Thursuay THE BARRIE EXAMINER Se aso Page Five siplaatiemnnts ers "| INTE ~*~! MEATS DROP REST GROWS |BARRIE MADE A 1 . pn wN PRICE IN CAMPAIGN GREAT FINISH ! y? Organizati . A 1 AT READMAN'S ame being Complet-| For a While It Looked as To help in lewerine the ed for B.C.A, i ili k L fash'cottoe bine write tl, Dave tay a ee] Epgugh She :Millan, Mask jo made notable reductions in Next Week. Had Been Reached. Foineat prices. Here are @ Continue i 1 few examples | iiied from page f Continued from page t 1 nin Roast Heer .... 260 tb. | phimling dollars but get full/ibe Barrie horse romped under Po Ronnd Steak 22... 300 I Wie the what you spend to bet-|the wire with a margin of $195, f Srtoin k abe ib 4] (0" {He community, A good man] Roo hese figures include Porterhouse Steak. 350 1B. DP) here mid (een Can Ke ative [specials of whieh Collingwood | rk Chops P8BO ID Fier tone ge eerie will be bet Thad #190.005 «nl Barrie 245,008 Thiet Bark * 300 Ib. © want Those kind | ois of folks inthe Association and the Nats nb, fore quarte : sacciation and the | . ! Poult thre, sitiarers Bee Ihe ff Association will help make these] AL five o'rlork, Monday, when | ea Annes Mune one ik kind of folks? Jall the returns were accounted | es me cng : Vr. Lauzhton enumenatec _[for and showed Barrie apparent <j Homemiiie Sausage. 300 Ib, jfor the thane eee an' Ly over te million, Andy Carson Besides this economy im ber oof Coma ooh accom. | %8* heard te hun softly, with | $ pricos you get the double Ul pticied in the thet gear crete | areal satisfaction on his coun Pondvantaze of the finest Pfevistenee for the gued at that|lenance, "The End of a Perfeet { enaranteed -- quality for fPontacia cay and san that the| 28S." | ( which we charge you noth war was win only hy anselfiah| There was keen competitiin| | \ z . ; vevafive serview--and thal im the cn eset an { alias | int way only: would Barrie sues 1 ooweulil te oe list, | i READMAN'S Hevnat Sweuld Tarte ste iigueh each man was helping to i j {| 8 site on niin saa dake Bet buseieee, Tar the other tole) and fendecml the cnenkere ged; Was ay le eame across it. Bes! ' Wa Hattie, in elostae nanottae. [Oween Jackson and Reburn was i] ml ie Ube oes the elo: race. On Saturday a puble mass meeting : \ i Thursday peoautie. Teen (Madlee meni ott Frank (urned in 810. | g Rilapetl #t Phone 473 fli ie an active worker in the, 00U ust te pat hint on easy | Gee cere emrenrencens [CUP MIEN, Has heen asked PUNE L street and he Tnoked to have the i aa pin VM honor safely stewed away. DL bf wh people in their) | aie ie Him lineshapeltive however, had ou friend who| rillia Methodist S. S. e ' 'thought atherwise--a retired} he Oth anniversary of the Orillia Meth Vhe headquarters at (01 Duns | tamer, be the way, He had] i] Sabbath School" was held Inst Sun. | /'P Slvevt as a scene of busy ae) Gupseribed four times before, but The total enrolment of scholars and | {Vit ledav; Wednesday mernime) when he heaed that Jackson' had} toers wae 1.083. a alight gain during} * mecting of the local CWrEyMeN | fayshed apparently a winner be year The average attendance was Was lil. addressed hy Dr, j avtere' andl S. awd the abiresate sttiadange 22.470.|ifaakil!. 'th the afternoon a! Saket. ino, Neaeauarlers and | The largest attendance on any one Bunday | <jj0):) fing tar 'women wanes eM and made rn 4 dunng the year was 725 The various} jj.j44 j; *t a things solid for Reburn weekly papers were. supplied the scbolara| (Ul polee court cham cae Harvey had the hest "re- during the year, The revenue from all| Mf. itlse addressed by Dt aiiae ne af his supporters noirces amounted to $1,765.73. The total tnd the women of Bar. PANN ne me expenditures. including $500 tu nussions ged their loyal support) 7! peeribing seven Limes | sul v Bonds to be applied 1 uty enilirse the. CEM hack the Barrie bunch of mnt 24.68 leaving a balance vanipanign are eunvassers agaist! any om the a Ee cs ae HB aye ules." said Chairman | preyinee it vrganizer Wile J 8, mtreeting featare of she day, was! Vonmenting coy the sen, He adbed that every ean | the only member of the orginal school of which we were taught Vaewee in the district had given Wi Seu bee. uw list ; forehes and from the; loyal and enthusiaste suppert | 'i ulowe'se heen too stawland had done splendid work | Ite then tu aur 'community! Barrie peuple seem ta have Ss H BR WN, li land by a few pennies for a rainy is ' | pines meeting, thrawn epen day | --_-- jie nen and wenwn. is billed for] Tt made a tig hale in the sav. | Real Estate Broker) ioc tiirstie iene al (8 ings arconnt= hut the bank man. | Fevebark with) Bean O'Malley, W Hon" seem ty warey hut | i : FARMS FOR SALE JA pose WP KE rE, the savings will soon he | NET RW MEAG. Aiwa, meat inal FiNuilNol Cs, CERN, te the vished. Such campaigns en-| a pea fe Barre Wher University and one tye ee theif | well improved. a gentleman's i Men bh um # 1's Hye Badere ithe Forward Moves) One distries in tan whieh | Api BU cae Lal taent i the Dominiun today, ast subseribed Tess than #20000. al bolas wd bulingss sO vakers There will be no silefvear ago, tock over Sika of] BR: ns: i; SURE ne ad yor funds 1910 loan ry. 100 acres, Inmstil, new house, |." fer aD fie US ine CURB | @; Hank havi (ala harman he pubhie m anes Ree'y Tem. AO MeCartty was] wank barn, goed soil a hargi | ' ery much on the qed | r for y 7 250 acres. Innisfil. excellent SOLORIANNA? Very much on the inh | han, Hb buildings upelosdate, 110 . Eat Sime | ye ps seeded to alsike. <werel and Nopexpenme: wits spare! by the } : 5 | For 7 ane proddgers of the great N Objective Returns Per cent | Joelover, fall wheat; gel par- i cma araee er ot Firwlars of His munessmaker. [Msifal cone ds tiie Once | Midian 3 rs bic. ee aan pmo? stich plays at the Opera | Balen! ( | iat aaa InPAt ee ahoat sain] teed, We Saale Pop milton, \ aie oes i hee n. ity ost qa j Ore Twp 115,000 2.09 700 Innisfil, good son.| {NY au Eh 1 Medonte Twp. 100,000 5 wala ie Woprdee bewuties, whose clevee) Matehedssh Tp 17.000 fair buildings. near to town aml charefni daneing and har-| Tiny Twp. 8. 50.000 hi avres, Innisfil. well built. onfinonid. musseal scores created: Tuy Twp. N 15.000 good soil Ain " ne " Pr Victoria Harbor 30,000 DS : sneha tremendous sensation an) Vi i ¢ Bee Jan acres geod soil and) Broadway. 'The production is) Maubaushene cht ee eo | kood miles from) sau lag the most expensive | Ftos Ten 4 az | ithout Grol nts bag. thier ' | Flos Twp 105.000 201.400 191.81: pes nokstown feentoup pt New York this season i tyy Twp 60,000 31.600 52.66} point 10 acres, . nething lack-land thps leeal management 1s! Coldwater 30.000 $4,050 146.83 én, He ing this fa yeu would be congrathilating itself upon its] ----- ---- 'acre, pEnnd towaen it siwveess| yn booking such a pop-| Total 1.800,000 aie Have also a namber of town}alar aff action for its theatre,| To thw amount obtained by canvsseen - properties for sale, ineluding one) brinifulbt eatehy songs. gract | whould be added 100 in specials. bring: He Fe Of 24 acres on which is a large] fal dangys, beautiful girls, tal | ing Onilies total to $958,850. as:compated sold k house, large stable,Jented principals, gorgeous as fern paID ke rn 4 Tice arehard, inside corporation |iimes, qpulistir and artistic Two Previous Loans Rotors limits, just the place for farmer [ting anita iuéme that sparkles | pion s018 in? marae wanting to retire : with mibth from beginning to) yor Bias 200 3601000 For price and particulars offend. "Glaianna bids fair tO} Cottingwood ., 498,850 310,450} mers above properties, phone, write orfscore the banner triumph of Ihe | Vespra .... 105,080 74.700 ford ' call loval theafrieal season. Sunnidale 56,200 46,600 | hip of Phone 20 Residence, 79 High St. = Nottawasaga 286,800 204.050 for AD Anglican Forward Movement Huse & Tow'entio ... 312,000 258.300 n aad Anglican Forward Movement meetings |W" Gwillimbury ..... 185:450 148,150 Piabid to Gone Soe Filer NECK wit be held in|the Deanery of South Sim- 'Adjals & Teeumeeth |. 385.450 300.650 ba ot yy 8 painless home remedy, of roots and} oo, in St. Judd's Church, Thornton, Tuee- . pace on herbs. We have cured goitres of more ' $32.433,750 $1,852,600 > edu- than 40" years standing in a few weeks dciediis Mem! ol, O. time. Our treatment ia guaranteed to be Busi_ harmless, and will build up a rundown VESPRA COUNCIL is 400 apa. __, seitfe 'The Council met on Oct. 27, with all Vent-- Write for free information to ite members present und the Reeve in ation, Prof, Marlo, Box.837, Toronto, Ont. the chair. Communications were read from Sec- retary Hydro-Blectric Railway Associa- s old, tion; John Hood, Stayner, re damage to ve an property of Hy. Adamson by reason of Com- water diverted down 14th con. line; Treas: irmer urer of Ontario, enclosing cheque for $500.00 Re Colonization Roads; D. Quin- sue- By: lan, county treasurer, enclosing 'receipt for er $8950.34, being amount of county levy : : less discount ; Mrs. Isabella Pratt, re award cad Wednesday Nov. 26 |fs8 == » Ag- , x The clerk was instructed to see the ronto Township solicitor. W. A. Boys, and have own- ONE NIGHT: ONLY him proceed with the appeal re 14th line ard drain aneil . . award Andi- The Bertinello Producing Co., Inc., Presents The Great The following accounts were parsed: Wm. Hamilton, work on Col. Rd. No. S me New York Success 2, $109.00; J. R. Maw, work on Col, Rd. tn in a \ No. 6, $103.05; John Parr. work on Col. acres, © Rd. No. 1, $191.05; George Beeton. cem- Bias ' \ ent tile Sth line award drain, $38.5 | George Pain. work on Col. Rd. No. 3, The Rainbow Division of Musical Comedies WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST | paish and the Daintiest--Danciest--Prettiest Girls tiver Seen To- 20 SONG HITS GORGEOUS |GOWNS pare i COMEDY GALORE \ le.of is on ae Prices--55c, 80c, $1.00 and $1.50 Top Gallery 27c t. INov. 22 $62.33; D. Quinlan, county rates, less dis- count, $8,950.34; Thos. Pattenden. putting in culvert 8th line award drain. $25.00; Muir, sheep killed by dogs, $15.00 W. A, Walton, work on gradef. $5.00; Geo. Beeton, tile for 8th line award drain, $5.50; J. P. Daley, gravel, 75 cents. The Council adjourned to meet on Dec. Ist at 10 a.m, Robt A. B. COUTTS. Collingwood Teachers Collingwood Enterprise --The Secretary of the Teachers' Association asked definite information by Nov. 15 as to the increas- es the Board intended to offer at the close of the year. The letter was fyled, the chairman being of the opinion that if the We Want to Let You Know -- the Many Special Values we are Offering in the following. These goods have been carefully chosen and have been bought when Manufacturers' prices are not sovhigh as at present, and we are going to give our customers the benefit. ------ ng SLEIGHS AND BABY CUTTERS These were months ago, thus the saving we can offer you. Hand Sleighs at 30c, 60c, 85c, $1.00, up to $2.75. White Enamel Baby Cutters, with and without Top, at $6.75, $10.50 and $12.50 WE HAVE THE EVER- READY "DAYLO" AND THE "KWIK-LITE" The Kwik-lite Flashlight separates in the centre, which makes it easy to remove Bat- tery if they get corroded in. We have 4 Styles in Nickel, Old Copper, Old Brass and Black. The prices are from $1.25 to $3.25. piven eaieln abi eae Seven a onan WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS' HEAVY LINED AND UNLINED MITTS in Calt Skin, Horsehide, Buckskin and Mule-- Prices on Men's $1.00 to $2.50. Boys' 75c and 85c. Splendid assortment of Pullovers nn ooo? BEAVER BOARD We carry stock in the following sizes: 4x6 ft. 4x7 ft., 4x8 ft, 4x9 ft, 4x10 ft., 32 in. x 8 ft, Takes the place of plaster---Anybody can use it Cost 41c sq. ft. a ee ae renee TWO BIG SATURDAY SPECIALS | > COBBLER i LARGE SIZE COLD BLAST LANTERN 3 doz. to sell only at 98c each Reg. price $1.45 OUTFIT while they last for 78c set ie SA eee ee A WORD ABOUT XMAS We are preparing as we never did before. Our stock is arriving daily--Brassware, Chinaware, Nickelware, Electrical Goods, Fancy Tea pots, etc. Don't overlook seeing our stock before making your Xmas selections. . Otton Hardware Co., Limited <The Weather Alberta "'Spuds'" Oh, we can raise 'em, even if L. H. R'nSnow| A reader in Olds, Alte., sends The Ex-| half of them freeze." S medalist oar e 89 4 -- | Aimer the following item dated Oct. 29): --|--The weather man's reckless manner in i / as 35 Af O27 | handling calendars has jolted something| yy Shurchil Women: trtiteth ov 8 $e OST KH toowe, und allowing November to slip one] rhe text meeting will be held at the 1... 22 4S = Lover October. As a result, thie unbest-| home of Mrs. Robert Boyes, on the regu- - +31 39 = Table dintrict in suffering ber sbare in the | '*", day. Nov. 26 . a. 84 41 =|{oee of spuds," The potato. yield. in Olda| | TePert of the Convention heli in Tor. & eee sad o.1| and district was tremendous, both in size of Onto last week will be given, the serial 5. 3) O04 Ol) tuber and yield. We notice that Three| 'tory. "Mrs. Tree," continued. vocal and : ee 0.02 | Hills got.61 epuds out of one of their| imy'Tumentel music supplied; lap, the us i Ot "but just an ordinary garden in| UA! tes will be served ie 31 38 --| town bere shot 64 useable sized potatocs Se tes "33. 52 0.01 --| Out of terra firma and left several marbles, Buy advertised gonds. Ut pays H 45 50 0.02 -- 2 30 62 -- 13 '2730 = 01 4 2 32 -- 10 rr 16 32 -- 50 16 [25 41 0.08 -- "7 3500 18 37 43° «0.11 0.1 | 19 22 The month of October was unusually mild, the meav temperature for the month exceeding the average by several degrees, | F The highest recorded was 75 on the 10th) and the lowest 27 on the 20th, Rainfall was 1.33 inches above the average. , Rain | was recorded on 16 days, the total aruo-nt | for the month being 4.01 inches, of which | 1.02 fell on the 5th, Thunderstorms oc- | curred on the 2nd, Sth. 10th and Sist and lightning on the evenings of the 3rd, Oth, 14th, 25th and 30th. W, H. BUTTERY Value of Oil on Roads Collingwood Bulletin: --Motorista who have been motoring along the east luke shore are struck with the value of oil on} the, road. 'That portion of this finely im- proved highway known as the Holden road was given a coat of oil before being open- ed to"traffic, while the part built by the| township, though well done, was left in the ordinary condition. As a result the oiled portion has, despite the recent heavy rains, been clean snd free from mud and has stood up under the traffic. On the other hond, that not oiled, while a great improve- ment over old conditions, was more or less sticky on the surface, The contrast is an indisputable demonstration of 'the great value of oil as 8 preservative of road- ways, It not only binds the material used in construction, but sheds the water, there- by saving the roadway from injury due to pools of standing water. Plan opens at Malcomson's Insurance office Sa Board is to be held up every meeting for increases, it was time to call a halt. The Prince Riding a Broncho at Saskatoon Stampede Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. aS amit ase aE ha so Z_