\ ; : i i aA ? * ? Page Six : THE BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE C. BROWN Ga ny pe south, Would you Fon THR nest IN FARMERS' SALES NOTES Thomson shook his head, "Thastk you," he answered drily, "I BAKERS' BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD Farmers with Sales Notes will be well advised to turn them over to this Bank for collection. have it in my desk but I thik I' can GROWN BREAD The Bank will relieve you of all trouble in mak- « remember. Is he outside now?" "Yes, sir! He suid he woulda't keep SANDWICH BREAD AND A FULL LINE OF ing presentation, and payments will be credited to your account promptly. 0a you for more then a few minutes. if you PIES, CAKES and P; Sales Notes supplied without charge, BIGGER PROFITS FROM LIVE STOCK AT SMALLER COST "I was up till three o'clock again. Guce I thought I was on the truck of ix, 1 have come to the conclusion now that it's ene of those codes that depend upon shift, ing quantities, I shall start again tonight jon a different idea. Shall I show Captain Granet in, sir" STRY could spare him a short interview." Bakery and Saleshop "Any luck last night?" | Ambrose sighed. Cor. Elizabeth and Small Streets ---- -- ns -- -- Endorsed by Government Experiment Stations. It is selected 100% Pure Sugar . a |, Thomson awented, and a few minutes Your Reading Needs || THE CANADIAN B ANK. [Perici tee tn | | ee wcamanin | M0 attempt to shake hands or to take a age and all rong! {seut. Thomson looked at him coldly. "Well." he usked, abruptly. "what ean T do for you" --~at-- |" don't suppose you can do anything," | Grane replied, "hut Iam going to spent to-day and tomorrow, too, Af necessary, in | place! bothering every one [ ever) ef You have some influence. 1| Get me a job out of this country." | Scott's Thonison raised his eyebrows. slightly Bookstore as | "You want to go abroud again?" | la "Anywhere cunyhow! IO they won't OF COMMERCE. PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000 BARRIE BRANCH, H. M. Lay, Manager, Are Well Supplied pp Makes all feeds vempting and digestible. Sold in strong sron-booped barrels at a wos reasonable price. Obtained from all.frstolass dealers CANE MOLA CO. OF CANADA, LTD. 118 St. Paul St. W. Montreal, Qua. ALEX. McKEE, BARRIE einen rs ws \) have ime back in France, although heaven | Local Distributor ') ' a} '4 knnws why not. cun Tbe sent to the Dar: Offive hel iter A ld Ganelles, or even East Africa? I'll take | iderly. « Bang eet as. rno | oat Territorinls, af you Like TH do any: | Semen | ery Fy cae . : { Ming sooner than he ordered to one of these fh Fire & Life Insurance Agent | By E. Phillips Oppenheim inferval Goel Gee young, QAM A WA Bigs |, MP trarespeople, If T don't worry, 1 ktiow | Meal Estate and Money to Loan Copyright, 1910, by Litde, Brown & Co. reel A Lane nkosi arent dirretly Fi THE MARKETS i Sori Rout ; _ a . itor, for a mo Offer» f A uumbor of Valuable Farm Serial Publication rights secured by The Examiner, moet agate is visitor, form neo] gm SS a ' end Sean ine ar ies {oe ale on through special arrangement with owners of copyright. 'Si ou want t9 be fighting gain, eh | SATURDAY MARKET mo Mit 7 a j he remarked, | After the storm comes ? MASONIC TEMPLE aUILDINa | -- Tao. Gfsaee'anviate Pity Ihe hn Ct omen a ealey and afer ,, POADi'e Fi eal eed hawk the bumper Cheittmns Market came a very BALUUSE, BARRE (Continued from last week! We tener TH RIL amd low her ayouth, , Masor Tho son dor & itl lor from [3st ne. notwithstanding another" haf ukor ek : is | ' bet tor wards hin ened it w y Fro y falling thie Ww It would seem uk of "onto | coarnuad, hat RAGE Mell Sir Alte that anand fe chor al el hie handover the age | eyeing week, would ae sas when ull seen absolutely + ioe fete 7, calle that his hand. slipped oy ts ee pewerful anvl safe. 1 in vometimes the 'igge |! Thotison." Geauet muttercl apie Tt wae, neticeaile thar he her of) cit for the previous murket. The sifsrne | f 6 6 hy ith & C to pause and consiler. We ure at ther would never have bern suet ma few mehes the right hand drawer oft hiweven wee ce gond quality, if sul RENCK simat vat sabe preAeM Cb ae Fait hadu't been for the sume very" his, th snd maintained the good prices of a wok i ©. 0M 0. been Icha" th'pomt way Roan gee eotereae" outer gH tie, PU have come to me, Captain Gran es Were again 750 and Sea "i i Fatabilshed 1809 {ines whee Rant Englund, aoe (2°66L, "my: "con ner would never 21 Me raid, to ack iy dG artting| al baskets were off =] c ewe Fale URE CG have' bide thinset ee you x job. Well, if T could give you ane sree ' UNDERTAKERS Brine cise en cg ee pa Sheer Twas. pesfetiy certant that sy nage i, atraity in uur reid dimpuntanee, Sine Thonwon os our one retisining dan. ™ fa) he bot in ir first ee "Vewoo at S00 a fhe und several gow i Moen Day and Night vue return bike heen at Varn. "he said. "Lo have hud the feeling Owl give it to. 'you. with pleasure with chicken 30c were the prices fur fom! ime eeturn home yeu ae evn Oe nes Tings BE wath recogned me. We Uuler p ai condi ever. i Meas | Breese ment offering wns very smal Taine ne NAC' povete gee Kener gt "im . Way BA eke, uaner You. sre frome ny kate wen ne at Morgue and Chapel Bie sa, ni nes ike Fons zal ie Some nek ie "German 8% Brisk fighting fore the better it | ry Kile pi ata (n connection mitans See RAG, of our en Tie, FORME out he mut have Sill ke for the wafety and welfare of that |S Mad or the. quate sibs Thee many eee a mv track atnce. TPtook fore . Rutter WARRLE, UN enone a2 1 cline heliiney ne notice of 3. TE thoueht 1 we ainuply Rr nadenly: et a tere sata . SRPPE NUNC} bel gute tothe nice at Laney Ahn Cotta, be wie engaged to Ger eB ers ne ee ee Sang? i ako owing me In a don thor Aine Conye ae n° he de fed [Chekew. Live a a ale You are rivals in lave, ton, uh? PS; What do vin mean 1 demunded ke Wave my ay ghee eon felts An ds gp Now ar fivale im love, too, oh? PSie Thonion hivl removed hix had and was | Duck, i ttieg OT SIMCOE MARBLE WORKS ii vn vet ee wc ane ep eal anak cared |Geme, th é| Office and f, BARRIE . yee ete: Fre the tel a 2. fF motee ere abt Turkey, Ib. radford St SW ketone, Prep, 1G Manuel, Mer and" Grae ir Alfred murmured to Twill nor read them sil |! = am., 1 to' Dealers wu Ur.aue and Murhle Monuments Ai h Surgeon Macor Hugh 'Thosson * you wane extrac'. There Aressed wi ang Tablet. Only best anatenal used and ae ee Pen sired a. Ronute, from 1¢ Your fall some and parentage, teucing out | . - fire elas wothwen employed, Bra Tab. pesanee ais. Wee Shah | More ines the ie fear. the ariount of foreign blood whieh IT find is| B SURGE) fels a specialty Pree always right. i hee aoe T think Tain avcure. Tig it Your weinw 'There is @ verbatim eee -- a, co within w thar that single letter will Ie OF « report neve to me by your Bog | Bone 61. Hara eas oar ya cipher), snl if it in. thee parte of General. it which it seeme that to the i - ri; ¢ great and unconque: vany hus] 2" Cabinet are my friends, DT emld ruin (BE uty command you were three | | Te DYEING AND hat her onsrtinity, 'Thm may be a, wae] IM Stock Exchange tomorrow, feet ge ton Ma geared You were tin | Gradiate of ¢ i i he uaeeara| aes creilite fort ai Many rate. be YOH snparently eseaped: the informarien oni ala, mae ea, Somaya the unetweted | Tots ere rr . whi lenight ick led to, at least | Amine: bneke ied Speciel: « occa ad tice Ae feet anil gurjoais| Hy the eel Re fms ira, agetere: the inormation which oxact-7 ADH. barrel... 60.73¢ | Oilice: Corny" i A Pera yet COS ass ' ieclared gemudy, "that we should hoth Iv at the tine vou were ubwent seemed to Crean ak, : $ Difice (2 Your Clothing will be Fame oy mean this? "Granet eck note comfortable if there were no Sur. onw mire vel into the ane of the sft quart : ie |7 Ll joa chiA reali ns e r ed even greater trouble for | a x Properly cleaned inside and |) """Sisstutely."" iw uncte sseured im, [Any Maier Thon ity chee Elsuacner 2 a jt Ae , 'ee bay ida" "Remember that L know more th da tr Nery Last input ad to deal Me , ny a| Wood. short. bard Ls nd s outside at W- Firth's. The There is Sige ery mere tang a | inte continue, "made ale "De ee amare tee thee: Uma long, hard seeee $13.00 loud Office and qs linings and inside of your ing the dual alliance. qhthat it is you Ra eae in Berlin' t cae ns 2h nT imsimiate nothing." Thomson replied NEARBY. MARKETS Clapperton clothing are as important as cal (oe un wehbe Gee eat he wn a a i he. Ronnie? Ca he be aie fa yo and Tare con {Deceniber"Oh. ton = if q " aie 2 nnughe ? idred thousand pounds cerned. we muy as well, I presume, und 25. . the outside. Why not have Be hae ne, rei we. hs wetreamel and ie tone tet ake eet Gant one "south You are, without; | Alliston---Wheat $1.85-81.97, bari #22 Boo them done right when you | °" Bee eT atest nat Pe 8, fete wens oF ening 'rub, ware that my peat we inspector §1-45:31.50, peas $2.50-82.75, hay $25.00, non having them done? "All | wal for monte teat y MoE NTE wan bie Gases cnet "T hove of howpitale is 9 blind, Tam, ae a matter | butter 50.53. eggs 7681.00, teoker ite Bento are having them done? il oy cece ny genes fined it once, T expect Tl have to iry of fact. chief of the Intelligence Depart. | 4re, cence 22.2%e, Cena eat kinds of Repairing done. ine een Oe ain ment, with a runk which at present I do| Orillis--Wheat $1.97-82.00, barley $1.25. | by woeinly, Ae Ee AE neat: Ther recog: | Eg leaned neroas the table, not chase to use. I have heen myself to] $1.30. oote 80-00¢. rye $1.40 $1.50, peas Te We know how. ave the authority and they .alvolve me, 'Don't be rash, Ronnie," he advised, vour Brigadier. General and brought home | $2.25:82.50, beef $13-815, pork $18.$21, | 4 ? hes, know thar ik ill be wel Donate Sl aad ya. matmbee tee Tie ae lthis report, and if it is any satisfuetion | dressed chicken 25-30, geese B5-300° trecey Phy W. FIR H Te Up The cengreste: Ninte: Gomes for:draw: | Mt danger, both to you und to me, He to you to know it, T brought also an ent | 45-0, cater 58-60c, eggs 65-700, jwta- P| I ing up the H : ae ; toes $2.00-82.25 bag. e [ne ix the only man wha 8. . 'Ph, 229 sGrenet cere aE, aise 9 Bs hate ene ane H spy part of the ferce under hie] fick ty with hie ant 7 im ienpow- " SSS Sf sone * sible"Thy with these few commonplace aro. Ba -| serious crime and be has the power to dir- / £ T: was simply rotten luck." Granet mut LAWS (Upp Barrie Hotel, Barrie, | Sons thy tate ef al Burcee wi being pro ai h : vet the Trewurer of the County to ad. q 7 nounced het _c. 5 Se "T come here to 4 few more notes," uch sum as he MAY | Phone Sai -- AT cenchei se pamean that "Germany wil Thomson proceeded Hd. Welch shed? he demanded. ie 5 a]] | Sir Alfred shook his heud, 1 shall be glad if you will! yg ruth The Barrie Planing | a infomatan, you, "Sa suid, "bu yeace of exha will 'Attor- Cornet Sophia aud Mary Streets Icom re 'co "nurely. ree ee "tained ov m gueat at the Germon hendquar. | MY ein communicate with the "Atiorvey Munufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, | months have passed, Tt is time for us to hear a ise an investigation, that Fiioring, Ceiling, Mouidiugs, Water Troughs, | think of ourselves, So far as I am eon- this ix often done but the advice is too Tanks, ete. jeerned. well. there is that one censored | j often disregarded by the Provincial Justice Cattle Diserues Bre carry in stock » large awortment of |Iciter~ nothing. in. itself yet' damming if Department. My reason for ssking for Phones p ' Rough wad Dresed Lumber, B.C. Shingles |the code should be discovered, Ae' for this ia that the statement is quite inge-| Capt. J. Disp $id Prevared Roofing. Wood Turning snd | you. well. yon are sufe from. anything curate. My other reason for writing to Ala Kiln, Orying © Specialty. Dressipg doue | transpiring in France. and although you you is thut for muny years past it hae d promptly. seem to have been rather unlucky. there. Granet exclaimed, | been customary for newspapers to attack r. Consult us with your building. vou appear to be xnfe ne renarily Norfolk, never saw the fel Beto in mye) Mtorney: Genera adh Department. 'y 1 P You must make up your mind now to . RG doubtless, but a coinei- | 20t only for things which lie within their i * THOS. ROGERS {follow my ts im. curiously. | "Ridiculous, doubtless. but a coinei- | 20t vhich fic | Agent for 'the le ol y lead. Tuke a home command, . Mani ver | Jurisdiction but also for matters which lie| Ag 4 rete 'u're young. of course, Ronnie," he idence."" Major Thomeon replied, turning over ; A lie solicits orders | Phone: Office 163, Residence 283/40 she rw of your widen ty Ut| continued indulgeatly. "ou baven't yee heetcge ee Tram Pat ae te eS ate: he Departonent in [sore bert ' Serene |sbour with These leet far waette vies [iited your batten oe te oar sulle 1 Sind you 'king an femeese inert fa 0p ie) lus eves sine' 907 the tto | Adineas6 Che : 7 ace comes, fy. England or Germany, you have jour new destroyers, trying, in fact, to ine f =-- (epee great secret. At henrt we may | Properly ' , aN ees vern: to: 'carla ire | Rrossly inaccurate, or when they charged j] Base longed to call ourselves the sons of | *0™€ of both in you. After ally it isnt | duec soune Conyers to exnlain doea' "ty egunet this Depastmens ie ote | PIANIST 7 | vigbs ion. but ft i ® vital matter under which banner you' netting eystem.. following him down' fo it Gad '00 conten. The te ee F je mee cenriur Rosen ee leave ane tee ith, tg. | Fnrtamouth und doing your best to discover |i | feed baeiie chee CP [Wyant canrinue Eaglahmen. Gran. have lived here all my life. and T wouldn't | alo the meaning af new device attached svat Moc ay oe any (oe Dena PL} \ at telargt. "Let me realise this for a eare to live anywhere else. aa oa? be TAL eile diearl® Cane pro-{own burdens and not to allow inaccurate] -- Orchestra and misleading atutements reflecting upon it to pass uncontradicted, moment |, He st quite still, A rush of thoughts [had crowded into his brain. First nglish 'nir T breathe but it's » Ger-|tes'ed. "I wax interested in the subject, an im: Tt' m heart I still carry with me, Good j ax any military officer would be x, se " | Hight, Ronnie! Remember about' Thom: | portait naval development. My journy | T shall be glad to receive un early renly. 15 Herbert A+ f foremost was the thought of Geraldine. | tight, in Pen Co eet. : Yours faithfully, Tf he could cover up hie traces! If it] £00: to Portsmouth wae simply an act of cour E. Bayly ets : Your Family y : Your Business = Your Future The two men wrung hands and Granct | teay to Mix Conyers und her cousin." made his way towards the door. "T find you next." Thomson went im- "About Thomson," he repeated to him- | novahly visiting the one Freneh states. self, ax the servant conducted him towards man whom we in England hal cause to were true thut he wns set free now from. Deputy Attorney General. | his pledges! 'Then he remembered his i itor of the evening and his heart sank. Buy advertised things, it pays With an Annual Divi- low tr ee ee ey the door, fear. in his hott in London. a find that ', | vn "Sor: ihre anthy very soon afterwords that statesman a ff. fend Policy in the fi ne ate ece eon CHAPTER XXX Rin, aiiee eaten! When jeiement of the ching was sbout it was| Ambrose unnounced a visitor, carly on | Kaiser. offering neuer to the French people i & 4 i on extraordinury terms. Wha was the e os 6 ao el ahr tne MEME me we Ee ee a Ts yaaa mean "What do you mean?" Sir Alfred de- "Captain Granet to see you, sir. We've | Can:ain Gronet then you need manded anxiously. "This fellow 'Thom. (To be continued) BE M'S Says Department Was Not Notified : 7 |Sun Life y, | of Canada «f} Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co. "D. J. REBURN, fon?" "Thomson, of course." Granet assent: ed, "but the real trouble has come to me {To the Editor of The Examiner, inn different wav. told you that the | My dear Sir.--In the iaue of The Exam- irl got me out of it. She couldn't stand |imer'dated the 18th of December there. is the secon cross. ation. She war {8 quotation from the Alliston Herald head. driven into a corner. and finally, to clear ed "How about this, Mr. Raney #"" I have written to. The' Alliston Herald and advired them which is the case, that the "TEMPLETON'S RHEUMATIC CAPSULES PURUMMATISM.NEURITIS, SCIATICA Your mouth is a good indication of the con. dition of the stomach and bowels. horrelf, raid that we were engaged to he lephone us jo married, She has come up to London, 8 FR Y Morning , Phy 142. Dis.Mgr. came to me tonight. She expecta me to Attorney General's Department. was not rth = Guin box 'one marry her." i. notified at ll with regard to the burglaries | . Seldeneniher ie haus ee ase, ste, angemebte" {How much does she know?" Sie Ale = suid to have been receutly committed. ie elieweles epee = red asked. fen ¥ Alliston. The statement 0 far--as tioti: hice . "Everything." Granet groaned. "Tt Leniyatiotsprage ti fication to this Department is concersed IPPOMsibi ities of FURS! was she who had told me of the water. ails tosh rebie appear to-have been made out 'of whale Your Granulated Eyelids, Mes care : Ss be eee] See ar UR alert ca a zane 2] ith Ce just fo! e was lit] oud «: an: nd i it ii i ae landed (ear es Pm pot gs tl you wil be dae Sour rarest [AttormeY having no authority to incur the Ey (CS . 'Your it rite ns for on usw booklet fs GeUeEE | expense T may aay: that under the provis -- found me," 'fpgand costs yori siothing (Templeteus iia [ions of the inintration of Justice Ex. Comfor Sir Alfred sighed. es Bs 'We mail navwhere on ey Act the Crown Ato: - é Bottle. M: SERERNAN | fe ee, ay Str for Bar i hr, re ay ah or Deol he oe we * Barrig, Phone 828 [but you'll hav@to pay it. The sooner} William Cressland," Druggist| and Kodats. 'vices in connection with the detection of! Murine Eye " : . f : erate U