THE: * BARRIE - EXAMINER CIRCULATION - 3 7 P S wee GAMA SECTION . ION 2 ruis'wark' ~ 9875 COPIES | p44 BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING | 20 PAGES - ,,2207082 | 56th Year WWE eter BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1919. sist Pee vehi A cate No. 50 [Corre AMCHT LIST AT li tisk htt a gh gi feet You may choose-from the | Pianos, Organs, Phonographs | i COUNTY COURT in ca ott wh thir and knooks eupon nden, kick him out. ' Only Three Case Cases Tried ai Chotles was fined by an Ie were at variance "Ra Wethe constable hit him in the face and the off What Hayiniond used toward him Pre Saturday H. Draper of Elmvale Giv-) 'tw pen Rdwirds be. lstpenred on the x following at our Up-to- |? on M th ¢ Jail. . fing of a inh Nature HY several other young mon, i date Music Store: {en Month in Jail | Drapes Ip for trial vi the eonstatle went, --AT-- i | ists G The de eral wit rain the diteh and H HEINTZMAN & CO. fonlinued from page 4 ne J. i. i PIANOS | Fluvale Assault ci eonn hi Mel ea Man 3 = which oeenpied the Miia 'dinvimenat i 2 = IT ve one mam the Court for the att eae eee eee B t ih Sh i © een, WEBER PIANOS i Her Kang ver! M84 1" the wate Hat srane Hine attemwards was | Ul é er op 3 A fine lot of organs of dif : af Wear the jar hee wi Mos. j Elizabeth st. Phone p Wet finding the p had tron Eo « | ; ferent makes. OF cudivtinn tisennlt P Siclon st 300 3 the oven ' 300 j there had been [posed a fae at ' j cata Te MLR a smctitietiy fil +» 250 t COLUMBIA : nilwnenat etter condueteyy Ue ed sentence » 280 men eohhome of Rilwards'4 i ta diudise 280 $ Grafonolas are Shy tn qies waht this 1 proper « . 230 7 ni 'i oulder Roast 230 | 3 PATHE [ike eetinr Wohek wae ed j Beit Boer » 18-170 t 3 i Phonographs seed is wilh ts iS Pork Chops = ioe { ; q BRUNSWICK n go as rs 3 . ; and the ase i] , : high-class a 3 . 230 : SONORA 200 : 30 ; Phonograph 3 + 260 rm] 5 : webably the Cal. | Halbert, nting?] for 250 ; Three lines of This Brunswiek out i ' i! In tne cchnaies Orillia, Special s t OV Wh 42 tunes tor By itoweht ane vit waist Io 30¢ a RECORDS SY Er Speeial Piemte I 250 | 3 siti he Were much pain and! pine Sproat sweet } $0 Ts Colmmbia ont tl a: sHilness and owas unable tes gage - : Fone win az: Lune Calll early to save the Xmas iitend fo his werk for three iiss wales ) 3 for $95. rush. we over thie talib Pwenty nothis i ' 3 Fe Fawards wits down tis! einatly one al the HET pee leven On every per Ib. 3B i Wife saw the treabh TE Cait tatile poi Fitel advertisements that will TERMS--casH meres He street te I "laway Th ud [yeu fine and maney. Don't -- ba Garrett's Music Store [/0 oie eo pests - = a r Draper 9 ted pen te with! Whet thes ha $s] . whoeby he was! coet diet hat Bye ef te read the nidivis, ; P.O. Box 178 Phone 259w i wtp ele wae vn's, | Pre-war mualily, 40 and |--Hive news from live mecehants 2 } married Wenn 2 ou Nhentine tia cents per pound. 50-5001 | 25ce Buys a Thrift Stamp. FOR HIM-A ¢ NEGLIGEE SHIRTS This ae our choice is A negligee shirt is surely a wider than ever. We have practical gift for a man. He ties to suit Dad, and ties to will like it. We can't begin to suit Son. We have stripes, tell you about our range. floral, shot effects and dozens We'll just mention a few. other patterns « and styles. pure High grade shade in neat to have the one you are look- stripe, Blue, Mauve, Black, MEM ee $2.28 Prices 50c, 75, $1.00, $1.25, "Tooke's" special in black, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. blue stripe .......... $1.50 HANDKERCHIEFS SMOKING JACKETS A man never can have too That gift of all gifts for him-- "many of this indispensible ar- a smoking jacket. We have-a ticle' Our Christmas variety special line in greys and reds - ' is big in linen, excelda and at less than cost price $7.50 ww, lawn. alters \ Men' 's\fine quality linen hand- SILK SOCKS | chiefs ......... Ie and 25¢ <1, plaited men's Socks in a : Men's fine Linen Hdkfs. 60¢ brown, navy, black and grey. ; Excelda Hdkfs. for men 25¢ A useful gift......... $1.25 Fine White Lawn Handker- Men's black silk Socks. This kerchiefs, with "initial. Each is of pure silk and a good 50c, 3 in box for ..... $1, 50 black ............, $1.25 i ee Pa eee THE BIG CHRISTMAS STORE , } ise sins USEFUL GIFT , SB86888serace saaauasiesassaasen ~~ Practical Gift mn epneneesel A a meet uvestio pease 2 FOR HER-A Personal Gift BLOUSES FANCY LINENS If you are looking for an ine 4 host of Doylies, Centres, dividual blouse you will find Tray cloths, ete., in pure lin- it here. A lovely blouse in en and at prices that are ridic- flesh pink georgette embroid- ulously low. ered in silk and with hem- cufls. Price '4 Special in Doylies, with cro- oe collar and cufts. Price chet border ...... 2 for 35c HANDKERCHIEFS The riddle is a handkerchief and avery sensible gift they makelt With quaintly colored A most attractive gift is one "borders, in all white, with em- of ese ae eg ree broidered corners. We have a wonderful range. See our in beautiful striped duchesse. q : display. Prices 5¢ to $1.50 ea. Another in deep cream georg- ette, trimmed in white with buttons and shirring $12.00 CAMISOLES se i ' iy se They come in pale pink, blue, white, etc. Rosebud trimming. Prices $2.50, $3.00, $3.75, $4.00. TOWELS Just arrived--A big shipment of Turkish - bath Towels in striped, checked, plain and colored border. A big range of colors viz: -- blue, rose, pink, navy and white, etc. Ex. cellent quality. Prices $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. Plain linen Huck Towels with fancy border. This is a scarce article in the trade 75e, $1.00 i ie : i g f Me ee UNS a