Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1920, p. 6

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|) $8 Small St, Barrie, Page Six isle ate j THE BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE C. BROWN 250 YOR THE BEST IN AKERS' BREAD ieowateneas"=*? SANOWICH BREAD | adviser. Let AND A FULL LINE OF ES, CAKES and PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop: Cor. Elizabeth and Small Streets ta -- } possible, Your Reading 'Needs Are Well Supplied | =a | Seott's | Bookstore , PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND BARRIE BRANCH, FARMERS MAKE your banker your financial t him help you to shape your affairs so that he will be warranted in giving you ample credit to operate your farm efficiently. Our aim is to assist you in every way 004 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE $15,000,000 $15,000,000 H. M. Lay, Manager. Jas. Arnold | Fire & Life Insurance Agent CheKingdom Moai Estate and Money to Loan Copyright, 1916, by Acnumber of Valuable Farms bud Town Vroperties for Sale on of the Blind } By E. Phillips Oppenheim Lite, Brown & Co. Serial Publication rights secured by The Examiner, through special arrangement with owners of copyright. the oct reasonable terms & MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING BARRIE (Continued from last week! "Yes. Lwant a bout," he admitted. net's fuce never twitched. He held | huuself with cold composure ' These," he declared, "wre fairy tales, t H Smith & Co { Paille on wae a fend of mane, During Iny visit we did not speak of polities, nvr FE atore coincidences" Major 'Thomsen Fe PRenened tse: 1 We paw oun, then, to that UNDERTAKERS Market Burnhum Hall, when a pelia was guided te the «pot where Sur Gntnlie aa We Meyville Worth war experimenting in be ee half of the Briish Government, and dr T ped destructive homie. A tian wax shot Morgue and Chapel BP teat ty the side of the flare. That cian wos ote af our eompanuins at the Darmy 8 connection we conection Hinise Chul ske to hin nar eae hin Bawwik, ONT ea easial Visttor."" Gr A | wre te deube At oany evadenice agaitier yond 4 nt uy takeng the keene terest ain your fiofie. As a nuit er af fact sou would have been at the Tower, or ut SH Ia ea ad aUMNeEE derewth at. at thie very auoment, bh Daly best wraterial wed aod she young Luly who probably peryured Gi werknea employed. "Bras Tab [ip yuk tt asc Ma eee os ny dets a specialty. Prices always right, never Caen Gronet, y -----_--_. nine CU shonlt hesitate line YON to ans past wh of this country f eon stealthy: step farw orl ng on tle cher to th and he was barely two yards away Thomson Ind cle he was holding 9 Mayor 1 there ise BARRIE Foy, RE Manuel, Mgr sud Marble Monutenta worvier SS DYEING AND ae CLEANING ook Clothing will be | ' He suddenly: prauser| drawer now aud Your an sinall revolver very steadidy in his right properly cleaned inside and banal he canl, Pai outside at W- Firth's, The | og in yin thw soe hee shake 'dlinings and inside of your a yea Bo is theae I veh clothing are as important as | jy fie Teguse at an Auerinan celeron cs the outside. Why not have | 'liveret x mesuge from the German Gov ernment to an English Cabinet Manet thém done right when you | iT come sa more penunal maar are having them done? All] 1 myself susjwet ya ath xing. murlten kinds of Repairing done. attempts on my 'life, It ie my: firm be Kef thet you ure nothing more tor bese Po We know how. than a common and dangerous German spy. Keen hele!" 'W. FIRTH op ae Phone 229 sifniling out like wh "se flushed foreheal Twice he had seemed id xpring ut his opponent. | "Now bsten to me," Thomson continued Opp Barrie Hotel, Barrie. Monityw Fam going from Southamp: j Pemlozne for forty-eight hanrs, to atten «cout martial there. There ix only one decent soing vou can de, Yorn whet thifis. TM have you exchanged. f vou re willing. into a line reervent | with your present rank. Your colonel -sill | have w hint Tr will he your duty to meet | the first German bulle: you ean find, If] The Barrie Planing Mill Corner Sophia and Mary Streets ~ Mamata { Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring, Cobug, Mouldings, Water Troughs, vot are eontent with that. Tl arrange it Tanks, ete. for you. If not" curry in wack & large amortnent of | ~Msjor Thomson paused. There nih and Dresed Luncdber, B.C. Shingles |r, twisted smile at the corners worn his Mavsty's uniform, that yon the horror of it world | in to every man who has shared thot priviiege, T bave «site nce here to bring your ear. ver toa isereeeful end, T give you your Your Family Your Business ian neat AR oy Your Future Geil onbel ritae hink it over." he muttered. ked ont of the room without any | With an Annual Divi- dend Policy in the Prepared Roofmg Wood Turning and lip 53 ts Kiln Drying # Specialty. Dressing done "If nnt."" he concluded, fe ix one proeuitty more Irtle note to add in this book and | rat 'is with your: balling: the account will be full, You know now ; the terms. Cantsin Granet. on which you THOS. ROGERS can go to the Front, I will give you ten days to consider.' | Wane: Ghee 0; Residence $88 UCT aeeepl ta offen like hin" Geanet | oa protested, "Tshall be pleading guilty to all | J) the rubbish yon have talked." | 4) "If it weren't for the fret." Major | PROTECT Thorneon "old him sternly, "that you have | | | | farewell, pushed his way along lors, down the steps end out into His face was distorted by a A sudden hatred of Thom: 1 up-in him, He was at hav, now expressi son had bl, driven therp by a relentless enem the wun SL Jf en he find tracked him down, she honestly believed. to. some extent 'through 'The. thoughts framed themselves !quickly in his mind. With-unseeing eyes jhe walked across Trafalgar Square and made his way to hix club in Pall Soll, | Here he wrote a few lines to Isabel Worth, regretting that he wax called ont of town lon military business for forty-eight hours. | Afterwards he took/n taxi and called at his rooms, walked restlessly up and down while Jarvis threw a few clothes into 9 bag, changed his own apparel for a rough tweed suit, and drove to Padding- ton. A few minutes Inter be took hix place in the Cornish Express. FURS! CHAPTER XXXII a Granet emerged from the Tregarten Ho- CLEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED | te! at St. Mary's on the following morn. ing, sbout half-past. eight, and strolled MISS M. McCKERNAN "jealous of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co. D. J. REBURN, Phone 142. Dis.Mgr. down' the narrow strip.of Iswn which bor- | dered the village street. A couple. of boat- 'men advanced nt once to meet him. Gran- Phone 323 'et 'greeted them cheerily, ~*~ ie Thy the boata, Hil bke wodu a bit ef sailing. A frend vf mime was here and hud a ebay vine Rowwell Joh Rowsell. nither of you ans. wer ta that namie, by ehanee!"" The vhler of the two shook his head, gaily name's Matthew Nichols." he ndfiner wut tha is my brothers bridge. We've both stout sailing crf: and all the ree tune Aman eed have. As for Job Re sll, well, he uin't here not just at this oo to «peak. consider the matter briefly he decided, "it seema to ine I must talk tw this chap Rowell be thing En under a sit af promin theo boutmen leaked at another whe had addreased hin fiest turn. fe mway an you bike, sie." he Rowell will be afternoon." Aftorn But Twant to go wut at " Wel protested Mathew Nichole res oot hati sp 1 fully T doubt whether you'll get Job Row well te shift hefore mid-day. I'm none fo Aniouncerl Une way his pipe from upon the ground sure he'll go out at all with this nor'weat- er blowing." What's the with him Gronet 1 Ie he Ina The aman whe as yet had seareely seark et, swung round! on his heel Tes no tvay. air." anid! That's not the night word. But he's caine inte vuney seme way or other, Job Rowsell hue There's none of us knows how. aid ion war busines. but be speniie most of bie time in the public house sil he seem 10 have token a funey for night sailing alone, which to my mind, and there re others of ux as say the wume. ain't hy an eecupation Ant in to be suid of Job Row- of" iI. ton," Granet re Where does he live?" house om the left in yonder Matthew Nichola replied, pointing with hie pipe. "Maybe he'll come if you 1 for him, maybe he won't," I must try to keep my word to. my friend." Granet decided." "If 1 don't find him, I'M come buck and look for you fellows again." He turned back to the little writing: room, xeribbled a note and sent it da kel In about half an hour he was culled once more out into the ganlen, A huge, lnosely-jointed man was standing here. "und untidily dressed, and with the I yes of nan who has Are you Job Rowsell?"' Granet inquir. | 1. "That's my nqme,"' the man admitted, "Ik there anything wrong with it? I want you to take me out sailing. Is sir boat ready?" The mun glanced up at the sk "I don't know ax T want to go grumbled, "There's dirty weather uhout think you'd better," Granot urged, snot a bad payer and Teun help with Let's go and look at her, any or the bout, They walked together down to the har- bour. Granet said very little. hie com. panion nothing at all, 'They stood on the IS ICE-COLD WATER BAD FOR RHEUMATISM? A BRITISH SEAMAN's EXPERIENCE This story of Wot. Rogers, a seaman in the Mine Sweeping Branch of the Royal Navy, is absolutely true and can be readily verified. 'At Niagara Camp, in 1944, Rogers con- tracted Rheumatism. He was sent to the 'oronto General Hospital, where for over 19 months he was a patient, finally being dischayy as incurable. In despair he. took @ friend's advice and tried Temple= ton's Rheumatic Capsules. The results Were astounding--in a short time he jwaa able to pass the stiff exaiination set by the Navy, and became an A.B, in the Mine Sweeping Branch, For 174 months he did service in the North Sea. On three occasions he was blown into the sea and remained in the ice-cold water aa long as eleven hours at astretch. Despit ers hed 'no retum of his revious trouble, Think about it. If T.R.C'S did 80 much for ill they not do. the same for you' 7 Spaeteemr cesses at feat Doce la aaywnteg on" recep ot #0, - Bale t for Barrie, Win. Crossland, Druggist ond Kodaks, : 7 | tock thet T know of," Granet replied, | jetty und gazed across to where the aail- ing boats were snchored, "That's the 'Saucy Jane," "' Job Rowsell indicated; stretching out a forefinger. to w mall ding: Grunet scrambled down hy which was tied to the side of the stone wall, "We'd better be getting on board," he suggested, Rowsell stured at bim for moment but sequicveed. They pulled scrosn and board. ed the "Saucy Jane." A boy whom they found on deck took the bost back, Row. sell set hi sails elowly but with precision, The moment he stepped on board be seem. ed to become an altered man "Where might you be wanting to go?" he asked, '"You'll need them oilskins, sure want to run out to the Bishop Light- | house." Granet announced. | Rowsell shook his hoad, "It's no sort of a day to fuce the At- luntic. ait," he declared. Granet fastened his oilskine and stooped | | for. mement to alter one of the asile 1 "Look here." he soil. taking his ae tiller, "this is my show. Job Raw e's a five pound note fur you at he end of the day. af go where 1 tell you and nowhere ele." The man eyed him sullenly. A minutes later they) were rushing aut of the harbour It he mi sell his soul far five pounds." They reached S\ Agnes before they | ound on the firs tuek -- Then, with y beating in ther faces. -- they swing around and made for the opening between the two idwule. For a time the busines of aniline kent then by 4. In two hour's tae rhey were stand (ig ont cowards Bishan Lighthos July FRewerll took a long breath an! filled a eene wilh tobacen. He Limeelf now "UHL bring her round the point there," he aut, and ho war looking more un] we'll come up the Channel by Beyher."* do nothing of the sort' Gran "Keon her head out for the nosew til [tell sou to swing round.'* Rowsell Tooke at his passenger ordered you another af 'em? he asked t you mind whe 1 mE Pn an a job through Tf von omoke it am." Granet im going 10 i where T put her," Roweel obeyed bur his fare grow darker (He dened towarls hoe teesengee 1 What's sour game? he demanded cy There's «ome of them on the wld Rave me by the the dely knew the chings T could tell "em What's your sane bere, eh? Are yen on We'll try a spin | St Mary und White Island. if you | fow | sesuire Ioat." | Not many of us se woubin't | hh oreu| woh (mee cant vin Saturday 40 sturt off the a fier isn't enough for | " tentier, but keep her going |! if they * Thutsday, January 8, 1920 ll | When your brain works like a dog with three legs wa MAUDE E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS, In voeal work spectul attention is given to . », Pupils prepared for beth piano and vocal; Phone 424. __ MYRTLE V. RICE Organist and Choir leader of Collier Street ou Methodist Church Teacher of Piano, Organ and Singing Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory 4p Phone 366 Examinations Studio in King Block. ---- ere | Ceaae ALEXANDER COWAN } Successor to Leunox, Cowan & Brown, | Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probete ef (mills, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ete. | Offices: Hinds' Block, No 8 Dunlop etre, G Gordon Plsxton. Money to boas. eg . H BOYS & MURCHISON An active brain must Burret, Solictors, Novary Public, Com . ra Veyuncers, Ete. have pure blood, not stones w tan 2s ot iguenen poisoned with products iit yim tittle bree for i ' v - raged by be Bunk of Toronto) of indigestion--or liver wy. . Bohs Bale, on i ; ante + Mirchi and kidney laziness, PLAXTON & PLAXTON Largest Saie of Any Medicine in the World. BARRIS' SOLICITORS, ETC. Soest bne uaa | Offices 707 8 Ken Building AEE Ph DONALD Ross, LL.B. BAKIUISTER, SULIC OR, ETC. Bauk of Toronto Building, Barrie Money to loan. CRESWICKE & BELL ; BARKISTERS SATURDAY MARKET Bolicitors for the Supreme Court ot Judie Tho market did not prove a very great SMufe Of Unturio, Pruciur, Noturies, Con- Yanceds, cle Money to loan. Utices in Ross Block, Burnie, new your Very few farmer on ! hand. sand the cowustironte must have pre- | And Bell, KC. 'nly stocked uy their larilers aufficlent coming unl 75 as for Eges were in fair MEDICAL ie a dozen was naked, « DR. H. T. ARNALL 620. but most of th The gardener of Office and Residence Corner of Toronte lid eubbage. beets, ete. a° root and Elzubeth Streets, opposite Eliseboks twvahle vtiens.Apniee nee. reaching rae St Methodist Church," Telepbose 167" Butitive prices. tha a few weeks DR. €. G. TURNBULL vee could be lought for 25¢ now reach. ne Te ww Se They were not an ex rn Graduate of McGill University ni sunple even at thit, A Tittle wool Office and Residence, corner Elisabeth and nd bay was moving but very little ele ont Bradford St, Burnie, Office hours 9 to he square. 10 4.m,, 1 to 3 p.m,,7 to 8 p.m. Phone 105, --. ere wants Butter w the erie Rutter 1 ieny son.) grea sort Have. per dozen W. A. LEWIS, M.D., C.M. shouhin' hive needed te bring you, 10 (licken, dries SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY 1D ksow all abort yon. Joh Rowsel, Ch ekes. liv especially ge very well end you may doa roby and your head." rant af the broken, There wae great uy which the sew round the cor Inoked to. bw from the anner hundkerch-ef 1. pulled fown their cennant with nimble fingers, vel oy snother ond hauled it up. Job Rowsell ware st hi "What's th "1s she Germin flag, you fool." Gran et answers! "TM have none of that on my boat," the san declared surlily. "An add tiv j for a kindnowe | "Shut up! Grunet snapped, drawing his revalver fram hie nocket. "Yo hoxt and mind your own busines, Row sell, T'm not our here to be fooled with. ; . My Go |i ine har! suddenly sjnenred. Slow! it rose to the surface: man naval uniform struggled up a Jout, Gronct a [main Job Rowsell n officer in Ger stared a long pull | Paper ems the chasm of waters, Lowsted between the two men wus to Rowsell unintelligible, Tho lust few wo jhowever. the Germon repeated in Rnglis ; Pri Hilda" from Southam 'on, tomorrow or midnight," he reneate thonehtfully, "Well. it's a big business. "It's worth it." Granet assured him n't, Tam convinced other Englishman, will be on bourd."" * the other prom "So He Jookesd upward to the flag and sale ted avart flag, tied up a ato [it into the next wave, | "You eun take me back now," he told sequences as the nervous state in whieh the | the boatm |. They wi bour Thre times they failed round the lxst point, met at exch time hy ; te Jelouds of hissing «pry. When at I sailed in, there was teh them, came up the wet steps of the pier. "Irs all Twine of it for a bit, any " Rowsell muttered, pushing his way slong the quay. "Tf there's any of you for a drink. Tin your man. What-ho, Nichols? --Lethbridge?"" Lethbridge muttered something and tuéned awny. Nichols. too, declined. "Tam not sure, Joh Roweell."" the lat: ter declared. ""*hnt T like your money nor the way you earn it." ' Job Rowsell stopped for a minute. There was un ugly look in his aullen face, "3 you weran't my own hrother-in-law, Matthow Nichols."" "he said, "I'd shove thos words down your throat. "And if you weren't my sister's hus- bend." Nichole retorted. turning away, and ssw a few words at the Police Station there. (To be continued) Sheep Killed by Dogs 'The financial statementa of the rural municipalities this year reveal -s-great need by dogs; Every rural mimicipal fin- nisial statement shows congiderable money ie "out-in- compensation: of losses' from' for more sdequate. protection to sheep on | the farms. of-the country from attacks |. s Now sit tight and Greer. th drew what Potators, peck run the, Wood. long. bard Almost a* their side the periscope of a Tecumseth Adj ind called Muy out a sum which could be applied to to him rapidly in Ger- greut advantage to some other purpose, at them both, The low to the tav 'chen he drew a flusk from his pocket and year in Mulmur will The submarine grew | dred. dollars 'nearer and Granct tossed a small roll of; it will fall not far short af one thousand AID that |dollurs, Wh Job 'loge re allo [They may call itm hospital ship but. it | provines hat the one mun; who ia more dangerous' to ue than any. te end {A great sev hore them a little ing st sight any unknown dog found en Granet pulled down the German | their premises inside it and threw | it is re four hours making the har-|of a dog is the ideal one. 8 to get raised, easier maintained and easier fut- "T'd take a little trip over to Penzanee | wi t Duek, Ib, 56 Collier St., Barrie, Turkey. We fi OR, VICTOR A. HART renal, Uy © |Grasluate of Trinity University, Toronta, Pork, dive cut e also Edinburgh and Glaxgow, Yoanl. dteawa, Mh Specialiy--Dixewser of Stomach, tutes, bag Corner Bayfield aud Worley Sta, Potato, yee Office open 8 p.m. daily. . Basi eh L. J. SIMPSON, M.B, Cirrmitss hake mg PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Gatiege. sarh 05 1Me | Ullice und residence, Colher St., corner of 1 Caine te "50 The |Clapperton St., Barrie, Phone 276. Annles, barrel MOT Re aaneincs lvoe DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be st 91 Owen 8t., Barrie, every Suturday Dincuses of 'Eye, Eur, Nose and Thr Consultation hours 11 an, by appointment. Barri Torgnto Phone Nort Apples, per basket "reum, qt... Milk, quart .. Tay, ton . Wood, short. hurd 19.00 Jour +. $13.00 load nena een hu» paid several hundred dollars and 80 haw alo wns compelled to lostew of thix kind to a considerable Toswrontio also wae called on to Dr. J. A. KEARNS Physiolan and Surgeon PHELPSTON, ONT. Office hours: 12-2 and, 7-9 p.m. Feeou extent. h LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL ip during the Chartered Accountants eregate several hun- | Phone Main 5874. 58 Yonge St., Toronte wud in Nottawasaga township: H. J. Welch, C.A. G. D. Campbell, C4. | T. E. Lawless, C.A. tu the face of such lowes |W. 8, Hulbig, Production Engineer totprow! prong the ea Manager Cost and Efficiency Department fo uunderetamd. | tere EE try at will is note As long as thr canines are permitted to 'tun so long will sheep continue ta! OUNN & BROTHER oceur and the owners wi to Veterinary Surgeons commensated by. the municipalities. 'Ihe | Cattle Disewses sud Surgery. a Specialty. Phones: Day, 244; night 811. {total low from this cause throughout the : in year must make a sum targe| Capt. J. Dunn. VS., late of R.AV.C. nouh to pave Vievoria street from end A. H. Brother, V.S. Some farmers iaceept the comlitiqn | | whieh allows da fw a mat MISS L. E. WILLERS « ter of course, hut others protest frecouly Successor to the late Miss Doane lege of shoot. | Agent for the Spirella Corset Company olients orders from ull ol customers and \ many new ones as possible. Addrew-- Churlotte St, Barrie, Ont A flock that is not afraid | PIANIST ACCOMPANIST os eee! CP. FARRELL Orchestra furnished for Dances and all occasions 6 Herbert Ave.. Toronto Joguinst it und are erunting to farme 'These nien point out that not xo much the immediate loss of |somo of their sheep that has gerious eon- jsheep are le by not being afilieted with the rest- Toveness which is always present ina flock The Price of Tobacco The Editor 'The Barrie Examiner"--- | Dear Sir.--1 wonder if any of your read- ers_enn explain the following:-- The other day I wae waiting at the Jetation at Stayner when a friend of mine came in with three plugs of tobacco which be had bought in the above mentioned town, They were large plugs of a certui brand of smol tobacco which I know well by sight. I saw him cut the plugs, me at the same time that he had puid 75 et«. for each. Now. another friend of mine in Allan: dale smokes exactly' the same kind of to bacco.and paye 90 ets. for one plug. end till 90 ota. each if he buys three at once, Why should this be? Is this kind of (8 ALL THE NOTICE WE NEED ke helping the "Buy in Barrie" eam-|'Telophione us tonight or tomor- T think not. row morning and our man will Yours sincerely, call quickly and make immediate arranrements for the funeral. We relieve you ofall worries and responsibililies and our servico Fou Byes takes care of,everything--from ity Ifthe caskol to {ho intorment. Our or photic No. is 431. Call us up day and be tol paign? .G, V, Magrave. cks on "thé abeep flock: by dogs, 'Easn Eye Book, Murine Company, Chicago, " R ee or night. use Murine Safe for Infant or . MINNIKIN At. in Canada. Wri'e for Free Ww. D.

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