Mra, D. J. Quinian Lis Lay attended the dinner in the King Edward Hore, Toronto, last Saturday night when an widreae was given by Mr. Hoover Mr. and Mr«. Ay W, Young and aon of Cobourg, were Thanksgiving visitors, at the home of Mr and Mrs, W. V. Brown. in Mary Bt. Frank I. Patterson, foreman of the Walkerton Times-Herald: and formerly "of 'The Examiner, wax a caller at this office Mr und Mra, Wm, Walker and daughter of Montreal came to spew! Thanksgiving . EVERY EFFORT You put 'forward to increase your efficiency in any endeavor will be rewarded many timer over. 'Bo it is with your eyes. Having your eyes examined regularly is ef- ficiency. If glaaen are needed you will be rewarded with good eyesight hocause we design, make and fit the " ndividual glasses your eyes require. O. R. RUSK . OPH. D. ® PERSONAL #)cat [Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Cavanagh, 40 Louina Fwood visited Mrs. BE. H | Wellington St | Port Fancl left yesterday for their home ut Ores ut the home of bis brothae, John Walker Sophia Ss. Mr. und Mra, W. Touder of Richford, are apenthng a few works with St... Burrie. Mine Grace MeDonald of Toronto «per the week-end ut her home here, She wo weompunied by Mise Ella MeDonald of! |Larele Curre! Mux Margaret Duhr und Mim Deadman returned tH Toronto ufter mend sug their holulays with the latter's sister Mra. J. Tribble, Mite Annie Smelair of Minuicw und Mix Margaret and Mr. and Mra. J.C. Sineluir 1 Collingwood were with their parents for the week-end, Miesee Al Hall, Guelph Louie from Tamilton an Murry from Gael spent Thanksgiving 4! their home in Dunlop St, Mr, utd Mrs, Fred Grant of Millan! were in town dist Thuraday and brough down the trophy won by D, M. Stewar county golf champion, Lyon, Jus. Dougall and J. Frank Jackson ure spending a week wt Mr Jack son's cottage, Big Bay Point. and bop | to have some good fishing. Mr. Gittine and Mian Jermey of Oro an Mr. Hawking-sid Mise Bellinger of Ci Thompson, 94 for the week-end Mr Mary Tandy and Mise Lucey Bull were vinting their mater, Mex. 'Thonss Chmpbell, and the former's daughter, Mre Aplan. in Toronto, over the holiday Mr. and Mr. R, W. Btewart were iv} town at Thanksgiving, remowng household effecta to Toronto, Mise Mabel Hopley of Denver, Coloraiy Weft on Tuesday for a viait in Detroit, Sich on hor way home to Deaver after a tw twonthe" viat with Mr, and Mra. J. Snath Owen St Mra. und Miss Lount exme op from their unimer cottoge at Bese Point on Tues iy und are spending a snonth mt Mre TH. Redditt's before going to Torent for the winter MreCrostand of Salt Lake City, Utah wis the} guest of Mra, Crew lust week Yesterday she motored with M¥~wnd Mrs Crew and family 'ta Thornbury, where the ix now visiting frien Mr. and Mrs. J, MeCandleas were in Tor vito on Tuoxduy attending the funeral of the latter's sinter, Mra, McConnell, widow of "the late Rev. Wm. McConnell, anil youngest inughter of the Inte Rev, Samuel Rev, Fred 8. Euatman, with hie wife und won, returned again to Burgic la«t week after visiting relutives ut Cobourg. Ottawa. Montreal and Hamilton, to complete thetr vivit to hin parente ut' 36 McDonald St Island, Wash. Ter, Andrew Walker, who hu» been teaching ad, complained of not feeling well anit fon Sunday it was found thy} he tw diph theria. He thinke he conttucted the dix came in Haileybury where he wae attend: ing a teachers' convention for a couple of days, PATTENDEN---STONE A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Mrs, T. M. McKee, Vesna, on September 29, when her second daugh- ter, Fannie Eileen, became the bride of Mr. W. R. Pattenden, on of Mr. and Mr Thos, Pattenden of Minesing. The bride's uncle, Rev, J. A. Long, of Toronto, aftic- insted. blue seffe-euit with hat to mate, and wore the groom's gift, a pearl necklace, After the ceremony, luncheon was\ rerved. The bride wan the recipient of many beau: tiful ond useful gifts. McBRIDE--APPLEBY At 2.30, on Thuraday, Oct, 14, 11 Henry St, wan the scene of quiet but pretty wedding, when Ethel May Appleby, daugh- ter of Mr. and\Mrs. Geo. Urry, was united in marriage tb Mr. William Gilbert Mo- Bride. of Barrie, Rev, Wm, Hipkin offic. ing. 'The bride looked charming in » brown travelling suit with bat to match, 5 ing n beautiful bouquet of carnutiodPaad autumn leaves, The house was nicoly dec- orated with leaves and flower, Many uae- ful and valuable presenta were received, the groom's gift-to the bride being « be tiful gold necklet, The ceremony was fol- lowed by o dainty luncheon, The happy couple left at 5.10 for Toronto and other points, 7 +A very interesting musicul programme hus been arranged by Mrs. Rice for the choir cone in Monday evening, Noyem- ber Ist, in Collier St. Methodist church. Numbers from such well-known co: as Elgur., Gounod, Wagner and Tertius Noble willbe included in this program. The choir wifl be amisted by Jewie Alexander, the well-known' elocutionist, and Joseph Quintile, solo harpist of tha-Toronto Sym- phony. Orchestra, Mrs. Laidman's fine solo ¢ Armstrong from MeDonul!| them, Even In time of peace Brest | Thirty Years' War, the Seven Years' | Wars are again widespread, and now vie | Galicia, Poland, Jugo-Slavia and Rou- The bride was 'attired in a navy | egit -) there are 11,000,000 fatherless chil- THE BARRIE EXAMINER : DISTRESS IN. EUROPE British Empire Effort to Help Smaller Nations, Week. | An urgent appeal for aid to com- Dat the widespread disease and dis- tress in the warstricken areas in Burope has ween made by the League ef Red Cross Societies to the nations which have suffered least from the war. In response a War Relief Fund has been undertaken in Great Britain with an Empire-wide appeal for con- tributions. The Fund ts under the immediate patronage of His Majesty the King and has the support of all parts of the Empire, His Pxcellency, the Governor-Gen- matter, consulted the Prime Minit and with his approval referred the question to the Canadian Red Cross Boclety, and it was arranged for an appeal to be made In Canada during | Armistice week in November, The Fund will be known as "The British Empire War Relief Fund." To Make Known the Need. The Canadian Red Cross Society | ecepted the task of making this ap- | 'peal known throughout Canada only in view of the relentless circum- |stances and the bumane desire to | help to alleviate the terrible suffering \of a large number of peoples, The Tensons are numerous end com- pelling, Large populations are suf- ; fering from distress and di se. Mil- lions of innocent children are among numbers of their people lived cl to the bread line. The war drained them of all thelr surplus resources, Through the years of strife they were denied all but the barest neces- sities, and their condition now Is pitiful (indeed. History has repeated fteelf. The diseases which took such fearful toll of human life after th War (1757-65), and the Napoleonle there millions of people im mania who, in addition to being pov- erty stricken, are in the direst misery and despair on account of disease. | In some twelve countries, most of | which 'were either our Alllea or friendly to the Allied cause, modern civilization 1s faced with the tnevit- 'That the epidemic ts now one of | alarming proportions and terrible in {ta effect may be noted from the fol- Towing quotation from "The Timea": ((_ "At present the worst results of typhus are confined to Galicia, where the schools are closed, business is at a standatill, and civic lite is crippled. The whole community is faced with starvation, whilst the absence of olothing and drugs makes it impos- sible for the authorities to make any headway against the epidemic. Here we have @ country into which the | {dea of modern sanitation has never | for the most part there supply {n the smaller | villages save welle, whilat the work of sewers {s done by open jiies running through the st no doctors, no ou typhus- stricken patients le unattended on the bare Moor. Throughout the rural Qistricts whole families exist in miserable one-roomed huts, their diet consisting of starvation rations of potatoes and beet, both bread and meat being luxuries rarely cen. In almost every hut there are several cnses of typhus and in many instances = sia, Jugo-Blavia and Czecho-Slovakia. Nor is typhus the only affiction, Tuberculosis, smallpox, ing fever are also ravaging areas. Lack of Medical Aid. These terrible conditions ha' to the attention of British Empire in a civilised medical-appliances nor medical skill sufficient to cope with the horrors by whick we are faced. Governments hove in certain eases done all in their power to bring relief, but there re- areas there are neither mains @ vast id for charitable enterprise which can be dealt with enly by voluntary effort." Eleven Million Orphans, Dr, Livingstone Farrand, chairman of the Central Committee of the American Red Cross, who has just re- turned from Europe, states that dren in Burope who face the next few years without hope of adequate care unless outside aisistance is given. For Suffering - Children, No stronger call could be made to humanity than that of suffering chil- dren, and on-their bebalf particularly the Canadian Red Cross will appeal throughout Canads during Armistice week. Each provinola! division of the Red Cross will have charge of the arrangements in its own province, and all Red Cross workers should put themselvés into touch immediately with their local bi h or with the voice will also be heard on this occasion, accompanied on the barp by Mr. Quintil Keep te date in mind. Tickets 50c, chil- n 2 ¢, Headquarters of the Provincial Divi- if no local branch' is organised, Minard's Liniment Relieves Diphtheria. SHELBURNE COAL 18 0. K. EXCEPT to be fluospar und hornblende, URN" sentery and ||| Company of 100. G d 5 PRICES: reuse | Grand Opera House | "223 je 3 Baggage Cars Thursday, Oct. 28 foe oe ae Full of Scenery SAME COMPANY THAT PLAYS ALL LARGE CITIES at Malcomson' with Frederick Lewi Don't Delay--Get Not a Motion Picture your seats at once. is but one company of "The Wanderer" G F, RAY COMSTOCK AND MORRIS GEST PRESENT THE BIGGEST DRAMATIC ATTRACTION EVER IN BARRIE. With the Same All-Star Cast and Production That Was Seen in the Boston Opera Houre 8 Months Auditorium Theatre, Chicago. 8 Months Boston Opera House, Boston 4 Months Metropolitan Opera, Phila, 2 Seasons Manhattan Opera, New York, Tisha, Daughter of Joy, Siren of Sin, who lures this boy on to ruin, dishonor and destruction. The WANDERER NEVER IN HISTORY HAS THERE BEEN ON TOUR AN ATTRACTION AS BIG WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST. YOU WILL SEE THE SAME BIG PRODUCTION THAT PLAYED THE ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE, TORONTO. GET YOUR SEAT AT ONCE BEFORE YOU ARE CROWDED OUT, EN et eee CeNENcNcmE eee It looks sibility of goal. Investigations were made tial quality "WON'T BUR, like coal, but lucke one ew by Government officials and by Mr. H. A. able consequences of a great WAr | Tho great Shelburne coal dixcovel : xreat Shelburne coal divcovery turnw it won't burn. The rock formation on Hurrington, Onturio Fuel Controller, anid ironsh partial famine and pet put to hey mistake on the part "of tou one farm upon which "discoveries" were | these gentlemen ure sutisfied that there is . tongurne prompectors. The black rack made xhows samples of both deposite, but no coal in the vieinity. A report hax been A Previous Epidemic, which wae taken to be coul ie now stated it x a formation which precludes any pos niaie to the Government, Important Offering of MEN'S SUITS AT MILNE'S ' FRIDAY and SATURDAY =~ Suits for $25 Our regular $30 and $35 lines Sizes 35 to 38 . Last season's styles, but excellent values. rinses SS SSj Suits for $30 Men's and Young Men's styles Our regular $37.50 to $45.00 lines Sizes 35 to 40 3 ONLY 3 YOUTHS' BLUE SERGE SUITS ~ Sizes 32 and 34 $15.00 --- WATCH OUR WINDOWS 8 ALEX MILNE & SO MEN'S OUTFITTERS PHONE 39