_Page Two Thursday, July 8, _-- IVY WON OUT a : AT KILLARNEY ze a (Continued from page 1) é m0 -- No "Blowouts" |.n0 sonnei roacned 2nd," w. LAST THREE DAYS OF eee ee Irena pa | eeitetc , ,000 miles from on own--Kidd out, p to 4; he-collid- s juncture or "blowout"! This is not excep- 'i yd at ist and was de_ . ji Tete Rus crdnary experience of thousands of ar |i, wiih Boyd at et and wis de- 9 . owners who aye subtiuied ERSENKAS, Tire Filer fora [ensued and finally Reive who was The Se ESSENKAY, we install it i ti id umpiring on bases was asked to . ' EEF a pow veysasare you necdom dro tr Seam withdcaw and 0. MeKinsity of (4 that sh -- - | Bradford substituted. Law hit a clean grounder past p and 2nd. SUMM Al E L. Arnold followed with a hit to : WA ' EEN eee (stunts Shae sane ) He i ate ne et eco Sear ete | ane fic hall aoe ral ness DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO PUT IN A SUPPLY OF ant Mie ferent aagpioner sei Wet | heger to contr fin. H Tan FINE FOOTWEAR--EVERY PAIR REPRESENTS A SAVING. hk Foal ing sent a fly fo Stewart who fi minule sto a8 A Call Will Convince You! dropped Ges ball and Dyer Paced TOO GREAT AN EMPHASIS CANNOT BE PLACED UPON THE f omits th 4 : home, Hatton singled and H. IMP ANCE, * j insite ES?! |WM. CROSSLAND, "AGENT, BARRIE |2#"tine sapped 'one 'at "opper IMPORTANCE, 'TIMELINESS AND INTENSE MONEY-SAVING j ue y/} . , ' who threw {0 cateh Halton at 2nd FEATURES OF THIS SALE. j $1.00 0 ya and the batter lived on the choice. rand 85 - Haennox landed on one of Honors THE OFFERING EMBRACES STYLISH BOOTS, OXFORDS, eS ", yeloek, to tl trains Sf tho| offerings for a home-run to the é A a eee eh plead he Mie fief! houndary and it. Banting cans PUMPS, TENNIS OUTING SHOES, ETC., FOR ALL THE MEM- ay. r ' WEDDINGS Frank Broley, of Ivy, the bridal|'ted in ahead, Boyd, F,.Bant BERS OF THE FAMILY. Enelish F party entered the room. wg ees vie ine ime went gat Sale for $4.85 neat patter bride wore a pretty gown o' samo route, 2n¢ I , colate High C 5 5 'or $4.1 eee Tt |» He ore, A DOO Mom Oto ink. Goskalowis Aperst filed Women s Chocolate High Cut Boots. . . Reg. to $8.50, Livingston--Orrock brotdered with white beads and{!0 2nd. Stewart d the only Women's Black and Choc, Oxfords, Louis heels. .Reg. to 8.50, The home of Mr, and Mra, A,|!ulle voll "held in place with{nass, of the match. . Coleman Sale for $5.65 adits Romi Of, Mn. vas the range blossoms, She carried a/*!tuck out and Hopper's long fly 5 F i 5 w. Orman, uertan ee yiliinewe bouquet of Ophelia rores| was gobbled by B. Jennett Women's Choc. Oxfords, Louis heels. . Reg. to $4.95, Sale for $2.95 when thar danghter, Gladys, 4nd carnations, and wore the| | Fifth --F. Jonnel! fanned W. Women's White and Colored Canvas Boots, rubber soles and heels, ; The bride of Me. William £Feom's gift, a white gold and)Danting lived when Coleman 3 Reg. to $3.93, Sale for $1.95 see Minesing, son of diamond pendant. Miss Gladys | fled to handle his grounder: ++. +Reg. to $3.95, S Livingelon, Barris. Rev. Irwin of Egbert, a cousin of tho | Wer rapped out ane ee a Women's Canvas Boots, leather soles, medium heels......+.000005 Saf Ave. pertoriae jo hride, was a@ very dainty flower; W- sna ql i < AE aa antl dressed in white with rose! steal home, I. Banting's fly t bites eases eserseseeeessssReg. to $5.00, Sale for $2.95 3 buds and blue ribbonsdeimmings,| Aver was mulled ane 'Hols Women's White Canvas Oxfords and Pumps, high and low heels .... and had her tiny arms full of scored. 0 o Hopper who 5 tharwuerites, 'The groom's favor |{irew to Kidd whe muted, Len | | eit tet sa tinteie twa. etn peter ees Reg. to $3.95, Sale for $2.65 1 8 fet, and to the eX fanned. Gookstown-- 0. ar. |} Women's White Canvas Outing Boots, solid rubber soles and heels. . THERE'S TRUE pianist 4 pearl set brooch, Among | AWE sent a sky fly to Boyd and Reg. to $2.65, Sale for $1.45 tho many beautiful gifts reewiv- | Kidd was oul similarly to Mallon . to $2.65, ECONOMY IN ed was a Tell piano, from the Law font le arm poe aiiuled . Reg. to $9.00, Sale for $6.85 . pride's or. ole use 3rd a "uw ot * : , BUYING MEAT ' ant afiar: the signing | Was tito Boys' Box Kip Boots, solid leather soles and heels 2... ....eceeeeee of the register a daint akfast | Sixth--Bayd went ee ol | i 2 Kawa We te MANOS ++ ...Reg. to $3.95, Sale for $2.95 % was served toa few lives and) Iti T. Banting. p te fst, ane , te Canya . < enli , AT BRENNAN'S friends, mong them being Mrs. nting svalted in vain the am. Boys' White Canvas Sport Boots, solid Wer fo $2 on Suk for 2a For you get the best qual Hrown and Miss Rrown of vient en aimosn ners kstown al-|IP 0 e eeeee eeeeeeees + REQ. 2.05, Sale " 4 For ) ¢ QU 9 neg. Mr, and Mrs. Livingston|~9 | out in or All Women's Canvas Boots, Oxford: i 4 \ ity there--the kind you $ eft during the afternounto spend) "trike ont: Stewart, fly Slippers. Said' d Athleti Ge Lops, Sports Shoes, Children's » } enjoy until the last mor- {2 brief honeymoon in "Toronto, |¢ratte; Coleman, p to tsi. Slippers, Sandals, and Athletic Goods all specially priced to clear. sel is eaten, arid oliriaim | SUMERS an! Buiffale, the Heide | ieee tanned anal Door ean S eaten, 3 seing-away suit being af navy) Banting fanned and Dyer was out |} is to give satisfactory sere { flie serse with sand taffeta hat a long tls ty Stewar! sig fell LAST DAY OF SALE, SATURDAY, JULY 10 vice to every customer. i ---------- mais rally ab the Titian Atl on If you are not one of our $ lie cm an | Mgnpee, See out on a thy to Dyer 9 customers, you are miss- {jy yet are! Agnes etaehel secu) Gat tree strikes on 0 ing something worth iN : Mia, the third gnd then threw over while. ' Aine M eldest | oyu head lelting Arnold) make daunghte orm. 9nd. Kidd singted to le ; only af Filgar beeame the bride' hit awards, Get hut aa Kan We close at noon of ne ae Siuherland Whittenl when W. Banting held the ball| ' of Bengough, Sask. foo lon I. Arnolds led to on Wednesdays. The corepany was performed: ttt, seeing: i, sRowse sienek o hy the Rev No TL MacGillivray at ont! Ayerst hil through Dyer,| Some aul 7 oa z " Va. i the renee of a member a ott fie ile ee sens you want to sel qui Let The Examiner Classified Ad, column help you. Of guests he bride was given pox eaugh! Arnold at second ne MJ. Brennan away by lier unéln, Mr, dameaj oe ie innings ove Cameron, of Yellow Grass, Sask. Ty tooo nae! 'The Quality Butch and w a dress of white salin (4) 100000 2--a| ¥ ST e Qualit: jutcher and georgette, over whieh fell the bf PROMPT bridal veil of tulle and orange a damty frock of ereain silk eunnun Ilessoms. She carried a bouquet ded with sik latting, and PHONE 51 oetivery f Mesem tones, Mies Alien r= cnitind Rint The * NEWS F Pe nnnnnn tenn nnnmnnnnnnnennnnnnne dled the bride, wear- Mr. . * ' i 7 __. > othe ceremony a butte FRR hie j luneheon was served fo about | LE] | forty ests, The house was JAS W SCO | T heaatifully decorated with ferns, aa THE mill doen' | riles and orange blossoms, rat's past arid the ° ° {Mr and Mes. Whitten left in rc antink Merri the afternoon for Port Stanley hela Motor Truck Carta e {whore they will visit Ihe groom's Ma sa raat g irolatives before going ta their . seated Weitere in Bengough, Sask The work and the sati | wore a navy blue suit of it is aie for 7 ltricolette and georgette blouse, . lor the company MOVING PIANOS, FURNITURE AND CAMPERS' |/and tuscan hat with ostrich 'to. anything good offer, OUTFITS A SPECIALTY ining: y x Mr. Lukes of Bre 5 J 2 " 4 promotion exami Long distance work to or from Toronto, Hamilton and 1 Dyer--Robertson ? M AKE THAT TROMBONE ret week. A lng . The marriage of Miss Ethel girls tried for prom other points, at moderate charges Robertson, only daughter of Mr. " | A Domtfion sur ----. and Mrs. Frank Robertson, Wors- LAL JC sH They are eanpie OFFICE: ROSS BLOCK, DUNLOP ST., BARRIE ley pean Dean cle wae et y Mis, Frank Wh Office Phone 86, Res. Phone 187. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Dyer, Holly, ! (Novelty Fox Trot) ae ot pe took place in St, Andrew's church the members of 5 on Wednesday, June 30. Rev. G. FRERE'S 6 teallye woodertul. dance numer, teat you in the Presbyteri ill undoubtedly enjoy, featuring Harry Raderman + ---------- Ai thrown offigisted. The attend: ce ee "ess iat sone te ants were Miss Florrie Dyer, dance and laugh when you hear it. "Deenah" is cousin of the groom, and Mr. another dandy fox trot on the reverse side and both are ' Beit Robertson, brother of the i played by Harry Raderman's Novelty Orchestra, j@ride. The bride wore a very be- "His Master's 'pice " Record 216143, B coming suit of navy serge.and| A : ' : . black Ince hat with French fiow- "His Master's Voice" Records uy i c She also wore a beautiful ° f ip ' ng of pearls, the gift of the} THAT WILL ADD JOY TO YOUR SUMMER DANCES | W a bouquet of Oriental Stars--One-Step 1SE ( nk roses. ! Coleman's Orchestra} 6496 You v Immediately after the cere- My Sahara Row--For Tree Orbis AND a es : mony 'the happy couple left by | IT HIGH motor for, Toronto, Buffalo and Rowe of Wahgion Souare--Pon har = laouer ; ; St. Catharines. On their return 'an Eps Quartet] Limit your ' ANOTHER CARLOAD OF ROOFING they will reside at Holly. «. Bappesopsiee,, Mamas Melly Men}auotea "V to one gooe Ne 3 Come, Play Wiz Me--One-Step__ Henri' i man's--- Is ae! Now Located In Barrie i In My Sweet Little Alice Blue Gown: 216148 When we co 3 ne ose _ fox Trot 'Murray's Melody Men, ~ : The District Office of the De- i . Le and just wh é ' partment of Agriculture is now] All on 10-inch, double-sided, now on sale at $1.00 Meats, we located in the old library build- "Hi i ; mast econor , 2 Jing, Owen St. Last woek Mr. ; a Te Master' s -- dealer We hav Hutchinson,, the representative, ly play any selection you wish to hear Let .us he ave.a large assortment, of Ready Roofings, moved-his 'office furniture and| and demonstrate the Victrola ordiy 66 i A equipment over from Colling- ' Sam : Asphalt, Slate Surface, in roll and shingle, as well wood, 'though all the work ia BERLINER GRAMO-PHONE CO; LID., es aan as several kin i connection with the alteration 0 'MONTREAL an si ds of B. C. Shingles. the premises is not yet complet- ed, We Close SEE OUR STOCK -- GET OUR PRICES Mr. Hutchinson has rented the i , 'Wed . J. M. Ness house, James'. and ; - Berezy Sts. 'This week he is at- 1 i p ee tending a conference of the Dis- Pi EA ' e i an ; . trict Representatives at the O.A. : i ' Weg" C. As assistant he has this year, j THE ' : et ¥ H.-J; Mayheo of Trenton, gon ot the Warden of Northumberlani Phone 88 or 94 and Durham: ' ' Bt Ellcabeth 8t. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians 5 SRS