Office Inspector, Toronto, THE BANK OF- NOVA SCOTIA A. G. Maclellan, | Manager, BARRIE Read these two letters from Sarah Tence of Roebuck, Ontario, "I can't Soeht from leg cera, Vous in timp: T havo doctored but 'Wroniper save that Now a few words trom o later lettet. D. 'as directed, apd my leg! Slcteiy well Why not be convinced and try. this |remed today for any form of skin direase l. 'oul ¢ation und the itch is gone if relief doesn't come fr re 32 5 3 37; p P; Feat SkALRD TENDERS addressed tq the Postmaster General will be received at Ottuwa' until noon on Friday, the 20th of | Qrtober, 1920, for the conveyance of Hix Majesty's Mails, on a proposed contragt for four years, éix times per week on the jroute Hawkestone Rural "Route No. 1, fron the Postmaster General's pleasure. Printed' notices containing further in- formation ax to conditions of proposed|Con- tract may be seen and blank forms of}Ten- a may be obtained st the Post Of of Hawkestone and at the office of the| Post Post Offied' Inspector's Office, Torpato, Béptember 14th, 1920, A, SUTHERLAND, Post Office Inspigetor. GRAND TRUN 89-410 RAILWAY SYSTEM Sleeping cars on night trains and pasor Cars on {prinelpal Full information trom any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or Horning, District Pai "Agent, Toronto. > J. |E. Billingsley,, Depot Agent, Phot i fa | (Continued from Page 4) » bes Fraser 2nd°and 3rd. Hen, Will Ken- HORSES tg ©. Fraser, Bert Kenwell. Cockerel, Hickling Ie and. 2nd." Pal, C. Heavy Draught--Brood mare, foal: by | Fraser, C. M. Hie tide, Pred Drosdale, WL. Ritchie, J. H.) Silver WyandatienK, ©. Biahop tet for J, Spring colt, Fred Drysdale, W. cock and: hen. L"Ritchie, Jr Bf, Binspeon, Two-yeur-old| Game, B+'B, Rad--Alvin Hisey 1st and filly or gelding, Jack, Trace, Chas. Gregg.|2nd for cogkerel and pullet, Yearling filly or gelding,.Allan Hart. Span| .Anconss--A. C. Bishop Ist for cock, 1st attached to wagon, Chas. Gratrix, J. H.|and 2nd Yor hen; R. G) Manning ard tor hen, Ist'and 2nd for cockerel and pullet. Bantams (Game)--A. C, Bishop Ist for hen,, Ist and 2nd for cockerel and pullet ; R.G. Manning 2nd for hen. Simpson, Colonel Bell. Agricultural--Brood mare, foal by side, . McGinnis' Jr., Bam. Ly- colt, Walter Downey, Geo. innis Jr., Lorne Dean, Two-year-old] 'Bantams, Rose Comb, Black---Ralph Me- filly or gelding, Geo. McGinnis Jr., Albert |Call Ist and 2nd for cock, hen, cockerel Spun' attached to wagon, John | and pullet. Jack Trace. Bantams, Rose Comb, White--A. C. General Purpose--Spring colt, Sam. Ly-|Blshop lst for cock and hen, Team in harness, Leo O'Neil, Brown | Geese---C. E. Copeland lst tor Emden Walter Cumming. Two-year-old | goose and goose of 1920. Toulouse gander. y or gelding, Walter Cumming. W. K. Ritchie, C. E. Copeland. African Carringe--Single driver, J. C. Tudhope, |eander and goose, D, W. Andrew, rton Sinclair. Ducks-- Rouen or Cayuga drake 'and duck Roadsters--Two-year-old filly or gelding, fof 1920, Alvin Hisey. Pekin or Aylesbury W. L. Ritchie, Rocliffle Linton, Single |druke, duck and duck of 1920, A. Hise driver. Roy Argue, Mervyn Beacock, J. C.| Turkeye--Bronze' gobbler, hen and Tudhope. bler and hen of 1920, W. K. Ritchi Lady Driver--Mra. B. W. Smith, J. C.| Pigeons--Fantail. A. C, Bishop, M. J. Tudhope. Lawson, Homer, R. McCall Ist and 2nd. Beat Single Turnout, property of 'one GRAIN person, style, speed. buggy und harness : i considered--NoHton Sinclair, Roy Argue.|,."¢yq,"itats white, Amos Train, 'Thos, 'A.M. Todhope, Hisey, D, W. Andrew, Outs, white, W. Sweapmtaken for hest Mate or Gelding of 1 Bisey" Peas' nual white any class, on halter--Fred Dryedale. | Piaf ecrn, white' Ml, Rowel, De Wee CATTLE drew. Field corn, yeilow, R. Mndill, Mary Durhams--Bull, two yeare and over. C.|Kell. Clover weed ulsike, A. Hisey," Tiat- FE. Copeland. Bull, one year old. Amos [othy seed. .W. D. Hisey. Train Cae : ROOTS Howden: Be i Potatoes---Farly Eurcka, W. D. Hisey, | Heifer. one year old, Fred McClung. |w.'C. Morrisos, Early Onio, W, DB, Hee ons. three "years and over, Jchn McClung, *Fred McClung. Hei- | Her cul McClung. Bull calf, Fred |' Me |fer forrinon, Trish Cobbler, Marthall ee gm he J. McClung. | |Langman, Isaxe Miller. Davies' Warnor, cretirae: "Bi tt ear hes Pron N.C, Morrison. Early Rose, ©. Morri- | Copeland. Gow three yeum (20% WD. Hisey. Delaware, Geo. Me "ye, Copeland, Freeman French |W . C. Morrison, Green Mountain, Baud and rd, "Heifer, two years old, D.|N" + Hy. TR ey Polleatton: 'drew 1 2nd, Jos. § she Nee » We. Fae eee eerch Mat ord 2nd. D.| Swede turnips W. D. Hiney, R, Madi. | W, Andrew. "Heifer calf, JD. W. Andrew. |Aberdeen turnips, R. Madill. " Short white | IP French 2nd-and ard. Bull calf, Jon, ¢a"rots. 1. Miller, Ry Mucill. Long white French. Mfarthall Langinan, eats, 2 Siler. Yallow Globe mangos Long red man: | Bull, two years and over, C. D. Hisey, Mury Kell Field pumpkine, J. uP Cow, three sears and over, C. rice, W.. D. Hisey. strong. Shearkigg ram, 1, » lamb, D 'Aged ewe, D. An Shearling ewe. I [Ewe lamb. D Armstrong. | TL F Arigtrong Ist und Coe. Wolf River, G. MeWaters, J. 2nd. | P. Dean Tolman Sweet, Amo« Train, A. mftrong Tet and 2nd.\stivey, Colvert, R. Anderson, W. D Gil- | strong Ist, and 2nd. bert, Ben Davis, Aniox Train, Golden | Armstrong lat und 2nd.) Ruwet, M. Langman. W. MeGinnis. Rhode Best Pen Short Wool Shee -G. Craw: |Island Greening, G. MeWaters, T. KE. Coe. {quilting ford, 1D. Armstrong. |Northern Spy. 'Ida Taylor, R. Anderson. PIGS Whstone Pippin. Amon Train. Cayuga | Improved Yorkshire--Bour, under one Red Streak. Jno. Paup, Belltawer. Ida i lyear, Robt. Mudill. Sow, under one year, |Taylor, R. Anderson. | Weal'h: Roby. Madi |Bishap, G. MeWyters. Red Pound POULTRY \Coe," Pewaukee, Idn Taylor. A colm. Crabs, G. McWatera, W. D. Gi Black Humburgy--A. C. Bishop Ist for | B. Fisher Machine made ection sgarment, |embroidered, L. B. Fisher, Mrs. A. Har- |lenwood club---J. F. Drysdule, W. L. Rit- |eoek, In and 2nd for hen, and Ist for hue eae P M. Hing. LP. L. B. Fixher, Miss McVean, Lady's house | rngton. Fancy sheet, L. B, Fisher, Peari|chie, Jax, Simpson. Goo. Melani Trine cockerel bs - a ' | APhite: Leghorns--Cock, A. €, Bishop, DAIRY WORK | Richard Anderson 2nd and ard. Hen. R| Crock butter, 15 Ibs adergon Ist and 2nd, A. C. Bishop; Cock-| Rowat, Mary Kell, Five Ibs, butter in feat R. Anderson Int and 2nd, A. G. Bisb-| prints. Mm. W. Le Ritchie, W. Rowley. jp. Pullet. C. E. Copeland, J, 1. Agnew. |Home rendered lord, W. D,. Hikey. Leghorn (a.0.v.)--Bert. Kenwell Niet} 7 HONEY AND APIARY lor ek ana Fen "'|_ Honey in sections, 5 Ibe, Jno. Panp. | Hui Orpingtons---Chas, Fraser lat and | Honey extracted, one qt. in glass, R. An: derson. Maple syrup, 1920. M. Rowat, Ida Toylor. Maple wugar, M. Rowat. DOMESTIC SCIENC Homie made brend, white, W. D. Hisey. .|M. Langman, Mrs, W. L. Ritchie. Brown bread, Mrs. A. 'Shepherd, Mary Kell, Fruit {bread, M. Rowat, M. Langman Nut bread, Mra. 'A. 'Shepherd. "Plain cookies, Mary Kell, Mrs, A. Shepherd, Fruit 'or jam cookies, Ida Taylor, Mrs. A. Shepherd. Six baking powder and six baking sods biscuits, Emma Foster, Mary Kell. Six plain and six fancy rolls or buna, Me, W. . Ritchie, Mrs, Geo. Fleming. Pies, one pple, one eustasd, W. K. Ritchie, Mary Pies, one cranberry, one pumpkin, A, Rowell.' Ginger cake Mrs. A. Shepherd, Mary Kell, Angel cake, W. D. Hi Lag A, Sopher Jelly roll, Ww. {2nd for cock, Ist, 2nd and 3rd for hea, feockerdl und pullet. \ Burred Plymouth Rocks--Cock, -- Alvin |Hiney Ist. 2nd and rd. Hen, C. Fraser. 1S. L. Anderaon, [D. Hisey Ist und 2nd. Tat and 2nd Rhode Island Rede--C, M. Hickling Ist 'for cock and hen, Ist and 2nd for cockerel and pullet; Mary Kell 2nd for cock. Golden Campines--A. C. Bishop lat for cock and cockere!, Ist and 2nd for hen 'and puller. White Wyandottes: Ralph 'McCall, 'Cold in the He: a" ¢ fr ma Foster, Mrs. Soe | Most loaf, M. Rowat, Bessie Rowat from ne butch ef 'dough, Mm, Shepherd, 'One glu each apple and grape jelly, M. Row- at, A. Russell. One glam each berry and currant jelly, M. Rowat. One glass each two varieties native fruit marmalade, Em- ma Foster. One pint each canned corn and tomatoes, W. D, Gilbert, Mrs, Shep- herd. One pint each canned 'rhubarb and cherries, W.-D. Gilbert, Mrs, Shepherd. One, pint 'each canned' strawberries anc raspberries, W. D. Gilbert, Mra, Shepherd. One pint each preserved peaches and plums, W. D, Gilbert, A. Russell. One quart of mince meat. M. Rowat, Mrs. Sherberd. Three varieties sweet pickle, Ida Taylor, Mim Sherherd, 'Three varieties four pick Mrs, Shepherd a varieties native frie beverages, M. FLORAL EXHIBITS rh, ALLS | CATARRH | MEDICINE | taken' Tnternally" ands actin Blood on the Mucous Surf nedrot of Bye: tem, thus reduc! cing the inflammation #54 restoring porrea Sang ions, 'All Druggista, free. F..J, Cheney & Co,, Toledo, Ohio, GUARD AGAINST CHILLS -- / Simple Precaution Against Dangers of Cold and Damp. Bho Dilty xinelon Emma Foster. Annuals, H. Clemen}. Per ennai, Clement. Table 33 ps Senet ae. bouquet, m4 ce Malcolm, H. Clement. it bout iH. Sica i Plants--Begonias, Mra, Walter Jam- hase DoW. Andrew, Fern, plumosis, Mrs, Jamieson, a : _/- THE BARRIE. EXAMINER Wj Prize-Winners at t Elnvale' Fair, 1920) 'Amos Train, | Silk comforter, spreud. Shoulder shaw | maide from old garment other than cotton. A. Russell. M.! Mrs. A. Shepherd. how . L. B. knitted woolen socks, coarse, Mra. Shap-[bxg. other style; L. B. Fisher, Mis Mo- herd, L. B. Fisher. mocks. mend ftga) woolen tte, Bs , unlaundered, J. P. Tolton, peg Thursdays ee. 7, 1920 6:30% for Twenty Years Twenty 'years of freedom from in- vestment care is offered to purch- asérs of Province of Saskatchewan 6% Gold Bonds. { During this period, an interest return of 6.30%-is assured, while to collect this interest, coupons need only be clipped and cashed once every six months. Province of . Saskatchewan 6% Gold Bonds at 96.62 yield 6.30% for Twenty Years. Saskatchewan ranks as one of Can- ada's wealthiest Provinces. The value of her wheat and oat crop alone this year is estimated at approximately $400,000,000. We offer, in $500 and $1,000 denom- inations, Province of Saskatchewan 6%Gold Bonds at 96.62 and inter- est, yielding 6.30%. sy Wood, Gundy & Company Canadian Pacific Ruilway Building Toronto Mail your order or write for descriptive circular. Anand tot and ode Heifer two {P: Dean, W. 1, Hisey. Squash, Fe Cretan a an es one | Bean. Wl McGinnis. | Stugar | anangolde, "amarante Sanse sn steht tnehrrrearersaecssnaaen setr oll, C, B. Copeland. Heifer esif, C. |W. D. Gilbert. CE. Copeland Double geruniums, Mr. J. MeCi ; | GARDEN PRODUCE fe bee plant i ea Wee ginal, Sit ton garment, Mabel Fleming, Mfrs, Mae-' Fisher, Totting. sill or eottan, evlored, three years and over,| Large drunshead cabbage Mr. Walter |Mrs, Jumieson, Window" box. Mie den, onal Se nics Mig MoVeun, 1., B. Fisher, | Knbraidery, Alvin Vollick. Heifer) Jamieson, J isos LADIES' WORK (Fancy) |aublera rove witch, LB, Fiber, Misy Me: Sivin Vollick |bage, J. P, Dean fay FINE ARTS Crochet table mata, Mise Venn. White ean Cristal. Bi Feber, Mim Me aide Com, hres year and over fDeun. Stump carrots, W. D. Gilbert. N.| Git. sturine from Cunadlian an embroidered table doyleys, L. B, r. i Maog LB ana ph. Jno. Howlen, DG. Beurdeal. 1C. Morrison. Long blood beets, W. D. |p On, Murty trom Canadian nature, J.' Titer erochet sweater coat," L? By Fiber! ihe Mim MoVean, Flor Heifer. twa ae G. Beardaall to Hisey. Turnips beets, Mary Kell. Will Mc wet, JP Talon Figure tony, JP. Tat, Centre piece, French embroidery, Mrs. Mue- "3, Fiber, Ganven: aoe, Heer one ear (Gini, Pannipe, J.P. Dean, R. Mull. fy li Me. J.P. Toten Douald, C. M, Turner. Buffet or sidebourd | ute Mie even te st and iT weet corn. Jno. Paup, P. Dean, Sim. scarf, nbroulered, L, is] Emma * eh ' STR z i Jos. Spring, Freeman 'mer radish. A. Hisex, W. ). Usey. Wine ee oh Tandseuye, Pett 'ot Bullet or diiteina so "other bra fable cities. geloret¢ nr ayia, Me a a errearks (i: coe. dieney Clement. Ke bow), original, W. D, Gilbert. J. % Me Tuvher" Mar even L.'B. ,Fisher, Mrs. Jim Met Best mld of any age in registered breads |Clement, Mary Kell. Potato mons. N Architectural, copy, W.D_ Git, White tea 'cosey, Pearl Usher Servic ad careliee' eee Le > {1G Morrison. H. Clement, Tomatoes. N. 0, Tne BO vray, eroche: or embroidery, mounted. iF ie ark. modera) Ly B, Fick female of "any age in registered Marrion. HH. Clement. Celery 1. Miler. Ry Sf Ta KS, UR wher, Service tray. other style, J. P. Tonon: Soke cushion, 'cigbtotdered e pbrenie EJ. MeClung. Vegotable nunrrow, W. Me Toltan, We Th, Gilbert. Pastel' heures. ng Tray clothe, French or Madeira |} .P Usher Exton Foote Bate oun, SHEEP new, Musk melons, W i J.P. Tolion, Crain, ene an Hery, C. M. Turner, Pearl Usher. | veh ult * "tier "Mie MeVeun. Sola Walter Cum: Dean. Wa D. Hisey. Cu i, WD, Gilbert. Stene, Tray cloths, "Blet 'erochet trimmed, Pearl | 1anit . , huhes Bee BO asi re cumber, Round citron, sl ais Ville mat teen Cloth and six servietter, initiated, | Shi Shearling ram. G, Madill, M neil drawing, W. D. Gilbert - Richer, J.P. Tolton. Luncheon | sted Ram lamb, G, luce, C.F. " J.P, Tolton, Mechanical drawing, W, D |" 7 pieces. L. B. Fisher. J.P. Tolton. not Listed e FRUIT Gilbert, J.-P. Totton, Etehing. uny. aub 2 eribeoldered "amt let "esa |¥ 2, L, B, Fisher. Bingle pier evloced ford Lat und Apples Red Alexander, Amon Trai, J. ject. W. 1. Gilbert, J.P. Tolton. asker 07 'atting. Mise MeV cat | embroidery, 'not listed, Bessie Rowat,, Sir ford et und 2nd, Ewe lamb, G. Crawford | Pau. St. Lawrence, C.F Copeland. R. weaving. J.P. Tolton, Louies B. Fisher, thread work, L. B, F A." Hartington, Single piece white em- let and 2nd . 'Anderson. Snow, C.F. Copeland, Walter | Hand decorated china, realistic design, J, Conte piece or doyley ho her. broidery, not listed, Emma Foster, Mrs. Southdowns Aged ram, D'Arey Arm) Rowley, Muiden's Blush, W. D. Gilbert, P. Tolton; convertional design, J. P. Tol Pat ae apne Mise ieVeen | MaeDenld Collection of amateur work, Boudoir 'lamp shade. Pin cushion, embroidered, [.. B Pearl Usher, cushion, other | washable, L. B. Fisher, Boudoir . Fieher. Mies McVean. Kn't ton.: lustre work, J. P. Tolton. LADIES' WORK (Useful! Pieced quilt, cotton, Miss MeVean, Mrs. E. MacDonald. ° Cotton Quilt, "fancy | P. Tolton, Mre, MacDonalr. | te Min MeVean. Faivey_ bed Mrs. Geo. Fleming, "Mabel Flem- MueDonald. ng. Braided floor rug. J.P. Tolton, Rag | and hearth runner, J.P, Tolton, Miss MeVenn, |towels, Swedish darning, I. B, Fisher. |Ernost Fenson. wool, crochet, Louixn B.|Towels, white, embroidered, C. M. Turner, | Misa MeVean. Sweater cont or ver-'L. B, Fisher, Pillow cases, crochet trimmed knitted, Mis MeVean, Louisa | Pearl \Usher, 1. B. Fisher. Pillow cnses, M. Turner, Mrs, Jim McGinnis. 'Girls' Work' (Useful) Darning in eqp- Hton stocking. Jewie Thomson. Beat collection old coins, Emma Foster. inher. Bedroom tow- SPECIAL L. B. Fisher, Mrs. | Canadian Bunkers' C Bedroom towels, hemstitched | Watson Copel Mre, MacDoriald. Guest | Langman, MeVeun. | Fisher, 'atyle, petition (Boyw) -- id. Cecil French, Norman ille Locke, Russell: Houden, . Shepherd." Hiney Dr. jacket, Beat Clydesdale Spring Colt, oy Usher, ferei Mending, worn woolen | 1. P, Tolton, Hund |t Lorne Deon, Best Yearling Colt, Club--Allan Hart, Best Halter-Broken Clydesdale -- Spring Colt, by W. H. Chapman--Geo, McGinnis Hand kitted woolen | Venn, Lady's convalescent jacket, C. M.|Jr., Jaa. Simpson, B, Fisher. Turner, L. B. Fisher. Embroidered night | double, L,| robe, I, BY Fisher, Pearl Usher. Caminole, MeVean, Hand knitted | I. Pearl Usher. 1 f B. Fisher, Mist Mo- French hemming on table linen Laundered cot 1. B. Fisher, Child Hond 't styles, L. B. Fisher, * fancy tea bag, crochet or crochet ned, L. B. Fisher, Miss McVean, Ten dress dress or cost Fisher, fine, Mist. MeVean, L. Thos, Hogan, » relief teller in the Un- ey |ion Bunk at Oshawa, was there two dayn and then disappeared. He is suspected of . | taking $4000 which' disappeared st the 'ame time. Mothers' Advice responsibility for a daughter's future 1ai ane rer the miother. The Hight influence a1 formation which isof vital interest to the dau, aparted a Led the proper time has not scaly sre t fe but insured the success of many When & ated fe thoughts become aldgyisn wi 08, or & disposition to sleep, mains ins in or lower r iimbs gt 7 Gasire for solitude, her ther should co} id and remember that E. Pinkham' a Veweiable 2 Conn und, made from native roots and herbs, will at this time prepare the act for the Soming change and start this trying a young irI's life without pain or irregu- ofes bear willing txtimony et stint States bear willing tex the wonderful virtues of this medi eine, and what it has done for their daughters. by the' Allenwaod ~ Test 4 RET Miss Mi An appreci On Tues in th thot was Mr. und at the far Jurgely att sad swarm came to sh exved fumi loving trib ro long ar influence h heroine wt of suflerin had fough up hope hr and lo to he nt Der ve die Before b biiod, he ee TRILRT ZS