Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1920, p. 10

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Page Ten 'PHONE C, BROWN 250 FOR THE BEST) IN BAKERS' BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD + AND A FULL LINE OF PIES, CAKES AND PASTRY Do they help every way. possible, WE SERVE YOU ne 'i . cs . What services do your bankers render? Do they Supply you with sound, ical advice. based on up-to-date i markets, prices and business conditions? to take advantage of your opportunities'and increase your income? This Bank is prepared to help farmers sin THE. CANADIAN BANK. OF COMMERCE of ~ | Shis memory, and turned at len, ito the open doom of the bank, ig 'The formalities necessary to the safe- guarding of his bag of treasure were neith- er many nor intricate, but almost at the outset he stimbled." His signature was required. To hesitate in writing might justly arouse surpicion, and yet be had not decided on what name to adopt. But he gained 2 momentary, truce by fidgeting with his pen, examining the point, shaking off the superfluous ink and dipping it a second time, "The Wrong Name Then,. as if he had written that "signa- ture and none other since he had learned to write, be wrote 'John Moore." For the e of the reporter had clung to in his perplexity it crowded out' all other suggestions. He experienced u sense of relief as he wrote it, however. He believed that he had executed the manoeuvre in a way to excite no question. and all was well. True peace-time 'economy--use 'Sunlight Soap It is impossible to buy « purer October 14, 1920 THE BARRIE EXAMINER Published every Thursday sfternoon at the Post Office Square, Barrie. Subscrip- tion Prico--Canada and Grest Britain $2.00 'year in advance (In arrears -$2.50); Gaited States' $2.60 per year. IMPORT- ANT: Both old and new addresses should be, fiyen. when change of, addrem ie re. 'quested. CANCELLATIONS: We-find that most of our i prefer not to have their subscriptions, interrupted in case they {ail to remit before expiration. While sub- setiptions will not be xarried in arrears ov- er an extended period, yet unless we are notified to cancel, we assume the subscriber wishes-the service continued. Remittances should be made by: registered letter, money order or cheque payable at par in Barrie music MISS VIOLET TAYLOR, A.T.C.M. TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 | A, clerk was looking over hi shoulder, han Sunlight. Theref Apply 76 Muple Ave., or Are Well Suppli RESERVE FUND > 2 §13'000;000 lie 2g vost odie, pete Mr Mone ee rar dhe chcasen ste P. 0. Box 876. d6tfe Real Estate and Money, to Loan A number of Valuable Farms snd Town Properties for Saly on the most rensonsble terms, The International . BARRIE BRANCH, H. M, Lay, Manager. 'MILLION DOLLAR SUIT CASE' By Horace Hazelton 3 CECCCTTTTRTTSTSS Feature Service, Ine. G. Hie address! He had none. He had another. In all New York he knew only just left one hotel and bad not yet chorea the names of two. He could not say the Astor. So only the Waldorf-Astoria re- mained. Almost before he realized it, he hadwritten it down. HOS thought he saw the clerk glance He "Do you cure to put ® value on the! bag and ite contents?" i Brooke thought for s moment To say a million dollars would, he decided, aroure question at ance, Besides, it was not ne- cer he answered. The clerk wus Jonking at him very serutinizingly. He yeu can buy. The purer need for the w potter the work di Insist on getting the Soap you ash for--SUNLIGHT SOAP. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO MYRTLE V. RICE Organist and Choirleader of Collier Street . Meth. Church TEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN, SINGING Pupils prepared for Toronto 'Conservatory of Music" Examinations STUDIO--KING BLOCK PHONE 675 HERBERT L. BAMFORD, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choirmastei jt. Andrew's Church Tuition in Piano. Organ, Theory sod Singiag Pupils prepured for 'examinations of Toronto Conservatory of Music, ete. Phone 563) +126 Dunlop 8t. Over Moodie & Jory' MAUDE E, CLAXTON, L.TiC.M. Piano and Vocal Looe In -voeal work special attention jis Marenie. Temple Buildigg, Barrie Mancied the next requestwould be for re-{ - te Voice Production, Pupils prepared tor ne -_ Osntliued: tuici lowed ""T promise,"" Brooke agreed, ferenee, and he had none to give. A.T.C.M. degree in both piano snd vocal; IN CONNECTION BARRIE, ONT. - - | Phone 82 KEEP YOUR Not a Shred of Fuct | "Ob, that!" helexelaimed, hix tone ev- Jidenciug his relief|- which was made still more apparent by ® breezy Inugh. "Well, |there's nothing in that." And he motion: one of his cigarettes, Nothing in it? you learn this little fairy 'tale, anghow 7" -- The reporter was used to this sort of thing. It wos just exactly the way men alked when the story was true and they anted to throw dust in the eyes of the newspapers. Here was Brooke asking ques- {ed the reporter wo a chair and offered him 'The youth took out his curd case und gave Brooke a card "Maybe you'll have u story some day jthat T'can print." he said, smiling, "If 60, I hope you'll send for me." I be glad to." jeurd on which was printed jspite of that momentary outbreak, rubbed jhim the right way. He felt, intuitively, that he bad found a friend, and--his vis 'itor bad not once mentioned the man who fell from the train CHAPTER IV j@°T had the mixfortune to be in a rail F; ih When he was gone Brooke looked at the, "Eugene 'of it--before it waa asked---he volunteered an explanation. road wreck out in Indiana," he stated "and the gaod fortune to escape with a but rather damaged w'tire xeuse my avpearnner, Team ght through, landed in New York Inet ; and whnted to get that bag safe that would have been the end. We fion't '! store goods for disreputable-appearing per zona, We are fairly zood judges. Clothes don't make the man" Brooke smiled in turn. 'He Geta a Recnipt nie Pa araoeere, e THE MARKETS AAA SATURDAY MARKET Considering the busy potato-digging sea- = lereet obtained per dozen und pound, and 68 cent: being. perhaps, the 'Potatoca were $1.00 bag. 'plume at 50 cents a busket were noticed Chickens were a good saniple. Butter. tb. highest. Rome local dozen also elementary exams. of Toronto Conser- 'vatory of music or University exams. | Studio: King Block. Phone 424 | MUSIC LESSONS PIANO AWD VOICE --B MISS NETTIE Cu* PITTS Nothing. Not o scintilla of fuct. Why, | Moore." experienced a sense of emotional ansthitiipe: Mla vat this Ron. there wax a good market on Saturday, 4 'd : would you believe ity T didn't even, know |quietude uch ax he bad not known since oni ee adrteatahle ie | eal weather, poshsps. slso helped t0| For tarber information apply there way such s thing asa Candy Trust.) the railway sccident. The reporter hud y Ibring the farmers' motors townwards. Veg-| 100 Peel St, oPoho. BBB T've heard of the Sugar Trust, of course, | #ttracted him. There wax xomething mag. Not disrenutafle,"" he said puavely, /¢tablee were the main items, Butter and | == Trust was purely imagina- | etic about the young fellow which. in te "7 pad ized yon ut ae dliareputable | C8 are higher in price, 60 cents being LEGAL ! ALEXANDER COWAN Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of 'wills, guardianship and administration, and |General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ete, " | Offices: Hinds' Block, No. 8 Dunlop stress. r : . Ex i. tions inetend of unawering thei. Brooke Masquerade Thank you." be responded, "but T 8" | Chicken, dresser. th Moor t0):kake INSUR jdid.not know thi, however, He was teal: of 1 am to exeupe newspaper interview FE ea en anaes: Mewavers| Potatoes, hag... | . BOYS & MURCHISON ED deadly eu it thorouy on ' . SORRENSNEE ree mF Tomutes 'i b: - a U ce" Stil he-did not wat that story to. get oe hutetragireter Seliverstian, 2 fey 'The clerk rave hint warehouse ceri. fbb aloe eatet Barristers Solicitors, Notary Publio, vatust Fi eH pit Sti eel not: wants thal eer LTT hed nge my hotel, and for and he climbed the marble otairs from nveyancers, Ete, Agatist Fire and Lightiing inte prior for more reson thin ove "00th "time being at leas. apt 'anotBer the vault ante-raom and puma through [co't" ERD Money to loan st loweet rater of interes, by [ford sf thin tite, to have bie namne used) RS + this taney he bribed a ME DANK oat into. Broalway nner 026. Anne ke ne, ne {Offices 13 Owen St, in the preminew for {rable In pursuance of thir fancy he bribed © "Ar the door, a small man with # sallow riot Deke | currly occupied by the Bunk of Toronto). A Short Date Roliey- DON'T COST) MUCH AND |KEEPS YOU SAFE | for particdars write A: F. A. MALC phone MSON 'The clerk in the office told me of it jeonfewed the newspaper mun, "He «aid jit was s fine at If it in't true, how |did it get abour? | How It Happened "1 told it to the Trish "porter here lust page to feteb him u piece of twine, wed up hix gaping bag of paper currency, don- ned bia disreputable-appearing rug of « bat jand bag in hand descended to the hotel office, where he paid hia bill and obtained the addrem of the New Netherlands Bank jue a perfectly safe depository for bie val tkin, 4 protuberant nose and amall, rat like eyes. Jeered at him. Brooke looked an enquiry. "Did you make it all right?' the man ke stared, uncomprehending. and the man leered again, twisting hix head ; Pumping, euch Plume, basket NEAR-BY MARKETS (Oct. 6, 1920) Alliston --Wheat 1.80,1.90, barley 1.00, | Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. |W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P. D.C. Murchison $$ PLAXTON & PLAXTON « BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: 707-8 Kent Building. Toronto, Ont. night to explain--. Well, you see, he came | uables. i high indi 3 Ses Puona aT ini beee abi 1 war evuttlag coms, money, | Twat: bright May moratngyethe aia ith < tree Rah ldlomen that be'was, oye 1-50, oats Ge, buekwhens 185. My |G. W. Plextoa. G, Gordon Plaxtoa, Not my . but the property of--well. of xpring was in the air, und Browlway,/""y'm on' he said confidentially. bag. $1.00, live chickene 20-28," dressed of u chent of mine. He stared so hard T| washed clean by the rain of the preceding | swig! chickens 26-28e renee DONALD ROSS, L.L.B. DYEING AND. thought I'd etter explain having de-anlieh | night wore 6 fresh, sparkling air of new-! Now Brooke gnderatood. He en-| © Orillin---Whest 1.90-2,00, barley 901.00, 2B4RRISTER, SOLYCITOR, ETC. 4 cash on harGl, 00 T told bim the first thing | nes and well-keptnese that wasn surprise |countercd u,levn parute. judge of chathcter | oats 63-65e, buckwiteat 1.05-110; hay $18.| Masonic Temple Building, Barrie ING |) 222 cae 23,23, There you have |to Brooke, who had gleaned his fit thon the clerk [he hac just left. 'Thix'$22. butter 60c, eggx S7e. potatoes 1,00 Money to loan. the whole business. It's nothing for the|shadowy and not able impremion fellow. who wad evidently s crook, had pag. deemed chicker 25c." , ae , newwpapers. As you can ace, it put me|through a cab's streaming windows. seeing |seen him go in) 'and had mistaken bim |" J CRESWICKE & BELL ' Your Clothing | will be |/in » very swkward position to ave thix|only garish lighte, and dim. gloomy, tow: |for one of his dwu craft. Instantly the! A, K, Crutcher bus been appointed mar- BARRISTERS leaned inside and ||sews .o8 involving the name of Mist er-like buildings, half-hrden "and misty suggestion came Jo. biun that if this for wot clerk and caretaker of thr Orilis mun: |Solciton. for the 8 Broperly Cleaned ingide ate } cat 'es cog net Teuee Sat fal slog ovoney thease bend Taide, Is teploe: Rabe Plenbad. (esta af Octois, Batten, Gana pine outside at W: Fi s. The | ""Mins Colby!" repented the reportor. "Ty The broad plaza in front of ihe hotel. gide him might be valuable in giving hin at a salary of $23 a-week, There were 15 ater linings and inside jof your clothing are as important as the outside. Why pot have them done right when you are having them dqne?. All kinds of Repairing |done. We know how. W. FIRTH: Phone 229) | Opp. Barrie Hotel, The Barrie Pla Corner Sophis und Mi 'Manufacturers of. Bush, Flooring, Ceiling. Mouldings, Tanks, ote 4 We carry in stock « lurge fasortment of Rough wad Dressed Lumber, [B.C. Shingles thought you said just now you dida't even Kenow there was such a truat as the Candy Trust, and--pardon me. wir, it's not con- sistent that you should know the nume of j ite prevident's daughter." | Brooke made haste to explain, To do a» he had to reveal the tat that the por: \ter. returning, had told him that' he hd jnearly drowned Miss Colby in the room | below. \ | The reporter's eyes lighted, It wax a |good story, 'True or not trud it wax 9 |good story just the same | "I don't like to say I doubt ;Mr, Brooke." he advanced boldly, "but {nobody think« anything, you know, of ing to string up reporters, You would. he in the fashion if you didn't do it' Both on the Jump "And I'm not such s,fool but that can, appreciate your position. But I've just got to make something of this affair. I wouldn't be true to my 'paper or to my profession if I. didn't, and T should like to have the sbsolute facts--the names of thi gentlemen who--" "Brooke aprang up, bir eyes flashing: . shouted, g our word, "By Geo he 'm not] The city's voice spoke to used to ig calitd s liar! I won't take| rhythm, It was as though he heard strains with ite 'diverging car tracks. its array of automobiles, all glinting in the morning! 'sun, arreated him for the moment, and he stood on the stone steps, drinking in| the acene, enlivened an it was by many | people crowing and re-crousing, coming and | going. Involuntarily he compered it with | Honolulu, the city he knew best. benutiful | but still half rural; with Sun Francisco; wit Chicago, in which be had- stopped | He wax ulmoat prepared now to like New York, It struck him as vividly mi culine. filled with the. red blood and ¢i ews of life, und fair with the fairness of the young and ardent lad. Honolulu had appealed in other wise, Ite beauty 'was feminine; ita sir was Ianguorous. ' A Spell Fite In It seemed---bud always seemed--like charming woman, decked in jewels and flowers, perfumed. and poetic. And for! these qualities he loved it. ' But, if not st firet sight, certainly at second, New York was inspiring. Already he felt the thrill of the city' ulsing energy. im in march vast, restless, one bleak day--he still felt in his marrow} the chill of the raw lake wind. iu clue, He had begun to fancy thit the | applications for the position at figures finding of the owner was not going tojranging from $15 tu $25 per week, be the easiest matter ig} the world, and so he must take advantage of every pose ible wind, no mutter from what quarter, | A New Friend 7 he warned, glancing apprehen- "Do yon want ¢. "shit sively over his shoulder. to tell all New York?" Tho fittle man drew his bund scrow hie Brooke hesitated just an right," he sak under hix breath. other way, "trot along. I'll) We'd better not he seen to looking the join yt gether. 'The: other threw him a look of doubt. Maybe this was a ruse to shake him off. he thought.- But he decided to chance it. Brookr-warched' him crore Brosdway and | stop in front of » ssloon on the Fortieth Btreet corner, Then the fellow turned about and watched Brooke--who ct after him and eventually followed him through the wwing door. (To be continued' 'Cold tn the Head 'atarrh an acute attack of Nasal Ci "Those subject to frequent "colds in the hoad" will find that the use' of HALLE 'ATARRH MED! ICINE will build up the em, cleanse the Blood and render Byate them loss Hable to colds. Repeated at- tacks of Acute Catarrh may lead tc m Sees ee "T've got the price of » drink," he mur-; ¢gvoninternally and acts through the mured suggestively. Blood on i dunt. tem, thus reducing the inflammation and 'ARRH MEDICINE | it Better. Than Pills For Liver Ills. veyancers, ete, Offi W. A. J. Bell, KC. MEDIOAL a SE! OR. H. T. ARNALL Associute Coroner County of Simcoe Office and Residence: Cor, Toronto and Elizabeth Sts., opp. Central Methodist Church. ' Telephone 167. ey OR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth Bradford Sta., Barrie . Office hours 9 te 10 a.m., 1 to 8 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m, Phome 108 ---- W. A. LEWIS, M.D., C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY and C. S. DICKSON, B.A., M.B. Phone 61, 56 Collier St., Barrie, DR. VICTOR A. HART Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, also Edinburgh and Glasgow, _ Specialty--Diseases of Stomach. Office: Corner Bayfield and Worsley Sta, and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and |thst from any man. I've told you. the| of martial music, and his feet tingled to - THIEVES CAUO i Kilo Drviag Specialty fing done | gosnel truth; and yet you have the nerve] get into step: . __ CAR THIEVES CAUGHT Office open until 8 p.m, daily. 7 a Alliston Herald--- A quartet of young promptly, Consult us with your building. _ THOS. ROGER Phote: Office (63 ~ PROTEC ince 353 Ths porter wax on hin feet. too. smile ing calmly and a little rds aol, He was » head taller than Brooke, but "Oh, come, Mr. Brooke.' he soothed, not so powerful. derstand me. T yhould- Brooke's hands relaxed and he stood for second looking into the other's frank blue eyes. Then, with a sudden revulsion of feeling. he thrust his right hand for- . He had been about to hail » taxi, but he asked his way instead and set off to walk, currying bis precious burden with u/firm-locked grip, half fearful that it! might be snatched from him hy some one 'of the many passers-by. shop windows. attracted him but laced his treasure in safety. boards in front of the Metropolitan Opera 'Houre wooed him, too, but he caught on- ly a name or two ax he hurried past, and men presenting an unusual right topped for breskfast in town on Sunday morning They were prisoners of the crown and were all sbuckled together.- They had been ap- prehended at Sault Ste. Marie on a charge McLaughlin car at Kitch- them, The four young fellows and their jeacort were inaking the returr' trip in the oar which had been stolen and which had required considerable repniring to make Wf iret a fame . y/ Tal we iM rnc Pens L. J, SIMPSON, M.B. FHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and residence, Colter St., corner of Clapperton Bt., Barrie, Phone 276, OR. FRED A. ROSS (Formerly of Drs, Ross & Ross, Barrie), Late Surgeon Specialist with the Phone 710. P. O. DR. MORTIMER LYON ; lward.. palm uppermost, 'The youth seised I ie fond worthy, After getting breakfast 122 Bloor St. W.. Toronto, will be st OL y Your Business ||'*» ening th hearty fervor, while matism town the vag wh int ane 0 J Oren St. Barrie, every Satury. his face flushed ; . much sbae their plight. immed. Diseases » Ear, Your Fu re You're the right sort) my sd,"" Brooke Neuritis, Sciatica, Neuralgia. | intely proceeded o0 their way to Kitchener, Conmltation hours 11 aan. to 6 p.m an an saying. '"I like to' see determination, , ee ab, . With' A 1] "Divi- not tebe done or fo be downed. "was! THE CAR TOOK FIRE Toronté Phone North 1826. ith an Annus only a little hasty. that was all, and I] "J Pe Herald A work ago lnst:Sst-| ° hints ope of the ipscy siztbing stories ore Dn EA, KEARNS . dend Policy in the ask your patdon for my show of temper. . unday'one of the Gignac 'boys brought in | are publishi hat the D. D, D. prescription PHYSIGIAN-X | And sow, Ta ll you beeoin pear - Rheumatic a few young fellows, from Lafontaine {fecomplating' anon Canedah eres ' aOR, pad d ? 1g + to-man, that ven ih ~Cs While in town he hud the tank in the car| on applications : - B. y t 'Sun Life | eon ree] Cees Hl peg got abet se | gee pear re | _ Ofte 20 ad 12 om | from first to last. lt ' alton tin full. . Wheny near the butter = : then T suppose, you. must, but I'd much)" srav9 brought good. factory on their way hoine the enr caught Both bande sa op fom VETERINARY 7 jyather you wouldn't. : * to half- a fire. One of the boys eaught up the gns- BED. BS sad am ell of the i (0) ana a Good Friends tise ean and sieew i out ot ost Pathe cortainly. Baer, BUN sat ji ws n the frouble started. h 'and the Burwell, Ont. * ate of .V.C, 4 . ie disiver. of: the cnr. were fo ania, of Og ETERINARIAN, AND SURGEON, a. G ie LY "I appreciate -savingremedy, |flsmes, They both madi the 'creek, ice, Hospital an nee: Canine Greatest Life |}|*, Sonrgusnd mie filtcen pre? and. throwing. themelien int, be See Bt, Barre (formerly Vespra Hotel) 9 es ance Cp M : the fl the oth ne 811, Ree a N fel Se bai the eat back into: the water Layer tyes a ybkirerd vs. 9» @ : : q 7 ved it from destruction, The eh ier one 244. 3 Ps erie Manseer if you'll promise got to {tet Ae ae Greeana ape ere Ue ee pies SeFO Ses Deer ed arene: Sredlles a sto} 'pot for. im. H ooo ne cthee aantpeber man." icone _ Allandale, A, E, Patterson " "| Minard' . Liniment Reviever sos asad i$

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