Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Dec 1919, p. 7

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Your Heart's Desire j in music is in our store. All the melody, | all the harmony, all the great operas, every simplelittle ballad, the latest dance that has caught Broadway, the most recent popular hit -- here you will find them all, | Columbia | Grafonolas and Records | i That is the greatest combination in | ; music. To hear any Tecord at its best, you must hear it plaved on the « Columbia Grafonola. We have a complete stock of instn. ments and records. Come in and look and listen, GARRETT'S MUSIC STORE Phone 259w P. O. Box 178 ik _ -- ANNUAL REPORTS | WOULD CUT OUT CHILDREN'S AID! A FEW FRILLS Show Splendid Work Is Being E. Simcoe Trustees are not Done--Keen Public Inter- even in Favor of Teaching Agriculture in Schools. est is Evidenced. List \ a Miss Duden datier Ay exe Son the em b which they li Mat are ay, We Rar i eirrst ia ' Seat ' nH . Jahn d that of pal wished tie I th Lane serioultire he could tearn mare iy st Guelph in sty months. then all his schowl Te gto rural school. twas finally ( bya ietion af the Secretary smd " 2 1escAs Curbe te send a deputation ' LISGOT ine of Pretident ROO. Bell and. 1 John bouwlur te Totunta ta enneult ( ¢ Minuster my with a view tn et frills ony Ww ny but te have M 6 ne Day prior i hing with&the questions in hand n 192.75 re RO. Bell it 340 Wd vhn Lawlor, Vice President ; W. Su 280 2nd_View:President ; W. Forres: verctary-Trewsurer; and the directors INST Th Mr. Overend for Medonte, Mr. Cup Distuirsen for Orillia, W.-H, Lawrence for Mat- G chelash andl Andrew Parker for Tay. The rrries & Provisions next meeting will be held at Coldwater, on oF shout June 20, when a new hoard will wrobably be elected. ax the present Diree: lorute have held office since the organs, cio of the Avmeintion at Jarratt. fige yeare ago. Re Tele Pri Repairs to Old Premises Amazing Profits in Tobacco Re amazing tales are heard of the Furnishing mude this year from the tobseco Clo hing for Wards crep in the soutiiestern: part of Ontario. Sundry? Expenses But, astonishing as they are, they need nothe disefedited. Here is one instance S| cunong many. G. A. Brown, ner Leaming 7 | ton 9 cousin of H. N. Scratch, of Ok. eens) 130 eres of his farm in tobueco, 3\ and for the crop received upwards of ss | 510.000. From this be daduets. say NE een wwecsteammsemnsemams | 2117 000. expenses, including IMbour. al A GOOD POSITION lowaneos for rent of land. and #0 on. lenv: E lin nywwards of $95,000 for the one AWAITS YOU crop. Tt is figured that this fall of two million dollars hax been MP you are thoronghty trained, [pot out for tabseco leat in' Lesminglen : . 8 Is it sny wonder that Leuming . A ton. a sinall town of 3.500 people, weare Barrie Business College 2"; & sill jrosperous appearance, and Prepares its students far hay hetween seven or eight miles of ite REAL POSITIONS. |«treeth paved from curb to curh? "Farman in the Learwington district are, as a rule, al Expenditure on hand PREPARE Now. snuall, ten or fifteen acres 'being common, 2, sition for, every eradiiate, ute tho, flteen from $800 ta $1,200 BE placed in "Goud Positions an ner Bee ee re ony of cultivating INTs last six wreks the tobacco plant is xeurching for und Nengents. HW. A. Honey, Prin, Picking off n destructive grub. Phis hae ee great impetus to the sising of ge eys and ducks, which HOW to CURE GOITRE or THI: are allowed the run' of the fields, and bet Psat home ceney of rots and Ear af the guy in great toate" herbs." We have cured goitres of more | retills the fact that the raising of turkeys, than 40 years standing ina few weeks it Vastly increased numbers, in the country fim Our treatment is guaranteed to be, "found Smith's Falls, had sie origin is a harmless, and will bi "Up & rundowa | Plagne of grasshoppers.--Orillin Packet, eysteti. ------ cidentally. given Aft | kat was largely i | Simeoe brew: chewan | was fond of | sper | quarien aul ean In jopted both te the I Commuters He war also closely awociut. ta Part Anibite 10 conirol the Fa dull yellow rel wath the arrangenmnts for the prerent | I for ex So alse notice that Art Exhibition at that institution, in Histributin in Canada for C. P. R. Employment Figures ar veur friends are stamped ery detail of whieh he a well ater the GT-R. Revised figures up to Ostaber Sst, re OMENTAL Wary interest, He was aw CNR. tines in Ontario | garding CPLR iioyees who enlisted, | 5) . ; ; | only brand of very whieh Marks Church. util a well kaw dase al iw Eustern {and army aven who have been given ey Haast uate se of the Southend Conservative Conus While Canaila dus spent nullio return from overseus el fade in calor, A Decrased Travers a widow wn eons and rlwaye. Battal hus tikes . W Orental Tory and B.tfe Write for free information to | Keep in touch with the Adlets Prof. Marlo, Box 337, Toronto, Ont, jon page 12, rt, wraps R 106 he came to Ss the Pubbe T part in the fi sinter Death of Hy B. Joyner Muny Barrie people will remember H) B. Joyner, who for» number of yea interested in the Fairview erica and acted a4 mana wl was w good shot: he also in elf in topographical and anti-| Tn 18ST he eu wed. and returned to Canada, he Canadian Feaure of construction he wen! expediiion, and saw mach of Moutitais | #2ne | born at We record with regret the deuth of Mr.| death which took place on the morning of Humpden Ba'son Joyner, of 1, Dowsett | the 14th inst Avenue. Southend. why 'passed' away at bis home on previous Sunday deceused muflered a stroke from this he somewhat rallied. hut ne taken worse on Suturi sank rapidly rome months previeusly termhire, Saturduy. nged 62. On the | oq wei"® faithful morning und] perma Mith been well for} yy Bt orn in He bud 1 In 1584 he emigrated for nme fourteen | SM parte empeciully in Sus sinaboiu, Ai Is of outdoor, heAlthy em andl collected many. in wut touch with several of which he greatly to England, was | Pacific Railway wae in her ashoorng Racks w Pacific | Canad hs ut Wandaw thend. where he Here he lived a quiet hecume deeply intercsterl Wah rary: he took a ace! the Conaisan aon of the museum in' Trunk by thy md war in due course ew | -tanile tu pots ry and Museum uf Canada. to the Lvery week some new phonograph e@ppears on the market You need a phonograph in your home. Every home in ada needs the cheering, soothing, refining influence of ad music. But you want the ¢ phonograph made--no other is enough for your home, your family, your friends. How can you tell which is the best? isy--if you use com- mon sense. Difficult--if you trust to the claims of numerous manufacturers. Look for the man behind the phonograph--the brain that evolved it and perfected it. If + you cannot discover any person- ality behind an instrument you may well doubt its perfection. The "brain of Thomas A. Edison, the greatest inventive genius in the world, is the birth- lace of the Amberolal_ 'Edison a perfected every detail of this wonder phonograph until in J. G. KEENAN, Barrie, Ontario a. © Death of Adam L. Hay idence. near Kelowna, | Adam L. Hay, in bis | | ,, Died st his late res British Columbia, 5 | The subject of the above notice was Erden Mills, Wellington County, in During his residener in Barrie the deceas: Presbyterian Church and retained hig mem. | bership with the Presbyterian body while ives. | jy ighter 0 Mr. Joyner came, on hie fathern| Ss"y{lt@hter of the Inte J. 8D. Jacete vide, of a family long resident in Banex er being evlucated at & private school | he went to Harow to Canada and there, year, travelled much and saw mai tie on oe Kelawon Cemetery on Monday, Nov. 17, the funeral being attended by many of hie rs and friends, who hud « long aud tance with the departed -- ee May Boom G.T.R. During 'bis travele he |= Midland Argus The taking over Trunk by the | Indivn tries, and war presented | udu will, we believes hon Il time for the following While | sting ther reasons wet carrying from the Can shout une hard of ote hur owity tthe fact that ths bus vind not have any ports on} the npier lakes ue th grat thus curried, « th Common. |ing went to Buifahe ther Georgian Buy ports whence fred Ww the GTR. or the (BR 'nation Government it | at sll be the: ian [34 nuly curry the grain, mR Ch Do youk Coal at $7.50 'ide until his of Buckwheat of any other It can be can be used to or furnace. Government of an deciied effec in the next Phones 88 Fit The madian New York and other aes a Horta which are open in ol he eat tl while Montreal recace : fr. |' eTFie® gran from Port nevaed. Tow Mew or ea Brinawick went the haul is longer than from) Midland to ter point i» reach of both he Grand ownersh anil fl foll of the year , Only the Genius of An Edison Cou as , oe every way it is superior to ordi> nary phonographs and "talking machines |" . The tone has been Pronounced - superior to that of other well own phonographs by scores of phonograph experts after strik- ing tests, ¢ genuine Diamond Point Reproducer is permanent-- no changing of needles. The wonderful Amberol Records, in 3 Days' FREE Trial* we'll arran, suit you, PRICES $62.00 AND UP furnace hy putting it on Separately banking- fires at night or in mild by the G.T.R, and now that you can et 2000 Ibs. good Hard per ton during this month? ie, used with good satis faction in stove or at suitable times for weather, and in fact economy in any weather in Stove, range e Get a half ton or ton and try it. The Sarjeant Co., Limited ea American Atlantic | Wounded the winter mouths | While the CP, | McNicoll to. Mt | pier ste for winter Renae by some ex | _£0 "date Portland, which | the end of Oeto. Will not be disappnintord 1, > Any good workman can build a "Talking Machine > Id Produce THE NEW DIAMOND AMBEROLA The World's Greatest Phonograph Value. 'shape and composition, are prac- tically unbreakable and last for years and years | ' All the world's best music is recorded on these Amberol Records, from popular songs and dance music to grand opera sung by the world's greatest artists, very month new Amberol Records are issued with the latest hits and new recordings) of famous artists, Go, listen to other Phono- graphs and "talking machines" if you will--then come here and listen to the wonderful Amberola, Above all remem- ber that the name and fame of the greatest inventor of the age guarantee its superiority, Last but not least, Edison has succeedéd in making this re- markable phonograph to sell at Prices considerably lower than inferior "talking machines," 6 Re-employed in the service... |" given employment given employment sees 18,083 Did von ever notice AY as expect to see from here established | feetly white the [vor Feet etuin trade to Portland. partic: {en ven friend's ly after the cloning of Montreal in the | hyite {hose of your own are tir. vu will eap Coal Only $7.50 Per Ton It is Buckwheat size, but if Properly used 2000 Ibs, hould throw as much heat as 2000 Ibs. ind 94, or in the evenings 317 or 151, cry Ra:lway which te aw ownet oe Fae eel ReetaAtienetet tte eenttee -------- = Hee, a gram tewle from Port Arthur gnd Fort | BE are a follows Mat owing to its evil connection with | Tul reported us joining the army 10,774 how per- goods look ssing whieh is the Ask for the %

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