THE BARRIE EXAMINER Page Six Thursday, December 11, 19" 4 dicted the therough success of Vs aeneey | You'd Be Surprived, Irving Knufman, Just Leave " ¥ t *. Hhe cGimammillys Asaneidiion: . . , Tete Fev afd Jack actin =" Sings "Whispering Hope PROPERTIES FOR SALE [tie cities of ancient times," he 'Tell Me~A Love Song" "wisrscnteriahc mes ; -- said, "which sucereded and he- 1 fetter [Love Yon Jest tha Same, Sweet Adeline, The pure voice of > ' FARMS. came great n the field of art, sung by Al Jolson! Reece Gemce ie Assi, ith eo Ponselle, leading For Sale--100 ueres clear Jand, 10 ac. bush; | tilerature and commerce were Cee eam Irving and Jack Kantian, Shen dramatic soprano good barn. frame T-roomed house with|thoxa which developed their com- Atlast Al Jolson has fallen ek bee er sof the New York _ Plenty water. Price $5,500] munity life toghe highest stages. in love! And it puzzles 'Orchestra, Chas A. Prince, Director. Enid, Metropolitan For Sale 13 eres clear loam, Innilil, WW miys( af' thisk only of the him a lot! He wants to Waltz,Columbia Orchestra, A200%,J0-inch 0° Opera Company, Meaty of water Pee meet Bowe | industrial life of our town; if we be told why his nights are ete neg, Orchestra makes with Maurel's For Sul-50 acres grass land in inoefi,( make this place beautiful and tonesome and his days ra, appealing alto a perfect 27 seres has been worked; 10 acres|Cloan. with real community spirit blue without his sweet- Jos, Knecht, Director. A217, 10-inch 908 vocal combination. 4 'i a . ife which. heart. Coupled with Give Nobody None 0' This Together 'these two bush; good flowing well. Price $1,500| anid community life which people hem upled ene ive Nobody Me ° ee On For Sale--18 weres; good house, burn! all| will enjoy we won't he able to 'onderful Pal,"" the 'Original artis make this simple Kinds of fruit trees; im Vespra. Price| keep industries out of here; firss record of George , 'Original Jazz Band. ballad of the comfort vevsctes a $2,500 thee're Just cloaking for. team Meader, the new Colum- -- ~ 'Asti4, Lo-inch bos and cheer of awakened For Sale--100 acres in Oro. clear loam; 2 Te le atica ae inten bia tenor Saat Lacia, Riccardo Stracciari hope aflawless musical ; pe ueres bush, good. barn, frame house, are alive and thinking of A-2821--90¢ 78100, 10-inch T-roomed, plenty water. Price $5,200 {heir futures." . Abeent, Louie Graveure, Whe as " The cleraymen pledged their aul Gravecre, " HOUSES loyal support to this movement Seems, Sevloer Piet Me, Oscar He bog om For Sule--Fine rougheast house on Welling- ton street, will sell cheap for ....$1,000. For Sale--Brick house, 8 rooms, on Bur. ton avenue, newly painted and papered inside; furnace, Price ........,$2,600 Cash, '$700. For Sale--Brick house on Poyntz street, +4 bedrooms and conveniences, furnaces aud hardwood floors, Price '.. .$3,200 and suggested that the Commun- ity Association alsa undertake the problem of finding recreational and playground facilities for the children of Barrie Dean O'Malley In Midland Very Rey. Dear O'Malley was Columbia Sextette Saxophones "Oh, What a Pal Was Mary "And ob, what a waltz it is--played by the Columbia Saxophone Sextette with an meidental chorus by George 'Stars in My Crows, Oucar Serzle, 'Az408, 10-inch #1.00 Micvos--Poleasioe, Maria Barrientos. 49594, 12-inch Single Dise $1.50 Prolede la € Sharp Maer, Jooaf Hoffmann. Vale 'Gracle, (2) Bards at Dawn, Josef Hoftmans. 'Asiss, te-inch $1.80 Wins, Women and Seez, Waltz, Metropolitan Opera House Orchestra, The Skaters, Walts, 'Metropolitan Opera House Orchestra. Aish, 1-inch $1.50 gM. 78325--$1.50 Toscha Seidel Triumphs in 'Andante Cantabile" Toscha Seidel's rendering of 'Tschaikowsky's 'Andante Can- tabile,"" its airy cing. e- For Sale "double house on Peel vatreet, in Midland last week speaking on Meader! Coupled" with with its deep-toned haunting mi brick, 'electric light. 8 rooms in each INohait oft the Community Avec, "Weeping Willers Blues" A Mobinh Lads, For-Teot, Francesca De Rome ody, makes it thing of lingering good. stable and lot. Price.... $4,000 a fox-trot played by the same 'Trot, Francesco De Romeu Orchestra, uty. 49624--$1.50 For Sale--Brick house on Worsley street, iation being organized there. Of 3 bedrooms and bathroom upstairs, 4/his speech the Free Press say: 5: 'The Hand That Rocks Bly Cradle Rales My Heart, rooms downstairs. Price . $2,000) "Few have bee, privileged in- 'Medley Fox-Trot, Prince's Dance Orchos: For Sale--7'roomed frame house on Jobo /deed to live with the scholarly Dance Orchectig ee ser ea aes street, good lot and garden. Price $1,600 Cash $800. For Ssle--Frame house on Brock street, 8 rooms, electric light und water, double lot, garage. Price... = $1,600 For Sale--Semi-detached house ; brick | associations which have in Dean O'Malley produced such a fund of illustration and wealth of his- torical scenes from which to draw his graphic word pictures as this Columbia Records are made im all languages New Columbia Records on sale the 20th of every month at a Columbia Dealers, ' double patlor, large dining room; 4 bed. ae Rome ie oleitsye j rooms, good" celle, electric. Light and| PopMiar Roman Catholic clergy -~ COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE Co. fas, ll conveniences, Price $15,000 [40 (10m Barnes oe the Toronto 18 These are only a few of the great num-| eoimmunistic spirit from the an- iy keel @ iatine and houses 'Ihave on my list }ojont civilization of the Euphrates M.D.CUBITT-NICHOLS "THE REAL ESTATE MAN" Clarkson House, Barrie, Phone 62 and the Levant to the feudal days and showed how strongly they had survived in the pioneer hearts that reclaimed this lang from the wilderness, BARRIE AGENCY Garrett's Music Store PHONE 259W ly P.O BOX 178 B.C. A. MEETING IN {- = e 4 " : . , ALLANDALE WAR?' GRAND OPERA HOUSE, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 17 ? > Addresses Made by Very Rev. | Dean O'Malley, W: A. 4 ce 2 2 a, Boys, K.C., and others. Caed-Mille-Failthe In carrying the campaign inte . Sees © iting Canned BARNEY GILMORE. Himself) both Sunds ferneon in the . . . ( imsel in Karle YVAN and in St.} Geer: Menor Hall Singing Comedian evening The Sunday a services were of cam. puizn director Ered P. Harries e and Charles ©, ¢ man, it bein a men's necting analy, 'F | Ine was thrown open a ask questions and nota lillle ene » ' thusiastic diseussion took place. | . over a dezen of those present " " STK Gnecliitcy inoue ae BY DANIEL HART, AUTHOR OF "THE PARISH PRIEST retary MeMillin : The Monday evening meeting! 1 i hath inen and wo WITH A GREAT CAST OF PLAYERS, HEADED BY UNANIMOUSLY EULOGIZED BY THE NEWSPAPERS advertise i "in the t< of the Barrie Commun. } . Fi Barney Gilmore Company scores a big hit at the Grand.--Toronto ecient ~ World. we joined the velarion.t % A good, clean, wholesome play.--Toronto Mail and Empire. ~ Addtessis were dolivered by W.| HEAR BARNEY GILMORE SING Best Irish Play ever written.--Phila. Press. a WS ACC MEP. the V . , - uy . Pry eS =: a : . fetes Mille nee me eta "I Loved You, Kate, In Ireland," "Top o" the Mornin'," "County Gilmore superior to Scanton,--Phila- Inquirer. hoy. Edgar Tt aston, and ttes.| Tyrone," "He's a K, C," and see the old fashioned dances, Instantaneous and enthusiastic endorsement.--Pitts. Despatch. . W. oT Watt, ang Charles C | A play that takes you back to Eri N.Y. i WAIN SMORTEEE SE = 55C C. $1.10. Cc play that ta you bac Tin,--N. Y. American, En. shea nel PRICES 55 ' 80 $1 10 TOP GALLERY 27 It deals with the moment.--N. Y. Telegraph. was pronounend a sue. Plan opens at Malcomson's Insurance Office Sat., Dec. 13th Barney Gilmore younger and better than ever,--Boston Glohe, it A TL ----___ wodstoenttion to hose pre SS ---- | hoover tal! af whan were wo] -- -- -- -- 1: meno and mi the interest man- | winte ship. each momber being! "The world,' he said. "lives by j pressions and gives one an oppor- | lor aa cellent sheteh of his] s proving 4 great source af pe Hesteys eviten! that Alana? dead ti support thecarguniza-taction and ¥e-aclion, your pres [tunity te get new and better anes" [iie wud work while music of the pleas nd profit to the neve dele will net be in the rete gtd a tap a nerind Of tees years! judiees against mine, my intl Jheread was rendered by Miss Jeau{number whe attend... rain wf ow eta stability and man-ferances rubbing inst yours, | St. Andrew's Y. P. U. [Akuwell, tio playe damty : ection Lek Ma ime oo theampganization. until we become hy association! A most delightfal literary and] -avette: Miss Marguerite Gray,| -- Minaré's Linment Gures Distemper. . we a htt He see Rags paid hearty (ribute to[ With our fellow men. entiured, tf a eVeTNg was enjayed hv sing the beautiful munbee, on waniminniitaisiina coi UT Ta ENE THO members at clergy on tha|broadened and cultivated" There the Yeung People's Union af Sh] "Come unto Me" from "The 3 well aniirciateds Lateran whe were haekiog thie|% Ho man x0 Quoe he eannal gel /Anirew's Church sn Meany, Al Mosconi elek. oan tage POOLE & PEARCE "Tam eartily in ssinpathy wit viyement for the helterment of|the benefit of mutual association highly interesting addres oni wae {hal dashing number, "On " " ~ this: movement Doe ee eee ee esave ies (he land'diacUasion|afd seh a (nine GU Marlatt wa given byl ward Ye Reaves" WH. Thresher, THE BARRIE DAIRY After Be bad been mtratieed by oney: Canada is nol poor and/as this Community ration, Donald Hoss, followed by dives. who plaved the exquisite "Sixth! -- The Home of Pure Milk Chairman Jobin tattle, "ant Twines is Rarrie. We have had[With the heat minds af Ihe come |ion by Mice Statl aml oF ti | Coneente," Aes : have joie. Viime to consider this proposition; munity working toxefher in it [Ganifellow, Handel was the com! Those literary and musical pea [If Service, Cleanliness and: Wont at AS pwr all want te join beeanse it ean] most "surely correets weeny ims poser dealt wilh, Miss Violet T jerimues ave given monthly and] Quality Count Phone 772 " "Wi seen things fur Batriect a < * c . -- -- Dring is teeth bus in pub. eee eee nt | Re ss = ------ -- = . Loe me Mining and) ena ousnhig: adarexs: wax del AA Linea. Hered by Meo Garman, repre. ; . ie Manse [atone mi Canaan" wea » New January Numbers of ©»: , wnildiad ees ms Phere was al spiril of indiffer. & 2 - : > 00 antith fom tO ek A a nos AANA AE : t ) some itl omsnnder | ats sn pits starred weenie section of a Sa 3 Barri another T believe . BARRIE that with He coming of the Cot} - es munity Assertion that ts all ' . past paste Ry cocoperntion : 3 \ ean vet ahead the same as ¢ ig 4 2 ' : 5 ' 7 2 ether Ontrrmy towns and. citi . pPengtete a ' : jare forsee ahpad, Lendon, Str ' Now Open for Business rd Chat hgat Gu 4 Hewetle end 4, § Selling all kinds of H an sida jitter Is r ' cn < ; 3 ne fs ae Caen oy gr in} re WET AND DRIED dustry and etumercialiys Wf) . . a } fish te alt wo lhenyely a Freckles Nora Bayes Here's a World of M Hackett and Stracciari A ; FISH pray ihe hewetite voc ahold be Bad Boy Song' Wonderful Mus; fe in Verdi Masterpiece. Z reaping." | f onder U: 3 Nussd lite sbniial lun wari, Now we have Nora Bayes' j u SIC Hackert's great tenor blends 3 ALSO EVERY DAY sail Hc camer Basen: Ia Uheewenn bad 'boy wah wham' che to perfection with Stracciari's 3 oo af wivine ws a healthy elimale went to school. He pulled noble baritone in their first * 3 Fried Fish and French Ta heautitul sitnatien for a tewn.| the curls of the litle girls, thful) Paule dust for Columbia Records, . . Lidtif' al tliecgintiipnicsiisranndines and fractured every rule. hicio, 'Nearer ty God Te Solenne in quest' ora' " from ! Fried Potatoes ea a teup tes ta make "Freekles" was just as bad 'Tees, Ghorintess of Cals a La Forza del Destins, (t's one > . The ANT ett Ae tte, decelNy a boy as Nora Bayes is adiers' Rand of the fines numbers in the Served at Tables or Sold $/{he full benefit af them, p funny Onthe same record in Grenadiers' opera, sung by two of the « 4 Inert se that we Nora snes "Everybody i Y 05, vnc le foremost atists on the oper t Over the Counter to And nly a alenen Calls Me Honey." - \r band Dt fret Cornet ae #5 " 4 Pie post te Be 9 4 familton Green, Xylophone Solo. ne --$2. ke Home Dean O'Malley kept his hearers 4-2816--90¢ y! Se a ES inch a lin constant good humor hy his " ad Ones, Up thy Callen Gate te Diiand, Van and : omar! 5: wig 'het, Graney, Adele Howland Camedicn Opp. Bryson's Store satirieal remarks ax' to what 5 7. Adsle Howinnd,Camedienne contd have heen done by Barr Lanse taints ek be if if had heen organized. and pre- ne i) 'Sky, Henry Burr. "AZEE, 10-inch Hoe Ponselle in Duet with Maurel