20, 1919 f THE BARRIE EXAMINER Page Fifteen -------------------- f bution to the general corruption of sun: | ners--fashions contrary to that mo ;which should be fairest ornuiuent of Christian unions. i" ' | The pon at strongly urged the formation | of a league of Catholic women to fight Use only three level tea- jr he terme the indecency of fashion, | = . not only in their own clothing but also | ss spoonfuls for five cups jof tha: of persons in families who ap. | prouch them {Women should aot only prevent thar Z own children from giving way to the "exi | gencies of unchaste fashions" but should | fo 60 far 'as to warn vistore in. their jomes that the mistress of the house dis: | 18) sprroves and teusee to restive thee in ere decently dressed, the pontiff sun : es t Ad "We firmly believe that Catholic futh: | he i is IS £00: sre, husbands and brothers, ax sll an al the ey atti of seine for male gelw'ions, should support the women sugar by brand name 0 you fi : in thls outrageous battle." he added, realize that to have a sugar Sold only in sealed packages ad | which will give unfailing satis. | Simcoe County Children's Aid Society | faction in preserving, in baking, | Donations received at the Children's Shel and for all sweetening purposes; ter during October, and gratefuliy acknow: you should eek for and insist ledged by the Executive Committee. Iie Deas Cryatal 4 Mra, Wm. Robinyon, 1 bkt. apples: G.W en getting Dominion Crystal VA. dunce, bkt. bread; Mr, Justi Sugar. bags potatoes; A. J. Sarjeant. vegetal Waren who use. this brand heve Mrs. Wm. Crossan. clothing: Mr. Quant found ik 40 be al thats sane aenae pnnerieks Oa fertbloes planar be pure sparkling, finely granulated. pail honey ; Sirs, Sims, clothing, Mew And it is with satisfaction they realize Holdsworth. 1 pr. boots; Mrs. damieson that this finest of sugar is 'Canadian Thornton, 1 yt. amlk; Mrs. MeMartin, elo. from the ground up." A large part of PSO EK things Herb Reid. vegetables; Mrs. Gruy. | the putput of our three modem refine ¥ os POEs 1 bt apples: Mrs. Spry, 1 flower stund, 4 ; eries, is obtained from raw cane sugar en SHould Pay Poll Tax chim. 1 table; Mrw Hobson clothing Mrs, --but our pride is in that increasing tiuhued Relee Freer. 1 kt genpes; Mice King (King | Proportion of our output, which is : Ries Block» clothing "and boots; Guthrie Wo made from Canadian sugar beets. en h lente of (tian & Who are net men's Institute. 1 hkt. apples. 2 boys' Try a 20-Pound Bag . 7 serueut roll will he 'called weaters. (new , 2 boys' pants ( ~ 1 eat an early dite to pay: the Geo. Shannon. 1 bag apples, | Most grocers have Dominion Crystal r ean + if dey S20. Notices Gur this wnnual, but un: Mrs. MeConkey, 1 bug apples: Mr. Tur. | are Sugar in 20-pound bags as well as in wants tay but dey hyve te wait ll be | Hopular om le cbeie denis ane Biwhy Angus $2.00 | oe barrels. They take pride in sellin meantiies uk nel ; " being end | ----_-- ; tae ao this ouperior Canadian product. Asi , pith ' Pronept vaynent os advised oF slse the pw Begin Christmas Shopping Now ru your grocer for it. 4 lice may token teat in the ' spliere: -wha.-reuenet!: tout ie | Well. the next thing on the program | ------ [Sea srvecescenigsa pata Sis to begin the Christus shopping stunt. | ~ Sar am exerted fee ping Teron at eleventh hour" Wout seas NI N CRY. ts aiiegin deuriaing » it jostling crowds for suitable goods can N diliientatty: of having. all ny eutirely elininated und Christmas s fot as lant aeawe wath poll tax TROMDINE wade yew "hy beginning SUGAR Th vs pointed ont that women now haw tien the atoche are 1 [emer rights wn prin seth Miri bi Reena eg | ' we ity Friar ne fed al qitron' and deiley ate béu. tNION SUGAR COMPANY, LIMITED | tree. tithe thens tg antes Weekes fo fs st Wallaceburg, Chathem and Kitchener eqiarters ant ar wenkd tM the merchant hus an opportunity suivctdee' te thee the Tita Feplemshing stocks and 2etin . tn Comme at one of their next meet | dee filled be 4 } Aton meeting of the Cay Cou sed) SVCrybedy me worked te rhstougl nt Monday night x water | et, fetal, il ys = te Wos introduced, tu have all un é en. 7 at Vt il Gy Cr That Last Word worn of that city pay poll tox, te all, rege: wall fille eerty: Cheiat " ihe Hew. abe lah shopping Men don't stand much chance with wo he meh | | men nowadays, T) brought F you wereto Urges Womer to Fight Immodest Wrateal Chief ae ene aere ios. Farisuaee ee ° i é Styles | In days gone by Meaford had cur, ay not be so big a fool ax I look." . hire the best Nee 11 "On the domestic | fe hell, but for some unexplained reason | said he to her. They eco having 4 quar LHe soap maker in the watuan id queen." said. Pope Bes. | 11 was chuinated from the daily round. of |" world and gave him viet an wnewemng an address ta him hy ie in ay fees se \ pution toh me she replied sw 'Then you | he Womens €rions ww revived was vite in 'the sown cou ha & great deal to be than! for" ualimited scope in ms nigiaided that changed + cil the other evening but found onty two | And a Zale us thankful for. matertuls and' fagil- © ian funetione and righ supporters The chirt ae out) OT don't hieheve in yur my. vir ities, he could torn ~ ag } tues." sunt the righteous husband to his | wife eutipehicg "matter : That we wine. my dene (the wife ° of paren: feryou things or of events could separate woman: tr alwa; a number, you know thea conser of h high mussion, from the} " foray family, which her natural centre -- << Ouch! + ight WasGA he pow UB The Dress Coat's Origin ------ unlig inate Cathohe woman to def The present ugly dress coat. or «wallow A Flower-like Bird | 2 elf tw the education «f youth {tal had at sehen the cutsing away' A semurkable turd found in Mexiea is} is cme af the is. ul the front waist had the reamuille pur the hee rari, which ruffles ny the fecak | * ; * Brothers Catholic wounn, 1 of preventing the side cout skir nite head into the exuet resemblunce Limited we} eetiing in che way of riding, while | of 0 benutiful flower, and when a bee comes Feats near iit of present useless butts behand | lone ts the henvy from. the supposed a cepu: | the wats) are from the tines| flower it is snapsud up hy the bird = fashions uch buttons really served the pur = hoshow the corruption of ening these skirts behind. Thus . chem and briaging an eval conn. \ thas been handed the practual cout in which « ' tian rode A aaa ae | a le " " | EMPHATIC "NO { i Canadians eat tons daily of wt ! {Returning Officer's Figures 2 @ 9 for Referendum -- "Yes" | TIONVUC. S Majority in Adjala on No. 4. | ° | Adjala Jersey Cream Sodas Votex Polled Majorities ( | Yew No Yee No | Question No. 1 408 essential to Sold fresh everywhere. In sealed packages. ertion ee # wth and ck Question No. 4 340 28 | velopment ire the Factory at LONDON, Canada. Spoited a cd oils and | and other Branches at Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, Kingston, i Wholesor edients of Winnipeg, Calgary, Port' Arthur, St. John, NB. Guenion No Linen Hd nig! FOGISHIS; Of Question No. 3 120 S vit Pp 1 Gueston Now Ta OWiits rémium + | Spoiled ballots, 18, 1 . - besin Oieomargarine = unmne Question No. 1. 31 Oo ~ Question No. 2 37 Use Sywa , ' fay | Question Biocean 38 sed ! Premium GO 3 } Question No. 4...... 45 mat school lunch Spoiled ballots, 7, ' ry wtirishment 7 ' pe , ents hildren need. U VO Question No. 1 881 f wee on your 5 Question 1053 table. in) your it s Question No. 3 1058 ' y Rigs Question No. 4... 1001 pure vholeson del Spoiled ballots. 27. cious, aly ; y Tottenham 4 'The clothes you were so prdd of when Question No. 1......° 56 297 tew=-ean be made to appear new again. |p| guctim No. 3... OH 218 Vabvics that are dirty, shabby or spotted Question No. 4 + 73 210 will be vestéred fo their former beauty by Papal allie ty sending them to Parker's, Question No, 1...,.. 185 1303 1228 Question No. 2....1. 197 1261 1004 . Question No. 3 182 1276 1094 ry - Question No. 42/...2 220 1159890. Cleaning and Dyein Soesed ba y West Gwillimbury is properly don "4 Question No. 1 18 716-598 Properly done st PARKER'S Question No. 2...... 140 694 554 Pakea Question No. 3 135-699 564 arerls may be sent Post or Express. W: Question No. 4 198 636438 pay carriage one ways on all orders. Spoiled ballote 37. It will be seen from the foregoing figures a Advice upon cleaning or dyeing any article that the people of South Simcoe gave a attamonate Ong will be prompfly given- upon request. very emphatic "No" to each of the four roca mene * . questions, the total majority on each be- . a * TP] ing as fotlowe é y Das ' Question No. 1 3402 | ; f . PARKER'S DYE WORKS, Guetion No. 2 ne ee "Swe juestion No. 3..., 02 » E : \ a Limited ]}]| Question No. 4.) wlll) 2434 Hi LE Re TTT) WN : Cleaners and Byers The total number of spoiled ballots were il , ni iil i Al sya 165, which is remarkable on account of Sogdanll tanng th A ty etal | ul! 1 % ABT Yonge Oy Toronto -- . IH the complicated ballot and the wumber of Hee ill es An At a voters who marked their first ballot on this rs ; as : | occasion, ' : é . A -- sd