Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jul 1920, p. 4

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Page Four *- Ge" tor scriptions, either new or renewals, may. : "Misi Eleanor Morton of Newmarket is Cookstown intend holding their celebra- je guest of Miss Lila Cunningham this|tion on Aug. 2. ein "<a Mra, John' A. Moir and Mrs, Geo, Moir A friendly game of baseball was played |returned home on Saturday after visiting here on Saturday afternoon between the |in Collingwood und Stayner. Union Bank team of Toronto and the| Mis Rose Ayerst of Thornton visited Cookstown boys, The Toronto team was|at Mra, Jas, Bruce's thie week. defeated by a score of 11-1, Miss McCullough of Toronto is visiting Arthur Rowe of Lefroy spent Sunday |her parents, Mr. and Mrv. A. L. MeCul, at his home here ough. Mr. and Mrs, Vernon and children of | Misses Treva and Etta Slight of Toronto Toronto visited at the home of D. H. Ross | are holidaying at their home here, Inst weok | Miss Whitesides of Bond Head is visiting See Fisher's line of harvest boots, bind-| at Robt. Marling's this week: ing gloves, work shirta, overalls and straw| Mrs. Thompson Fisher of Bradford via- hats, ited her brother, Wm, McGowan, this Mrw. Alex. Robinson had her arm frac: | week. tured by being thrown out of » buggy at| Arthur Rowe of Allandale visited his Belle Ewart on Tuesday of last week. | parents Inst week, Jas, Averall of Toronto is visiting his) St. John's Church will hold their annual brother, Sam Averall garden party on Aug. 28. Mist Mina Lee of Bradford was the guest | Davideon_--Markle of Mrs, H, G. Arnold this week. | oe A pretty June wedding took place in ie: Shee; Fisher' vided ia Toronto | aevard Bick Mecbodae Ouch, Tetaaio, lnnt_week. iil ia being (01 Théraday evening ut 7 o'clock, when 'The Orange Hall at Clover Hill ia being | Thimay jcvening ut 7 O'elask, when much improved by 8 coat of paint. Mrs. J. H. Markle, became the bride of Mr. and Mra, J. 8, Willoughby of Tor. | Mt |W. Cedric. Davidson, barrister, Toronto, onto spent the week-end with friends bere. : ; ' Rev. Dr. Crewen, the pastor, 'officiating, Miss Gardner of Smith's Falls was the ey: Dt. Crewen, the pastor, officiating guest of Miss Hazel Arnold this week. Te eel eee, eee. Bybee " father, lookedwweet in a simple white Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Thompson and e hildren of St. Catharines spent the week- Peuded georgette gown, and wore a long stuldten BEBE Gs | tulle veil caught by a bandeau of orange end at the former's home bere. Mosse sat tebe Bema ae Mrs, Robinson of Tottenham visited her ge Fe, Pear, anil: ost: i 3 Fied a shower of sweetheart roses. Mise father, Fred Clarkson, this week, Mildred Organ of Hamilton and Miss Kath. feet, Gilpin, and {amity of Toronto vis-' sine Morrison, Toronto, were bridesmaids, ited at H. T. Rankin's on Sunday Mr. Thomas. Folinsbeo' was the groom Karl Kidd visited in Toronto last week. | here man and the anhere were Mire --See H. T. Rankin for second-hand Markle, Ottawa, and Mr. Ralph Davidson, Gray-Dort eat in, good repair | brothers of bride and groom. During the Mr, and Mrs, Frank Westlake and cbild- |signing of the register' Miss Edith Walsh ren of Toronto spent Sunday with Mra. sang "Because," and after the ceremony Westlake's parents, Mr, and Mra, George a reception was held at the bride's home, Duft 56 Oukmount Road, which was beautifull Mis Roberts of Toronto is the guest |decornted with palms, ferns and. aytings of Miss Hazel Clute. blowom, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson left later Mr. and Mra, Reginald Wray and daugh- 'for a delightful trip through the Canadian ter Marian of Toronto apent the week-end Rockies, down the cout to Loa Angeles, at Mrs. Wray's home Visiting Seuttle, Sult Lake City and other The Methodist and' Presbyterian Sunday | places of interest, and returning by Chi Schools enjoyed their annul pienic to the cago. The bride wore a Paris' gown of luke on Thursday of lust week hloe and grey fantasie silk, with « emall Mn. Mitchell of Toronto visited her French bat trimmed, with flowers, and father, John King, over the week-en white fox furs, On their return they will Miss Long of Bradford visited at Mra. reside in Glen Avenuc.Toronto Telegram, THE BARRIE EXAMINER is apg id : Thursday, July 15, 1920. Moore & Armstrong's Store News BATHING SUITS FOR LADIES--STYLES AND PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE Pure Wool in very fine quality, made in the most favored one-piece belted Style, with skirt attached. Colors, Black, Copen or Navy, and trimmed with Rose. or White. Sizes 38 to 42 only, --Price $8.25 Cotton Jersey Bathing Suits, Navy with White trimming, sizes 36 to 44. --Great value at $1.75 each peals to every woman. Burke." TABLE OF SUMMER WASH GOODS REGULAR UP TO $1.00 FOR:69C Late buyers will profit by these offerings. Plain, Floral and Check Patterns in Voile and other wash materials, regul- arly priced up to $1.00. ° --Clearing 69¢ SPECIAL One price only, about 40 yards good quality WHITE REPP, worth about R5c, offered this week at --@Be yard 12 only WHITE BED SPREADS, ser- worth $2.00 each, Fine Lustre Bathing Suits, either in full, loose- fitting bloomer or in the one-piece skirt at- tached style. assorted trimming. : An assorted lot of Cotton Cashmere Bathing Suits, assorted styles and trimmings, and sizes from 34 to 44. CLEARANC TABLE OF PRETTY VOILE BLOUSES at $1.59 each 'These Blouses are good clean stock.--Have lace and embroidery (rimming, and are well Colors, Navy or Black, with --Splendid value at $6.98 --$4.25, $4.98, $5.25 and $5.98 FAMOUS "BILLIE BURKE" DRESSES FOR HOUSE, PORCH OR CAMP WEAR The house dress which is smart enough for all the day through, quickly and simply don- ned and easily laundered, is the one that ap- Such is the "Billie Splendid assortment now on display in our Ready-to-Wear Department. Every dress bears the "Billie Burke" label. 12 styles to select from. --$3.50 to $15.00 FANCY BATH TOWELS IM- PORTED FROM ENGLAND 'REDUCED THIS WEEK, 69 These are excellent quality towels, size 20x42 inches, and come in assorted colorings. Special price for this week --Only 69c SPECIAL CHILDREN'S GINGHAM DRESSES, two good styles, sizes 2 to 6 years. Bought from a maker going out of business, --Bargain, 980 D. Thompeon's lust week, The groom is a son of W. J. Davidson, Cookstown --_ WHAT Is IT THAT BRINGS Promotign Exams. Jr, TV to Sr. TV---Aileen Dinwoody (H), |G. B. McLean Muriel McMillan, Ronald Dunning, Lloyd Cunningham, George Baker (Rec.!, Fran- cix Baker, 7 Sr. IIT to Jr, 1V--Verna Rowe (Hon \,, Kenneth Kidd (H}, Ruth Mackay (H). Norman Broley (H), Charlie Baker (H). Evelyn Leadluy (H), Mabel Gollop (H), Muriel MucAfee (H).' Margaret Glass, Mel: issa Harvey. George Dobson, Joe Dunning, David Couzins (Ree) . Jr. TI to Sr. II--Emily Gollop (H), Mary McMillan (H!, Wilma Stoddart (A), Telephone 692 or call at $! Isabel Hayes, Helen Glaat, Kathleen $81 Bradford bi Houghton, Harel Curr, Roger Fisher, rat rd St, |Grace Banting, Fred Wilson (Rec.), Reta Goods delivered to any } Wilton, (Rec.!, George Reed (Rec.). art OF teen. Sr. I to Jr. I--Nellie Smary (H), | Norman Reid (H!, Belinda Rainey, Nor. 5 | man Baker. Duff Thompson, Mary ingham, HOOK Ss | Ruth Cunningham Jr. Il to Sr. Clifford Spindloe -(H1), he Bradford Street Grocery }) Fina More (I). Grace Rebinan (i, 7 Stree TY} Dorothy Pursley(H). Lulu Hopes Caldeell | Prince, Russell Beyers, Gowan Rainey, Muriel Roas, Emily Draper, Clara Jebb. A CUSTOMER BACK TO A STORE? We believe it is because they are satisfied customers Are you one of our satis- fied customers ? oe ea ae eee eee) TRIMMING AND |, SHANTY BAY UPHOLSTERING | her sister. Mrs. John Sutton, has return- led home to Toronto. We trim and upholster Rex Sutton hax left for Flint, Mich., having accepted a position with his uncle i there. furniture, re-cover auto | Mis Bthel L. Drew has retumed to her tops, make slip covers to | |home in Toronvo after spending the week- order. De at "The Maples," the guest of Mra. : John Sutton, Get our 'prices on the | /7°Me en above lines. ' ---Be sure and keep Friday, July 23, J. BELESKEY free for the garden party and bazaar at the Rectory, Shanty Bay, No admision Telephone 350J Residence Phone 425J fee in the afternoon, but there will be a. bazaar of articles useful and fancy, ice Clapperton St. (back of Simcoe Hotel), Barrie cream, soft drinks, and afternoon tea {rom four to six. After that supper from six- thirty! to eight o'clock, followed by enter- tainment, Splendid 'program arranged. Don't fsil to be on hand, and meet your friends there, | Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend A RRC RNC CHEVROLET PRICES WILL BE INCREASED ON. AUG. 1ST.. In. comparison with any other car on the market the Chevrolet has had the least advance. The 490 Touring is considered the best buy in Canada. One motor company did reduce their prices, but it was simply because they had increased them up toa point «much over value and were compelled to reduce to dispose of their production. This is not our policy. Prices have always increased when I told you they would, - Orders received at once will be filled as received, but only up to Aug. 1st, and at that subject to my having the cars in stock. Can give delivery of a few cars at once. So play safe and get in before the increase. dered, PROMOTIONS IN RURAL SCHOOLS S. S. No. 6, Vespra Sr. HI to Jr. IV--Zella Simpeon (H), Morley Schandien and Hunter Russell, Ree. Spelling. Jr. THT to Sr, III--Annie Storey (H), Edith Hermon (HI, Florence Handy (Pass), Walton Craig (Ree,) Sr. Il to Jr, --Percy Frankeom (P), Eadie Schandlen (P), Jennie Simpson (P). L. M. Whan, Teacher. S$. S$. No, 14, Innisfil, Big Bay Point Mildred Guest (H), Bertha Irwin. Sr. TIT to Jr, IV--Rrnest Irwin (H), Mary Armatrong (H), Allan Wernica, Jr, Il to Sr, Il--Helen Guest (H), Margaret Quants (H), Bernard Jobbitt (H), Elmer Guest, Willie Reynolds, Mil- ton Guest. Jr. TI to Br, --Norma Robinson, Alice Quentz, Harry Horton, Tom Guest, Ethel Robinson, Burton Warnica, Allan Earley. Guest, Allan Robinson, Ethel Quants, Sr. Pr.--Evoa Reynolds, Wilfred Robin- son, Jr, Pr.--Marion Guest, George El- liott, Ray Jobbitt. M. O. Hubbert, Teacher. 8. 8. No. 10 E, Vespra Jr. IV to Sr. -IV--Total, 800; to para, 480; honors, 600--Norman Elliott 954, (H), Cora Fralick 528, Sr, III to Jr. IV--Total, 600; to pass, 860; honors, 450--Freda Elliott 504 (H), Jean Burton 411, Mervyn Fralick 389. Jr. III to Sr, 11--Total, 600; to puss, 360; honors, 450--Herbie Maw 504 (H), Mary Dixon 380. Sr. II to Jr, 1--Total, 560; to pass, 830; honors, 413--Cora Beeton 445 (H), Grace Maguire 434 (H), Edna Bowser 403, Alex. Hilts 340, Pearl Bellamy 329 (R), Marjory Dixon 318 (R). (R)--Recommended on Inspector's ap- proval, : Jr. I to Sr. Total, 550; pass, 330 --Verna Hilts 384, Eileen Bowser 370. Jr, Millie Bowser, Nelson Walton, Jimmy Elliott, Florence 'Dixon, Alice Fra: lick, Cora Hilta, To Jr. I on approval--Beatrice Row- all, Florence Rowell. Jr. I to Sr. I--George Fralick, Gordon |, Beeton, Burly Bowser, Jr, I--Pearl Walton, Grace Elliott. M. L. Corbett, Teacher, Stroud School Entrance Class--Clara Beelby. (H), Mar- Jory Black, Verna Smyth, Edgar Webb, Jean Sutherland, Jr. IV to Sr, IV--Arnold Meredith (H), Ralph Robinson (H), Reta Hoover, Sr. III to Jr, IV--Melville Ferrier, Helen Fagan. 'Se to Sr. [I--Florence Harrington (H), Howard Broley, Doris Hewson, Earl Jobbitt, Robert Black, Clifford Fagan, dr. IV to Sr, TV Hay, Earley (HD ] Sr. I to Jr. Il--Jean Jobbitt, Cyril | | --This week, $1.59 ea. JAPANESE MATS AND RUGS for the house, verandah or cottage. Five sizes in stock. See window display. --$1.50 to $7.98 each viecablo quality, good pattern," size x90 --This week, $4.89 atural colored T.inen SIDEBOARD OR DRESSER RUNNERS, bordered with heavy finen lace and all silk embroi- --This week, $1.39 Moore & Armstrong Zelma Tribble, 5 ONLY LADIES' VOILE. DRESSES, this season's style, rose and mauve. stripes and spols. --$3.98 Clearing lot of LADIES' | WHITE WASH SKIRTS, waist sizes 24 to 30. --$1.08 ea. Store Closes noon every. Wednesday Sr. I to Jr. --Agnes Givens, Marion | Agnes and Helen Johnston (equal), Monty & Jr, T11--Lloyd Reynolds, Elwin Smyth,| Webb, Leila Harrington, Clarence Broley, |Shering, Violet Donnley, Ruby Donnley. Morley Webb, Sr. U-WVioletta Ferris, Mabel Harring. . ton, Rosie Johnston, Goldie Givens, Keith | guerite Donley. Meredith, Lillian Broley, Cyril Sproule, Milton Ferris. Quivinein Proo, 7 , Srom an unbiased author- ity which further demon- strates the fact that CROWN DIAMOND PAINT is a thoroughly practical, and most serviceable paint for all purposes. convincing. Mr. Job, of Milton Hersey Co., Limited. Canada and the Un wearing qualities of paints. Mr. Job has also nected with the paint industry and favors no Job for his opipion of its quality and durability. Allan Hoover, Meaford Donnley. Sr. Pr. to Jr, I--Norma Tribble, Mar- ecial brand of We have submitted our Crown Diamond Paint formulas fg Laura Hunt, Teacher, O, E..Agar sold « fifty-scre farm on the Primer A--Ted Hewaon, Lewis Givens, | outskirts of Alliston to Wm, Allen of Lav- Stanley Fagan, Primer B--Irene Smyth, ender, for $10,500, A manufacturer is liable to favor the quality of hi "ducts in any statements he may make, but when thet statements are substahtiated by a disinterested authority they are bound to be " .. There is no more unbiased authority on paint, in Canada, than He is gonsulting chemist for soma of the largest railroads in ited States. He is also closel the various exhaustive testa conducted in'the Sta connected with regarding the 'epared mat Paint specifications for the Government. He 2 in mare no way con- Ht will pay you well to sell. this The letter shown above speaks for itself and verifies the truth of the statements made our recent advertisements regarding ihe purity and durability of in 'rown Diamond Paints, For your next painting job demand Crown Diamond Paints, IMC Established 1842 @ ARTHUR, [RWIN. E> MONTREAL BUTORS OF CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS--Stewart & Wood, Lisaited, Toronto Dalton & DISTRI Crowell, Bros, Hallfas, NB; Robertson, Foster & Smith, Limited, Bt, John, NB; Fargahar @ Gules feneouvens BO

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