Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1919, p. 6

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Page Six PHONE C. BROWN = OR THE BEST IN BAKERS' BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD AND A FULL LINE OF PIES, CAKES and PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop: Cor. Elizabeth and Small Streets --> Your Reading Needs Are Well Supplied --at-- Scott's Bookstore (4 Jas. Arnold Fire & Life Insurance Agent Real Estate and Money to Loan A vumber of Valuable Farms and Town Properties for Sale on the most reasonable terms. MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING BARRIE 6.6. Smith & Co, Established 1809 UNDERTAKERS§, Open Day and Night Morgue and Chapel §, in connection | | BARRIE, UNT Phone 82 All Kinds Placed in RELIABLE COMPANIES WE WRITE Farm Risks at the Old Rates YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURED 'i To Cover Everywhere A. F. A. MALCOMSON The Insurance Man, Barrie. a DYEING AND CLEANING Your Clothing will -be properly cleaned inside and outside at W: Firth's. The linings and inside of your clothing are as important as the outside. Why not have them done right when you are having them done? All kinds of Repairing done. We know how. W. FIRTH Phone 229 Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. Se OCT The Barrie Planing Mill Corner Sophia und Mary Streets | Manufacturrrs of Sash, Doors, Frames, | Flooring, Ceiling, Mouldings, Water Troughs, | Tanks, ete. i We carry in stock s large assortment of | Rough end Dressed Lumber, B.C. Shingles | and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning aod | Kiln Drying s Specialty. Dressing done | promptly. | Consult ue with' your building. THOS. ROGERS Office .163, Residence 353 hon t8 TO DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE has been developed by our pat- tons, and our best advertisement is word-of-mouth recommenda- tion . Some of our customers have been with us for years. We aim to serve one and all, rich and poor, alike--to render the very: best we know how. W. D. MINNIKIN Phone 431 34 Mary St. 2 doors south of our former location. know. I haven't seen quite so much of him : Our success as funeral directorsylstely. Your change. Captain Granet, doesn't. seem to have done you much good Has your wound been troubling - THE BARRIE EXAMINER WE SERVE YOU What services do your bankers render? Do they supply you with sound, practical advice based on up-to-date knowledge of markets, prices and business conditions? Do they help you to take advantage of your opportunities and increase your income? This Bank is prepared to help fariners in e every way possible, % THE CANADIAN BANK ! OF COMMERCE | PAID-UP CAPITAL - ~- -- $15,000,000 | RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000 BARRIE BRANCH, H. M. Lay, Manager, ---------- | &¢ Kingdom of the Blind By E. Phillips Oppenheim Copyright, 1916, by Little, Brown & Co. Serial Publication rights secured by The Examiner, through special arrangement with owners of copyright. (Comtinued from last week) When thowe fears come to you."' Sir "he went on, "Gerald You to cure---enough for thy "that when you ure yourself again you will agree with me, These are not the times for us to have any selfish thoughts, are they?" "Until a few weeks ago," he told her, "IL thought of nothing but the war and my work in ii--until you came, that is." She held out her bands to check bim. Her eyes were eloquent. "Please remember. the begged. it in too soon. | talk to me like that. Afterwarde-- | "There will be no afterwards for me!" | he exclaimed bitterly A shade of surprise became mingled with her _ugitation "You mustn't talk like that."" she pro- teste, "'you with your splendid courage und opportunizies! Think what you have "that done already. England wants 'the best of her sons to-day, Can't you he content }to give that and to wait? We have «0 jnuuch grutiivde in our hearts. we wesk j women, for those who are fighting our | battle." Her words foiled to inspire him. He took her hound and lifted her finger deliber | ately to his. bipe, {Twas foolish." he groaned. "to thi 'that you could feel we I do. Goud-hy Getuldine was lone when her mother came into the room « few minutes later, Conyers was looking w little flutter: und anxious "Was thut Captain Granet?' she ase Geruldine nodded ty deepened "Well "T have sent hint uway,"" Geraldine said | quietly. "until the end of the war." Granet brought his car to « standstill outside the portals of thut very wugust club in Pall Mall The hall-porter took mn ohix name and im 4 few minutes hia inelr joined itn in the strangers' room Ronnie Lauly Conyers" anxie: | "Back again sa soon Grenet nodded America's off he announced short T can't bear to have you| Advises People to cure Con- stipation Without Drugs; Suffered Ten Years, Well in Three Weeks by In- ternal Bathing. Did you ever hear of a person being! jcured of chronic constipation with druge? They relieve at the time some, but. larger | W. H. THRESHER {does are usually necessary from time to |OfBauist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's |time. Nature's own cure. just pure ster) Presbyterian Church. ized water, udministered with the J.B.L.' Teacher of Voice Culture, Piano, Organ Cuscade, is the only scientific und perman. 49d Theory. Pupils prepared for say ent trentment. Don't force Nature with ¢Xsmination. practical and theoretical drugs. Bathe internally. Voices tested free. Residence and Studio Mrs. A. McLeod. Middleboro', B.C, 88 Worsley St. Phone 510. 34-yrly writes: "For ten years T suffered from con. | -------- atipation, and for the lust year I became LEGAL a wreek. I had awful paine in my back, --<--£---------------______ severe heuduches. indigesti nd awollen ALEXANDER COWAN limbs, 1 tried ull kinds of medicine and Bucceasor to Lennox, Cowan & Brows, many doctors without permanent benef't., Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate el 1: was an uct of Providence that T saw the wills, guardianship and administration, snd JBL. Cuscude advertinrd. 'Ine first time T! General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ote. used it I felt relieved. and in three weeks Offices: Hinds' Block, No. 8 Dunlop strewt, T wis completely cured, "My habite are now j Money to loan quite regular. "nnd 'am in betier "health thun Ihave been for years, 1 am vet thankful to be doing my own work ugain BOVS & MURCHISON The JBL. Cucule is the perfected in i Baristas, Bolciors, Noisry Public, Con- vention of Dr Chas. A, Tyrrell of pg di York for internal bathing 7" i haw Money to loun at lowkst rates of interest, 4 Offices" 13 Owen St. (iirth for. ing shown and explained at W , Sk of Toreaeey (ase Dey Bore ee Crom | merly uecupied by the Bunk of Toronto). cd Braneb office, Himvale, Ont Phone or ask them for free booklet ll ' 2 f shout it--or write Tyrrell's Hygienic In- YA Boys K.C, MPD, C, Murchison stitute, 168 College St.. Toronto, PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offwer: 707-8 Kent Building Torente, Ou @ Plaxton G Gordon Plaxtap | PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS, In vocal work special attention is given to | Voice Production. Pupils prepared for A.T.C.M, degree in buth piano and vocal; also elementary exams, of Toronto Conser- vatory of music or University exams. Studio: King Block. Phone 424. oe i THE MARKETS i DONALD ROSS, L.L.B. {Fa RR | BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. ! your friend Thomson in the chair, ent. Then his hand dropped to hie side and T «uw General Bric bi don ni ip ne, pl 7 T j Allert coutinud lowly, "eonsider me. 1) [tine Deut incerrupt ove please, SATURDAY MARKET Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie, Theater en a ee ag rere ait | or other. the world hax gone anna with me| TK, Alte was ailent for a cy re-- The biggest market in months: war that f}------- Mame 10 low, corners of England, to suany corners of | 'tl? back. mY sueniber thin, my buy there must be wu of Soturday lost. cellars, orchards, etc. | CRESWICKE & BELL Anierics, to tinst cities of Europe. If a] Pace hae been filled up, 1 ean't ker any | more rinks You've heen suing quite £8iNe mee Boge protloeti te lara quan | BARRISTERS | an with brains should seize upon any | GE INE, They ve Re AF close to the win ieee wane Nitucles were on wheels. but Golicitors for the Supreme Court of : a j they talk about « home uidjutaney. | Ut) he the Wi cer roads were considered fair. though wei i purl ot Sidi nee of re ye milgbe follows: backwards | t con's wick ity: Ihave: lived: smioupit the |G and oe a ee ee eee Ley tale donee seaetk Porn [SUE Of Unter, Proctor, Notaries, Coo even be , iranet asked quicl ' I. Potatoes é , big things too long I'm sick of waiting | eianeeatht. snd apples were, perhaps, the moet nuked ichaunieie Pr ce anh cheat for 8 mot) about, doing uothing--sick to death. | [it uncle amented A aml cach weer. autncratn, the. fore | Money to town Offic : ip Ross Block, Barrie. und he proceeded want to get away There's some work 1) edmitted in confidence that they weren't $2.00 to $225 bag and apples 85.00 per Ww sf < For twenty-enght year L have ruled the | UUld dein Ameres, You understand * | very keen ubout your rejoining. Nothing | barrel upwards, Dressed pork and mutton | ee------ SB KC eA Bl KE aigoon mete oe the ead Ne Gun won the Geraldine told bin | sersnual."' he went on quickly, "nothing | Wt plentiful. Chicken 'eemed. rather a | MEDICAL et Council is held in this country at which ee ae uh." he declred, "The | fiaws. that ie ta nay. 'There in om sort pt Wand a the, ae mee cat | mi, lence iA not nenter ie _ ie madi ? pression a here that you've bro i pslowly at 2 I, Some ducks were is(he | Derr eu ta'mt nae hy ome for Rep ana | Sapte all eeu tbe tombling wut anyhow | amu sere shar you've brooghe FES He Some ke ree OR. H. T. ARNALL und T don't know how to put them in the tight order, Can't. you see that I love you. Geraldine * ulvice V represent the third great force of wore-gnid there isn't 9 single member of houlders y know their own Grovet rhrugiedt his | Well he wad. "th pumpkin remain and these were wold eusily Citron hae sbeen x wonderful crop this ir One gurdener said in 'Office and Residence Corner of Toronte and Elizabeth Streets, opposite Elisabeth St, Methodist Church. Telephone 167. ar ent Government who doess 1 want you to be my Titsiness best What Tam aft of ix a single row Ree ee te erik | wile, and i want to get right away an| {amines lit. What T Seiji LeleMi: ohde ier engin, bes hit Groen ano the'ehuntry, Yes 1 have enemies Kly we ever Team Why not Americn! Jeitroms, At 15 cents for even the xmailest | DR. E. G. TURNBULL Joe, | Why couldn't we 1 arried 4 in woek ty size citron this would seom a fair Ronnie There @ the halfpenny Press : eres? y wil not be afraid of that ony rn | Graduate of McGill Universit Thes'l give a tuillion for the chunce that | 2% Bet away from everyhady | more, Ronn uncle told him calmly, {fom the soil. Ege continue gests ot Office und Residence, corner Elizabeth and may come at any day They'd print my; She looked at hin in sheer amazemes Granet ti 70e dozen, Butter was 60. Bradford Sta, Barrie. Office hours 9 to amazement tent downfall in blicker lunes than the «lechrs 4 red just a Uirtle wat tion of war, They'd shriek aver my ruin) 'tof tremulou tain to give meat be demanded Wrevniled B . with wniure brazen throsted triumph even | "Bur, Captain Grauet," she exelamed, | auiousl number of young pigs ure changing sw Wi ASKEW than they would greet the herald of peace | yuu can't be see You coubin't poe | Sir Alfred shook hie head nership these days SURGERY AND UTRGGGEDGY Awl the threads Ronnie. Some | sbly think of leaving Englas | °You are tan impetuous, Ronnia. Butter , expecially, times T feel one shiver a little Imes Why nat' he protested They're willing enough to give you a home Eger. per dozen aly - Lhave te streteh out my arin und hrvieh Jet que fight aan T eouhdn's 4 M fat T hae arked thar it Fhould Chieken, dered, th Phone 61. 56 Collier St., Barrie. foo eriote AML ty the plier 4, AT abuts: ol hae wer far a little tine Duck, Is \-- sehere: runesityenids, A weated and | nee of hes mh. Ub, DR. VICTOR A. HART Tan well sever There nar mven thy! nef Ean xt hn | have snniething in your mind, Potatoes, tag Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto serra Buckingham Palace sth WV) gat guage oa a ea NL hon ona " Potatoes, peck | lo Edinburgh und Glasgow. ' be yanned sapon ther breast. who hk that " ap euuld beely Se Alfred looked out of the window 1 basket Specialty--Diseuses of Stomach, fared dangers fut, 161 Heme that ee ted uf hecearedd for you."" Geanet Then he sid his hund Squash. eseh Office: Corner Buyfield and Worsley Sta U fsee duy and frei fun: afiaait abs ereepthonen he » shonlde Puripkine. each Office open until 8 p.m. daily. Gronet rose 1 Vifrobl thud "Thomson, will ene: beck ue bri youg Ronnie" Cirrots. fasker enero eed For a men he exelamed "Thal take yin aways atta of ll corte he wal uly Crh befire tumy days Citrons, each L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. Keen Tell healing, ei (MAE ma eal all mre hase 1 vou shall have all the accu Cabbage, each oo... PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON gevtlen, simone, "achat have wee sine 06 onthe ve want Ree BOER ecu anne | Oifice and residence, Colker St, corner of Tail yous were: (tat anil Uist a riled allt Tie CHAPTER XXVI 'Abplen jer basket Cluperton St., Barrie. Phone 2 sit that when the guint strugele « , ace Cream. qt... TT it should te Germany who guy it the: jr Milk, quart DR. MORTIMER LYON heart. af should he Germany whi calls even pie a Be | Thin he evrovered hinuelf shmest Hay. ton 122 Bloor St. W.. Toronto, will be at OL in tee sa Si rym LER wen St, Barrie, every Saturday. Sie Mired held out hin bund Hie eye SMO E / Hhncwaesteepis SuCaiN atl ues lercanls ah -- Diseases of ye, Kar, Nose and Throwt Todt cought the cloek, Atul ae for the other thing yun snoke! Wis already «Buckingham Paluce NEAR-BY MARKETS eemihetion Lows 37 ba 8 pam sd Ronnie. he sail, "hays you ever she continued, "please won't vou dof and alinest out of sight im the slight morn. (Nov. 20, 1919) get tag ke wondered why im_a flock of shee every! 1 hog you and not (refer te a img foe There wis a very small elo Feeds aneeoy Toronto, Phone North 3326 Vout knows ite mother? Germany was | Perbaye." dhe aed cette | at whit= smoker drifting away tate. apace. Orillia Wheat $1.85 $2,00, barley: 81 Barfé Phone No. 2. of our stock. Birth. life units the wor as aver we muy apeak of it, but faint amell of gunpowder in the $1.25. vate S0S5c. pens, $2.00-82.2 ae count for nothing when "he | jit "wow everethigg ie so ented fel lum cheek and. withdrawing 815-50-816.00, chicken 20-23e, butter ACCOUNTANTS roice speaks. It inn't that we are} tin, verm to have lost my bearings ' ewzed ut them with w little | 87> enim GS-Ge. potatoes $1,80:82.00. win. | to England. it ix that we are true to! yoy know that Tam going out te Bon.| nervous Laigh--they were wet with blood. '€F apples $4.00-85.00. hay $27-$30 7 n You must go now, Ronnie! gene in n few days with: kady: Hendleses| He looked uy und down the broad patty, Alliston--Wheat $1.02, barley $1.40, rye] LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL T have an anpointment."" { hospital? Don't nok ao frightened. Tam | way, For nine o'clock in the morning the $1.80; hay $25,00, butter 50-56, z Chartered Accountants Granet walked out te the street» little! not an amateur nume. 1 Birdeage Walk was marvelously desert 00 bug. chicken 25-27c. Phone Main 5874.. 59 Yonge St., Toronte Hored. and ealled for a taxi T have all my certificates. 'ed. A girl, however. who had been driving | 5 qWheat $1.90. buckwheat |r 5 Welch, CA. G. D, Campbell, CA "Lauppoxe that muartie it." he muttered ty himself ' "To Rowlogn:' he muttered. "You are 1g to leave London?' 1e nodded "Major Thomson arranged it for me. a | few days ago. We inay meet there at any CHAPTER XXV Geraldine welcomed ber unexpected vis little wbyly. Ty n't want a small car very slowly on the other xide of the road. suddenly swung seross, drew up by the kerb and leaned towards bit. Hogi Major Thomson matter with you?" what is the! most tables. though earher vd. Beets 25e Inaker, 10 am., 1 to 3 p.m.,7 to 8 p.m. Phone 105, ==----_ewae Se. rye $1.30-81.40. pes potutors $1.40 bag, butter ger 58c. live hogs $15 lingwood--Hay $23-$26, butter 50- . eggs 65-70c. potutoes $1.65-81.75, oats 80-85c. chicken 15-20c. duck 20-350 T. E. Lawless, C.A. W. S. Hulbig, Production Engineer Munager Cost & Efficiency Department, iter ths seh Fabdisthyeneueh. bi she added. amiling. "Tam per-|_ He dabhed bie cheek with hix pocket | is et HP ly certsin that the Wur Office will | handkerchief, Bean utter 55c. eggs 60-65¢, chick POOLE & PEARCE find you something abroad very soon." "Nothing, © he answered. simply en 23-25c, cattle 810-811. hogs $16.00. THE BARRIE DAIRY "T thought that you were going to stay at Branenster for x week. us they shook hands "We meant to stay longer." Granet adl- For a moment that queer look of boyish strength which had first attracted her. re asserted iteclf, Hix teeth came together. mitted, "but things went alittle wrong.| ""Yes."" he sgreed, "there's work for me First of all there wax this Zeppelin raid. | somewhere, I'll find it. Oniy--"' Then my arm didn't go very well, Al| She checked him hurriedly: she remarked, "Don't be silly!" she exclaimed. "I felt certain that I heard a shot just now. and IT sw you reel and spin round for » mom. ent. And your cheek, too--it's all ever blood !"* He amiled, "A bullet did come my way and just | wheat $1.90-$2.00, $1.48. peas $2.00-8: Don't Prod Your ye $1.30. barley: $1.30. 50, buckwheat $1.20. The Home of Pure Milk If Service, Cleanliness and Quality Count Phone 772 together our little excursion. fizeled out) "And T am quite sure," she interrupted, af qd I came back last night." pee ay chek he pomsitted wiles | Liver to Action ! id yous ' extraordinary thing. I wonder whethe aioe ated eee he alt one of these fellows in the Purk had an FURS! Geraldine inQuired eagerly. "Rather more than T wanted."" he ans: wered grimly. "I was motoring slong the road at the time, and I had 'to attend a perfeet court martial next day. with Can yon tell mi Miss Conyers."" he continued, i a eORY: tir et eS Sratching 'her-closely;. 'how. ik. that 6 q phink thar T don't know the difference be- medical 'major who lb inspector 'of bos: ou have a AL Piwveen the report of w pistol aud w rifle shot Qfeane Ie largely dependent upon the pituls, should be sent down from the War eart, it is "Whipping" your liver into action =i cr <i Office to hold an inquiry upon that raid?" ti me t He interrupted her. cas att pamelor forcing your bowels G D "Was Hugh there?" she asked in 5 oa ° ive Page gl te Peo me cathartica is a great mistake, | A be PROTE T . tch 1e, You wee, my head was sacliare Mie was, and very officially." Granet your, a turned. Some one did deliberately fire at | toning the whole digestive and elaine. replied. "If it weren't that That eon| Stomach. " Palpitation me. and I believe, it wax from n erev rac-| Ye system, with | Nature's Remedy clusive evidence to prove what I wax do-| and other signs of "heart ner Plage ee aoe dering tmediate relief, but genuine and laat- a ing, there. be weced, rather eet on eet-) trouble" usually mean |" oor yon" | iHver, 'bowelg 'and "kidneys," improv Your Famil: ting me into trouble. ange * (To be continued. Gigestion and assimilation, overcomes "Hugh is always very fair," she ssid] indigestion, produced ----_ Billousness, corrects constipation and Y Busi a ittle "coldly. by food poisons that irri- The New Cabinet Get your system thoroughly cleansed our business "You can't solve my puzzle for me. tate f Orillia Packet---Photographed in # row.) and purited for once; stomach, liver Y ur F tu then?" he persisted every part of the the members of the Ontario Cabinet make| and bowels working together in vig- ol uture 'What puzzle?" "Why an inspector of hospitals should hold an inquiry upon » Zeppelin raid?" "T'm afraid T cannot." ebe admitted. "Hugh certainly seems to have become 8 most mysterious person, but then. = you body -- heart included. BEECHAMS accident with his rifle," dimly visible behind the railings. -- Gee aldine looked at him severe, "Of course," whe began, a long atring. In the first Legislature of Onturio--1R67 to 1871---there were five ministers, This number has been gradually added to, till it now reaches eleven. In the Hearst Cabinet there were nine, or, counting Goneral Ross. Minister of Health, added just before the dissolution, ten. The 'salary of Prime Minister Drury will be $12.- He glanced thoughtfully ucrors towards | where number of khuki-elsd figures were | if you really | "INR. Overcomen Billousness, Con: tlon, Siok Headache, Quieki; | "Qhping of Pala. "Qcaranteed. CLEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED MISS M. McKERNAN Small St., Barrie. Phone 323 'organs of digestion, nssimila- ton and elimination--t 'and bowels--are closely ailicd, and the proper action of any of thi grous harmony, and you, will not have to take medicine every day--just take gne NR, Tablet occaslonaliy' to keep your system in good condition and al- Ways fecl your best. Remember St {s fasion and cheaper to keep well than it de to get well Get @ 350 box and try it witu the understanding that it rust give you reater Tellef and benefit than an: jowel oF liver medicine you ever used With an Annual Divi- dend Policy in the Sun Life 000. or. with sessional indemnity added, | gr no. pay. Nature's Remedy' (Nit 815.400, Evch of hin Ministers will draw| 7o0teadta Bo Sour umamies ond . y $6,000, or, with sessional indemnity, He rose abruptly and stood before her. $7400, | WM, CROSSLAND, BARRIE ' Relieve "Do you care whether my wound ix "Do you "oy troubling me or not?"" he asked, cure anything st all about me?" Th was a moment's silence. Ken Macnab of Orillia, has received no- | Tare very much, she copfemed, B Sf tification from ihe Department 'of Mita Pie ital ¢ Insurance Co. He seemed suddenly a che: eraon. fi and Defence, that he 1 awa Ne = TABLEZS@ The lines which bad Piet gd 'ahercet ene. t the Military Medal for bravery in the field. D. J. REBURN, in his face during the Inst few dayn, be- Sergt, Macnab went overseas with the fem- Phone 142. Dis.Mgr. me more noticeable. He leaned towards ous 40th Sportsmen's Battery, and serv ber eagerly. with it for three years. . { Gets, Military Medal _Canada's Greatest Life Malan his

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