a] WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BECOME A MILLINER ? , It means several years of prac- tical work in the art of hat making. True, you may attain a few ideas in a shorter time, but few people would be satisfied with the result of their effort. Cheaply-made Hats never satisfy the wearer in either appearance or durability. Buy Hats that have dis- tinction. They cost very little more and you have something worth while. Lots of them here. --$3.50 to $20.00 Stock too Heavy---- Wonderful Buying Opportunities at Moore & Armstrong Fall and Winter Merchandise offered at the lowest possible prices Splendid Assortments---Never Better BEAUTIFUL DRESSES 'THE NICEST LOT WE HAVE EVER SHOWN. LOTS OF THEM AND SOME VERY EXCLUSIVE STYLES. If you hope to buy a Dress this Fall do it now. Serges, Tri- cotines, Jerseys, Silks, Crepes, Poplins, etc.-- Nearly all of them just fresh from the manufacturer. All sizes and best colors. We want them to move quickly and have marked them less than they will cost you in city stores-- $16.50, $18.50, $19.00, $23.00, $25.00, $27.00, $30.00, $34.00, $35.00, $37.00, $38.00, $38.50, $39.00, $40.00, $42.00, $45.00, $48.00, $50.00, $56,00. - ' Our stock is heavy S-~~and must be reduced A REDUCTION OF ABOUT 15% la TOO MANY GEORGETTE BLOUSES-- GET ONE OF THE $9.00 ONES AT $6.98 Fashioned of sheer but firm Georgette Crepe with Wool Embroidery as their chief form of decoration. Subdued colors prevail in the material, but brilliancy is the key note in the embroidery. The assortment is large enough so that there is a Blouse for every type and preference. Maize, Sand, Brown, Navy, Pink, Taupe, Grey and White. Mostly our regular $9 lines. Moving at $6.98. Must Move Fast CHILDREN'S WOOL SUITS The warth weatber has retarded sules in Wool "Goods and dé s stimulus to trade we have marked these Wool Suite at very reasonable prices. Col- om Brown, Red, White or Grey, sizes 3 years to 8 yenm, $2.98, $3.50, $6.00 WOMEN'S FALL COATS A showing we're justly proud of GET ONE OF THESE PRETTY OSTRICH FANS and you will be " Keeping up - ON "LITTLE PANSY" HOSE These ate a fine wool ubout the sume quality as "Little Daisy" and "Little Darling'. Sixes 4 to 9, colors Black and Brown, 400 psim to sell, some of them slightly imperfect. SKIRT LENGTHS THAT REVEAL GAIETY OF PLAIDS--8$10.00 each There ix s joy in the feeling of saurance that one is correctly clad and that every line of apparel reflects the mode of the moment. That joy may be realized in the purchase of one of the many beautiful Plush, Velour, Silvertone, Baby Lamb, and All-wool Coats. Every Coat marked at the lowest possible price. All colors und styles --$18.50 to $75.00 'These come in three colors, Bl to suit every purse. INFANTS' BANDS AND VESTS STAMPED ALL WOOL--98c, $1.75 and $2.00 sotto set art + is ----q-------- LADIES' UNION BLOOMERS IN THE UNDERWEAR DEPT. Pink, have elnstic bands at waist and knees. --Special at $1.75 and $2.00 Combinations and Separste Vests and Drawers In showing these subdued colors in all wool Plaids, we are keeping to the popular vogue of the moment. They have that indefin- able something which makes them alluring to every young lady. They are 58 inches wide and 1% yards in o skirt length. --$10.00 each jack, White and MOORE & ARMSTRONG 2Paskie, GUELPH EE fo THE NEW SPORT CORSET AT 82.00 This is « new innovation in Corsetry and will find favor with young ledies, Made from fine percale, with low bust, hus elastic top, 4 strong hoe supporters and comes in s nice shade of pink, --45c to 85c a pair with the Joneses" La Mode has s0 ordained that to make your evening apparel: correct you must cur- ry un Ostrich Fan. Some beautifully blended styles now in stock. Sky, Tur- quoise, Pink, Maize sind Bluck. If the exuct shade you desire ix not in stock we Special §2,00 will order it for you. $9.50 $11.50 $14.50 HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS SOLD HERE. THE LARGEST STOCK OF PATTERNS IN ' BARRIE follows: Free for all---lst, Hughes A S wedding of Mrs. 8 Ws by wey Fortune'; ade Hughes arey Ld DALSTON Sydney" this week TFT PAINTING AND WS O COOKSTOWN Srd, Leadlay '(C the Limit) 'Three-year (ate aR fron Bere eee Oe Bs Brown of O.4.C. and Miw R, Brown id--let, Rowe (Dr ry Limit!; 2nd, Shiba 4 ~_-- 6S * OM | of Painawick ape Th vi i ' NEW aici one, uk im Ee | et ke el Pane neat Thanegvg «ser PAPER HANGING _ SS a bird). 2.35 class--2nd, Hounsome (Bir.| Mra, W. Debenham of Barrie hue been] A very enjuyuble time was spent at the ey _ ------- WG visiting Mrs, Lavender. pumpkin pie rocial at the home of W. $ The representative of the Batre Examiner ip Coolatowa is George ¥. Thompeon ln, foes olewinl ef 'Teena "ene rei ,tahel Watson af Toronto pent) Brown on 'Thankagiring night. . JAS. CASE, 50 HENRY ST. 4 Teron ass ee tecarad| te this oepe. "Phone No 30 foes bin. aub: 'Torhiva Graham hus exchanged farma| Mr. and Mra. J. Spence attended the| Have you read the Classified Adlets? | 25-80p-tfe Phone 888J, P. 0. Box 865 . scriptions, either new or renewals, may be forwarded Yprough him, with Mr. Train of Tecumueth i Otto Arnold of Toronto spent the boli- | = = day with his parenta, : Mie Carey of Toronto spent 'Thunkagiv. Mine Marjorie Arnold spent over the bol- | ---On Monday evening, Oct. 25, at 8 0° | inthe Fareeot Toon iday with friends at Shelburne, clock sharp. a grand concert will be given DEVLIN & MURCHISON Born, on 'Thursday. Oct. 14, 1920. t Sim Annie Draper of Toronto spent Sun- |i Covkstown Methodist Church ty the for | Mr. und Mr. Bert Fisher, w son duy und Monday at her home here. jew he lame aie ee ed Mixx Wick of Hamilton visited over the Mrs. David Thompson is visiting in To | Dyer. TRiconto Laditone vnoloist Shea id billdeg swith lene ae ronto this week \Quintelle, Toronto, hurpist. Tickets 806: ° wale ete a ergo Sue ee) % Fall and Winter Overcoats - Core Aicse Net a mcay lust. | Mirx Ferguson of Cookstown) xpent Thanks- - ane Mim Slns Nelly of' the rehool ta. ving to town, Sree Murphy known BUSINESS COLLEGE NOTES | e co Midland. 'spent over the holiday at her}ig the publie by her pen name, "Janey E-soraad H home here. - [Canuck Minn Murjrio bingon sent, Thanks , e = 7 Mie Faith Copeland of Toronto visiged JCM |e tacoma apent over the £ivine with Miss Ena Lennox at her home t y ~~ i hor father, Wm, Copeland, last week oliday ; ' in Ivy } Feed Grahiny of Conn spent Sanday' with | "HY pats eee of Buffalo i| A: Ruthven, ex-etudent, now of Toron- an ul Ss or en an Oo s 'hin mother, Mrs. Jno, Graham, Clover Hill. | holidaying with her parents, (Mr. and Mm. Bc reed nequaintanee in town over they Up-to-the-minute models Buy mare-to-measure *uit ut Finh:} Hartford Lewin = k-end.. 7 cho ws ik -to-the- ern Agency for the House of Hobberlin,| Mise Olive 'Burling of Toronto was al Min Nora Nixon, wha was eanployed for men, young men and Toronto. Hundreds of aumples to choose| visitor at her home here over the holiday. | NOTaTy ccomete bee ours. ey AEN boys. The fabrics are exe from. Mina Gulbruith of Fisher's millijery de- |" yfisg A. McCullough entertained her six- ays. 'a i | _ {itt Hife Grose of Toronto was the guret partment «pent Thankagiving at bér home |yer from 'Toronto aver the holiday. | cellent quality tweeds in cof Mrs. David Thompaon over the holitay. | ny Bhelburne. , | A i Master Norman Reed, while picking beech |'" Ceci) Banting of Toronto was 2 visitor aeons Fitts Geese: secant. graduate, e3/ the overcoats, and in the j Preeti eet ngr acon Rea Manlio gay Min Pans Lenton and Mary Corti are | suits durable tweeds and ys in comrades (Boy Scauta) |" is bro- . . } Vcibcacsisalshen tnd gastiod Nail (O BM | een a ee erent O-| sack after enjoying e couple of months' | worsteds in the newest '| PE: sides 'Beading af" ovwnta capaci |g mi NS Of Torunto, mene te are: ye Lavina MeWatem, now of Toronto | shades of greys, browns | 'Thankegiving st her home here. ea Gloka iad cleat ia Faeroe ig [apent the holiday at her home in Painswick. and novelty mixed pat- | - af Brampton, went 'Thanlagiving with | Raber Pratt nen etary after pending | terns. their sister, Mre. Jas. Prince. ; - , | W. T. PEMBER (_ ii. ts urs Geo. Reed and children of | Misses Ninw Perkine and Muriel Irwin Men's Overcoats all re- HAIR DEALER, HAIR DRESSER ited over the olidny withthe attended tbe ple ania at Dalston Inet Mon. duced in price. Prices Hi tor, Mra. D. H. Ross, ay. night. : i Fa AND SCALP SPECIALIST J, ap, a nutnber of aecond | Mise Lene Orchard has secepted «pos ranging from $18.00 to ----- ion with the Union Bank, $44. By representative, W. J. White, will bggge | Band, pianos. find gramophones, Apply to | tnt oe yfildeed 'Boyd is visiting Newton sn ; : THE WELLINGTON HOTEL Mr. and Mrs. Bert Anderson and daugh-|Robinson friends. Men's Suits reduced in FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25TH ter Helen of Orillia visited over the boli-| Miss Ada Vallentyne bax accepted » pos- price. Priced from $25.00 with the finest stock of human hair goods|day with Mra, Anderson's brother, George |ition in Toronto. 7 i? i for ladies and gentlem: Moir, Miss Annie McClelland spent Thunkagiv- to $45.00. Mrs. (Dr.) Chester MeBride of Welland |ing with Mix Dalry Wilson at her home i "inclaw, |in Cookstown. - sie tse nih emer i ae te ae EXTRAORDINARY Hrs, Raynon andj laughter Maxine of | unmet school, is now taking hin vacation. 'Toronto visited friegdtin town over the) | The nast two weela the Studenta' Bodiety SPECIAL! fiday. nal hate ht 8 weer inteeting journal, whic : ' "Toot" Donnell' of Toronto spent the |has given much. amusemen : tel dee nee oot i BOYS' SUITS $8.95 Mm. Firman of Barrie visit grand-| Oshawa's population has increased 21 srenta, Mr. and Mrs, Levi Henson, 'onlin the Inst year sed nom tad 12.248 i Worth $13.50 . londay. ss Tta assessment is higher by nearly two mil- + i" wan ame car iat [Sage te smeen sme bi #4 Men look for long wear saeing 'geting. the bo others, Robt. and Wm. 7 . : ; i joy week, On his retirement 'Rev, Fr. Gibney of Ovi ' | Miss Lois Banting of Toronto was s vt: {alton wis the recipient of un ars and durable style in ercoats an ey nee = itor with her motber, Mrs. T. A, C, Bant-|and « generous purse from his parishioners F eésis may be bought at such a ing, Bee the olay Aion, | "Alaton aod North Aala USINESS- LIKE in appearance alwaysin fashion oe cost. Rade of good T. A. Jet in a serious condition.) Ae Acton good Spys and other varicties --tai the best of fabrice--that's rca Elamére Lewis of Toronto spent over the |o('wpplee are being aold at $1.00 per barrel ured foe d stand hard: servi y wearing cotton and wool Noldey Copeland fad Tani of Toronto) '2* otha salting Held thal sole snd andl ise ws oe mixture tweeds in shades fi jack Copeland and family: of: a Oey ' . fe . snd Mrs, Mekkolay of Baxter wore visit- 'Peck's" Overcoats have the reputation among men of brown only, Splendid For Lider Wiss, 'ranaformations, Por. on oer fe, holidsy with their father, of being the best overcoats made for a reasonable suits for school wear. padours, Switches, anc other ir needs. fm, Copeland. 2 3 : . . frei tvstment Jor the step and hale.|_ Died. on Monday, Ont, 18, at the hone OUR STUDENTS Price. Don't fail to eee the new models ~ Made in style with all di iter," Mra. » Ine . . nisl, Mr. Johnson, 'The funeral pie tn] Have sccepted " positions recently around belt, slash pock- on, Wednesday to Oris wrsséets F vith salaries 2 art from, $80 0 10 AT SPEC PRICES . ets, vent in back of coat 'axel Goodwin of 1 wes per month, Over one bun * TAL ? visitor at her bome over the holiday. have 'taken positions during , and bloomer trousers. Siz- Mrs. Plaft and daughter, Mrs, Melville e year, \ es 24 to 30 only. Ete ret oe ee _ OUR TRAINING , $8.95 EACH DeLacey Sims and family of "Toronto will fit you for w real position in the 7 as 4 spent the bolidsy with Mrs. Bims' parents, shortest of time. 5 Fe ectaren--'Tho coon teleton of (eee ey Dowel au oh BARRIE-BUSINESS COLLEGE ' 'or men--The itation Gilmour. ront dest |) Enter time. acocls slonet tT ccleaner era aa ere given, siction /theah Covtatown borses which won at the | § Writ or call Hs A, { Dicsgs 'Gull on Mr. White, and remember the daie,|Bradford Fair races on Monday were sx : ° m U fe of > ote