ou can ir vsti- PARR IT for nvince prices 'close imited =--> re you elinbi- when kinde r EEVES, Thursuay, Noy. 20, 1919 THE BARRIE > Barrie Fair Store 82 DUNLOP ST. OPP. STATION CLOVER LEAF JUST ARRIVED --- CLOVER LEAF CUPS AND SAUCERS, WHILE THEY LAST 22© EACH OR $2.60 PER DOZ. . HANDKERCHIEFS We have just received a large quantity of Handker- chiefs, bought away below present prices. They must be seen to he appreciated. Good value at 20c and 25c STAMPED TABLE SETS consisting of one large centre piece, 18 small doil- ies and 6 knife rests. These are stamped on good quality of damas and are in colors of pink, blue and yellow, reg. $1.00 set, sale price. . .59c per set semaine eae re ANOTHER LARGE ? . '\ SHIPMENT OF FANCY ¥ * CHINA, TEA SETS, ETC., '4% JUST RECEIVED. . SEE OUR SELECTION OF DOLLS FROM | CENT TO $7.00.EACH BIG ASSORTMENT OF TOYS JUST TO HAND Come in and see us before buying. Do your Christmas shopping early while the selec- tion is at its best, ONLY 28 SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS Barrie [ air Store Phone 837 R. D. RUTHERFORD, Proprietor CRLAERESL EEE EE REESE EES ™ * * NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS et Joyo rotor oR fofeteioofololotoieiok boioioroen ¥ EDGAR MIDHURST Mr. and Mrs, Win, Hayes were called Mins Marga with frends in Barrie Sword spent the ty Orillia owing to the serious illness of ES ie: y pleasant evening wae spent at woof Mr and Mra, A. A. Garvin Mrs. Jos, Cockburn and Mrs Jas. Cock | on day evening, Nov 11, when the Burn spent a few itaye in the city Inst | Ludies' Aid oP the Presbyterian Church | wi 2 met an! served « Talent Tea which was Faatiite wt the bone yg bely) bil a new church shed good attendanee, Ap | The hweers bave returned from the hunt Contributions were read from the |iD8 grounds with # deer exch. it is reported. N tionsl {nstitute for the Blind | Lucky Midhurst boys he Weston Hospital for con-| Mrs, R. Schandlen. who hax been vis from e children, which resulted in the | iting friend: in dollars to each of those ) home: Savanagh of Barrie, « for.| Mrs. Harold Mandley of 'Toronto « pber, was a visitor at this ting. the week end at W. He Miller's Mr. Blueman being about to leave Edgar | A mucellamous shower was held at the and having been un active und willing) home of Mr and Mrs, James Craig on enjoyed by all present. The proceed are | Little Current, hus returned | Boyce, has gone to Grenfel to visit ber sister, Mrs, Robt. Tracey, before returning home. Mr. and Mr, W, W, Boyce spent Sunday with friends in_Grenfel, Mr. snd Mra, Wm. Frankeom spent a few days last week visiting friends in Melville Wattie und Lorne Poole, who have been working with the extra' gang oo the G, T, R., bave returned home. The pos! office and store at Midhurst will clogg Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 pan.; Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at 8 p.m.; open every morning at & a.m. EDENVALE y Nov. 17.--Emmest Maw returned home from the Wes: last Friday. His many friend ure glad to see him looking #0 well Quite w number of friende gathered at the home of Mr nd Mra, John Sinclair on Suturday evening, Nov. 8, to celebrate the wooden anniversary of their wedding. After spending a few hours in games anil amusements the party partook of 1 very sumptuous fowl supper, Mr. and Mrs Sinclsir received many useful ond beauty ful presents, testifying to their popularity in the vicinity Miss June Holt, a returned missionary | on furlough from China, spent» few days Inet week with her aunt, Mrs. H. Adamson The cement bridge here over the Notts wasuga river. which was filled with gravel over thr piers. has settled somewhat since work hae been completed But I believe the worst ts yet to come. |The weathermsn gave a taste of win iter Inst week, On Suturdsy morning the ground was covered with 5 inches of snow. and there was regular winter sir. CLOWES | Nov 17, --Our first snow fell lust week | but it hue disappeared again. | oMr. Peters had a very successful sale | |tast week of his stock and implements. He | | hax sald his form and intends going to Toronto | Mrs, Archibuld of Toronto ix visiting with Mrs, Elmer Turk Mr and Mm. French of Onlla spent a few days with Mr and Mrs James Hun: tn move to town Mra, Frank Hunter of Port MeNicoll is visiting with her mother. Mra, Charles Church, who ix in very poor health | John' Emms was laid up for # few days | lost we having been injured in the | chest hy one of his horses | Fred Healey held a very succesful uve- tion xale last week of stock und imple. ments. everything bringing a very high price. Arthur Benham hax bought the Nixon farm where Mr. Healey renidecl, Mrs. Connell of Guthrie visited | sp formerly of Barrie, snd inte sds STROUD Mie Irene Morin, Bare over the week. =# The msny fmends of Al Marin are pleased to ave hin able to be out again Bert McConkey, Toronto, was home for over Sunday Mr. and Peacock and darghter. Painswick the guests of Mr. and Mra jJahneton om Sunday: Miss [da Mathers, Toronto, war the caest of Miss Hazel Guest s few duys last week Mice Enns, Barrie, wae the guest of Mise Irene Martin for the weekend Mr. Harper is sporting » Ford car Mise Lo Todd, Gilford, spent last | week with Mise May Duneun nd other | frienctn wis home | | Quite number from here attended the | returned ren's dance at Churchill Friday evening and report a good time. Mr und Mrs, H. Maxwell have returned from: their honeymoon and are the guest of her parents. Mr and Mex. Webb. M y Cookstown. has re F. Ness, for a week, | Mm Chester 3 | KNOCK Orillia | spent a few days with Mrs, W. H. Martin ast weel | Last Wednesday evening on the twelfth anniversury of their wed Mr. and Mrs. K. Robertson entertained along with worker, "especially in the handling of the | 'Thursday eveting, Nov. 13, in honor of| some other friends, Mr. and Mrs. T. Reid work for the soldiers during war time. re-| Mr and Mrg. Robert Lynn, who were re- ceived a hearty, vote of thanks for, the| cently marrifd The many beautiful and port she bus taken and regret was express | useful presehts received showed the es- ed in losing so faithful a member. The| teem in whigb the young couple are held Programme conunittee appointed is Mrs.|in the commuunty. After the #hower the Geo, Kissick, Mrs. Jas, Shelswell and Mrs. | rest of the chris was spent in dancing, 1, W. Addison, Instrumental music by | ete. Mrs. Shelawell and son Gordon was much| A. Lucock \o) Barrie spent the week- enjoyed. The next méeting will be held | end with Midhlurt friends. at the home of Mrx. Jus. Lauder on Tues. | Miss Hattie Rilton-of St. Mary's. who day afternoon, Dee. 9. bus been spending a week with Mrs, W. W.. Cheap Coal Only $7.50 Per Ton Do you know that you can get 2000 Ibs, good Hard Coal at $7.50 per ton during this month? It is Buckwheat size, but if,properly used 2000 Ibs. of Buckwheat should throw as mutch heat as 2000 Ibs. f any other size. It can be used with good satisfaction in stove or furnace by putting it on separately at suitable times for banking fires at night or in mild weather, and in fact can be used to economy in any weather in stove, tange or furnace. Geta half ton or ton and try it. . The Sarjeant Co., Limited Phones 88 and 94, or in the evenings 317 or 151. and Mr. and Mrs. Maude. who intend moving to Toronto shortly. On Nov. Il. a mainiber: of friends of the immediate neighborhood met at the home of Thos. Reid and after they had spent a plensant evening D. W. Lennox read » short wldrese and Mrs. Raid was presented with a lentber upholstered ook rocking chair and Mr. Reid with a meerechaum pipe. Short speeches were made by 8 num- her of the gentlemen present expressing Naess | the appreciation in which the family are held and wishing them every possible suc cess in their new home, after which the company dispersed. MINESING v. 17---Mr. Dunean of Toronto is visiting his sister, Mra, Walton, Ralph Chappel' has tsken unto himself a.wife in the person of Miss Ada Roberts of Manchester, England. 'The nuptial Knot wos tied by Rev. Mr. Herman: of Croighurst: All wish the young couple a happy and succesaful future, Mr. and Mrs, James Graham. son Walter and daughter Nellie, also D. M. Richard- son of Aurora, spent Sunday visiting in the village. After an illness of leas than a week, Thomas Livingston pased away on Satur- day afternoon at his residence here. He was a highly respected citizen and an ac- tive member of the Baptist church. He Teaves a widow, one son, and three daugh- ters. to whom ix extended the sympathy of this entire community. ANGUS Nov. 18.--Mr. and Mrs. Patterson of Al- ton spent' Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. .(Rev.) F, N. Bowes Frank Bush of Toronto spent the week- end with Gordon E, Bush Mrs. Rogerson of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Wolsey. Lorne Brennan and Garfield Jennet re- turned home on Friday from the deer hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cripps of Burks Falls are visiting at Harvey Cripps' Miss Hodgin of Mansfield is vi her aunt, Mrs, McCracken. PARR TEN DAR SOARS pa eS ter Mrs Turk. Sr.. hax cold her farm to Mr, | Nov, 18.--Mis Ida Mathers of Toronto | f EXAMIN ER Page Severt Upo Dep H. A. SIMS BELLE EWART Noy. 17.--This seems to be the month of moving Mra, Irwin Moore hax bought | J. Taylor's place und hax moved in, John | Verner has just finished his new house Jand moved into it. Walter Moore has | moved into one of Mr. Trombley's houses William Rennie, who hus lived in Long. ford fur w number of years, bss returned | und will be at home in his own house this k John Morton hus moved into Maj- or Cook's house. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs. George Baxter on the arrival of u daughter on | the 10th. Mrs, John Houston was rushed to the hospital to-day for an operation for ap- pendieitis, Mr. Groat occupied the pulpit in the Bup- | ust church on Sunday: Mra Thomas Juck met with « painful aceiient on Monday evening, Coming out of Trombley's store in the darkness she | mised the steps and fell off the verandah | a distunce of about four feet. sri \ing her bead on the cement walk und in. juring ber buck, Her many friends wish her s speedy recovery Mis Mury Luzenby i apending » few | days with her mother Banana Flour Banana flour is the Latest thing in Jam- wea, the wholesale price of which is said to yield such fair profit that the making of the flour may soon be a regular enter: prise n Your "To-day" ends Your "To-morrow" wreer you can save to-day is the foundation upon which you will lay your life-work. The man with capital, even be it small, is th who is ready when oppertunity s arises. man The savings habit is not as ar to uire as the spending habit, but most things worth while require an effort to attain, and the capital for your day of opportunity can only be obtained by hard work, economy and saving. Open a Savings Account with the Bank of Toronto. Your Savings are protected by a 'strong national institution, and earn a fair rate of interest without risk of loss. THEBANK°F TORONTO Capital $5,000,000 Reserves $6,625,623 FARMS FOR SALE BY S. H. BROWN SIMCOE'S FARM SELLER I have already listed a number of good farms in the localities of Cookstown, Thornton and Stroud. Call, write or phone for particulars of these farms, They are good ones. Have also a number of town properties for sale. PHONE 20, BARRIE. Resid. 79 High Street Fh a ttn ' SE NOOO NC OLLI MINESING STATION ORO STATION | Mrs. R. Hughing and daughter Dorothy | Mise Beatrice Campbell of Toronto Uni- of Toronto visited the former's mother.| versity spent the week-end under the par- Mrs, Geo, Hogan, recently. ental roof. | Miss Ina Elliott of Midland ix visiting} Migs Hume spent the week-end at her at her home here home in Toronto. Mivs Beatrice Kaspp of Barne spent! Mr. Sinclair of Belleville gave a very un the week-end at her home here. teresting address on the Forward "ove. Snow storms have been quite frequent| ment in St. Andrew's Church last "Sun- in this vicinity. day. Mines Pearl and Lily Middleton of Tor-| Mrs. Thos, Ross, who was Inid up with Jonto visited friends here Isst Sunday, | tonsilitis. in getting better, | i Columbia _ Grafonola Mrs, J, Hughes is visiting her daughter, | Make Every Month as as Merry as This The Columbia Grafonola Pe and Columbia Records are : the real combination to give you not only a Merry Christ- mas, but also a Happy New Year. They will give you songs and dances, the very latest popular hits, gems of Grand Opera, fairy tales, quaint ani- mal recitations for the kiddies --joy and mirth for all the family every day of every year. { Garrett's Music Store,