Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1919, p. 2

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THE BARRIE EXAMINER its affairs. That.motion had been made and seconded when, lead ing citizen arose. "We have spent our monet i be began, "and haven't a thing to show for it. This has set me ia Iingwood Bulletin--Hats off Dain't bea Kninak.|1? wondering Hf we were not on n which overreacbed usfer. Your turn will come, No] te Sine track. While we have ' ts in the race for a record. It basfone man is the whole show, If] Pren (rving lo bring factories 7 . a a an honar worthily won vi see that the town is moving | bere We have overt owe H S Sh j f NET ity streets are out of re- f slong, nieely feel good avout fio: The streets are oul ot re ave a Splendi owing © Speaking in Toronto on Friday} Help things along, shove a little. prs lire aaa abce "iboaek Night, Premier Drury said that|Try to get some of the benefit eulh sve'e ine police. tupac . ~ 8 there ne class so opposed ta] yourself Don't stand around) yr hic apirtl te wn St | h S bl F t oishevism as the farmers, [like a ehilly old cadaver. Don't pe gro viv order caine y 1S ' e€asonabdie ootwear | R is well the Red element in| waste time feeling sore because] DUn(ur | Now. inalead of going ~ ' t! Ontarie veld realize that the; some fellow has a little more|* eee MUDD Latif DIVERSITY WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE F 3 farmers ure solid against them,,sand and sense than you have,|!0 to another fund and spend that an h wan Tio a little hustling yoursell eit die ies es 'ONE Our present assortments and offerings make it quite possible to gratify the A Attorney-General Raney an.| Dent be a knocker." waeangeege we ih for' smart woman's desire for distinctive footwear without undue expenditure. You'll 4 ounces that the patronage list Hin clk siashi (prevalteal At find values here that are rather unusual. They enable you to get dependable foot- ; wf lawyers bas heen scrapped.) ft is a diserace to the 'o™n-| ine end of the yout The esuitey wear of pleasing, graceful character and still adhere to your resolution of thrift, Legal advice will now be seeur-Tship of ssa that a boy should] ee Soh that the orcanisation P el fu jl best advantage, regard A ty fourteen years within its] Were Suck [Mr the organization fs { x less of the political shade of the} borders entirely 'uneducated, as) ee hand % a possessor of the desired ability.|im the cust of young Lounds. 1/74. 00h hn Halleunl, f + Collingwood Bulletin, 'The At) would seem like krows neglect on], 00" [hal (hrd year had ra ' 9 Jorney-General would have ahard| the part of the trustees and) nie another little ee a ' tim wwas, finding suiTicient )trachors in the section where the | OA ale Mackie Hille. seven: This Boot ts of fine 'This stylish model is z lawyers io the U.E.O. and Labor | boy has lived. Because the boy] caatapne, amd did't wet cre! Wo black kid, lace, with of, Fine Mahogany P vank= s0 he must perforce draw[or bis parents had no interest iia ont Ghoul the same ihiops, Mentaotes Caft with Suede tops % on the Gritand Tory legal Hights.}in education dors net relie) ras WH gee Nie ae : i medium sewn soles. . -- from responsibility those in the jae py eke joy ocr ; and full Louis heels military heels, s own we co} sane 2 S Bs y pee Referrit buss heap-| section whose duty it is to see] Un me at lOne iawenior - Mare | Sizes 24 to 7. $7.65 Sizes 2) lo 7. $6.85 b ed upon mane uneiiors in} that every boy or cick of sehool th adozen new indudtriog have e Mmonte, the G The| age attend schoul. Had young] auivtiy came im amd tmade there 8 best kind af criticism is ty gat) bounds attended school and celtic here, We have, gained h info the fell and run fe pubbe) ceive@ | proper instruction the ayy Ne | Mee ane Bae affies. and if elected to try ty im-[ chances are he would not baye |e Ber pent tn population. We . neve conditions and poliey, Nej heen auitly of such cruel act eee ee eee et ened The iMustrations presented here ave very dressy, attractive and exceptionally 4 has a maht ty sedrify mem-| [ts another vase ef a bey going | ii ay protection. and we are all well made, ' v prac "Me, gunned Vn Me menel taae ak henuise he has not bat ati udiy and proudly telling the rest | Our stocks of Men's, Boys' and Children's Shoes are large, well assorted 1 at geliey brs Tee ee ee SHARE of North America that this is the and very menderately. priced a is by The limits Af ine epee Hest town on the continent, Wel i é : y Purse placed npot al by the people Ab the Ontame WGP confit only believe ite but we know Rubbers, Shoe Packs, Moeerasins, So ow Shoes. Slippers, ete., dre here in large 1 so when that man tom) vention last week, the Press if, and if called upon, we ean quantities, In addition we have another e shipment of men's Leather 'Top 2 1 cre teenten the etic wd | Sipt in her report called atten-| ppove at | i Lumbermen"s Rubbers, of the well known fese Cross make. 1 i He and i mt fobear We aa te the wonderful eantmbut People of Barne. there is] 7 inch tap. best quality snag pronf . $3.75 pr. pi aesernmen: jin Fite the on a tat pen By something to think over, That} 12 inch top, best quality snag proof . $4.95 pr. 4 ma assisting on the referendum.|town might just ax well he on! 5 op. best quality snag p roo: 5 f An ewe deogives this wheles/Sinst how wenderfil if has heentthe ot at Rake Simone: 'hit | 15 ich top. best quality snag proof .»» $5.85 pr. Sete aubwnee He ovenr neahber [we cannot estimate, and the oity Tit happened to he in) Miehiwan.| Kulieonslawig ni tt before deciding your purchase. is ptesperous, det Git prosper jut is We dle nat offen trys for] tnless we are blind) as bats we! . Dont grunt, growl os grambls {like the blessings of fresh airtyant iad to sin acre qual] Say i for tunt and let hand sunshine, we take it as aland a great lesson for ue re Lhe Gult y Shoe cLtore matte; of enurse, and ferget lofity begins at heme they tell us. | Joven sag. an oneasional thank| ani itis always true that if wo Jee sad\ the superintendent.} have te donate lame suns | Wr And it oimiht be added (hatalinoney te beibe an industry te | 5 i p Whole loeGt other people expectleome tere were zoing the wrong | ry . the newspapers fe suppert alll way about i, Or doesa't Barrie | . -- -- sorts ef nowvements mn whieh want to "gain forty: per « m the men themselves, 'The GW they are interessed and won't] populaten" and get at least a G. W. V. A. NOTES V.A, were largely responsible for fake the tronbh to voter Fdogen new inntusteins. |The Com Harvie brane how ts 225] "he twi inereases in pensions, \ BARRIE ' tpprseaation: of valiable munity: Association chinks andy clears. thie leer Latoal apphiea- [extension of vecational training \ : muntessinp neni krws en ay Hiahe neGide Thenk irinee Sis_|and educational opportunities. ¢ " | i enews of This campaign has) 9) i . }tuere generous Land Settlement 1 AcupofOXO |The Town Which Hadn't Enough} jn. gisilished all over Ontarie | tp plans than were ab first pro-| 3 5 both re |Civie Spirit to Light a Bonfire} iy ic natn ramipaien: Stat Che Branch tas been su -|Vided, and when. mothers' pen reshing an Theres Fown in Michigan foe a few citizens here whe stant!) Cb in baying settled seven estates eat at inten * ores) ! #- 4 1 ura few ¢ q vsti sions are paid by the Provines|?) Now invigorating. [steecetiens iat raised a tind [ie win ar dese itis Barrie. A af Mecease) soldiers, ei ee tia the GWAVA, tam Open for Business Ready in a min Ped Sa te bee nowhat rows that bas the proper syurit) ever cee | share the credit of obtaining that A 5 ute- the minute Jeonuenne has ok te tbe land a goed organization of its) Bone wikawst pensions baveladvaneed legislation Selling all kinds of you want it. Vyisinoss fetes geahhing PT peaite enn ato anything if wants) bern adjusted satisfactorily. andl SEND. Sec'y The diemey was epent in three ie and were Tooking for great |thipee pensians granted Seven GR. KENDALL, Spe'y. WET AND DRIED , a 1 years Tf ditonet being a single} things from: Barrie [teen new omedieal beards have} SS 4 ' new indiistey to Fae tase When ---- Jheen viven men whi considered) Port MoNicoll Lots FISH : 1 the find Was alinast exhiustest Canadian Song and Verse Ihey Were entitled te a higher} At the adjourned fax sale. held 3 _ ; the orsinizatian met fo wind up v1 ollegmte Anditortin was) rate af pension, with satisfae-| last Friday, 325 lots were offered, Hed te eapaeity oon Pharsday| tien te the tageritv. Seoves aff nearly all in Pt. MeNicoll, Of ALSO EVERY DAY F evenina fast te dew Mrs. dub fe + wrongly made oul) these were taken by the mu- A % Garvin Katharine Hole | sneak F voptifve errors ini nieipalities of Tay and Port Me- Fried Fish and French . on "Canadian Sens and Ve 5 soeational A wing | Nevutl, the remainder being take Fri : MiSFATN | : ido. fishy hres Alby people in the village. 'This ried Potatoes 3 '| e personality and a ven ct cha up we GWA, has branches] pretty well cleans up the "busted !$ Served a "The fiest part ef the pre iy Almost every fawn and city} houm' of the Port as far as t Tables or Sold 7 Was Uevetat tea resume of the|from Halifax to Vancouver, and{teounty lay sales are concerned. Over the Counter to {ite aml works of many dan. j|from the U.S. herder te the| In 1917 the lots put up for sale adian authors with excerpts from) Yukon, 250,000 members make{ for taxes numbered 3545, Most Take Home ' ~ their writ One veading.{ up (he 600 branches. 'The Da-fof them have been bought in by "Phe Lost Lagoon," written by} Minion Command have secured] the municipalities concerned as , Pauline Johnson, was very. fir ont £3,006.000 in settlement off the cheapest way to be rid of Opp. Bryson's Store y, This writer scored her" great/individual claims fer widows.|them. Reeeipts for. this year's success when in England by co-[orphans. soldiers' dependents and|sale were $1832.59. OU will find alt ciling in the gorgeous native In three flavours in dian costume, her own poems ov Indian life and legends, Another air-tight sealed apt choice was Lloyd Roberts' a he Prince of Wales," one of packages-- but look the new poems appearing in one for the name of the Toronto daihes a few days second part af the pro. 44! gram was of a musical nature, Mrs. Garvin singing three differ. i ent groups of songs -- Indian, { because It Is your French:and songs el present day ; iQ" { protection awainst s composers, The Indian song =. ' t . mus! be obtained at first hane ; Inferior imitations, 2 méthe Indians. Owing lo the ' F a fYorts of Me. Cripgan many of 7 i : Just as the sealed -- - these are now available. 'They 'Come--name your artist and your selection. } package is protec- | . possess a unique quality, being Tl play it for you, no matter what it is. = formed on a five-noie seale, bul sbi tion against Im- have an elusive charm all their Rousing, rollicking, 'campfire songs, negro ) purity. '< own. Many of- the French Can- melodies, grand opera--all can be played on { is : adian. songs are new works set Brant-Ola. é SEALED TIGHT Weanes,, Salus Galle" ie tiata Fisys sll makes of disc recomta' property. £ KEPT RIGHT . ¢ =e A See al. Perfect tone reproduction. The we best ; Branscombe, a haunting little . © ty your Mamas fend: ek t lullaby, was' prettily rendered. music brought into y: y i Mrs, Penley, accompanist, in momenta notice, i her piano solv, a rhapsody, por- 'The Brant-Old is a wonderful instrument. t paved ne a eee people Master workmen make it in seven different ia Seve er ond ae myles. Finished in Formed Oa or Mahogany ri apin Valse. Easy to choose, a style and price to suit every was a Chopin Valse. The Women Teachers of Bar- bome and puree. rie are ta he commended for en- Arrange for a demonstration at your dealer's. deavoring to bring entertainment You'll want the Brant-Ola. = of educational value (othe people of ihe town, Il is to be "hoped that many such as they have SOLD HEREBY z given will follow. . By-Law Not Yet Amended It appears that The Examin s a BRANTFORD was somewhat previous in an- \ SALES LTD. . nouneing that the Council had : decided to amend the early elos- ing by-law in sy far as if affects men's furnishing stores. A re- port recommending the amend. 4 ment appeared in the Finance Z Committee's book, but. apparent - po IZ ly it was decided to lay it over { IZ for further consideration. Buy advertised things. ' sb ™ \

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