--_ Thursday, December 18, 196 se | rich, full-flavored tea same every time - REDROSE EA is good ted' Sold only in sealed packages a EPRERERERORORRORE RO RE RO ROR liad IN WOMEN'S REALM rare LELGLYLELG LGN LG POLE RE LOL sm Louise Alcott and the D:shes Where Travelling is a Joy When Russell Ho Conwell wae a ying dn senres of tile ways the comfort of gourisliet. he told a Ny. the tours us levkwd alte Every he we sent out te Cone evteW pear hae a wide blue, or Mest He rajqe he front! wi.te rannine ald fshuonerl unl sure | rhint ¢ Louis doar of white for whet Ay teak fur the wail eame{ frst, with |. HT. for to the stoor, which there Tot Like te see one righ! ts eseept that at us Wait pleswe tah raveler knnwe thut trains. like pass te the left What cou thas abe " We have juet sleawn into? Japunese ant English 'eral of them, What | aut what comes there are mare | med SJajran | nulway stubon of thy rédion and a list of the If through th (| unr: THE SUNDAY ar. SCHOOL LESSON THE RISEN LORD-- bio; 21: 15-19, (Read Jno. de GOLDEN TEXT.--"He is risen, us be anid." Mat. 28:6, TIME.--Morning of Sunday, April A. D, 30. PLACE.--Garden about Joseph's b. 'omb, EXPOSITION. I, The Empty Tomb, 20: 110. It wax dark in more senses than one us Mary hurried toward that tomb in which she fancied her Lord lay, but the sun was soon to rise ond bring her the brightness und joy of an endless day, As soon as Mary saw the stone rolled uwey whe jun.))- ed at the conclusion that the tomb had been rifled by the enemies of the Lord. Thus we often in our ignorance and. un: belief put a dark construction upon fucts | thet wre really fraught with the gladdest meuning. Mury was looking for a dead d and vbe will shortly find « riven one Mary's faith was not all gone even yet, for she still speaks of Jewux os "The Lord' John. being the ched the tomb first. hut an gi nee does not | enter but atopped to look in. Peier, true | to his impetuous disposition, rushes right | in. He sees. "the napkin, that was upon { his head not lying with the linen cloths but rolled up in w place by itself, ic an apparently insignificant detail bat se in which there is ibeey significance, Iran not merely a proof that the tomb had not been rifle. leaving disorder he: | hind; but it shows us 1 in that supreme moment of human history. when | the fife of God passed anew through thut | cold anil lifeless clay and death forever ality. was light, dixpluyed that same Di ind culm that marked His o excitedly cr and ing it wherever it might full, quietly ik it uff saul in an orderly way rolled it and Tid it down in ats pluee, Son would have us believe that this story not fuer bat fiction. but where is the mas artist that wae espable of thie minute 1 subline touch of life, and not merely human hfe i Tre ae hfe When John enters 1oxnw, bh, believed." ew of Seripture that had from believing uy tv Ignorance af Senivture tof the unbelief im the work! The Riven Lord with Seven of His the Sea of Galilee, 21. 15-1!) into Galilee be Discles at had gon you chance ty sme. t : la i larly attractive mount . asl w pw ats namie, the guird Ane De, Conwell'. ox: 7 "1 vv courtesy implying that | ® oy the mentent was All great erred 3 deci favor by atk | Il ninade whit gloves even the en And it might ler wide. others ean bears ith ACH weal Wue cal tem Girlhood Taye forw ter Ie wear uniforms; an tuten ataster even an the em: ; saves forth as the trian draws an a1 Brninniel He wean a sword Hitest person T have ever inet wae us dyin Northern dart. From Over n Wi Tecumseth Woman Deserted | Miston Horak Mrs. Ben Goodwin of | Treameeth was in tact vesterdy lacking [for icone of her hushant who, she asserts, rserted her She hat letter we Thy her hush Woe stating he hud srcure ny trace of everything went sold and mus in hin pas anil chat converted onte {everything anil the pro: Goodwin, Mr. eu short time kot tor these ot hanging up ule was gone -- Soap Saves Them Your woallens m last as long as po #0 dear now. is the pure: uit the nian which + This muney went tn get st Bfore to Mr. Godwin' TY SAO andl in-teneted iu Toronto where, he askured! down. Wh Wan be made to le, they're Sunlignt Soap und best of all 0 it's the aafest ditt the mont cee exireied --sunimons cause, being pure, i vat ev oh ' he ay a indy to'db Abe weak of hin whatever Mrs Gooulwin me back Alliston and will now seek Inyist om xetting the Soop you ask the assistavce of the authorities to hunt for--SUNLIGH: hor husband SOAP ef om LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED Torante Ont ef te read the advts ive news from live merchants, Roy aiveetioe! wonds. tt pays You save when you buy You save veben you bake Egg-O Baking Powder Co., Limited, Hamilton, Canada NJ ory of his fall before him, Pe had bidden them gu there 0 jthar th. wus a tr Hall wit Peter's. par ° tues | secuilat sieeujatite hee ul iucutnintent with the work af ag cueher ape othe er min 1 Is eae qr mvents on c revelatiins the post uf see 2B des his fishing exe: kw hued an the diseyles se at the | of the ulous draught uf fishes eto their ea "approved of febu dh STs deste Vhely nna they hil end of theres and there on tees after tunling sud wearily and fruithesely Aw day broke they saw drsus standing on thi In Jesus staniing on the | Ieoch wasting for His weary disciples out the bring their fish ashore, we ™ May see a picture of Jestis standing on | the wach beyond the sea of life, wanting ye ng that 0 few of us are 60)! were those discijles, to their help be drew out of then» confeseion of their awn utter | rive, Ba story bears the mt and truth, Th and John are exe ly. characcerists of its rural and high The story if fictitious would never have mentioned that the dix ~ for some time were not clear that it | Jesus, After breakfast Jesus cepecially I iitresses" Hinself to Peter. He wus the one who especially necded | first to be searched and then en- | couruged gud then commissioned. He calls \Peter hy his weuk, natural name, Simon. | for He is about to recall his failure in | which he had not appeared at ull as Peter (man of rock!. The first question brin up Peter's self-confidence and bossting sid fall, Peter bud bousted that th: all the res: were offended he would be, that he would stand by his Lord even unto death (Mat, 26: 33-35). So. Jesus | west thou me more thin Peter hud thought that his topped that of all the rest of the | disciples. Jesus asked him if he etill thinks | 0 after his sad denial, There may be a reference to the isntruments of his old | business to which Peter had been so dle | voted, and Jesus asked if Peter was ready | to_put Him before these. Jesus de the supreme uffection of His ne and everything must be put af 7), With all the mem. | er did not ! hesitate to re-affirm bis love, He does not use as atrong a word for love us Jess | did, but a more tender one (Ser R. V. | Margin', Peter did not say he loved Je- sus more than the others did. He had | Jearned humility. But of bis love he ha louht and ix willing to appeal to Je- 10 every ter Him (Mo Er sus' own Knowledge of him, Are we #0 confident of our love to Jesus? Can! we way to Jews, 'Thou knowest that I love Thee?" True love to Christ ix chown | by obedience (Jno, 14:15; 21:22). Je-) sus accepted Peter's profession of love and on this basis commanded him, "Feed my lambs." He will set only the one who loves Him to feeding the lambs, and the way that we really do love Him ix by feeding His lambs, Lambs are the young | of the flock. A minister's first duty snd a Christian's first duty is to feed them. What wondrous forgiveness and compat: | sion on Jesus' part to set the faithless Peter at this glorious work. He repented | the questién and got the same reply. then | gives another commiteion, "Tend my | sheep." To "tend" is more than "feed, it is the work of 'shepherding. Now Jemu alters. His question and uses the same wort for "love" that Peter had. used, "Simon, Son of John, do you have affection for me?" The thrice-asked question ix such a misnifest though gentle reference to the threefold denial that Peter is grieved at | thé suggestion of a doubt by the Saviour | Wea 3 » ad, é ee ee ee ring ashore the fish we have | erything about the | £' THE BARRIE EXAMINER nut his crucifixten follows, unfuristian tos must have been highly: grat His death shoule . Then ernie the soulug | cuuistances 4 b fying, nj cords, jection th: Ge PERFECT PHONOGRAPH S° No party is complete without a Brant-Ola. Easy to operate and plays all makes of disc retords correctly. . Buy one for your home. artists to sing and play for you; the season's successes brought right into your own home, The Brant-Ola is made in several styles, in Fumed Oak or Mahogany. There is one made expressly to suit your taste and purse. The dealer will be glad to demonstrate it. Ask him about it now. iny sh unity of prov f Chat Ths noghr Follow Very liteeat Pin Queer Uses f ue The Ie hunting expedition, w t an the Cape ws a dlecoy for ty tiger: hi Ie fr ie by bleating Lami gle wi the birds correct, care in Write for a 90c, sid this time right to the 112 the Phonograph The xraphophowe js. son ' culer of an Afric the hunters vlorer had some recorls der prevailing conditions, unsusnecting tigers af the Af considerable success, makers gamed one of their rat triumphs when they stcereded. in ertting gond nightingule and blackbird re such big money in it. why The chief diffi yet been produced b artistic creative ability. tone arm and into a careful] cabinet of pleasing design, of " Phonola Disc Records, never a dull moment. SOLD HERE BY D. C. HOWARD ut with all his the recording machine. Jesus is sat- recording muchine. in the ing that he in read Nie tine he cai TRe whanorreph'le also seem Like but under the eo "teen at Bri din the Brit of posterity thirtieth century" of these records just ho spoken in and jp glorify God." snl bwst_ commission The following was kno Sev kind, -Young people. etimes putt Hon. Mr, Tolmiv, VS. wy set OUT on B MO ister of ( attract the tiger! she week. and who hus Before leav- af puting hix product on and he tried the Tam. tired. of talk of profiteering. Tam ay to men who indul you go and produce country. culty was the ob- up your burber shop?" ad to the wounds of | go." "Phonola" is the utmost that every detail. The whole is bi Alll these things combine to make the RECISTERED a thing of beauty logue of louble each that you will drawing-room. The "Phonola" Hear it at our dealer's, (CH a wonderful party | A gay crowd. and a Brant-Ola to keep things lively--- The world's' best The Milk Producers Agriculture, speaking at Guelph ro. used it: Winter Fait: "Any farmer who gets up at potamt. In 4 br 5 o'clock every morning to milk his er a lamb ews, who attends to them seven days in! y scientific study The amplifier, reproducer, are scientificall The mechanism is constructed with y made and beautifully finished tone and design--a distinctive instrument proud to have in your entertaining your friends an The clever men things; thou got sround that by setting up a dununy horn of which i" Marvelous they put some of the birds' fav ad There |cundescension that gives the oue who de Whee pee Ee eek . after much raging lubor, successful : 4 These records have ster will have again wuld all over the world Ds 7: Mk. 1b : 2 ; When a hind entered the horn to get e Ewen seven of Npvoetulie¢ Yo nied Han three a threefokl. spartan : ; bs [present a Unis uppeurance of Christ (8. for aifirmation of hie love in Peter? fel te tle Sere wae. set tn np. [aco Thomas was our af the 'number. auawer there auother aseription of Des rite | The little ere palin br sugareted that (ty to Jewus, "Thou knowrat all things," jae! to the, soun ihey have thought He does indent A Sil PELOr'e" recone were seat f service to men in _more serious and scientific undertakings. Records of all the dislects and languages in have been made ish Museum for | The people of the w by the help! Manx and Gaelic | Cockney lingo differs | eral of the un- | isersities alo have collections of the same | Dominion Min- all the expense the murket un-/ is entitled to vevery cent he ever got for milk in this hearing all this getting 0 that don't you give But they don't) Beauty in Tone and Design has uilt in be will prove a decided advantage in d whiling away the long evenings. © or write direct to us for particulars. The Phonola Co. of Canada, Limited Kitchener, Canada BRANTFORD SALES LTD. Brantford, Canada * DISTRIBUTORS In Japan school teachers are given» pension if they are retired on aceount of vhysicul diisubility owing 1 wounds in- flieted in the discharge of their duties," 'That looks as if there were real battles tn the schools; and tbe Jnpanese Year Book explain that, in middle schouls, very often the buys break out ina strike. These out breaks. however. are gradual) ft school troubles are been ", Examiner Adlets are news mes- sages. Read them on page 12. AcupofOXO is both re- freshing and invigorating. Ready in a min- te--the minute you want it,