Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1920, p. 3

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"aS Rta Thursday, January 8, 1920 FARMS FOR SALE 100 acres, 2 miles from Barrie--All work- uble, sol clay loam, plenty of water, 2 wells, brick "howe. stone foundation, bank barn, cement floor in horse stable, school on corner of farm. rural mail and telephone, Price $8,500 Cash payment $2,500 100 acres, 8 miles from Barrie--All work- able. Good reasons for selling; 2 miles | from village. Frame house, good cellar, frame barn, lots of water. Price $3,200 100 acres, 6 miles from Barri¢--60 acres workable land, frame house, log burn, spring creek running through farm; 30 ueres of good timber, hemlock. hardwood, cedar. The timber is worth $5,000 alone. | Pri ' ». $5,000 Cosh pyment $1,506. i 50 acres in Innisfil---All workable, good clay loam, plenty of water, frame house. log | stable, frame barn, 'pig pet 2 miles | from school. rural muil, 15 acres in sweet clover. Price $4,000 100 acres, Vespra--About 50 uc. cleared, | 40 acres in bush, good frame house with | 8 rooms; spring creck running through farm, good loo land; this farm would | make a good dairy farm as it is only | 1 mile from Barrie. Price $3,500 Vash payment $1,500, 100 acres, Innisfil--Clay loam; 8 acres in| bush, 30 acres in rye, 10 acres in hay. | os in full plowed: spmug ut back good well ut house, brick house | $35 storeys, 6 rooms, two good barns, | Stone stable, orchard. $5,000 | 100 acres, Vespra--Bnick house with water an the house, good barn with stone found- ation. good orehanl. Price $3,500 Cash payrent $1,500 jn i 200 acres Farm, Midhurst room frame wire fenced. Price 'This farms is a shay at the shove price, | 6 arranged to suit buyer it wf farm. New barn, 7 yayment 150 acre farm four mils from Cookstown-- 14 acres in wheat, 70. acres fall plowing, ® acres bush, frame house, 2 first ches 'ax on stone foundation Price $10,000 Cash payoient $3,000. If piles from Barrie, cley jy 1 frame stable $5,500 nent house, large 50 acres, Vespra--i Joam land, good orchard, 6 house, frame kitchen, barn 36x5 24x20. Price 100 acres, Vine--inwrl © Pa , ty should be left between the ice ai inven with sone foundation, 240 aeten tn arsthio leat 'inh years ena ' $5,500 boars to be filled with sawtust, and the yf the East ct sears, Me Cosh nt 33.500. Lin sh he covered wih about the ame that time they have made m: all bu frame house, $00 acres, Oro--Clay bun , good Tours Land, all | purpose. $4,000 square und § feet ugh will hold enough | Mre aniount of was age tity cored. the larger is the proportinn of away from one side ice ix in postion. A space of of y Boots and Skates Skates from 65 cents to $7.00 Boots at a big range of prices See our special Ladies' High-Top Skating Boots. WALTER URRY 36 BAYFIELD STREET The Storage of Ice for Summer Use | Mrs. The storage uf few blocks of ice for euNeT Use is a Very simple mutter where ! tee & readily avuilat Any unoceu- | d corner of w shed will for the A rough board enchiure 10. fee: Mary Jane Alien resident of V Mr. (Rev J Neb. on Dee. 20. dagiaey not paper Allen. died 1» from a Coldw: er (Mi Mary Jane Allen, Robinson whose ty provide 50 pounds per day for 130 ays, after allowing for a reasonable Ca mber 11, 1849, where The smaller the quan 5; eat her gielhnod and grew to young w mhood She attented the schools in After her mother's deuth, her father su brother. The bottom of the ure should Le vered with about one fowt of saws jy, 1804. abe wie marned to Rew the sol undernesth is impervious clay ytien, at Barrie Ont. and went from the will be all the becter if there is a few oy pap i Kalkaskn, Mich, where F hes of gravel under the suwdust, In \ten wae sector i ntting in "he ice the bourds can be taken For twea yefive and teplaced after th H fed wate ane lahore and pleasure hared with hin sll of a minister's w Tris the sawdust which keene herilierethatame Men has found a warm pl rtx of the jwaple of the MoE. chu The follow pra, in the per maiden wax born in Ontsrio she | , nm 'an abe kept James are she was a furhful the ife reh 1, 50} eourl ag jek will keep, and it TB, 6 rmiles from Burnes 1% from |. ee we remeved dur, of Coldwater, Mich. She was loved for her Theil awd ehucch Price. $5,800 oye" Reunion "ear thiow. wot teow tne Mieinees antl obliging dspsition 5 Slay Jour, large frame' time the driest of the sawdust where Mrs Allen was greatly loved hy the 50 gris, Flot Cosy is jit will be under cover and continue to Prople on the chargr where her husbanl " silat Vary put an thus be in better condition "at stir She was af 8 quiet disposi to be used again the following year, 'The en nd the more you knew her the bet- HOUSES FOR SALE IN COLLINGWOOD enn eee tenn blocks of uniform let ya liked her. Always doing for others rougheast house. | sx Street--One storey iat $800.00 «it rooms, Price her life wae one of service enriched the worl! She ie survive! lay her age nd packed ax closely together ax pos ple hush; Such fives he ave Lot 408160, Cash payment $400. tie mpewary v0 eret sill ee ; si | he the retighest kand of a shed that will anes mi Rech whem Brick Strest--Two storey rwughenet Bowe. | ones ut the weather ix all thal ie nrceseary sn fevh, oun brother, Tange: tiaslons. diningerrini. RCE Potee be driven into the ground hy Mo Harbor Springs, Mich.; and uth: ausinnteT katehen sth 'a St 799 fined uy on the inside with rough lumber, [WA sisters. Mex. | Bensen Kindersley Price een " oc slabs. leaving a space of about one-half Sark. and Mrs 8. Chappell. Barrie, Ont Cush paynient $1.0 an inch between each board. und the whole Rev. and Mrs, Allen hui only. recently = Frovermi with «roa te keep out the pain one tn Nebruskat to ajvend on of VILLAGE OF CROSSLAND | Of come. the jew house my It with che winter with the adore hers und Frame ith shop, stable 2 regular fr lined inside with rouzh { too ge later to Florida ne, of Is sell the lot for $900 fumtwr, and if fuavish the winter; but the -- > desired, ean cuvered on the her te her eternal VILLAGE OF HAWKESTONE ¢owith clapboards or other eiling. home, ani ins were hrough: iacis Sronm frame house, water a house, 3 nin "h ef vention above ts Coldwater by be grief strcken hustane, PLANNING A BIG MOTORING TOUR --- | Michigan Pikes Association's' Fifteen Day Trip -- Will, | Lunch in Barrie on July 17. The Detroit News of December 21 says: "President G. Edward Bleil. of the Mich jenn Pikee Associution, announces 'hat, the route for the organization's 1920 In- ternational Good Roads tour. has been prac- | tically determined. although it may be necessary to make some of the detours in | diested. due to road construction st the time of the tour. The event will be one of the most pretentious road boosting jaunts 'in the history of the eampaign for beter | highways und totale 1.220 miles, Four | hundred and forty-five miles will be over | Michigan roars and 785 will tie-in Ontario. | Fifteen + will be requir The tour.) wets will leave Detroit the night of July 14. but make chy actual start from Windsor {the next, morning and finixh in Detroit on July 29. The second crossing of the bord: Jer will he at Soult Ste Marie, on duly 24.1 [Ten out of the 14 nichts on the road will jibe vas and a complete | [emmning equipment will be transported by a [train of motor tricks on pneumatic tines. | |The itinerary fh Leave of Lunch Stop | {14 Detroit | sar Blenheim | 16. Landon Ti Torte pis (Sunday DRY SLABS CHEAP During the next few days while our teams are hauling in some slabs from the country we will deliver to you direct a full team load of 4 ft. slabs. AT $5.75 PER CORD These contain a good portion of Hemlock, Pine and some Hardwoad. This offer is only good while the slabs are being hauled in for about ten days. Leave your order at once. We can cut this up for you as you may desire at our usual price for cutting extra. © The Sarjeant Co., Limited Phone 88 or 94 Derby is Feature of "Sporting Life'" Hp | Chief among the big features that make CRAND T N PALE FE et mma das ew Riuak "Sporting Life" 90 notable a photpplay ' Blin! River | Sene showing the English Derby at BARRIE TIME TABLE 23 Thewalon 'Tour arrives Sault Ste, [89m Downs. "Sporting Life' is am ad Un effect Dee. 1919) Ont. wt 10.20. 3 Lansing. nereet | tour will encircle - Huron and che Georgian Bay. In| g, British nobleman who seeks to rehabilitate gut almost its entire route will be | te win the Der: jstution by Maurice Tourneur of the celeb. Marie, Ont. (Tour emenes | rated Drury Lane melodrama of the same a Marie. Mich. at 3 vm, {Sane which was produced in 1897 and Times of Trains Leaving amd Arriving Bae Hahn, 5 et wheb has held the stage periodically ever at Barrie Chebovesn Giaslond Tie oteg Podee ee ented ee From Toronto Greving Harrison | at to She ate ' 'i No 41. daily except Sunday, Toronto to story deuls with @ young yon OMG 2 xan is fortunes. which ure at low ebb. He is No. duily exeept Sunday, Toronto thorough sportsman aod he backs a prize " Gravenhurst, iehter, and bis own mare Lady Love,; No. % |. Tuesday, 'Thurs Both events are carried diy and Saturday, Toronto to Winnipeg, over the yronosed Center Line Highway. | through successfully. but not without ser 1IL45 p.m. Other days to North [which will bisect the the road Tun ious difficulties laid in the young. sparts- , Te ° = sing abuost duc North and South, From | jay's ath by. a relentless enemy, There | '© Toronto the route will be over | icy chirming love story which holds much | No. 46, daily except Monday, North t Lincoln Highway fed: | usnensive interest. The story is an ex- to Toronto, 5.15 a.m, Jer amt in the Unver Peninsula it will fol-|eollent one and. from every" standpoint, -- No. 42. daily' except Sunday, Graven- low the East Michigan, Pike Dixie High |"Siorting Life'" is a tost notable produc, bW8! to Toronto, 8.40. a.m way. between the "Son" and St. Lenuce. | tion. The principals in the cast include No. 10. The National, Mondays, Thurs- nla aw fur south as Cheboygan. The or | Ralph Graves, Warner Richmond, Charles \d Saturdays, Winnipeg to Toronto, gamzation will endeavour to create sen | Cryig, Constance and Fair Binney, and 12.57 noon. | temient on Southern On*arin. between Wind: | y an! Toronto, to influence the routing Lat the Roosevelt Highway into. Detroit About 520 miles of the Ontario route is over ft new Great Northern High | from Toronte to the Canadian. which wall eventustly be ove of shy touring 1 Tn all the tour pa highways, boastin oo Mayor for Eighth Time if i {| how to prevent pock-marks, viz us the party affected kn two or three times as dried, rub well in a coating of petr prevent itching. snd dissolve the scab as Villette Kershaw. 0. 44, daily except Sunday, North Bay to Toronto, 5.10 p.m. ; 0 Hamilton-Meaford Line To the Editor. I wish to get space in No. 60, Meaford to Hamilton, 8.40 ur widely read journal to tell ite readers No. 61. Hamilton to Meaford. 10.52 eum As soo No, 62. Meaford to Hamilton, 5.10 p.m. she has the wf So, ti. Hamilton to Meaford, about face and bands +15". and as quickly "sil daily To Prevent Pock-Marks ietion, let him bathe hi nt Sunday. Penetang Line From Penetang, about 9,00 a.m. and 25 p.m ex m (vaseline), This will soften the skin, appear on the surface. Do this, and | (gli HE Muehell was elected Mayor of Vou aail not have to do any seratching, 1? Penetsng, 10.10 a.m, and about ee ee Fn eee eae focr at) aiad you will not have any pock-marks. 7-15 p.m. re Ww Incted reve ly fou sec for councillors qualified | coune:L is incemplete. 1 favely Nonunat were the most spiced Ht Murphy stirred apa bee He wsumed x wet blinket wilk from stution. This his been oo Sanne jinn should be ond) funeral othe parlors of the GE Gail. SER REAPLIRINE, GREAT RK. ee house for yeate Price $2,000 storing the ice and cavering MR church fay afternoon, at 2 0 Ke te of nore ibe ee ae tac advised an the pirvcedling vlerk snd tae in Oak Grove ii. critciad the ost of hytlew imeralla TOWN OF ORILLIA ! . r Renietery ten. conden the Vievoria street in 1 fine frame house with 7 good room TE sawilust esninat be ob nine pliner [provement in vigorous tern cused the atime cellar, good wood ins ap Be eee! fopiiveking he: Utlite: cost lithe money |couned uf gre extravagance. charged | 24. large hen house; yee. ar in cases where neither i available. opt being good results. Read! high-hanllims a not submitting the} trees € Bay ines be uked 988 pacing, or eONCONR: rHonaai paaie & Vingrovement tu a vote, condemned the | (a | injsres male en the -- back | " PROPERTIES FOR SALE IN BARRIE Brick house in Charlotte St.--3 bedooms. 8 sittjag-rooms. good kitchen, summer kircheb. cellar under house, 'This prop. erly is being sol cheap, wind-up of on estate, $1,500 Solid brick house in Charlotte St.4 bed. rooms, 3 sitting rooms. sewing room, xood garden, garage und all conveniences. | Price $3,000. Will sell on ensy terms Sanford St.--Cement ho large lot. 4 bedrooms, large rooms down stairs, kitchen. This ss very warm house. | Price $1,400 | yom trick house, grounds, large or- | $6,000. 4, es; fine Price mont $3.40, home in the beet part off «$4,400: | conve curd, Cash ps dphn house vellar. Price - $700.00 John St.-- ven-room Nous, good Wor of garden. Price. ...,....$1,600 Cosh payment"$800 Penetang St.--Fine brick house, 9 rooms, + electrie light, good stable rage. hen house; 2% aeres. 100 apple trees, $4,000 Penetang St.--Brick house. sll convenien- ces, 4 bed rooms. large dining-room, par- lour, kitehen und summer kiteben, Price ....-4+ cee t $3,300 Cash payment $2.000 Mulcaster St--Lurge store, good eellar, with 7 rooms over store. Price $2,500 Mulcaster St.--Seimi-tletached brick house. is one of the best built houses in teteetececeeeeeees $2,500, Brick house, 4 bed rooms, large Parlor. kitehen, hardwood floors down stairs, ™% ac. Jand, garage. Price - $1,700 Toronto St.--Fine large brick house, every- thing up to date. Price $5,000 Worsley St.--Brick house, 3 bed rooms, bathroom, 4 rooms down stairs. Price $2,000 all brick house, two bed- Worsley St--- rooms, parlor. dining-room. _kitehen, bathroom, large stable and garage. Pride: (ssvavenccuunnceSe $1,900 Peel St--Double brick house, large lot 80x200, good stable. Price $4,000 For full list of farms and town proper- ties. for sale, apply to M.D.CUBITT-NICHOLS "THE REAL ESTATE MAN". Clarkson House, Barrie, Phone 62 a a a UNITED VETERANS' LEAGUE (INCORP.) BARRIE BRANCH Ex-Soldiers of His Majesty's Canadian Army Become members of a real live Association, which is fighting politically tor justice for yourself, your phys- "ioally-unfit comrades and the dependents of those who paid the SupremeSacrifice. Eight soldier organizations stand by the U.V.L. Platform. Your vote is required. Join now. Ina few months you may be forgotten and become just "Old Soldiers." For information, application forms, ete., apply to W.S. ROBB, 14-16 Mulcaster St. Official Organiser for U.V.L. in Barrie. All Kinds of _ Rough Lumber MAPLE, BIRCH, HEMLOCK, PINE, BASSWOOD THE'BALL PLANING MILL CO., LIMITED BARRIE Phone 109 Bayfield St. | ! eee cee cee een ee aeeeeeenenvencmmvmmcmoe dt Murfihy failed | {a grunt to the Board of; he charneterized as MeBrick 1 in five yenrs the buck strvets| pfit for use and the Victoria nt would be full of matte t ment that with of debenture debt and other obligations [the town was over $100,000 in debt j rset would be | etree pou was not interrupted, but dur: | speech Mayor Cunningham was | gathering strength, and in his reply jx cudgel, He was, he enid, quite friendly |to fair criticism and invited it, but would} | not suffer false motives being imputed to | The street paving was vigorously de [fended by the Mayor who compared Jan old Roman road built two thea years ago over which he had travelles Mr. Murphy's statement that the ra: pay: er hid not been consulted about the jiuving was countered with the -- asser- |tion that time was precious and instest of |submitting a bylaw a meeting was ealled Jand at this the couneil was unanimously |given a mandate to proceed with the pav- That twas advertised, but Mr. ud. For twenty min: facts nnd figures. in Murphy's objections, Criticism Resented | A: nine o'clock Tuesday evening Return- jing Officer Addis declared four members vlected to the town council of 1 name: Dunn, F, J, Haddell, J, F. Me- e Parker. The four mem- bers of council ure all new men. none of them having been in the eouneil lust yeer and Mr, Dunn being the only having had any previous experience in the evenitig an effort was made by president of the Board of Trade to fill up the hoard and this led 10 a conference gmong some of the members of last year's |council. Two Were needed. but each one Vafprouched "'paxsed the buck" and put the question to his neighbor, Each of the nominees out of the retiring council decided that afier the bitter and unwarranted at tuck of Robert Murphy with its unkind in- {ferences and bristling with inaccuracies he was under no obligation to place himself in 9 position to be publicly belubored by ye who did not, know what he was talk. Ling shout. If this was all the reward FAlliston had to give its councillors then the sacrifice of time. pleasure and business was not worth the price and all declined to qualify for the position. Regret was ex- pressed for the position in which it left the Mayor and nominees expressed a wil- lingnese to do anything they could to ns- sist bim, but as a protest against the fierce criticism of a very small element dur- ing the past year and against such attacks as Mr: Murphy's each resolutely refused to again enter the council.--Herald, oM Don't forget to read the advts. --live news from live merchants. |e Respectfully A. W. BURKE, 17 Mulberry Sr., Hamilton. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ° CASTOARIA. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. A Flavour for every taste Au sealed air-tight and Impurity-proof, in the wax- wrapped, safety packages. Be sure to get WRIGLEYS because it is supreme in quality.

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