Page Ten THE BARRIE EXAMINER , = | | ay | fs Thursday, January 8, WHOLE FAMILY |PATRIOTISM TO IS REJOICING | MUNICIPALITY | Thena Skin Specialist Then a bottie of D.D.D. More Than Anything He! Ever Took in His Life. Clare Says Tanlac Helped visal Chien Should Boost Own) "sau potuh ery wrk tthe teett Vancouver Factory Where few words " of skin emi them of Town -- Fine Addresses by written by Canadian people --soime o¢ Rev. N. H. MacGillivray. ble suite 'A sentence or twe *om a fetter! from J. W. | i | ing. Thaw 1 weuld bi "PT honestly. belie First, Doctors -- |BLIND WORKERS 4 The following urticie from the Vancouv- HAPPY AT TASKS) Now More Than 380 Fon Branches in Canada Constantly enlarging our sphere of inftuence that may extend to you--our customers--the fullest possible banking sccommodation, we have made notable additions to our branch bank system in Oansda during this year, 'We have 380 branches and continue to grow. Sightless Toilers Are Mak- ing Brooms. i with, 2 flat on my Hark in het today, un [tenes Ress Norman H- SucGiliveay of the Tied dee of four difone doctors, T'went 0 or World es a special interest for & num ae Se ta sleenes Hon 'id Go ble fa dea pit of wark if it had. | Oris Presbyterian | Church preached a | 8 36m specialist A" |p a Examiner reeders from the fact that sta sect Ban! pada from the et be i fie Taulac." said Jesse ivie Pride in the Light of | Si perfectly walk MA TOMY oo of the blind workers is a former Bar- standpoint 6f Ohsracter and Service. ; ; y xt. John's] 'litics." His address coqtuina | Ifyou wish to try a bottle of this Prescription | rieite. Wm. Todd, a brother of Jno, R. aia Clare, diving at 9 " that i applicable to the "people | that Mr. Corns found so remarkable, we will | Todd. who was in Barrie post office for Read, Wes! Toronte, Out I, fo her towne that The Examiner. repro: Honey back, BOE that Nich todua. Biden | reveral years. "Billy" Todd was one of Lo osiifered from stomach !duces a portion of it, Mr. MeGillivray | BaBey back, Stop that sch the famous Barric Lucrose Club of about general run dowa said in part-- we years he con trouble and eon tron fe | 1880-1885. He was o 'insmuith in Mead- In our day we have heard and seen a} ows' store, then Toeated where Beecroft's id 'a RESOURCES, OF $153,000,000 nk now stands. This G. B. Meadows ix nn | good dei! of national patriotism, but what | 2 Barrie Branch and S: it . 9 tinued neal daae hat chet Municial or Cisie yatnonsn? tie) JME Lotion for Skin Disease | rx» prominent manutsewuree in Toromo | Cookstown Branch ne, Peet Bowes so ih hailie, Manager stomach and) fornie is thal for thin we plead at this time, It was "The storins of life lead us to look with} -- Thornton Branch Sey is "so ee bloated me ip set eould hardly grand ty bave men overseas whe were reudy seen eed gratitude to any ray of light that appears Mi get omy beet, TP would get so to die for Canada. and we bave every reas he ought to do. To do leas is to fail in [On the horizon, Tn the » orm-tosed chip of those ywho cauihot see:the aightlow gaze AN /on to be proud of such men, but remember 'oue's duty. Duty uw never optional. and dizzy at times that Twas in werof falling down oy the street. [they were proud to have the privilege of ats neglect is never harmless turns hopefully to the graye that fall upon | rerurned soldier, who looks after the men' the game. You cun't do it! Pod! nit ret well and in the | ding for 4 costes worth dying" for. Fellow citizens, we have a daty to. Or 1 beta fromm the lat Set of wen tithtet | while they are workmg and helps them in sf tbee whore faces try whout They moriie: Feoubl hardly drag my. Ft wae love our towe and en ils ani our duty ie to give ber our heath ee are known ti thowe she aor mer [eW€ of aeerdent while working. about the | BAY® contait el 'no. crm They Self ont at jad aiid ate 20 WOU foe onthe, butt rs "ous the Jew loved bis Jeruedens Tete |#0 fortunate, gust ae they are known tof imachnery, But, marvellous to relate, the | AMY®. cried out agumet no aan. yer they My head aches all the time, and hp pale ue live for Orla iliae ur txt and take it real you neat # "the bhud" In this great eity {mien can tell by ine inet When they are ["E imprinened in darkness for life--for Twas nue gind melancholy: ani who is abexys knocking hi town would Iy substitute the word Orillia fur Jen, bumleeis of people find hundreds of ways {keting ton wear a machine and they work |" fo" bf. P/M SUMS faint dikie pleasure in ire beter i 9 cemetery. and the man who ix <alen, sind then i would read "IC T forge {1 0 their leisure moments, mur wha' [rd among the various parts wih the great. {t them aee that the world is uot a self ' OF" | of those who are not able to see a moving |é*t skill After several months' training @M mass of humanity but a family of inilifierent lo his town's welfure, tnt PD wars gene to have ar 90K thee. Orillia, Tet any rught hand forget her | OF the 9 niueh heeter at A picture or a vat a tireakdewn when + s , ct we mane skill' Jet my tongue cleave 10 the roof of a Vateat hi by have w town at its best we must have quy mouth if erimember thee note if 1 | foo steko te war My ae Feast, are fourteen such penne who are brovhere apd sisters belpuue te be skilled im their dif da mun who i wi can complee on an average hun become nt depurtn leville ct th y |fe 'ing the broo o her's: burden Tn a small factory at 382 Front xtn h not ctizens with the epurit of the Hebrew Sieifer not Orillia above my. elvef fey 2 ------- . --__-- fur bottle of Taner amd P was aad "IED forge: thee; 0 Jeeusalern, - r fj Pol I 1; chief ie ae © joy of seeing ther fellow be jal 70 brooms a day, low nin deal when [ sturted (ak tet muy right han forget her skill: Ter any. [Meeinren, what ww plead for is for @ move ings. But are these hows unhanny ancl The Monotony of Blindness INS U R A N Cc E ing Before fhe ent of The tenga cleave te the roof of nay inte Eien een ical ae GN [eomutaining Iwesime wf their misfortune.) Eight af these en hive in» board - i 1a en L remember thee not: if L prefer not dem- 2° ad neunieipal. Excellent as the Or! sane af them being blind siner they Teft th: fi San fabri ee aint ttuggy salem above my ehiet joy." Pe. 137-8) /Mlin stmt hue bern in. the there ax se they ar not and a vinit to fyymee at SOW Kleventh Avenue Kart. but AIL: Kinds) Placed: In anil 1 haven't fanl a teen uf tly above: nap eb Pa. 1908 | ata de GAC oaniveniemt, Maan etl ca 3 hte hot anid a vieit 10 'she lone evenings get very monotonous to anil | esen e sfriews Me Fim suey. a semen ol ons whens | SN SS araeenient Many till sp jie factory ware dee men work at mak them and they ate always happy when om. RELIABLE COMPANIES appetite i fine, dey HW UETEOS he proclaimed it when in cuprivity. even in Trestle the welfure of our town and the ay-\ are y bright lot, these boys. happy to work, kin 1 u eee a fey hour. to WE WRITE Willy tie, 2s has cloppied Tatts qheatescnee nf hie oneuee Mag we be ag. hfe nf our comiarumty wea of encouragerent. promi yt and read. 0 then Ss the evesite. Farm Risks at the Old Rates Hc and' these dizzy spells Haye loyal and patriotic tthe enmugunity in Byer' man has within him tatens power ta ahake rhe Rand of those who come out fey . Hl alec . Misappeare ane Po feel as setined which we live, which be can atin apy and pot into exer jto talk to them Th is ke a glimpse of (Gn tie watake calgary wacteuions | YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURED ge adollar. Lael apan the morn. Ont loyalty i soon to te put te the cu. Reientiste tell us that if all the Iwate} the in-srior of another slanet for them 16 [spurt an hour some hight 10 ge amd. visit | To Cover Everywhere Yalta' diet aiid meray and Mat for we are on the eve of our mumeipal (of the JAiman heart in one day could be | talk to 8 person that they kpow is inter. {Qhv7e mh NOME some Bight to go. und ] ful hee and FER iat nus Polite is the science of govern: concentfated mio one giguntie throb of vi | ected in them, You wondler athe talks how [my faml ce tewe people? reating pac 4. F. A. MALCOMSON elec' duly is reyouing over © and municipal polities is often the 'tal power, it wonld suffice 'i! ange Tanlac has made saping stone to Provincial polities of iron 120 feet inte the air, Just think | by inte, and Lean truthfully say and) Provincial polities to | Dom! what would happen if every citizen in Or. laf nothing Lever teak in my whole anton poebtics, and Dominion polities -ilia put his utmost into eivie betterment! | thi 'd, then [ot Let of Life before ever did me as met te world polities, Thus you see how im) The eurly diceiples first pray porte a mutter municipal politics it they voted. May we ilo likewise when viewed in the proper light ry. vote Tanlac is sold in Barrie The spe Geo, Monkman, in Orillia by nd procedure in the first Testament elee- | too precivus for «ane citizens to waste time ! th H. Cooke & Co. in Elmyale by W. tien. che choosing of Matthins to fill the in electing petty. narrovw-visionerd grouch. | be J. Meq nh by GR la is the Ap Aleship Sacated by dua £m 20 u seat in the Council er on the Bart 1a siavier by N ei his first election has its lessons for ue lor Commission, just as un experiment We Ardill, in Stayner: by 5 a Mee ettizene an: the eve:dl gap annual, un: sran'tsifiond itg-vhere iatho; nideh oe ska SER feyyal election, «Men and) women, you We want men of brains to administer our. ¢ hold soe Go. Ltd. in Port) Me- are nominated to POH. Boattie, in AUis-)Conned Chamber. at B. Setiell, in Lisle by cen anton the Commisson, Civil ape well, Tn such representatives is the hope ogerher tow prevalent im our coun ff our town, In large mesaure it is far citizen should be thrilled » pray whether our hope shall he wre for his own community or not living in great dnyx. As a you ask me For whon a winity we are face ta face with My answer "Far Orilly nl grave probe dowe want long as you are izens of Orilh may ur representatives: able men, ¢ vour prayer ever be ICT forget thee. N ond conscientious men. nen who have 0. Jet miy right hand forget her on ton by Robt. F. Little, in Gilford mes A, Blain, in Tottent y has. A. Weaver, in Penetang- uishene by Uhas. A. Nettleton, |...) in Hawkestone hy Thos. AL Stone. | gn in Hillsdale by Richard Rumble, Coldwater b Millard, in {nw Ao Colesny Tai | in Brad. |{B¢ courage of their convictions. men who kill" Orillia for Orillisns, nod. Or th WY he bell, in Stroud | 2%" 4 pride and interest in things munie iba for Canuda, better, But Orilba form: ford by Campbell, in Stroud | it ant who serve unsalfishly und patrins Gnd. hoa of all tw by Chantler Rros., in Craighurst jycaity the community im which they live May auch" be your vision and mine, ae JH by T. Hill, in Collingwood by Jury | ci-izens of Onllia, you can indulge in no we cast our vates for men to hold atfice, tm & Gregory, in Belle Ewart by A.| greater extravagance than that of elec the highest in our power manscipally to} Trombley & Co., in Mt, St Louis| ting inferior mon to your Council rive by F. J. Peters' & Son, in Moon. [ite and leet the best pruble men, ¥ Few | it would be a fine thing for our town i stone by J. B. Sykes, and in Vic- 1a ine citizens enuld be inoculated with toria Harbor by T. W. Brown,-- : wt cull, for want of a better Advertisement. nonie, Orilliaites, 'That is, our very best A Judge's Leniency Rewarded Hinstead of sending him to gaol or the Re- gt fo ory ESTE ZNG fo cee for orice in hinge municipal, | ke 1 Su ' AND TRUNK 29:5 °77 fl Reinet erner es ena ocr nine eC apathy and moral inertia are among the ach evening. The boy lw got a nice ty for Orillin, und this means one must aid und encourage our best qualified citizeny 0 throw a ton | he ind work for the best in.' and perhaps you arr so accustomed to qty Zou, bem Ang gaye {08 an hour then narrated the incidents 'terests of our town. Life ix too short and judee by the 'eye thar you forget every: Sy ghout you and you helpless to jor in| CASTARIA the sighted nnes do see, what the moon unl stars look Tike, how high the hewy it that\the very best citi civic utfairs; men honest and ahove re. | The pei resent you in the pronch: men of munieiul push, pluck and) Mt Board of Eden: junch; men who do things and do eee As |four schools and fuctories where + from the echswol in Toronto, where he took and now is sh i product almost Bruce Herald. Early thie year Judge: Tyler his winery Klein found a boy guilty of w crime, and yn9 hroeme directed that he return home js] j« sunnlied to them ay Schoo! und church regul charges are paid by private citizens. Then, thinks of you for he must judge you! fe out uy : ' | P sr out upon the waters of their happi che ely of your end. the intrstion | prey a timatl to be ome of toe oe. The Insurance Man, Barrie. vour veree and perharm by "bit sone shen, make life happier for them, Shut | jennie ing whieh you throw wut ae you anproach | your eyes for ten ee here. fut which sour who see think htle Jo" oho ie nnn te eee nee s| «= Ohitdren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S because you do not tke note of it fold your hands und sit still for an hour ing cle, Tt must he impossible for one rn blind to go an your after yexr without secret longing to know what it is that ) you see the wind'? they 30 n? What ix it like and how big roll cther wath quetioneceen they wk and t they spem con "dwih the mere des antion of the bewuties of nature ! Blind Man Is In Charge | There t in Canada an axtociation which | 1 1 ne after these unfortunate py thix end they hive es ablish ol | fe tought This ix the Canad atonul Institute for the Blind, and a Ay Ret 'nth avo they opened up a faerory in} M. ° city where the men are taught how to} ake "brooms, und in this way are mare W feel that they have a part in the world all of Mo ist ne well om she sighted owvaple, The fae --S: ry is in cherge of a blind man, C. 0. Ty +, a A nian. who retviened| a hart time ago | Eis Great Wall of Gi ine cen sound--it js hetter to keep enemies ect than to fight them after they hve entered. course in broom-making, te turn ont the finished | «well x inv other man. | | I Hy relieving cor t4 the absorption of sv.) 'chotherwise would 'The punef modem me isthe same Anti ar even more i venting the spread of in curing its and in its fight for Anes Preversion science hias OW found a treatment for the condition that is the root ofevil of over 90%6 jon the men turned out week, which ia a very able inners Hore all the mate mine and Nujol softens the food waste and testinal muscles to 8 removing the cause of constipation and sel{-pois- oning Nujel helps Nature estab- tempt f ter deducting the price of the materials omen are given ull she profits ensuing ! : little lecture and promised not to go. axtri ; , reatest cures of our day. Tt ix difficult ' K from the xsle of the brooms, Until they : é Tish easy, Whorough' bowel evarda THE DOUBLE 2 start Rood and still more dif 8880. His futher had to en'er into @ get aifficimit enous ure paid $9.00 of all discase--constipation fa erat eee 'bond that the boy would appear for xen and liter are nit on piece work 'This is the Nujol treatment. healthiest habit in the world. Ceta It to keep then goi So ma are fs ateeraiie' hoes aI duties This the boy did on TRACK ROUTE "emis concerning their political dunes, | fener, on Dee, 2nd att ace id expecially <0 far ss these relate to things Ge Mie | Judge was that the youh was working in between inieinal, 'Such peuple need to be pratt 'ed. The citizen who i asleep municinally. * TORONTO 2y deal onimeand of bitele use to the com, (an had reformed. Previously thie boy : was w terror in his town. After telling the | th MONTREAL munity . 'n my mind thére ie no more ureent d ex prisoner how pleased all were with his | T. DETROIT Lie Mite ie lore Mean ot Tefopmatiog Atl aigaretiag: that he whe: thie and CHICAGO hefore the chufch of to-day i ie conscience, andard of civie hon-|£0- Another |ahip alan iy, who too had been remanded for {to nd of or and righteousness by showing that pat- Sleeping cars on night traing ang|-iotism is an integral part of religion, mt Te By ioe Had fees Teena or Parlor Cars on prine that civic obligation and Christian oblig-|S*tence so that in the meantime he might | jn trains Oe Ore dy | iin "ure one. Personally. T would. like |make good, 'This gent had been fond tinsineee for, themselves they. ate given 8. » cer nk municipal skating rinks where /Euilty by the Judge of not «upporting his | ye ; Unexcelled dining car service . ||), \", i vm who eannot | i fruit information from any Grand |°%,"% 4 ek of eur town who cannot laa eben and bad gone away wih Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E.firresnerive of clas or creed. could meet | sked the wife if she would live with him Horning, - District Passenger|on 1 common shect of ice in fellowship | ssain if he would support her and the Agent. Toronto. nd play together, with one of the town's |Children, She consented and he promised . A ctticers: an:-mupecvizor: to support them and be » good husband J. E. BILLINGSLEY Can is a measure of ought. What a-nan {snd kind father. Instead of sentencing the Depot Agent =: =: =: i 'ty |man to the prison farm and placing the pot Agi Phone @|can do for the uplift of his community |msn to the prison farm and placing the ciety us some parties requested, the Judge directed that the man be given another chance. Since then this man has resided with his wife and has properly supported them. They are all living happily together. The children are clever and 'the father will |be 8 decent citizen the same as he hac been during the remand. He wns allowed te go and promised never to go wrong again, Saved Stamps, Lost Fifty Dollars A man at Ripley, who persisten ly. ix sued cheques upon the bank without put: [ting on the required 2c, stamp was "pul HTed* Inst week. the bank mynager having {nid information, As the accused could [not deny the charge the minimum fine of $50. was imposed. This is the first cake of the kind that we have heard of in thie vicinity, and most people will agree that the man deserved it. One who issues only an occasional cheque may be pardoned for not atteching the tax stamp, but for the man who issued a great number in the regular course of his business, there is no exctise at all, and it is fair to say that it ia done with a view to "doing" the -re- ceiver of the cheque out of two centa-- Bruce Herald, Shooting Licenses By a recent enactment the Provincisl Government. has provided the means hy which farmers may be largely saved from being pestered and 'annoyed with boys promiscuously shooting on their farms. Hunting generally has been much restricted. Tn future hunters and trappem of all fur bearing anjmals must secure licenses for which a fed of $5 per sesson will be charg- ed A man_znay hunt on his own farm without a' license but °must aéoure the nee- Bonday, Mond: 'Conséian : ; 'le 7.2, orth Gay, Cochrose'and Ganndien Mothenah, (Pectber tolermation irom Conacion Watsons fhebet Bavats. ow 'GENERAL PASSCUOCH DEPARTMERT, TORORTO factory now and earning good money factory. four come from *he jmakines of a fine man, the Jurge let him } past rty from 4 nearby town-|monton. "The men are trained in se before Judge Klein last branches of the work, providing they wish and children and had gone sway with | jnaterial, Constipation is such a dangerous bottle from your druggist today. For waluable health bookle--"*Thirty Feet cf Danger!" --free, awrite they have learned their work well OF i Ee tetces mies nce words 18 sie Nujol Laboratories, Standard OilCo. (New Jersey), 50 B* way, NewYork. 1, our from Clinton, one fram Midwave © Radar id mt bm wuld Btn booring th Nil Senda Marh 1 ree from Vietoris of these ix Will W arning: Bee Ain Boner of Femioas orremend 8 i en Tou moe 19 fro wld. fo of Bare, Jack Todd's or brother, lmoxt totally blind for the year) and lately one from rat con'inue working in the factory. but the case of those who want to etart in ar's troining and then aupplied the raw Along with them is one sighted man, » ATTENTION Sick Women To do your duty during these trying times your health should be your first consideration. These two women tell how they found health. «+ -~Hellam, Pa.--*TI took Lydia E. Pinkham"s Veg- etable Compound for female troubles and a dis- placement. I felt all ron down and was very weak. I had been treated by a physician without results, 80 decided to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial, and felt better right away. I am see ta house since last April and doing all my housework, where before I was unable to do any work Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- * table Oompound is certainly the best medicine a woman can take when in thiscondition. Igive you permissiontopublish this letter."--Mrs. E. R. Cavmirve, R. No. 1, Hellam, Pa. . Lowell, Mich,--I suffered from cramps and dragging down pains, was irregular and had female weakness and Gisplacoment. I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound which gave me relief at once and restored myhealth. I should like to recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies to all suffering women who are troubled ina simi. lar way." --Mrs. Exisz Hem, R.No.6, Box 83,Lowell,Mich, C