VF FP --_-- age.Ten PHONE C. BROWN 250 FOR THE BEST IN BAKERS' BREAD SANDWICH BREAD AND A FULL LINE OF PIES, CAKES AND PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop: Cor, Elizabeth and Small Streets om YOUR READING | - NEEDS* Are Well Supplied at-- SCOTT'S i BOOKSTORE | Jas. Arnold FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT | Real Estate and Money to Loan A number of Valuable Farms and 'Town Properties for Sale on the most reasonable terms, Masonic Temple Building, Barrie 6.6, Smith & Co, Established 1869 UNDERTAKERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Morgue and Chapel IN CONNECTION BARRIE, ONT. - - Phone 82 [ees Pack all your Auto Worries ina "TRAVELERS" POLICY IT COVERS 1. PERSONAL LIABILITY--Injury to persons Il. PROPERTY DAMAGE--Iojury to the other fellow's property. M1, COLLISION--Injury to yqur own car Then cover vgainst FIRE in one of our} many feliable companied, andl enjoy your auto trips "care free'. Write or pbone. A. F. A. MALCOMSON THE INSURANCE MAN, BARRIE -- ------ DYEING AND CLEANING Your Clothing will be properly cleaned inside and outside at W: Firth's. The linings and inside of your clothing are as important as the outside. Why not have them done right when you are having them done? All kinds of Repairing done. We know how. / W. FIRTH Phone 229 Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. The Barrie Planing Mill Corner Sophis and Mary Streets Mnoufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring, Ceiling, Mouldings, Water Troughs, Tanks, ete. We carry in stock a! large aseortment of Rough sod Drested Lumber, B.C. Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying ® Specialty. Dressing done promptly. Consylt ur with your biuilding. THOS. ROGERS Office 163. Residence 353 ~ PROTECT Your Family Your Business _ Your Future With an Annual Divi- dend Policy inthe i 'Sun Life » WJietip Canada's Grestegt Life Insurance | | | -- paid and from which PAID-UP_ CAPITAL RESERVE FUND BARRIE BRANCH, BENTON OF THE through special arrangemen (Continued from last week? Like hghtning both men's hands streaked to their hips, but the yeggman was the quicker of the two, The girl saw his action and, with a hasty movement, flung herself between the combatants with raised, protesting hands, "No, no, no! Harry, screamed, = But, simultaneous with her ery, came the flush and crack of his gun. Staggering with the shock of the bullet. she clutched at her bosom in stupid bewilderment. "Oh, God! she gasped in her sgony. "Oh, bub-bub-bub!"" And, swaying with a side-long lurch, she fell 'heavily to the ground For a few seconds the two men remained motionless, stupefied at the tragedy that hud bedn enucted before 'their eyes Then the policeman's gun spoke and, with » groaning blasphemy, Harry reeled back, dangling a shattered left wrist that he bad don't!" she |fung up instinctively to shield his head Again and again the Sergeant pressed the trigger, but a succession of empty clicks were ull that followed. With di-. may he then recollected expending four fruitless long-range shots at 4 coyote that evening whilst exercising Johnny, and. ne- glecting to reload. He was at the other's mercy, But that individual, seemingly deimoralized by the eacruciuting torture of his wound. failed to profit by his advantage. Still clutching his gun. he wheeled around and dashed for the railroad track Tn feverivh haste EI ejected the spent his weapon, with the practised flip of the finwhed guo-fighter, fling two more shots after the fugitive, who had recoiled from his sudden contact with the barbed-wire fence that ran alongside the track. At the second report Harry pitched for ward on his face, but the next moment he had rolled under the lower strand of the wire, urisen to his feet again and limped away in the gloom, heading for the ata tion, Benton's first fierce impulse was to [follow in immediate pursuit. but a low moan of intense half-conscioux agony from. {the stricken girl checked him. 'ant get fur winged like that any- he muttered. "TM get him later."" Stooping down, she gently gathered up the inanimate body in his powerful ai and strode towards the cottage with h burden. The head, with its soft mass of curly lark hair, lolling over --helploadly repinst his shoulder like a tired child's, whilst the bright arteriul blood pumped 'in quick iete from the bullet wound in her Ireast ull down the front of his stable- jacket With un impatient thrust of his knee, he burst open the gate and. climbing fhe few atens, entered through the open door into the front room, where a Inmp was burning. Here he deposited the gitl on a low couch. Attracted by the sho the sounds of hurrying féet nnd the mur- mur of many voices and, presently, a small concourse of excited and curious people hegan to gather in front of the cot- tage where the light was showing through the open door. The Sergeant stepped for- ward hastily "Quick!" be sait¢ "One of you run up to the hotel and get Dr. Mungri he's staying there, "Quick! This gi been shot, and she's bleedin' to death!" And, in response to his appeal. t figures immediutely detach@d themselves from the gathering and sped away. Turn- ing back to the con he kneeled down and, ripping open the 's flimsy blouse, rolled his handkerchief into 9 pad and pressed it tightly over-the wound. She Jay quite still, with closed eyes, groaning occasionally with the deadly pain that wracked her, a bloody foam bubbling..up from her lips at each gaspi bieeln Soon Musgrave came buating it "Why, what's this?" he said breath. lessly, "That fellow -- with her," answered Ellis disjointedly. 'Wanted for murder -- B.C. -- went to arrest him -- shot ar me -- hit her -- instead -- Can't tell If s0, you have "Riggs" Disease, you n hom Bich wil cive you immediate rl A' SAVINGS ACCOUNT It is always well to have a Savia. Account upon which interest is re; at any time should you have aygood. opper- 'tunity to buy stock or feed. A Savings Account is Reedy Money. ; THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE shells. drugged forth three more cartridges, jond, thrusting them into the cylinder of . toon there came | » | gradi Is Your Mouth Tender? Are Your Gums Sore or Bleeding? ' Are-Your Teeth Loosening? Riggs Remedy for Riggs Disease Why suffer when you can Sys oro anf and the) coentoe} and THE BARRIE EXAMINER you are free to draw _ $15,000,000 - ~ $15,000,000 H. M, Lay, Manager. ROYAL MOUNTED A Tale ofthe R.N.W.M.LP. by Sergt. Ralph S. Kendall Serial Publication rights secured by The Examiner t with owners of copyright. "Here, Charley! -- look after her -- goin' after him --'not far sway -- hit_bad. He was on his fect as he spoke, swiftly ramming fresh shells into his gun: und with one last look at the unconscious face, he jumped down the steps and started for the station via the direction that Har ty had tal A few of the more ad Venturous spirits attempted to follow him but he peremptorily ordered them back knew, he haetily beckoned its owner asfle. here; look, Wardle!" be said, in ® tense undertone to the kindly-faced old tian who officiated ax postmaster in the litgle town, 'I'm giad you're here. There'y a girl in the house there, who's been shot up pretty bad, an' I think it's all up with her." He rapidly explained the situation |to the other, adding "You're a J.P | Don't attempt to worry her if she's too |. |far gone, remember. but try an' get deposition off her if the doctor will allow it, an' get him an' somebody alse to wit ness it Can't stop now -- got to Ret after this chap, quick!' And he hur- ried away. |, A man swinging 4 railroad lamp came [forward and sccosted him, whom he re cognized as the station sgent. | "Look. aow. Carey," he said signifi cantly. in response to the ofher's excited offer of help. . if you want to But 1 tell you flat -- you'r takin' a hig chance of gettin' burt, Douse that cursed light," be added irritably, "or you'll be makin' @ proper mark of us" The other prompty obeyed, ently they reached platform. electric torch. "Should be some blood to trail him by. he muttered. "I got him twice, Mello and pres the beginning of the here it is." | Pressing the button at intervals, they followed the faint dribbles snd spote slong the ties, Clear pust the station offic and freight shed it led them, right to the shelving terminus of the platform. where they brought up a dozen or so yards be. yond when the blond marks suddenly ceased "What place is that" whispered the policeman, indicating small structure whose shadowy outlines loomed upyvagusly jwgainst the surrounding gloom "Section men's hut," the agent whi pered back. "There's only some tools and 8 hendcar in there, It's locked, though, and Petersen, the section boss, has the jkey. He can't get in there. Let's go on 4 piece -- we may pick it up again" They crept cautiously on for a short distance, but the aunguinary trail {uiled to reappear, | "No use goin' any farther, is, in # low tone. ""P'raps he's doubled |buck an' euched himself under the plat- | form." 'They retraced thir steps and soon pick: Jed ep the blow 4 '4 again. Benton. gun in hand, halted resolutely in frout of | the section but "You're sure it's locked, Cary!' he said. The other moved ahead "Yes, sure," he answered. good lookin' there, Sergeant around the platform." protested ~ let's rout A sudden impulse, though, moved Ellis | to step over to the shed. Grasping the door handle, he pulled on it. To his sur- prise it swung open, The next instant there came a rattle as yen {OF tools being displaced as a dark form arose. Followed a blinding spurt of flame |and a 'deafening report "right, it seemed, lin hie very face. Instinctively, he winced jaway, with a burning pain in his left ear |and. "ducking down. with deadly calcul |tion he fired upwards' twice ae he did so. The detonstion in the galvanized-iron {structure was terrific. When the echoes | y died sway, a curious scraping, threshing noise, monotonous in its regul- arity, succeeded, coupled with a horri Jong-drawn, liquid , a8 of water is- suing from the neck of an inverted battle. These. ominaus sounds, "too, eventually ceased, and the silence of the night settled over all once more. Carey clutched Ben: Pyorrhea, or Trench Mouth, and Catching sight. though, of a fuce that dhe | The Sergeant produced uw snuall | " ton with' » shiver, and his teeth chattered es z "Is -- is he -- dead -- d'you think?" he, quavered, "Don't know," returned Benton in a low voice: "'Sufferin' Moses! my ear' hurtin' me somethin' fierce. I'm bleedin' like a stuck pig. Keep you well to the side"there, when I flagh the light in. You never know what's goin' to come off." Cautiously he presed the spring of bix torch und, as the halo of 'radiance pene- trated the obscurity, he gave a quick, searching look With a satisfied sigh he [yeleosed the button and turned in the dark. hess to his companion. "All right, Carey," he said reassuringly. "You can light up' again now." With shaking fingers, the other prod 8 miatch and, relighting bis lamp. cart rays into the Spening. He beheld a sixht that was to remain in his memory for many a day. With a cry of horror. be tumbled back, the lantern falling from his_nerveless grasp, Ellis stooped and picked up the smoking globe. [S "Here, here!" he remonatrated callous: ly "What's wrong with you, Carey? Get « bold of yourself, man, You're a peach to want to come man-hunting, you are Thus urged. and trembling violently with horror and repugnance, the sgent urced himself' again to the ordeal aie ing the lamp once more, he gazed with a morbid fascination at the ominous heap that but a short while back had been » strong. hot-blooded man With a handkerchief pressed to hia j wound, and cursing softly with pain. the Sergeant jerked his gun back into ils holster again, Stepping forward, he 1a spected hit handiwork critically, 'The :wo heavy, smashing bullets of the Colt's 43 fired at close range had done their deailly | work effectively. "One, pene:rating a little henenth ge left eye, had blown away' 8 portionbf the skull in ite exit, whilat the other, tearing its passage thriugh the jthick, bull throw. had turned the. plsee into « veritable shambles ill elutched in the stiffened right hand was a huge, unfamiliar type of pistol, which weapon the policeman xuniined with curious interest. coming --as it near ly had -- to ending his earthly existence |The terrible simplicity of the creed that was his in such matters forbade hia evine ing slightest vestige of pity oF re- Biome for hie dead enemy. Ths cision of a pule. pinched-faced young mother. with a little child. seembd to urise hefore |his eyes, and the heart-broken ery of a stricken girl till rang in hin ears and hardened his heart, |, "Blast youl" he muttered savagely. You only got what was comin' to you Tt was me or you, this trip, an' no error. You had an even break, anyway The agent turned aside shaking in every |imb, jets get!' he said. with an outh T can't stand it no longer. ind happenings like this win't you Sergeun' you're used to it in your line o° busines, Benidea, you've heen through » war and must have killed and seen lots of frllets killed before. jIt don't turn you up like it rors ine (Come vway. for the love of God. By Gosh! but T could have sworn that place was locked, Petersen must have forgot te snap the padlock. T've rot 1 duplicate ikey here, Guess T'd better Inck everything tight, eh? and give you the "Yes, aaid Ellin "And give Peterson striet orden not to onen it up again till |Txuy x0, Nothing's got to be touched till [the coroner gives the word. Old Corhett Jets im this district, Wonder whether he's at his place?" hh. he's there. all right."" said C: he's sick --all crippled up w patien, His daughter --~ you know the one that ridea -- she was in today and T wae talking to her. "That settles it." said Benton. I'm coin' to wire the O, C. now, an' I'll get hint to send a coroner down by the morn in' train. Let's have that key for a hit, |T want the doctor to have a look at thix | body ** Some twenty, minutes later be returned to the cottage. Musgrave and old Wardle met him on the threshold, and the former, jwith u significant gesture enjoining sil. ence, softly closed the door. ith the light' of & stronge exultation showing in his haggard face and bloodshot eyes. he proceeded to acquaint them witb all that | curiosity. | "Whew! -- some eh marked the doctor. "'He fix up that ear of yours, You're bleeding |like the deuce, and that tunic of youre ix | soaked." And, ax Benton removed. the handkerchief, "Why man, lobe clenn away! be as quiet as you can -- T've put her on the bed in the room, I've given her ;|a strong morphine injection to ease the pain. It'll keep her quiet for a time." He turned; with his hand on the door- 'knob, but Ellis caught him by the arm. '(To be 'continued) FILLING UP TORONTO (Port Elgin Times) In 4 current issue of the Toronto Tele- gram there are a number of advta. under the heading of "Unfurnished Houses Want- ed." They range all the way from the formal announcement that Mr. So-and-So wants a house. t® the more elaborate ap- peal of the well-to-do who says rent is no jobject. Others name $80 and $100 » month. And the grand finale is furnished in the following: $15 given anyone providing a small house for rent, May 3, west end with lease preferred, $20.00 reward for unfurnished house to rent, 6-8 rooms, modern, on or before the first of June, 'These two frantic souls must have put in a merry couple of weeks gumshoeing around Toronto. But that's not the point. It's this: Have you noticed any reward being offered by these Toronto people for acres where they could be producers in- stead of consumers? : o Not much! Jam them in, crowd 'em in, sonk em' in. Fill up the cities until people rant around like lunatics offering rewards for finding a place to sleep and eat. It's great for the landlords of Toronto, but it's mighty poor for all the rest. And so they go. crowding the cities to the point of inganity and suffocation, while the farm population continues to dwindle. And all the while we have wise men in the large cities figuring out why it is costing like sin to make s living and stand the pace. ; 'The 'House Wanted' ivts. in the city papers give an explanation so lucid that he who runs may read, / 1 Young pigs. pair. h $1.00-1.10, had happened. They listened with eagen Thursday, June 3, 1920 HAVE YOU, ASTHMA? Fallot te guaranteed S7'he use of TEMPLETON'S RAZ-MAH cAPSpLES =~ paeaicnietere ing anc suey fis Papeete es W., Toronto. 64a, Sold by able druggists Srorywherefor 61.08 & bore Samples maybe bad at Crossland's Drug Btore q grrr image | THE MARKETS a |S | SATURDAY MARKET The marvellous growth of the past week was 'much commented upon snd. brought |out « splendid supply of needfuls for the |week, Butter dropped a few cents per pound in thanksgiving for the abundant meadows, Ejgs also showed a. decline, re'niling st 43-43¢ dozen, Potatoes are holding steadily upwards, 85.00 being the leust quotation for a bag on Snturday If you desire to raise some pork this year, the market would seem to be the place to secure small pigs, seversl loads being on hund the past few weeks, 'Tomato plants at 20c for a box of 15 were very plentiful The Earlianna brand seemed to be. the most called for, There were several bou- quets of flowers, particularly of narciseus and pansies, An high wx Ie was anked. A big supply of rhubarb was on hand, also some mice green onions, Some fowl which still cling to the name of chicken' were 35. cents per pound Rutter, per Ib, Egy per dozen Chicken, dressed, Ib. Carrots, basket Cabbage, each ... Onions, basket... Onions. green, bunch Rhubarb, per bunch Beets, basket ............. Tomato plants, per box Apples, basket Cream, quart aaa Maple Syrup, gallon .. Hay, ton, , Hogs. wt, NEARBY MARKETS (May 27, 1920) Elmvale--Butter 55c. eggs 450, dressed chicken 40c, hogs, live weight. $19.00, drewed hogs $25.00, pean $2.50-3 00, flour $14.00-15.00, wheat $1.85-1.97. Orillis Butter 56-58c, eggs 44-45¢, potutoes $5.00-5.50 bag, hay $25.00-28.00 ton, dressed chicken 35-40c, barley $1 50- 1.75. outs $1.15-1,20, peas $2.50-2.73 npring lamb 30-33c. 'pork $25.00-26.00. Packet. Beef hax 4aken another big jump upwards. Butter f coming in freely and | the price has fallen 5¢ per pound, oate and buckwheat up, cattle up. Bradford--Butter 58-60e, eggs 45c, oats hogs $19.00 cwi.. potatoes $4.50 bs pean $3.00, Beeton--Butter 50-55¢, eggs 45-460. MIDLAND WANTS ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE Mayor J, 8, McDowell, of Midland, has extended. on behalf of ihe town, an in- vitution to directors und members of the Ontario Motor Lesgue to hold their mid- summer meeting in July there, The-mat- ter will be considered at the next meeting of the O.ML. board. This is the first time that the league has ever been invited officially by a municipal corporation, jthough many mayors gnd councillors are members of automobile clubs, LIQUOR REFERENDUM LIKELY IN OCTOBER It is probable that the Ontario refer. endum on importation of liquor will be held in October, as bas already been de- cided in the case of three other provinces. A definite 'ate, however, bas not been de- cided. OLEO HAS EDGE ON BUTTER IN NUMBER OF CALORIES According to s return made in the Commons last week, the nutritive value of oleomargariae expressed in calories is higher than that of butter, The figures are: Butter 3,558.92 calories per pound, and oleo 3,699.70. Soiled clothing should always be put into a hamper, preferably away from the sleep- ing goom. Look Like Nothing bettertocare for you halrandbands. the Soaploclense and purify the Ointment to soothe De {Office and Residence Cort ---- HERBERT L. BAMFORD, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster Andrew's Church' Tuition in Piano, Organ, Theory and Singing Pupils prepared for examinations of Toronto Conservatory of Music, etc. Studio--113 Collier St,--Phone 135 MAUDE E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. "Piano and Vocal Lessons In vocal work special attention is given to Voice Production. Pupils prepared for A.T.C.M. degree in both piano and vocal; also elementary exams. of Toronto Conse. vatory of music or University exams, Studio: King Block. Phone 424. MUSIC LESSONS MISS NETTIE COLPITTS (holding diploma) For further information apply to 100 Peel Si. Phone 835 » LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN Barrister, Solicitor for obtuining probate wills, guardianship and administration, ca General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ete Offices: Hinds' Block, No. 8 Dunlop street, 4 Money to loan BOYS & MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, m Converancers, Eve, loney 1 loan at lowest rates of inte; Offices 13 Owen St. (in the premiace for, merly occupied by the Bank of Toronto; Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C,, M.-P. D. ©. Murchison PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: 707-8 Kent Building. Toronto, Ont. & W. Plaxton. G. Gordon Plazton, ------ = __& Gorton Plarton, OONALD Ross, LL.B, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Buikling, Barrie Money to loan. CRESWICKE & BELL - BARRISTERS icitors for the Supreme Co cature of Ontario, Penetors, Notaria, vom veyancers, etc. Money to loan. Offices: in Ross Block, Barrie, W. A. J. Bell, K.c, =---- ee MEDICAL - OR. H. T. ARNALL ner of Toronte opposite Central Telephone 167. DR. E.G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill Univ rei) Office and Residence, corner Elisabeth and Bradford Sts.. Barrie . Office hours 9 to 10 a.m. 1 to 8 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m. Phone 108 W. A. LEWIS, M.D., CM. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY especially 56 Collier St., Barrie, DR. VICTOR A. HART jand Elizabeth Streets, Methodist Church. Phone 61, -|Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, also Edinburgh and Glasgow. ___Specialty--Diseases of Stomach, Office: Corner Bayfield and Worsley Ste. Office open until 8 p.m. daily. L. J. SIMPSON, MB, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and residence. Collier St Clapperton &t., Barrie. Phone 276." " DR.'MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will he at Owen St, Barrie, every Suturday, Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation hours 11 am. to 6 Pm and by appointment, Barrie Phone No. 2. Toronto Phone North 2826. " DR. J. A. KEARNS HYSICIAN AND SURGEON PHELPSTON, ONT. ~ Office hours: 12-2 and 7.9 p.m. VETERINARY DUNN & BROTHER ' Veterinary Surgeons attle Diseases and Surgery a Specials Phones: Day, 244; night bie 7 Capt. J. Dunn, VS, late of R.A.V.C. A. H. Brother, V.8, if ACOOUNTANTS LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874, 59 Yonge 8t., Toronte A. J. Welch, C.A. G. D. Campbell, C.A T. E. Lawless, C.A. W. 8. Hulbig, Production Engineer Manager Cost and Efficiency Department ------ SIMCOE MARBLE WORKS BARRIE Dealers in Granite and Marble Monuments and Tablets. Only best material used snd first-clsas workmen employed. Brass Tab- leta_a specialty. Prices always right. G.W.J.Eastman, Prop. &.G.Manuel, Mgr. GRAND TRI ~ TRACK ROUTE between : TORONTO MONTREAL { DETROIT and CHICAGO Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains. y Unexcelled dining car service . Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. florning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. . E. BILLINGSLEY Depot Agent 3 Hy t Ask for Minard's and take no other Phone © THE DOUBLE ; PIANO AND VOICE & | ------" --- eR "I