Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1919, p. 4

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__Page Four : THE BARRIE BARRIE'S OAK TREE a sides ensuring development ai ne, places the Dominion's lit high in the markets of the! Id and should prove a tre-{ Mendous stinulus to our foreign | trade. | fute subscription, | 1 1 Sir Adam Beck expresse$ a de- sire thatthe -- municipalities | should have a bigger part in the} management of Ontario's great Hydro-Electric enterprises. The best way he can secure greate ;@-operation from the munic Malities: is to make a complete change in the policy which cen- trahzes all authority in the head! eMeials in Toronto and 'he local eammissions little jter than rubber stamps as far For This Week-end Sensonable Footwear any practical direction of the plants. neminally under theic, control, is concerned. Such a change will not be made without strenuous objection on the part! f these who rule at Hydro head | quate : Fal tite my niie palit ey ° WW you are Inoking fur shoe values you are probably inclined to make comparisons, should not rest until they se- 7 | ' © Prin Thats what we wa mu to Compare the Shoes; Compare the Pri ea sour rent control ot the! Nas what we want you te do. Compare the Sh DP: | plants hats the surest way you will determine superior merit of our Footwear offerings, oe en re new featuring is a Boot for Misses, a Hayat Brown seini-narrow toe and medium heel, sewn soles, sizes $2.95 spect values we The Hon. B,C. Drury seems to, have surrounded bimself with a Solid cabinet--men of substan- stance and geod ability, AM are entirely new to their duties and, with the exception of Mr. Bow.) man, are wishoul any legislative experionce, This places then une der a handieap that as likely ta ane them a lot of extra wark and worry until they rs settles They are at same price Blac Womens bark Brown Rout, Mevds. sewn sates lues and low $4.95 new Taal $6.85 KS 497° from little Acorns ; Ipée style. with high ¢ Sues 2h te 7 oo. Women's very stylish TAP POW ques p Dark Brown Lace Boot, with sand. colored suede taps, miltary heels, sewn soles with white welt, Sizes 2) to 7 Jal vaties we have Mhese are Dit three af the many spe Our stocks are large and ecmple p with full ranges of Rubber Goods, Spats, Moccasins, in their new posts KEES, Show Packs, Slippers, ete, naranec Bene ced aeres }o fietading ste vory special values in Mea' Leather 'Top Lumberien's Hubbers an UO HAUSE Exposiuptines aera 'he well known Maltese Cross Make. COMMENT OF TH E WEEK Liberals and Conservatives will teh Yop, best quality Snapeproot oo. e $3.75 - he inclined ty pursue a poliey of {Z-ineh Top. best quaity snd $4.95 & watehful wattime till they 9s HS-tneh Topo best quality: =: $5.85 how Hi re shaping. The re 7y mhae lcodli®: eWonpe oleain manded for installations, At the] sult of the elections was evel Come in and look these over An eld vise Apparentiy Premier fineeting im Guelph on 'Puesd Honey of dissatisfaction aver ex! MYERS' OLD STAND i ~ 1 fhe matter was apy tor disenssion | isting camditionsy.. With, the 1. Vtpient amd the Chief Inspector will bel brure Gavernment now peas the) GF, . fa Was asked fo appear ala future meet-|auty anid opportunity wk rome, Ugo Gut . Shoe tore Worker on His Cabinet Fa see if same ehanges canting ts sane degree the causes reece ; poe? net be inade to the advantage offapunsest"Fawarde the new ad KS) | Bach eiicer Ties a chaty fo the} the: ecnstmers: < ininistration most of the peaple Cents ail That is te assist : ------ have an open mind, willing te VW see Tate as Hie a ste ect moves) dn pelt bies sme year agostsive full eresist for what nay be ° ' Meet Cit Bats for its cabjeet the | Where yt the menes cone Tram? veaniplished ' Howe = alvitneemeént CU nselfist lwas a question aftin asked. Dur ; -- , , i ie thougtu l'munt, dis INBiCe THEN Hi ] epee oa among the est Nhe pat twee weeks as the Sarre dul herself prom in the, can os ve thous! must do inere than 1k 1 dsndtscome: lower ait ii sielai Heat, aeltahe ; lod ap] Vietory Loan campaign, Tl seems! the town weal de very well i" of imitivida isan as, WHO S WHO IN -- Hhreughent ontario i has peenfilmosi incredible that) nearly tt ot dst y (olal af Quinlan said, in} Apparenthy seme persuns in the wf times thengh)a million dollars should be forth. 8445.200, 4 hit slari. keynote of com- THE NEW CABINET Mitueipal Bleetrie As tsetse A talal}eaming from this lawn whieh tne. the einen afhuered line] ult work. "IL ; the zaiie al -- . ation ice at last waking en hundred wil} while it has enjoyed ils average pelis as it went alone, lat it die MW dessens and our chureh | i ai, Ane tah Uhl ae cites ne {ae eralitemp evidente pf the brespecity. tas had no boom to net liven up properly until after| toachings which we've been too| A Few Facts About the Men i Have heen pat upon consumers |eonntiey's financial steeneth and{ being, unusual npenoniilaans ee ie ubied ise Wits ipsa eorual ie Ae jut 1 aul qmautera Who Compose Ontario's Ty Mee exeessive requirements de. [of te jueples true tanaida's | we: A » he, ing of the interest: was injected into the }eommunity. lifes unse shness, + vi PS : # Ubcerreese naa iiRnteRs a {te peoples trust in Canada's} wealth, At the beginning Campaign by the friendly rivalry} service and thought for the fuc{ First Coalition Ministry. PMH Collingwood and the eit y tire years." 1 Ey =----_---. Jaens showed ther tuvally to their! Barrie of 1925 will look and be _U. Mills--Labor member for r B! {trav ant countey by subscribing} inst as the average business man{ Fort Willian an Englishman, : ' Jie the fant "Ray another Band] and housewife of foday wishes it;and a locomotive "engineer. Un 2 j : Jou! hearty response wherever|tu he--and ne greater. ar-/Was a miner in Wale: 7 1 . = [Pessible dad the returns kept) sighted leaders are always held| Years he has been of { ; > paling a rate whieh sur-[back by the indifference: or ig-|Fort William Board of Educa. prised even the vanvassers them | neranee of individuals wha ean't| Gon, I a selves A total af 8956600 ists Barrie is like a fleet of ware Waller Rollo, of Hamilton, | 4 HY? "2 a maxnificent response. Tl may| stapes: im the great Brilish navy {leader of the Independent Labor | ¥ Aa ik well be resarded with keen sat-|the speed of the entire fleet is]Party in the new Legislature. | t A / AS By isfaction by the citizens, because} restricted tu the speed of the Formerly a broom-maker, und | [ (s 49 ofthe willimaness to lend money] slowest monitor, So it is nec since May editor uf 'Labor News.' F , da. because of the finan-| sary far the men and women, for] Liew "Col. D. Carmichael, DS { coal stability and thrift indicated! women will be elogible far mem. » Who will represent the | ' because of the fine community] bership on the same terms. te a» Minister without . een | n | ; EVERYTHING spirit which was bound to keep|ihe men of Barrie, who want] portfolio, served four years over- | ' the wld town in the lead, and be-/ progress--whe want to see pros. [eean, He will likely be | i ABOUT STANFIELD'S HEAVY cause of the splendid advertise] perity and the convenionces of fed to the Hydro Commis | I reived through record in this campaign 1925 brought into use as early as possible instdad wf as late as Possible-- to organize to the end is a farmer of over near Collingwood. H. C. Nixon, North Brant, is RIBBED SHIRTS AND UNSHRINKABLE UNDER- WEAR IS JUST RIGHT. One Thing Barrie Will Get STANFIELDS Unneewrap We have stock in all sizes and weights of the famous under- wear. Best of satisfaction as- sured. PER GARMENT tories will grow, population will multiply: and citizens will learn, in increased numbers, that busi: hess exists because human wants must be served In the normal Canadian towns kent effort things will be of advantage to 'he community, and, having fix- ed upon things worth while, to xeok and strive for them unitedly, One of the greatest parts af the|a to ascertain what|N Down orth Brant, clerk of Township of Was school teacher for ars. Presbyterian aod a Liberal. nk Campbell Biggs, son of stock shipper and farmer, edu- Stanfield's Silk and Wool Un- these changes will slowly dako|ampaign ix the educational cated at Dundas High School, 0. derwear -- The softest and Place | whether anybody con-{ Work. both by Speeches, posters -C.. Guelph, and Canada Busi- thest on record at $4.50 sciously looks after the publie} 80d the local newspapers editor. College, Humilion, farms 40 smoot a S interes! or not. 'The upward| ia! and news columns--and this ", member for North Went- per garment or Combinations at $9.00 per suit. Push of enterprising individuals Will achieve some general ad- vance But if there is lo be prow/Of Barrie to think in terms of Purpose than to get the people; H the' future, unselfishly--for (heir educational work ix for no other| worth, interested in education, ydro and public utilities, Beniah Bowman, 33 years oli, phat "the slowest monitor" may) another 0.A.C. graduate Ha 12 j is knitted in a bi Waly few Canadian towns/he speeded up and the whole/a strong supporter tor prohibi- It is knitted in a big, modern, DRAWERS would agree ts remain just asfeommunity carried forward. [tion He hie been @ lecturer in rao Sunshiny mill--of _ the finest 9 phew are until 1925. Strwots will] | I more than 2.500 North|the Farmers' Institute eect materials in the world--and is $2.50, $3.25 he paved, Uuhter, cloaner and American toes ane jflties the tia election he was a Conservu- ' aly a rexulated better in 1925 thant business and professional men |tive. i guaranteed absolutely un: AND $3.50 now: schools, will more nearly|and women have banded them-| Peter Smith, stock farmer, shrinkable. mee! the needs of teal life: fac-| selves in a more or less imtelli-|Cloverbar Farm, feo. Stratford, -- of Pennsylvania stock, children and for their neighbors' lomployee of Cheisthe Brown Con. childven. If this ie accompliah-|pany in Toronto, miren ieee, ed Warrir has al least started onfat tong Bay. Manitectn suc. {ress without discouraging de- lays, the active business men of. the town must organize them. Hs imte a Community Assoc- FOR THE LADIES AND CHE,DREN WE CARRY WATSON'S UNDERWEAR y tation to make the public think----|'he right road seeded R. R. Gamey, in by- . . s to cultivate vision election of October 24, 1918. Watson's is made from the finest grades of yarns | Should, by the rarest chance,| Read the advertisements. RH. Grant--tarmer, educate: and in combinations or two-piece garments. The Vests the membership and financial al Ottawa Collegiate, Onlurio Ag- > x eee cece camnendy lcampaign of the Barrie Commun. neultural College and. 'Toronto are made in all styles--Some have V neck and elbow : th i < . [ity Association descend to the Fi IR SIGN Diversity, represented his town sleeves--others, V neck and short sleeves--others again, depths of dismal failure as far LOOK FOR OUR S! ship in Carleton County Council square neck and short sleeves, and then we have them jas reaching the 810.000 goal is BARRIE pam Vege fg 1891, County Audi_ with high neck and long sleeves. The two-piece gar- concerned, there will be left in for twelve years. ' * % P * Rarrie the epark of civic awaken- Manning W. Doherty--Born i ments are sold at all prices from ing and future vision which will MEAT MARKET 1875 al Clontarf farm, 200 acres, 50c per garment up to $2.00 per garment never die oul--eultivated., fan- All Kinds of Fresh and Peel County, where | he raises ned and generated by the inte: Cured Meats on Hand stoe once lecturer at O.A.C., 7 : - - ested citizens and workers whe Fowl. 1 Guelph. post-eraduate in agri. F Young Men's Navy Blue Worsted Suits--made in waist- have broken down the bars of Wave Sou tiga Suche vulture tron Cornell University. li is? et < A "knocking," over-conservatism, - n religion he is a Roman Catho. i m Ine style, sizes 35 to 38 only, Price .... 0.0, $35.00 'doubt and distrust. (individuals made Pure Pork Sausage lie. 7 a Young Men's Fancy Worsted Suits, made in waist- have slong held the view that j and Hendoherae--our spec trnost C. Drury, 40 years, ae h a : " i there were many things to be jalty. farmer of 250 acres at line style with 2-button coat and cuffs on trousers, idone for from paved! Our prives are just ax rea own Hill, graduate of Guelph : a real sporty suit. Sizes 39. Prices $35.00 and streets and a new hotel tu the J sonable as other butchers | {Collen $37.50 velopment of community unity fin town. Why not try us pf OW. FE. Rainey, prominent To. ' Individuals are nw beginning to i and see. ronto barrister. He has always ' reatize the hopelessness of ac- 1 been an outstanding -- figure i: @ -@ . vl things} f Deallty-- Service AL Motto. 7! against gambling and the sale of That is how we buill up onr Fite and the fade. renarty on - y in wealth {rade and reputation. these questions for the Govern P : and population the next. ment. - \ } five years as it | M. J. BRENNAN, Prop. Retd US MGSCGGE | a {drifting with the tide--it" @ecemcecencenveancencencancencesces ead the Adlet Column. ft [ not drifting with the i vy CO 3 j si : Pn

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