PHONE C. BROWN 250 FOR THE BEST IN-~~~* BAKERS' BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD AND A FULL LINE OF PIES, CAKES AND PASTRY Bakery and Salesho) * 3 IP: Cor, Elizabeth and Small Streets om aoe ae ence cmncencencenommoeomnn) YOUR READING | NEEDS Are Well Supplied at-- SCOTT'S BOOKSTORE Jas. Arnold FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT Real Estate and Money to Loan A aumber of Valuable Farms and wn Properties for Sale on the most ressonable terms. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie -- 6.6. Smith & Co, UNDERTAKERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Morgue and Chapel IN CONNECTION BARRIE, ONT. - - Phone 82 Pack all your Auto Worries ina "TRAVELERS" POLICY \T COVERS J. PERSONAL LIABILITY--Injury to peesnns I. PROPERTY DAMAGE--Injury to the other fellow's pronerty: Il. COLLISION--In.ury to your own cnr, Then cover against FIRE im one of our many reliable con ies, and enjoy your auto trips "earefree'. Write or phone. .A. F. A. MALCOMSON THE INSURANCE MAN, BARRIE DYEING AND CLEANING Your Clothing will be properly cleaned inside and outside at W: Firth's. The linings and inside of your clothing are as important as 'the outside. Why not have them done right when you are having them done? All kinds of Repairing done. We know how. W. FIRTH Phone 229 Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. ----- The Barrie Planing. Mill Corner Sophia snd Mury Streets Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring, Ceiling, Mouldings, Water Troughs, Tanks, etc. We carry im stock o large assortment of Rough and Dresxed Lumber, B.C. Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying « Specialty. Dressing done promptly. Consult us with your building. THOS. ROGERS Phone: Office 16 Residence 358 PROTECT | 'Your Family Your Business Your Future , With an Annual Divi- dend Policy in the Sun Life of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co. " D.J. REBURN, Phone 142 District Mana | and weary frozh luck of sleep and the strain through speci (Cpatinued from sft week). Pryce arose. 'Your Worships,"" he be- gan imploringly, "how 'bout me team an' wagon? Is there any chance of me bein' able to take 'em back with me? I've got 1 tur'ble pile o' work to do, an' I need "em bad." 'The Inspector contemplated the ranch- ex's anxious face thoughtfully a uidment before replying. "Why, yes, Mr. Pryce," he answered slowly, eyeing bis confrere, who nodded his conguirrence to this request, "I don't 'see why you shouldn't. But you will have to sign 8 document undertaking to pro- duce them, if required, when this case comes up at the next Sessions, you undet- stand." All business being now st an end, the Sergeant formally closed the court, In- spector Darby and the congenial Mr. Clonkey departing to the botel, and Ellis to the depot freight office with Pryce to make inquiriee respecting the arrival of rome police stores that were overdue. Finding that the latter had come, be ai ranged with the rancher to hsul them out to the Cherry Creek detachment on his return trip With this and various other small dut- ies the time passed rapidly, and twilight was descending when the Sergeant retraced his steps up the main street on hin w. hack to the detachment. He felt jaded on his physical and mentatpowers during the past forty-eight hours, but a certain exul'ation at the thought of all that had been accomplished in that space of time buoyed him up, In the midst of his somewhat tiredly complacent reflections he became aware of a figure approaching him unsteadily along the uneven board sidewalk whom he recognized at Hicam Bryan. 'A sharp gust of wind suddenly deposited the latter's uncient battered bet in the gutter and made merry sport with his {Venerable wisa of hair and grey beard. Stooping to recover his hendgear, he lost |hin balance und pitched heavily forward. He struggled to his fect again with diff culty and leaned for space, all covered |wich dust, up against the wall of the Chin- ee restaurant, hix breath coming snd go- ing with wheezy asthamtical xobs Ellis presently drew up slongisde and contemplated the unlovely gut -- pitiable spectacle with 4 slightly compassionate grin, = "Hello, Dud." he remarked. "Where d'yu' get it? Been celebratin' along with Hob Tucker. I guess, Well, old gentleman, yu' got outw that mix-up "all hunkadory, an' Twas glad of it." But the old man only rocked perilously on bis heels, regarded hia interlocutor somberly awhile with liquor blurred eyes, und resohitely held his peace. Momenturily nonplussed at the silence, the Sergeant continued in yyful. hull serious Come, old Kafoozleum; yu' grateful, it seems, Life somethin', anyhow, an' it's more than tewmns un' wagons--or booze. For now, see here; look! This is th' straight goods "it yu'd ever gone up in th' Ghost River "bush: along with them two fellers, either yu' or th' nitehie, they'd secen to it as neither o° yu' come vut of wt alive again Ito. perhaps, gez a-talkin® afterwards, Yu can take yore oath o' that." "An' T hadn't bin diddled out o" me * piped old Bryan doggedly. with the hopeless, unreasoning obstinacy of the aged. "I'd a-bin uway from yu" ull a-livin' quiet on some litle ol' homeeteud. But--yu' corralled me team an' Ind. I'm little better'n » hobo, now. Surprise, not uniixed with amusement at this somewhat illogieal outburst, ren- dered Ellis' koeechleas for the moment. | "But they wasn't yore team an' wagon, Dadd,"" he suid, "Th' Law--" And thea he stopped. recognizing the absurdity of jever attempting to. argue under auch con- ora tones aint very hiberty's 'broken man, welled up in his heart "Here, here,' he began, not unkindly. "Don't get a-talkin' foolish, now, Hiram." And his hand sought the other's sboul- der. But Bryan avoided his touch. "Nay,"" he said thickly. "'Let be. lad. I'm an' old man, an'--an' draw fast to homeward. T'll soon be in a good place, God grant--an' out ot reach o! Inws and contraptions, Let be, Ind The words of rough condolence died in the Sergeant's throat, He saw, through misty eyes, the poor old derelict, fuddled with whiskey und sorrow, go shambling on his way with bowed grey head. And the wight was more than be could stand. With a few strides he overtook the aged Hiram end, in spite of his feeble resist- ance, gently, but firmly, turned him been a-figurin' "this business out since we come in. from Cherry Creek." he eaid huskily. ;'*Yu're comin! along with us on th' trath tonight, Di when we take them prisoners down, An' I'm a-goin' to get yu' into s certain place that I know of, where yu'll be looked after ood for th' rest o' yore days--Father ouleau's Homo for the aged an' infirm, Besidee--I want yu' somewheres handy when that case comes off." Nuts, when bought ready shelled, should be scalded, dried in the oven and put away in glass jars. Are If so, you have "Riggs" Disease, you need cy Ofgyour own home Pyorrhea Specialists BENTON OF THE ROYAL..MOUNTED A Tale of the R.N.W.MP. ~ -by Sergt: Ralph S. Kendall . Serial Publication rights secured by The Examiner arrangement with owners of copyright. ditions, A great pity, though, for the old, | he . CHAPTER XI "My object all sublime I shall achieve in time-- To let the punishment fit the crime; The punishment fit the crime." --The Mikado. 'The three rustlers were tried at the fol- lowing Criminal Assises held about two months later. Fisk. obtaining money from some un- known source, was the only one of the trio represeated by counsel, retaining that eminent criminal lawyer--Denia Ryan-- to defend him. Robbins' craven heart failing him at the eleventh hour, he plead- ed guilty to all charges, and threw himself unreservedly on the mercy of the Court, Shorty, actuated more by motives of spite hogainat Big George, whom he atill firmly relieved to have betrayed him, entered a similar plea, Brooding over his former accomplice's imaginary perfidy during his Past two' months in the guardroom await. ing trial, the one thought--to "'get even" with his enemy--had gradually become an obsession, which finally culminated in a deliberate intention to reverse his original plea on arraignment. These two totally unexpected occur- rences combined to render Fisk's case hope- less, Hin counsel, with characteristic sbil- ity, put up o brilliant and spirited do- fenso for his huge, ill-favored client; but it was a forlorn hope, and be knew it long before the jury returned with their ver- dict of "Guilty." One of the most decisive factors in the ease had been the nce of the old In dian--"'Roll-in-the-Mur through an interpreter, stated that Fisk who, examined | swept away, along with thousands of oth- ers, at the commencement of the grest war. Decl then, the offer of an im- portant position st the Wynberg base-hos- pital, he became the principal medical of- ficer of the Irregular Horee, which Ell had joined--composed mainly of his fel- low-refugees of the Rand. Pomessing much personal bravery, he served thro the war with great gallantry, exhibiting 'on many occasions such an utter disregard for his own life whilst attending wounded men under fire, that frequently caused him to be mentioned in despatches. 'The climax of thet long-protracted, bi ter struggle, leaving him an impoverished man once more, he forsook the country that had engulfed his second fortune snd prospects, Still resolutely turning his fuce away from Englend, he came to Western Canada, where his obility in bis profession speedily raised him again in the medical world. Here, working hard and drinking obstina'ely, he led an existence which, if it was not commendable, was only in_2c- cord with that of many others whom Fate and the vicissitudes of life have treated thus unkindly. Most men cap. and invarisbly do, re- cover from the first benumbing effects of misfortune, but--they cannot forget. In appearance the doctor was a rather dis- tinguished-looking man, tall and power- |fully-built, with closely cropped. iron-grey | hair, and s complexion that was bronzed | and roughened by yéurs of exposure to a tropical sun, That--worn, haggard face of his, though, told a real tule. The fur rows there had been plowed by an end ir-} ing bitterness, and though only in bis for ty-fifth year he looked considerably older. Exchanging a few desultory remarks, 'they strolled on down the sidewalk and, | passing the station, drew near to the fast (To be continued had approuched him with an offer of a fivesdollar bill and one of Tucker's best colt8, in return for his help in driving the bunch of horses at night up the difficutt bush trail in the Ghost River district taken to court again. told heavily against them, were very ac verely dealt with by 4 judge whose lack of sympathy with stock rustlers was pro- verbial. The former, proven to be the ingleadér and instigutor of the crimes. received a sentence of ten yearn' penal rervitede; the latter, seven, Beotty. being that it was, ae fur we could be uscertained. his first offense, and who, furthermore, was adjudged to have been the tool of Fisk und Shorty, drew the comparatively ient sentence of four years The two first named took the announce ment of their punishment with the silent, logged indifference of men to whom dur nee vile was no new thing: but Scotty buret out into foud lamentations and weeping as the prisoners were quickly ash Jered downstairs to the court cells under. nesth. Filled with pardonable elation at the successful termination of his cases, Benton loft the courthouse sud leisurely betook hs way buck to the Pos', All the genial bonhomie that hig many-sided nature could command now aseerted itself, and he strolled along, humming a cheery lilt. hie heart merry within hin. Still in this enviable frame of mend, he departed later in the day for his detachment, That-night, standing on s corner of the niain street in Sebbano, idly smoking and watching the faint reflection of a furdix tant pruirie fire, he heard himself huiled and, turning, greeted 9 man who sauntere slowly across the atreet to him with » fam- ilineity that bespoke a log acquaintance. "Hello, Charley." he gald. "What's blown you into this jerkwater burg?" 'The other struck a match and relit his cigar before replying, disclosing a gaunt, lined, intellectual face with a grim mouth, which was somewhat accentuated by 8 close-crnpped, grizzled military mustache "Case," he answered Isconically. ' Pllis, where's Churcbill? He's at here, isn't he?" Benton nodded, '*Yes,"" be said; "but "s been in the Post, now, for three days waitin' for a case of his to come off at Supreme Court. He was there when I came away this afternoon, Why? What uu want him for?" ular," his wondered ioned Charles Mus- grave, M.D., had begun life ss a clever young house-surgeon attached to a famous London hospital. Possessing extrsordin- ary daring and ability. inspired by » genu- ine love for bis profession, he gradually ob- tained a reputation thet caused him to be regarded as one of the foremost expon- ents of surgery of his day: 'Then it was --unluckily for him--st the senith of his fame, that he became enamored of lovely Blanche Farrel--then a nurse in St. John's Hospital. It was the old, time-worn, sordid story that the world is aweary of--his wil education and morality proved to be in- ferior to her beauty. After enduring two soul-wracking years of jealousy and hum- ilistion as the result of the unfortunate misalliance that he had contracted. he ob- tained. a divorcee, and, abandoning his career, went to South Africa, where strove to efface the bitter memories of his past misery amidst the tast whirlpool not an uncommon one. of cosmopolitan adventurers that thronged the Rand. Still retaining the skill and love of his <> Is Your Mouth Tender? .Are Your Gums Sore or Bleeding? Your Teeth Loosening? Pyorrhea, or Trench Mouth, and Riggs Remedy for Riggs Disease ffer when you can soci oe omit A the 'give you immediate relief?' Write RIGGS REMEDY COMPANY, Limited 144 Carlton Street, Toronto, Ont. comfort and method, di SUNNIDALE COUNCIL All the members were present at the May | session The following communications were re- ceived' G, Muson, asking $60 compensa: | Sentence in each case was deferred until) tion for damage to horse that fell into |Csbbage, each three days later, when the prisoners were | Nottawasaga River; J. Porter and H. Rich- | Onions, basket Big George and ter, declining to, uct as overseers of road | Onions. green, bunch Shorty, whose previous criminal records | for 1920 on aceBunt of illnens; Jon. Rhodes. | Rhubarb. 2 bunches re opening of «. r. 6. con, 3; petition of H, Muxwell and 14 others asking that s.r. 3, be opened. were imued: J. 18 und 19. con by. fence bonus, $4.50; P. Giffen, fence fence bonuse $6; bonus $3.30; Geo. Carter, rk on street enwell. $7; G Huth, Wasaga Bench, $40; A work on street, Wasaga Beach, Alderson, work on street. Wuraga and repuirs, $15 road, con, 9. $4.50; W. Howie, rep, culvert Vex pra townline, $3; J. Hogun. rep. culvert. | ron 2, £13.50; W. Coyle. work s.r, 3. con 3; Geo. Aldenon, work a.ty 0. con, 3.| T. work sr. 3. con. 2, 822. w | con, 2. 811. work enn. 2, i ! Coulson rent of roa. con. 1, $105 i Allister, rep, to erader. 816.50: A | kin, gravel for New Lowell aidewalk, The following resolutions were passed That no pigs be allowed on highway unles| sume have proper rings, That the township Jengineer be asked to extend the time for completion of the Huverson divch to Oc tober, That council meet a s Court of Revision on Monday, Muy 31, at 1 p.m.. in New Lowell \ Council adjourned to meet at Sunnidale Corners, Thursday. June 3. at 11 a.m. | Sunnidale Overseers of Highways | Div. 1 E, Morby. 2 W. Coulter. a RB | Middlebrooks, 4 IT. Matthews, 6 G. Lock- hart, 7 D, Davidson, 8 G, Alderson, 9 G, Coulson, 10 R, McCracken, 11 F. Couleon, 12 M, McBride, 13 W. Arnem, 14 H. Max- well, 15 8, Hogan. 16 T, Brown, 18, O. Laws, 20 A. McDonald, 22 L. Woods, 24 P. Switzer, 25 A. Rawn, 26 8. Switzer, 297 J. Alderson, 28 G. Switzer. 20 A. D. Harkin, 30 P, Coyle, 31 D. Bkelding, 32 W. Bates, 34 W. Henderson, 35 W. Hav- jereroft, 36 J. Duff, 37 L. Wines, 38 8. |Speers, 39 M. J, Coyle, 40 W. Thoman, |41 J. Gully, 42 J. Black, 43 J. W. Gordon, 44 R. Rogers, 45 E. Haverson, 48 F. Rawn, 47 T. Coyle, 48 T. White, 49 H. Martin, 50 J. Mitchell, 52 J, Thomas, 53 A. MeNiven, 54 J. Daly, 55 J. Loughlin, 56 A. Pifer, 57 J. W. Profeer, 58 John Daley, 59 F. McColeman, 60 P. Schell. 61 P, Fleming, 62 A. McAusland, 63 G. Wal- ker, 64, W. Oliver, 66 W. McLeod, 67 C. Paddison, 68 ©, MoCort, 69 J. Scott. 70 J, Field, 71 A. Gibson, 72 L. 8. Armstrong, 7 J, Hutton, 74 W. Fisher, 75 A. Yonge, 76 T. Risebrough. 77 F. Atkinson. 78 J. C. Buie, 79 A. D. Buie, 80 M: Watson, 81 R. E. Bayeroft. 82 C. Bellwood, $3 8. Card, 84 N. Melntyre, 85 J. Raymer, 86 G. Culham, 87H. Fisher. 89 A. Rickard, 90 F, Kaiser. 01 B. Kitching, 92 T. D. | Armatrong, 93 G. Powers. 04 T. McGauley. 95 T, Dyers, 96 W. Morgan, 97 E. Bi ker. 98 Geo. Power, 99 D. Smith, G. Lawson, 101 C. Armstrong, 102 G. Gor- don, 103 G. Cain, 104 W. Knowles. WILL DROP HYDRO CRITICISM Farmers' Sun Satisfied With Its Efforts, Will Say No More at Present. 'The Farmers' Sun, the organ of the U. washes its hands of the Hydro ques- tion, and says it will have no more to say 'on the subject for some time. Its conclud- 'ing remarks Inst week sre: "The Furmers' Sun understands that committee is to be appointed by the Iegin- lature to look thoroughly into the mstter of the Hydro Commission. its powers, pors- ibilities and responsibilities, This commit- tee will investigate the situation during the summer months and rubmit reports at the next Legislature. In the m: are given to understand that the Go ment has placed -a check on Sir Adam Beck, and that the oft-repeated advice to proceed with caution is being heeded, This being the situation. the Farmers' Sun does not propose dealing further.with the Hydro situation at the present time." INADEQUATE FINE The Owen Sound Sun-Times says: Some Toronto sharks went to Barrie with a truck load of poor corn syrup which they started to sell as maple syrup. complaint of a citizen (he three men were rounded up and one was fined $10. It seems a most inadequate amount for such a bare- | Cream fence bonus. $27; R. Cook. | gs fir of eines of te gots hold of you, Fight it with Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules coipt 'of DE a 'Ask at Crossland's Drug Store --Saeee ee SATURDAY MARKET Seeds and seedlings seemed to take pre- cedence over all else at the market on Saturday. Seed potatoes were $4.00 per bag, while $5.00 was asked for table tu- bers, Beans ought to be a big crop here- abouts judging from the quantities of seeds offered, Butter took # very decided jump on Saturday, 70 cents for the No. 1 ar- ticle was asked, It is now becoming mon- oronous to ask reasons for rises in prices. Tiggs also rallied up to 47 cents, Rhubarb is coming on quickly. though the 5-cent bunch has not yet made its appearance. Two for 15 cents was the order. Leaf lettuce wus not plentiful, Onions, green, were plentiful, 5 cents a generous bunch, A fittle maple eyrup was $1.00 a quart Butter. : Eggs, ,per dozen Chicken, dressed, Ib. ...... Chicken, live weight. each Potatoes, 18 Ibs. Potatoes, bag ..-- Carrow, basket. Beets, basket . Turnips, each ..... Apples, basket quart eee Syrup, gallon .... ton one Maple Hay, NEARBY MARKETS (May 13, 1920) Alliston Wheat $2.75. y $21-$25, potatoes, 3 ce. rye $1.50: Orillio--Burley $1.50-81.75, outa $1 $1.05; rye $1.60-81.70, buckwheat 81 $1.55. chicken, dressed, 3c, eggs 44c, hay Is So Good For The Skin For eczemas, rashes, pimplcs, irri- tations, itchings, cheiige Sa dene druf on scalp, as well as for cuts, 'wounds, bruises and bites and stings of insects, Cuticura Ointment istruly wonderful. It is so soothing and healing, especially when assisted by Cuticura Soap, First bathe the af- fected parts with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Dry gently and anoint with Cuticura Ointment. This treat- ment is best on rising and retiring. X-RAY FAILED Mechanic Gives Evidence There are cases where science in its most profound phases is absolutely balked, yet other help is at hand. 'This is proved by the testimony of mechanic, 35 years of age, who suffered, at times, positive torture from stone in the bladder. After trying many remedies without result, he had an X-Ray photograph taken, which also failed to show where the trouble was. Fortunately, just at this juncture, when he almost bad given up hope of uny relief, Gin Pills wore brought to this notice, Theso famous Pills ina very short time enabled him to pass the atone which was the cause of his trouble. We will give the name of this man on request. Kidney and Bladder troubles should not be neglected. The first symptoms should be suffident warning, Pain in tho sides or back, constant headaches, neuralgic and sciatic pains, rheum- atism, dizziness, constipation, gravel, highly-colored urine, specks before the eyes, all point to derangement. Gin Pills should be obtained without de Droggists and dealers carry --your money refunded {f not satisfied. Free sample on request. The National . & Chemical Co, of Canada, Linitea sroronte, faced fraud. Btates Address, Na-Dru-Co., 'et 'St, Buffalo, NY. 254 tye $1.70, oats I | $1.60, oats $1.00, butter 55e, eggs 45c. dreseed hog $25.00. Oc, butter 58- Tt in not generally known that wringing out a cloth in hot water and wiping the furniture before putting on furniture eream | will result in a very high™polish that will | not finger-mark. _----_--_--<--<-- -- ----------------__--_----_-- HERBERT L. BAMFORD, A.T.C.M. ist and Cholrmaster Andrew's Church Tuition in Piano, Organ, Theory and Singing Pupils prepared for examinations of 'Toronto Conservatory of Music, etc, Studio=-113 Collip¢ St--Phone 135 CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. jano and 'Vocal: Lessons In vocal work special sttention is giver to Voice Production. Pupils prepared for A.T.C.M. degree in both piano and vocal; also elementary exams..of Toronto Conser- vatory of music or University exams. Studio: King Block. Phone 424, MUSIC LESSONS PIANO il VOICE MISS NETTIE COLPITTS (holding di For further inform: 100 Peel St. LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN | Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and 'General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ete. Offices: Hinds' No, 8 Dunlop sireet. Money 'to loan BOYS & MURCHISON Burristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Conveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices 13 Owen St. (in the premiscs for- merly oceupied by the Bank of Toronto). Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C., MP. D. C. PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: 707-8 Kent Building. Toronto, Ont, ©. W. Plaxton. G. Gordon Plaxton. DONALD ROSS, L.L.B. BABRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie Money to loan. CRESWICKE & BELL BARRISTERS ¢ | Solicitors for the Supreme Court of Judi- cature of Ontario, Proctors, Notai veyancers, etc. Money to loan Offices: in Ross Block, Barrie. W. A. J. Bell, K.C. MEDICAL OR. H. T, ARNALL Office and Rexidence Corner of Toronte nnd Elizabeth Streets, opposite Central Mezhodist Church. Telephone 167. OR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth and Bradford Sts., Barrie . Office hours 9 to 19 a.m., 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m. Phone 108 W. A. LEWIS, M.D., C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY especially Phone 61. 58 Collier St.. Barrie. DR..VICTOR A. HART Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, also Edinburgh and Glasgow. Specialty--Diseates of Stomach. Office: Corner Bayfield snd Worsley Ste. Office open until 8 p.m. daily. L, J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and residence, Coltier St, corner of Clapperton St., Barrie. Phone 275, DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W.. Toronto, will be ot 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Note and Throat Consultation hours 11 a.m, to 5 p.m and by appointment. Barrie Phone No. 2. Toronto Phone North 2326. OR, J. A. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PHELPSTON, ONT. Office hours: 12-2 and 7-9 p.m. VETERINA| DUNN & BROTHER Veterinary Surgeons Phones: Day, 244; 'night 811. late of R.A.V.C. A. H. Brother, V.8. ACCOUNTANTS LAWSON. WELCH & CAMPBELL 1. Chartered' Accountants Phone Main 5874. 59 Yonge St., Toronte SIMCOE MARBLE WORKS BARRIE Dealers in Granite and Marble Monuments and Tablets. Only best materisl used and first-class workorén emp! Brass Tab- lets a specialty. Prices always right. G.W.J.Eastman, Prop. R.G.Manuel, Mer GRAND TRUN THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between TORONTO MONTREAL DETROIT and CHICAGO Sleeping ars on night trains and Parlor Cars on 'principal day trains, : Unexcelled dining car service . Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. ze E. BILLINGSLEY $2 4 RAILWAY SYSTEM take no other Ww