Poe Thursday, July 8, 1920 . SR OLOR OK CORE ~% PERSONAL KteT TTT TT friends in Toronto. moving to Toronto shortly, ~* Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Jackson, Toronto, visited their nncle an aunt, Mrcand-Mrs, J, M¢Gandtesa, the beginning of the week, ~~ rs. J. M. Ness, Miss r. Miss Laura Ferry is visiting| Gladys Ness\and Mrs. V. i, bly. motored to Hamilton and But Miss Mary Payne spent Domin-tor q few days' visit lhel week. ion Day in Toronto. Dr. Frank Smith tice in Welland, iss*Tanis MaeLaren is visit. ing relatives at Delora. Misses Dora and Helen Watti ie Ps 7 of Bracebridge are holidaying in|t® her home in 'Toronto after town. Mrs. Moerschfelder of Toron- fo is the guest of Mrs. D. H. Mac. Laren + Mrs, Jno. R. Leadiay of 'Toron- to is visiting Mrs, R. Leadlay, {Owen Street Miss Ida Lewis of Saskatoon, Sask., is spending her vacation at her home in High St Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Luek and family visited friends in Queens- Ville last wes Mr. and Mrs. A. C, Garden and Miss Garden of Hamilton were in town today, Miss Reta Suteliffe af Toronto is visiting her. parents, Mr, and Mrs J. F, Sutcliffe Miss Aleta Paddison has gone {o Alliston to spend the holidays will) her grandparents. Mrs. John Robertson of Stroud spent last week with Mrs. Frank Robertson, Worsley St Miss Marguerite MeKinloy has returned home after spending three weeks in Buffalo. Mixs C. Bird of Oakville is spending vacation with her par- ents. @apt. and Mrs, Bird. Mr. and Mes. Edgar Smith of Coboure a holidaying with Mr Hand Mrs. D0 6. Murehison Miss S$. M, Gamble, James St, spent last week in Siroud, the eMestofMrs, Oswald Blar' Mr. and Mes. Wm. F r of Toronto visited Mrs. A. Paddi- son for a few day' last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Shephard ef Alliston visited Mes. A. Paddi- son. Rrock St. over Sun Mr. and Mrs. MeLaughlin and son of Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, F, B, Sutcliffe. Mary st. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Carley of Schrieber returned home on 'Thursday after a twolweeks' visit he Miss Marjorie Bradley has re- turned te her home in Toranto afer visiting with her unele, Dr Hart HW. P. Bingham ani his nephew, Holion Haugh, of Toronto. spent twa weeks' vacation inn hern © Ontario Mrs, Dro Vaughn and Miss * M.D. Laidiaw are holidaying with Miss Maconchy and Mrs. W D. MacLaren "oW. Elliett of the Alliston Herald motored over to Barrie Jast Saturday afternoon and call- od on xaminer Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Henry spent a fow days at Eugenia Falls and Markdale last week and enjoyed seme fine trout fishing Mrs. E Fo oJ. Fitagerald has residence in. Qwen St te G. W. Atkinson and intends mmm UNITED FARMERS mmm "THE WHITE STORE" Our grocery stock is FRESH and complete. All bulk goods parcelled as soon as received, B.C, Salmon, flats, per tin ...... + Choice B.C. Salmon, flats, per tin Sockeye Red Salmon, per tin . "Cute" Brand Sulmén, 1-Ib. tin Fancy Sockeye Red Salmon, 1- Clark's Pork and Beans, large Post Tousties,, per pkg. Corn Flakes, per pkg. therefore cleanliness "Aylmer" Tomatoes, "Aylmer" Corn, per tin Joun of Are Pens per tin Puffed Rice, per pkg. Shredded Wheat, per Flaked Wheat, 3 Ibs. Corn Mel, Ww, "Cream of the West" i Postponed The Auction Sale of Cows \ Barrie, on Saturday, July 10, has been postponed. . is starting | Wheatlets, 3 Ibs. for Puffed Wheat, per pkg. ........ pkg. lor ssasievyete low, per Ib, ...-... Best Rolled Oats, per Ib. . vee flour for better bread. "Monarch" flour for pastry. Try our special TEA, black or mixed, 55¢ Ib. O United Farmers Co-Operative Co., Ltd. " 138 Dunlop st. BARRIE, ONT. Ph Date will be set later Miss Elgood and Miss Ingram of Ovenden College sailed this week for England where they will spend the summer with friends, Mrs. W. H. Hind has returned |spending two weeks with 'her Rarents, Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Ness, Miss Grace Fisher is home from the Toronto Conservatory for vacation. She took her three examinations with first-class honors, Mile Shopoff, who has been ab- sent in Bulgaria for the past [year has returned to Ovendon College, accompanied by | her mother, Mrs. Thos Sibbald left on Mon- day for Cobalt to spend the sum- mer there, She was accompani- ed by her granddaughter, Elsie Bigelow. | Mr. and Mrs. Parrington, the Misses Parrington and Mrs. At- kinson of Toronto motored up to |spend the holiday with Mrs. Geo. Hill. Sophia St Mrs. H. Gardner of New West- minster, BQ. and Mrs. E. J. Graham of Pilisburg, Pa.. spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, 'T. Sewrey las! week. Mr. and Mrs. Gardipy and Miss mere Gardipy of Collingwood were holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Sewrey, Mc- Donald St., last wee Mrs. G. AL Dack who has been |visiting her daughter, Mrs, J. Mathieson, Maple Ave. leave: tomorrow fo visit another daughter in Winnipes Mrs A. Brandon and Mas- ter Alex. have returned to Moose Jaw after a two month' visit with | her parents, M d Mrs. Alex.! Kennedy, McDonald St After a short visit tu her par- ruts. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Cooper, Santo! St, Miss Amy Goopers| of Toronto nas left for Lake| Rosseau. Muskoka, for the sum-| mer mon'hs. Rey Go who has sum. meted ont ake, Algonquin Park, for the last fifteen years, has sald Ins property there and will spend his holidays in Barrie, | having built temporary quarters | r on his lot in the Fast End. Hel ant Mrs. Turk arrived in town} this wee Thomas Hastings and Miss Ada in Ann Arbor, Mich. Smith were last week attending the funeral of the late Ven. Archdeacon Wastings of the Angliean Chureh in {he Dievose of Southern Mich- igan. The late Archd on Hast- ings wes a brother of Thomas Hastings and Mrs. 'Thos. Smith, Albert Street, Mr. and Mes. J. J. MeClafterty ned to their home in Ont., after a short visit with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Quinlan, before sailing on t Prince Frederick [William for Great Britain, Tre Hand and France, When in Scot- land they will be the guests of Mr. MeClafferty's parents. in Lanark and purity assured. per tin 20¢ Cattle Sale to be held at Jos. Marrin's, i Otton Hardware Co., Ltd. The Five Points Hardware Store P The Jupiter ' Written rolls for 5 years gnaraniee wilh The Jup finish, and is the most com bearmg shafts. side spiral p) able metal iub clamps. All to prevent rast. Pree... THE JUNO, without ha five years and floral designs. Prived seen, Tt has rolls 11 im. long, Arotected gears, ball- Ball- Bearing Wringer each wringer, guaranteeing iter is modern in style and npact wringer we have ever ressure springs and adjust- metal parts are galvanized satarereoelarasian $9.75 I bearings, guaranteed for ... $8.00 and Imperial Ware: they are strong and substantially made Preserving Kettles in Pearl anu in various sizes. ' No. 32, about 8-quart size, No. 28, Cr $1.35 FOGH soe No, 34, about 10-quarf' size, No. 32, about 8-quart size, xan sat rreaiey sees $1.65 COON ici Saisie cine a oe $1.05 No. 4 about 12-quart size, 50 int jars, each ...... § The HOOVER Tt Beats... As It Sweeps As It Suction Cleans The Juno Wringer We will gladly demonstrate erms if desired. Call or phone Priced--$62.50 to $75 y mond Ware, which is a mottled blue with white lining. No. 36, about 12-quart size, si. $3.00 No. 40, Granite Spoons, each . CANNING RACKS That are made of heavy wire and retin- ned to prevent rusting. They fit either an 8 or 9 boiler and hold 8 quart and 10 from 20c. to 27c. Half Holiday Wednes- day SATURDAY Open Till 10 p.m. Preserving Kettles in Dia- each ........., ++ $3.25 GBR: suieaiinacaion ve on $1.00 Hose Nozzle Made of bras: praying nozzle . adjustable Garden Hose per foot Wire Screen Cloth 810 to 20 foot Now is the time to attend to our windows and doors, All izes from 18 in, to 48 in. wide, HAMMOCKS A range fo choose frum, Beautiful colorings in stripes from $3.90 to $10.00 handle Hedge Shears from $2.00 to $2.25 COOKSTOWN Hector Sutherland underwent an oper- ation for appendicitis in Toronto last week. Arthur Robinson and family of St, Cath- arines spent the week-end with his bro- ther, Wm. Robinson. Chas, McFadden is in Elmvale. Percy Clarkson returned home from Western Canada this week, Buy, your overalls and work shirts at Fisher Miss Marjorie Dunning is visiting at Rev, W.. Creswick e's Point. Banting and children of | 'ing her parents, Mr. and Mra, John Robinson. ing with friends duct service in St. John's Church next Sunday, Elmer Feltis and Earl Bruce of Ham- ilton spent a few days Inst week at their homes here. At the races in Alliston on Dominion Day, Wm. Hughes' two horaes got first and second money in the free-for-all and second in the 2.30 class, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Malcolm left this week for Stenn, Sask., where they will spend a few months with their son Melville. Mrs. David Thompson is visiting in To- ronto and St, Catharines, 'Toot' Donnell of Toronto spent Dom- inion Day with his parents, Mr. Dunning of Toronto visited his son, H. L. Dunning, this week. Wm. Grose has sold his farm to Mr. Mason of Shelburne. ° Miss Coleman of Toronto visited at Wm. | Arnold's Inst week. Ted Dutton of Toronto and his sister, Mrs. Pegg of Holland Landing, spent the week-end with their brother, Robt. Dut- ton. Mr. and Mra. Fred Graham and son and | Mr. and: Mrs, McLennan of Mount Forest visited at Mra, John Graham's,-Clover Hill, | --H. T. Rankin's prices on hartiess are hard to excel, L.O.L, No. 449 will attend divine ser- vice at the Methodist Church on Sunday, July 11, st 7 p.m. Rev. T. R, White, Grand Chaplain. of the Grand Orange! Grass Shears from 60c. to $1.35 i of , British North America, ° will Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Pugsley and daugh- ter Dorothy attended the wedding in To- |ronto on Wednesday of the former's sis. | ter, Esther, to Mr. Walker of Toronto, | Mrs, Alf. Ayerst of Meaford spent a few |days last week with her nephew, Harry | Fisher, Cookstown baseball team won second {money in the baseball tournament at the |U.F.O. pienic ut Killarney Beach, Dom- inion Da Mrs. (Major) 'Thompson and son Duff left last week for St. Catharines, where | they will reside, Borden Boynton of Fergus visited with friends in town this week. Mra. Tait and daughter Mary, of Tor. Rev. Mr. Bucklee of Toronto will con-| onto, spent the holiday in town, Miss Lynda Robinson of the Union Bank staff is having her vseation. Miss Jenkins of King visited at D. Hop- | per's Inst week. ' Mrs, Jus, Tait of Barrie spent over Sun- |day with her mother, Mrs, Jas. Rainey Mrs. Freeman Campbell of Barrie visit- ed her mother-in-law, Mrs, John Camp- bell. this week. his recent illness, Wilson Kell's little girl is ill with pneu- mo ind Mrs, Skelton and W. Agar of [Alliston visited at Chris. Thompson's this week, A Presentation Ere she left Cookstown, the ladies of panied by the following address: Dear Mrs. More:--Your many Indy| friends of the Cookstown Methodist Church can not permit you to depart from amongst us without expressing to you the pleasure it has been to us during the past four years to be associated with you in the work of the church and in the social life of the community, and to express our regreta that you are'soon to remove to another field of labor, in Thornbury. As a alight token e O'Cedar and Liquid Veneer Mops A mop of mevit, with long adjustable spinine AN6 SSAA EOS Sioa $1.75 Waxing Brushes "he proper brush foi waxing and polish- 15 and 20-Ib. woight ng your floor, Aiea Rae RNR Wie oie $3.50 and ee of our appreciation' and esteem we ask your | acceptance of this purse for your own per- | sonal use, and with it also accept our very | (Ree, and Appr)" best wishes for health, happiness and many | years of usefulness in the Muster's service, |Signed on bebalf of the ladies, Mrs. W. | Robinson, Pres; Mrs, A. Ingham, Secy | STROUD June 28.--A very jolly party took place | |at "Sunny Acres," the home of Mr. and |Mm. John Robertson, when they opened | their home to the ladies of Stroud Presby- | terian Church, the occasion being a mix cellaneous shower for Miss Ethel Robert. son, Worsley Bt., Barrie, and formerly of Stroud, About fifty gathered in the spa: [ious living-room, where a large white bell |was suspended from the arch, and from 'it pink and white streamers were caught | up with white flowers, These decorations | | with profusion of pink and white peon- ies and ferns made a lovely picture. "The | {kifte, which were piled high on an oval le, were many and beautiful, clearly in- dicuting the high regard in which the re- |eipient is held in her old home. The hearty |wiahes of her many friends go with her to T. A. Jebb is able to be out again after her new apherc. A dainty luncheon served by girl friends concluded u most enjoyable | afternoon. jist Chure Jand Mra. Cyril McDonald, on the 12th address was read by Harvey -|land, brick house, bank the Methodist Church presented to Mrs. ed Mrs, McDonald with a beautiful brass Bp) . yank, Ber (Rev.) J. H. More a purse of $40, accom- |jardinier and plant. ade $4.00 TTON HARDWARK co., LTD. lS ee en ED S. S.No. 7, Vespra To Sr. IV--Gladye Harru, Viola Scott To Jr. IV---Lillian Donnell To Sr, Il--Flizubeth McKer- non, Elgin Harris, Elion Bishop, Everard. Young. Rosa Henderson, Teacher. SS HOUSE FOR SALE Rougheast house on James St., three bedrooms, silting room id kitchen, good cellar, covered. in verandah, 1% acres land, fruit trees, berry bushes, barn, hen house, work shop ....... $1250 M. D. Cubitt-Nichols, Barrie BUGGY FOR SALE New rubber tires, wire wheels, good as new, Apply to M. D: Cubitt-Nichols, Barrie. FARMS FOR SALE Those are only which T have : =50 acres within easy walkin distance of town, large brick house, all conveniences, garage + $14,009 good level a few of many Price. thee eeteeeeee sence $16,099 For particulars apply to .. M. D. Cubitt-Nichols, Barrie.