Ciste Sanetus Mass in | ceed. Battmann [Benmtenis Mass in B flat | agp Ro Hamu [Agnus Dee Mass in FE. flat . tee eee dL. Batimann Bostlude Grand Cheenr CHRISTAAS MUSIC | vavevevevavnvvaeenvavauzeR AVQVAVETAVEYT y i > ; ; WANTED | °U2"" |The Ideal Christmas Gift : : St. Mary's Church " IS THE 7 -- pe eae eens heme Gaak I | / Ph ; csicvin | Ldeal Phonograph ' 'nm Raitinann| The one that gives Perfect Tone and will play every make of record perfectly. Everyone iE fat who sees them is struck with the completeness and wonderful value of these machines, We Rough Lumber The Ideal plays every rec- ord that is made, and the own- MAPLE, BIRCH, HEMLOCK, PINE, is in a position to purchase Page Six ay ____THE BARRIE EXAMINER hursday, December 18, 1919 SUNDAY, DEC. 21 ll Ki d f re J A Inds oO " Fotiniann have them from $65.00 to $165.00. Cabinets in Mahogany, Fumed Oak and Walnut. er of this superb instrument BASSWOOD any kind of record, and. fee! confident that he has a phono- Ws Besoeueey graph that will reproduce it THE BALL PLANING MILL CO., LIMITED St. Andrew's Church perfectly, | Morning The makers of the Ideal Per- | te ma eal Per. BARRIE [Crean "Th fae Sica fect Tone Phonograph are not Phone 109 Bayfield St. Nr interested in {the manufacture ' A 5 J herds Wateheg their} of records. The sole aim of 3 ; = cn exounes « TUPHAR this company is to produce a. : aa om [oNeht of Nights. Vanderwater musical instrument that will! *; | ot , re jierieit Adverts g Sac "Both Wife and Mother Will Get Silver all by Miss Grace Fish play any record, and play it hkileal ong: it apreuing in diteeGone uolteeed nf, ., Ottaway Dees 10 The Denariaieat or} OrKaN--"Chirisnaas" .., 'Gabralt with a perfect tone reprodue- % "4 ST eta cect ee e Militia and Defence announces with refer: Evening § oa we aes tt ane npn, Siw i crete ie pune toe aa ciegh tion; this they have accom. THE AEPROoUCER / of church wlvenitang Up. Saute yueueval Ihe aeninrial eae ty elle cask see alent id plished, and the instrument The Meal su revelation in tone pont few youre ago: minay churches did head wives. of deceased sokbawe which wen |"Shijiticrats itv thw till : has hi iven the na it feopnt ut ree Tate volume, ull on ace vertiting, un thoes' that slid usually con, lately published in the prem, that the ree |" Igedbheheci cee Malling Be ee Ien the mame it cops uf the Meal Magnetic Ref ee Sk their anneal 0. Boll den nen, ations in| their nal farm peavide for asatighs iil Aliéte Fiddales pehily deserves, "The Ideal' thé nest senstive of reprodurem. Tae Nowadays in the citi the church page w the imue of Iwo crows in cnr of eae Suet, : Loret erfect Tone. | wet of the Reprod is teputer: feitiiow WEEE edition | Sailor and soldier who was survived by both | pa ¢ Reproducer. acts nn the stylus on : of the Widow und 9 mother. In such mstunces one |ATLOr a shortened fou, af serview box. Its possibilities in giving wa mee: Claaay, leeribemienes 'of the ine wll he ansueltq°th8 widow tea one| ile whnin will Sing. the Gs ntata THE ELECTRIC:LIGHT delicwey inthe tonal eeprodet ared as curefully ae the | sae t In the city 10 the mother Jethe: Story a! chistes The eal No, 18 6 enuipped with, the pwages nuke ols moun , eee te pit ee yee opersted bythe obsolete, and in furtissinia passn ion ieee aneen rel a tvy L. 0. L. Office a ' Al ews, Tf your Ideal ordinary reproducers paced tones and all the church. vting of Ty L.O.L. No, 450 on [OTEHN--"Tidlehigaty Chorus destroying blasts, caused by the amulle 7 é following olficers werm elected eee ees Handel ts ip. athe Ideal Mag. chins euch wee peal paper. And Fred Arnold WoT THRESHER, Ii py lity, follows. every. and inet why pot i ier, nes hglrete reenfe Wet Organist and Choirmiaster THEE farts 19 NE soon us the Hood iw nies and off oy epee osha ye fi Seeiee ae . hartioalsr ahah and artes eis R. Keown, Trinity Church lowering the Hood, | record holds, the sunetuary If the church bas a. ~Esten Davis, sage for these people it should invite them -- Chanluin-- Harry MeCann, | A ° : © pete tart In th of ot Leas 6."R, Sym the Feb wit their tik» Other Suggestions for that Christmas Gift Hex distractions the church hax got to D, of © --Frank Broley i] teen ca Cstanee nivke the 4 ation general und hearty. Tamnnittoe Y. Cleary antin i nonine ant : xn Mb eile munities IR paige as, eae, Bai can: [While Sheplers Watehit Thear| PLANO VIOLIN | AUTOHARPS |BIBLES | HYMN BOOKS ti ill the pews, Mercury worth : ne ot } F Nueht : | ORGAN GUITAR j3-bar . $3.00/ PRAYER BOOKS After the election the officer were in | ee . » Holland Smart Ache | Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows tulle by PCM. Jos, McClennatr | sinnis| eR AécoRnEoR| : = : : $e.09 BOOKS AND STATIONERY . SHE be the: rustomaey | QO CARINO FIFE) 10-bar. :|) $6.00 | LATEST FICTION + once Hi Hrixtirns sal the even | * { i Tete als AL eon OUTED ORGAN | | CHRISTMAS CARDS i nee Nuon 7 ALWAYS THE LATEST y Supplies for all aoe in-| TOY BOOKS Nuntahile il a ian) POPULAR SONG AND | struments carried in stock. CHRISTMAS PAPETRIES i J[Postiude. ° Met trom Atala DANCE MUSIC | STRINGS A SPECIALTY In greater variety than ever -- Menidelssctin i - " + Evening Prelude ME Sunset) ci ee THE MUSIC MAN BU Priesta0 oSernirianide | Hassani, | | | Xinas Dave -Pretide Ottertiry e e OPPOSITE THE P.O. SQUARE fem iwe Nos Hyams in Gb tlat} oy _ i E ' tie Guiloant. -- Posthudte- PAFEOIRE CIAVESIUFERIAVEURIRURGRY Vegavera" Mente ty front Tannhauser | Suey Telephone Directory--Names 0: 'A '5 The following on were indy BOS i 1 Soller Se Methadist O8UROM | a ieed foros a lat issue of the Tele mening Serv ien Dirrctory for Barrie Plorsan Pretude Christmas Binge! Sie TIGR Md. Grasott, Residence Hurriet forale Heainald Barrett) Street . ; e \nt Rehold ob bein you No Rodis Beene Reeidenee 19) j Hed Talis Clnveb all Sulseribers are requested te enter these | mY Porn Onertare OMertirn .. + | natn their copy of the Directory S ee Lifebn Welty SLA . "ee Solum Phe Ausel's Song Stirwles if Mrs J. Heath SS ° ort lle Nuttin "Phe first cheistias PROPERTIES FOR SALE jf mer ; wlon _ ) Almost everyone has an old friend who is re- pelea Rast oa a lime ieee fee Sate | membered with a little gift each year. Some- Evening Service woot floors, four bedrooms. all | times it is quite a problem to know just what Organ ret % SPN |A uel anc SS IR' EGe Sot | to send to that old friend. They are too old for pheny /M. Handel! residence und 68 acres, all for" $8,300 ~~ foolish little knick-knac es Alithiig--_ {Double brick house, -Peel street. $4,000 | ' foolish little knick Knacks, and well provided if Anth m by hath | Doub shies Worsley TAC Ll a heard rier | with the comforts and necessities of life. As ai met aa li Tirner | three bedrooms and four' roome down _ = aoa te ~ ont 7 rean Ofertoire--Offertuire tire cette eeeeeveee $2,000 = = S a sift for such a friend let us offer a sugges: beeen eu ees FF e}A fine brick residence looking over dbe| 7 = Bee ee tet tom Bao feat Chad aad seh], N= i SR ' 'The Examiner For One Year ates ama TPS] Fine oun ore ropes. me if hes fine extra large,dark' : - os 'Violin obligato by Mrs, Ord) -- | Brick 'residence on' Peel treet, four ted. 66 99 1 Anthom--Wikal- ave these? [ameter tie fou, bd Shubert" Wants Ontario Furs ONLY $1 50. . aii . shee. AT garage are «$1,700 All You Gan Ship New brick house on Holgate street, cem- Th ' 4, x ® Anthe ent foundatio d cellar, fe bed- This year The Examiner will be issued Decem- ening blessing Aves! von parlor gol Meiaevaten Cod And Will Pay These Extremely High Prices ber 24. You give us the name of your friend Coed certat Wasa Aa "Sh are GET A SHIPMENT OFF--TODAY 5 2 a allie We ; Maj |Geod ceme a . every' (and the $1.50) and on the day before Christ- Pagiltide March of thes nl | up-to-date inside; Tot GOx160..... $2,500 NSLENTRA LARGE] N21 LARGE | NeIMEDIUM | NeTSMALL [NS 2 mas we will mail your Christmas box, and en- 3B UE RICE" | Semeat house oii Wellington sitet, all con- Lorre to avinast | extn ro avenace | exrma to aveanct | extaa io cnteete | asto Ne aScaur 1 di th fi t copy of the fift two hich a MYRTLE: V. RICE, veniences. hardwood floors, lot 120x120, ' fhe ii e firs fy Py int by y ate Organist and Choirleader pee hee os at cg i jalan rame house on Brock street......$1, they wi ene there bits ne a ia ont f A Fine Plotu Double brick house on High street $4,600 .00t0 20.00} 18.00to 14.00} ing them of your best wishes and the gift that | E jotune Senti-detached brick house on Collier street, Color | 15.00t012.00) 11. 00 50} to 4.00 , will continue to come every week throfgh the "Little Women," a picturization | . pose eeeeees $5,000 10.00to 850} 8.00to 7.00) 'iaiea of Louisa M. Aleotts charmins | Rougi house, Owen street... .$900 year, ' tittle story, was the attraction al 1 Large house, Mulesetar: arene ery i the Geand Opera House on Fri- Al sevéncoom house, John street . $1) a What Could Be More Appropriate ? |fiay "and" iets The | Frame house ° -- Se eas 7400 to 3.001250 to 2.00 heroines, Mex, Jo, Beth and Amy, 'arms for Sale Or more suitable? A reminder of your that have hed (hrough (he | 100 sore farm, in Vespra,, brick pou, Stained | 2.75 to 2251 1.75 to 1.50 ' tiled paku 4 itude ui 2 good outbuildings ....... F thoughtfulness every week through the com- Le pee re AM At| 100 acres. Tanistl, 'clay foam Mand. 8 ing year.. And we will use our best endeavor century, found an added charm| pom gph, fvod oping, brick howe, in making it.newsy, bright and full of interest is ate etlenttut aoreen preeue. fruit, _ $5, 40.00t035.00} 30.00t025.00}22.00t0 16.00] 15.00to12.00 15.00 to 8.00 from front to back page. In these days of high eracters Went and likeable | 100 'seres. 'Veen A 4 = 7 as aed characters were por ed by! 20 acres bush ineueenniernleietl $3,500 'These extremely high prices are based on the well-known "SHUBERT" liberal * prices what could be more easonable than talented actresses and the whole |160 acres, Yesnra; ill rent st $400.00 8] grading and are quod for immediate shipment, No, 3, No. 4, and otherwise . . aN : Maoh vas oor re skins ie. For quotations on other io wr ~ \ the price of The Examiner? piece eee neds '0 sive 1b are, ae 33.500| jyleslor, sid for he Binkrt Bw the only reliable and accurate market = ONLY $1.50--52 ISSUES terec? ate which Me a 100 seres, Vine. Ai bcc of igo report and price fist of its kind published, it's FREE--IWrite for it. . a J *. @ 75 » Innisfil, l, "shi; nent 'SHUBER' will :: : cS i nat Nenu in iecinceaye vaulcker® t: On |50 acres grass Iand, Taniafil .... $1,500 -- s , . ADDRESS and it is t6 be hoped that more . SHIP ALL YOUR FURS DIRECT To. 3 s = = pictures of this elass pay be ' Fee fal it bagi and town proper- SH UB ER ies at a eatre. {ties for sale, apply to-- f THE - . NELR..} [uate satiate for toeat teat. | A.B. mE THE - BARRIE « EXAMINER. {|r M.D.CUBITT-NICHOLS| . "rie :AasFST HOUSE In THE WORLD DEALING EXCLUSIVELY IN 'ee vet i BARRIE, ONTARIO. : meee | +e Examiner Adlets are news mes- "THE REAL ESTATE MAN" L k RAW. Fl URS ie har an eee sages, Read them on-page 42. | Clarkson House, Barrie, Phone 62 PORTH MIERICA Nes