' & ie ie iv ie . ie Na ie i ie = . i se ae . ie : i Na i . ye ) i se ee ge? pes CONCENTRATE ON YOUR SHOPPING. ONLY ELEVEN MORE BUYING DAYS « LEFT. THANKS TO THE QUALITY AND REASONABLE PRICES OF OUR LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK BUSINESS IS GOOD WITH US AND WE HAVE MADE EXTRA PREPARATIONS TO TAKE CARE OF ALL THAT OFFERS. EVEN SO, THE WISE SHOPPER IS THE ONE WHO COMES EARLY. *} VPALEVALERAL EE VAL AGRALERALARALD PAVEVALGVAU EVAL EROALGQARE What would Christmas be without the Kiddies and Their Toys? IN OUR WINDOWS STANDS OLD SANTA CLAUS INVITING YOU IN TO SEE THE WONDERFUL VARIETY OF ARTICLES TO MAKE GLAD THE HEARTS OF THE LITTLE FOLK. ELE eee A BIG ASSORTMENT VERY FINE RANGE OF TOY OF GIFT CHINA ; BOOKS} lee - Here will be found an endless is 1, variety of gifts that will plegse the feminine taste -- all reas- onably priced at from Sie reece: ances erence eneenscanenremvebvenmiensigancen: pi |i) Dard ied sit : harks, lsat 25 cents to $3.75 : 5o to 30c ea. Te ~ z * *s , rgerete U ee Vt sleehan oof card games: at eheekers. deniitt rine 4 %' : Ih. Vetbe Dosa we D bate Kiddy Cars --" \ . . P Vos Blocks loin 18¢ to 76e box Joy yy +++.» $1.85 each ~~ "Ee hg A special line with hair and IMAKHRGits 5) sactmocandeatem | Nin. tas _ | $2.45 each Lied fo movable crms and legs at . Poswey cxcurs Nee FE . $2.96 each Pie cape sina Sauer i: ; oy Vin Pea Sets trom. j ane sand Siucers HOM cueg v4 5 75c to $7.00 a a ee ete ak ey CUE Butter Tubs Pitchers HOCKEY STICKS SLMS UU ny $2.60 set Tren 'T's fon 250 to §2,00 each Mayonnaise Bowls Vases Foietion tovs. tran $4 to $3.75 ea sey ; As © 25e | Mechanical train an trace toon Bruit, Gaiwis Pull Bowls . 50c ¥ $1.75 to $6.50 each Sleighs 50c to $2.00 each Etc., Ete., Ete.. Ete. Juvenile oo... Boys' Expert 8 5 : * } FOUR EXTRA SPECIALS [oR THREE Pads SELLING SHERBET AND WINE GLASSES French-blue glass, etched in dainty designs, fine quility of ligm weight ghiss. Regular doc. Spee- ial tor 3 days woe... ce. eee 29Cc SPECIAL LINE OF STEAMERS 3-STOREY CAKE TINS both round and square, extra heavy . tin, . Reg. 85c. Special for 3 days 49Cc These four specials are not shown in the window. . Come in and we'll be glad to show them. aa 97-PIECE DINNER SET Sei-porcebiin, English make, wl au tractive patiern in) green border. By Only two sets left. Come qiitkly Hoyou wetnt one. / ay Ree. SI299 (OF aiwas ve a $17 49 sur tinware needs. &VSERVAUL 7 FAS nN is) PAVOVAVOG RALEABALEY Come here tur 82 DUNLOP ST. sven Barrie Fair Store x: 2D DOD DORR DR RAR BRR O ORR RR OR ERROR RRRRRE 1 DR RR DR WROD BW BOD OB ROR URRWWPWROKwwW - -------------- im ve tution veal \in operation in a short xpace of time. They LEE EEE EE EEE LIK ' tag OR OD |i! reaice tle" and Temate Sep wien], OTH LINE, FLOS over under) Bratlford red MeWay received will no doubt be a great benefit to Brad. 8 d her niece, Mise | ed tore word on Monty night that his b ' z ¥ before she Mel ford. ried after spending yy W. G, MeKay died suddenly in Oma "Phe ord ry 6 . ter spending + NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS * St or hues a eA i Bao ieveleikes ' a Se Sof ROT PoTOR fof kopolon a Hon, Pree. -W. AL Be ' Borthwick spent a few days last Oe vYe oF whe ne ofc oe of Hon, View-Pr y 0 Barrie. eke. kd J Webb. Mr. and Mrs. T. EB. Smith spent Sunday j MINESING STATION -- | STAYNER --Dr. L. H, Campbell, -- | ¢Vening at T. Huth's, } S STW We ee Mrs." H. Sinith motored to Barrie with Fn Late. foe: bait Sone 4 es her nephew. W, Rainford, and spent a fee ' Dec So Mes Ea Kavanagh viewed in| ° Wr ae, ene ' Grera days with her mother, Mra, Wanless tte 8 Mem ma: ed he eenent buswe at K. Coombe. De} A Christmas tree and concert ie tw be Mo Ruapy ane daughter Jean | of Holland. #1 Joes D. Nolan. O,| held on the night of December 22. in the frente where they. intent | MY DD, Nolate the pee J.C. Ward, F.|ehool-house. Proceeds for school mau hae hi The deal that hae been pending for some Kilkenay, Rev, | neat, ih Mess LaBeock of Barrie ec | stocks hetween the Toroniy Specialty Mfg 7 : " f here Tust w Co. aml the town of Bradford for the pur laa eeernetteteeeeeee) prayer pececeeies | i NUS f Bueievot| THORNTON Jchuse of the brick fuetor 3 ORO STATION PROPERTIES FOR SALE ' ree ern Ware on th 1st ' : J equivanen was comple ~~ aly Fe ee i Mrs JW Ee j Hi rele | ef th ha Books ia vsiting ker daughter, Mrs, ler frame house. six rooms, electric os tuntan he iver, Mine 5 # month's vis elativ -- ailett of Coulson light, town water ; : ceived unany useful 9 02" 1 Me. Torrance of Jean MucLelland of Orilin Hospit- | Nine-rvomed brick howe, ail conven® ioe fey a nade an address. |""Mex Alvin Rose of Brantford returned | Hern Aadl AME. "Terni all visited ut her home last week eoesesic cuss 'The event it in music and gan tvint with Mee and Loteburn, Sask. are visiting the former's Nunn. who.spent the sum-) Nine roomed ltick' houses 'conven' Nae es. The weed mathe a WwW. A ay on ' hus gone to his home in Ingle nice location See sankey. Mac Lene eM tcma ts ie ve rei Averst spent a few days recently Hip doomed beak oe: ' ' ie Me i A Fearne 0 be | with Toronto und Feegus friends Escher Bagshaw of Howkestone: i | eter mee mere nf "Ae sce Pe an NS On Friday evening the Golden Link Mix her father, S Rage nal nai cz } ms ieee 8 "| sion Circle of she Methodist Church held mary Mervices a Andrew' wel é yy i ' only case of smallpox kaow | Shadow an ial vrsary Mery Andrew's! Lovely eleven-roumed brick hour, . y ' « Shadow and Box Social ia the Orange | attended on Sunday, when N af Hall Phe tere singe t ea] on Sunday, joa hree wetes land und fruit { . ; ill, The splendid musical and literary | Of Uptergrave. prenched | cexecegi her sete. land nd MINESING Anniversary services were held in the | Hill. | The splendid inuccal and literary ve Untergeove preached} convenicuces and fireplaces ae of the ia | Presbyterian church on Sunday and were 4 as p . . iext homes in Burrie $6,000 I = ston brothers are busy ma- se Cos ». | boxes and shadows (hy H. A. Grose) whic! Farmers' Club and Women's In. Ive-roomed brick » "6 Dee 8.= Fogston aire PMY Leonshieted by Rev. Geo af Ridges | Sones att ahatenes (hee HLA, Geta) hich | mere fe and Wore a Tay Fick house, sil convenien: in the Princess Mink. | Skaters tig § ian large; nevertheless the evening wos u decid seca eeg, at he home of) es, veranduh, sun-tom, This. isgon! 4 0 lave a skate ui Mrs. Saunders of Collingwood is return i cb bu toe her permittin home this week after spending a few, suerces, proces being $48.00, Seeds home, After t24 was | Nine-roomed brick house. alle sie Cla anets inet, Garunday |e bine this weske after qpencting stow) TT vening wecvicr ose Buiedag these S ee i all cony Athletic Club cact last Saturday | IME home thie y andl resp oak floor, 'Phia is a hargnin, Man. tho Town Hall, und orgunixed | *TCke 'ith, Siw. on ie vie af our young men, Dolby Smith. Chae SIMPLY I sijeyed avery plehuaat eve | Cat oot a! fer the hvckey soe here ix plenty ele ' NOX vgave a splen- 5 lane ban vine. This fined . 8 i eat learn anol Hing bee uncieamd suars d Mrs. cid report of the Boys' Conference which phell preached at Upter- pean ti Sears anes $3,500 i Sard pate [tee a toe ee Oa PHONE, sa Seas choir was composed of young men who ' who was visiting her! Nice litle market genie ' i ork has called in the village again, CRAIGHURST rendered execllent music. The role hy 655 brother, ow of Sutherland, Sark. | NCE qatar market rari, "twenty neon ' , ean aby girl at the home| Dee. &.--Th nagtorm of Nov, 29 did| Mr. Lang was much appreciated. The ser- has returned ho: 4 Burgsin - $2,900 | w hin time lwavi . awford. Con-| considerable damage fo trees and fenees.| vice wax much enjoyed by all present, When you lay your EBD ces * ta of Mr. and Mra a, Boards were torn off buildings and Mr.| The Thornton Women's Institute will as i forth There are only 4 few of the town proper: F ' ' anes. were " nd Mr. on Women's Institute car ws To or. Fe ee oe thee ee ; : astalatien Moth of Oro had some of his buildings wn-| bold their regular monthly meeting "on Tet us send a man to EDENVALE tree cake ere ad, atk : EH roofed, th Monday. Dee. 15, at Mrs. dun A. Fiater. * get your battery, for! Dee. 8.--The Union Sunday School here | yen 'ty oa 180. acres ef coo Ady Mr. and Mrs. Howe Martin attended the) son's commencing at 2 p.m. A gend pro. storage, It will re: itemt having their ee aie Barman 180. een 'i } n in S U R A N Cc E reeayion a Anten Mil given to bis broth | gramme is being prenare. "The report of lecive careful attention xo that it will not ny evening, Dee. | joni, Kool rick house, three barns, * Tren ae eeantts atul bride om theis re-|the Annual Convention eld in Toronto deferorate as all batteries do when not ia!24. 'Thi will no doubt be » gaet ane | gq! brad . u All Kinds Placed in turn' from their wedding trip. will br given at the close of the meeting. | use. |" i Mabel Eralic ie spending afew [20,229 £00 ah, the uly from, Bar ¢ NIES | ,,2v- FH, Lockhart teft here on Mon-| Refreshments will be served ond collection| Repnie work will be made if neceasnty ond! weeks with frienda and: aciene a fee fumteh this Ba' aust 30,500 i A RELIABLE COMPA! day for his ehuree at Caledon East. taken in wil of the Soldiers' Convalescent] your battery delivered to. you in the spring | dee, Pip iay peek Nos arenas ed 7 WE WRITE Arad and nudlen death occured here] Hospital, A eordat invitation i extend: |*full of pep and power." The weatherman is giving ut a real] Vp A0? ave pL larme, number of choive i is . on Friday morning, Nov. 28, when Mrs,|ed.to every woman in 'he village and #Ur |guve she erat of new buttery an! taste of winter, Last week the thermometer| {ant listed. Irom 50 to 240 eres : Farm Risks at the Old Rates (7 oe ene eked to ken ae rounding country. Come and cast in your] ov" "ee 5 ae Daley LAA WEl deeniinian oon will nay you to look them over before L N E INSURED 3 " : our | Phone 655 for Real Service and Attantion you buy. * i YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURE uure at the home of her father, John Thorn-| mite for Christmas cheer for our suffering Myrtle Adamson apent afew days : To Gover Everywhere Penetang Road, at the early age of | heroes. ; W. L. BRENNAN in Collingwood. PARTRIDGE & GORDON © A. F. A. MALCOMSON wo. She was apparently well and! Herb Thomnar pent over Sunday with sides ? Real Estate Agents ' S . A. MAL cheerful on Thursday evening. wrote|frinnds in Tor->->. ' Between Barrie and Allandale Put your money into War Sav. Office 1 Dunlop st. y fo w i \ The Insurance Man, Barrie. | 'aire when seized. 'She usered tl shove] hoot an anche tinged a éarlond of) tee 122 Bradford St. ings Stamps and let it work. | Phone 861 Box 112 1 { tb * Pp A ' fs ry Ay % ich *