Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1919, p. 10

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v t Page Ten THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, Nov. 27, 1919 ST. JOHN MAN HAS REPORT UPON | GAINED 28 POUNDS REFORESTATION H. F. Rollings\ Is Surprised --_--_ | by Rapid Ipiprovement-- Estimated Cost of Planting Troubles End. and Caring for 200 Acres aie that for 5 years, $5,600. Coun Halder presented the report of thr , special committee on reforestation as fol lows ee) Nog - ¥ committee appointed to -onsvder ' 1 ' the af the County reforesting : 1 ~ the w ds within the County, and tw N ' Hee bss toe (Ot aeeertain the eust of 200 acres, as a dom cere nsteat and other questions coo '| iss jog nected herewith, submit the following -- ba x: wely The nutes met in Collingword, on ' ih ceuber 20th and 30th, with all the wees ' nurieen prevent ! lave i Prof, Ko J, Zavitz, Chief Forester fo Sette ts "Ontario, met with the Committee. He " va Wwamiattt the committee very valuable it r pote erat an pein pe betty pswered questions anid ie werght said strength au advice Pte teen in Hes weet hed] om visited the private plan eta te shes Te tied e {/ tation at Nottawa, three miles south of - tathin fete aitieh goed. | Collingwood, and although they had real iy an. veit hatwk Lelowine Government reports of this plan fie hel lang, shoeeetaetr was ain, Hn Wee eerie eaceeried tlie ander vio dad tiv that Doectld net Ther ie stveut DEW trees in thes: u any he eee att " palate, bu len What a fing itis to be fit! To be not Nujol prevents constipation because it fe at ale, Ta fe re Me aa merely free from actual sickness, but to softens the food waste and encourages the ine hie' 1 caaituine| ; be well, absolutely well--and tohave the intestinal muscles to act naturally. It ! sung, Ane, IY : lity eecllini Ge tnahes Lah: mental vim, stamina, vigor, which go thus removes the cause of constipation tsi erik ut i ; liees Mint re ay with physical well-being. and self-poisoning. Meas, WEUMEEY, alirud GF We folk Chia Lavina, F a -- . . We sea [was very sisi i avail etn But you can't be fit if constipation is Nujol helps Nature establish easy, thor- Fovearly all any steength jn=t dhe grou! bet anil avis constantly breeding poisons, which are ough bowel evacuation at re inter- red tat . One day ped the dteferent kinds of trees te plant ken i fs 4 cuation at regular int athe reltoad track | after five seur' growth, the average | taken into the blood and undermine the vals--the healthiest habit in the world. Hose diges spells! heh of the trees as betveeen 12. and 18 whole system, Geta bottle from your druggist today. 1 et Bat v of the tue ocusts are ever . . J Ly I faint The average dauter of the The modern treatment for constipation pr ya/uable health bootler--"Thirty Feet of Hest tags Mssh of estatones (Miaell i is Nujol. Danger" --free, address Nujol Laboratories, Salikeg one black of 2.300 tree platted an . ae . ; 5 sea, aaaeaty a "pce re ewoaty id thick eat The action of Nujol is entirely different X2ndxd Oi Co. (New Jersey), 50 Broadway, 11 AGS ee eee a tee ea int lite from that of castor oil, pills, salts, etc. - : ; : Fees [2th ste, marke etter growth th Nujol is pleasant to take and does not Warning: ie fesse oe ald bape tiprevenient since Dobe | sane kind of orees on i 7 and w im- earing the Nujol Trade Mar, 2 Tanke bits vertiitly) So preparation was giade for planting on force ay div eaken the system, nor im. af shown here. Beware of products represented to be f My appetite this block, the trees being just set pair digestion, the same as Nujol". You may suffer from substitutes, ' h Ms 1 T i atte the tapst few at = othe blow eat he pest of ' fe Cities my first battle en war plowed and harrowed bei seerencd tar Sued Feoults us the suit where no quae eine station wis made. vk Foe eA aowed part of the pliniatin, the Teeter that treed. | futlowing © gene through with the ' le head. | s w 'cave at heaves atl | On . ---- a! tall Hes th f antst Kk © tg ie Tica Or Constipation tea wilt around Norfolk County * Sie ty Department's nureery Sint the bet el eta * patn o thine platens oh SICKNESS Samenel Haat Dargilsue vol as the Notrawn plat ra wae Millon PAE Ean Forestry Dejurtiuent PREVENTION ate tira free fort resting Hides Elbe stettmtent eit, Jan. bats ach of the shortage af by Vf avert bo ethers bour during the war and the failure ot , nlar os sold dn Barrie by! rhe seed ery year ago, the Chief jen, Monkman, in Orillia by Mo berester could aot apely awere . 1 forty ares @, Cooke & Co. in Flmvale by W J. MeGnire, in Lefroy by G, R.|b Ardill, in Stayner by NB. West.) 1) ae in Cookstown by W. G. Mackay, vat the ravers m Waubaushene by Georgian Bay Ferster of Quetee. the Chief Fore "this he agreed Ti arriving a 1 dry wind storm tart refurestin he County aan at the County of Simeur te of $3000 fur the purpe. ar pilols of about fifty: eres each, lands within Hired Men Get On Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. would recomend Sum Lee hus sold bis 100 acre farm to] Qo Mr MeLean of Tecumseth for $L7(H). sin can ike i het thereat bint P| UPR SYSTEM. cost per 7 nar Com, Besides all the venetite 4 y from the reforee of our was ie by the Chief pm bet it will show ou wine patriotism, ty the present generation ati posterity well he! Lumber (o., Ltd. in) Port Meo] Ontanomalse the reports of several states . i ; mun I € ihe URMad Sine oe Pankful thut men of wisdow "wid fore | sume to be situated in four ditfereat parts | teen years aan can waa Nicoll by Pt. Beattie, in Allis] stil countien of the Unwed Staten, the | OTR oat te of the County, close to xome main county | jon Set mga he ae at i hired ton hy FE. B. Schell, in Lisle by Ropt. FE. Lite, in. Gilford by James A. Blain,'in Tottenham by In not this the u vet of hfe. take the world & lit an when we came into it and mt io den varth uf all ate natural riches and gus ad several other plantatic nd Quebec, and equalling the: exclusive of lund and. tee iby ai J mun und now he hus purchased one of thé eect are eaamume of ew eres! fine fagnie an the community. Ant there |THE, DOUBLE uewch lot. in the «pring are other McLeans who were hired fifteen Fuente Ror HBr cong | fea? mo To ont tae TRACK ROUTE plantations in. Ontario they fou Chas, A. Weaver, in Penetang-| the c yrepuring the land 'ee ise ny fy A (Tainan iited vishone by Chas. A. Nettleton, |the trees would be about eight dollare per uthing an return . (Tottenhum Sentinel: in Hawkestone by Thos. A. Stune,! #0 'ter making a full aml thorough an] On Monday evening, Nov, 17, « large between ae i sie ef he Conuuttee find the following vestigation, and after securing 4 lurge | number of the members of Fraser Presby F. fa Hiiale Dy Riehard Rumble.) rgated able of cust to be about voreeet fund af information. the eomantive ee | tern Chuteh together with naunter ot | a GL OUS as TORONTO in Coldwater by ©. G, Millard, * in Fever of 2000 acres of Jan $2000 cunvineed that it would be advisaile and | friends amd well wishere of Rev, HL. 1. MONTREAL Midland by Geo. Gertie, in Brad-! Cost of planting 400 actes #20 jroftable for the County of Shacor to | MeCuaig from other denominations, met itt H Is Ski cee 100 ° Hthe chureh to spe] a social evening with | ea in DETROIT ford by W. 1 Campbell, in Stroud | Cost of replacements the his: family ard chantler Bros aighurst| Watching same by farmer close' to pe apranten Tres in eae Maca : for their new of labor DD.D.. the greatest of skin reme and by 2 Hil in Callnmwood ber Jes "y, It was also the occavin af the| ill remove those akin afllictione that Rave CHICAGO & Gregory, in Belle wart by A unveiling of the memorial shield in men, {made your life a burden. That intolerable - » jory of Rober: McKay und Mark Nelon. {itebing. burning and discomfort will disa Tromtley & Co, in Mt. St. Lenis ond yeur, including: Sleeping cars on night trains and by Fo J. Peters & Son, in Monn- planting af second forty | both boys of the Sunday School. who fought | pear under the magic of this remedy.) Pariur Care on inal Vek stone hy J. B. Sykes, and in View Same for third year avd ied for their country." After thi] IE hae cured m ere pronouneel incur | teint Cars on principal dey : , Sume for fourth year . ceremony a program was given, including | sble and will reach your case, We guuran-{ torte Harker by-'T) W.'Reowne | oe et tin seer | neveral iiddressee in which appreciative ref. [tee the first bottk to bring you reli |. Unexcelled dining car service . Advertisement | "wis made to Mr. McCusig's work. | Herbert G Robertson, Druggist, Barrie, | Full information from any Grand --_------_-- | 35100 nel regret expressed at his removal A {Trunk 'Ticket Agent or C. E, WoWant te PITA pxpensis far Com work snd e the Adiet rol. overseeing for 400 12. ---- Total enst for five yedre .........85000 A great seal of gratis work in oversee. ints umn, pag cell filled purse sae hreente fg Mr. Me | dorning, District Passenger aceumpanied by the following ad. le ° « \gent, Toronto. THE LIQUID WASH | pesot agets © BISLINGSLEY Phone 6 und Teachers' Training Clos, ont evening of your depurture to another field take the opportunity of expressing our ing and directing will be done by the stud ents of the Agricultural College. for edu. L] | catunnal proves, heartfelt and sincere regret that you have The estimated and proven setume in found it necessary to sever your conn some cases are enermous especially in ° ° tion with this congregation after sersing AVOIDED AN | Francs sud Germany, where reforestry hus Avoid Operations ihe Mastee shepoghet pust ten years, in for over 100 yeurs, and ' nl year i | been carried ddoving, faithful cae Wheat is our | whe the undertaking hus reached its + we will ho their gain, and may Almighty OPERATION i: sci" | for Kidney Troubles J jor ee | ' The reports of several plantations in o Shunk oF GLU tke Ta tha aoe Tend Canton, Ohio.--'I stiffered from g | Sc!!! show enormous profits, hut some e Stay the lnvink tellashh ti femule trouble which caused me puch faver Ie eonitions may have existed to ni Ss tin. ineHlni theaigh SRUEH! wk eae eth <-- | fering, two | | these each other when separated j STMT | tors decid «fale presen you his - Le MET would Kees [il nae Sper clots FoRTi KIBNEVS: * ie ee bee | A ae go directly to the heart of the trouble, relleving pain quickly, dissol- to,go through an | show a profit operation before [| Ai the end of 30 ving stone and gravel, purifvin 1 anion " \ could get wel. per vere, systemand toning up the Kidne sind extenid te von andl Be My mother, who wl of 40 years a prnfit of $103 | eee tee Oy. cry lor many had been he!pod by year bearing el eatimony to the ite Lydia 5. Pinkham' mt of 50 years a profit of $250] grekt value of Gia Pills. Bead for free Me. MeCunsig hankial th Vegetable Com- | yer acre, large timber should | I Srdzaier, Soc, with monde bask eet nae and fie ae er denice, Bbc, with money-back fay" antec, = pound, advised me | he cut and a new forest ed, totryitbeforesub- | Ar the "end of 50 year depre mitting toanopera- | «ales plac 1 | zoo sei. asurins th Weert charge | i ell aving Tot him tw 'The Natio: oSESTG, Uvoamaler Lal Fortato USS. Addrent:, Ne-DraCe, lnc, 2 Main StS + Bulla, KY, ion hail a god "lrenham but felr that duty another sphere of service A tempting Minch was then served Ly the ladies of the congr nd those Womasesing th, leoring present took advantage of the aportaaity | TORONTO farewell to the justor and his fam | Nouion Sraviom, St, N. E,, Canton, Ohio. protecting bird hf 9.15 pm. r | We can safely sy that in the removal | Sometimes there are serious condi- | Pris tHht live on land grubs and GOI RE of Rev H. D. MeCusge Toth DAILY and most public spirited eit. | ost mopERn QU su tion. Itrelievedme | Gio! results and quicker returns can pruce from my 'troubles | jy. secured from the planting o 0 I can do my house work without bap It an jul * vod ne 'ct eukee aan po vs disiculty. I advise any woman whe is |"! im! tat i purp afflicted with female troubles to give | The committee find that while the Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Com. | % !#rge jrofit in growing timber, the hgne pound a trial and it will de as much for | {i'= of reforesting waste land is ine them.""--Birs. MARIE Bop, 1421 6th | luble to the agricultural land arouat tions where a hospital operation is the | The retaining of moisture of the snows fone! its bes ealy alternative, but on the other hand | tl rains. creating a steady seepage | Send for free booklet about Gu-Solvo for | izes. He too! 0 marly women have been cared by this | through springs and rivulets, thux causing lrhe auccessful treatment of goitre in your | thing ex tin every commu E, | continous flow of water in our streams |twn howe, 'This medicine fouket aom lity a ner heme | eo ee that supply our electrical energies | oatly: softens the goitre; gradunlly. diol | nd wax very highly reearded by "wonle of | % enh snevention of devastating floods in| ve 5f and caste it entirely out of the eye tll denominations, Mew McCusiz will he e_ spring ; tem. You owe it to yourself and your | Frea'ly mised for her splendid erviece in | The beilth-giving benefits of the pinelfrionds to get rid of this unsightly diseace | the WMS. ind other church organizations, forests, A post card will bring the booklet to you THE MONK CHEMICAL CO., LTD. Dr. J. A. KEARNS The protection against fuel famine. The prevention of the waste lund + i 9 | J Co, L988, Mant, bincraghine re cone "t | 43 Seott St, Toronto, Onterio. Physician and Suraeon | = for advice, The result of may years |{y the sand blowing oer ant toreune or wok your dsupge | PHELPSTON. ONT. ' experipnce is at your service. towali cand dunes tu ugain bivw further, eran hours: 12-2 and 7-9 p.m,! 3 \ ' "8 be i

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