Victory Bends |} Your victory bonds are negotiable "and. should be curefully protected against through fire.or theft. In a Safety Depesit Box in this bank your bonds, securities: and other valuable papers will be much more secure than if kept in your own house. , Rentals are mod- erate. Ask for information. . °B Paid-up Capital $ 9,700,000 Reserve >, + 18,000,000 Resoureen "230,000,000 THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA A. G. Macizitan, Manager, BARRIE. CAR SHOPS AT PALMERSTON jevening in the | Vuesuer, | fon bottle they company to Lafontaine. place. pute in the district. 'tion. The following is the evidence:--- Wm. Poole, $6.00 PER BOTTLE FOR COLD TEA How Tiny Farmers Fooled|*umed same I went out with the intention Whiskey Spotters--$5.00 Bottle for Brine. (Elmvele Lance) A cose of unusual interest engaged the § ; sttendion pf Maglssrates' Oarnaiban and Fos. |"? wilitkey, but not Git very' rolleble: an. ter for about two hours on Monday after- noon, August 23rd. 7 = see eat irom Penétanguishene and La-|, To Mr. Cotter-- We saw Chief Wateon fontaine. The frets of the case as brought out in evidence are these: Wm. Poole of Penetanvuishene and Ted Rivers, a jitney Jeiver. of Midland, through a man named goto bottle of whiskty, at i Poole gave part of Midland boy to keep for him. Midland police and Chief Watson of Pen- etanguishene promised Poole and. Rivers, as understood by these two, that if they Tented tbe alas where: they. obi this | whiskey back to the Chief. The Chief is the constables, but failed to locate the Later Poole and Rivers mad+ a, trip t Lafontaine and secured three bot Hes, wo of tea and one of brine, from Roger and Sam Gignac, men of good re- The Gignucs refused to return the money they received for the three bows, and 9 charge of fra as laid against the vendors. As Police Mag- istrate' Hewson, of Penetangvishene. declin. | ooked Jed to deal with the case, it was brought for trial to Elmvale Mesim. A. B. Thompson of Penetangm- The parties ed for the Gignacs, while Crown Attorney to the Wat Lae bot'le The Poole went me, I never saw the boy again. The in- ducement was held out to, me hy the au- thorit shat iors: 'whiskey came from I would not be pros- ecuted, I called. on' three peopl, Gignac included, get whiskey. Under an as- of getting Gignaé to break- the law. To Mr. Dudley--I can't give the name 'of any perion who told me there was iskey' st Lafontaine. I. got ten dollars from Chief Watson and two dollars from Ted Rivers. The Chief gave us ten dol- lars to get whiskey. -1 heard the Gignace thority. I tried to get Gignse to ell me whiskey on May 25th and told him we were going to Gignac's to buy some whiskey. He spoke, to us about another place, I asked the chief for tea dollars. I thought I was going to the place where I got the whiskey before, I went and saw Chief Watson v.hen [ came home. Chief Watson tasted the tea ane brine. Pier 'EXAMINER te find-where this} - Chewing Tobacco To Mr. Thompson-- I drank some of the whiskey I had on 9 previous occasion, off for having this whiskey if T brought In| ray unele, carried in my car and the authorities knew it, and I was to try to find out where it was got. The Chief told me to get the jpluce where the whiskey was sold and it [frat We asked for two bottles. at us and said he didn'? know. Poole jhim the other two. Two 'The G.T.R. are erecting extensive oar | driver of thé car. We went to Roger Gig-|and brought Sam out. They lit a match shops und repair tracks at Palmerston. Privutely-owned property hus been pur- chased and the Bridge and Building De- nuc's house at Lafontaine and aaw Mr. Gignac. Gignac if he had any whiskey. purtment gangs are alresdy busy. The 'consented to give us some whiskey and) Chief Watson's house. I naid five dollars coal chutes 'ure being torn down and a brought two bottles from the house We| for this bottle to § mechanical device will be eregted to take | gave him twelve dollars for the bottles. | Roger for the money about a month later their place. In the meantime locomo- | Rivers was present when this oecurred.|in Penetanguishene, but he refused to re- tives ure being coaled by a steam derrick from the coal cars. is brother Sam. Ted Rivers for $5. brine 'Tomor Alright cou afterwards and ne' Sin Crossexamined by never 'Bill 'nne's. © law sell whisk ir. Thompson-- 1 T lied' about me by telling Gignse my nam» was kerrow whether in tie ling to G neigh. | the Gigna rohey.. T don't it was May or June when we T have been to all Gign hors endeavoring to get them to break the WT had ne right to huy or |i save oumelves from punishment y. T gave 4 boy in Midland under twenty-one years, whiskey to keep In shout half Gignoe said we might get a bottle from|turn it. We went out to buy whiskey and h We went to Sam Gig nae's and Roger asked Sam if he could |sell us a bottle of whigkey. 0 wine tte brine which. rob to fgecason.T drank part of the bottle we When we got ont on the road we tasted the tea and then the T never saw the Gignacx about the F got_my money to inform the suthorities if we succeeded, | To Mr, Thompson-- We intended to get | the man who sold the liquor on a previous had on a previoux occasion which was pur. chased by a man named Vastuer. Wr would be pinched for having this liquor if we did not find the place where Vussuer zot_whitkey. Poole said something shout an implement agent. We intended to go to the jmplement agent's, | To. Mr. Dudiey--- 1 go the i nae's from Poole, ac's told us they were selling whis- key. We wanted someone to be the goat nnd gave the rest to a boy. I was to get | Ted Rivers, sworn, said: Whiskey wos! would cost me nothing, I arranged with five dollars for brine if I knew it. Poole to go' to Gignac's to get whiskey; don't knew whether Gignac's knew we jubout 7.30 p.m, We saw Roger Gignac wanted whiskey. goac used for a bottle of whiskey d Chief Watson of Penetanguishene knows we were going to s dance and Poole and Rivers and also the defendants, we wanted # counle gf crocks to liven uf |Chicf Watson and two Midland constables = ee said head take six etiam told Poole they would go out with him " each for the crocks. 'e said we woold to locate the place where be got the liquor. shene and G. S. Duglley of Midland appear-|take the two at six dollars a crock. Gig-Poole failed "e locate the vies: y i nue handed them to Poole. who pad for and Poole went out another night and Cotter of Barrie \conducted the prospi-' them. Poole had ten dollars and I lent brought in two bottles of tea and one of | n ' He hasn't got back _evid 1. | paid to Gignac and we received two bottles | which was paid by Poole for the tes. sworn, said: I live in Penetangui-|of tea. We tasted the two bottles at Chief |shene und know the Gignaes who live at | Lafontaine, dollars was | brine. 4 To Mr. Dudley-- I have never heard Watson's house, We did not taste the , wien: Early in June I left Pene-|rontents of the bottles on, the road, Roger ,°f S@tbiNg wrong with Gignacs. |tanguishene pbout 7.30 or 8 p'clock in the|Gignec said his "brother Sam might have mpany with Ted Rivers, the|some. Roger went into Sam's house Mujoric Maurice guve evidence as to the jgood character of the Gignscs. 'orth between fifteen and twenty thou nd Sam about five thousand Sam is an implement agent snd He never heard of The boy was ecreted ing eggs, the father that the little fellow was in the field. M Watson was cutting the clover and wi startled by the child's screams when the table of the machine struck him. legs were taken off. Doctors were immed- intely summoned by telephone, the near- est being st Tottenham, sbout three miles Three medical men arrived in a very short time and did all they possibly could to save e and looked st us. Sam said he would be | Rivers was spokesman and asked | out in a little while. He brought out a! Gignuc | hottle of brine. I tasted the brine at Gignace selling liquor. Mr. Dudley suid that Mr. Poole's evi- dence wus 40 contralictory that it should jmot be considered, He lied in court, Mr. | Rivers anys the Gignace did not represent the bottles to be whiskey. Poole went to Gignacs for unlawful pur- The case should be tried in « civil When a man buys an article he can examine, he purchases at his own risk. Mr, Thompeon pointed out that the Gig. nucs were accused of a serious offence and if found guilty might be sent down for Poole came to Gignac unde) wumed name and with the object d clearing hinwelf in view Cotter wuid the whole facts of the that these men went to catch m Gignac. I asked | |got it. We would not be pinched if we yn Temperance Act you must have mean men, Detectives are engaged in a mean busi but they should tell the truth To Mr. Cotter--- We bought, it supposing Gignues knew that Poole and Rivers want it to be whiskey. I wouldn't have paid On OO Best selected leaf-- Skillfully manufactured- Ever fresh and lasting ANCHOR PLUG It Holels its Flavor , 1| these men thought they were getting whis-| FAILED TO SECURE INDUSTRY key when they paid for the tea and brin nde "Crock' is the tern', When they took the money they took it\ Engineer Starr, Industrial Commissioner, 'with intent to defraud. a " Mr. Thompson said Gignaes did not g> ronto on Monday in connection with the |to Poole and Rivera representing tea 10 oes jon of an automobile manufacturing Gignacs and they got what was coming to half of the company wes here s few da; sideration the Magistrates ducements, ete. decided to disiniss the case. BOY'S TERRIBLE DEATH A_ terrible red on the farm of Robert Watson, ubout half mile south of Athlone on Monday. August 30, by which the five- son of Mr. Watson lost his life. sweet clover hu ving no knowledge fellow whose had been profuse, Their efforts were of no avail and at ubout three o'clock, , tome three hours after the accident occur. the little fellow succumbed to his in- Gilbert' Eck, Toronto man summer-, ing at Luke Couchiching, caught a mus: | kilunge weighing 31) pounds and 52 in- ches in length, on Aug. 28. record fish of the season for the district, Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Querrie, of Aurora, celebrated their golden wedding on Aug: | Querrie was bandmaster of the 12th York Rangers Band for 36 years, never missing s militia camp at Niagara whiskey und the defendants knew thut in those years, Tt was the ptember 9, 1926. | 5 = ne Ifyou ha sample, Black, G Delicious Ravor-- FALL" -------- September busy months i many operation successful gard performed. Pr ~ tat thin time the stock whi winter in stor: for next season er lovers have Mants. Many to prepare an is, therefore, | ment may be | Ori yor Anderson, ia News-Letter-- and J. B. Johnston, M.P.P., went to To- The law-breakers came to' plant in Orillis. A prémoter acting on. be- To*be wei 2 whieh we des:t | ago getting information as to sites, i ican: ( 5 become dorm Severs! other towns and cities were in te Those wh the field ax it was s large concern with Lt ae ea 4 million dollars capitstization. Te he fonioet 'The Orillians were "disappointed on ar- ums or Eley riving in the city to learn that the com- puny had decided to locate in Weston, near Toronto. 7 gonias, Dahlia ter class, Ger goniax, Coleus many others. 'Treutment comprising Cle made in the storage ae in novice will of subjects wh and the stem mature. befor thix, for some the subjects evidently con is good for: these erroncet written, Let respects the © various suljec The statutory allowance to jurors is now $4 per day and 13c per mile, This may be increased to $5 per day by county coun- cils, and in districts by the Lieut.-Govern- WHEN / WILSON'S ' | FLY PADS' When frost READ DIRECTIONS Dohlis remo Su CAREFULLY, AND inches shove x [ tubers. fairly though xphere and w of 50 degrees of 60 degrees humid the tu the tenperat) the tubers w is a tropical twin hear. e4 | | | Far more cficctive than Sticky Fly + Far more Cicca to handle. 'Sold by Druggists and Grbcers everywhere. Treasurer's Sale of Lands In Arrears for Taxes - COUNTY OF SIMCOE The Annual BAnIUE, on Monday, November Ist, 1920 The Sale has been advertised in the Ontario , July 31st, Saturday, Aug. 7th, Saturday, Suturday, Aug. 21st. A copy of th ported up in the Court House and copies may be had he County Treasurer's Office in the Court House, Barrie. following are extracts 4rom the List:-- TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL Lot Con. Ac. Arrears Coste Total = dexeribed in Reg. deed No, 8540, pi 23-38 $27.11 $3.94 $81.05) Park jot 4, plan 20, pt... 6,14 11 6,00 TOWNSHIP OF ORILLIA Helen Island + 23 145 80.00 Byyth, 75 ucres . 2 75 56.40 BW Cor. 201 671 3.96 Flomewood Plan 14.76 503. . 2.55 : 8.70 15.68 2.55 9.53 9.53 585. * age of Washizo-- Vil gt E, Muskoka Pign 174 ..36 17.08 TOWNSHIP OF SUNNIDALE WYEMWSH......1 18 9 1.00 34 All saa 6 15200 26.39 W SIN bf 8 15 81 12.95 W 47 E483 6 1& 47 18.27 £5834 Wht .. 6 16 583 18.27 Plan 539... .. 7 1.45 .8 145 7 68 TOWNSHIP OF TAY 11 W 1. ac. pk. lot 2, pp 11 3.65 Lot 45 pt pk lot 10, pt 118.75 ° Plan 502 E 9th St... ..18 1 223.27 Naac. S70 Eb .. ..10 9 3 33.01 Pt 'E pt as described in : Reg. deed No, 12528..4 11 % 5.17 Plan 354 pt 7 and 8; pt. ll % 5.02 Plan 854, lot'14, pt uo 176 Part as.described A deed No. 7283, pt Whit? 12% 8.45 TOWNSHIP, OF TOSSORONTIO * "1100 55.63 Easterly 21%4 acrea 22° 4213 5.08 Pt $ hf E bf os described in . deed 4412 1:28 4 15 18.87 North 30:8 hf W bf ..80 4 30 29.78 NEW bE. es 3.457 er 08 Wh. 69 VILLAGE OF BRADFORD E. Drury Pl 11. 27) 1/10 91.80 ai VILLAGE OF VICTORIA HARBOUR Plan 545, WhE.- .. .. 8. 2.21 3.50 Plan 545 .. .. «+ 35 442 3.50 Plan 545, W hf . 36 2.21 3.50 Pian 545, W bf .. 2 2.21 3.50 _ Je of Lands in Arrears for Taxes in the County of Simcoe will be held in the COURT HOUS! 2 See Bowe B BBE SEs Basse oaae 88333 S88f 545 5B 545, 335, W hi 545, 545, 5 Plan 545, Arrears $12.81 geBGoe sax | epababaled oto -et beats RRRSSSSRRBEBSBS RRRERMDRREI E eieteteretetstetets ie ee pe ee 5 mRRER 5 ge rs Ss Lot Con. Ac. Arrears Costs Total | Lot -3.50 | 7.02 1252 3.50" 7.02 3.50 3.50 7.82 3.50 9.82 3.50 9.82 3.50 9.82 3.55 16.10 350 8.71 VILLAGE OF PORT McNICOLL | --------------------=>-- 201 jan 5% |Lot Arrears Costs "Total! 211 Total! 66 14,05 1.25 15.30) 212 $14.05 74 9.85 14.06, 79 16.92 13.05) 97 14.05 see paeaeesdoerebSeses BRRRRRSRESSRRSSSSS 451.25 Plan 5587 1.77 1.25 & 3 19.78 11.60 11.69 12.94| 287 11.69 12.94) 288 11.69 12.94] 292 Plan 569 203 8.53 1.25 9.78| 204 8.53 1.25 9.78) 205 5.80 1.25, 7.05 | 206 5.80 1,25 7.05 | 297 5.80 1.25 7.05 | 208 ' 5.80 1.25 7.05 | 209 5.87 | 838 "9.10 1.25 10.85| 303 .05 | 987 6.57 1.25 7.82) 304 4.28 | 0: 6.57 1.25 7.82) 305 13.41 | 974 9.45 1.25 10.70 | 306 5.67 |.975 9.45 1.25 10.70) 307 18.17 | 1053 13.10 1.25 14.35) 308 5.87) 1087 4.60 1,25 5.85| 309 5.67; 1102 9.10 /, 1.25 10.35| 310 5.67] 1103 9.10 1.25 10.35| A 10.05 | 1116 9.10 1.25 10.385| B 10,05} 1117 0.46 1.25 10.71| 10.05 } 1118, 9.46 1.25 10.71| D 5.70} 1119 9.46) 1.25 10.71 5.70} 1120 9.46 1.25 10.71| 81 5.70} 1250 8.90 1.25 10.15| 82 5.70 8.90 1.25 10.15! 85 Arrears Costs = RRRRRRRRRERERESERERRRRRSS Biber epee beebkeeabeppiiit wEpeees SSSSsssssis nr" SERRBBSR? Soeanennnm nina ed 3 Din nnn BAB nnnnnnnnhnnnann Saaaesesssessaqussaagsaassasa5 ib pkbb BRRRERERER & 3 E RSSRRRREEEREREEREREEEERERE Boppy beyeeRyepeeppeeReey bk & Peer eH peRrn en oewweoumo me Rot bRnUEeeuSoeES RSSBRBSsssSassrras S33 9999993 Bebe RRRRRS ' brine vn nd RERERERR BRR a RRR! a is & ty 4999355 a Rhye RiP RRRRRRS Beeeeee 5 S ann an ep SoaEE ee wonE bee Epp enseeREpEEEE Eee es BRR 620909 pe pee eee ee BRRZS S88 ' ee ESP te enn eye Wt Fy ideal condition tal Lot. ene Costs Total Aveeges Tot the tubers wi 237 1.25 3.62; 288 «5101.25.88 a eS 237 125 «3.62 288 5.08, 125 26.28 baenly et & 737 125° 862 241 5001.25 6.25 ey raicdinise 237 1.25 «= 8.62| 2425.00 1.25 6.25 Sue calls and 237° 125 «© 3.62] 244 «= 5.00 1.25 6.25 ea anor 237 125 3.62; 202 355 125 4186 Seek the 237 «1.25 = 3.62] 2088.55 1254.80 reat flies 237 125 ©8.62| 308 «= 7.08. «1.25 8 31 ee es clas 237° 125 3.62} 406 «92.17 - «1:25 «3.42 peer ee 237 125 «© 8.62] 407217125 3.42 sie 237° 125 «© 3.62] 426 2171125 3.42 boon: 1.60 1.25 2.85| 427 2.17 1.25 342 " 1.60 1.25 © 2.85] 476 = 7.03 1.258.28 halves! 160 125 285, 505 515 125 6.40 Siu, BS St 160 1.25 ©2:85| 5675.15 1.25) G48 and balbe 50 160 1.25 2.85] 610 490 1.25 6.15 for the Cam 178 «1.25 «= 8.03] GIL 5.08, 1.25 6.28 orhat deer't 178 -1.25 = 3.03] 614 4.90 1.25 O15 3.00 1.25 4.25| 620 5.44 1.25 6.69 3.00 1.25 «= 4.25] 623 6.77 , 12% 802 * 1.78 1.25 = 8.03] 624 «= 7.03: 1:25) 8.28 2188 125 «= 4.00] 6253.11.25 436 1.78 1.25 3.03] 626 3.11 1.25 4.36 1.78 1.25 3.03} 627 3.11 1.25 4.36 3.00 1.25 4.25] 628 3.11 1.25 4.36 V78 1.25 3.03] 629 B11 1,25 4.36 7.65 1.25 8.90| 630 3.11 1.25 4.36 240 125 3.63] 631 3.11 25 436 | 240 125 3.65] 6323.11 25 436°" 240 125 3.65] 63331125 4.36 5.03 1.25 ° 6.28] 634 3.11 25 4.36 4.10 1.25 5.35| 641 7.03 5: 8.23 4.10 1.25 5.35| 643 5.84 9 410 1255.35] 6443.33 4.10 1.25 5.1 683 3.25 6.03 1257.28] 684 «3.25 6.03 «1.25 7.28) 0853.25 3.69 1.25 © 4.04| 710 7.03 3.75 1.25 5. 735 | 4.79 4.10 1.25 5.35 |_ 7368 4.79 4.03 1.26 5. 737 4.79 . 4.25 1.25 6,00| 738 4.79 25 3.32 1,25 4.57| 754 5.15 25 392 125 4.57| 7555.15 1.28 3.82 125 «= 4.67| 758 = 7.03125 586 6125 © 7,01| 705 5.03125 586 1.25, 7.01| 767 «5.47125, s 5.86 1.25 7.01) 780 2.23 25 586 125. 7.01) 781 «4.48, 1.25 5.03 1.25 6.28 | 821 4.96 25 1.56 1,25 2.81 [9 822 4.96 156 «1.25 = 281] 824 7.03125 552 1.25 6.77| 870 8.15 1.25 3.68 1.25 = "4.93| 871 128 5.85 1.25 7.10) 874 15° 1.25 aes 1 7.10| Ba 5.15 1.25 i 24 25 (5.75) 2.90 125 : 341125 tes, BO" 708125 THE B A 138 4.6% oe 7.03 1.25 nT, 125, 8.42 7.03 125 Wf 125 © 3.42| 904 = 7.03125 ANDG yy 125 4.25) O14 2.17 1.25 DG 178-125 3.08} 915 2.71.25, Marker: 585 125740) Beg 125 ; : x 156 125 : 248 125 © 3.73) 942 «= 7081.35 banal 12 1,25 2.47 u 4.65 1.25 ican ¢ < 1.25 2.47 4.65 1.25 ; 2.00 1.25 = 4.15) 0905.08 1.25 Se 2.60 125 © -3.85|1005 4.79 1.25 3 Strict 2.60 (1.25 8.85 | 1019 5.44 1.25 Inz 8.53 1.25 4.78|1022 4.79195 853° 1.25 = 4.781024 5.00 - + 1.25 All wo Plan 579 1025 443° 1.25 5.73 | 1026 445 5.78 | 1027 1321! 4.57 | 1028 J. 132 125 © 4.57/ 1029 Jato 5.25 125 6.50} 1082 Nelera: ie oe ' i 8.28 rig tl = \ a 3 fio 13s 635| \Damer 510 1.25 6.85 £ g ' .