'or dutside buyer, but we only CIRCULATION THIS WEEK - 3875 COPIES 'WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED---- TURDAY MORNING SECTION 1 PAGES 1 TO 8 56th Year WwW. J. A, MacLAREN, Editor WALLS, Manager THE 'BARRIE SA BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1919. Single Copies 4 cents $1.50 Per Year (in advance) No. 47 MEN'S FURNISHERS MAY KEEP OPEN As Jong as They Like, By- Law So Amended--Alder- men Object to Hydro Czar. Affer walt half an hour to get a quorum the 'Tewn Couneil get chav fo business at eight eelork and another thirty mine ites snTived fo clean up the few on the slate. Those ab- al Monday night's session Messrs. Clark, Poucher, Grafton, Rusk, Webb and oo] : Asks 'Town to Pay Bill Phos. Plumtree asked Couneil ty pay a doctor's bill of 87.00 and $15 for loss of time due tu ine Ma "ote linve heen caused. by annant running inte an ob- struction Itt on Berezy St. by own employees AWK. Low: asked permission lo trim trees in front of his Property, 19 Phowpson St Harry W. Wright. 168) Blake SUL usked bawe ti remove a tree in front of his property A Hyare C2ar A veminiimieation was present. from the divdro Blectrie As. sashane That Barrie fore ward ' Titer ambi thayh the Ontario Hype eter Cenimis ston be established apen a pers Athan he manent basis with Sa elaiinoun, ete me froin Tie mrcdeipabities and ene | from the Government. bn the event oat the Government, insteul | ef Lie munieipalines, appoimting the third representative, -- tue Shaull not be appenited, saul the | rradvemade resolution, except With the appraval af ser Adam as well give ton the) wt the whale works. ree | To ta a ez?" enquired | Ald, Hirytatle Sir Nei at the eonvention) Said he dit nat want tie tseves at this way," repliod Reeve \ Howenld be ae state \ Wonpen tin. added Mao Payne stieally sea brief report of the Hydro vevation. There was 1 strong feeling that Sir Adam Beck should be chairman for the] next six vears Sidewalks Built The Town E completion of the following s walks: East side of Bayfield St from the end of sidewalk, 539 fect dung, by W. TL Minnikin, 5: patching on east side of St, from Tanne to} Sh. by T. Tooke, 5.35 The Board of Works recom- mended that Engineer interview W. Ford re iruin, and report to committee also that the Engin- eatch-basin at the orner of Dunlop and Clapperton Sts Peace Day Expenses, 81 788.61 sttiement was presented by Recephian Committee sho ing the reeeipls and expenditures in connection with the Peace Day Celebration. Receipts were 81 887.25, whieh ineluded the Town grant of 81500, Expenses total- Jed 81788.01, leaving balance of $98.64, whieh was returned to the Town Treasurer. Farly Closing By-law *The Finanee Committee recom- mended that the early closing by- law as it affects gents' furnish. ing stores, be amended as peti- tioned for by R. A. Stephens and others. This concluded the programme, there being no enquiries, motions or unfinished business, Annual Canvass of W.A., R.V.H. The Editor of The Examin Sir:--The Roard of the Royal Victoria Hospital has been noli- fied that the members of the Wo- man's Auxiliary of the Hospital intend to make their annual can- vass for funds during. the first week of December and ip. view of the valuable assistance given to the Hospital by these ladies the Board wishes to bespeak for them a kind reception and a lib- eral response to their appeal. Yours truly, F. R. PORRITT, Pres --RAW FURS--Trappers, At- tention, we will pay for No. prime skins, more than any local Liberal. W.E. RANEY, KC, T MANNING W, DOHEL whdate, Peel, MINISTER rmerly Conservative RENTAH Moulin, MINI Formerly Liberal Roo GRA MINISTER OF EDL servalive UEC CATIC at the best skins. SIMMONS Furs. . F.C. Biggs GREAT FINISH For a While It Looked as! Though the Million Mark Had Been Reached. Over the top went good oll Berrie in the Victory Loan drive und passing objective after cb- jective reached the magniticent total of $956,600. Not onl the town earn the Prince Wales flag, bul so many er as to nearly cover this pr When the last issue of The aminer wasyrinted, the canv' urs and citiz@hs were feeling ood over the doubling of the objec- live being assured, but no oue anticipated' that the last three days of the campaign would bring in almost double what had heen subscribed up Lill that time. Keyed up by the race with Col- lingwood for first honors in the district, the citizens gave en- thusiastie support to the can- vassers and hundreds of repeat orders came pouring in for vary- ingamounts, women and men both eager to keep Barrie to the front. And they did so in grand style, making a garrison finish. 'he last day one bank-alone, in Bar- rie turned in $259,000, all of which, however, did not. belong to this town. There was great excitement around Headquarters as the cam- paign neared its close, Half an 'hour before reporting time, a couple of the canvassors, mak- ing'a hurried total, figttred out that Barrie was just $8,200 short of a million. Immediately A. J. Wallace headed a rush for the street and before closing time -|the above amount was signed up and there was great jubilation, the canvassers all wearing mil- lion-dolar smiles. Revised fig- ures shortly afterwards showed that the million had not been reached. few hours earlier that Barrie was EST C. DRURY, -F.0., Ba) MIER and President of the Council, RAI Formerly Liberal BOWMAN, U.F.0., TER OF LANDS AND FORE Had it been known al Formerly oronto, ATTORNEY- AT Y, OF , defeated U AGRICUL M_P.P », M.P.P, Carleton, dN, Formerly Con Hon. Beniah Bowman Hon. Walter Rollo . Hal ton W., MINISTER OF MINES. a. PROVING servalive . Al. PROVINCIAL TE PoC. BIG Worth | Form ly Liberal cry Mills NEARLY A MILLION DOLLARS FRO LEADS-THE COUNTY IN VICTOR ---- CONGRATULATIONS a FROM '} -- COLLINGWOOD Collingwood, Nov. 19. Mayor Sprott, Barrie. Well Done, Barrie. Ac- | cept our congratulations. J.R. Arthur, {] * Mayor. so near the million, the ditfer- | ence would surely have been | made up. Even as il is, the to- lal is a wonderful showing | 'The loeal canvassers worked like Trojans. As Jack Moore re- marked, the 18-hour-a-day farm- hand had on them Everywhere they went they were well received. Liltle or no ex. nations were required; where ihe people had the money th adly subscribed and laler man' found) they 'oubl Every canvasser spoku. of handness with which hewwas met fv far the groaiest persrntage of the bonds were paid 'or in full. Many parentsybough! 250 or $100 bor for the -riddies Arptications ty+re not as numer - ous as last year but greatly in- creased amounts brought up the) total, Great pep was put into the campaign in Barrie and Colling- wood hy the contest between these two towns. Barrie had more than double of Colling- wood's total by the end of Oc- tober, but- the shipyard town braced up wonderfully and was only a few hours behind Barrie in 'attaining its objective--on Nov. 6. Neck-and-neck they raced, Barrie leading until Nov. {4, when their opponents placed Collingwood turned in over $150,- 000 the last day and thought they had the race cinched, but (Continued on page 5) their horse $1300 to the good. | Innisfil W. SIMCOE SECOND -IN PROVINCE Almost Doubled Its Objective Piling up Total of $3,488,- 500, While Barrie and Collingwood were-busy chasing each other and dollars for Sir Henry Dray- ton the other divisions in Simeoe Wost were not idle by any means. Directad by the, exeeedingly cap- uble organiz Messrs. Pringle and Wilson, who fairly bubbled with enthusiasm, the canvassers applied themselves to their work with a will und had the extreme satisfaction of seeing not only every division over its objective, but the whole district within one place of takng first honors for the whole of Ontario. Parry Sound was the only district whose percentage was higher, and a much lower objective made the increases count in much higher proportion. Simene West nearly doubled its original ob- jective of 81,800,000 with a splendid total of $3,488,550. [t is probable that the district, honor flag will be presented al, the County Council meeting next| week. Last year this district raised 82,433,750. Distriet Totals Below are given the total sub- scriptions for each division, to- gether with original objectives. At the time these figures were handed- out all the returns had not heen checked up but they are approximately correct. HARRY MILLS, NIXON, U F.O., M.P.P., Notth Brant, RK, PETPR SMITH SASUHER., + U.F.O., MPP. North Went. rly 1 D. CARMIGHA ROWITHOUT PORTFOLIO, M BARRIE Y LOAN WITH A TOTAL OF $956,600. EIGHT CRESTS TO ITS PRINCE OF WALES FLAG. COLLINGWOOD $195,800 BEHIND. ' |BARRIE MADE A Labor, M.P.P., Hamil- OF HEALTH AND LABOR » Labor, M.P.P., MINISTER ARY, (Formerly Con- UFO, M.P.P.,) Perth, rmerly Liberay? iberal U.PO, M.P.P., Former- D. J. Reburn Captain of the Barrie Canvassing Team. Division Objective Total 5 *$956,600 . *760,800 Vespra ..... 75.000 152,300 Sunnidale ..... 75,000 93,800 Nottawasaga 225,000 370,000 y 160,000 287,450 250,000 408,000 West Gwillimbury ... 150,000 245,750 Tee'seth & Adjala... 275,000 360,850 "Including specials. -- $3,488,550 Formal Opening of ©. A. Shelter Come _to the annual meeting of the Children's Aid Society on 'Tuesday next. The Ladies' Aux- iliary will serve afternoon tea from 3 to 6, and at 9 p.m, for silver collection, The Publiv Meeting at 8.00 will be addressed by the leader of the work, Mr J. Kelso and others, and «there should be a crowded house at the formal opening of the New Children's Home, Eliza- beth St ' Traction Engine Through Bridge Fred Weatherall, of Sunnidale, while crossing the Fisher bridge, von. 14, Sunnidale, with his traction engine, narrowly escaped serious injuries. The bridge gave way and the engine in the falp| turned upside down causing serious damage to it. The coupling between engine and separator broke, which saved the latter from injury. The bridge was some 25 feet wide with con- siderable water beneath. | Tite INTEREST GROWS " IN CAMPAIGN Organization being Complet- ed for B.C.A. Membership Drive Next Week. Over a hundred Barrie boost. evs attended the smoker and get- together meeting in the Town Hall Tuesday evening as a result success of the new sociation as a civio | organization for nt of this town is assured he Vietury Loan," said Daniel Quinlan, county treasurer and chairman of both the meeting and the membership and financial campaign, "secur- ed in this town nearly a million dollars All we ask 1s your hearty support and an annual maintenance fund of 810,000 for carrying on the activities of the Association, We have investi- gated the work of the Canadian City Bureau which is aiding us in this work and have to report that their record more than jus- tifies their coming here al our request," The affair was 'unanimously pronounced a success, being en livened by music the Jazz Band and solos by Mr. Black- more, and singing by those of "Barrie, , Beautiful eand "God Save 'the King." i Tu those wha were present no [comments need be made on the jPesull of the meeting--it meant {that would beat Midland { whieh hizing a campaign af the same time, and "xe over the top." The « and comme the improven ampaign p at the meeti es, a Welshm and working with the City Bureau, That th City Bureau stands read: ils' share wax evidenced 'Tues- day evening by the presence of ene officer and four other of its stuf membe: said Hay anized about ten wns in Canada, and they are all forging ahead. I'm only here to explain the machinery of the campaign; the philosophy of it will be given by Dr. Horace b, Haskell who is with us; and John H. Laughton will tell you what a Chamber of Commerce has done in London, Ontario. We build a most democratic. organization; you elect your own'directors and they elect their own president; you choose a secretary or indus_ trial commissioner or whatever you call him, and you develop, by your own ballot work, your pro- gram of work--the future ac- tivities of the Association. It's not to buck the Town Council but to work hand in hand with them, and help them." He was followed by Dr. Horace B. Haskell, former pr Beaver College. "You men said Dr, Haskell, "can do any- thing for your town you want to do --anything! An individual, no matter how good he is, can't. Organized effort can accomplish things while individualisin can- not. What makes you and { dif. ferent from one another is p sonalily. The fact that we pos- sess individual personalities means that we are not complete unto ourselves, but eaeh supplies something in our make-ups that the other lacks. In an organ- ization we get all of those in- dividual forces banded together for efforts for the common good --and if is that 'filling the gap" in each other's personality, which supplies to a big organization a complete organization personal- ily--a working force for tho community." "I pead a speech of your new Premier's the other day--and you have eve eason to be proud of Mr. Drury when he says 'Be- ing a citizen of a democracy means a chance to serve." That is what this Association is for --service." Dr. Haskell out- lined the possibilities for good if everyone caught the higher spiritual values in this unselfish movement and predicted the suc- cess of the campnign, "There is no brighter sunshine on God's earth," said John H. Laughton in his talk, "than the sunshine you make for the other fellow. This Association is to sow some sunshine in the com- munity life. Let's supervise the recreation for our children, make them better cilizons by providing opportunities for them now: back your council to do the good things for the town--don't try to 250 Buys a Thrift Stamp. worry about saving nickels and (Continued on page 5) y i i] j ! '