Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1920, p. 10

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Page Ten/ FETS PENS ee sreorecome: THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, July 8, 1920 Don't have ever been. has finished borrowing, be no increase in the si grade of security, will Write us, and we shall with full particulars. Canadian Pacific About Your Victory Bonds Victory Bonds today are stronger than they" The important announce- ment of the Minister of Finance that Canada The huge sums of money that must be invest- ed from time to time in the highest possible ment in existing issues. This should mean a greatly increased demand, and have a strengthening effect on prices. If you have money less well employed, we recommend that you invest it in Victory Loan Bonds at present. prices. @ Wood, Gundy & Company Toronto Worry . means that there will upply of these bonds. therefore seek invest- be glad to furnish you Railway Building AOTOTOIOIOI TOR FoR FoR RIOR RoR RoR RRR OR OK neers, . Ey A NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING FOWNSHIPS ke HOTT OR Tofor Fok iofoToR BTR 2 nOR oR i108 0K CLOWES July 5.--Mm, B. Bertram and Mr. and Mrs. Liuil of Burtie visited at Mrs, Part Fidge's List week Mrs, Bligh os holidaying ith friends at Burke Full Mise M, Madden of Barrie spent Sunday m her hime here Mis Mf. Wilson 'and Mr, and Mrs, Gor don Armnur, who are mer in Orillia, called on their gi er, Mre. Hugh MeKay. on Sun % Wr, und Mrs, John Syme of Barrie vis ited with Mrs, A, J, Thompson recently spending the sum- moth Mrs. Frank Hunter of Port Me were weekend visitors here and Miss MeCuaig have returned from vustine friends at Guthrie Rev, John Murray and Mrs. Murray of Formt were renewing old acquaint ance here lust week. Jeffrey Bertram of the Bunk of Toronto, Orangeville, attended the funeral of bis grandmother, Mrs, Joseph Bertram, last Baurlay The cemetery looks very neat and well Kept and reflects great eredit on those in charge. JULY "ROD AND GUN" Anyone who hax essayed to climb any of the Rockies will recognize in John Har ker's "Mount Stephen With Martha" the acti portrayal of experiences of the no- view im mountaineering. The author of this. the first of a series of humorous Martha stories, is a well-known miember of the Canwdian Alpine Club and his amusing story appears in Rod snd Gun in Canwis for July. appear givine valuable bints to campers 'and outdoorsmen inthis month's issue, ROD AND GUN IN CANADA is published monthly by W. J. TAYLOR, LIMITED, WOODSTOCK, ONT. ACUTE ECZEMA ON BABY'S HEAD Face,Neck,Arms, Terrible Sight. Itched And Burned. Cuticura Heals. " Baby was two months old when I noticed little pimples on her head. 'They kept getting worse and spread till ber head, face, neck and 'were onemass of eruptions, burning, itching, and bleeding. I was told it was acuteeczéma. Ihadtosew up her arms and legs in linen. She was a terrible sight. For off year I had no rest night or day. "We got Cuticura Soapand Oint- ment. In less'than two weeks she began to mend and in a few months che was healed." (Signed) Mrs, Boorman, 243 McDonnell St., Peter boro, Ont., April 19, 1919. 'Stop the use of all doubtful soaps. Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes. feat ee ace BBS Coticare Soap eheves without mus Several valuable articles July 5.--Miss S. teaching in Sudbury district, is home on her vacation, Mr. Fitzpatrick of Sault Ste. Marie is | visiting her mother, Mrs, Ed. O'Hara. Winnipeg where her husband was acting in the capacity of city fireman, When the war broke out he sccompanied the boys to the front, receiving wound in the leg that prevented him from any kind of work, even st the present time being confined in the hospital in Winnipeg. Last winter Mrs, McKinnon contracted the influenza while it was at its worst and it left ber in poor health, She came to Toronto a few weeks to remuin with 2» sister there, thinking the change would prove beneficial, but ahe did not seem to improve noticesbly, therefore she decided to come here with another sister, thinking again that probably this move might bring bet- ter results. But she failed to improve, and gradually sank. passing pescefully Jaway on Sunday mornitg. Her husband, 'of course, enald not be present, She died at the home of her sister, Mrx. James Ry- ther, on the 6th line, They had no fam- ily. Her brothers and sister are John Marley of the Sth line. Mrs. Bennett of Toronto, Mrs, John Loftus of this village and Mrs. James Ryther. All have the sympathy of this village and vicinity. | pes as | BELLE EWART July 6.--A serious uccident occurred in |front of Sheppard's garage on Monday ev- ening when four-yeur-old Ed, Jacks, son of Mr. and Mrs Herman Jacks, ran in front of an auto driven by Mr, Lee. The |sbout the bead, Dr, McCullum was in attendance in a few minutes und did all he could for the little fellow, and ut the 'ume of wri Yo blame ia attached to the driver. . On Sunday James Dolan fell while getting out of 4 boat. Striking a stone, be broke his collur bone. Mrs, Baxter and her sister, Pearl Gib- bens, are spending a few days with friends in Toronto, Mix Ene Whan left on Monday for Guelph to take a course at the Agricultural who has been College. Davis, a aon. Jack Gregg is suffering with a sprained | ankle. \child was, knocked down und severely cut | ing he stands u fair chance of | on Dominion Day, to Mr, and! | oH L5¢ a Plad 2 for 258 The BEST Chewing Tobacco An and Mr lust wee ped an Congratulations eymour Kell, who were marricit nil to Mine LEFROY for her home at H. Mre, AL MeCullo ¢ McCullough of Barrie w the tof Mise Agnes Allan sber of werinl rou Kirk) ie Park. ch of Cookstown spent mother, Mrs. J, Beus surveyors ure rk trick's to Mies Ei el Occomore Tnabel Bai Mus Josie Bernard of Toronto is visit-/ Wray Lazenby returned from New On | ind Mr. Fred Wood, married last. Wednes png telutives in the village, [tario and. sj a few day ut his home, | Gay _ 7 * "James O'Neill of Kansas City is spend. | Robt lor ie building @ new house "The number of autos which passed ing few days with his sister, Mrs, D. | for himself [through thie village on the way to the U7 Buckley Elias Ferrier and C. W. Gentleman have | }\() picnie at Killarney Beach wax estive James McGinnis was couple of days both improved their houses by a new ver ated fy nearly owe theosam! in Owen Sound recently, taking in the andah Mrs. Alex. Robinwin of Cookstown avent fighta, Mr, Alex, Robinson of Cookstown hap- 'just week at the bane of ( arge Jumes. {eo Bernard has returned to Toronto! pened with an accident on Tuesday morn-! sige Mabel Ardill.. Toronto, is visiting - after spending a couple of weeks at his ine, hie a © ran away, breaking one | jor sister, Mra. Sheldon . home here. of her arms, She is in the Ro V. How 1 ik the guest o Mist Mue Gallagher, who has been teach. ital, Barrie. | ee peas ah es ee He ie ing at Chelmsford, is spending her vaca: = | Mra. Tuylor. accompanied by her mo hon with her sister, Mra, Jos. MeMurray EDGAR |ther. Mrs. Linton, w back at her home on ©. Riley of Toronto i» visiting bis uncle, Grunge Ave Jos. Riles Thos, Ballf of Minnesota is visiting his Tee lake 1apitaat ree Mr. and Mrs, Lorette of Toronto, with mother and brother here June 29,--Mr. and Mra, H. Wright of baby. are sunting Yrs. Lorette's parents, | Mr. und Mra, Geo. Patterson visited /sfirkhum and Everett Long ure at Andrew Mr. and Mrs, John Toner. friends at Bra iy on Sunday King's. ° ° Mr. and Mrs, Thos, O'Neill of Crai Mrs. A. Crittenden, and Mr. and Mrs. ic Bakes she on jorie Willnon hurt' wpent the weekend with relativen Wilmot Cottenden and daugbter, of Wes thea me ee in the ville pun, | Sank., were week-end visitors at "yg TONG emt Munday here. Mise Th Shichis of Woubsushene. who' Gea, Kinch a. aut jal Cnet ee RE MISE ane has heen in this village a few daya, has rt. Mr. Jay Morningstar of ul The unniversa servicers held on Sun 1 (or other laces " Aa sala Vinted at the home of Peterson Bros, |, TRC aniversary servieww held oo Sun Ro Long has returned} home after ling a visiting in New Flos, vner and Collingwood Mr. and Mrs. John € ily of New York City have arrived to «vend a few weeks' vacation with relatives in this village. Mr, Gallagher Hagher and fum. motored the whole distance kx very highly of the pleasures |and sights observable on the trip, Mre |Gallngher and the other members of the family came by ruil Father Higgins is ying with Rev. M. J, Gearin, and re marked that the wonst piece of roud on the entire trip wax encountered from' Bar- tie north. This speaka very highly of good |roads up here, doesn't it A large number of Phelpstonians attend: | ed the races at Penetang on the let, and, {1 understand, some came home richer by many dollars than when they left Reckless driving is once more becoming prevalent und it is remarked quite often that prople cannot consider themselves 'sufe now on the roads around here. Prob- ably if the license busy, a cause for some of the reckless driving would be found. Tr is with a truly deep feeling of sym. pathy and regeet that your correspondent writes regarding the death of another most respected and highly-thought-of _ citizen '(although for the last few years she had been residing in the West) in the person of Mrs. McKinnon (nee Miss Maggie Mar. ley), who previgus to her murriage was a resident of this place. Everyone who knew her, and especially her school chums (yor correspondent being one of them). admired her for her fine character, good nature and pleasant smiffe at all 'times, In fact, she was looked upon as an ideal companion and when the time arrived that she considered her school days over, it was as if the very life of the entire community bad left, and it was a long time before her companions grew out of the thoughts of her absence. After her marriage a few years ago she took up her realghnce in Save Your Old Tires! em by our Dri-Kure Process at about 34 the Tt can be saved, and 2,500 miles new life put into cost of buying new tires. Why throw away valu- able property-- Have 'your old Tires 3 RE-RUBBERED | The Dri-Kure Process is se effective we cim guarantee results, If not a total wreck we can save you tell you. 80x8% - B2x3K% six4 Sx4 Bh x4} + 8x4 - 22.78 Ver Silvertown Cord Tires wad te these pri Prices. $10.50 722. Yonge St., sD ais eta F; 'money--if not repairable, we will Put an address tag on your old tires and express them to us collect. We repair any make or type of tire, = Prices for Re-Rubbering 1 Dri-Kure Machine $2.50 Frrile ws. The J. P. Holdem Tire and Rubber Co.- Toronto ee Oe inspector would get | uml Mrs. Connell of Keswick «pent a few days here this week Mrs Matthew MeCleay hus returned. tu Thornton after spending a fortnight with | the Misses Patterson Mre. Cook of Coulson is visiting ber Mrw. Kasack A number from here attended the mem oral service in Knox Chureh last Sunday: Rev. N, Campbell apoke on 'The Immor- tality of the Soul." The lawn social held at the Congrega tional Parsonage on June 29 was a decid jed success. An excellent program included 'numberk by the Orillia Quattette, instru {mental music, 4 piano duet by Mr.' Knight on and Miss Mabel Thompson, and w short address by Rev. J. Murray. a former pax tor here. A delightful play, entitled "The |Home-Made Choir," was given by the | Rugby Dramatic Club. Rev, Geo, McLean of Orillia. ably filled the chair A. number of the Edgar girls have gone |to Muskoka for the summer months. CUNDLES | duly 6.--Mr. and Mra. J. Moffatt of Toronto motored here and spent over Sun- day with their parents Mr, and Mrs, Dodds motored from Tor- onto to pay a visit to their sister, Mrs. J 'Malkin. Miss Rete Malkin also was here on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and family of Tor onto spent a few daye at their summer cottage here Mrs. Ferguson and Master Jimmie, of Toronto, who were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Brown, have re- turned home, Miss Greta Daly of the Canadian Soo is home spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. "G. Roc of Elmvale are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Roe. 'The union picnic of the scholars and the U.F.O., held on Friday evening at the school, was well attended considering the weather and the affair not being well ad- vertized. "A splendid ball game and other amusements were enjoyed by all. 'The road work done on the County Road here has made a great improvement to traffic., There is a very bad piece of road inside the town limits, on Bayfield St. ANGUS (Too Inte for last week) June 29.--Mrs, Ed. Martyn left for her home in Toronto on Monday after spend- ing s week with ber mother, Mrs. Neil Shaw. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Holmes of Toronto are visiting Mrs, W. Dean. Mr. and Mrs, Atcheson of Proton visited the Intter's sister, Mrs. A. Miscampbell, Jr, on Sunday . Jack Galbraith and Miss 'irby of Caledon are visiting at Chase Kirby's. Wm. Groves of Stayner visited Miss Esther Groves over Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Freeman McFadden of Cookstown visited the Istter's parenta, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Wolsley, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Clarke motored from King on Sunday and spent the day with 'old acquaintances, and were accompanied home. by, Mrs. David McMackon. Mr, atid Mrs, Fred Pescock and family fof Stroud it Sunday with friends here. Rev. Mm. F, N. Bowes leave this week for their new appointment st Sutton West. 'Miss Lambe returned home to Toronto on y after visiting Mrs, Lorne V. hair." The States ix said to be lo California, which ix Rev It is safer to call 4 woman'e attention to her first gray aye 8 Chinese proverb. Jowest point of land in the United uy in the Presbyterian Church were well a Music by the Baker family dgxon of Churchill wax much en «l helpful xermona were given by F. Cree of Alliston @ tiger's tail than to ted in Deuth Valley 76 feet below sea level HY let rough roads inter- J" fere with your motoring comfort? In this Overland you need not let bad roads spoil good rides. Triplex Springs make ever mile you ride a more enjoyable mile. Light weight makes every mile a more economical mile. J. Watson Rowe, Beeston Best selected leaf-- Sullally manufactured--Delicious flavor-- Ever fresh and lasting MISS L. E. WiLLERS ' Addreas--6 Charlotte St. Barrie. Ont Riding Comfort Made-in-Canada B. G. ROBERTSON, BARRIE _ Train's Auto Sales Oo., Elmvalc Head Office and Factories: Willys-Overland Limited, Toronto, Canada Branches: Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg and Regina ANCHOR PLUG It Holds its Flavor PAINTING AND July 6 --Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tebo and -- Agent for the Spirella Corset Company Gordon and Norma huve gone on w month for Barrie east of and including both ater PAPER HANGING vacution to the Western coust of Toronto 8t., solicits ordera from all old as Mies Isobel Ramsey has resigned us cust-mers und ax many pew ones as |tescher of this school. and left on Friday possible. 25-30n-tfe Ask your dealer for EDDY'S Toilet Paper DDY'S make millions of sheets of toilet per every year, yet this huge quan- is only a small fraction of the tre- mendous output of papers, matches, indur- tity ated fibreware, etc, Whenever you buy toilet ~ paper, look for the name Eddy--then you'll get your fall value, Made in Rolls, (Ovals, Packages--a variety of 10 different kinds, = * This rare combination of rid- ing luxury with driving economy agcounts for the tremendous en- thusiasm which is greeting the Overland all over Canada. Its equipment is of the most modern type. Its stamina is a credit to the Canadian institu- tion which created this car. Let us show you the Overland. JAS. CASE, 50 HENRY ST. Phone 888J, P. O. Box 805 =< -- er zi ig eel es gardens. ~The cho' exquisite fi charms. 1 Look for RORGRE Rene RONG SOME RECIPES Cool drinks are met diet und the mixing them. . stuntial ones, whic can be uxed for with a cracker or for milk and es porters reat food ich drinks Sgurprise'" compa Then they can consumed on the But--and_ thi they should not i but should be sim swallowed, they h fect Then there are lemonule, -- grape They ¢ be arre the tumblers that then: Possibly the pare is lemonade. should alws frigerutor. bottle of soda o1 a tall tumbler witl ice, Add a tables fill with the soda aschino cherry in dition of w hull « Len Two cups strat water; 8 cups sug sugar together for lemon juice and | utes. Then pour i Beal und keep in Ginger One pint ginger 3 lemons; 1 cup = of ice in a glow together the Inmc ter and pour ove before serving po A few sprays of 2 delicious flavor Mi Make a large p¢ of tea to 1 cup o to stand for 3 mir place a chunk of Y% cup lemon jui tea and let stand solved. Ask for Minare --for boiling ing and baki Stove" and ' good cook. The New Pe cool kitchen. satisfaction - from smoke It burns che The "Long turns every Now Perfectior 'Sold by good « stration of the New Perfectior

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